Иностранные языки

  • 221. Modern dialectical materialism
    Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 13.06.2010

    This phenomenon is not confined to Iran, India and Algeria. In the United States we saw the "Waco massacre," and after that, in Switzerland, the collective suicide of another group of religious fanatics. In other Western countries, we see the uncontrolled spread of religious sects, superstition, astrology and all kinds of irrational tendencies. In France, there are about 36,000 Catholic priests, and over 40,000 professional astrologers who declared their earnings to the taxman. Until recently, Japan appeared to be an exception to the rule. William Rees-Mogg, former editor of the London Times, and arch-Conservative, in his recent book The Great Reckoning, How the World Will Change in the Depression of the 1990s states that: "The revival of religion is something that is happening throughout the world in varying degrees. Japan may be an exception, perhaps because social order has as yet shown no signs of breaking down there…" (3) Rees-Mogg spoke too soon. A couple of years after these lines were written, the horrific gas attack on the Tokyo underground drew the worlds attention to the existence of sizable groups of religious fanatics even in Japan, where the economic crisis has put an end to the long period of full employment and social stability. All these phenomena bear a striking resemblance to what occurred in the period of the decline of the Roman Empire. Let no one object that such things are confined to the fringes of society. Ronald and Nancy Reagan regularly consulted astrologers about all their actions, big and small. Here are a couple of extracts from Donald Regans book, For the Record:

  • 222. Modern Means of Business Communication
    Контрольная работа пополнение в коллекции 28.01.2011

    Company is a corporate enterprise that operates as one single unit, in the success of which all the members participate. Company is made of a number of people united in an industrial or commercial enterprise. Each company works out its own policy. It is a selected, planes line of conduct in the light of which decisions are made and co-ordination of work achieved. There is a difference between a corporation, a sole trader and a partnership. The principle difference is that a sale trader end a partnership are not corporations but limited companies are. A corporation is a company that is publicly registered and legally separated from its owners. It means that the corporation stays in existence even after the death of any of its owners. An incorporated company is a legal person in its own right, able to own property. Limited Liability Company is a joint-stock company, the financial liability of whose members is limited by law. An unlimited company is one in which the liability of the members is not limited in any way. A registered company is the most common type of company. A company may be registered either as a public limited company or a private company. Private Limited Company is a limited company, which must not invite the public to subscribe for its shares or debentures, and does not allow its members to transfer their shares without the agreement of the other shareholders. It must have at least two but usually not more than fifty members. Public Limited Company is a limited company, which can offer its shares and debentures to the public; there is normally no limit to the right of its members to transfer their shares to other persons. There is no limit to the total number of members except that there must be at least seven. A public limited company must have a name ending with the initials "Pic" and have an authorized share capital. The regulation of such companies is stricter than of private companies. Most public companies are converted from private companies, under the registration procedure laid down in the Companies Act. Subsidiary Company is a company of which more than half the share-capital is owned by another company, called either a holding company or a parent company. The subsidiaries of the same parent or holding company are said to be affiliates. Many well-known companies are multinationals, these are companies which operate in a number of countries. A joint-stock company is a company in which the members pool their stock, trading on the basis of their joint stock. People in a company, its employees hold different positions. The relationship between those employees with different positions makes organization structure. At present most firms are divided into three major parts: capital (shareholders), management and labor. Let us take a typical company. There is a director who is a senior manager. He sits on the Board under the authority of the President. The Board decides what company policy and expenditure must be. The chief executive officer (CED) is the link between the Board and senior management. As for the middle managers, they run departments of a firm. They account to senior management for their area of work done. There is a difference between executive directors and non-executive ones. The directors, who run their firm on day-to-day basis are called executive directors. Those who sit on the Board and do not run the firm directly are called non-executive directors. In modern American English they use also the term inside directors for executive and outside directors for non-executive ones.

  • 223. Multiple Intelligences in the structure of a new English syllabus for secondary school
    Дипломная работа пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    Research has contributed some important data on factors that can influence the learning and teaching of pronunciation skills.

    Age. The debate over the impact of age on language acquisition and specifically pronunciation is varied. Some researchers argue that, after puberty, lateralization (the assigning of linguistic functions to the different brain hemispheres) is completed, and adults' ability to distinguish and produce native-like sounds is more limited. Others refer to the existence of sensitive periods when various aspects of language acquisition occur, or to adults' need to re-adjust existing neural networks to accommodate new sounds. Most researchers, however, agree that adults find pronunciation more difficult than children do and that they probably will not achieve native-like pronunciation. Yet experiences with language learning and the ability to self-monitor, which come with age, can offset these limitations to some degree.

    Amount and type of prior pronunciation instruction. Prior experiences with pronunciation instruction may influence learners' success with current efforts. Learners at higher language proficiency levels may have developed habitual, systematic pronunciation errors that must be identified and addressed.

    Aptitude. Individual capacity for learning languages has been debated. Some researchers believe all learners have the same capacity to learn a second language because they have learned a first language. Others assert that the ability to recognize and internalize foreign sounds may be unequally developed in different learners.

    Learner attitude and motivation. Nonlinguistic factors related to an individual's personality and learning goals can influence achievement in pronunciation. Attitude toward the target language, culture, and native speakers; degree of acculturation (including exposure to and use of the target language); personal identity issues; and motivation for learning can all support or impede pronunciation skills development.

    Native language. Most researchers agree that the learner's first language influences the pronunciation of the target language and is a significant factor in accounting for foreign accents. So-called interference or negative transfer from the first language is likely to cause errors in aspiration, intonation, and rhythm in the target language.

    The pronunciation of any one learner might be affected by a combination of these factors. The key is to be aware of their existence so that they may be considered in creating realistic and effective pronunciation goals and development plans for the learners. For example, native-like pronunciation is not likely to be a realistic goal for older learners; a learner who is a native speaker of a tonal language, such as Vietnamese, will need assistance with different pronunciation features than will a native Spanish speaker; and a twenty-three year old engineer who knows he will be more respected and possibly promoted if his pronunciation improves is likely to be responsive to direct pronunciation instruction.

