Иностранные языки

  • 341. The collection of French art in the Hermitage
    Курсовой проект пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    Room 284-289. 18th century art. This room contains several pieces by one of Frances most eminent artists, Antoine Watteau (1684-1721) who, in his search for a realist approach, broke with hidebound academic convention. In his small paintings The Hardships of War and The Recreations of War Watteau portrayed the everyday life of a soldier rather than ostentatious battle scenes as his predecessors had done. The Savoyard with a Marmot (1716), a picture of a simple-hearted young traveling musician, also confirms Watteaus interest in the simple phenomena of life. The blue expanse of the clear, fresh sky, the buildings of the small town, and the silhouettes of the bare trees make up a landscape in which the glowing colours of autumn are dominant. Watteau became famous as a painter of so-called fetes galantes. An example of this type of painting is the Embarrassing Proposal, painted about 1716. Some member s of fashionable society are amusing themselves chatting in the shade of the gossamery foliage; the casually graceful postures of the young ladies and their admirers convey subtle, almost imperceptible shades of emotion. Exquisite colouring and delicate execution distinguish one of the artists masterpieces, a small painting A Capricious Woman, in which the spectator encounters the same world of superficial feelings.

  • 342. The concept and feature of literary translation
    Курсовой проект пополнение в коллекции 23.04.2012

    to replacements, additions adequate translation also is possible. The statement about impossibility of translation in general which was done{made} by many large philologists - idealists therefore is incorrect. Perfectly asserting{approving}, that the work of art always has strongly pronounced national character and that each language possesses original means of expressiveness inherent only in it{him}, they drew from this a wrong conclusion on impossibility of translation in general. Such point of work large German philosophers - linguists - adhered to G.V. Lejbnits, V. Humboldt, A. Shlegel, being founders of the so-called theory of untranslations.is necessary to agree with position of these scientists about an originality of each language and national character of fiction. About it spoke Жуковский and Pushkin, Belinsky and Fet both many other writers and translators. Belinsky wrote in this occasion, that «if Pushkin has undertaken to translate Гёте, we and from him{it} have demanded, that it{he} has shown us Гёте, instead of». Pushkin, quite dividing{sharing} this point of work, wrote:» from translators began to demand more fidelity… Have wished to see Данте, Shakespeare and Сервантеса in their own kind, in their national clothes…».writers realized a national originality of each language. But as against supporters of the theory of untranslation, they drew from this a correct conclusion, considering, that original features of any language cannot serve as an obstacle for translation.life has denied the theory of untranslation. It is enough to recollect fine translations - both in Russian, and in the foreign literature, - becoming property of these literatures; for example, V. Zhukovsky, V.S. Kurochkin, N. Bunin, M. Lozinsky, S. Marshak, L. Tika and A. Shlegelja, E. Fittsdzherald, Prospera Merimee's translations and others.to adequacy, the translator should not forget about that, language of translation should be faultlessly correct. Any desire to keep grammatical designs, phraseological combinations or stylistic receptions of the original cannot excuse infringements of norms of language on which translation is done{made}, in this case Russian. However even skilled translators at times suppose infringement of norms of Russian, running in literalism.up above-stated, it is possible to tell, that in the practical work the translator can lean on the theory of translation in which principles of translation are developed and the most important natural conformity in the lexical, grammatical and stylistic plan are established. The skilled translator widely uses the conformity saved up during the practical work and is able to resort to the established laws. However, work of the translator is not reduced only to skill to use by ready formulas. While translating fiction from the translator skill to use adequate the deputy is required. It should not miss from a kind that translates not separate words, and words and word-combinations in system of the complex whole. The translator should aspire not to transfer of the separate element, a separate word, and to transfer of that semantic and stylistic function which is carried out by the given element. It necessity of misses and additions, replacements of one word with another, replacements of parts of speech, etc. speaks.

  • 343. The Consequences of the Soviet-Afghan War
    Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 12.10.2010
  • 344. The constitution the Kazakhstan and Czech Republic
    Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 09.03.2012

