
  • 681. Electric Light Orchestra
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    В измененном составе группа закончила запись "ELO II". На нем было заметно, что Линн несколько уменьшил удельный вес звучания смычковых, и первая же из записей, выполненная в новой манере, смелый парафраз знаменитого рок-н-ролла Чака Берри "Roll Over Beethoven", принесла ансамблю самый значительный успех в мировых чартах. В третьем альбоме "On the Third Day" роль смычковых была еще более занижена, результатом чего явилось создание таких очаровательных рок-н-ролльных композиций, как "Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Belle". Затем на альбоме "Eldorado" звук смычковых оказался совершенно утопленным в полифоническом звучании 20-членного оркестра. К этому моменту музыка "ELO" представляла собой причудливый калейдоскоп ярких мелодий, превосходно аранжированных под классику средствами симфо-рока. Хит-парадные бестселлеры "Evil Woman", "Showdown", "Strange Magic", "Nightrider" продолжали стабилизировать репутацию группы.

  • 682. Elf
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Дио тогда уже почувствовал, что рамки группы ему малы и начал пробовать себя на стороне. В конце 1974 года Блэкмор предложил ему попробовать совместную запись, и обрадованный Ронни за одну ночь настрочил песню "Sixteenth Century Greensleeves". Музыканты попробовали сделать совместную запись этой композиции и Ричи это так понравилось, что он тогда уже начал поговаривать о серьезной совместной работе. В 1975-м под вывеской "Ronnie Dio and guests" Дио выпустил сингл "Sitting In A Dream". В тому же году он помогал Роджеру Гловеру в записи "Butterfly Ball". Последним альбомом "Elf" стал "Trying To Burn The Sun", в записи которого принял участие перкуссионист Марк Наусиф (экс-" Velvet underground").

  • 683. Elizabeth II, Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    I'd like to speak about Elizabeth 1 and Queen Victoria. Elizabeth 1 came to throne in 1558. She had many of her father's qualities including common sense and the strength of character. Like him, she understood the people. She loved hunting and dancing. She traveled a lot round the country. She wanted to know her people and to be known by them. Her soldiers and sailors admired her courage [мужество]. The universities were surprised at her leaning, for she could speak Latin, Greek and several modern languages. She enjoyed a joke. During her reign Queen Elizabeth solved her first problem, the Church. The Anglican Church under Elizabeth followed a middle course. Most people in Britain wanted what her father, Henry 8, had given them: a reformed Catholic Church that used the English language and was free from foreign influence. And they got what they wanted. Elizabeth's next problem was to keep her enemies quiet until her country was strong enough to defend itself. The greatest danger came from Spain. In July 1588 the Spanish Armada of 130 Spanish ships arrived in the Channel. The English ships were faster than slow Armada. The English guns could shoot farther. After the battle less than half of the proud Armada came back to its home ports. This defeat of Spain was very important for England, though some people said that the Spanish Armada was defeated more by bad weather than by English guns.

  • 684. Eloy
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Одна из наиболее популярных немецких команд 70-х годов "Eloy" прошла через несколько стадий своей длинной карьеры, в течении которой лишь Франк Борнеманн (гитара, вокал) оставался постоянным членом группы. В первый состав "Eloy", собравшийся в 1969 году кроме Борнеманна вошли Эрих Шривер (вокал, клавишные), Хельмут Драхт (ударные), Манфред Вижорке (гитара, бас, вокал) и Вольфганг Стокер (бас). Название группы было позаимствовано из романа Герберта Уэллса "Машина времени". В 1970-м вышел первый сингл коллектива, "Daybreak", а спустя год на прилавках появился дебютный альбом "Eloy". Это был хард-роковый диск с политическими текстами, мало чем похожий на все последующее творчество группы. После выхода этой пластинки из команды свалил Шривер, как раз и писавший социальные тексты. Его примеру последовал Драхт, которого сменил Фриц Рандов.

  • 685. ELP
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    В начале 1971 года всего за шесть дней был записан второй альбом, "Tarkus", навеянный творчеством аргентинского композитора Альберто Гинастера. Диск занял первое место в британских чартах и девятое - в штатовских. В апреле того же года "ELP" отправились в первое американское турне, в течение которого везде имели успех у тамошней публики. Не последнюю роль в этом сыграла постоянно крутившаяся в эфире композиция "Lucky Man". Следующим релизом группы стал яркий концертный альбом "Pictures At An Exhibition", созданный по мотивам известного произведения Мусоргского "Картинки с выставки". Этот диск получил мультиплатиновый статус. В июле 1972-го вышел третий студийный альбом "ELP". "Trilogy" занял второе место в английских хит-парадах и пятое в американских. Многие композиции с него, а особенно "Hoedown", постоянно звучали в радиоэфире. В 1972 году коллектив много гастролировал по миру и получил звание "лучшей группы" от журнала "Melody Maker".