  • 224. My day and its schedule
    Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 20.05.2007

    It is a rule for me to wake up at 6:30. It is difficult to get up so early, that is why I like to begin my day cheerfully. The alarm clock rings and I get up. Turning on the rhythmical music, though I am lazy, I do my morning exercises at the open window. At 6:45, I go to the bathroom where I take a contrast shower, then I wash my face and clean my teeth. By then I do not want to sleep any more, and I feel myself quite hungry to have breakfast. Usually my breakfast consists of porridge, a cup of coffee or tea and several sandwiches. Sometimes I eat muesli. During the breakfast, I like to watch TV-news, or to read the newspaper. I have 25 minutes for this all.

  • 225. My English Studies
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 24.07.2006

    Everybody can see now the importance of English, listening to the radio and music, watching films on TV. As for me I have always wanted to study English deeply since I began learning it at school. My English lessons were always very interesting and I liked them most of all at school. WE started learning English with the alphabet, transcription and sounds. Then we learned some English words, conversation phrases and dialogues by heart, read and translated easy texts. Of course, sometimes we worked in the language laboratory listening to the recorded tapes and doing laboratory exercises, but that was not enough. From lesson to lesson we improved our knowledge, learned more and more new words, grammatical structures and put them into practice of speaking. Soon we were able not only to read and translate texts but to discuss their contents in English, to communicate with one another. Our teacher always told us that it is very helpful to listen as much as possible to different English educational programmes on the radio and on TV. I have a lot of English cassettes at home and try to listen to them almost every day. To my mind, English is not an easy language to learn. There is a big problem of speaking, punctuation, a large number of exceptions to any rule. This language is very idiomatic and the prepositions are terrible. English is one of those languages which may be seen easy in the beginning but then the bridge between basic knowledge and mastery takes a long time to cross. But if you cross this bridge it will give you great satisfaction. Even now the ability to speak to foreigners in their native tongue gives me great freedom and satisfaction. Its important also to read foreign authors in the original, which makes our outlook wider. It is not surprising that many intellectuals know several foreign languages. Besides, learning a foreign language opens great opportunities nowadays. You certainly know that with the development of international contacts hundreds of joint ventures appear in every city, every industrial and cultural centre. They need specialists who know one or two foreign language. Also foreign businessmen, delegations and missionaries keep coming to our country, and they all need interpreters. Out tourists and businessmen go abroad. So many people study foreign languages in every possible way. Teachers of foreign languages are in great demand. Such teachers neednt fear they may remain unemployed ____________________________________________________________________________

  • 226. My Favorite Book Characters in Native and Foreign Literature
    Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 16.01.2011

    As every creative person, who enjoys reading, I adore some extraordinary book characters, but that doesnt mean my personality becomes influenced too much by them, as the times of childish fanaticism had gone away. Ill start with Terry Pratchett's "Discworld". Its a comedic fantasy book series set on a flat world balanced on the backs of four elephants which, in turn, stand on the back of a giant turtle. The books frequently parody, or at least take inspiration from, J. R. R. Tolkien, Robert E. Howard, H. P. Lovecraft and William Shakespeare, as well as mythology, folklore and fairy tales, often using them for satirical parallels with current cultural, political and scientific issues. The main characters can be changed, but one person is immortally constant. His name is Death, he is a black-robed skeleton carrying a scythe. He does not appear to be Death in the universal sense; his jurisdiction appears to be only the Discworld itself. Death is not invisible. Most people's brains refuse to acknowledge him for who he is, unless he insists. Under normal circumstances, only witches, wizards, children and cats can see him, or allow themselves to see him. Due to his eternal nature, Death can ignore such things as walls or magic spells; he exists through all time, and therefore things lasting merely centuries are not as real as he is. Death is efficient but not cruel, and sees his job as a necessary public service. His task is not to kill, but to collect. He harvests the old, worn-out souls of the dead. Death is intrigued by humans and their cultures, and attempts to imitate their lives by adopting a daughter and building a house. But without the emotions and biological needs that motivate humans, he is unable truly to understand why humans do the things that they do and his imitative actions often have fundamental flaws. Death is fascinated by humanity. His interest is coupled with bafflement: it's a favorite point of Pratchett's that the habits and beliefs that are grown into instead of being rationally acquired are an essential part of being human. This fascination with humanity extends to the point of sympathy towards them, and he often sides with humans against greater threats.

  • 227. My flat
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    My room is the smallest one but I like it very much. First of all because it is my own room and secondly because it is very cosy and light. I furnished it myself. There is a writing table at the window, where I would do my homework every day. To the left of the door there is wardrobe for my clothes and shoes. In the left-hand corner there is my bed with a bedside table at its head. Near the writing table there is a computer table with my computer on it. But the thing I really enjoy is a big mirror near my bed. There are actually some chairs in my room. The walls are pink and they match the colour of the curtains on the window. There is a thick carpet on the floor and I like to read books sitting on it. On the walls there are some posters of my favourite musicians, photos and water-colours. I like my room as it is but from time to time I change it round. Quite often I move the bed and the table and change some posters on the walls. Sometimes I like to stay alone in my room, especially when Im in a bad mood. Generally Im pleased with my room but I wish I had a small TV-set, because Im tired of soap operas that my parents use to watch.

