Язык и культура: мосты между Европой и Азией
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- Орозий короля альфреда (конец IX в.) King alfred's orosius, 175.88kb.
- «Интер-транспорт» обращение участников юбилейной десятой международной конференции, 39.19kb.
- Президента Республики Казахстан Назарбаева Н. А. народу Казахстана: Казахстан сейчас, 1264.53kb.
- Магистерская программа: «Международный нефтегазовый бизнес» Турция как энергетический, 13.34kb.
- Для Руси, расположенной между Европой и Азией, всегда было важно в какую сторону она, 301.58kb.
- Язык это средство общения между индивидами, а культура определенный уровень развития, 97.36kb.
- Учебно-тематический план семинарских занятий раздел язык и культура речи семинарское, 98.76kb.
- Докладчик: г-жа Ольга селиверстова (Россия), 207.94kb.
- Отношения между ес и Японией могут служить образцом взаимной выгодности, 322.15kb.
- Проводится IV международная научно-практическая конференция «Славяне: история, язык, 78.99kb.
1. ^ N. Bogachenko (Birobidzhan). Japanese Loanwords in the English Language
The Japanese language is the second-highest source for loans into English today. However only a small number of these loans are fixed by various dictionaries, because most of them appeared in the last decades of the twentieth century. This paper discusses the development of Japanese borrowings in the English language.
2. ^ G. Bylkova (Khabarovsk). The Linguistic Means of Expressing the Chronotope in Fiction
Time and space are considered to be the most important textual relations in fiction. These categories, being vividly interwined in the text, can be presented as aspects of the chronotope. The task of this research is to investigate the linguistic means of expressing the chronotope in fiction.
3. ^ N. Danchenko (Birobidzhan). The Cooperative Principle in the Political Discourse
There is an enormous distance between what is said and what is really meant. Communication requires people to cooperate, so they form their speech according to the Cooperative Principle. The article is devoted to the work of the Cooperative Principle in political discourse. The goal is to study how the four maxims (of quantity, quality, relevance and manner) work in the presidential debates.
4. ^ O. Dudchenko (Komsomolsk-on Amur). The Concept of Beauty in the Works by W. Shakespeare
The author will present findings on the representation and verbalization of the concept of beauty made in works by Shakespeare. The author touches upon the etymology and the problem of conceptualization and the formation of the category.
5. ^ N. Engel (Bad Windsheim/Germany). Speech Acts, Frames, Discourse Markers, Tags in Intercultural Contexts
Once in a while it is a good idea to bring to life linguistic tools usually taken for granted. The individual context created by one's cultural background decisively influences the proper analysis of a speech act or frame. Even discourse markers or tags can cause very different reactions by H from what S would have expected.
6. ^ I. Gerasimenko (Magadan). Assessment in Business Correspondence: Sociopragmatic Aspect
There is an opinion that assessment runs through all speech activity of a man, that it is the main constituent of any speech act. In this paper I will examine speech acts with the elements of assessment in American and Russian business correspondence and the influence of sociolinguistic factors and different intentions people may have for saying something.
7. ^ I. Girina (Khabarovsk). Linguistic Means of Creating Images in Mass Media
Linguistic means of creating images in mass media Linguistic means of creating images in mass media Images are understood as ideas created for some specific purpose and then imposed on the target audience. The work deals with various rhetorical means of creating images such as using some positive or negative context, combining verbal and visual messages and implicatures
8. ^ C. Karavanova (Khabarovsk). The Peculiarities of Understanding J. Joyce’s Novel “Ulysses” as a Cognitive Problem
Reading and understanding modernistic prose of British authors has always been a problem. It is connected with the very complicated linguistic structure of the texts. Modernists tried to find a completely new revolutionary method of writing. For Joyce a new method in his novel “Ulysses” was the goal in itself. Understanding the text in such case requires more profound way of textual analysis. The development of a cognitive approach to the novel “Ulysses” will give us a deeper understanding of the text.
9. ^ N. Karaziya (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski). Manipulative Discourse as a Subject of Linguistic Research
The problem of speech manipulation has been investigated in a vast array of linguistic studies, but many scholars emphasize that the notion of manipulation or manipulative discourse is very difficult to define and argue that manipulative discourse does not have distinct borders. The current development of communication-oriented approaches in linguistics provides new opportunities for investigation of manipulative discourse.
10. ^ T. Karpukhina (Khabarovsk). The Hermeneutic Aspect of Morphemic Repetition in English Artistic Prose
Analysis of artistic prose shows that morphemically related words functioning as the key constitutive elements may serve as a significant message carrier.
11. ^ T. Khrushchyova (Khabarovsk). Analyses of American and Russian Personal Classified From Gender Perspective
The report presents analyses of American and Russian Personal classified advertisements aimed at revealing and confronting the properties of a modern man/woman in America /Russia as seen by the authors of the analyzed classified advertisements and their addressees.
12. ^ A. Kolobova (Khabarovsk). Means of Linguistic Representation of Corporate Values of American and British Companies
Lexical means representing corporate values and attitudes of American and British companies are described.
