David Guramishvili Georgian-Ukrainian International University,, Iberia" Грузино-Украинский Международный Университет,,Иберия " им
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СодержаниеEshera Plate as monument of political history of ancient period Nargiza Gamisonia |
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- Анотація. Описано сучасний етап розвитку конкурентних відносин, 29.62kb.
- 7-й украинский студенческий фестиваль рекламы. Праздник молодой рекламы собирает все, 36.62kb.
- І международный форум "Физическая ядерная безопасность", 52.86kb.
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- Eastern Michigan University (usa) Chongqing University of Technology (China) Doğuş, 197.08kb.
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Нодар Берулава
Доктор исторических наук, профессор, Сухумский государственный университет (Грузия)
,,Эшерская плита”, как памятник политической истории Абхазии античного периода
В 1975г., на археологических раскопках в с. Эшера Сухумского р-на Грузии, под фундаментом разрушеного на рубеже II-I вв. до н.э. здания были найдены обломки бронзовой плиты с остатками греческого текста. Они были специально исследованы московским палеографом Ю. Виноградовым, а также-грузинскими учеными Т. Каухчишвили и М.Инадзе. По мнению специалистов, данный памятник является повествовательным документом типа декрета или исторической хроники, в которой описаны некие боевые действия с участием как военно-морских, так и сухопутных сил, очевидно-десантная операция. Читаются следующие обрывки фраз: ,,вооруженные силы”, ,,вошедшие в город”, ,,царство” (или что-то связанное с царской властью, возможно- ,,царица”) и др. Примечательно, что бронзовая плита, несмотря на безупречный греческий язык надписей, сделана из бронзы местной пробы, включающей кавказскую медь и мышьяк. По стилистическим данным надпись датируется рубежом IV –ого III–его вв. до н.э. и, как видно, простояла в зданий 150-200 лет. Т.е. ее, как законодательный акт или же документ, рассказывающий о неком историческом событии, держали в публичном месте. Все это время ее историческое или политическое значение не было забыто.
Т.Каухчишвили предложила следующее прочтение данных отрывков:
Фрагмент 1: ,,город восстановлен” (или ,,застроен”). Другой вариант: ,,клянусь Аполлоном”… ,,многочисленный (или сильный) флот”… . ,,он сумел”… . захваченный … . ,,вместе со всеми( или ,,среди всех”)…,,Во времена царствования”(или ,,царства”, или же - ,,царский наместник”).
Фрагмент 2: ,,если бы они пришли…”
Фрагмент 3: ,,в строю” (или ,,таксиарха); ,,пусть командуют… .”
Фрагмент 4: ,,пошел… .” ,,бухта… .”
Фрагмент 5: ,,если пришлешь… .”
Фрагмент 6: ,,гибель, беда…”
Фрагмент 7: ,,правильный, верный…”
Фрагмент 8: ,,правильный, верный…”(в форме сослагательного наклонения – ,,поселение”).
Фрагмент 9: ,,храбрые, бесстрашные…”
Фрагмент 10: ,,Гераклея, или ,,гераклеоты… огонь, ворота, или крепостная башня…”(5).
Приблизительный смысл текста должен быть следующий: после некой военной акции с участием сильного флота, царского чиновника, бесстрашных вояк, командиров войск или отрядов, был взят некий укрепленный приморский пункт (возможно – Эшера, или же напротив, его взяли эшерцы). Затем город(или его часть) был восстановлен. Неясна роль города Гераклеи. Возможно, гераклеоты сражались на стороне эшерцев, или их противников. Второй вариант: в связи с некими заслугами гераклеотов перед эшерцами, им предоставляются определенные права. При этом, ни один термин не соответствует типичной лексике того времени, употреблявшееся при написании царских посланий или законов. В 1988 году М.Инадзе, опираясь на восстановленные обрывки, предложила собственную версию прочтения текста: на основе сложившейся в III в. до н.э. международной обстановки она считает, что северокавказскими горцами или степными кочевниками был взят и разрушен некий ,,город”(Эшера?). Затем, с участием некой военной силы был восстановлен мир и сам город. Близасть Эшеры к Сухуми дает основание предположит, что этот ,, город” - Диоскурия. Как известно, в Элинистическую эпоху начинается активизация варварских племен Причерноморья. Херсонес, при посредстве своей метрополии - Гераклеи, просит защиты у понтийского царя.
