Язык и культура: мосты между Европой и Азией

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Е. Krapivnik (Khabarovsk).
L. Krapivnik (Khabarovsk).
O. Kravchenko (Vladivostok).
J. P. Locher (Bern).
L. Parubchenko (Barnaul).
V. Pischalnikova (Moscow).
Т. Pozdnjakova (Tomsk).
V. Prihodko (Khabarovsk).
А. Semjonov (Оhotsk).
М. Sinegub (Khabarovsk).
J. Skorinova (Khabarovsk).
L. Tereschenko (Khabarovsk).
Y. Trubnikova (Barnaul).
T. Vozbrannaja (Komsomolsk).
J. Zaharova (Khabarovsk).
J. Litvishchenko (Khabarovsk).
V. Lugovaya (Khabarovsk).
O. Monakhova (Khabarovsk).
S. Pilipchuk (Khabarovsk).
A. Pylkova (Khabarovsk).
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1   ...   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16
10. J. Kozhina (Khabarovsk). Exposing Interior Law College Students to Some Rhetorical and Publicistic Devices of Extremist Published Issues

Teaching the Russian Language to Interior Law College students envisages introduction of publicistic style. It is important to have an idea about some methods of influencing public consciousness as publicistic texts carry out a social function of propaganda, campaigning and influence on consciousness. The paper treats some instances taken from articles and leaflets distributed by extremist organizations which is important for future workers of Internal Affairs Departments.

11. ^ Е. Krapivnik (Khabarovsk). Сonceptual Opposition “WHITE - BLACK” in the Russian Linguistic Worldview

Russian color terms are the nationally marked unites. They are concepts with a developed system of culturally based associations and representations. The relations between the concepts (including relations of "White" - "Black” opposition) can also be considered important concepts, structuring linguistic worldview. The “White” – “Black” oppositional concepts meanings study seems to be able to assist native speakers, as well as foreign students in adequate understanding of Russian authentic texts.

12. ^ L. Krapivnik (Khabarovsk). Figurativeness in Scientific Speech: pro et contra

Figurativeness is considered to be a quality of speech which contradicts the requirements of accuracy and unambiguity applied to scientific speech. However, the figurative representation of information in a scientific style of speech is a widely spread phenomenon. The functions which are carried out by the means of figurative representations of information in scientific texts explain this phenomenon.

13^ . O. Kravchenko (Vladivostok). Advertising in the Dialogue of Cultures

In the process of globalization advertising operates as an agent of a foreign culture influence. Advertising offers imported goods as a characteristic of modern life. Together with them the way of life, behavior models, the system of values, national stereotypes, etc. are transmitted. It is true on the one hand but on the other hand, when promoting domestic goods, ad makers try to show national peculiarities and form national cultural stereotypes.

14. ^ J. P. Locher (Bern). Wort und Prädikation. Modelle in poetischen Texten

In der Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts, von ihren Anfängen im Zeichen des Futurismus in Russland, d.h. vjn Chlebnikov – über die Heraufbeschwörung einer in der geistigen Tradition der Bogomilen begründeten Dichtung in Bosnien, besonders in den 60-er Jahren, bei Dizdar,– bis zu den Versen eines Bazylevs΄kyi in der heutingen nach-postmodernen Literatur in der Ukraine – lässt sich die dichterische Sprache par excelience auf ihre lautlichen Wurzeln zurückführen. Dabei erweist sich die Frage einer möglichen übersetzung als sehr complex.

15. ^ L. Parubchenko (Barnaul). Variation of Punctuation Norm

Modern punctuation norm is oriented to a written text that is why lexico-grammatical features are laid in the basis of punctuation rules. A writer aims at expressing the sense, and his punctuation is to a considerable extent governed by intonation. The given report presents an analysis of various punctuation situations as a consequence of communicative polysemy on the background of intonation characteristics.

16. ^ V. Pischalnikova (Moscow). Phonosematics of a Word as a Factor of its Meaning Development

The lecture explores the development of word meaning and its dependence on its phonosemantic characteristics. Tendencies of development are illustrated by Russian and English examples.