13. T. Kopus (Ussuriisk) Conceptual Analysis of DOUBT and СОМНЕНИЕ: Different in Cultures or Universal?
To be or not to be? English and Russian languages equally fix doubt expression as an intellectual and emotional stance. Through the analysis of cognitive and social scripts of DOUBT and СОМНЕНИЕ in two cultures a significant difference is displayed, especially found in locutions. The paper reports on the results of the analysis.
14. ^ L. Kraynik (Vladivostok). Directness as Social Chronotope
The report views directness as a socio-cultural category which has spatial and temporal characteristics. Time and Space are used by socio-humanitarian sciences. They are referred to as social time and social space which enables us to use the term ‘social chronotop’. The speaker will describe the category of directness as a social chronotop and explore its specifity for British and American linguacultures.
15. ^ L. Kulchitskaya (Vladivostok). Metaphor in Earth Science Texts
Recent studies showed that scientific texts cannot dispense with the language of images. The author reviewed some English materials on Earth Sciences and found that some texts have no metaphors. Where they occur metaphors range in frequency – from abundant through scarce to none, – and in force. An attempt is made to reveal a correlation between the type of scientific text and metaphor frequency.
16. ^ N. Kuptsova (Khabarovsk). Translation of Scientific and Technical Texts
The dominance of English is on the increase nowadays especially in scientific and professional sphere. We observe creation of monolingual culture in scientific and professional discourse. The role of translation and translator in communication between scientists and specialists is getting more important.
17. ^ E. Kuzevanova (Moscow). The Syncretism of Temporal and Locative Adverbial Meanings
Prepositional substantive groups of local semantics as adverbial modifiers in the English sentence are under consideration. The degree of the locative meaning interrelation with that of the semantics of the groups under study is determined. Some examples of the compound temporal-locative meaning occurrence and the role of the context in the phenomenon under study are analyzed.
18. ^ M. Lebedko (Vladivostok). Realization of Ethnic Stereotypes in Creolized Texts
Creolized text presupposes integration of verbal and nonverbal expressions structured in one textual space. We share some authors’ views that iconic language is close to the semiotic nature of a natural language and has denotative and connotative meanings. The informative and pragmatic capacity of nonverbal means in creolized texts is believed to exceed the capacity of verbal means. Realized in creolized texts ethnic stereotypes have cognitive and affective basis, which affects the perceiver.
19. ^ M. Lisikhina (Khabarovsk). Functions of the Macro-speech Act of Discrediting in American Communicative Culture
The study of the pragmatic functions of macro-speech acts of discrediting in the American communicative culture reveals its multinational character. The paper explores the correlation between the functions of discrediting and linguistic means employed by the speakers in everyday interactions. Response utterances come under analysis as a means of determining the efficiency of communication.
20. ^ G. Lovtsevich (Vladivostok). Terminological Dictionary in the Light of Intercultural Communication
Approaching professional communication in the field of Humanities as an intercultural communication throws a new light on the terminography. The paper proposes a new type of terminological dictionary – a crosscultural dictionary. It describes the principles of a crosscultural terminological dictionary.
21. ^ S. Lozinskaya (Vladivostok). Cultural Importance of the Concept GELEAFA (FAITH) in the Anglo-Saxon Society
The adoption of Christianity has undoubtedly changed cultural patterns of the Anglo-Saxons. Investigating different features of the concept GELEAFA in the Anglo-Saxon poetry and prose the author tries to determine whether the foreign elements had become dominating over the Old Germanic ideas of faith.
22. ^ T. Lupachyova (Vladivostok). Linguacultural Aspect of Chinese Kinship Terms in the English Fiction
The paper is devoted to linguistic and cultural aspects of Chinese kinship terms, which can be found in the fiction in English written by modern bilingual authors of Chinese descent. The problems of stylistic functioning of kinship terms in fiction will also be touched upon.
23. ^ T. Ma (Blagoveschensk). Presupposition as the Constituent of Text Interpretation
Studied are the main aspects of the theory of presupposition in linguistics and culture communication. Theory of presupposition is viewed as a part of the textual interpretation problem, i.e. when the text contains information about the culture and history of the country described. Different kinds of presupposition and equivalent scientific phenomena are analyzed.
24. ^ E. Malneva (Khabarovsk). “Total Effect, Unity, and Integrity”: Holistic Approach to Structuring the Artistic Concept DREAM
Artistic concepts are considered to be multilayered complex mental phenomena subject to various procedures of explication. The artistic concept Dream, the dominant mental construct permeating the artistic universe of E.A. Poe, is believed to be characterized by “Totality, Unity, and Integrity”; the latter principles result in its being structured holistically which, in its turn, requires the holistic approach to the concept’s analysis.
25. ^ Yu. Maximova (Khabarovsk). Verbal and Non-verbal Means of Expressing Compromise in Mono- and Intercultural Communication (Based on J. Clavell’s Novel “Gai-Jin”)
The article introduces the results of linguistic analysis of the belles-lettres style works written in English (J. Clavell’s “Gai-Jin”, in particular). The analysis has been done with the purpose of revealing and comparing ways of expressing compromise achieved in different cultures. Compromise seems to belong to many spheres of human studies except linguistics. It can be regarded both as a result and a process of achieving success in communication. From the linguistic point of view, in our opinion, it is worth while analyzing the ways in which compromise is expressed. The way compromise is presented in literature depends on the cultural priorities of the personages.