Понтийское царство руководствовалось собственными интересами в Восточном Причерноморье, что особенно четко выявилось в царствование Митридата 6 Евпатора. М.Инадзе, соответственно, склонна видеть в упомянутом в тексте, ,,царстве” Понт, а надпись определяет, как договор Диоскурии с Понтийским царством и городом Гераклеей с целью заключения военного союза и покровительства.(3) Однако Ю.Виноградов, отмечающий отсутствие в тексте грамматических черт, характерных для подобных документов, называет эти рассуждения ,,рискованными”.(2). Еще одно разногласие между исследователями касается датировки памятника: М. Инадзе, основываясь на достаточно расплывчатой датировке Т. Каухчишвили(весь 3 в.до н.э.), строит свои доводы на анализе международной обстановки второй половины данного века(3). Однако Ю. Виноградов внес в данную датировку сериозные уточнения и, на основе графических особенностей текста, отнес его к рубежу 4-3вв.до н.э.(2) . Однако, данная датировка заведомо исключает участие в событиях Понтийского царстваб которое в данное время еще фактически не располагало выходом к морюб а проявлять имперскую активность начало лишь во второй половине 3в. до н.э., да и то только в Южном Причерноморье.
Город Гераклея, очевидно, как –то участвовал в данном конфликте, но на чьей стороне? Херсонес, очевидно, просил Гераклею о помощи, потому, что являлся ее колонией. Но для чего было Диоскурии просить помощи у не слишком близкого дорийского полиса? На роль посредника в отношениях с тем же Понтийским царством вполне подошел бы соседний Трапезунд или Синопа. С другой стороны, поскольку Гераклея имела давние, археологически подтвержденные связи с данным регионом, почему бы ей было не помочь в случае необходимости Колхиде? Это дало бы определенные привилегии гераклейской торговой элите на важных колхидских рынках в конкуренции с соседними ионийскими полисами. Правда, Гераклея в начале 3 века до н.э. уже вступила в полосу затяжного внутреннего кризиса, приведшего 282 году до н.э. к упразднению в данном городе режима тирании (что, однако, не остановило упадка города), однако в первой половине 3 в. до н.э. город еще проявлял значительную внешнеполитическую активность в Причерноморье. Его флот оставался сильнейшим в данном регионе. В конце концов, Гераклея могла быть представлена группой эмигрантов. В ней всегда остро стояла проблема « лишних людей» , для которых в 301 году до н.э. даже был специально построен город Амастрия. Диоскурия могла приютить у себя излишки гераклейского населения в обмен на военную помощь.
Требует объяснения также и тот факт, что Эшерская стелла, в которой описывались какие –то, очевидно, важные события, была установлена не в городе Диоскурии, а в ее пригороде – Эшере. Вероятно, таких стелл было поставлено несколько в разных людных местах, или же сражение произошло непосредственно в Эшере. В этом, последнем случае можно предполагать, что верные царю силы в разгар конфликта сумели удержат собственно Диоскурию и дождаться контроперации со стороны колхидских властей, что облегчило задачу десанта и предотвратило более глубокое вторжение с северо-запада. Исходя из того, что данный регион является частью исторической Колхиды, логичнее всего предположить, что упомянутое в тексте « царство» («Басилейя») - Колхида.(4) Хотя не исключено, что имеется в виду какой-нибудь гераклейский тиран, тем более. что данное слово иногда переводится как «царица», а Гераклеей в 306 -301 гг. до н.э. правила царица Амастрия.
Главным аргументом в пользу того, что стелла была поставлена не при колхидских царях, а при Митридате, является тот факт, что она простояла в городе все время понтийской оккупации, до самого разрушения Эшеры в середине первого века до н.э. Однако данный аргумент легко можно оспорить: Митридат старался выглядеть в глазах колхов не явным завоевателем, а наследником местных царей. Соответственно, уничтожение всех памятников местной государственности не входило в его интересы.
Исходя из всего вышесказанного, мы в свое время сочли возможным считать данный документ описанием военной акции, проведенной властями Колхидского государства с целью освобождения одного из своих городов на северо-западе страны от оккупировавших его северокавказских или северопричерноморских племен, возможно, пользовавшихся поддержкой соседнего Боспорского царства, представлявшего в первой половине 3 в. до н.э. ведущую силу в данном регионе.[1]
Таким образом, Эшерская стелла, не смотря на ее нынешнее состояние, является интересным памятником античной культуры и дает основание для множества предположений. О том, что установление подобных памятников с греческими надписями было достаточно характерно для античной Колхиды, свидетельствует находка еще одной подобной стеллы в Ваннском городище.