    Kazakhstan has legislative power like Czech Republic. Parliaments of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Czech Republic are the highest representative body of the Republic performing legislative functions. The Parliament shall have two chambers which shall be the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate in Czech Republic and the Senate and the Majilis in Kazakhstan. Also in my country the Senate shall be composed of deputies elected in twos from each oblast, major city and the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at a joint session of the deputies of all representative bodies of the respective oblast, major city and the capital of the Republic. Seven deputies of the Senate shall be appointed by the President of the Republic for the term of the Senate. The Majilis shall consist of seventy-seven deputies. Sixty-seven deputies shall be elected in constituencies having one mandate and formed according to the administrative-territorial division of the Republic with an approximately equal number of constituents. Ten deputies shall be elected on the basis of the Party Lists according to the system of proportional representation and in the territory of a unified national constituency. In the Czech Republic the Chamber of Deputies shall have 200 Deputies who shall be elected for a term of four years. The Senate shall have 81 Senators who shall be elected for a term of six years. One third of the Senators shall be elected every two years. Elections in countries shall be carried out on the basis of the universal, equal and direct right under secret ballot. Every citizen of the Republics who has attained the age of eighteen years shall have the right to vote.in this section: in Czech Republic on the day when a Deputy or Senator assumes the office of President of the Republic or on the day when he or she assumes the office of judge or another office incompatible with the office of Deputy or Senator, his or her mandate as Deputy or Senator shall cease. In Kazakhstan half of the elected deputies of the Senate shall be re-elected every three years. In this case, their regular elections shall be held no later than two months before the end of their term in office. The main difference it is age of electors who has reached thirty years of age in Kazakhstan and every citizen of the Czech Republic who has the right to vote and who has attained the age of forty years may be elected to the Senate. A deputy of the Majilis may be a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan who has reached twenty-five years of age and in Czech Republic citizen who has the right to vote and who has attained the age of twenty-one years may be elected to the Chamber of Deputies.

  • 345. The culture of public speaking
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 15.05.2011
  • 346. The Definite Article with Class Nouns in English and in French
    Курсовой проект пополнение в коллекции 13.06.2010

    One of the linguists who were interested in the history of the English language - Barbara M. H. Strang, in her book “A History of English” states that the definite article was by 1170 only marginally related to the pronoun system. It had two distinct types throughout the period. In most parts of the country it was indeclinable þe, later the, or at the very most it varied between singular þe and plural þa. However, in the S and SW Mid it was declinable, with three genders in the singular and up to four cases. Where it had declinable forms they were the same as those for the further- demonstrative, that, since, in fact, they had originated in a special use of that form. The forms set out below were in some parts only demonstrative, in others they had double function; they are presented for reference-purposes, but they tend to suggest far more differentiation than most speakers knew. In the masc sg there were four forms: se, subj; þene, þane, acc; þan, þene, Kt þa(Kentish), later þo, dat (i.e., some speakers reduced the case-system to three even here). The fem sg usually had three forms: seo, si (SW and SE) subj; þa, later þo, enclitic to, oblique; þer, þære, gen. The neuter (like the 3rd person pronoun) had the same form for subj and direct obj þet or þat (according to dialect, but a tended to invade e-areas, as a weak form, or by internal borrowing, or both); the dat was usually þan, the gen þes or þas . In the plural all the genders had subj-obj þa, later þo, dat or oblique þan, gen þere.

  • 347. The Development of the Germanic Script
    Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 15.01.2011


    • 'Kilroy was here' type inscriptions on cliff walls, large rocks and buildings
    • grave stone inscriptions, often with who carved the runes and who was buried, and also who made sure the stone was raised. (Later grave slabs or stone coffins were sometimes inscribed with Christian texts carved in runes)
    • religious/magic inscriptions: prayers and curses, formulas on charms, etc.
    • inscriptions related to trade and politics: There are many examples of trade communication: stock orders and descriptions, excuses for not having payed on time, trade name tags for bags or cases of produce, etc. The trade inscriptions are often carved on wooden rune sticks. Political inscriptions are to do with matters of the law, historical figures state that they were somewhere hiding from the enemy, secret messages to do with the fighting of wars, etc.
    • personal letters: love letters, greetings between friends, proposals, etc.
    • rude messages, similar to modern graffiti or sms today
    • Art and craft-signatures: Goldsmiths, blacksmiths, wood carvers, church builders, etc., often put their name on what they made. Objects also somtimes had names carved onto them either the name of the object itself, or the name of the person who owned it.
  • 348. The diabetic diet
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 26.04.2010
  • 349. The emergence of the first Polish socialist parties
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 21.10.2009

    Part of Polish Socialists (B. Veselovskii) disagreed with the national program of the Party PPP, already in 1893 created a separate political party called the Social Democracy of Poland (SDP), which two years ceased to exist. Magazine "Right Robotnicza became the press organ of the party. Only in January 1900 it was revived and merged with the Workers Union of Lithuania (the union took place at a congress in Minsk), entitled "Social-Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania. The creators of the party were Julian Marhelevsky, Felix Dzerzhinsky, Adolf varsky and the chief party theoretician - Rosa Luxemburg. Program PPP postulate the independence of Poland's leaders SDKPiL considered unattainable utopia because of the full inclusion of lands of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the economic organism of Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary. However SDKPiL was more important to follow the Marxist ideas of an international struggle of the proletariat for the abolition of capitalism and establish a dictatorship [5, pp.55].