  • 228. My native town is Donetsk
    Контрольная работа пополнение в коллекции 08.02.2012

    population of my town is over one million people (Населення мого міста становить більше мільйона людей). are many places of interest in Donetsk (В Донецьку багато цікавих місць).is an important scientific and cultural centre (Донецьк - важливий культурний і науковий центр).the centre of Donetsk there are two wonders of architecture. They are Drama Theatre and Opera House (У центрі Донецька знаходяться дві пам'ятки архітектури. Це драматичний і оперний театри).do like Donetsk, because I was born here, my parents live here and I've spent here almost all my life (Я люблю Донецьк, тому що тут народилася, тут живуть мої батьки, і я провела тут більшу частину мого життя).Donbass covers a total area of 1860 sq. km (Донбас займає площу 1860 кв. км).Russian scientist Dmytro Mendeleev spent three months in the Donbass in 1888 (Російський вчений Дмитро Менделєєв провів у Донбасі 3 місяці в 1888 році).1721 Petro the Great showed interest that coal was to be found in the area but things moved slowly (У 1712 році Петро Перший зацікавився видобутком вугілля в цій області, але справи просувалися повільно).name of John Hughes is well-known to everybody who lives in Donetsk. He started his career as a blacksmith. In 1869 with a capital of 300,000 pounds and having the sanction of the Russian government he founded the New Russian metallurgical company in London (Ім'я Джона Юза добре відоме будь-якому жителю Донецька. Він почав свою кар'єру, працюючи ковалем. У 1809 році, маючи капітал у 300 000 фунтів стерлінгів і санкцію російського уряду, він заснував Нову російську металургійну компанію в Лондоні).railway connection added to Yuzovka's importance and the expanding village grew into a town by 1917 (Роль Юзівки виросла завдяки залізничній мережі, і селище, яке росло, стало містом до 1917 року).is also famous for its roses which bloom from early summer till late autumn gladdening the eyes of dwellers and guests of the city (Донецьк також відомий своїми трояндами, які квітнуть з початку літа до пізньої осені, звеселяючи око жителів і гостей міста).geologists found coal to a depth of 1800 m (Геологи знайшли вугілля на глибині 1800 м). first mine was not opened there until 1820 (Перша шахта відкрилася лише в 1820 році).

  • 229. My University
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    KubSU offers 59 specialties in 16 Faculties. I study at faculty of management and psychology. The dean of faculty - Alexander Mihajlovich Zhdanovsky, the candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer, the honorable worker of the maximum vocational training of the Russian Federation. The faculty was a part of university in 1996. Before it existed as institute at university. Preparation of experts goes on following specialties: political science, psychology, the state and municipal management, management of the personnel, social work and management of the organization. I study on a specialty psychology. I consider{count} that my specialty very interesting. I very much like our teachers. As it is pleasant to me that each holiday is marked{celebrated} at our faculty. At us very good library. I consider{count} that specialties of our faculty the most demanded for today. I am proud of that that I study here.

  • 230. Myth of managment
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 25.05.2010
  • 231. Mаrxіsm іn wоrld hіstоry
    Дипломная работа пополнение в коллекции 27.06.2010

    Australian tribes … know the habits, markings, breeding grounds and seasonal fluctuations of all the edible animals, fish and birds of their hunting grounds. They know the external and some of the less obvious properties of rocks, stones, waxes, gums, plants, fibres and barks; they know how to make fire; they know how to apply heat to relieve pain, stop bleeding and delay the putrefaction of fresh food; and they also use fire and heat to harden some woods and soften others … They know something at least of the phases of the moon, the movement of the tides, the planetary cycles, and the sequence and duration of the seasons; they have correlated together such climactic fluctuations as wind systems, annual patterns of humidity and temperature and fluxes in the growth and presence of natural species … In addition they make intelligent and economical use of the by-products of animals killed for food; the flesh of the kangaroo is eaten; the leg bones are used as fabricators for stone tools and as pins; the sinews become spear bindings; the claws are set into necklaces with wax and fibre; the fat is combined with red ochre as a cosmetic, and blood is mixed with charcoal as paint... They have some knowledge of simple mechanical principles and will trim a boomerang again and again to give it the correct curve...

  • 232. Nanotechnologies
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 20.12.2009