[1]. Н.Берулава. Город Диоскурия – Себастополис и район Сухумской бухты в античную эпоху(VI в.до н.э. - III в. н.э. по археологическим и письменным данным.). Тб., 2005.
[2].Ю.Виноградов. бронзовая плита с надписью из Вани. Приложение: Надпись на бронзе из Эшеры. ВДИ 1995, №3.
[3]. М.Инадзе. к интерпретации Эшерской надписи. Кавказско-Ближневосточный сборник. Тб., 1968.
[4]. Г.Лордкипанидзе. Греко-Колхидские взаимоотношения в VI-IV вв. до н.э. ВДИ 1982, №3.
5 Т.Каухчишвили. Греческая надпись на выпуклом светильнике. Труды АбНИЯЛИ, XXVII, 1957.
Nodar Berulava
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Sukhumi State Univesity (Georgia)
^ Eshera Plate as monument of political history of ancient period
In 1975 during excavations of ancient fortress in Eshera (Abkhazia) there were found splinters (fragments) of the bronze slab with some Greek text with information about war-expansion (or deoccupation of taken lands) of sealand fortress.
Navy forces and land armies had taken part in the war. The city Herakleja of Pont is mentioned in the text. Maybe the town had participated in war.
Researching of stylistic peculiarities of the text the acad. T. Kaukhchishvili defined that it was composed in the third century B. C. in perfect Greek.
Bronze from which the plate was created has chemical structure natural for these places.
Using the date researched by T. Kaukhchishvili M. Inadze tried to define participants of the conflict.
The kingdom of Pont was the main participant. The kingdom began to show foreign- policy activities in the region from the third centuries B. C.
Using the date the author of the scientific article gives his own version of these events.
^ Nargiza Gamisonia
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Sukhumi State Univesity (Georgia)
The State of Karl of Great against Bizantian Empire and Creation of New Europe.
1200 years ago, according to the accepted chronology, there was an event which is possible - with a known share of convention — to consider as a birth of modern Europe.
In 800 Francs king Charles to whom the prorank Great later was fixed, was crowned in Rome an imperial crown. By then all European West (except Britain won by Arabs of Spain, and also the Byzantium Southern Italy) has been actually included in structure of the uniform state which compare to the Western Roman empire which has departed in a non-existence in 476 It, however, it is not absolutely correct: Charles's power reminded nothing former Western Roman empire — other historical period, conditions, borders... It is necessary to consider as the Successor of Roman empire Byzantium more likely
Really Charles was also the founder of this empire, and its unique monarch, to this rank corresponding. Not its wines that successors have not stood test by empire and have disorganised it on 43rd year of existence. However empire vision has for a long time endured Charles's power and has rendered a great influence on history of Europe. On this sample the German kings of the Saxon dynasty creating Sacred Roman empire (subsequently to its name have added words of the German nation) were guided, of English empire dreamt (and was at war for it) Henry II Plantagenet, created the world power Habsburg...
Charles corrected at first (from 768) in common with the brother Karloman, and after death of the last, from 771, — as the sovereign king. Its grandfather, the well-known Charles Martell, yet the king, and only batler (the manager of royal possession), — really, however, having control over all completeness of the power, has become history as the founder of system benefitiars (taken of the earths for service); on this basis Charles Martell has organized an efficient horse army. The governor is known and as a suppressor of internal distempers, and also resistance of tribes-Dannikov (saxophones, friezes, bavars and allemania), and as the person who has stopped an impact of the Spanish Arabs on the Franks state (fight at Poitiers in 732, war in Provence etc.).
Before it has successfully taken advantage of the help of the same Arabs to break the rebellious nobility at home. Charles Martella's son, Pipin Short (rules in 741—768), has discharged of the power of last king from a dynasty of Merovings and has received from the Pope a royal title — in gratitude for the help against Langobards, conquerors of Italy.
So the dynasty which has received the name Karolings has been based. Pippin short too it was necessary to suppress mutinies in the country and to beat off an impact of saxophones and friezes — pagans-Germen. Pippin has coped with enemies; the tribute of saxophones has increased, now it took horses, instead of a horned cattle — military requirements of francs grew.