17. Е. Popov (Birobidgan). Zur Abgrenzung der Termini vom Fachwortschatz in der Geschäftskorrespondenz im 17. Jahrhundert

Eine der grundlegenden Fragestellungen der historischen Untersuchungen im Bereich der Termini ist ihre Abgrenzung vom Fachwortschatz. Der Terminus Fachwortschatz erscheint als optimale Bezeichnung für eine Reihe von lexikalischen Einheiten. Die ist sowohl durch den nichtwissenschaftlichen Gebrauch als auch durch den Zeitfaktor bedingt.

18. ^ Т. Pozdnjakova (Tomsk). About the Special Seminar “Etymology of Loans from Classic Languages in Modern Russian”

The purpose of the article is to inform about the methods of management by the work of the special seminar devoted to studying the etymology of borrowed words of Latin and Ancient Greek origin in modern Russian, and writing term papers on the given problem by students-philologists. In the article the procedure of material selection for the analysis is characterized, the tasks of training work are determined; the structure of an entry for collective work «The historical and etymological dictionary of the Latinisms and Graecisms in modern Russian» is described.

19. ^ V. Prihodko (Khabarovsk). Phraseological Transformation in the Belles-lettres Style

Phraseological transformations are every writer’s innovative forms of speech in the belle-lettres style. This paper describes different types of phraseological transformations, such as syntatic, semantic and synto-semantic ones.

20. V. Sadchenko (Khabarovsk). Secondary Discourse Characteristic in Fiction Text

Analyzing Russian prose of the second half of the twentieth century, the author proves that it is possible to regard secondary characteristic of discourse as one of the ways of analytism demonstration, which is typical of modern language system development.

21. ^ А. Semjonov (Оhotsk). One Stereotype of Russian Public Vessels Names Perception (on the example of the Okhotsk flotilla)

The author of the article considers the interaction of some motives for vessels’ nomination of the Okhotsk public vessel flotilla. He also examines the rapid strengthening of “the regional line” in the development of this onomastic system.

22. ^ М. Sinegub (Khabarovsk). Transforming the Concept of «Beauty» in the Advertising Texts

This report describes the content of the concept of «Beauty» in Russian. A change in the concept: the traditional understanding of beauty as embodied in the naive linguistic picture of the world and its transformation in the advertising texts. Classified linguistic resources that influence the formation of «new» content of the concept of «Beauty» are also analysed.

23. ^ J. Skorinova (Khabarovsk). Communicative Conduct as an Aspect of the Analysis of Students’ Speech Practice

A communicative conduct as a constituent of speech and general culture of a person is examined in the report. The Russian communicative conduct (self-reactance description of Yu. E. Prokhorov, I. A. Sternin) is compared with the students’ observations. Forms, methods and receptions of work on development of communicative competence of students are offered when speech disciplines are studied.

24. ^ L. Tereschenko (Khabarovsk). Intentional Contents of Russian Interrogative Sentences in a Foreign Audience

To be able to reflect different intentions in speech one should possess the system of language skills and ways of thought expressing. The report describes some problems of mastering interrogative sentences actual for Russian native speakers considering their mentality and communication goals.

25. ^ Y. Trubnikova (Barnaul). Derivational Structure and the Problem of Translation

The subject of the article is the problem of correlation of the original text and its translations. The material for the analysis is a poem and its translations. Our analysis proves the idea that we can speak about equivalent translation if its derivational structure corresponds to the derivational structure of the original text.

26. ^ T. Vozbrannaja (Komsomolsk). Neologisms of the Modern Russian Language Formed from Abbreviations Containing a Foreign Element

The article deals with neologisms of the modern Russian language formed from abbreviations containing a foreign element, peculiarities of word-formation and functioning of similar lexical units.

27. ^ J. Zaharova (Khabarovsk). I.S.Turgenev’s Letters as a Source of Study of the Russian Language of the XIX-th Century

I.S. Turgenev’s letters are not well researched in linguistics though they vividly show the changes of the Russian literary language starting from 1830s. These changes were lexical borrowings from the West European languages, word-formative and semantic modeling of words and constructions after foreign patterns, semantic evolution, and emergence of word-formative neologisms.