    In everything I have been describing, I have stuck closely to the demonstrated facts of chemistry and molecular biology. Still, people regularly raise certain questions rooted in physics and biology. These deserve more direct answers. ° Will the uncertainty principle of quantum physics make molecular machines unworkable? This principle states (among other things) that particles can't be pinned down in an exact location for any length of time. It limits what molecular machines can do, just as it limits what anything else can do. Nonetheless, calculations show that the uncertainty principle places few important limits on how well atoms can be held in place, at least for the purposes outlined here. The uncertainty principle makes electron positions quite fuzzy, and in fact this fuzziness determines the very size and structure of atoms. An atom as a whole, however, has a comparatively definite position set by its comparatively massive nucleus. If atoms didn't stay put fairly well, molecules would not exist. One needn't study quantum mechanics to trust these conclusions, because molecular machines in the cell demonstrate that molecular machines work. Will the molecular vibrations of heat make molecular machines unworkable or too unreliable for use? Thermal vibrations will cause greater problems than will the uncertainty principle, yet here again existing molecular machines directly demonstrate that molecular machines can work at ordinary temperatures. Despite thermal vibrations, the DNA-copying machinery in some cells makes less than one error in 100,000,000,000 operations. To achieve this accuracy, however, cells use machines (such as the enzyme DNA polymerase I) that proofread the copy and correct errors. Assemblers may well need similar error-checking and error-correcting abilities, if they are to produce reliable results. ° Will radiation disrupt molecular machines and render them unusable? High-energy radiation can break chemical bonds and disrupt molecular machines. Living cells once again show that solutions exist: they operate for years by repairing and replacing radiation-damaged parts. Because individual machines are so tiny, however, they present small targets for radiation and are seldom hit. Still, if a system of nanomachines must be reliable, then it will have to tolerate a certain amount of damage, and damaged parts must regularly be repaired or replaced. This approach to reliability is well known to designers of aircraft and spacecraft. ° Since evolution has failed to produce assemblers, does this show that they are either impossible or useless? The earlier questions were answered in part by pointing to the working molecular machinery of cells. This makes a simple and powerful case that natural law permits small clusters of atoms to behave as controlled machines, able to build other nanomachines. Yet despite their basic resemblance to ribosomes, assemblers will differ from anything found in cells; the things they do - while consisting of ordinary molecular motions and reactions - will have novel results. No cell, for example, makes diamond fiber. The idea that new kinds of nanomachinery will bring new, useful abilities may seem startling: in all its billions of years of evolution, life has never abandoned its basic reliance on protein machines. Does this suggest that improvements are impossible, though? Evolution progresses through small changes, and evolution of DNA cannot easily replace DNA. Since the DNA/RNA/ribosome system is specialized to make proteins, life has had no real opportunity to evolve an alternative. Any production manager can well appreciate the reasons; even more than a factory, life cannot afford to shut down to replace its old systems. Improved molecular machinery should no more surprise us than alloy steel being ten times stronger than bone, or copper wires transmitting signals a million times faster than nerves. Cars outspeed cheetahs, jets outfly falcons, and computers already outcalculate head-scratching humans. The future will bring further examples of improvements on biological evolution, of which second-generation nanomachines will be but one. In physical terms, it is clear enough why advanced assemblers will be able to do more than existing protein machines. They will be programmable like ribosomes, but they will be able to use a wider range of tools than all the enzymes in a cell put together. Because they will be made of materials far more strong, stiff, and stable than proteins, they will be able to exert greater forces, move with greater precision, and endure harsher conditions. Like an industrial robot arm - but unlike anything in a living cell - they will be able to rotate and move molecules in three dimensions under programmed control, making possible the precise assembly of complex objects. These advantages will enable them to assemble a far wider range of molecular structures than living cells have done. ° Is there some special magic about life, essential to making molecular machinery work? One might doubt that artificial nanomachines could even equal the abilities of nanomachines in the cell, if there were reason to think that cells contained some special magic that makes them work. This idea is called "vitalism." Biologists have abandoned it because they have found chemical and physical explanations for every aspect of living cells yet studied, including their motion, growth, and reproduction. Indeed, this knowledge is the very foundation of biotechnology. Nanomachines floating in sterile test tubes, free of cells, have been made to perform all the basic sorts of activities that they perform inside living cells. Starting with chemicals that can be made from smoggy air, biochemists have built working protein machines without help from cells. R. B. Merrifield, for example, used chemical techniques to assemble simple amino acids to make bovine pancreatic ribonuclease, an enzymatic device that disassembles RNA molecules. Life is special in structure, in behavior, and in what it feels like from the inside to be alive, yet the laws of nature that govern the machinery of life also govern the rest of the universe. ° The case for the feasibility of assemblers and other nanomachines may sound firm, but why not just wait and see whether they can be developed? Sheer curiosity seems reason enough to examine the possibilities opened by nanotechnology, but there are stronger reasons. These developments will sweep the world within ten to fifty years - that is, within the expected lifetimes of ourselves or our families. What is more, the conclusions of the following chapters suggest that a wait-and-see policy would be very expensive - that it would cost many millions of lives, and perhaps end life on Earth. Is the case for the feasibility of nanotechnology and assemblers firm enough that they should be taken seriously? It seems so, because the heart of the case rests on two well-established facts of science and engineering. These are (1) that existing molecular machines serve a range of basic functions, and (2) that parts serving these basic functions can be combined to build complex machines. Since chemical reactions can bond atoms together in diverse ways, and since molecular machines can direct chemical reactions according to programmed instructions, assemblers definitely are feasible.

  • 233. National Health Service in Great Britain
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 04.12.2010

    Weak points of the NHS

    1. One of the most important failures of the NHS lies in its artificial administrative division into the three branches of the hospital services, general medical services, and public health, without any integration at any level. There is very little relationship between the consultant in the hospitals, the general practitioner and the public health officer. This often leads to misunderstanding and mutual ignorance. In the end it is the patient who suffers in this artificial no mans land between the three divisions.
    2. Animal experimentation is under the control of the civil servants of the Home Office, who sometimes has little or no knowledge of hospital problems, medical care or of medical research. Any experimentation involving the use of animal requires a written application to the Home Office. Permission is usually given without difficulty but still there are exceptions.
    3. The private charitable and the voluntary welfare associations have been chocked and replaced by the cold, slow and impersonal machinery of the various government bodies.
    4. Since the actual number of young physicians prepared for consultants posts is too great there is strong competition for these, as well as competition between consultants for the special awards, with all the unwelcome features attendant on these struggles.
    5. Because of the number of certificates required and the impersonal character of hospital care, professional secrecy and discretion are in many instances things of the past.
    6. Surgeons are paid by operating sessions and receive the same payment whether they do one appendectomy per operating session or four gastrectomies.
    7. In the care of the aged, tuberculous patients, the chronically sick, the infirm and the patients with infected tonsils the situation is so bad that there is a waiting period of non-urgent cases of 6 months to 2 years before admission to the hospital and during that time the patient becomes a burden on the general practitioner.
  • 234. National varieties of English
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 14.05.2011