  • 350. The English grammar
    Методическое пособие пополнение в коллекции 28.12.2010

    Once you have decided what structure to teach, the way you aid the students understanding and practice the language can depend on a number of factors:

    1. Whether the structure is completely new, is familiar to at least some of the students but has not been focused on before, or has been presented before and is now being revised. Generally, the less familiar the language item the more controlled practice you need;
    2. the nature of the language: for example, whether it is the meaning and use or the form which is complex. The use of the present perfect is difficult to grasp for man students (Ive been here since 3 oclock where in many languages it would be I am here since 3 oclock). On the other hand, it is the complexity of the form rather than the meaning of the third conditional, with its many parts, which generally causes difficulty (If my alarm clock hadnt been broken I wouldnt have been late for the lecture);
    3. Whether the structure is more likely to be written or spoken. Some structures are mainly found in the written form and do not lend themselves to spoken practice activities for example, this sentence from a formal letter: I enclose ((the invoice/brochure/estimate). On the other hand, the students need practice in saying such utterances as Its a great (party/day/show), isnt it?
    4. the student:
    5. their level;
    6. their age;
    7. whether you can or want to use their mother tongue for explanation;
    8. the attitude of the group how confident the students are, whether they feel they already know the language item, etc;
    9. their language-learning background and expectations of how language is presented whether, for example, they expect traditional teacher-centered approach;
    10. Their preferred language-learning style for example, some students like to study grammar in an overt way while others (particularly children) are not interested in talking about the language and using such labels as gerund or demonstrative adjective.
  • 351. The Experience of transnational corporations’ development in the conditions of world financial crisis
    Дипломная работа пополнение в коллекции 04.06.2011

    the debates on the influence of transnationalization, savants and experts concluded long ago that this phenomenon is not purely economic, which is limited only to the reorganization of production activities and movement of capital flows. Globalization is a process of large-scale that produces effects in several areas such as politics, finances, trade, defense system, demography, ecology. Academics consider that the world has now become "a global city.", in compared aspect, still can be worked as migration process. Putting capital in other regions of the world, necessarily involves staff migration. Transnational corporations favors the meeting of the labor force with capital, making the movement of labor towards capital or transferring capital to areas with labor force surplus., foreign direct investment is placed in the long term and requires interaction with various groups of econo0mic agents, starting with suppliers and ending with officials. Investors need to know the consumer, labor force and raw materials markets, regulations and laws governing their activities. Informational and contractual problems can often be very hard, so legal rules remain to be the most important determinant of FDI flows in one state.history of labor migration knows more than 100 years. Since the mid-nineteenth century were observed in many migration flows from European countries to the U.S., especially during economic conjuncture overseas. The second wave of migration into the U.S. from different countries was in the years '20-50, XX century, and then followed the migration from Mexico, the Caribbean etc.consider that the first attractive center for foreign labor force has been South Africa, which since the '50s drew cheap labor force from neighboring countries. In the period 1950-1970 takes place the accelerated development of peripheral global regions industrialization, which later achieved positive results in industrial development, becoming leaders in chapter - exports. They relate to Latin America, South African, Middle East and Southeast Asia. Obtaining independence of many African countries boost this process. Active penetration of international corporations in South Africa from Europe and the U.S. in the '70s, led to increased migration of labor force in this area. During this time it began to form the international center of attracting labor force from another continent, in South America, in the composition of some of the more developed countries like Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela. Simultaneously, in these countries annually comes a large workforce from some of the least developed countries and from African and Asian countries. The interest of the Middle East for the labor force is related to the development of the oil industry from the '70s. In the late '70s, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, UAE, worked over 3 million foreign workers and specialists from neighboring Arab countries, India, Pakistan and South Korea.the last decade has been formed a new regional center of attraction of labor force - South-East Asia. Starting with the '70, here takes place a process of accelerating the country's industrial development and internationalization of economic life in this giant region, influenced by massive foreign investment. An important role in these processes went to different transnational corporations from different national origin: American, Japanese, Australian, South Korean, etc.main feedback of the process of migration is the migrants remittances. They represent their financial sources, delivered in the origin countries. In 2002, migrant remittances constituted about 79 billion dollars. This amount is more than the sum of all development aid provided by the states of the world and about 40% of total FDI in developing countries.use of foreign labor force, in present, becomes an important part of normal and efficient operation of the world economy mechanism. Transnational corporations (TNCs), being the main driver of globalization, acts in a global economy that relates to global production, global capital, global market.are the best bet people can work and earn money. Leaders are cooperating in an effort to bring about real reform in a way that was unthinkable a few years ago. They deserve the worlds energetic support. Therefore, lots of host countries as can as possible try to attract in order to allocate affiliates of large transnational corporations in their countries, because of huge vacancy for the unemployment by TNCs. main reason leading companies to internationalize their assets are: achieving higher profits with low costs and of enhanced profitability. This can be achieved by exploiting opportunities offered by other countries with cheaper raw materials and human resources, by the penetration of more advantageous markets for export. Not at least, among the positive effects of capital and technology exports are repatriating their earnings as profit in the origin countries of TNCs., many scientists try to show the dependence between migration and trade. They say that determining the volume of trade without taking into account migration, it is not objective. Testing in some small economies shows that there is dependency between export and migration.practice of international labor migration has emerged as a spontaneous phenomenon but, with the development and intensification of the process, began to be regulated by the state. However, currently are not liquidated all features of this process.last decade of the XX century is characterized by the fact that importing countries and exporting countries of labor force introduce radical correction in their migration policy. As world practice shows, workers migration provides indisputable advantages to the countries: for those providing employment as for those who receive it.the control of migration processes, states have begun to introduce so-called migration rates. Labor force - importing states, taking into account the real needs and labor market situation, determine the number of labor resources to be imported.goal of migration policy of the exporting countries is that labor force migration should increase the reduction of unemployment, receipt of foreign funds from immigrant workers, i.e. remittances, which is used for balancing imports - export operations. But sometimes, there may appear acute economic and social problems. Positive consequences of labor force migration:

