Иностранные языки

  • 161. Identity. I am who I am
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 25.08.2006

    Here are some possible answers to this question. We might be human animals. Surprisingly, most philosophers reject this answer. We will return to it in Sections 6 and 7. We might be partless, immaterial souls (or, alternatively, compound things made up of an immaterial soul and a material body: see Swinburne 1984). Hume said that each of us appears to be "a bundle or collection of different perceptions, which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in a perpetual flux and movement" (1888: 252; see also Quinton 1962 and Rovane 1998: 212). A modern descendant of this work says that you are a sort of computer program, a wholly abstract thing that could in principle be stored on magnetic tape (a common idea in science fiction). A popular work nowadays is that we are material objects "constituted by" human animals: you are made of the same matter as a certain animal, but you and the animal are different things because what it takes for you to persist is different (Wiggins 1967: 48, Shoemaker 1984: 112-114, Baker 2000). Another is the idea that we are temporal parts of animals (or in science fiction of more than one animal). There is even the paradoxical work that we don't really exist at all. The existence of human people is a metaphysical illusion. Many philosophers have denied their own existence (e.g. Russell 1985: 50 and Unger 1979).

  • 162. Idioms: differences and Usage in American English and British English
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 24.07.2006

    How then does American English differ from British English in the use of idioms? There are no radical differences in actual use. The main differences are in the situations where idiomatic expressions are used. There have been many studies recently on this subject. American English adopts and creates new idioms at a much faster rate compared to British English. Also the idioms of AmE origin tend to spread faster and further. After it has first been established in the U.S., an American idiom may soon be found in other "variants" and dialects of English. Nowadays new British idioms tend to stay on the British Isles and are rarely encountered in the U.S. British idioms are actually more familiar to other Europeans or to the people of the British Commonwealth than to Americans, even though the language is same. The reason for all these facts is that Britain is not the world power it used to be and it must be said that the U.S. has taken the role of the leading nation in the development of language, media and popular culture. Britain just doesn't have the magnitude of media influence that the United States controls.

  • 163. Imitating modelling of a cattle-breeding complex on basis Cedar Bog
    Контрольная работа пополнение в коллекции 27.06.2010

    Setting a task of modelling. There is a cattle herd structured on the basic of age. The herd consists of Heifers, Calves, Milk cows, Cows, Bulls. Each Animal has its Age. The daily increase depends in weight of an animal which defines the weight of it depends on the age. So, for example, at achievement of the certain age (?500 days) calves become bulls and pass from Calves in Bulls, but not all of them. Only the quantity which is enough for reproduction of the herd. The others remain calves until they fatten the necessary weight (?1000 kg). As soon as it occurs, they are slaughtered. The similar situation is with heifers. Only at achievement of the certain age (?450 days) they are divided into two categories: milk cows and cows. Cows are bred for meat production, MilkCows - for reproduction of herd and production of milk. According to financial opportunities a farmer defines an initial livestock of the cattle, and then makes a plan of reception of a livestock of the cattle in the future. It is required to model the change of an annual turnover of the herd and its reproduction.

  • 164. Immortal poets оf ukrainian Literature
    Контрольная работа пополнение в коллекции 01.11.2010

    One of the innovators of all genres of literature was Ivan Franko. He raised the post-Shevchenko Ukrainian poetry of the late 19-th and early 20-th century to new heights. He did the same in prose. We always remember the volume of poetry "Heights and Depths", the novel "Boryslav is laughing" the drama "Stolen Happiness", etc. He devoted much attention to translations from foreign languages. His merits as a thinker and scholar were great in many fields: the history and theory of literature, folklore, political economy, history, ethnography.