Section: Intercultural Communication in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language

1. V. Devyatko (Khabarovsk). The Concept of VIRINBUM (KALINA) and its Use in Teaching Foreign Students

The report studies the etymology and variations in the meaning of the KALINA concept and also the use of this concept in developing foreign students’ socio-cultural competence.

2. M. Izmaylova (Khabarovsk). Symbolic Constituents of Russian Ceremonial Mythologems

The report gives a lexicographic analysis of the lexemes that present mythological concepts of WATER, FIRE, SOIL and SALT. The meaning and specific use of the mythologems WATER, FIRE, SOIL and SALT are studied.

3.^ J. Litvishchenko (Khabarovsk). Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language to Beginning-level Students

The report deals with the problems of selecting basic vocabulary. In Russian, as well as in any other language, there exist monosemantic and polysemantic words, synonyms and antonyms. The author comes to the conclusion that each of the above mentioned groups should be represented in the basic vocabulary for beginners.

4.^ V. Lugovaya (Khabarovsk). Erroneous Verbal Behaviour of Foreigners in the Process of Intercultural Communication

Ignorance of compound sentence structure and sentence types complicates the perception of native speakers’ spontaneous speech by foreigners and prevents adequate intercultural communication.

5.^ O. Monakhova (Khabarovsk). Linguistic Terminology as a Factor Influencing the Acquisition of Russian as a Foreign Language by Non-philologists

The report analyses some popular well-established textbooks of Russian for beginners in order to see how some linguistic terms and the concepts behind them are represented in these textbooks. On the one hand, it is a question of selecting a minimum inventory of linguistic terms sufficient for learners of Russian. On the other hand, some basic terms are selected from this minimum inventory to teach Russian to beginners.

6.^ S. Pilipchuk (Khabarovsk). Cultural Identity as One of the Factors Influencing the Outcome of Interaction between Representatives of Different Cultures

In the report an attempt is made to show the role of the opposition “IN-GROUP – OUT-GROUP” which is a tool for studying the outcome of interaction between representatives of different cultures in the process of intercultural communication.

7. ^ A. Pylkova (Khabarovsk). Cultural Border and Cross-cultural Dialogue

The report tells that the factor of cultural (language, semiotics) borders is fundamental to the realization of a cross-cultural dialogue. Successful communication in a situation of cultural contrast depends on a recognition of the fact of belonging to various linguocultures. The «own» and "another" speech is perceived not simply as «a change of roles» in a dialogue. It is marked as speech of a representative staying "abroad" of one’s own language and culture.

8.^ N. Saburova (Khabarovsk). A Comparative Study of “True words” and “Lies” Concepts in Chinese and Russian Linguistic Consciousness

The concept of “true words” and “lies” is a complex culturally influenced verbalized cognitive structure which comprises image and evaluation. The attitude to “the truth” and “a lie” in Chinese and Russian linguistic consciousness is formed under the influence of national cultural values. There are some similarities and differences between them.

9.^ V. Zavyalov (Khabarovsk.) The Structure and Pragmatics of Russian Disjunctive Conjunctions

The report studies some problems of the structure and pragmatics of Russian disjunctive conjunctions. The conclusion is made that the structure and pragmatics of Russian disjunctive conjunctions are closely interconnected.

10. ^ Jin Kyong Il (Pyongyang). Teaching Russian Lexis with the Help of Modeling Aimed at Intensive Development of Students’ Intellectual Abilities

Intensive development of students’ intellectual abilities by means of modeling can be achieved by analyzing the connection between the word structure and its meaning and also by classifying words on the basis of their etymology and morphology.

Section: Library as a Subject of Intercultural Communication

1. I. Afanasieva (Khabarovsk). Europe and Asia on Library Bookshelves (Books in foreign Languages in the Rare and Antique Issues Stock of the Scientific Library of the FESUH)

The Scientific Library of the FESUH possesses a unique collection of rare and antique books in foreign languages. This collection is represented by editions on different topics, issued abroad in the 18th, 19th centuries and at the beginning of the 20th century. Among them there are several books published in the lifetime of such authors as R.Kipling, A.Tennison, B.Shaw, J.Deguignes etc. The present report is aimed at introducing this unique library stock and demonstrating the possibility of its implementation into research and teaching processes.