    Canadian English (CanE, CE, en-CA) is the variety <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variety_(linguistics)> of English <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language> spoken in Canada <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada>. English is the first language <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_language>, or "mother tongue", of approximately 24 million Canadians <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadians> (77%), and more than 28 million (86%) are fluent in the language. 82% of Canadians outside Quebec <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec> speak English natively, but within Quebec <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec> the figure drops to just 11%. Canadian English contains elements of British English <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_English> and American English <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_English> in its vocabulary, as well as many distinctive "Canadianisms". In many areas, speech is influenced by French <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_French>, and there are notable local variations. Canada has very little dialect diversity compared to the United States. The phonetics <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonetics>, phonology <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonology>, morphology <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morphology_(linguistics)>, syntax <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syntax>, and lexicon <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexicon> for most of Canada are similar to that of the Western <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_American_English> and Midland <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midland_American_English> regions of the United States <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States>. The Canadian Great Lakes region <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Lakes_region_(North_America)> has similarities to that of the Upper Midwest & Great Lakes <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Midwest> region and/or Yooper dialect <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yooper_dialect> (in particular Michigan which has extensive business ties with Ontario), while the phonological system of western Canadian English is virtually identical to that of the Pacific Northwest <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Northwest_English> of the United States, and the phonetics are similar. As such, Canadian English and American English <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_English> are sometimes classified together as North American English <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_English>. Canadian English spelling is largely a blend of British and American conventions. The term "Canadian English" is first attested in a speech by the Reverend A. Constable Geikie in an address to the Canadian Institute <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Institute> in 1857. Geikie, a Scottish <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotland>-born Canadian, reflected the Anglocentric <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglocentric> attitude that would be prevalent in Canada for the next hundred years when he referred to the language as "a corrupt dialect," in comparison to what he considered the proper English spoken by immigrants from Britain <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Britain>. Canadian English is the product of four waves of immigration and settlement over a period of almost two centuries. The first large wave of permanent English-speaking settlement in Canada, and linguistically the most important, was the influx of Loyalists <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loyalist_(American_Revolution)> fleeing the American Revolution <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Revolution>, chiefly from the Mid-Atlantic States <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid-Atlantic_States> - as such, Canadian English is believed by some scholars to have derived from northern American English <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_American_English>. The historical development of CanE is underexplored, but recent studies suggest that CanE has been developing features of its own since the early 19th century, while recent studies have shown the emergence of CanE features. The second wave from Britain and Ireland <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ireland> was encouraged to settle in Canada after the War of 1812 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_1812> by the governors of Canada <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governors_of_Canada>, who were worried about anti-English sentiment among its citizens. Waves of immigration from around the globe peaking in 1910 and 1960 had a lesser influence, but they did make Canada a multicultural <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiculturalism> country, ready to accept linguistic change from around the world during the current period of globalization <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globalization>. The languages of Aboriginal peoples in Canada <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aboriginal_peoples_in_Canada> started to influence European languages used in Canada even before widespread settlement took place, and the French <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_French> of Lower Canada <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_Canada> provided vocabulary to the English of Upper Canada <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Canada>.The primary aspect of the Canadian English accent is a feature called "Canadian raising", where diphthongs are raised before voiceless consonants. The stereotypical aboat pronunciation, lampooned in the American television series South Park is unusual; the stereotype may derive from an interpretation of the aboot pronunciation as heard by someone who is used to the much lower abawt pronunciation, or from a misinterpretation of the spelling of the "word" aboot. Ironically, a monophthongized pronunciation of aboat is quite common in parts of the U.S. Upper Midwest, such as Minnesota. Anecdotally, the abuhwt vowels are heard in Ontario and further west, and the aboot vowels are heard in the Eastern provinces. etymologically appropriate, even where the contrast is lost in the consonant itself. Also heard is the variation in the pronunciation of the word can't, in Ontario, it is said almost as canned, whereas in the west, it becomes more like kahnt. The Northern cities vowel shift that is happening in Michigan also is heard to an extent in Southwestern Ontario.A recently identified feature (1995) found among many Canadians is a chain shift known as the Canadian Shift. This is not found in the Atlantic Provinces, east of Quebec; it is only found in Ontario and further west. For people with this shift, cot and caught merge in rounded [?] position. The /?/ of bat then moves down to [a], while the /?/ of bet becomes [?], which is short-a in other accents. This shift is still a relatively new phenomenon, so not all Canadians have it. Of the ones that do, not all have the last stage. Canadians without the Shift typically pronounce cot and caught as an un-rounded [?], as in the western United States. Like American English, Canadian English is largely rhotic. This means it maintains the pronunciation of r before consonants. Rhoticity has been largely influenced by Hiberno-English, Scottish English, and West Country English. Americans sometimes claim to be able to recognize some Canadians instantly by their use of the word eh. However, only a certain usage of eh (detailed in the article) is peculiar to Canada. It is common in southern Ontario, the Maritimes and the Prairie provinces. In some parts of the United States, American English exhibits features of Canadian English, including Canadian Raising and the use of eh. Canadian accents are sometimes detected among Michiganders, Minnesotans, Western New Yorkers and their northern fellows. West/Central dialect is one of the largest and the most homogenous dialect area in North America. It forms a dialect continuum with the accent in the Western United States, and borders the dialect regions of North, Inland North, and North Central. While it is the most homogenous in that the regional differences inside the dialect area are very small, it has very few features that are unique. It is also fairly similar to General American English. While the West Central dialect is mutually intelligible with many dialects of English spoken in England, especially Received Pronunciation, in general it preserves more archaic features that existed before the dialects diverged.

