Сопоставление терминологических систем английского и русского языков в области психологии

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rnational Dictionary of English, для русских соответствий - из Большого толкового словаря русского языка под редакцией С.А. Кузнецова.

При рассмотрении терминов affectation - аффектация может показаться, что пара терминов обладает семантическим равенством. Но у английского термина гораздо больше значений: affectation - 1. an effort to appear to have a quality not really or fully possessed; the pretense of actual possession: an affectation of interest in art; affectation of great wealth. 2. conspicuous artificiality of manner or appearance; effort to attract notice by pretense, assumption, or any assumed peculiarity. 3. a trait, action, or expression characterized by such artificiality: a man of a thousand affectations. 4. a. strenuous pursuit, desire, or aspiration. b. affection; fondness: his affectation of literature. И значение русского соответствия: Аффектация - и, мн. нет, ж. Преувеличенное и подчеркнутое выражение какого-нибудь чувства, настроения, проявляющееся в неестественных жестах, чрезмерной приподнятости речи и т.п. Английский термин шире в своей семантике по сравнению с русским соответствием.

Абсолютно идентичная ситуация наблюдается у связки терминов attraction - аттракция: attraction- 1. the act, power, or property of attracting. 2. attractive quality; magnetic charm; fascination; allurement; enticement: the subtle attraction of her strange personality. 3. a person or thing that draws, attracts, allures, or entices: The main attraction was the after-dinner speaker. 4. a characteristic or quality that provides pleasure; attractive feature: The chief attractions of the evening were the good drinks and witty conversation. 5. Physics. the electric or magnetic force that acts between oppositely charged bodies, tending to draw them together. 6. an entertainment offered to the public. Аттракция (от англ. attraction - притяжение, тяготение) - установка на другого человека. Обусловливает интерес людей друг к другу. В соответствии с ней индивид вовлекается в совместную деятельность. Значение английского термина шире значения русского термина. Русское соответствие заимствовано в узком значении 3. a person or thing that draws, attracts, allures, or entices:.

Англоязычный термин alienation также шире в своей семантике своего русскоязычного соответствия отчуждение: alienation - 1. the act of alienating. 2. the state of being alienated. 3. Law. a transfer of the title to property by one person to another; conveyance. 4. the state of being withdrawn or isolated from the objective world, as through indifference or disaffection. 5. Statistics. the lack of correlation in the variation of two measurable variates over a population. Отчуждение, отчуждения, мн. нет, ср. Прекращение близости между кем-нибудь, отдаление. Взаимное отчуждение.

Похожая ситуация наблюдается у терминов delusion - бред: delusion - 1. an act or instance of deluding. 2. the state of being deluded. 3. a false belief or opinion: delusions of grandeur. 4. Psychiatry. a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact: a paranoid delusion. Бред - симптом психического расстройства, проявляющийся в ложных суждениях, умозаключениях, которые имеют лишь субъективное обоснование и не поддаются коррекции.

Термины personality - личность тоже семантически не тождественны: personality - 1. the visible aspect of ones character as it impresses others: He has a pleasing personality. 2. a person as an embodiment of a collection of qualities: He is a curious personality. 3. Psychology. a. the sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual. b. the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual. 4. the quality of being a person; existence as a self-conscious human being; personal identity. 5. the essential character of a person. 6. something apprehended as reflective of or analogous to a distinctive human personality, as the atmosphere of a place or thing: This house has a warm personality. 7. a famous, notable, or prominent person; celebrity. 8. application or reference to a particular person or particular persons, often in disparagement or hostility. 9. a disparaging or offensive statement referring to a particular person: The political debate deteriorated into personalities. Личность - человек как субъект отношений и сознательной деятельности. 2) Устойчивая система социально значимых черт, характеризующих индивида как члена общества или общности. Как видно из приведенных словарных статей, семантика английского термина гораздо шире семантики русского соответствия.

Для терминов depression - депрессия характерно сходное явление: depression- 1. the act of depressing. 2. the state of being depressed. 3. a depressed or sunken place or part; an area lower than the surrounding surface. 4. sadness; gloom; dejection. 5. Psychiatry. a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal; sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason. 6. dullness or inactivity, as of trade. 7. Economics. a period during which business, employment, and stock-market values decline severely or remain at a very low level of activity. 8. the Depression. Great Depression. 9. Pathology. a low state of vital powers or functional activity. 10. Astronomy. the angular distance of a celestial body below the horizon; negative altitude. 11. Surveying. the angle between the line from an observer or instrument to an object below either of them and a horizontal line. 12. Physical Geography. an area completely or mostly surrounded by higher land, ordinarily having interior drainage and not conforming to the valley of a single stream. 13. Meteorology. an area of low atmospheric pressure. И русское соответствие Депрессия - 1) Угнетенное, подавленное психическое состояние. 2) Упадок, застой в экономике, сменяющий собой кризис перепроизводства. Однозначно английский термин в своей семантике шире русскоязычного соответствия.

Терминологические единицы judgment - суждение отличны по своей семантике: judgment - 1. an act or instance of judging. 2. the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, esp. in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion: a man of sound judgment. 3. the demonstration or exercise of such ability or capacity: The major was decorated for the judgment he showed under fire. 4. the forming of an opinion, estimate, notion, or conclusion, as from circumstances presented to the mind: Our judgment as to the cause of his failure must rest on the evidence. 5. the opinion formed: He regretted his hasty judgment. 6. Law. a. a judicial decision given by a judge or court. b. the obligation, esp. a debt, arising from a judicial decision. c. the certificate embodying such a decision and issued against the obligor, esp. a debtor. 7. a misfortune regarded as inflicted by divine sentence, as for sin. 8. (usually initial capital letter) Also called Last Judgment, Final Judgment. the final trial of all people, both the living and dead, at the end of the world. Суждение - 1) форма мышления, представляющая собой сочетание понятий, из которых о дно (субъект) определяется и раскрывается через другое (предикат). 2) мнение, заключение.