    • settling the problem of unemployment;
    • the emergence of additional sources of income from migrants for exporting countries;
    • obtaining the knowledge and experience by the immigrants;
    • investment income of immigrants in small business, favoring the opening of new jobs.
    • Negative consequences of immigration workers:
    • the trend of increase in consumption funds obtained abroad.
    • the tendency to hide income;
    • "brainwashing".
    • decrease the qualification of unemployed immigrants.
    • However, both for countries of origin as for TNCs host countries, in addition to the earnings of the process of globalization, there are also losses. The transfer to other countries of a part of the assets of TNCs contributes to job losses and rising unemployment in countries of origin. Moreover, labor productivity growth through technology transfer, information, innovation in firms purchased by foreign investors, brings with it an increase in unemployment in the host countries, in particular for unskilled or low skilled labor force. Host countries are frustrated that research and development operations are in countries of origin of TNCs, and technological innovations arent implemented simultaneously in the host countries.
    • Workforce in developing countries means, for industrial countries, providing some branches and infrastructure with needed workers, without which it is impossible a normal industrial process, and sometimes normal everyday life. For example, in France, migrants make up 1/2 of total employment in construction, 1/3 - in the car industry, in Belgium - half of the miners, in Switzerland - 2/5 of the construction workers.
    • As mentioned above, one of the key features of the process of globalization is the movement or free flow of capital. In addition, current global trade regime under WTO auspices provides unique possibilities for movement and reallocation off funds. Transnationalization of the world takes place differently in each country. Some countries have more foreign capital, others less. The trend that it is observed today is that where foreign capital is moving there will focus large flows of people.
    • Even if corporations come in underdeveloped countries, they dont offer great benefits to employees; on the contrary, they came just as attracted by low wages and slave pyramid style of local systems. Citizens of third world are seeking to reach the West, believing that they perform the same work more and will gain more money. Their surprise occurs when, once arrived in Europe, all companies have their production moved to countries where they originally came, now they must re-orientate or accept jobs below their qualifications.
    • Although the products are cheaper because they are performed in countries where production costs are minimal, this migration of labor force generates unemployment in developed countries and, therefore, the remaining unemployed have no money to buy products even so not cheap. Forbes magazine has published a study showing that Detroit will disappear in the next 20 years, this outsourcing and refurbishment made that unemployment in this city to be enormous, and now crime is at unimaginable odds. From a towering American city - king of the automobile production, with millions of habitants - now have left only 900 thousand people.
    • 3.1 Modern tendency of TNCs development during the crisis
    • Today there are about 82,000 TNCs worldwide, with 810,000 foreign affiliates in the world. These companies play a major and growing role in the world economy. For instance, exports by foreign affiliates of TNCs are estimated to account for about one third of total world exports of goods and services. And the number of people employed by them worldwide, which has increased about fourfold since 1982, amounted to about 77 million in 2009 - more than double the total labor force of a country like Germany.
    • The largest TNCs contribute to a significant proportion of total international production by all TNCs, both in developed and developing economies. Over the three-year period 2007-2009, on average, the 100 largest non-financial TNCs accounted for 9%, 16% and 11%, respectively, of the estimated foreign assets, sales and employment of all TNCs in the world. They also accounted for about 4% of world GDP, a share which has remained relatively stable since 2000. This section analyses the major trends and recent developments with respect to the largest TNCs, and examines the impacts of the ongoing financial and economic crisis on these firms and their international activities.
    • Over the past 15 years, the largest TNCs have undergone a steady process of internationalization. Also there has been a progressive increase in the proportion of companies operating in the services sector, and of firms based in developing countries. These largest TNCs are presently being strongly affected by the ongoing economic and financial crisis, both at company and industry levels, as evidenced by declining profits, divestments and layoffs, restructurings and some bankruptcies. According to preliminary estimates, the increase in their overall degree of internationalization seems to have slowed down markedly in 2008. However, an UNCTAD survey shows that, despite a temporary setback in their investment plans in the short term, large TNCs expect to continue to internationalize and increase their FDI expenditures in the medium term, with a growing focus on emerging markets.
    • 3.1-picture can show how the change is being expected corporations investment plans for 2009-2011 because of crisis. It can be seen that investment plans are altering.
  • 352. The explaining of the meaning of neologism
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 27.02.2010