2.^ S. Akulova (Khabarovsk). The German Information Center of the Far Eastern State Research Library and the Khabarovsk Society of German Culture ”KORN”: history of cooperation and future prospects

People of different nationalities live in the Russian Far East. There are ethnic Germans too who have lived and worked here for many years. In order to preserve their originality they founded Society of German culture “CORN”. German information center was established in the Far Eastern State Research Library in 2002 to give linguistic and information support to ethnic Germans. The cooperation of these two organizations is very successful.

3. ^ M. Balashova (Khabarovsk). Literary Monuments Devoted to Ethnic Culture of Aboriginal Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Russian Far East

The report is about rare books on aboriginal peoples of Priamurye. These books were published at the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th centuries and are kept in the Far Eastern State Research Library. The report concerns some innovative ways to preserve literary monuments and to spread knowledge about them.

4. ^ E. Baranova (Khabarovsk). The Sister Library Program - the Program of American Library Association (ALA) Aimed at Creating Global International Library Community

Libraries build community, but today's community is a global one. To promote the concept of a global community of libraries, the American Library Association (ALA) is encouraging U.S. libraries to form partnerships with libraries in other countries. Participants in the ALA Sister Library Initiative should choose the level of involvement with their Sister Library based upon the mutual needs of the libraries. This project provides ideas and resources to help you arrange this type of partnership. Sister Libraries should make commitments at levels that are comfortable for both participants.

5. ^ L. Danilova (Khabarovsk). Khabarovsk – Kharbin: International Library Cooperation (co-authorship with Naumova R.)

The report is devoted to international cooperation between the Far Eastern State Research library and Kheylutszyan provincial library (PRC). The report concerns the history of establishing contacts between the two libraries, main trends of library cooperation and prospects of their further development.

6. ^ O. Kalabina (Khabarovsk). The Activity of Japanese Information center supported by the General Consulate of Japan in Khabarovsk: achievements, results and prospects

The General Consulate of Japan in Khabarovsk being the representative of APR countries facilitated the initiators of organizing Japanese Information center in the Far Eastern State Research library. Citizens of the Far East have got the opportunity to learn about achievements in science and technology, Japanese centuries-old history and culture. Japanese organizations and firms can provide information about themselves. Tourists and tour operators of both countries can get necessary information to promote their work. All these factors contribute to the development of cooperation between Japan and Russia in different fields.

7. ^ R. Nabokova (Khabarovsk). The Prospects of Development of Information and Library Work of the Far Eastern State Research Library while Carrying out Multicultural Population Service

The report presents the research of multicultural diversity of the population, information needs of representatives of different nationalities, intercultural cooperation experience of the Far Eastern State Research Library and the prospects of further development of service to multicultural population.

8. ^ R. Naumova (Khabarovsk). Khabarovsk – Kharbin: International Library Cooperation (co-authorship with L. Danilova)

The report is devoted to international cooperation between the Far Eastern State Research Library and Kheylutszyan Provincial Library (PRC). The report concerns the history of establishing contacts between the two libraries, main trends of library cooperation and prospects of their further development.

9. ^ M. Pazdnikova (Khabarovsk). Information Support of National Decorative Art of Aboriginal Ethnic Minorities of Priamurye: the Description of the Model

The report describes a goal-oriented program which presents the model of information support of national decorative art of aboriginal ethnic minorities of Priamurye. This model includes a series of measures to solve strategic tasks and innovative projects aimed at introducing them into the work of the Far Eastern State Research library. Three projects have been developed: bibliographic support of national decorative art, recommendations concerning the creation of the site of national decorative art of aboriginal ethnic minorities of Priamurye and Web-catalogue on the topic “National Decorative Art”.

10. ^ I. Philatkina (Khabarovsk). Joint Catalog of Books in the Languages of Aboriginal Ethnic Minorities of the Russian Far East from the Point of View of Cooperativeness

The report describes the experience of the Far Eastern State Research library concerning creation of a joint catalog of books in the languages of aboriginal peoples of the Russian Far East. There is some data about the availability of books in libraries for general use of the Khabarovsk Territory, subject and typological analysis of editions. Questions of cooperation in accumulation of address inquiry information concerning the place of documents in the library stock are also discussed in the report.