  • 165. Imperativ. Konjunktiv
    Контрольная работа пополнение в коллекции 12.03.2010

    … Лотте хотела стать учительницей. Она ходила в университет. И все, что у нее накапливалось в мыслях в течении дня, она обсуждала вечером со своей мамой, около тепловатой печи в бедной комнате. Ее мама работала весь день в детском саду уборщицей и помощницей по кухне. И впечатленная стремлением к учебе Лотте, она (мать) тоже начала учиться. Она изучала русский, и долгое время скрывала это от своей дочери. Два раза в неделю во второй половине дня она посещала языковые курсы в народном университете и всегда, когда Лоте не было дома, и когда она выполняла свою работу, она училась. Она вкладывала каждое утро в фартук листок с двадцатью новыми словами и к вечеру, когда приходила Лотте, она знала эти слова наизусть.

  • 166. In what way is pygmalion a shavian play
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 10.02.2010

    Every piece of literature needs an opening part and a good introduction. It should not only be an introduction to the place where it happens, but also an introduction to the different characters, the surroundings or the time. But in a play like Pygmalion, not only an introduction is needed, the reader or worker of a play need additional information on the different characters. They need to know something about their background, what they are doing on or in a certain scene. The audience also needs this background information to understand actions in the course of the play. Even though this might sound easy, it is hard to include all these information in a play, since the author of a play does not have the same possibilities as an author of a novel has. A novelist can include these information into the text. A playwright on the other hand needs to consider how he can transmit background information especially to the worker of the play without disturbing the actual plot of the play.

  • 167. Inability to pay debts (UK and Maltese law)
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 11.09.2006

    In Re Capital Annuities Ltd, it was held that inability to pay debts occurs where companys present, contingent and prospective liabilities exceed the present value of its assets. So, under balance sheet test, the company is unable to pay its debts if the value of its assets is less that the amount of its liabilities. Before 1871 the court could not take account of prospective and contingent liabilities in making this assessment. Since those liabilities are very important for the insurance companies, in that year it was provided that account should be taken of such liabilities of determining the solvency of those companies. Later on, in 1907 these liabilities were made applicable to assessing the solvency of all other companies Maltese law fails to define what contingent and prospective liabilities are. That is why we have to refer to UK case law. One of the most important cases in insolvency is Byblos Bank SAL v Al-Khudhairy [1987]. Here the court outlines certain guidelines which will be considered when assuming whether or not balance sheet has been satisfied. Firstly, the court will take into consideration the fact that the company has ceased to carry out its business. If it definitely happens, than court can apply balance sheet test as possible technique. Secondly, the court has to draw the distinction between accrued liabilities and those which may accrue in future connected to transactions already entered to. It should be done because accrued liabilities are definite debts. The liabilities which may accrue are dispute debts: if it takes very long period of time to repay these liabilities that they can be taken into consideration when applying balance sheet test. Also court held that no assets should be taken into consideration in balance sheet test if they may accrue in future. As to contingent and prospective liabilities, in the Byblos Bank case express provision were maid to include those liabilities in determining the companys solvency.

  • 168. Incorporation of [2,3,4,5,6-2H5]Phenylalanine, [3,5-2H2]Tyrosine, and [2,4,5,6,7-2H5]Tryptophan into...
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 26.10.2006

