
  • 501. Crisler Corporation. Senior thesis
    Дипломная работа пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    The Daimler-Chrysler merger is one of the few examples when the merger benefits the competitiveness of the market. Chrysler Corporation manufactures lower-range trucks, minivans, and sport utilities, when Daimler-Benz majors in high-priced vehicles. No significant overlap in production will take place. Since both of the companies specialize in different areas, neither of them will have to give up on some of their production. “There was no real overlap in products they filled in each others blank spaces” said David Cole, the head of the University of Michigans Office for the Study of Automotive Transportation. In turn, this meant that there will be no decrease in competition in the market place, which is one of the main concerns of the Federal Trade Commission when a merger takes place. (In a horizontal merger, the acquisition of a competitor could increase market concentration and increase the likelihood of collusion. The elimination of head-to-head competition between two leading firms may result in unilateral anticompetitive effects).

  • 502. Critical Rework of Daniel Sprick’s “Release Your Plans”
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009
  • 503. Cro-Mags
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    В конце 70-х начале 80-х в Америке появилось много интересных хардкоровых коллективов типа "Germs", "Black flag", "Negative approach". Нью-йоркскую сцену этого течения представляли такие банды как "Bad brains", "The Mob", "Beastie boys" и "Stimulators". Вот как раз в последней команде и начинал свою деятельность панк-малолетка, 10-летний ударник Харли Фрэнсис Фланаган. Уже к той поре паренек стремился играть более громкую музыку, в связи с чем задумал основать собственный проект. Таким образом и появились на свет "Cro-Mags", в первый состав которых также вошли менеджер "Bad brains" Дэйв Хан, Джон Берри из "Beastie boys" и Дэйв Стейн из "Even worse". Вскоре к команде прибился гитарист с Манхэттена Паррис Митчелл Мэйхью, а вокалистом стал Эрик Казанова.

  • 504. Crosby, Stills, Nash And Young
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Кросби и Нэш со своими сольниками попали и в штатовский и в британский Топ 20. В 1972 году они записали совместный альбом, который также пользовался успехом, а в 1973 году присоединились к сольному турне Янга. В результате "Crosby, Stills, Nash And Young" воссоединились как концертная группа. Однако, ненадолго: вновь возникшие разногласия между участниками привели к очередному распаду квартета и планировавшийся студийник альбом так и не был выпущен. Чтобы не сильно огорчать фанов снова подсуетился Нэш, спродюсировавший сборник "So Far", вышедший в 1974 году. Вплоть до конца семидесятых участники "Crosby, Stills, Nash And Young" сходились в различных комбинациях друг с другом, немного записывались, а затем вновь разбегались. Стиллз и Янг выпустили в 1976 году очень сильный диск "Long May You Run", тираж которого перевалил за полмиллиона экземпляров, а Кросби и Нэш записали парочку дисков, но уже не столь коммерчески успешных, и в 1977-м вновь сошлись со Стиллзом. После долгого перерыва "Crosby, Stills, Nash And Young" собрались вместе на фестивале "Live Aid".

  • 505. Crowbar
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Первый из них, названный просто "Crowbar" вышел на "Pavement music" в конце 1993-го и стал для группы прорывом. Немалую роль в этом сыграл Фил Ансельмо из " Pantera", выступивший в роли продюсера. Именно с его подачи пластинка разошлась по всему миру тиражом свыше 100000 экземпляров. Ухватив удачу за хвост, "Crowbar" принялись активно гастролировать, и в 1994-м вышел концертник, запечатлевший эту сторону деятельности группы. На следующий год появилась третья студийная работа, после чего из команды отбыл Нуненмачер, скооперировавшийся со своим братцем в проекте "Near life experience". Его место за ударными занял вернувшийся Бауэр, помогший вернуть группе фирменный саунд.

  • 506. Crown
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    В 1990 году в Швеции появилась еще одна примитивная гаражная банда, носившая название "Crown of Thorns". В ее состав вошли Йохан Линдстранд (вокал), Магнус Олсфелт (бас), Марко Тервонен (гитара), Роберт Остерберг (гитара) и Янне Сааренпаа (ударные). Впервые эти парни заявили о себе в 1992-м, когда их трек попал на какую-то местную компиляцию. В следующем году музыканты подошли к делу более серьезно и произвели на свет достаточно брутальную демозапись "Forever heaven gone". Работа произвела некоторую шумиху в андеграундных кругах, и команде удалось попасть на фестиваль в Халтсфреде в компании с "Ramones" и "Entombed".