  • 686. Elsheimer, Adam
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    He was born in Frankfurt, where he absorbed the Coninxloo tradition, and moved to Italy in 1598. In Venice he worked with his countryman Rottenhammer, then settled in Rome in 1600. His early Mannerist style gave way to a more direct manner in which he showed great sensitivity to effects of light; his nocturnal scenes are particularly original, bringing out the best in his lyrical temperament, and he is credited with being the first artist to represent the constellations of the night sky accurately (The Flight into Egypt, Alte Pinakothek, Munich, 1609). He painted a few pictures in which figures predominate, but generally they are fused into a harmonious unity with their landscape settings. They are invariably on a small scale and on copper (the only exception is a self-portrait in the Uffizi, Florence, of doubtful attribution), but although exquisitely executed they have a grandeur out of all proportion to their size.

  • 687. Emperor
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Пока он отдыхал на нарах "Emperor" выбросили на прилавки свой "Anthems…", сделанный настолько удачно, что многие металлические издания, включая британские и американские поспешили присвоить пластинке титул "альбома года". Тем временем изменения в составе продолжались. В начале 1998-го в команде появился клавишник Чармонд Гримлох (экс-"Tarataros", а в июне того же года ушел Алвер. В это же время был выпущен компакт-диск "Wrath Of The Tyrants", представлявший сборник ранних вещей, записанных еще с Мортисом. В 1999-м во время европейских гастролей место басиста было предоставлено Тиру из "Morpheus web". А во время сессий альбома "IX Equilibrium" басовые партии пришлось прописывать самому Ихсану. По следам тура 1999 года был издан концертник "Emperial Live Ceremony".

  • 688. Enchant
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Звучание пластинки, выпущенной лейблом "Dream circle" напоминало нечто среднее между " Rush" и " Marillion", и чаще всего выглядело как утяжеленный вариант последнего. Раскручивать "A blueprint…" музыканты начали с Европы, отправившись в турне с другой прог-командой, " Jadis". В 1995-м "Enchant" заключили новый контракт с известным прог-лейблом "Magna Carta" и приступили к сессиям следующей пластинки. В музыкальном и композиционном плане группа значительно выросла, а саунд немного потяжелел. Материала для альбома за два года накопилось больше чем нужно, и в результате часть песен попала на следующую пластинку, "Time lost". Этот диск изначально планировался как EP, но в процессе работы превратился в полноценный альбом.

  • 689. England
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    In general, the South is wealthier than other areas of Britain. Work of all kinds is provided on the land, in trade and industry. British Aerospace has factories building aeroplanes in several parts of the South. Lots of people are involved in service industries including financial, business and government services, computer services and information systems. There are science-based companies and research organizations.

  • 690. England Under Foreign Kings
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    The Danes returned again and again to attack England. The English people had to pay tribute. But the Danes wanted to rule over the country and after many battles took the crown from the English. They held it for twenty-four years. Three Danish kings, one after the other, ruled over England. One of these kings - Canute was at the same time king of England, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The rule of Danish kings over England came to an end soon after Canute's death in 1035.

  • 691. England under Henry VIII
    Реферат пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008


    • Hans Holbein (1497-1543)* - the German painter. Known as Hans Holbein Jr.
    • the Battle of Spurs** was held on the 16th of August, 1513 a.d. During it the French cavalry fled because of the advancing armies of Henry VIII and Maximilian I.
    • Thomas Wolsey (1473-1530)***, Chancellor of England since 1515 till 1529. Since 1514 - the Archbishop of York, since 1515 - the Cardinal. In 1529 he was arrested for treason.
    • Wittemberg**** - the Saxon city where in 1517 Luther read his 95 thesises against the Catholic Church.
    • the Reformation***** - the movement against the Ca-tholic Church in Western and Central Europe. It's crea-tor was Luther.
    • Martin Luther (1483-1546)****** - the leader of the Re-formation. He also translated the Bible into German.
    • John Wickliffe (1330-1384)******* - the English refor-mator. He said that the Pope was not necessary and wan-ted the Church to abandon its lands.
    • Thomas More (1487 - 1535)******** - the great lawer and political leader, was against the Reformation. Being a writer, he created "Utopia". Anne Boleyn, the second wife of the King, knowing that More had helped the King to dismiss Catherine of Aragon, caused Henry to execute this clever and honest Chancellor of England.
    • Act of Six Articles*********. Was written in 1539. It abolished the monasteries and showed that England was interested in religion and that damage inflicted to the Church was a crime. So, many Protestants were executed.
  • 692. English - topics
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    MPEI is well-known as one of the largest Technical Universities of Russia in the fields of power engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, informatics, computer science. It has modern educational and scientific laboratories, large experimental facilities, educational-scientific heat station, educational-scientific TV centre. It has the Special Design Bureau which deals with deep space communication systems, several centres of deep space communication in different regions of Russia. More than 1500 computers (large, medium and personal) and modern technological equipment are distributed through the MPEI Departments. MPEI is training the specialist for the foreign countries during 50 years and now the students of 68 countries are trained in MPEI. For large successes in training of high-qualified engineers and scientific researchers MPEI was () officially awarded by two Russian orders and six orders of different foreign countries.