    widened. Moreover, mass spectra of the mixture components were additive. Therefore, these mixtures can be analyzed only in the case of the presence of spectra of various components recorded under the same conditions. These calculations involve solution of the system of n equations in n unknowns for the mixture containing n components. For the components, whose concentrations are more than 10 mol %, the validity and repro-ducibility of the analysis results can be ±0.5 mol % at a confidence probability of 90%. Therefore, chromato-graphical isolation of individual derivatives of 2H-labeled amino acids from the protein hydrolysate is necessary for a obtaining a reproducible result. Reverse-phase HPLC on octadecylsilane silica gel, Separon C18 (whose potency was confirmed by separation of methyl esters of //-DNS derivatives of 2H-labeled amino acids of another microbial objects, e.g., methylotrophic bacteria and microalgae [21]), was used. This method was adapted to conditions of chro-rnatographical separation of a mixture of methyl esters of DNS derivatives of amino acids of the BR hydrolysate. Optimization of eluant ratios, the gradient type, and the rate of elution from the column were performed. The maximum separation was observed after gradient elution with a mixture of solvents containing acetonitrile and trifluoroacetic acid (at a volume ratio of 100 : 0.1-0.5). In this case, tryptophan and a hardly degraded pare of phenylalanine/tyrosine were successfully separated. Degrees of chromatographical purities of isolated methyl esters of N-DNS [2,3,4,5,6-2H5]phe-nylalanine, N-DNS [3,5-2H2]tyrosine, and N-DNS [2,4,5,6,7-2H5]tryptophan were 97%, 96%, and 98%, respectively. The yield was 97-85%. Figure 5b confirms the result obtained. This figure shows the El mass spectrum of methyl ester of N-DNS [2,3,4,5,6-2H5]phe-nylalanine isolated by reverse-phase HPLC (scanning at m/z 70-600; the base peak at m/z 170; 100%). The mass spectrum is represented in relation to unlabeled methyl ester of//-DNS phenylalanine (scanning at m/z 150-700; the base peak at m/z 250; 100%) (Fig. 5a). The peak of a heavy molecular ion of methyl ester of N-DNS phenylalanine ([M]+, 59% at m/z 417; instead of [M]+, 44% at m/z 412 for unlabeled derivative of phenylalanine) and the additional peak of the benzyl fragment of phenylalanine, C7H7 (61% at mlz 96; instead of 55% at mlz 91 for control; data not shown), confirm the presence of deuterium in phenylalanine. The peaks of secondary fragments of various intensities with m/z 249, 234, and 170 correspond to products of secondary degradation of the dansyl residue to N-dimethylaminon-aphthalene. The low-intensity peak of [M+-COOCH3] (7%) at m/z 358 (m/z 353, 10%, control) represents the detachment of the carboxymethyl group from methyl ester of N-DNS phenylalanine. The peak of [M + CH3]+ (15%) at m/z 430 (m/z 426, 8%, control) represents the additional methylation at a-amino group of phenylalanine. The difference between molecular weights of

  • 169. Industry overwork
    Реферат пополнение в коллекции 21.02.2010

    The meat market's capacity is estimated to be 8 million tons, porks share is 2.6 million tons (without breaking down the meat into chilled and frozen types). In value terms, the capacity is US$ 15-17 billions. In Russia, average consumption of meat per capita equals 55 kg, 17.8 kg (32%) of which are pork. In terms of meat consumption, Russia lags behind European countries, where a person eats about 80 kg a year. However, due to the general improve of the countrys economy and, consequently, well-being of its citizens, meat consumption in Russia is growing. The growth potential is partially proved by the dynamics of the market volume: the long downfall that lasted throughout 1990s came to an end in 2000-2001, when the market began to grow. In 2002-2005 it gained 20% on the whole, and pork's share has grown 33%.

  • 170. Infant Industry Argument: Theory and Practice
    Диссертация пополнение в коллекции 21.08.2010
  • 171. Influences that affect the business environment of Hydrolife Bottlers Company in Uzbekistan
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 31.01.2012

    Economic growth of the country leads to the growth of income level of population and this means that level of the lifestyle of population and quantity of needs increase too. Nowadays the majority of population has opportunity to use clear drinking water in household use and such product as mineral water become the integral part of our life. Accordingly demand for the production of Hydrolife Company rise in the same time with economic growth of the country and it leads to increasing of income of company.to inflation, it is negative factor of economic progress and unfortunately it situated in many countries and Uzbekistan isnt an exception. Every company considerate the coefficient of inflation in the business plans. But from my point of work inflation doesnt decrease economic characteristics of Hydrolife Company. By inflation it is the rise of prices of raw material, electricity and salary that lead to increasing of products price. In the same time according to inflation, government increase the salary of citizens and spending power for goods of first priority (drinking water is in this category) of population isnt decrease. This factor doesnt have big influence on the demand of Hydrolife Company.rate also doesnt affect the demand of Hydrolife Company very much. Companies that contact import and export of production must take into account this factor for realizing their work. But Hydrolife Company just imported technical equipment from Germany and Italy. And in their production company use local materials and workers and thats why the exchange rate doesnt have inflation on the income of the company.rate hasnt a big influent on demand of Hydrolife Company. Because of increasing of interest rate in banks customers need to pay more to banks and have less money for buying something. But Hydrolife Company produces the products of the first necessity and thats why interest rate has big impact on companys production.