26. ^ J. K. McRae (Khabarovsk). “Plain English”
The paper discusses the definition of ‘plain English’ and the reasons for the modern emphasis on simple clearly expressed written English. Some strategies are suggested to assist writers to improve their written English style.
27. ^ E. Megrabova (Vladivostok). The Image of Russia in the Mirror of ‘Voices’ of Newsweek Magazine
The ‘Voice’ is a participant of mass communication? one of the means of the argumentative function of mass media discourse; the so called ‘Voices’ belong to political figures of foreign countries and various layers of Russia’s population differing in their social position and nationality group status. The main function of the ‘voices’ Newsweek magazine consists of supporting the position of the authors.
28. ^ Ya. Olefir (Vladivostok). Contemporary American Neologisms in TV Shows
The English language is constantly being enriched with new components. TV and, in particular popular American TV shows play an important role in the process of coining new words and their recording in language. What is the basis of the appearance of neologisms and what are the ways of their formation? The analysis of modern neologisms can determine the most productive way of word formation in American English.
29. ^ S. Pak (Khabarovsk). Court Public Speaking as Persuasive Discourse
The presentation focuses on socio-psychological and rhetorical means of forming persuasive discourse, in particular, court public speaking. The source of language material is court speeches by an American attorney R. Darrow. The author considers such concepts as speech impact, persuasive and manipulative discourse. Analysis is done with account of linguistic and cultural strategies of discourse.
30. ^ M. Plumlee (Seoul). What Linguistic Tokens Say About Cultural Values
This task demonstrates new ways of investigating language expressions to reveal subtleties about the linguistic encoding of cultural values that may remain unnoticed, even by culturally competent individuals from that linguaculture. Findings from my study of the intercultural practices of Korean students, as well as examples from recent work by Wierzbicka, Peeters, Clifford, Beal and their colleagues in Australia and Europe will illustrate this methology.
31. ^ I. Postoenko (Khabarovsk). Stereotyping in Intercultural Communication
Stereotyping is a process of overgeneralization. It focuses on the simplistic contrast between cultural groups. Stereotypes limit our understanding of human behavior and of intercultural discourse. They limit our view of activity to just one or two salient dimensions and consider those to be the whole picture. The essay presents an analysis of ethnic stereotypes of the students of Far-Eastern State University of Humanities and Far Eastern State Transport University.
32. ^ Z. Proshina (Moscow). Russian English: Pride or Prejudice?
The presentation will discuss the legitimacy of Russian English as a variety in the World Englishes Paradigm, as well the distinctive linguistic features and functions of this regional variety of English.
33. ^ A. Pshenichnikova (Vladivostok). On Verbalizing Directives in Pedagogical Discourse (in American Communicative Culture)
Characteristics of teachers’ speech behavior are seen in the specific choice of linguistic means of expressing politeness in directives. When addressing students, teachers favor the “command” style of speech behavior and reject verbal means that make a directive uncategorical and indirect. Thus, teachers break norms of polite speech behavior that are prescribeв by American communicants to exercise tact, noninvasiveness and respect for partners’ privacy, etc.
34. ^ M. Rassokha (Vladivostok). Creolized Texts (Cartoons) in the Processes of Linguacultural Identification
Sometimes humour is used for identifying the Other. The emphasis in the paper is placed on linguacultural identity of the British and Americans negotiated through cartoons. The presenter refers to the key role of these creolized texts in the construction of collective British and American identities within the discourse on language ownership.
35. ^ E. Revenko (Blagoveschensk). Food Metaphor in Ethic and Gender Perspective
Food metaphor in language has always been considered a projection of gender stereotypes rooted in mind and shaped by culture. Assuming that gender stereotypes reflect specific cognitive models, the paper shows difference in conceptualizing masculinity and femininity through analysis of food metaphor. The research reveals significant shifts in conceptualizing gender through food metaphor, which are both historically and culturally bound.
36. ^ E. Ryabko (Khabarovsk). Ways to Translate Intertextual Signs Which Compile the Reader’s Intertextual Encyclopaedia
When reading a text a reader relies on his/her experience of dealing with other texts, on the so-called encyclopaedic/intertextual competence. The knowledge which forms this competence compiles the intertextual encyclopaedia. Its structure is far from being homogeneous among linguo-cultural communities. Thus, there is a challenge for a translator to find ways to convey the knowledge presupposed by the intertextual signs.
37. ^ Yu. Salnikova (Birobidzhan). Cooperative Speech Behaviour in the Speech Event of Evaluation
The article deals with the problem of cooperative speech behavior in the speech event of evaluation in American mass media discourse. The category of evaluation is analyzed on the bases of interaction, which presupposes a correlation between the journalist and the audience. The data for the present research come from the opinion articles of U.S. national circulation newspapers.
38. ^ V. Shmarina (Khabarovsk). Intertextual Ties in Anti-Utopian Novels of the 1st Half of the XX Century
The linguistic and literary analysis of intertextual ties is based on the two novels of anti-utopian genre: O. Huxley’s “Brave New World” and E. Zamyatin’s “We”. Both the novels originated in different languages.