  • 235. Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 29.10.2011

    An infrastructure management business, today, is the least studied problem in logistics. In terms of EV Krykavskoho logistics infrastructure of the enterprise - a set of elements that perform important logistical tasks and ensure the implementation of logistics processes. Logistic processes occurring in the business - sales, purchasing, production, provision of certain services, sales, transportation and logistics operations - unloading, loading, storage and others. Very closely related to elements of infrastructure. Logistic infrastructure should be classified into: internal logistics infrastructure company and external logistics infrastructure of the enterprise. (Appendix 1). Before you define the problem correctly will reveal the essence of the concept of "management of logistics infrastructure." Thus, under the management of logistics infrastructure company will understand the process of bringing the infrastructure of the enterprise to a state of equilibrium or the objectives of providing efficient service and logistics processes and operations at the facility. It is clear that achieving equilibrium infrastructure is difficult enough task in deciding which problems arise, which often face the company, through which decreases the efficiency of logistics infrastructure, hampered perform basic tasks, which puts the company, resulting in substantial unnecessary costs and time. In the system of logistics infrastructure highlights the following issues, subject to [3, p.. 273]: - The general question of logistics infrastructure (own fleet of rolling - Composition, repair and maintenance equipment, storage facilities, handling equipment - Management of own transport economy (dispatch service units in planning combinations of movement, etc.).. Internal logistics infrastructure of the industrial enterprise, which will have a presence in virtually all elements of logistics infrastructure necessary for the maintenance of all logistics processes and transactions related to certain material flow should be worked both internally and externally, on the logistics system. Therefore, the system of logistics infrastructure will look different (Appendix 2). Thus, the overall system of logistics infrastructure companies look at how a set of two subsystems that have certain connections and relations between them: 1. external subsystem of logistic infrastructure companies (fleet of rolling stock, repair and maintenance equipment, storage facilities, handling equipment and other facilities and providing facilities that are not included in the internal environment of the logistics system that is studied, throughout the supply chain); 2. Subsystem internal management logistics infrastructure enterprises studied (own transport, mining, storage, packing services, equipment, units for servicing and other logistic processes that are internal logistics system environment). [3, p.. 274-276] The control system of logistics infrastructure business has set itself the following tasks: - Choice of alternatives to the strategy development of logistics infrastructure; - Calculation of performance indicators logistic infrastructure elements; - Distribution of functions, duties, responsibilities of employees engaged in maintenance logistics processes and operations; - Motivation to work, staff training, retraining; - Ozrobka norms and standards of labor and material - technical development; - Creation of information infrastructure; - Reducing the cost of maintenance of material flow; - Through planning and control of all participants in the logistics chain. Today, the complexity in implementing the above tasks associated with the emergence of problems in the management of logistics infrastructure, which most businesses do not consider attention. The emergence of these problems affect the competitiveness and efficiency of the whole enterprise. [13, p.. 79] Yes, one of the common problems is the problem of location of infrastructure. There are two manifestations of this problem, in - First, most companies have in their internal infrastructure of some elements, such as lack of personal and technical means, the vehicle fleet, and others. Because companies are beginning to interact with other organizations and companies that can provide all necessary services to maintain logistic processes and operations, the location of which is often not economically profitable for the enterprise; on - Second, companies may have their own structure in all the above listed items of infrastructure, but these elements (warehouses, transport companies, etc..) well located geographically unprofitable, hence increasing the cost of time and financial resources of the enterprise as a whole. And in the first and second case, we are faced with the problem of location decision which has long-term. Convenient location - not a guarantor of a successful business, but it is a necessary condition. Starting form the logistical infrastructure necessary to determine the number and location of each type of unit (facilities) required to perform logistics functions. In addition, you must determine how many and which stocks should be kept in each object and where customers place orders for supplies. [1, sec. 345]. When choosing the location of the elements necessary logistics infrastructure, consider the following factors: - Location of customers (location near to the users reduce costs and transportation); - Location of suppliers and materials (for manufacturers advantageously located near suppliers of materials and raw materials for prey); - Culture (when placing your business must take into account cultural values, laws and way of life of the territory on which planned location); - The ratio of government and their plans (acquaintance with the peculiarities of the legal framework and take into account the possibility of local investuvan); - Direct and indirect costs (taking into account the peculiarities of local taxes, pension and payroll taxes, the percentage of salary in the region, constantly monitor their own financial position); - The ratio of the society (ie the different relations of the society to the achievements of the team, to methods for the provision of high productivity); - Operation (range trends decisions on operations, taking into account local conditions or implementation of its rules of performance to facilitate control and increased productivity); - Transport accessibility area (analysis area equipped with means of transport, which depends on the availability as well as for its own staff and for clients); - Competition (research and analysis of competitors, number, location, characteristics of business); - The situation in the local labor market (labor market analysis: number of employees, their qualifications, performance) and others. [1, sec. 350] Taking into account the above factors are not talking about a complete solution to this problem, solving the problems of placement and optimal variant layout logistics infrastructure is impossible without the use of mathematical and heuristic methods. The second problem of logistics infrastructure - is inefficient use of company assets (buildings, structures, equipment), which is a consequence of increasing costs. The main reasons for this problem are: the disproportionate relationship between labor and fixed capital, simple equipment, without intensive use of equipment, not the rational use of production area, reducing capital investment and other capital assets. The third problem that should be mentioned in this - the high cost of equipment and technological infrastructure. As they say, professionals, costs of equipment too large, so we recommend that the main financial flows directed to the objects and tools [4, p.. 393]. Today, to fill a competitive position in the market of certain products and services to quickly respond to any changes and user requirements. Often, to improve the enterprise, falls constantly improve, and in some cases, completely change the traditional technologies and methods of logistics functions. These changes are accompanied by significant costs to upgrade equipment and purchase of new technological tools necessary infrastructure. Today, when the logistics begins to develop at a faster speed, expand foreign - economic relations, and thus begins to blossom and business enterprises increasingly require different types of services, such as transport, warehousing, information. Clearly, for the enterprise, from business point of work - interest, beneficial in its infrastructure have all these subsystems serving, but it's too expensive, and requirements and they are too high. The fourth problem concerns the training of personnel involved in management of logistics infrastructure, methods of operation, equipped with modern technological facilities and equipment, infrastructure management methods. The problem of professional personnel, but rather a problem of lack of professional logistics staff, really important for companies that have decided to build its operations, using logistic approach. This is due to the fact that in our country logistics are just beginning to develop, so most experts still do not understand some of the tasks of logistics functions and duties. The last of the problems, which should attract attention - a low level of enterprise information infrastructure, lack of integrated information center Continue entire logistics chain.

  • 236. Neologism in modern English
    Дипломная работа пополнение в коллекции 18.03.2012