  • 172. Interactive method of teaching English grammar
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 16.08.2010
  • 173. Internal diagnostics company, identification of strengths and weaknesses
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.09.2010

    The special attention is deserved by O.Lavizinova's devoted to questions article, connected with life cycle of the organisation considered through a prism social components, published in №5 magazines «Management in Russia and abroad» for 2009. In work imperfections of evolutionary works on development of the organisation, existing in the theory of management and not giving accurate representations about substantial filling of separate stages of its life cycle, and also criteria of reference of the organisations to categories "young", "growing", "mature" were fairly marked. The author has offered own concept of typification of stages of life cycle, leaning against known biological approaches and allocating stages of "formation", "development", "maturity" and "old age" by criteria of development with the organisation of the market niche (similarly ecological niche) and to level of an "intraspecific" competition in it. It is possible to agree that the similar approach to a problem gives a number of the new objective criteria, allowing to identify a stage of evolution of the organisation. However the concept offered by O.Lavizinova, does not introduce basic changes in a paradigm of life cycle according to which development is schematic sequence of conditions of the organisation divided by the moments of transformation, allowing to allocate the various periods in its development. In other words, the main focus of research in the majority of the works devoted to life cycles, character of evolutionary changes, quantity of stages, their features and duration.

  • 174. Interpol
    Реферат пополнение в коллекции 13.03.2011

    Интерпол является второй по величине международной организацией после Организации Объединенных Наций. Сейчас организация насчитывает 184 страны члена организации. Финансируется эта организация путем ежегодных взносов стран членов этой организации, что составляет в общем 30 миллионов евро, хотя бюджет Европола составляет 50 миллионов евро в год. Штаб-квартира организации расположена в Лионе, Франция, прежде штаб-квартира находилась в Сейнт Клауд, городке, расположенном в предместьях Парижа.

  • 175. Interpolation, approximation and differential equations solvers
    Курсовой проект пополнение в коллекции 27.09.2010


    1. J. C. Butcher, Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations, ISBN 0471967580
    2. George E. Forsythe, Michael A. Malcolm, and Cleve B. Moler. Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1977. (See Chapter 6.)
    3. Ernst Hairer, Syvert Paul Nørsett, and Gerhard Wanner. Solving ordinary differential equations I: Nonstiff problems, second edition. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1993. ISBN 3-540-56670-8.
    4. William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling. Numerical Recipes in C. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1988. (See Sections 16.1 and 16.2.)
    5. Kendall E. Atkinson. An Introduction to Numerical Analysis. John Wiley & Sons - 1989
    6. F. Cellier, E. Kofman. Continuous System Simulation. Springer Verlag, 2006. ISBN 0-387-26102-8.
    7. Gaussian Quadrature Rule of Integration - Notes, PPT, Matlab, Mathematica, Maple, Mathcad at Holistic Numerical Methods Institute
    8. Burden, Richard L.; J. Douglas Faires (2000). Numerical Analysis (7th Ed. ed.). Brooks/Cole. ISBN 0-534-38216-9.
  • 176. Intonation system of English in the process of historical development
    Курсовой проект пополнение в коллекции 14.04.2012