39. ^ G. Shusharina (Komsomolsk-on Amur). Concepts “Light” – “Darkness” in Russian and English Worldview
The concepts “Light-Darkness” reflect values and ideas common to all mankind. In Russian and English worldviews the concepts under analysis are represented by several groups of characteristic features such as anthropomorphisms and vital features of objects, etc.
40. ^ Yu. Smolyanko (Khabarovsk). Gender Differences in Anger Expression
The report touches upon the following issues: how cultural and social processes are linked to emotional expression; the complexity of gender differences in emotional expression; generalized stereotypes about women’s and men’s emotional expression; gender differences in anger expression using face, behavioral aggression, physiological arousal, or some combination of these as it is represented in fiction of the XIXth-XX centuries.
41. ^ E. Strelkova (Khabarovsk). Concepts-oppositions in Cognitive Linguistics
The relations of opposition have always been the object of interest for many linguists. Nowadays the study of oppositional concepts has become widespread in cognitive linguistics, conceptology and ethnopsycholinguistics. It can be explained by the concepts’ cross-cultural character. The author of this research tries to summarize the vast material collected in linguistics for the last two decades.
42. ^ S. Ter-Minasova (Moscow). War and Peace of Languages and Cultures
Language and culture are both a barrier separating peoples and a shield protecting their national identity. In both of these roles every language and culture protect their “subjects” by means of various kinds of tricks, traps, “ambushes”, etc preventing “aliens” from intruding into their domain. The paper presents various kinds of such “wars” with other languages and cultures.
43. ^ L. Toropova (Khabarovsk). Referential Potential of Beauty Aesthetic Evaluation (Linguasemiotic Analysis)
The report presents a linguistic concept of Beauty, an aesthetic evaluation study through linguasemiotic analysis. The research is based on written English publicistic texts issued in the USA, UK, China, Japan and Korea in 2000-2009. The results are viewed comparatively.
44. ^ N. Trazanova (Irkutsk). Aspects of Axiological Categorization in the National Linguistic World-view (on the Material of Japanese Paremiology)
The article concerns the main aspects of axiological categorization as the process of unique perception of the surrounding world in Japanese national linguistic worldview. In this connection, the author examines the main features of Japanese system of values on the material of proverbs, as they reflect relations between culture and language in the best way. As a result such key-words as harmony (WA), beauty (BI), duty (Giri) were determined as the most important aspects in Japanese world-view.
45. ^ I. Ushakova (Khabarovsk). Approximate Nomination in Russian and English
The paper is aimed at i) revealing the nature of such linguistic phenomenon as approximate nomination and ii) specifying the pragmatic loading of approximators (linguistic means indicating an act of approximate nomination).
46. ^ L. Vasylieva (Blagoveschensk). Modus Categorization in News Items and Analytical Articles of Modern American Press
Modus categorization reflects ways a speaker interprets conceptual contents. Using modus categories the speaker can express modal and evaluating meanings (category of modality, evidence, approximate evaluation, persuasion) and emotional states (category of emotivity). Each category can be specifically realized in different types of discourse, including mass media discourse.
47. ^ E. Vishnyakova (Khabarovsk). The Problem of the Objectiveness of the Linguistic Model of Reality
The linguistic model of reality is the reflection of the results of the cognition of the real world, i.e. the reflection of the concepts kept in the human mind. And this is a simplified reflection. The language manifests a certain view on the world and establishes a unique way of comprehending reality. Reality is refracted through a language prism, the reflection angle being different with different languages. Thus our conceptual model of reality is not its perfect image, but an approximation of reality.
48. ^ V. Vyalkova (Birobidzhan). Semantics of Colour Nomination and Colour Symbolism in English Prose
The article is devoted to the study of colour nominations in the novel ‘Regeneration’ by P. Barker. The goal is to study the accumulated social-historical, intellectual and emotional information conveyed by the linguistic units which denote colour as well as contextual nominations. The results of the research are expected to help perceive and define the message.
49. ^ E. Yashkina (Khabarovsk). Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches to Emotional Concepts
The article deals with emotional concepts in British linguoculture, analyses their peculiarities and describes the linguistic means of their manifestation.
50. A. Yung (Blagoveschensk). The Verbal Representation of the National Business Communication Stereotypes in Business Letters
There is a strong tendency of research interest (among linguists of Russia and foreign countries) towards the language of Business Communication in general and Business Letter in particular. Besides careful study and detailed description of business vocabulary, grammatical, syntactical, and stylistic peculiarities of the Business Letter, special attention should be paid to the verbal representation of different national business communication stereotypes in the English speaking culture.
51. ^ N. Yuzefovich, A. Chernysheva (Khabarovsk). Foreign Linguacultural Substrate in Inter-Semiotic Translation
The paper deals with the issue of translation of the cultural substrate (artifacts, culture-specific items) in different genres. The authors dwell on the importance of a foreign culture substrate in translation as it aids in creating the world of a foreign culture. Foreignization versus localization in translation is especially important in case of intersemiotic translation.
52. ^ E. Zakharova (Khabarovsk). Intercultural Stereotypes and Their Influence on Colloquialisms Formation in English Language: Comparative and Teaching Aspects
Intercultural stereotypes and their influence on colloquialisms formation in English language: comparative and teaching aspects Cultural stereotypes help people structure information about outward things and they create linguistic stereotypes, colloquialisms in particular. Having an ethnic and historical background, they vividly reflect the nation’s beliefs and opinions of other nations and ethnicities. The author offers some practical hints on using them at English language classes such as Communicative English and Practice of Translation / Interpretation.
