ОсобливостСЦ перекладу англСЦйських заперечень
Дипломная работа - Иностранные языки
ей / Отв. ред. В. В. Красных, А. И. Изотов. - М.: МАКС Пресс, 2005. - Вып. 31. - 170 с.
Якобсон Р. Избраннsе работы. М.: Прогресс. 1985. с. 455
Adam Lee Potter тАЬFair or FowlesтАЭ// The Observer - October 2003 c.16-25
Biography of John Fowles [Електр.ресурс]. СпосСЦб доступу: URL: Felicia Burdescu English. 20th Century British Literature Lectures// University of Craiova Faculty of Letters. 2004 123 c.
John Fowles тАЬThe art of fiction.тАЭ//The Paris Review. Interviewed by James R. Baker - Summer 1989, Issue 111 56 c.
John Fowles [Електр.ресурс]. СпосСЦб доступу: URL: John Fowles[Електр.ресурс]. СпосСЦб доступу: URL: Graham Kenneth. The Wind in the Willows. M.: Progress, 1976. 360 p.
Longman Dictionary Of Contemporary English: в 2 т. - М.: тАЬРус. ЯзтАЭ,1982 p. 948.
Laurence R. Horn, "A Natural History of Negation. NY: New Book, 1989 267p.
Lodge David. How Far Can You Go? - Penguin Books Ltd, - 1981. 256 p.
Klima, E.S. Negation in English. In J.A. Fodor & J.J. Katz (Eds.), The structure of language. - New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1964 432 p.
Molina L., Albir A.H. Translation techniques revisited: a dynamic and functionalist approach. Meta. XLVII. 4. 2002. p. 498-509.
Neuberg A. Text and Translation.//Verlag Enziklopaedie - Leipzig:, 1985. - 168 с.
Pollheide Jens тАЬPostmodernist Narrative Strategies in the Novels of John FowlesтАЬ//Dissertationsarbeit zur Erlangung des Grades eines Dr. phil. Bielefeld - Juni 2003. -175 p.
Prichard Katharine Susannah. Coonardoo. M.:Progress, 1973. 275 p.
Raffaella Zanuttini, Hctor Campos, Elena Herburger, Paul Portner тАЬСrosslinguistic research in syntax and semantics negation, tense, and clausal architectureтАЭ//Georgetown university press, Washington, D.C. - 2007. - c. 45-52
The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus / Ed. by Sara Tulloch// Oxford University Press - Oxford, 1996 1920 c.
Wilde Oscar. Selections. M.: Progress, 1979. 444p. Vol. 2.