    Where there is an accepted collocation in the SL, the translator must find and use its equivalent in the TL, if it exists. A collocation consists basically of two or three lexical (sometimes called full, descriptive, substantial) words, usually linked by grammatical (empty, functional, relational) words, e.g. a mental illness. The collocates within a collocation define and delimit each other by eliminating at least some of their other possible meanings; the defining may be mutual and equally balanced, but more often it is closer for one collocate than for the other. Thus to pay attention, since it reduces the number of senses in which pay can be used to one. The word attention is not so radically affected, but it excludes attention in the sense of care, solicitude. To buy a hat is not a collocation, since it does not appreciably delimit the sense of buy or hat. However, collocations shade off into other grammatically linked word-groups without a sharp division.collocation is the element of system in the lexis of a language. It may be syntagmatic or horizontal, therefore consisting of a common structure; or paradigmatic or vertical, consisting of words belonging to the same semantic field which may substitute for each other or be semantic opposites. These become collocations only when they are arranged syntagmatically.collocations can be divided into seven main groups:) Verb plus verbal noun. Examples: pay attention, suffer a defeat, run a meeting, make a speech. The verb is the collocate for which the translator must find the appropriate equivalent. The verbs in these collocations merely have an operative function (they mean do) and no particularized meaning since the action is expressed in the noun. Some verbal nouns have a small range of collocates; others, like discourse, Lob, Dients, have one obvious collocate (pronouncer, spenden, leisten).) Determiner plus adjective plus noun. The appropriate adjective has to be found for the noun. There is a much wider range of choices than in (a), and the force of this category of collocation is usually only established by contrast with another language. Thus a large apple but une grosse pomme; a tall man but un home grand; un grand home but a great man; un beau garcon but a good looking man; a pretty girl but not (usually) a pretty boy. Some nouns have one particularly suitable adjective in an extensive variety of areas, particularly for physical qualities (e.g. woman: dark, slim, middle-aged, short, young) which, for other objects, would require different adjectives, whilst other nouns (e.g. criticism) have a narrow sheaf of adjectives for each segment of a variety of areas (approfondi/grundlich; anodine/nichtssagend).) Adverb plus adjective. The most suitable adverb must be looked for. These collocations tend to clichй (e.g. immensely important). The collocation is much rarer in Romance languages, where its equivalent transposition is adjective plus adjectival noun, e.g. dune immense importance. Note however: vachement dur, damn hard or bloody hard. This collocation, which is more restricted and less frequent (therefore far less important) than (a) and (b) is much at the mercy of fashion.) Verb plus adverb or adjective. This is much smaller category: the adverb or adjective must be looked for. Examples: work hard, feel well, shine brightly, and smell sweet.) Subject plus verb. There are two groups: first, the noun and verb may mutually attract each other: the dog barks, the cat purrs, the bell rings, and teeth chatter. In some cases, particularly when referring to animals, the verb usually has no other subject. In the second group, there is merely a fairly high expectation that a particular verb will follow the subject: the door creaks, le clocher pointe, les champs se deroulent, and here the right verb must be looked for. In French, some of these verbs are often found as past participles or in adjectival clauses qualifying their subjects (used as etoffement with low semantic content), and then they require no translation in English: la maison qui se drese sur la colline, the house on the hill.) Count noun plus of plus mass noun. This restricted collocation consists of a term denoting a unit of quantity and the word for the substance it quantifies. The appropriate unit must be looked for in the TL, e.g. a loaf of bread, a cake of soap, a pinch of salt, a particle of dust, etc, if it exists.) Collective noun plus count noun. The collective noun has to be discovered: e.g. a bunch of keys, a flock of geese or sheep, a pack of cards or hounds.and less easily categorized collocations include nominalizations (in particular, nouns premodified by one or more nouns), introducing the name of an object (or unit of quantity) by a term for its size, composition, purpose, origin, destination, etc., which is now rapidly superseding the noun plus of plus noun collocation; the whole range of phrasal verbs, and various items of a sequence including activity/agent/instrument/object/attribute/source/place, etc.: e.g. bake/baker/oven/bread/fresh,new,stale,musty/flour,yeast/bakery.and semantically, clichйs are a subgroup of collocations in that one of their collocates has diminished in value or is almost redundant, as often in grinding to a halt, filthy lucre, etc., and the translator may be entitled to replace a clichй with a less common collocation, if it clarified the content without distorting it.collocations may be based on well-established hierarchies such as kinship (fathers and sons), colours (emerald is a bright green), scientific taxonomies and institutional hierarchies where the elements of the culture for each language often have their own distinct linguistic likeness (Abbild), although the extralinguistic object may be the same. Alternatively they may consist of the various synonyms and antonyms that permeate all languages.may be classified under three heads:)Objects which complement each other to form a set (land, sea, air), or a graded series (ratings, petty officers, officers).)Qualities (adjectives or adjectival nouns) which are contrary, which may have middle term (e.g. interested/disinterested/uninterested), or are contradictory. Contradictory polar terms are shown formally, i.e. through affixes: perfect/imperfect, loyal/disloyal. (Suffixes have much stronger force than prefixes: cf. faithless/unfaithful). Contrary polar terms are usually shown lexically: hot/cold, young/old, faithful/treacherous. In a text, such collocations usually appear as alternatives, e.g. hard or soft; clear, obscure or vague.)Actions (verbs or verbal nouns). In two-term collocations, the second term is converse or reciprocal: attack/defend; action/reaction. In three-term collocations, the second and third terms represent positive and negative responses respectively: offer/accept/refuse, besiege/hold out/surrender/. Actions may also complement each other as in (a); walk/run, sleep/wake.are two types of synonym collocation. The main type is the inclusive collocation which include (a) the hierarchies of genus/species/subspecies, etc., and may indicate the degree of generality (or particularity) of any lexical item, and with in the appropriate category (Oberbegriffe or super ordinates): e.g. the brass in the orchestra; pump or grease-gun; equity on the market. Fleche is a generic term for spire, and a specific term for fleche (slender spire perforated with windows); (b) synecdoche, where part and whole are sometimes used indiscriminately with the same reference (e.g. chariot/prote-outil, strings/violins); (c) metonymy, where Bonn and the West German government, the City and British bankers may again be interchanged. The second type of synonym collocation is usually an old idiom such as with might and main and by hook or by crook - which is likely to have a Germanic (auf Biegen oder Brechen) but not a Romance (coute que coute) one-to-one equivalent.are the lexical (not grammatical) tramlines of language. Where a translator finds current and equally common corresponding collocation in source and TL texts, it is mandatory to use them; they are among the invariant components of translation. They may be factual or extralinguistic, denoting institutional terms (e.g. le President Republique) as well as linguistic. A translator must be conversant with them not only to follow them but also to know when to break them (going off the tramlines) when they are broken in the SL text.collocations (noun compounds or adjective plus noun) are particularly common in the social sciences and in computer language. Thus, lead time, sexual harassment, claw back, cold-calling, Walkman (brand name for personal stereo), acid rain, norm reference testing, rate-capping, jetlag, lateral thinking, narrow money, graceful degradation, hash total.above represents varying problems. The computer terms are given their recognised translation - if they do not exist, you have to transfer them (if they appear important) and then add a functional-descriptive term - you have not the authority to devise your own neologism.