Thus, Charles has received in management the extensive state with the issued layer servants the people making a basis of an army — the state which was supporting close connections with papacy and having known experience of dialogue with neighbors. But at the same time it was the state poor enough, c the rare population (both owing to preceding wars, and because of frequent poor harvests and the hunger-strikes undermining an economic basis of the country — its agriculture). Thus the country lived in an environment of rather dangerous neighbors: the Spanish Arabs in the south; laid under tribute, but not subdued German people in the east and the north. In back at Germen, in the east, settled down Avarian Khacanat, whose hordes constantly disturbed attacks of whom only could. At last, in the southeast there was Langobard Italy from which it was necessary to protect papal Rome.
Such position demanded constant perfection of military skill — after all neighbors have not been won, and at the best in peace. Conditions reminded, under the witty remark of the Italian historian, antiquated Israel during the period described in «the Book of kingdoms». Not casually new treasured sermon of the world at that time fades into the background.
Policy Charles at all was not expansive as it represented in former textbooks. To win numerous enemies, soldiers-professionals, numerous and well equipped are necessary. Such army cost rather expensively (the known estimation of the full equipment equal to cost of 45 cows, concerns those times, instead of by the knightly period). The good sword was literally worth its weight in gold; a fighting horse and an arm our, rather still primitive, too cost the whole condition. In such conditions Charles could solve a military problem only through benefity the earths for service. So his father and the grandfather did, but the earths which were in an agricultural turn, any more did not suffice.
Certain role in army strengthening should play and idea of military Messianizmes. Spirit spend Christianities a sword it was quite clear to Germen (that god is strong only that brings military victories to the adherents). This quite barbarous point of view ran counter to the official doctrine of Church, but it should be considered and used.
Still Hlodvig has broken resistance of compatriots-pagans and Vestgoths-Arian for the sake of a Catholicism celebration. «Sons of Church», francs were since then in own eyes a Christianity stronghold. The idea Idea of dighity has received a new impulse and as a result further victories over pagans and Arabs. Just at Charles successes in this field have reached the peak.
Charles, certainly, has understood: for full success it is necessary to pass from defence to approach. Has been put forward, speaking to the modern language, idea of the preventive war which all details have been thought deeply over.
Charles during the board has organized 53 campaigns, not including small expeditions; he participated in their majority itself. The monarch, possibly, believed that its wars will lead to a stable peace of which results he will take advantage if not, its successors. It, however, has not occurred.
Charles has begun preparation for campaigns in joint board with Karloman. At that time value of a country home guard — but at all gradually fell because the monarch aspired to enslave peasants. Simply level of fighting capacity of this home guard did not correspond to new problems, its traficabilities have been limited, and the question supply of such army by provisions dared hardly. Therefore civil guardsmen used only for defence and short campaigns, as auxiliary force.
The army consisted now of professinal-horsemen, trained to own different types of weapon and enough the mobile. They could be thrown quickly anywhere and with success to use against the enemies practicing rather various methods of conducting of war.
Charles constantly moved the armies: from northern border — on southern, there from, say, on east and back. To soldiers was for the sake of what to battle: for the sake of extraction, estates etc. If it was required, were at war also the pedestrian there where the cavalry was ineffective — in dense wood, for example. Whether in comparison with such soldier the pedestrian civil guardsman much cost? Even thus that the weapon for the German-peasant then still was a subject necessary...
Saxophones-pagans were the basic problem for Charles. A tribute imposed on them by Pippin, they at each opportunity tried not to pay, moreover constantly made attacks on frontier Francs areas.
In 772 Charles has seriously started the decision of a Saxon question. The saxophones living between lower reaches of Elba and Rhine, occupied extensive territory, the people were aggressive and the freedom protected desperately. The unique decision the king saw in converting into Christianity rebellious gannuku and in their incorporation in Francs a society.
The campaign has led 772—775 to destruction of Irminsulja, a pagan relic of saxophones. But it was necessary to Charles already in 773 with other army to go to Italy: the daddy asked the help against Langobard. Charles has subdued a floor-Italian, has dethroned Langobard a dynasty and has definitively issued creation of the papal state with the centre in Rome.
But to conduct a two-front war was, it is natural, hard: in 776 Charles had to suppress simultaneously and revolt of the saxophones opposing converting into Christianity, and mutiny Langobard the nobility. Charles has coped with this problem, having subdued at the same time Friul, area between the modern cities of Venice and Trieste.