53. ^ N. Zalesova (Blagoveschensk). The Representation of the Concept «Gentleman» in the Novel «A Man in Full» by T. Wolfe
The analysis of «A Man in Full» by T. Wolfe shows that the concept «gentleman» in the American culture of the ХХ century is still relevant. A gentlemanly mode of behavior has become standard in the business world dependent on business etiquette and innumerable conventions. The concept «gentleman», its nuclear and peripheral structure as well as its national peculiarity will be presented in the report.
Section: New Trends in Current Language Pedagogy and Methodology
1. M. Baku (Khabarovsk). Teaching Translation and Interpreting to Economics Students: Problems and Solutions
The paper deals with some theoretical reflections about teaching translation as part of FLT curricula and approaches to elaborating the curriculum for the economics students. Translation as a formal professional activity with a theoretical background is relatively new. In the literature dealing with this issue the academic goals are usually well defined, their practical results – less so. The problems of teaching translation to the students of economics in the framework of limited class time are not well examined at all. The various practical problems and solutions accompanying the development of the curriculum will be presented and discussed in this research.
2. ^ A. Dolgan (Khabrovsk). English as a Means of Business Training Economists in the Context of the Asian Pacific Values
Economic integration of the Russian Far East in the Asian Pacific Rim will need specialists having a good command of the Asian cultural and mental peculiarities based on the moral values system as well as success of Asia economies. English is considered to be an instrument used for business training future economists in the region as this learning discipline is devoted to issues of raising competent cultural personalities, country-study, awareness of values, cross-cultural and business interaction. The author studies problems of learning and doing special communicative assignments during quasi-professional activity of students.
3. ^ G. Gontar’, G. Novikova (Khabarovsk). Interview als Aktualisierung des Zusammenwirkens von Sprache, Bewussstein und Kultur im Fremdsprachenerwerb
Wenn man sich eine Aufgabe stellt, im Fremdsprachenerwerb erfolgreich zu sein, ist es notwendig dass Zusammenwirken von Sprache, Bewusstsein und Kultur zu bewahren. Im Vortrag wird von den wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen eines solchen Lernprozesses mit dialogischer Dominante gesprochen, die in den authentischen Interview zum Ausdruck kommt.
4. ^ G. Gontar, G. Portnaya, T. Chirkova (Khabarovsk). Zum Problem der Konzeption von Verstaendigung und Interpretierung der authentischen Texte der scheoengeistigen Literatur im Zweitsparachenerwerb
Der Vortrag beinhaltet das Schaffen und Anwenden des Lehrwerks “Der Mensch, was ist der Mensch … ?“ dessen Orientierung auf Sprache und Kultur im Fremdsprachenerwerb die Menschwerdung der Studierenden und die Erhöhung deren Leistungsniveaus fördert.
5. ^ E. Goptareva (Khabarovsk). Motivating Students to Study History and Culture of the English-speaking countries
Effective intercultural communication is based not only on extensive vocabulary and proper syntax, but also on deep knowledge of culture and history of the foreign language one learns. During our master-class we’ll demonstrate some of the ways of motivating 2nd-year students to learn the culture and history of English-speaking countries with greater zest.
6. ^ V. Grigoryeva (Yakutsk). Culture of the Northern people in Teaching Foreign Languages
The paper is about the usage of culture of the Northern people in teaching foreign languages. Development of the theory of inter-communication helps to integrate lingual cultural materials, Russian culture, and the information and peculiarity of the region in teaching foreign languages. The presenter will provide some examples of greetings of the Northern people and riddles.
7. ^ I. Guschina (Khabarovsk). Methods of Analyzing an Eastern Short Story
The presenter will show the ways analysis of an eastern story should be done in terms of culture.
8. G. Hauzenberger (Augsburg). Canadian Multiculturalism in Practice: Bilingualism and Language Immersion
This contribution explores the attempts made at Canadian schools to achieve functional bilingualism – meaning English and French – among students. Both bilingualism and multiculturalism are goals written into the Canadian constitution. Taking into consideration that a fifth of all Canadians (and hence of all Canadian parents) have migrated there, it becomes obvious that such goals often actually require trilingualism from students, as neither English nor French is their first language. The aim of this contribution is to evaluate the favourite method of second language acquisition in Canada, immersion, in the light of both the constitutional goals and the realities in the classroom.
9. ^ O. Kovbasyuk (Khabarovsk). Global Learning as a Resource to Teaching Intercultural Communication
Global learning serves the goal to enrich our understanding of world cultures and events, it teaches how to appreciate cultural diversity, and to collaborate effectively to promote world existence and peace, with the help of modern communication technologies, which allow people of vastly different cultures and widely separated countries to interact with each other on a daily basis as part of their work, studies or recreation. This paper describes the ways global learning enriches the possibilities of intercultural communication classes to heighten self awareness and cultural awareness of students and help them to become globally oriented personalities.