  • 693. English as an Indo-European Language
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    When first Europeans came to India, they found that Indian speeches are like old European ones, especially Latin and Greek. So Indo-European family was discovered, but its existence wasn't proved enough. One of philologist, August Schleicher, noted that divergence has its own laws, and discovered some phonetical relations. Thus he was able to re-create some words and grammar of proto-Indo-European language. He thought he would finish the re-creation and wrote a fable, A Sheep and Horses, in "new" language. Although, he made some mistakes. New generation of Indo-Europeanists corrected them, but doesn't even try to write something, because it is impossible to re-create everything.

  • 694. English character
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    English people are famous for their habit of politeness. It is considered polite to give up one's seat to a woman who is standing, to open a door for her, carry things for her, and so on. Most British people expect the person in front of them to hold the door open for them. People think you are rude, if you don't do this. Most British people queue when they are waiting for a bus or waiting to be served in a shop. But during the rush hour, when a bus or train arrives, people often push forward to make sure they get on. This is called jumping the queue. British people keep their old traditions and are very proud of them. They are famous for their sense of humour. English people show great love for animals. And, of course, English people are fond of sports. Many continentals think life is a game; the English think cricket is a game. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of behaviour. When they consider something unfair, they say "That isn't cricket".

  • 695. English country-side
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    In summer when they are covered with leaves and flowers they are even better. In autumn they are gold, brown and red. In winter they are still beautiful, especially in the early winter when you can see a few red berries.

  • 696. English Course Work on Newspaper Reading
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    3. Summary ........................................................................................................ p. 4-5

  • 697. English idioms
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    How then does American English differ from British English in the use of idioms? There are no radical differences in actual use. The main differences are in the situations where idiomatic expressions are used. There have been many studies recently on this subject. American English adopts and creates new idioms at a much faster rate compared to British English. Also the idioms of AmE origin tend to spread faster and further. After it has first been established in the U.S., an American idiom may soon be found in other "variants" and dialects of English. Nowadays new British idioms tend to stay on the British Isles and are rarely encountered in the U.S. British idioms are actually more familiar to other Europeans or to the people of the British Commonwealth than to Americans, even though the language is same. The reason for all these facts is that Britain is not the world power it used to be and it must be said that the U.S. has taken the role of the leading nation in the development of language, media and popular culture. Britain just doesn't have the magnitude of media influence that the United States controls.

  • 698. English language
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Concerns to West-German group Indo-European of languages. In English speak and use in state office-work, literature and science, about 200 millions the person - in Great Britain and Ireland, in USA, Canada, Australia New of Zealand, partially in Southern Africa and India. One of five official and working languages accepted ООН. The English language conducts the beginning from language Old German племен, moved in V-VI centuries from continent in Britain. The complex interaction Old German tribe`s of adverbs brought in Britain, occupied celtes tribes, and formation, developing in conditions, English nationality, has resulted in formation territorial dialects on old tribe`s to a basis. Due to economic and political influence Wessecs kingdom in IX-X centuries in cultural life of England the greatest meaning has got wessecs a dialect.

  • 699. English Literature
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    He belongs to the lost generation but he gave his own name to it “jazz age”. Jazz was representative of the general atmosphere of the years the feeling of instability in life. Age of transition of social values. To his mind jazz beat ideally expressed that feeling of hopeless despair with which his young men & women tried to experience the every passing moment of their lives, their age. There is a recurrent “capre diem”(лови момент) theme in his novels. His heroes indulge & overindulge. Jazz age expresses instability & changebility of life present in mind of many people who tried to flee from the feeling of being lost, for they no longer believed in life, so they tried to live it to their full. Fitzgerald was not very rich but was educated in Princeton. He dropped out of it because of poor health & poor performance, he didnt get to front though he enlisted. He was painfully aware of the difference between himself & rich students. He had hatred for the rich. The main topic of his work money & its corruptive influence. For him money & wealth were social categories. He regarded the rich to be another race, whose habits & moral principles differ very much. He looked into the phenomenon of being rich. For him a rich person is one for whom everything is permitted & they lack human qualities, he tried to penetrate to the very heart of the matter. So, money & wealth for him were not economic categories but social phenomena. He regarded rich as another race, alien kind of people whose habits, moral principles, works were not as the habits of the ordinary people. They are the people to whom everything is permitted & consequently they lack certain human qualities that of pity, compassion, and sympathy. In his works Fitzgerald striped this world of this mysterious veil. He tried to penetrate to the very depths exploring the ethics of the rich world. Wealth has dehumanizing impact on human personality. He had a feeling that something awful is coming. “All the stories that come to my head have touch of disaster”. He produced the collection of short stories “All the Sad Young Men”, Tales of the Jazz Age”. They are permeated with appocaliptical feeling of tragedy of American life. Fitzgerald was not the only one who treated this topic Theodore Dreiser in “American Tragedy” did the same.

  • 700. English Literature books summary
    Методическое пособие пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008