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Дипломная работа - Иностранные языки

Другие дипломы по предмету Иностранные языки

6;, , , , :

Whenever there is a holiday, we are all as busy as bees [25, c.12].

The children danced and sang, happy as larks [25, c.13].

, , , , :

as thick as thieves

as thick as two short planks

As like as two peas in a pod - ( )

To be safe as houses (, )

to sell like hot cakes ( , )

, . :

Well, Copper Coin is selling like hot cakes; and theres quite a movement in A Duet. [3, c.32].

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: , . . - .

, (an) ( ) . :

as dead as a doornail

as fat as a pig

as deaf as a post

as slippery as an eel

( ) (, ) :

as big as life

as common as muck (dirt)

as good as gold

as guilty as sin

as hot as hell

as hard as nails

the, . , , :

as plain as the nose on ones face

to know someone or something like the back of ones hand

to know someone or something like the palm of ones hand

as high as the sky