11. ^ O. Stepanova (Khabarovsk). Some Difficulties of Foreign Students in Adaptation to Russian Universities and Ways to Overcome them (based on the experience of the Pacific State University Library)

In view of recent expansion of Russian-Chinese cooperation in different fields the number of Chinese students aiming at getting higher education in Russian universities increases. Very often foreign students come across a number of difficulties while getting higher education in Russia - new forms of teaching, inability to work in a library. One of the main tasks of the Pacific National University library is to help foreign students to overcome these difficulties and get adapted to the Russian way of teaching

12. ^ O. Stepanyuk (Khabarovsk). Analytical Survey of Information Resources of the International Information Center of the Far Eastern State Research Library related to the topic Intercultural Communication (co-authorship with Zanina T.)

This work is the result of the analytical research of information resources of the International Information Center of the Far Eastern State Research Library related to the topic of intercultural communication. The information resources are grouped according to authors, chronology, types, language and geography.

13. ^ M. Tambovtseva (Khabarovsk). To the Question of Building up Communicative Competence of Readers to Improve Intercultural Communication (summing up the experience of the American Information Center)

One of the aims of the American Information Center of the Far Eastern State Research library is to improve relationships between Russia and the USA. Regular meetings with the participation of USA Embassy and consulates representatives and coordinators of educational programs help to achieve this aim. The readers of the library who take part in these meetings become the participants of intercultural communication. The success of intercultural communication depends on how well its participants are prepared. Thus it is necessary to build up a foreign language communicative competence of the readers of the Far Eastern State Research library. This communicative competence will promote intercultural competence.

14. ^ T. Zanina (Khabarovsk). Analytical Survey of Information Resources of the International Information Center of the Far Eastern State Research Library Related to the Topic Intercultural Communication (co-authorship with Stepanyuk O.)

This work is the result of the analytical research of information resources of the International Information Center of the Far Eastern State Research Library related to the topic of intercultural communication. The information resources are grouped according to authors, chronology, types, language and geography.

Section: Literature and Culture Studies. Panel: “The West and the East: Literature and Culture at the turn of the 20th century”

1. D. Bereltueva (Khabarovsk). Different Ethnic Elements in the Languages of the Priamur Peoples

The difference in the languages is connected with the linguistic and extra linguistic factors caused by the migration process. The word stock of the indigenous peoples and the peoples who settled the boundary territories was enriched with the words of the East Evenks’ language. It can be traced in the hunting vocabulary of the Amur Cossacks. The hunters and the reindeer-breeders made their contribution to the development of the languages of the people who inhabited the Far Eastern South.

2. ^ A. Breytman (Khabarovsk). The power and the liberty – two incompatible notions.

The film “The Sun” is the last film in A. Sokurov’s triptych about people, who changed the destinies of the 20th century. It’s about the last Japanese emperor Hirihito.

3. ^ V. Budnikov (Khabarovsk). The Interpretation of Medtner’s Music: An Experience of Recreating the Archetypal Context

The article focuses on the necessity of the performer to recreate the archetypal context when interpreting N.Metner’s works. In this aspect interpretation is regarded as a means of communication between different historical layers of culture.

4. ^ V. Cherkes (Khabarovsk). The Problem of the Character in Boborykin’s Novel “The Evening Victim”

The article deals with the artistic qualities of Piotr Boborykin’s novel in the aspect of Nietzsche. The idea of a Russian variant for Nietzsche’s theory is given by an example of the novel “The evening victim”.

5. ^ O. Chmel (Khabarovsk). Dialogue as the essence of hermeneutic reading at the literature lessons

Students can acquire such values of the dialogue thinking as pluralism, tolerance, empathy only during the effective dialogic process of the literary works comprehension. Dialogue here is understood not as the form but the essence of the lesson. It is an important category, which makes for the main goal of the lesson – to reveal and develop the personality.