  • 507. Cryhavoc
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    "Sweetbriers" получился одновременно мелодичным и жестким и кроме слушателей к нему проявил интерес влиятельный германский металлический лейбл "Nuclear blast", взявшийся за его распространение в европейских странах. Кроме того, фирма организовала турне группы по Европе в компании с "Gathering". У себя на родине "Cryhavoc" тоже отыграли несколько дат вместе с " Dark tranquility" и " In flames". Продажи пластинки были очень даже неплохими, чему в какой-то мере способствовала обложка с парочкой полуобнаженных девчонок. Второй альбом, "Pitch Black Blues", вновь записывался в студии "Tico-Tico" под руководством продюсера Арти Кортелайнена. Диск вышел в августе 1999-го сначала в Финляндии, а затем появился и в других европейских странах.

  • 508. Cryptic Slaughter
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    "Cryptic slaughter" появились на Западном побережье Штатов в середине 80-х. Как раз в то время на фоне процветающей социальной несправедливости и политического лицемерия, обычно враждующие, панки и металлисты объединились единым фронтом, создав новый стиль "кроссовер". Именно такую музыку и исполняли наши герои. Агрессия звука, быстрый темп и непримиримая политическая позиция были, конечно, слишком резки для мэйнстрима, но сделали группу культовой в кругах метал-андеграунда. Билл Крукс (вокал, бас), Лес Эванс (гитара), Адам Скотт (гитара) и Скотт Петерсон (ударные) познакомились еще в 1984 году, когда вместе гоняли мяч в школьной команде. Прошло не так уж много времени, как ребята сменили увлечение футболом на музыку, основав "Cryptic slaughter".

  • 509. Cubism
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Braque avoue «quand nous avons fait du Cubisme, nous n'avions aucune intention de faire du Cubisme, mais d'exprimer ce qui йtait en nous». Et Picasso s'exprime dans le mкme sens. Mais, si proches l'un de l'autre qu'ils aient йtй, si ressemblants а certains йgards, ce qui les unit demeure moins important que ce qui les divise. Leurs voies s'йcartent de plus en plus au fur et а mesure qu'ils feront du Cubisme une aventure personnelle. Le terme, Cubisme, йtant d'ailleurs nй d'une maniиre toute fortuite sous la plume du critique d'art de Gil Blas, Louis Vauxcelles, qui avait йcrit en effet que «Braque mйprise les formes, rйduit tout, sites, figures et maisons romaines, а des schйmas gйomйtriques, а des cubes». Le mot avait fait fortune et, l'annйe suivante, les toiles prйsentйes au Salon des Indйpendants йtaient dйfinies bizarreries cubiques.

  • 510. Cult
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Изменился и стиль музыки от пост-панка практически ничего не осталось, а крен был сделан в сторону хард-энд-хэви. К концу 1984 года у команды был готов первый альбом, "Dreamtime", сопровождаемый синглом "Spiritwalker". Сингл вскоре оказался на первом месте британского хит-парада, в то время как альбом занял "лишь" 21-ю позицию. Весной 1985-го из группы ушел Престон. С новым ударником Марком Бржезики "Cult" записали всего один сингл "She sells sanctuary", а на альбоме "Love" уже барабанил Лес Уорнер. Саунд продолжал тяжелеть, продолжались и перетасовки состава. На третьем альбоме Стюарт взялся за гитару, а басуху предоставили бывшему участнику "Zodiac Mindwarp" Киду Чаосу.

  • 511. Cultural imperialism and cultural diplomacy
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    New epoch, epoch of globalization, epoch of powerful mass media has opened new opportunities for propaganda. A man is grasped from TV every day; the material chosen by journalists has turned out in a stream of huge amount of information. “It is [TV] the crucial source of information about the outside world”. (Negrine op. Cit., ibid., p. 100). Naturally that if even journalists have no enough time for interpretation of the information, what hopes may be for average spectator to interpret this information correctly. “TV is a “heavily selected interpretation of events” (R. Hoggart “Bad news”. London, 1976, p.x.). In the stream of the information a spectator managed by own prejudices and moral brought from without is building from the information knots a picture of his own world. People received the opportunity to know so many things without learning anything. At the sense level a person understands that he is manipulated (probably because of that spectators appreciation of journalists are so low). From the other side the information containing burning topics of the day, sharply and easily for understanding given, wakes up in a person so powerful impulse which its very difficult not to be obeyed. As never before a man has become such unprotected against foreign influence, the question is what ideology will be more correct key for this or that country. From the other side despite that a man has learned to get over large distances for a short time, people have not became closer one another. It may be called “the theory of unknown people”. Unknown people are making clothes for us, selling foods, unknown people are defending us as a Police, unknown people are teaching our children, building our houses. When we are traveling by bus or by plane our lives are in the hands of unknown people. Why not to let these unknown people to take possessions of our minds (through TV and sound speakers)?