    The resolving of understanding neologism by the different investigators becomes clear two points of work, concluding in that, that the term of neologism using in new style, as a creating on a new material of language in full corresponding with existing in language kinds of words or word combinations, meaning new, beforehand unknown, unexciting understanding, subject, branch of knowledge, profession and so on, f. e. reaction- ядерный реактор, biocide-биологическая война and so on, in such way as neologism, and exactly in new created synonyms already existing in a word language for the meaning of well known understanding almost semantic and stylistic colours of word, which are based on its general meanings, and already to words in new meaning: for example the word boffin (scientist) presented the synonyms of the word scientist, but it already has another semantic colour and so on. Almost marked some difference in contents of that lexical innovations by the cause of its result, of its stability in language, of its clearness of using, of its future destiny when few of them will fast enter into the language, anothers will be less stabile and can be thrown out of using after some short time.

  • 353. The fastest computers of the world
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 27.08.2010
  • 354. The future tense
    Контрольная работа пополнение в коллекции 16.12.2011

    2.The future tense «Going to»commonly used future sentences in our daily life are made up of «Going To» although we just dont feel that we are using future tense, because we want to or intend to express things in Present Tense but «Going to» slightly refers to Future Tense.future tenses are itself very simple tenses of their kind. But still we cannot say while working in depth with future tenses specially when using future tenses in the past. There is no one 'future tense' in English. There are 4 future forms. The one which is used most often in spoken English is 'going to', not 'will'.use 'going to' when we want to talk about a plan for the future: for example,'m going to see him later today.'re going to launch it next month.'re going to have lunch first.please Notice that this plan does not have to be for the near future.I retire I'm going to go back to Barbados to live.ten years time, I'm going to be boss of my own successful company.use 'going to' when we want to make a prediction based on evidence we can see now.out! That cup is going to fall off.at those black clouds. It's going to rain soon., a very interesting question arises in our minds that «can we replace 'going to go' by 'going'»? The answer is «Yes», we can.'m going out later.'s going to the exhibition tomorrow.please note that:

  • 355. The general knowledge of neologisms
    Реферат пополнение в коллекции 12.08.2012