6. ^ L. Dudova (Moscow). The world of a “alien” culture in the Russian and German prose of the transition epochs

The key point of the report is the problem of the reception and interpretation of the “alien” culture in a literary text. The author dwells upon the interpretation of the cultural phenomenon in the works of Goethe and Schiller of the late Enlightenment period and early Romanticism, and tries to find out what place the “alien” and native culture takes in their literary works.

7.^ T. Katsko (Khabarovsk). The Word in the Music

The paper is devoted to various forms of interaction between words and music: musical intonation, memory of the word, voice intonation in music.

8. E. Kholodilova (Khabarovsk). The oriental motives in K. Malevich’s works

The author, analyzing the paintings and literary works of K. Malevich, studies the influence of religious-philosophical doctrine of the oriental culture on the aesthetic world perception of suprematism.

9. ^ A. Kile (Khabarovsk). The Lexicon of Ornament and Embroidery in the Nanai Language

This article presents the material of gender research on the Nanai language and culture. The research is based on the study of the Nanai lexicon associated with the national decorative arts, in particular, traditional ornament and embroidery. The given topic remains largely unstudied; for this reason it presents much interest for the specialists of the languages and cultures of the Priamur region’s indigenous peoples.

10. ^ P. Kolesnik (Khabarovsk). Creative Work as a Phenomenon of Culture in the Works of the Writers of the Group “Mounting Pass”

The author investigates the creative work of Petr Sletov, a writer from the group “Mounting pass”. The author tries to understand the beginning of the writer’s creative work, his personality and the cultural contacts of the epoch by analyzing Sletov’s literary works of the 1920s: the “Last aquanaut” and the “Skill”.

11. ^ E. Kondrashova (Khabarovsk). The Poetics of the Plot and the Situation in a Small Prose by L. S. Petrushevskaya

The situation that makes the plot of the work is seldom under the literary analysis. However, the originality of the situation plays an important role in creating an individual poetics of the writer.

The choice of a certain situation is typical for some literary directions. The poetics of certain genres is often connected with the poetics of the situations characteristic of these genres. We will try to illustrate the idea that the situation is one of the important attributes of a certain genre by the example of small prose by L.S. Petrushevskaya.

12. ^ A. Kozlova (Khabarovsk). The International Plot of the Gogol’s Narrative “Taras Bulba”

This article is devoted to the aspect of the concept «brotherhood» and intercultural sounding of the liturgical motives in the second edition of the N. V. Gogol’s narrative “Taras Bulba”.

13. ^ Ya. Kryzhanovskaya (Khabarovsk). The National Theater in the Context of Intercultural Communication (by the example of the Amur ethnos)

The author analyzes the process of building up the scenic forms of performance in the ethnos culture of the Amur Region. The national theatrical forms appeared in the 1930s not only as a result of the inner development but also as a consequence of the influence of the national and cultural policies of the Soviet State. The theater combines the two linguistic layers or codes in its style: «traditional» which refers to the national culture and «modern» which appeared under the influence of the Russian professional theater.

14. ^ Y. Kurganskaya (Khabarovsk). National Character and Japanese Mentality

The author investigates some peculiarities of the Japanese national character and mentality as well as the factors that influenced their building up.

15. Z. Lapshina (Khabarovsk). Anthropomorphic Images in the Primitive Art of Pacific Tribes

The paper discusses the topic of humans in the art of ancient tribes south of the Russian Far East, the Japanese Archipelago and the Americas. Hypothesis: there is a pattern in the temporal parameters of the anthropomorphic cultural hero in mythology and art of the Lower Amur region in the Russian Far East and the adjacent territories: the Japanese Islands and the West Cost of the Americas.

16.^ T. Leskova (Khabarovsk). The Manifestation of Traditional Communication Mythologemes in Music (an example of symphonic works by N. Mentser)

The article is devoted to the correlation of mythologemes of folklore and music works. The subject of the study is symphonic works by N. Mentser their style and composition which are the manifestation of communicative features of methologemes of art peculiar to the ethnic groups of the Far East of Russia.