10. ^ T. Lobanova (Vladivostok). On New Trends in Translation Studies (from Chinese into Russian)
The report is devoted to developing the university students’ translating abilities through Chinese language learning. It deals with increasing Chinese language classes efficiency and shows some ways of practice teaching and learning in order to handle a language barrier while translating from Chinese into Russian. They are fit for those who have learnt general Chinese for over two years and could be used as a guide for Chinese language teachers.
11. ^ N. Makovey (Blagoveschensk). Cultural Aspect in the Process of Teaching Foreign Languages
It’s common knowledge that nowadays cultural aspect is very important in the process of teaching a foreign language as it helps students learn about foreign culture and be tolerant towards people of different nations.
12. N. Morozova (Khabarovsk). The Peculiarities of Teaching Listening as the Type of Speaking Activities
The presenter will share the ideas of livening up a listening lesson with authentic materials, namely songs, for increasing its efficiency.
13. ^ I. Palayeva (Blagoveschensk). Gender expertise of School Textbooks of the English language edited by V. Kuzovlev
Changes in educational policy of the modern Russian society make gender expertise of school textbooks urgent and topical. The main objective of gender expertise is to collect qualitative information which helps to reveal “hidden threats” for children’s personality, to define the level of gender stereotypes in educational material on different stages of the English language teaching. Textbooks “English” for 5-11 forms edited by V. Kuzovlev were chosen to go through gender expertise.
14. ^ J. Polshina, E. Onoprienko (Vladivostok). Expanding Vocabulary at Advanced Level: Implementing Novel Approaches
As the authors of textbook and workbook for English majors (Major in English III) we have come to understand that expanding vocabulary at advanced level requires approaches different from what we may apply at lower levels. The primary goals at the advanced level are raising vocabulary awareness, developing Fifth (thinking) skill and achieving learner’s autonomy through challenging and engaging tasks.
15. ^ N. Proshyants (Vladivostok). The Use of Innovative Methods in Teaching English with the Computer Support
The use of innovative methods of teaching English with computer support developed both for contact hours and autonomous students learning contributes to the increase of time for learning English and enhances learners’ motivation. The complex of laboratory work and various tests developed by the teachers of the English department and the teachers of the departments majoring in engineering sciences is considered in the paper.
16. ^ Stephen M. Ryan (Japan). The Role of Cultural Experience in Language Learning
The connection between language and culture is so clearly established that it no longer needs documentation. However, the role of cultural experience in language learning is less well thought through. It is perhaps a truism that direct experience of target language culture is an ideal motivator for language learning, but very often it is only students who have already reached a high level of foreign language proficiency who are offered the chance to travel abroad through language-teaching programmes. The presenter will discuss this contradiction and suggest an alternative – Culture Experience Programmes.
17. ^ N. Rezanova (Khabarovsk). Psychophysiological Characteristics and Dominant sense Modality in Foreign Language Teaching
The fact that the traditional ways and styles of teaching a foreign language are not always relevant to the leading sense modality of a student may be causing a number of problems such as the restriction of student’s efficiency, the stereotypes and some effects on the hemisphere which is not dominant. Perception based on different types of sense modality involves the work of both sides of the brain. The creative competence and the creative approach are considered to be the possible ways of overcoming difficulties related to neurophysiological characteristics according to the dominant sense modality.
18. ^ V. Safonova (Moscow). Multicultural Competence as a Challenge in the World of Multilingual Language Pedagogy
The presentation gives an insight into the educational concept “multicultural communicative competence” (one of the basic terms in bilingual/multilingual language pedagogy), discusses methodological principles of co-teaching several languages in the context of the dialogue of cultures & civilizations and ends up focusing on some controversial issues of how to evaluate learners’ cultural achievements in terms of measuring their abilities to act as a communicatively appropriate partner and a successful cultural mediator or guide, using native and foreign languages.
19. ^ V. Safonova, P. Safonova (Moscow). Guidelines for Multi-Levelled Assessment of Bilingual Learners’ Intercultural Competence
This workshop aims at helping forum participants choose and apply adequate assessment strategies in evaluating the bilingual learners educational achievements in using co-learnt languages for their multicultural purposes inside and outside the classroom. It gives a special emphasis on the choice of criteria and techniques of developing illustrative scales of descriptors for their application in FLT, depending on the level of the learner’s bilingual communicative competence, ICT competence and taking into consideration a particular profile-oriented specification in the Humanities.
20. ^ O. Salikhova (Khabarovsk). Les conditions didactiques de l’acquisition de competence linguistique de base
L’acquisition du FLE se fait souvent en langue seconde L2 ( anglais, allemend ou d’autres) voir troisième L3. Elle est effectuée dans le cadre du goupe hétérogène où les apprenants ont tous l’expérience d’acquisition de la première langue etrangère LE1 qui se varie selon apprenant. L’acquisition de compétence linguistique de base assure l’intégration rapide et efficace des participants du groupe dans l’apprentissage ultérieure du FLE. La tâche essentielle de l’ouvrage en question sera donc d’examiner les conditions didactiques de l’acquisition de compétence linguistique de base.
21. ^ A. Schegaleva (Birobidzhan). Creative Activities for Teaching English Grammar
The paper highlights the ways to foster the students’ creativity. Using music and different computer technologies provide students with challenging learning activities; participation in various projects helps not only learn grammar material but also develop creative potential.