    and technical revolution as one of the major phenomena of the present makes essential changes to the linguistic model of the world. There are many factors, which shape the development of a language. In particular, the rapid development of new computer technologies and methods for processing information inevitably influences the formation of new words and lexical meanings. The influence of these factors is increasing, however, since technological and scientific progress goes on faster now than ever before in history and especially technologys influence in our lives is increasing. this paper I am taking a look into neologisms created by one field of modern technology and science that is very popular: the Internet and computer science. Technical terminology is closely related to the development of science. The creation of new terms should go hand in hand with such development, though this would be complicated for terminologists, translators and linguists, since technologies and science advance at such a rapid pace that by the time they gather the information to try to create glossaries or terminology databases, their content may be obsolete.the recent years, for example, computer technology has added a significant number of new terms to the language. "Webinar," "malware," "netroots", and "blogosphere" are just a few examples of modern-day neologisms that have been integrated into the modern English language. But the appearance of new words doesnt only enrich the vocabulary of language, but also implies a serious problem for translators in finding lexical equivalents of neologisms in the target language.translation of neologisms in general and of IT neologisms in particular, is a translators most difficult task due to their characteristic of newness. For this reason, the translator has to find ways to transfer the whole denotation of the terms into the target language so that receptors can understand them. Usually interpreters come across the problem of being unable to find a suitable equivalent in the source language. Thus, they are to use lexical and lexica-grammatical transformations in order to convey the meaning implied by the author of the message.problem of translation of new words which appear in the sphere of computer technologies ranks high on the list of challenges facing translators because such words are not readily found even in the newest specialized dictionaries. Dictionaries lag behind changes in languages as they can not register the new words immediately. Therefore, translators have to find out the meaning of very new neologisms mainly based on the context (a sentence, paragraph, chapter or even the whole document) in which the word is used. Neologisms are usually formed on the basis of words and morphemes that already exist in the language (googling, HTML, hyperlink). Correspondingly, the analysis of these words and morphemes is an additional helpful tool in finding out and transferring the meaning of the neologism used by the author., there is no such thing as an absolute rule for dealing with technical neologism. However, there are some strategies that should be taken into consideration to make the translation more and more effective. Firstly, the translator should give special treatment to neologisms that are key terms in the text. Secondly, he should find out the definition of the primary neologisms to understand their meanings and pay attention to recognized translations of the terms before producing his own one. Finally, he should acknowledge for whom his translation is, that is who the target reader is. There may be other factors that also determine the appropriate translation of a technical neologism, but the three enumerated above are among the most important ones., it has to be underlined that the translation of technical neologisms is especially important to technical translators, who are mostly engaged in the new technology transfer process. Together with such a rapid development of science and technology at present, new terminologies appear in unquantifiable numbers to nominate new objects and phenomena, new processes and new inventions. Thus it is definitely a very complicated and uneasy task.1 comprises examples of different neologisms. These examples illustrate the practical using of such peculiarities and typical features. Thus, we can see that the most common feature used in such neologisms is compounding. There is the most frequently found peculiarity. We think that it is because of the language aspiration for reduction (or shortening). are some examples:- Describes a person or technology that uses wireless communications to access the Internet. (conv) - A person for whom no information appears in an Internet search engine, particularly Google.(comp+pref)- a tightwad with bytes (comp) byte+wad- a short, sitcom-style video available over the internet (comp) bit+computer - The next great patented technology (bw+comp)- A large area of land where computer and technology companies are concentrated, or that has been constructed with a high-tech communications infrastructure (comp) cyber+park- The practice of obtaining and holding an Internet domain name that uses a company's registered trademark name. Also: cyber-squatting. - The purchase of an Internet domain name that includes a company's registered trademark name, with the intention of selling the domain name to the company. Also: cyber-piracy or cyber piracy. -cyberpirate, n. Also: cyber-pirate or cyber pirate.technology - The technology required to identify and track a person using face recognition techniques. (comp)- A person who puts up a profile on a social networking website such as Friendster or MySpace that contains false or misleading information, or that is dedicated to another person or to an object. (bd+suff) spot - A Web site that experiences a massive surge in traffic, usually in response to an event or promotion. (comp)- A hypertextual manuscript. (af)- Using a portable camera to broadcast one`s activities over the Internet 24 hours a day. (comp) life+castrot - The gradual obsolescence of the link on a Web page as the sites they point to become unavailable. (wc)- An e-mail that is referring to other e-mails (af)- A short program, or the edited highlights from a longer program, designed to be watched on a small, mobile screen such as a digital media player or a mobile phone (comp) mobile+episode- sending text messages while standing outside on a smoking break (comp) Smoke+text- delivering video programming aimed at an extremely small audience (comp) Sliver+cast.these peculiarities we distinguished new meanings, borrowings, special word formation, which consist of: affixation, prefixation, suffixation, compounding, conversion, abbreviations and acronyms, word combinations and blending. about word formation in generally and preffixation in particular I would like to pay attention to prefix -cyber. The prefix cyber- appears with astounding frequency on the Internet in ever-new combinations. The Oxford Dictionaries of New Words gives the following definition: The first element of a wide variety of terms relating to computer-mediated electronic communications, particularly those which came to general prominence in the eighties and nineties, such as ELECTRONIC mail and the INTERNET.(16)definition is absolutely accurate. The Oxford Dictionary of New Words lists 25 neologisms within this entry and the edition used as reference for this paper is already seven years old. More recent additions include cyberpatrol (software to prevent minors from accessing adult oriented sites), cyberkids (self explanatory; also the name of an internet community for children) (20) and cyberterrorism (also self explanatory) to name just a few, all of which may also appear with a dash separating/connecting the prefix. More, if you type in cyber (indicating cyber followed by any word it is combined with) in any search engine of your choice, there will be more hits turning up than you will easily be able to read let alone examine thoroughly. It is clear that this prefix is one of the most productive neologisms ever and with the constant growth of the Internet is likely to become the most productive prefix in the history of linguistics. has come a long way, it is itself a back-formation, its current meaning hailing from a science-fiction novel called Neuromancer which was first published 1984 and which has acquired cult status and gave rise to its own category of science-fiction called cyberpunk, before that, there was and still is cybernetics (first appearance 1948), a science which borders electronics, biology and medicine, aiming towards controlled interfacing between machines and living organisms and which itself derives from old Greek kubernetes, which means steersman (16). I speculate that cyber- is a neologism which will stand the test of time and not vanish from active use before long. This might not apply to all formations it is parent to, however.all of them were so popular as compounding but they accompany the words and describe our feelings in the text. result of our researching the peculiarities of neologisms and their using in computer language we can see in the diagram below.neologisms concerning the Internet are at least in context easy to understand comparing with the other neologisms. I speculate that this is mainly due to the number, educational level and target group of the people who come up with these neologisms. The Internet is at least in theory accessible to everyone. Similarly, everyone can post something in an Internet forum or put something up on their homepage. If it is a really good idea or if a new term is a somehow really catchy the term might be picked up by others, spread on the internet and finally find its way into an entry in language and dictionaries. Therefore, the neologisms are created on an average intellectual base and are understandable by everyone who has at least some knowledge about the Internet. Due to the limited scope this paper can offer I will focus my work, concerning the Internet, on neologisms coined for the social aspect of the Internet. This includes people who work on or in the Internet as well as those neologisms, which describe things like Internet addiction and other phenomena.