    has a special branch, intonology, whose domain is the larger units of connected speech: intonation groups, phrases and even phonetic passages or blocks of discourse.descriptions of intonation show that phonological facts of intonation system are much more open to question than in the field of segmental phonology. Descriptions differ according to the kind of meaning they regard intonation is carrying and also according to the significance they attach to different parts of the tone-unit. J. D. O'Connor and G. F. Arnold assert that a major function of intonation is to express the speaker's attitude to the situation he/she is placed in, and they attach these meanings not to pre-head, head and nucleus separately, but to each of ten 'tone-unit types' *as they combine with each of four sentence types, statement, question, command and exclamation.. Halliday supposes that English intonation contrasts are grammatical. He argues first that there is a neutral or unmarked tone choice and then explains all other choices as meaningful by contrast. Thus if one takes the statement I don't know the suggested intonational meanings are: Low Fall - neutral. Low Rise - non-committal, High Rise - contradictory, Fall-Rise - with reservation, Rise-Fall - with commitment. Unlike J. D. O'Connor and G. F. Arnold, M. Halliday attributes separate significance to the prе-nuclear choices, again taking one choice as neutral and the other (s) as meaningful by contrast.. Crystal presents an approach based on the work "that any explanation of intonational meaning cannot be arrived at by seeing the issues solely in either grammatical or attitudinal terms". He ignores the significance of pre-head and head choices and deals only with terminal tones.is still impossible to classify, in any practical analysis of intonation, all the fine shades of feeling and attitude which can be conveyed by slight changes in pitch, by lengthening or shortening tones, by increasing or decreasing the loudness of the voice, by changing its quality, and in various other ways. On the other hand it is quite possible to make a broad classification of intonation patterns which are so different in their nature that they materially: change the meaning of the utterance and to make different pitches and degrees of loudness in each of them. Such an analysis resembles the phonetic analysis of sounds of a language whereby phoneticians establish the number of significant sounds it uses. [4,85]distinctive function of intonation is realized in the opposition of the same word sequences which differ in certain parameters of the intonation pattern. Intonation patterns make their distinctive contribution at intonation group, phrase and text levels. Thus in the phrases:Mary, comes let me à know at once (a few people are expected to come but it is Mary who interests the speaker)- >Mary comes let me à know at once (no one else but Mary is expected to come) the intonation patterns of the first intonation groups are opposed. In the opposition I enjoyed it - I enjoyed it the pitch pattern operates over the whole phrase adding in the second phrase the notion that the speaker has reservations (implying a continuation something like 'but it could have been a lot better').section of the intonation pattern, any of its three constituents can perform the distinctive function thus being phonological units. These units form a complex system of intonemes, tonemes, accentemes, chronemes, etc. These phonological units like phonemes consist of a number of variants. The terminal tonemes, for instance, consist of a number of allotones, which are mutually non-distinctive. The principal allotone is realized in the nucleus alone. The subsidiary allotones are realized not only in the nucleus, but also in the pre-head and in the tail, if there are any, cf.:. No, Tom. Oh, no, Mary.most powerful phonological unit is the terminal tone. The opposition of terminal tones distinguishes different types of sentence. The same sequence of words may be interpreted as a different syntactical type, i. e. a statement or a question, a question or an exclamation being pronounced with different terminal tones, e. g.:saw it (statement) - Tom saw it? (general question)'t you enjoy it? (general question) - Didn't you enjoy it? (exclamation)you be quiet? (request) - Will you be quiet? (command).number of terminal tones indicates the number of intonation groups. Sometimes the number of intonation groups may be important for meaning. For example, the sentence My sister, who lives in the South, has just arrived may mean two different things. In oral speech it is marked by using two or three intonation groups. If the meaning is: 'my only sister who happens to live in the South', then the division would be into three intonation groups: My sister, who lives in the South, has just arrived. On the other hand, if the meaning is 'that one of my two sisters, who lives in the South', the division is into two intonation groups.with the increase of loudness terminal tones serve to single out the semantic centre of the utterance. By semantic centre we mean the information centre which may simultaneously concentrate the expression of