ОсобливостСЦ компаративних фразеологСЦзмСЦв
Дипломная работа - Иностранные языки
Другие дипломы по предмету Иностранные языки
31; () - :
John eats like a horse and works like a horse so he never gets fat [2, c.86]. , Present Simple.
The elaborate pageant was a great success. It went like clockwork from start to finish [25, c.138]. , Past Simple.
(Subjunctive Mood):
"It is never too late, Dorian. Let us kneel down and try if we cannot remember a prayer. Isnt there a verse somewhere, Though your sins be as scarlet, yet I will make them as white as snow?" [7, c.190].
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as easy as falling off a log ( )
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He told him of the red ibises, who stand in long rows on the banks of the Nile, and catch gold-fish in their beaks; of the Sphinx, who is as old as the world itself, and lives in the desert, and knows everything; of the merchants, who walk slowly by the side of their camels, and carry amber beads in their hands; of the King of the Mountains of the Moon, who is as black as ebony, and worships a large crystal; of the great green snake that sleeps in a palm-tree, and has twenty priests to feed it with honey-cakes; and of the pygmies who sail over a big lake on large flat leaves, and are always at war with the butterflies [6, c.35-36].
б) предикативним означенням:
When Bicket had gone out of a morning with his tray and his balloons not yet blown up, she would stand biting her finger, as though to gnaw her way to some escape from this hand-to-mouth existence which kept her husband thin as a rail, tired as a rook, shabby as a tailless sparrow, and, at the expense of all caste feeling, brought them in no more than just enough to keep them living under a roof [3, c.119].
в) прикладкою:
So long! An expression, old as the Boer war, that he had never got used tomeant nothing so far as he could see! [3, c.101].
г) вСЦдокремленим означенням як у препозицСЦi, так СЦ у постпозицСЦi:
Like a flash Buck struck, breaking the neck [5, c.93].
Into the clearing where the moonlight streamed, they poured in a silvery flood; and in the centre of the clearing stood Buck, motionless as a statue, waiting their coming [5, c.93].
2. ДСЦСФслСЦвнСЦ компаративнСЦ фразеологСЦзмСЦ, що вживаються в мовСЦ в предикативнСЦй формСЦ, можуть утворювати наступнСЦ види речення:
а) оповСЦдальне речення, як стверджувальне, так СЦ негативне:
He did not even ask Taffy the road, but raced off into the bushes like the wind, with the birch-bark in his hand, and Taffy sat down most pleased [4, c.128].
б) питальне речення, як стверджувальне, так СЦ негативне:
And ifif her physical doubt should mature into certainty, how be perfect mother to the certainty, when she was either torturing two men, or lying to them like a trooperess? [3, c.138].
в) речення наказового типу, як стверджувальне, так СЦ негативне:
Dont stare at him like a stuck pig, be brave and never give up [37, c.456].
When in Rome, do as the Romans do [25, c.351].
г) окличне речення, як стверджувальне, так СЦ негативне:
My poor friend, youll just serve as a guinea pig to her! [37, c.115].
ДСЦСФслСЦвнСЦ компаративнСЦ фразеологСЦзми СЦз провСЦдним членом, вираженим СЦнфСЦнСЦтивом, виконують у реченнСЦ в основному тСЦ ж синтаксичнСЦ функцСЦi, що й дСЦСФслово в СЦнфСЦнСЦтивнСЦй формСЦ.
ЦСЦ фразеологСЦчнСЦ одиницСЦ можуть бути:
а) пСЦдметом:
Dont run around like a chicken with its head cut off if you dont concentrate, youll never get anything done [25, c.281].
б) предикативним членом складеного СЦменного присудка:
When they come, the very first thing theyll do is to kill him like a dog [37, c.109].
в) частиною складеного дСЦСФслСЦвного присудка, що звичайно вводиться модальними дСЦСФсловами can (could