  • 512. Cultural Values
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Why questions

    1. Why is shopping a three step process? It's so inefficient. Maybe it prevents shoplifting.
    2. Why is only one person doling out money?
    3. Why is only one door open?
    4. Why is service so bad? Is it because there is no tipping and so no motivation?
    5. Why can we sit in a cafe all day without buying very much?
    6. Why do women wear such high heels?
    7. Why do people crowd others and cut in line?
    8. Why do shop attendants go on so many breaks or just close down?
    9. Why are things so unpredictable? Nothing is consistent.
    10. There are no schedules at school. I arrive at school to teach and I'll be told "there is no fourth grade today." Why can't
      people tell me in advance?
    11. Why are restaurant workers so indifferent or outright rude?
    12. Why do Russian women think they need a man for anything technical or physical?
    13. Why must everyone sit at a party?
    14. Why can't people put bags on the floor?
    15. Why do men carry purses (for women)?
    16. Who does everything break so easily?
    17. Why does everything need to be stamped?
    18. Why are there so many forms?
    19. Why do women dress like hookers (prostitutes)?
    20. Why do women wear see-through trousers with thongs and stiletto heels?
    21. Why is everything so dirty?
    22. Why do people spit and blow their noses onto the street?
    23. Why are people so mean to each other (at stores, yelling at customers)?
    24. Why do people push in front of others?
    25. When a husband beats his wife in public, why doesn't anyone do anything? Why are people so reluctant to stop and help?
    26. Why are there no public toilets even approaching American standards? Why do people accept such things?
    27. Why do toilets have no seat covers? Is there a shortage? Can't they find them somewhere?
    28. Why do Russians drink so much tea? Why don't they drink during meals?
    29. Why do Americans say "excuse me1 when they bump into strangers and Russian don't?
    30. Why are Russians so formal when you first meet them?
  • 513. Culture in Great Britain
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    It you're staying in London for a few days, you'll have no difficulty whatever in finding somewhere to spend an enjoyable evening. You'll find opera, ballet, comedy, drama, rework, musical comedy and variety. Most theatres and music-halls have good orchestras with popular conductors. At the West-End theatres you can see most of the famous English actors and actresses. As a rule, the plays are magnificently staged - costumes, dresses, scenery, everything being done on the most lavish scale.

  • 514. Culture of the youth
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    - Yes, there are. "Heavy metal" is one of them. This music of failure is widely despised by those who enjoy pop, reggae or soul. Unlike other rebel cults the followers of heavy metal behave them selves as victims. They wear gothic script and grinning sculls, expression of disheartened interests. It is known that cults arise and disappear over periods of a decade or two. Ragga and Gothic arose in the 1980s. Raggas are American-inspired. They are clothed in baseball caps, tracksuits trousers and chunky trainers. Gothic is a blend of 1970s Punk and 1960s Hippies. "Goths" wear their hair very long and dyed black, and dress in cheap, loose clothes. They put on make-up, looking very pale with cosmetics around the eyes. They are not aggressive, and seem to feel nostalgia for the youth culture and music of the 1960s. At the end of the 1980s Acid House was a fashionable sub-culture. It fascinated thousands juveniles who had not earlier belonged to a cult. Acid House guaranteed fun and all-night dancing. It had its own music which was another variation on black music from America ("House Music"). By the 1990s this movement was also in decline. It is interesting to note that sub-cultures follow a cycle. At first they shock then provoke a strong response. As soon as the sub-culture gains momentum it magnetizes youth in search of rebel unity. Many adopt it for fun, and play at rebellion in their leisure time. The sub-culture rapidly ceases to express serious dissent. In the end it becomes another recognized and colourful part of urban culture.