In 777 struggle against the Spanish Arabs became more active also — on purpose to stop any possibility of their attacks. Charles has taken advantage of a case which to it was given by enmity Pireney the states. The governor of Barcelona has asked the help against the Caliph of Cordoba. Francs have reached Saragossa, but to take it was not possible, and during its Charles's deviation ariergard, well-known Roland was one of which commanders, has been destroyed in mountains by the Basques who for some reason have sided with Arabs.
During the Spanish campaign saxophones — judging by some data, Cordoba which have preliminary agreed to Arabs again have risen. Saxophones it was possible to beat off. Having returned because of Pireney, the king has brought down to Saxony two retaliatory expeditions (779 and 780). It operated at all only with a sword and fire, but results of a christening of saxophones left much to be desired.
And still Charles hardly expected accident of 782: it has directed army on an eastern frontier, against Slavs (Sorbs and Czechs). Settled on a left bank of Elba during movement of tribes when the part of Germen was displaced to the West and the south, and before the earths occupied with them have become empty, Sorbs (pagans, as well as saxophones) did not refuse to themselves pleasure defit next Francs the earths.
The army sent against Slavs by Charles, went through Saxony and has been absolutely exterminated by saxophones. Charles's patience, apparently, was exhausted. It has subjected saxophones to full defeat and for greater intimidation has made near Verdun beating captured (or hostages; here opinions disperse). 4,5 thousand persons have been executed.
Having suppressed in 783 and 785 last centres of resistance, Charles, having come, obviously, to a conclusion that peaceful way of saxophones not Convert into Christianity, has published in the same 785 Saxon Capitulary. To saxophones — to the pagans believing that one god can be stronger than another, and worship to stronger — correctly and naturally, Charles has offered very clear and clear choice: a christening or death, having ordered to execute for any deviation from submission of Christian Church, for non-observance of ceremonies, etc. Saxophones have been intimidated and broken, it seemed — definitively.
To fix success, the king has established the connection with the Slavs-the Obodrits living in lower reaches of Elba, old enemies of saxophones. On Charles's possession the Obodrits did not attack also it them — too (a question on that, paid the Obodrits a tribute to saxophones or not, hardly it is possible to consider solved).
In the east two defensive boundaries have been created: Sorbsky and Saxon. It is remarkable, by the way, that Charles absolutely easy concerned paganism the Obodrits, allied to francs. «The iron Messianizm» monarch was practical and had the borders.
Wars, however, on it have not come to an end. In 787 the duke of Bavaria, tax-payer Charles has risen, and simultaneously nomads avars from territory of modern Hungary have struck on Friul.
Avars have beaten off, next year the duke Bavarian has surrendered, its possession have been attached to the state of francs. Management of these earths has passed to columns.
To avars Charles attack has remembered, danger from their party has properly estimated. On the party the king has involved the khorutans, slavic neighbours the Bavars, and in 791—793 has conducted Avarian campaign by the connected forces — even with participation of river fleet on Danube. A number of Avarian rates was rich extraction is crushed, grasped. But the case of horses (эпизоотия) has prevented to bring matters to the end though for end of war by three years after Charles's presence and participation of the basic Francs forces already and it was not required quickly.
To avars Charles has applied a genocide: they were not combined with francs at once on two parametres — both as pagans, and as nomads. It is impossible to assert, of course, that Charles understood business so, however operated in this spirit. However, that obeyed, the king did not exterminate.
And here, under the message Franc the annals, it became known that «damned saxophones» in 792 have sent embassy to avars (obviously — to agree about joint actions), and in 793 — again have risen. Charles has answered with lightning defeat of revolt.
In 797, seeing obvious uselessness of the further resistance which would lead only to full destruction of the people, last persisting representatives of the Saxon nobility have gone on the agreement with Charles.
Year before francs have crushed Avarian capital. Last large enough forces of rebellious saxophones have been broken in 798 helping Charles the Obodrits about what the Lorshsk annals has placed curious record in which good pagans — the Obodrits (they «were helped by belief of Christians and the king») — are opposed bad, rebellious.
After these events, in opinion the historian, saxophones «have merged with francs in the uniform people» (actually it nevertheless has not occurred).
The Saxon epopee has scarred minds of contemporaries. Charles the Great Eingard's biographer wrote about it as about 33-year-old war for till 804 resettlements and deportations won, and separate flashes of resistance proceeded still, "just in case".