22. ^ N. Serkova, N. Maximova, (Khabarovsk). Foreign Language Education in the Russian Far East (Khabarovski Krai)
The presenters will briefly trace the history of foreign language education in the Far East of Russia. The main focus will be made on the changes in the FL education in the Khabarovski Krai (secondary school and University levels) from the early 90s to the present time caused by the needs to integrate into the world economy and develop effective interaction with neighboring countries in the economic and cultural spheres.
23. ^ S. Strokova (Khabarovsk). Effective Ways of Destroying Cultural Stereotypes about Australia in a University Language Classroom
Using data from Russian university classroom, the author tries to show some ways of destroying cultural stereotypes about Australia. The paper starts out from an analysis of the concept of stereotype as it is used in scientific literature. The author focuses on developing students' communicative and critical thinking skills through problem-solving tasks. The author reflects on the structure and content choices in designing EL materials in the context of sociocultural approach which is becoming more and more influential. Much attention is given to such principles as dialogue of cultures, didactic appropriateness of cultural products and orientations towards cultural empathy.
24. ^ E. Uskova (Khabarovsk). Formation of an Active Educational Environment for Constructing Quality and Creativeness in Studying a Foreign Language”
Formation of active educational environment in studying foreign language leads to public striving for finding a way from total culture crisis by means of active actions, which are able to construct creative system of education, including initiative, quality, scientific investigation. Application of active teaching methods (role play, project method) in foreign language studying develops such student qualities as fantasy, intuition, productive thinking, that is qualities which are necessary for a future specialist in his future career.
25. ^ L. Vinnikova (Birobidzhan). Discourse-oriented Grammar Teaching through Classroom Intercultural Communication
Discourse-oriented education is needed to teach effective functioning to prospective specialists in the sphere of professional intercultural communication. Based on the principles of contextualization, authenticity, language awareness and integration, the teaching process involves all layers of the language, including grammar.To master a language unit, e.g. an infinitive construction, a student should be exposed to group interactive activities through various intercultural communicative models, employing strategies of cooperation, concession, evasion and others.
26. ^ J. Walter (Augsburg). Foreign language teacher education in Europe – top-down influences from past to present
Ever since its foundation in 1951, the European Union (EU) has been supportive of and has been calling for changes in the field of language and educational policy. Not only due to the outstanding importance of languages in Europe has the Union become one of the leading actors in the field. Among other things, this development has certain influences on initial foreign language teacher education (FLTE) at university level in Europe.
This contribution focuses on European level top-down impulses effecting on FLTE. It presents a diachronic overview, starting in 1951 and taking the relevant political background into account. While thus outlining the main aspects of European top-down activity, it also aims at defining the Union’s current expectations. As they are (or should be) important for the member states’ educational policy, this contribution aims to create a deeper understanding for changes in European FLTE, an understanding that is of fundamental importance for any active participation in the process of change.
Atelier : Problèmes actuels de philologie française
1. L. Bistrova (Blagovetchensk). Les moyens verbaux et visuels de l’organisation du texte de la publicité écrite
La communication publicitaire, comme une variante de la communication de masse, a sa spécifité dont la représentation materielle est manifestée dans les textes de la publicité écrite. Le texte de la publicité écrite est un produit organisé d’après les règles de la communication, où les moyens structuraux, verbaux, visuels et symboliques sont égaux. Pour définir les particularités de la publicité écrite nous nous apuyons sur des exemples authentiques de la publicité éctite qui sont pris dans les journaux et des magazines (les textes publicitaires dans la presse de la Russie et de la France).
2. ^ N. Emchanova (Khabarovsk). Les phraséologismes comme moyen de la création du comique dans l'oeuvre d'art
Le but posé dans l'étude en question est d'analyser l'oeuvre de l'écrivain français contemporain M. Aymé au point de vue de l'emploi et de la transformation des phraséologismes dans son oeuvre pour créer l'effet comique afin d'influancer la sphère émotionnelle des lecteurs.
3. ^ Dimitry Alexandre Morrel Morrel (Belgorod). Contribution des emprunts à la dynamique de la lexique
Dans l’article présenté l’auteur analyse la dynamique d’emprunt au système lexicalisant le concept français «Nourriture», relève l’influence des emprunts au progrès du système susdit, montre des particularités sémantiques de ces procès, fait l’attention aux procès extralinguistiques (le moteur principal du système susdit) et à corréler la dynamique d’emprunt et celle des communications interculturelles.
4. ^ E. Michaïlova (Belgorod). Le terme varietas dans la conception linguistique de Charles de Bovelles (1533)
A travers le terme latin varietas, qui présente l’idée-clé de la culture de la Renaissance, on observe la conception linguistique de Charles de Bovelles. Au centre de l’analyse se trouve la reconstitution de son argumentation sur la différence des langues et la variation de la langue française. On prête attention au grand rôle de la notion mentionnée dans la compréhension du phénomène de l’évolution de la langue dans le temps et dans l’espace.