  • 515. Cure
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Команда была сформирована в 1976 году и поначалу называлась "Easy Cure". Основали ее бывшие одноклассники Роберт Смит (вокал, гитара), Майкл Демпси (бас) и Лоренс "Лол" Торхаст (ударные). В начале своей карьеры парни играли мрачную гитарную музыку с псевдолитературными текстами, навеянными творчеством Камю. В таком духе и была записана демка "Killing an Arab", попавшая в руки одного из менеджеров "Polydor Records" Криса Перри. Песня ему очень понравилась и он организовал ее выпуск на инди-лейбле "Small Wonder". В 1979 году Перри свалил из "Polydor" и организовал собственную фирму "Fiction" с которой "Cure" одними из первых и заключили контракт. После переиздания сингла "Killing an Arab" группа отправилась в свое первое британское турне. В мае 1979-го появился дебютный лонгплей, "Three Imaginary Boys", получивший хорошие отзывы в местной музыкальной прессе. В том же году "Cure" совершили глобальный тур в компании с " Siouxsie and the Banshees".

  • 516. Curved Air
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Однако после англо-американских гастролей коллектив начало лихорадить сказывались пресловутые музыкальные разногласия. Окончилось это тем, что из оригинального состава в "Curved air" остались только Соня и Майк. Для очередных сессий они пригласили к себе Кирби Грегори (гитара), Эдди Джобсона (скрипка, клавишные) и Джима Расселла (ударные). Эта конфигурация просуществовала всего несколько месяцев, успев, правда записать пару альбомов, причем один из них, "Lovechild", увидел свет только в 1990 году. Джобсона ангажировали в " Roxy music", а Веджвуд подался в " Caravan". В конце 1974-го "Curved air" собрались в составе: Кристина, Вэй, Монкман, Пилкингтон-Микса и Фил Кон (бас). Команда провела британское турне, на основе которого в 1975 году был выпущен обалденный концертник "Live".

  • 517. Customs and traditions
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Englishmen have traditions not only in political, but in social life. For example, London, the capital of England, is traditionally devided into three parts: the West End, the East end,and the City. The City is a histrorical, financial and business centre of London. The East End is the district inhabied by the workers, and the West End is a fashionable shopping and entertaining centre. English people like to spend their free time in numerous pubs where they can have a glass of beer and talk about different things with their friends.