Capture of Barcelona in 801 became last chord in Charles's military successes the Spanish mark (boundary, buffer area) Has been formed. Even earlier other marks — East (the Western Hungary and the future Austria), Breton (on border with the peninsula Brittany occupied by Celts) and Friulsky (on a joint of Italy with the slavic earths) have been created. At the disposal of their governors — margraves — there were serious military forces. Together with Saxon and Sorbsky defensive boundaries these marks have developed in the system, capable to provide to the state calmness. So Charles has seen all the same results of the works.
Estimated military activity of the monarch differently. Often Charles accused of cruelty and Expansionism which are mentioned above. «Expansionism» is, of course, modernization; and that to cruelty... F.Kardini truly wrote, what not to us, people ХХ of century to Judge Charles the Great.
It is possible to decide, of course, that Charles the present commander was not and compensated cruelty a talent lack. Here, say, L.N.Gumilev wrote about the king in tone rather scornful: Great-de have nicknamed it for victories, but he successfully only won "Germans" (not clearly, the truth what "Germans" at that time were), Barcelona ostensibly took only because it to Arabs was and is not necessary at all, and «all huge empire was at war with one small Failure», and have grasped only a country piece.
It is necessary to notice: «all empire» could not be at war with avars not only because the empire then yet was not, but also because of saxophones. Not without reason Charles has involved Slavs in an Antiavarian campaign — the king at all desire could not concentrate all forces against avars. Last experience of everyone would learn that opponents there is more than one.
By the way, Charles's cruelty is explainable as reaction to environment threat (at once I will make a reservation that here is better to refrain from moral estimations). The monarch had no right to be mistaken for unlimited military forces had no.
Great Charles have nicknamed all the same knowingly. After all its activity on Francisation Germany and Italy, a hard task and in itself, occurred against long Saxon war, and the Spanish and Avarian campaigns were in parallel conducted still.
Francs waged preventive war. Such tactics also has brought success. To attack, to prevent the worst, to come in the defensive purposes, is was for Charles a rule of all life. But - only there where it is necessary. The example the Obodrits here is indicative enough.
To the main results of military activity of Charles the Great follows, as that was made already in the last century by the Russian historian T.N.Granovsky, to carry the termination of resettlements of the people shaking Europe and tribes and association of the German people (except for Scandinavians and Anglo-Saxons) in one state.
The Francs power became the strongest state in the West Europe. Even the opponent most dangerous before — Arabs, francs had to be afraid now unless on the sea as the military fleet at Charles was not.
Known Arabian Caliph Garun-al-Rashid has established the connexion with Charles and has presented to it a place of a coffin of coffin of God in Jerusalem where the king was going to put church. Byzantium finally has actually agreed with Charles's recognition the emperor that has demanded known difiting local ideological installations. For, what there historians spoke subsequently, Byzantium was the heir-at-law of former Roman empire, and anybody to Charles of it did not challenge also an imperial title did not accept. Why all the same there was a counterbalance to the state the Romans - Charles the Great empire?
Charles, apparently, did not gather to be at all the emperor and forced nobody that it to proclaim. He first of all considered itself(himself) as the king of francs (from the Divine pleasure, certainly).
The campaign to Italy has been caused 800 next plot Langobards the nobility with which followed faster finish on the threshold of a gain of Barcelona: Langobards all could not get on with the daddy in any way. In Rome the grateful daddy crowned Charles with an imperial crown, by own words of the king, unexpectedly. It is possible to suspect that here the monarch has played a cunning trick, however the direct advantage in a new title for Charles was not. Rome — only one of cities subject to it to live there it did not gather.
Another matter that Charles considered itself as nothing below that, the Constantinople emperor who, by the way, persistently named the king. What from this, what that is the sacred person? It operates the successor of last pagan empire, moreover and the pagans to Arabs cannot resist... And here francs and Charles — quite another matter: the king-voitel, the defender of Christianity, after Hlodvigom moves apart borders of the Christian world, a sword and a word turns pagans...
The daddy Is left III should to know about similar moods of the king. Apparently, the Roman high priest was the initiator of solemn crowning in the Eternal city. After all it promoted strengthening of a position of papacy, let and dependent on francs. Without their help to the daddy was not to hold on: to obey Langobards - farewell papal state, to bow to Byzantium - to become the province of the imperial bishop...