5. ^ N. Moreva (Vladivostok). Les particularités de l’image de la Russie dans la presse francophone du Canada
L’image de la Russie créée par les mass-média des pays différents a des spécificités culturelles qui reflètent le caractère des relations politiques, économiques et culturelles entre les pays, de même que les valeurs de la nation. Les résultats reçus au cours des études collectives portant sur l’image de la Russie dans le monde permettent de relever les particularités de cette image au Canada. Dans l’intervention, seront présentées les particularités de la thématique de l’image de la Russie aussi bien que la spécificité des stratégies discurcives et celle du mécanisme linguistique de la création de l’image.
6. ^ M. Nesterova (Khabarovsk). Participation sans appartenance
On envisage l’hypothèse de J.Derrida selon laquelle tout texte participe d’un ou de plusieurs genres mais cette participation n’est jamais une appartenance.
7. N. Oleynikova (Khabarovsk). Le rôle des possessifs dans la personalisation de l’énoncé
A l’aide des formes possesifs le sujet parlant personalise son discours en introduidsant sa vision du monde intérpétée par raport aux coordonnées duscursives « moi-ici-maintenant ».
8. ^ E. Serebrennikova, N. Salnikova (Irkoutsk). Le stable et le variable dans l’autoprésentation /self marketing par Internet
L’antinomie du variable et du stable étant une constante langagière permet de voir dans l’optique de l’analyse du discours des aspects variables vis-а-vis des paramètres nécessairement présents dans la création et l’interprétation du texte d’autoprésentation appelée autrement « le self marketing » ou « média personnel » . Ce type de texte médiatisé via Internet présente un intérêt particulier vu des modalités de la personnologie linguistique d’aujourd’hui et les possibilités de la promotion de la personne dans la société.
9. ^ V. Smirnova (Khabarovsk). La représentation linguistique de la femme en français
On examine les particularités des représentations de la femme véhiculées par les proverbes français. Au centre de l'analyse se trouvent trois profils fondamentaux de l'image féminine : l'aspect physique, les traits de caractère et l'intellect, les rôles sociaux. On découvre l’existence des stéréotypes universaux et nationaux.
Section: Actual problems of the Russian language
1. I. Avdeenko (Komsomolsk). The Concept of “Wall” in the Linguistic Worldview in Russian Rock Poetry
The article investigates the concept of “wall” as a unit of the linguistic worldview in Russian rock poetry. Analyzing some poetry where the concept is present makes it possible to see the specific character of the concept under study in contrast with the concept of the same name in Russian ethic worldview and other conceptual systems.
2. ^ J. Bobrikova (Khabarovsk). Image-Bearing Names of a Woman in the Russian Dialects of the Priamur Region
The description of linguistic evaluation of a woman’s character, her emotional, ethic and aesthetic images manifested in folk speech are of interest in the report. Semantic and stylistic analyses of the lexical elements help to make a complete image of a woman in folk poetry.
3. ^ E. Bojko (Krasnoyarsk). Signs for Understanding the Church Slavonic Text
The theory of meaning is based on the concept of sign. Words or word forms are considered in linguistics as signs. Such approach is incomplete when analyzing the Church Slavonic texts. Linguistic material taken from the Old Believer community living on the Yenisei shows that words, letter variations in a line, the length of space between words and lower case signs are the markers of meaning. Old Believers are Russian people who have preserved the Old Belief.
4. ^ M. Domosileckaja (Saint-Petersburg). The Phytonym “Convolvulus Arvensis Field Bindweed” in the Balkan Languages and Dialects
The phytonymic material of eight Balkan languages and their dialects helps to reveal what is common and what is different in the nomination “Convolvulus arvensis”. The reasons for lexical and onomasiological similarities are studied. Universal balkanic, regional balkanic and specific national principles of the nomination are described. A particular attention is given to turkisms.
5. ^ О. Felde (Krasnoyarsk). Communicative Space of Krasnoyarskiy Kray
The article shows the main functional types of languages in КR as well as the characteristics of the main spheres in which majoritarian language and minoritarian language of the territory function.
6. ^ L. Gorodilova (Khabarovsk). Census Books of Yeniseisk Coaching Inns of 1704 as a Source of Linguocultural Information
The present article is devoted to the new source which has not been investigated before neither from linguistic nor from culturological point of view. This research deals with the structure of the local census books of the17th century, their vocabulary and culturological peculiarities. The paper seeks to explore the lexicographical aspect of these text-types.
7. ^ T. Grigorieva (Krasnoyarsk). Polish Borrowings in Russian
The paper deals with the process of borrowing from Polish into Russian in different periods of history and shows the results of its study.
8. Т. Ignatovich (Chita). The Development of the Morphological Modifications in the Russian Dialects on the Territory of the Eastern Zabaikalye
The article “The Development of the Morphological Modifications in the Russian Dialects on the territory of the Eastern Zabaikalye” deals with the process of the dialectal morphological characteristics loss in the Northern Russian dialects of Zabaikalye. This process occurs under the influence of such worldwide integration processes as globalization. In her research the author relies on the evidence of the local written records and on the tape records of the dialectal speech of the last 40 years.
9. ^ N. Knjazeva (Khabarovsk). Offers of Causal Semantics
The structural and semantic organization of offers with the predicative kernel N1-N1 is investigated in the paper. The main feature of offers is the presence of the words “reason”, “consequence”, “condition” in there structure, which defines the causal semantics of statements.