  • 237. Nicole Kidman
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 23.08.2007

    In February 2001, Cruise stunned Hollywood by filing for divorce; the reasons are still murky. Cruise would only say that Nicole "knows why", while Kidman let it be known that she was pregnant by Cruise when he left her just before their 10th wedding anniversay, and had just miscarried the child. Some speculated that Cruise left Kidman because he didn't think he was the father, while some questioned the timing, noting that, since the couple did not have a prenuptial agreement, Cruise would have had to pay Kidman many millions if they divorced past the 10 year mark. As it was, he reportedly paid her $65 million. Industry insiders commented that the primary cause of the divorce may have been Nicole's refusal to allow Isabella and Connor to be raised in Scientology, which Cruise is a devoted practitioner of; she wanted them to be raised Catholic instead.

  • 238. Nouns
    Курсовой проект пополнение в коллекции 22.01.2008


    • Beard, R. (1992) Number. In W. Bright (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Linguistics.
    • Corbett, G. (2000). Number. Cambridge University Press.
    • Greenberg, Joseph H. (1972) Numeral classifiers and substantival number: Problems in the genesis of a linguistic type. Working Papers on Language Universals (Stanford University) 9. 1-39.
    • Laycock, Henry. (2005) 'Mass nouns, Count nouns and Non-count nouns' Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Elsevier.
    • Laycock, Henry. (2006) Words without Objects. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    • Merrifield, William (1959). Classification of Kiowa nouns. International Journal of American Linguistics, 25, 269-271.
    • Mithun, Marianne (1999). The languages of native North America (pp. 81-82, 444-445). Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-23228-7.
    • Sprott, Robert (1992). Jemez syntax. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago, USA).
    • Sten, Holgar (1949) Le nombre grammatical. (Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague, 4.) Copenhagen: Munksgaard.
    • Watkins, Laurel J.; & McKenzie, Parker. (1984). A grammar of Kiowa. Studies in the anthropology of North American Indians. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. ISBN 0-8032-4727-3.
    • Weigel, William F. (1993). Morphosyntactic toggles. Papers from the 29th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (Vol. 29, pp. 467-478). Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
    • Wiese, Heike (2003). Numbers, language, and the human mind. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-83182-2.
    • Wonderly, Gibson, and Kirk (1954). Number in Kiowa: Nouns, demonstratives, and adjectives. International Journal of American Linguistics, 20, 1-7.
    • Vinokurova, Nadezhda. 2005. [1] Lexical categories and argument structure: a study with reference to Sakha.] Ph.D. diss. University of Utrecht.
    • Davidson, Donald. 1967. The logical form of action sentences. In Nicholas Rescher, ed., The Logic of Decision and Action, Pittsburgh, Pa: University of Pittsburgh Press.
    • Parsons, Terence. 1990. Events in the semantics of English: a study in subatomic semantics. Cambridge, Mass.:MIT Press
    • Croft, William. 1993. "A noun is a noun is a noun - or is it? Some reflections on the universality of semantics." Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, ed. Joshua S. Guenter, Barbara A. Kaiser and Cheryl C. Zoll, 369-80. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society.
  • 239. Observant functions of Fund of guaranteing of holding of physical persons in Ukraine
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 14.05.2011

    1998, the President of Ukraine signed the Decree "On measures to protect the rights of individuals - Depositors of Commercial Banks", which was approved by the Regulations on the establishment of the Guarantee Fund of individuals, formation and use of resources. September 20, 2001 Parliament of Ukraine adopted the Law on the Guarantee Fund of individuals' assets, which entered into force October 24, 2001. The Fund is a specialized state agency that performs functions of state administration in the Deposit Guarantee. The main objective of the Fund in Ukraine is to protect the rights and interests of individuals - depositors of banks, branches of foreign banks. Kerivnym Authority Governing Board of the Fund is that formed by delegating to its two representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, two representatives of the National Bank of Ukraine and one representative association of banks. Fund deposits of citizens which are placed in participants (temporary participants) of the Fund in local and foreign currency, including interest at the rate of deposits, but no more than 150 000. on deposits in each bank, foreign bank branches on the day become unavailable. Contributions to a rate not compensated. Investors acquire the right to receive consideration for a guaranteed amount of deposits due to shortfalls in the Fund's monetary unit of Ukraine from the day the nedostupnosti 'assets. In Ukraine the participants of the Fund are banks, branches of foreign banks, which have a banking license for the right to exercise banking activities and certificate Fund participant. OJSC "State Savings Bank of Ukraine is not a member of the Fund. Participants should CERTIFICATE Fund participant In case of violation of the participant of the Law of Ukraine "On Guarantee Fund of individuals' bank, foreign bank branch is transferred to the category of a temporary member of the Fund temporarily confirmed by Help the participant. Banks - Help tymchasovi members have a temporary member of the Fund The Fund does not reimburse the guaranteed amount for deposits of individuals in the bank, foreign bank branch transferred to the category of temporary member of the Fund, if these deposits were attracted him to give notice of his transfer to the category of a temporary member of the Fund. After transferring to the category of temporary participant bank, foreign bank branch must be warned in writing of individuals at the conclusion of agreements with them to attract new deposits, the fact that the Fund does not guarantee reimbursement for these deposits. Twice a year the Fund publishes in the official media registry participants (temporary participants) of the Fund. Information about changes in the roster publikuyetsya additionally within 14 calendar days after a change.

  • 240. Occurring with a writer, who write books about Australian animals
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 24.07.2006

    - You know, we have the same place, named oasis of New Yorks concrete desert, - beautiful Central Park. The park is surprisingly big, with lakes and woods as well as organized recreation areas. New Yorkers love Central Park, and they use it all the time. In the winter, going ice-skating, and in the summer roller-skating, bicycling and boating. They play ball, ride horses and have picnics. And there is even a childrens zoo with wild birds and animals. Families come here to enjoy the sun and fresh air. The children can play safely here away from fast cars and busy streets. Musicians, hot dogs and hamburgers, water birds, fine and calm weather, - what can be better!?