  • 356. The Geographical Position of Ukraine
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.11.2010

    Nowadays much attention is paid to our youth. The desire of our young people to become qualified specialists in future motivates them to enter higher educational establishments. Higher education for young people nowadays is the method of developing their talents and abilities, their creative potential. That's why beside their studies they are also engaged in different clubs and organizations. A lot of young people go in for sports. That is why schools and institutes have sport clubs and teams. Our young people are especially interested in football, basketball, hockey etc. There also exists a great variety of different clubs in this country. Future belongs to the youth. Many young people are engaged in political parties and organizations such as «the greens», the Union of Ukrainian Youth and others.

  • 357. The Global Money Markets and Money Management
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    Technically, and in some countries legally as well, the transfer of a banknote scarcely differs from that of a coin. The similarity of outward appearance is such that those who are engaged in commercial dealings are usually unable to distinguish between those objects that actually perform the function of money and those that are merely employed as substitutes for them. The businessman does not worry about the economic problems involved in this; he is only concerned with the commercial and legal characteristics of coins, notes, checks, and the like. To him, the facts that banknotes are transferable without documentary evidence, that they circulate like coins in round denominations, that no fight of recovery lies against their previous holders, that the law recognizes no difference between them and money as an instrument of debt settlement, seem good enough reason for including them within the definition of the term money, and for drawing a fundamental distinction between them and cash deposits, which can be transferred only by a procedure that is much more complex technic ally and is also regarded in law as of a different kind. This is the origin of the popular conception of money by which everyday life is governed. No doubt it serves the purposes of the bank official, and it may even be quite useful in the business world at large, but its introduction into the scientific terminology of economics is most undesirable.

  • 358. The grammar of contemporary English
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 11.04.2012