Time for realization of a papal plan was approaching: in Byzantium on a throne there was a juvenile monarch, at it - mother-regentess. Also the hearing has been started up that the imperial dynasty was stopped. But there should be an emperor in the Christian world! And Charles - owns Rome, primordially imperial city, its acts - acknowledgement of that the king - the successor of the Roman August.
Charles has allowed itself to persuade. And after crowning, about its which bottom, apparently, in advance have not warned (in it and that "unexpectedness" consisted), has left to the favorites Ashen.
In connection with this crowning it is necessary to pay attention to one as it is represented, Charles's not to the full estimated act. Historians have noticed that the Italian campaigns (that in protection of the daddy for shortcuting its appetites) had one important consequence: they have definitively broken political link of Italy with Byzantium and Rome with Constantinople. Italy became a part of the Western Europe.
But there is also other moment: the daddy has appeared the head of all Church of Karolings empire, and also anyhow gravitating to it of Britain and Christians of Spain. The daddy, having crowned Charles, has appropriated a prerogative which earlier possessed only church the lord of Constantinople. Opposition of empires was underlined also by opposition of heads of western and east Churches that did inevitable ideological split.
It is possible to consider crowning of 800 as a prelude of the rupture issued in 1054
Having fixed a new title the rights to the earths occupied by the various people and united only by force, Charles, without canceling local laws, has made, however, attempt to create whole imperial the legislation. capitulary, before concerning the concrete people (for example, saxophones), after 800 were already whole imperial documents. And in this quality have anyhow affected the legislation of the latest Europe.
Charles's attention to affairs of formation and sciences quite naturally in the conditions of the huge state which without the necessary quantity of the formed people could not be operated effectively. Usually write in this connection about well-known to "Karolings academy», collected the best experts from all Europe led by Anglo-Saxon Alkuin.
However Charles (the then rare if not exclusive) understood a case also importance of national education, start up in known limits. In 787 there was a decree about creation of schools at monasteries, and in two years — about establishment of national schools at churches. Priests were obliged to learn gratuitously the parishioners to read and sing.
The opinion of some historians on Charles's erudition looks not quite convincing. Consider, for example, that the monarch was not able to write, though tried to learn it. But still T.N.Granovsky noticed that it is hardly true. Then two manners of the letter — simple and calligraphically differed. Probably, last was meant also by biographer Eingard when informed on inability of the emperor. But that the person freely knowing Latin and speaking in a Greek way (for those times was absolutely not able to write it already more than sufficient formation) — is really doubtful.
Besides Charles itself took active part in works of the academy based by it: under its initiative the correct text of the Bible was made; the monarch collected the most ancient German legends and songs (the meeting, unfortunately, is almost lost); it has charged to scientists to make grammar native Francs language (this command has not been executed).
All it testifies that Charles felt the German and did not aspire at all neither the people, nor latinization. Its court yard has been arranged in the German style: a little rough splendor at simplicity and moderation of the owner indulging at leisure in reading or hunting. In one, the truth, Charles, at all piety, could not refuse to itself: in a considerable quantity of concubines.
Not to collapse empire as we understand now, simply not could. Without pressing in social and economic processes occurring in it (for this purpose it should to write separate article), we will notice only that creation of the huge state has urged on feudalization process, and already one it was pledge of the future disintegration. To prevent or at least delay it could unless the second Charles the Great, but that was not.
Empire disintegration had serious consequences for Europe. First, the history of such states as France, Germany, Italy, have been put bases future Austria, the Netherlands, Aragon has begun with it.
Results of military activity of Charles it was mentioned above. Charles's efforts in legislation and culture spheres too have yielded some results. After all the king at itself has forced monasteries to get libraries, having limited adherence of clergy of that time to hunting: it was authorized to extract exactly so much skins, how many used on cover of books available in a given monastery. There will be no this measure — still it is not known, how many ancient manuscripts has reached that time when in them figures of the Renaissance at last were engaged.
It is possible to argue, of course, whether there was Charles the tool of history or its creator. How it represented much if not everything, has gone at all to itself (himself): the power has failed, hardly whole imperial saxophones became shock group of an impact on the east...
Probably, it is possible to agree with T.N.Granovskim who has compared Charles and Peter the Great: contemporaries have not understood both, with the nearest successors has not carried. However, Peter's creation has staid longer...
The List of the Literature.
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