17.^ S. Lysenko (Khabarovsk). “Dialogue Modalities” as a Determining Condition for Non-verbal Communication in Synthetic Art Texts

The article discusses the process of forming a synthetic text of art in which the original verbal text in the result of gradual interpretation aquires its scenic, musical meanings. It suggests that synesthesia (based on sense association) participates in the dialogue modalities, generates intermodal syntheses in art and can be a prerequisite for such non-verbal interpretation of information

18. ^ A. Matjushko (Komsomolsk-on-Amur). Some Aspects of Corporal Representation in Jewish and Christian Cultural Traditions

The article deals with the specific features of axiological genesis of somatic ideas in Jewish and Christian traditions. The author uses the historiographic material to study social and historic factors that built up the Jewish and Christian corporal traditions: their ethnic and interethnic character, the objective historic conditions of their development, different social backgrounds of the followers, etc. As a result of the analysis of the disciplinary-ascetic technologies in the Christian culture the author comes to the conclusion that the manifestation of asceticism, as a formal "murder of the body", greatly influenced the anthropological and gnoseological projects of the Western European culture and created the subject-object world outlook and corresponding somatic culture.

19.^ L. Matveeva (Khabarovsk). On the Realization of the Elements of Folk and Academic Music in the Far Eastern Composers’ Piano Music

In this paper we consider folklore line in the piano music of the Far East, the expansion of intonation and rhythmic foundation through layers of folk song composition. The methods of folklore sources usage are analysed.

20. ^ V. Mekhtiev (Khabarovsk). The literary portrait in Dostoevsky’s novels

The report tells about the artistic connection between the literary portrait in Dostoevsky’s novels and the dialogic structure of the novel.

21. S. Mezentseva(Khabarovsk). Shaman Rite as a communicative Tool of Folk Culture

This paper is devoted to shamanistic rituals as a communicative means of preservation and transmission of folk culture. Shamanistic kamlaniya of aboriginal people of the Far East of Russia was analyzed.

22. ^ O. Mizko (Khabarovsk) Culture creation as the base for the dialogue between cultures

The author considers the methodical possibilities of the culture-creative educational paradigm in the context of teaching the humanities. The present day educational space is dialogic, thus requiring the reconsideration and renewal of the methodology. Culture creation is considered to be the most adequate educational technology in the constantly changing and globalizing world.

23. ^ A. Nikitin (Khabarovsk). Artistic creativity: the Communicative Aspect

Artistic creativity is a way of communicating information about the reality in the form of art. This communication is mainly non-verbal. It effects the emotional sphere of the recipient and results in aesthetic reactions and catharsis caused by a release of internal tension.

24. ^ M. Osipova (Khabarovsk). The Elimination of the Ethnographic Lacunas in the Translation of the Far Eastern Natives’ Folk-lore

The translation of the folk-lore seems to be difficult because of the difference in the structures and cultural features of the languages involved. Some words and concepts, for example, the ethnographic lacunas, are unique in one language or culture and absent in some other languages or cultures. This means that there are no available words or exact equivalents in the target language for a translator to use. This study first presents the major difficulties and mistakes in the translation of the culture-specific words, and then offers some solutions.

25. ^ O. Pavlenko (Khabarovsk). The Role of Music Education Institutions as Centers for the Preservation and Dissemination of Song and Music Culture in the Russian Far East

Music Education Institutions in the Russian Far East maintain, reconstruct and disseminate folk song traditions. A special role is played by the chair of choral folk art at the Khabarovsk Institute of Culture and Arts, the only one in the Far East to train professional staff.

26. ^ T. Popova (Khabarovsk). Folk Medium as a Means of Communication within amateur vocal and choral groups

The paper is devoted to folk arts as a means of communication among the participants of the team.

27. R. Romanov (Khabarovsk). The Experimental Forms of the Modern Theatre

The term «experimental activity» proves the fact of methodological transformation that has changed the aesthetic paradigm of the modern theatre. Such forms as verbatium, art-performance, video-art, appeared at the joint of the XX - XXI centuries.

28. V. Romanov (Khabarovsk). Instrumental Folk Music Teaching and Performance: its History, Theory and Professional Training

The paper considers the history of the emergence, development and formation of folk instrumental performance and education.