    words of language, depending on various formal and semantic features, are divided into grammatically relevant classes. The traditional grammatical classes of words are called "parts of speech."problem of parts of speech caused much difficulty both in general linguistics and in the analysis of separate languages. Though it has been studied for more than 200 years, the criteria for defining parts of speech have not been worked out yet. Traditionally grammar gave a semantic definition of parts of speech, taking into account only meaning. However, only meaning cannot be a reliable criterion for defining parts of speech because different parts of speech may have the same meaning and vice versa. E.g. the nouns "books", "tables", "students", denote objects and there are nouns as flight", "movement", "arrival", which do not denote objects but belong to nouns. We see that meaning cannot be the only criterion for defining parts of speech. The structural school of linguistics does not take into account meaning only but only form. Form alone cannot be a reliable criterion either because many parts of speech especially in English may have the same form, e.g. water-to water, silk (adj.) - to silk. Moreover, if we take into account only form, then such unchangeable words as article, particle should be referred to only part of speech.see that the criterion of form is not sufficient. The grammatical criterion should be taken into account to give an adequate definition of any part of speech. By grammatical features we mean:)morphological)syntacticalmorphological features different categories are meant. The morphological categories of noun are the categories of number and case. By morphological categories of adjectives we mean the category of quality (degrees of comparison). By syntactical features of the part of speech the syntactical functions of it are meant. The syntactical function is the most reliable criterion. Thus, the modern conception and amended definition of part of speech should take into account all the above mentioned criteria in complex. [4]notion of dividing words into discrete parts of speech is generally credited to the ancient Greek grammarian Dionysius Thrax. For a long time, the idea was pretty much universally accepted. Eventually, grand claims were made for it. The anonymous author of the 1733 book "The English Accidence" called the parts of speech "the foundation upon which the beautiful fabrick of the language stands." John Stuart Mill felt they represented universal categories of human thought.problem with such reverence is that different languages are set up differently. For example, Latin, Russian and Japanese all lack articles. Even in our own tradition, the roster keeps shifting. Thrax counted eight parts: adverbs, articles, conjunctions, nouns, participles, prepositions, pronouns and verbs. The Latin-speaking Romans obviously had to drop articles. Perhaps to keep the eight-part scheme, they added - golly! - interjections. Early formulations of English grammar adopted the Latin list. This presented problems, since English does have articles. There was a lot of shuffling around, until Joseph Priestley's 1761 "Rudiments of English Grammar" finally established the baseball-size lineup that included adjectives and booted out participles. This slate has been generally accepted for the last quarter-millennium and is familiar to the population at large from "Schoolhouse Rock" and the italicized abbreviations (adj., etc.) after words in the dictionary. But for some time there have been rumblings of discontent in the higher reaches of the linguistics community. In the 1920's, Edward Sapir wrote that "no logical scheme of the parts of speech - their number, nature and necessary confines - is of the slightest interest to the linguist." The fact is, any parts-of-speech scheme leaves gaping holes. In the term baseball player, is the word baseball a noun or an adjective? Reasonable people differ on this point. What about the word to in an infinitive like to see? What about the there in there are?day grammarians don't even like to use "parts of speech," preferring "word classes" or "lexical categories." A recent trend has been to accept some fuzziness. Nouns, for example, are often defined by having some or all of a list of capabilities, including being the subject of a sentence or clause, having a plural form or displaying a suffix like "-tion" or "-hood." A word like mother, which does all three, is a very "nouny" noun. Paris, which satisfies only the first, is on the fringes.have also done some major fiddling. Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey Pullum's magisterial 2002 "Cambridge Grammar of the English Language" counts pronouns as a subset of nouns, replaces articles with a new category called "determinatives" (which also includes words like this, some and every) and divides conjunctions into "coordinators" (and, but and or) and "subordinators" (like whether).regardless of name, lexical categories are quite useful. They make possible not only Mad Libs but also the rhetorical device anthimeria - using a word as a noncustomary part of speech - which is the reigning figure of speech of the present moment.'s not to say it's a new thing. In Middle English, the nouns duke and lord started to be used as verbs, and the verbs cut and rule shifted to nouns. Shakespeare was a pro at this; his characters coined verbs - "season your admiration," "dog them at the heels" - and such nouns as design, scuffle and shudder. Less common shifts are noun to adjective (S.J. Perelman's "Beauty Part"), adjective to noun (the Wicked Witch's "I'll get you, my pretty") and adverb to verb (to down a drink)."functional shifting," as grammarians call it, is a favorite target of language mavens, whose eyebrows rise several inches when nouns like impact and access are verbed. Nor do companies like it when their trade names get shifted. In his book "Word Spy," Paul McFedries writes that Google's attorneys send journalists who use google as a verb a stern letter that cites examples of appropriate ("I used Google to check out that guy I met at the party") and inappropriate ("I googled that hottie") uses.'s beyond obvious that Google's lawyers are fighting a losing battle. And they should relax. Not only is "I googled that hottie" great publicity for the company, but it's fresh and funny and an excellent example of how anthimeria gives English an invigorating slap upside the head. At this very moment, the language is being regenerated with phrases like my bad, verbs like dumb down and weird out and guilt ("Don't guilt me") and even the doubly anthimeric "Pimp My Ride," an MTV series in which a posse of artisans take a run-down jalopy and sleek it up into a studly vehicle containing many square yards of plush velvet and an astonishing number of LCD screens.word chill showed up more than 500 years ago as a noun meaning "cold" - as in "winter's chill." In short order, it turned into a verb referring to the process of making someone or something cold and then into an adjective. (Eventually chilly became more common.) Fast-forward to 1979, when the song "Rapper's Delight" worked a variation on Ecclesiastes, explaining that "There's. . .a time to break and a time to chill/To act civilized or act real ill." That intransitive verb, meaning roughly "to relax," was expanded to chill out in 1983, according to The Oxford English Dictionary. The most recent variation in chill can be seen in the basketball player Chamique Holdsclaw's comment about her adoptive city of Los Angeles: "Everything is pretty chill."more rococo anthimerian endeavors have clear meanings, but are more or less im-parse-able. Thus a line from the novel "Afterburn," by Zane: "No matter how hoochie I tried to be, she out-hoochied me every single time." The truly terrifying thing is that one of Zane's other novels has been published in Tokyo, and if "Afterburn" follows suit, someone will have to translate that sentence into Japanese.

  • 359. The Heraldic Symbolism of the Unicorn on the British Coat-of-Arms
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 16.11.2010

    The Union Jack is a fine expression of unity as well as diversity. The British flag incorporates the national symbols of three distinct countries, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In fact its name "Union Jack" emphasises the very nature of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as a union of nations. The flag is also known by another name, this too, emphasising the idea of union: the "Union flag", perhaps a less common term but a little more precise. The countries comprising the British Isles are not inward-looking or isolated states with an insular mentality; together they constitute a powerful union that has spanned centuries. Recent devolution that gave Scotland its own Parliament and Wales its own Assembly has also emphasised the importance of individual national identities within the union without affecting the essential unity of Great Britain. On the contrary, it has strengthened it. Recognition of, and respect for national identities are an essential ingredients for effective union. The Union Jack symbolises all this: respect for individuality within a closely knit community.

  • 360. The History of Alaska (история Аляски)
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 25.06.2010