  • 518. Customs and Traditions in Britain
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Some British customs and traditions are famousall over the world and a lot of them have very long histories. First I will tellyou about British customs during the year. In January, there is a festival, calledUp-Helly-Aa.In the ninth century, men from Norway came to the Shetlands. The Shetlands areislands near Scotland. These men were theVikings. They came to Britain in shipsand carried away animals, gold, and sometimes women and children, too. Now, 1000 years later, people in the Shetlands remember the Vikings with a festival.They call the festival "Up-Helly-Aa". Every winter the people of Lerwick, thisis a town in the Shetlands, make a model of a ship. It´s a Viking"longship", with the head of a dragon at the front. Then, on Up-Helly-Aa nightin January, the Shetlanders dress inViking clothes, carry the ship through thetown to the sea and there they burn it. They do this because the Vikings puttheir dead men in the ship and burned them. It goes without saying that therearen´t any men in the modern ships. Now the festival is a party for thepeople of the Shetland Islands. Like our traditions there is also in BritainSt Valentine´sDay in February andApril Fool´sDay on April1st. In May there is also a tradition with a longhistory. May 1st was an important day in the Middle Ages. In the veryearly morning, young girls went to the fields and washed their faces with dew.They belived this made themvery beautiful for a year after that. Also onMayDay the young men of each village tried towin prizes with their bows and arrows, and people danced around the maypole.Many English villages still have a maypole, and on May 1st, thevillagers dance round it. Midsummer´sDay is on June 24th. This isthe longest day of the year. On that day you can see a very old custom atStonehenge in Wiltshire. Stonehenge is one of Europe´s biggest stonecircles, a lot of the stones are ten or twelve metres high. It´s also veryold, the earliest part of Stonehenge is nearly 5 000 years old. The Druids, theywere the priests in Britain 2 000 years ago, used it for a calendar. They usedthe sun and the stones at Stonehenge to know the start of months and seasons.There are Druids in Britain today, too and every June 24th a lot ofthem go to Stonehenge, because on that morning the sun shines on one famousstone-the Heel stone. For the druids this is a very important moment in theyear. In October is Halloween. Halloween is an oldword for "Hallows Evening", the night bevor "All Saints´ Day". On that onenight of the year, ghosts and witches are free. A long time ago people wereafraid and stayed at home on Hallowe´en. But now in Britain it´s atime for fun. There are always a lot of parties on October 31st . Atthese parties people wear masks and they dress as ghosts and witches, or asDracula or Frankenstein´s monster. And some peoples make special Halloweenlamps from pumpkins. November 5th isGuy Fawkes´Day in Britain. All over the countrypeople build wood fires or "bonefires", in their gardens. On top of each bonfireis a guy. That´s a figure of Guy Fawkes. People make guys with straw, oldclothes and newspapers. The British remember Guy Fawkes on November5th, because on this day in the year 1605, he tried to kill KingJames I. He and a group of friends put a bomb under the Houses of Parliament inLondon. But the King´s men found the bomb and found Guy Fawkes, too. Theytook him to the Tower of London and there the King´s men cut off hishead. In December there are lots of Christmas and NewYear traditionsin Britain. Before Christmas, groups of singers go fromhouse to house. They collect money and sing traditional Christmas songs orcarols. There are a lot of very popular BritishChristmasCarols. Three famous ones are: "Good KingWenceslas", "The Holly and The Ivy" and "We Three Kings". OnChristmasEve that´s on December24th, British children don´t open their presents. FatherChristmas brings their presents inthe night and then they open them on themorning of the 25th. In Britain the most important meal on December25th is Christmas dinner. Nearly all Christmas food is traditional,but a lot of the traditionsare not very old. For example, there were no turkeysin Britain before 1800. And even in the nineteenth century, goose was thetraditional meat at Christmas, but not now. A twentieth- century BritishChristmas dinner is roast turkey with carrots, potatoes, peas, Brussels sproutsand gravy, but there are sausages and bacon, too. Then, after the turkey, thereis Christmas pudding. Crackers are also usual at Christmas dinner. These came toBritain from China in the nineteenth century. Two people pull a cracker andusually there´s a small toy in the middle and often there´s a joke ona piece of paper, too. December 26th isBoxingDay. Traditionally boys from the shops ineach town asked for money at Christmas. They went from house to house onDecember 26th and took boxes made of wood with them. At each housepeople gave them money and this was their Christmas present. So the name ofDecember 26th doesn´t come frome the sport of boxing, it comesfrom the boys´ wooden boxes. Now, Boxing Day is an extra holiday afterChristmas Day. In Scotland there is a tradition, calledFirstFooting. The name for New Year´s Evein Scotland isHogmanay. After midnight people visit their friends and they takea piece of coal as a present, because traditionally the first visitor of theyear must carry coal into the house. This is first footing and it brings goodluck. It also helps to make fire in the middle of winter. In Britain there are many RoyalTraditions. For example thetrooping of thecolour: The Queen is the only person in Britain with twobirthdays. Her real birthday is on April 21st , but she has an"official" birthday on the second Saturday in June, too. And on the Queen´sofficial birthday, there is a traditional ceremony called the Trooping of theColour. It´s a big parade with brass bands and hundreds of soldiers atHorse Guards´ Parade in London. A "regiment" of the Queen´s soldiers,the Guards, march in front of her and at the front of the parade is theregiment´s яag or "colour", which the guards are trooping. Thousands ofLondoners and visitors watch in Horse Guards´ Parade and millions of peopleat home watch it on television. The changing of theguard is an another royaltradition: This happens every day at Buckingham Palace, theQueen´s home in London. Soldiers stand in front of the palace. Each morningthese soldiers (the "guard") change. One group leaves and another arrives. Insummer and winter tourists stand outside the palace at 11.30 every morning andwatch the Changing of the Guard.

  • 519. Customs and traditions in GB
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Englishmen have traditions not only in political, but in social life. For example, London , the capital of England , is traditionally divided into three parts: the West End , the East end, and the City. The City is a historical, financial and business center of London . The East End is the district inhabited by the workers, and the West End is a fashionable shopping and entertaining center. English people like to spend their free time in numerous pubs where they can have a glass of beer and talk about different things with their friends.

  • 520. Customs and traditions of English speaking countries
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    There are six public holidays a year in G.B. Christmas day is one of their favorite holidays .It's celebrated on the 25-th of December. There are some traditions connected with it. One of them is to give presents to each other. It is not only children and members of family. It's a tradition to give Christmas presents to the people you work with.