29. E. Savelova (Khabarovsk). Myth as linguistic and cultural phenomenon

The author deals with the problem of myth interpretation in linguopoetics, structural linguistics, semiotics of culture. The research is based on the works of A. Afanasyev, A. Potebnya, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Yu. Lotman.

30. S. Scorokhodova (Khabarovsk). Scenic Embodiment of Songs and Folk Music: Tradition and Modernity

The paper examines how the stage embodiment of songs and folk music contributes to the formation of emotional value attitude to the national traditions.

31. A. Shuneyko (Komsomolsk-on-the-Amur). The evaluation in Buddhism

The report tells us how the peculiarities of the evaluation, its structure and matter reflect the esoteric and ideological notions of Buddhism.

32. ^ N. Stepanova (Khabarovsk). The Dance as the Primary Modeling Semiotic System: the Role of the Professional Terminology

This article studies the problem of the primary modeling and secondary modeling languages of culture; it is proved that the dance combines both of these functions. As the secondary modeling signs develop the professional terminology based on the French and English languages finds its importance. The author tries to define the role of these terminologies by using the modern dance to understand the universal basis for human communication.

33^ . M. Syui (Komsomolsk-on-Amur). Zoomorphic Symbols in the Chinese Culture

The article is dedicated to the description of zoomorphic symbols in the Chinese culture. The author analyzes the relations of the symbols within the group as well as these relations with the symbols of other groups. In conclusion the author states that the dragon is the most popular symbol among zoomorphic symbols. Some anthropomorphic traits are found in a number of symbols.

34.^ S. Syrvacheva (Khabarovsk. The Communicative Aspect of Richard Vagner’s Operas

The article deals with the communicative intentions of the composer. Communication aspects and problems of the composer’s style in the whole are analyzed together with the peculiar communicative features of the particular operas like “Tanheizer” and “Lohengrin”.

35. ^ J. Veklich (Komsomolsk-on-Amur). Values and Cultures – Overcoming Barriers

The author presents the findings on the problem of comparing cultural values within the frames of the modern paradigm of relations between Russia and China. The researcher also suggests some ways of solving the problems connected to cultural conflicts.

36. E. Vladykina (Khabarovsk). Mental features of the Jewish culture and its local variation in the Russian Far East

The report dwells upon the correspondence between the local and national Jewish culture. The author turns towards the problem of national revival of self-consciousness, spiritual life and culture of the Jewish people in the Russian Far East.

37. ^ S. Yakimova (Khabarovsk). The integration processes of the cross-cultural communication and the Russian magazines in China in the 1920’s - 1930’s

The report presents the cultural and literary research of selfless devotion of the founders and authors of the Russian literary almanacs, magazines and collections, published in China. The publications were devoted to the study of the Chinese history, culture and literature by the Russian writers abroad, who got acquainted the Russians with the Chinese history, culture and literature.

The peculiarities of structure and content of the publications are studied in the course of multiaspect dynamic process of the cross-cultural communication between Russia and China in the 20th century.

38. ^ V. Zakharchenko(Khabarovsk. Returning to Our Roots: the Creative Work of the Choir “Batkivska Krynytsya”

The article is devoted to the history and creative activity of “Batkivska krynytsya” choir. Particular attention is paid to the communicative activity of the choir. “Batkivska krynytsya” is usually well received by people of different age and social groups. It helps all of us understand that Ukrainians and Russians have common national and historical origins. Communicating through a rich intonation of songs, the art of folk singing and dancing contributes to spiritual unity and revival of the nation.

39. ^ Yu. Zasucha (Khabarovsk). Features of Cross-Cultural Communication in Music and Theatre Arts: the Problem of Interpretation

Any music or theatre piece (ballet, opera,etc.) in the communicative aspect can be considered as a text of culture bearing some cryptic autor’s message. Each new generation interprets this message in the context of its cultural andhistoric era identifying its semantic variations in interpretation discorse.

40. ^ A. Zatuliy (Khabarovsk). East and West in the costumes of the end of the XXth and the beginning of the XXIst century: The classics and the present

While comparing the classical and avant-garde costumes, we can define their socio-psychological functions in the modern culture.