Языковые символы и образы: онтология и функционирование (на материале французского языка) 10. 02. 19 теория языка

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of the thesis submitted for conferring the scholarly degree

Doctor of Philological Sciences

Speciality: 10.02.19 – Theory of Language

The thesis is devoted to the study of language images and symbols.

Relevance of research is conditioned by the underdevelopment of many aspects relevant to the study of figurative and symbolic use.

Object of research is the signs of indirect nomination originating from the secondary lingvosemiosis as a result of symbolic and figurative reconsideration of the lexical units belonging to the following thematic groups: "Numbers", "France and its Provinces, "Countries and Continents", "Food and National Cuisine", "Flora", "Animal World”.

^ Subject of research is the figurative and symbolic use of the means of the secondary sign formation.

Goal of research is to determine the status, methods of presentation, functions and lingvocultural features of language images and symbols.

To achieve this it seems necessary to solve the following issues:
  1. Theoretical interpretation of the figurative and symbolic organization of language.
  2. Investigating the problem of the sign motivation.
  3. Exploring the problem of the origin of language and identifying the specificity and sequence of the stages of its development.
  4. Identifying the place of the sign and image in the process of evolution.
  5. Identifying objective prerequisites for the existence of the image and symbol: investigating the foundations of the figurative and symbolic motivation, determining its ontological nature.
  6. Considering the pragmatic basis of the figurative and symbolic system as a component of the wealth of the expressive means of language.
  7. Describing the semiotic space and its role in the genesis of language images and symbols.
  8. Defining the role of the ethnosociocultural component in the formation of symbols and images.
  9. Describing the main characteristics of the image and sign.
  10. Systematizing the ways of the representation of symbols and images: the analysis of the figurative and symbolic use of metaphor, metonymy, similes, phraseology, proverbs, and sayings.
  11. Modelling certain fragments of the figurative and symbolic system of the French language.
  12. Identifying the ethnosociocultural specificity of the figurative and symbolic use within a particular language.

Methods of research. As a fundamental principle of the study there has been used a dialectical approach to the problem of interdependence of language, thought and culture, the processes of human cognition and representation of the signs of the secondary semiosis that are transferring human experience and existing knowledge in a peculiar way.

The basic material for the study has been a corpus, resulting from total sampling and consisting of approximately 7 thousand mono- and polylexemic units, representing a number of thematic groups in the French language. Lexical units of other languages, if necessary, have been used to verify the suggestions made.

As the source of language materials there have been used dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias.

Newness of findings is attributed to the fact that for the first time language symbols and images have been studied fully and sequentially from their origin till their functioning in the language system.

Theoretical significance of the work lies, first of all, in the fact that it highlights one of the important issues related to the development of language, its deep structures and creative potential. Understanding the ontological basis of figurative and symbolic use allows us to distinguish ontological and conventional factors in developing language images and symbols, to identify the cognitive basis of figurativeness and symbolism, to emphasize the importance of the semiotic space.

^ Practical value. The study of the characteristics of the cognitive-semantic organization and functional-pragmatic use brings in additional data to the systematization of figurative and symbolic use, makes it possible to determine the value system adopted in certain cultures, gives information for penetrating the depth of the etnolingvocultural layer, allowing a more meaningful way to decode the hypertext of culture. Of particular importance are the findings, representing ethnosociocultural specificity of the images and symbols of the French language. The methodology and procedure of the analysis can be applied in the comparative linguistics to the study of figurative and symbolic use of other languages.

Research structure. The paper consists of Introduction, four sections, Conclusion, list of references and dictionaries used.

Perspectives of research lie in further study of the secondary lingvosemiosis in the integrity of its linguistic and extralinguistic categories, in a deeper cognition of the subject-visual code, in the investigation of the communicative-pragmatic nature of figurative and symbolic expressions, in considering linguistic typology issues, in further study of value systems of different cultures, in identifying lingvocultural correspondences and determining the universal cultural-semiotic thesaurus, in modeling the universal system of symbols and images, in the assessment of the artistic significance of the figurative and symbolic use.