attitudes and feelings. The words in an utterance do not necessarily all contribute an equal amount of information, some are more important to the meaning than others. This largely depends on the context or situation in which the intonation group or a phrase is said. Some words are predisposed by their function in the language to be stressed. In English lexical (content) words are generally accented while grammatical (form) words are more likely to be unaccented although words belonging to both of these groups may be unaccented or accented if the meaning requires it.us consider the sentence It was an unusually rainy day. As the beginning of, say, a story told on the radio the last three words would be particularly important, they form the semantic centre with the nucleus on the word day. The first three words play a minor part. The listener would get a pretty clear picture of the story's setting if the first three words were not heard and the last three were heard clearly. If the last three words which form the semantic centre were lost there would be virtually no information gained at all. [5,48]same sentences may be said in response to the question What sort of day was it? In this case the word day in the reply would lose some of its force because the questioner already possesses the information that it might otherwise have given him. In this situation there are only two important words - unusually rainy - and they would be sufficient as a complete answer to the question. The nucleus will be on the word rainy. Going further still, in reply to the question Did it rain yesterday? the single word unusually would bear the major part of the information, would be, in this sense, more important than all the others and consequently would be the nucleus of the intonation pattern.words may be also important to the meaning if the context makes them so. The word was, for instance, has had little value in the previous examples, but if the sentences were said as a contradiction in the reply to It wasn 't a rainy day yesterday, was it?, then was would be the most important word of all and indeed, the reply might simply be It was, omitting the following words as no longer worth saying. In this phrase the word was is the nucleus of the semantic centre.variations of the accentuation achieved by shifting the position of the terminal tone serve a striking example of how the opposition of the distribution of terminal tones is fulfilling the distinctive function.the phrase I don't want you to read anything has the low-falling terminal tone on the word anything, it means that for this or other reason the person should avoid reading. If the same word sequence is pronounced with the falling-rising tone on the same word, the phrase means that the person must have a careful choice in reading.should be pointed out here that the most important role of the opposition of terminal tones is that of differentiating the attitudes and emotions expressed by the speaker. The speaker must be particularly careful about the attitudes and emotions he expresses since the hearer is frequently more interested in the speaker's attitude or feeling than in his words - that is whether he speaks nicely or nastily. For instance, the special question Why? may be pronounced with the low falling tone sounding rather detached, sometimes even hostile. When pronounced with the low-rising tone it is sympathetic, friendly, interested. [6,48]the other sections of the intonation pattern differentiate only attitudinal or emotional meaning, e. g.: being pronounced with the high рге-head, Hello sounds more friendly than when pronounced with the low pre-head, cf.:

  • 177. IRC как жанр виртуального дискурса
    Дипломная работа пополнение в коллекции 07.11.2010


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  • 178. Irony from the cognitive perspective
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 06.02.2011

    Verbal irony is distinguished from situational irony and dramatic irony in that it is produced intentionally by speakers. For instance, if a man exclaims, «Im not upset!» but reveals an upset emotional state through his voice while truly trying to claim he's not upset, it would not be verbal irony by virtue of its verbal manifestation (it would, however, be situational irony). But if the same speaker said the same words and intended to communicate that he was upset by claiming he was not, the utterance would be verbal irony. This distinction illustrates an important aspect of verbal irony speakers communicate implied propositions that are intentionally contradictory to the propositions contained in the words themselves. There are, however, examples of verbal irony that do not rely on saying the opposite of what one means, and there are cases where all the traditional criteria of irony exist and the utterance is not ironic.

  • 179. Is The World Becoming Characterized More By Peace or By War?
    Реферат пополнение в коллекции 08.10.2010
  • 180. Iменниковi деривати чоловiчого роду в "Матерiалах до словника..." Е. Тимченка
    Дипломная работа пополнение в коллекции 16.09.2010


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