The structure of the informational package for selected educational direction
Вид материала | Документы |
- Нанотехнологии – на службу обществу1, 155.05kb.
- Selected National Issues and the Civic Program Поддержка: предоставление средств, 209.24kb.
- Distant Informational Communications Факультет автоматики и вычислительной техники, 37.79kb.
- Обработка и передача измерительной информации, 182.05kb.
- Educational and method literature, 773.23kb.
- Тской models to model of mutual responsibility in an education sphere, to strengthening, 945.89kb.
- Selected cfr military Leadership Membership List America's Jesuit-ruled-cfr-led, 275.82kb.
- Анализ и интерпретация информации, 212.2kb.
- The hidden structure of overimitation, 326.1kb.
- Mass media exists in educational area for a long time, 578.92kb.
^ Criteria of evaluation of practice
A question about the criteria of evaluation of level of knowledges, abilities and skills of students is extraordinarily important. Examining general professional preparation of students of specialities "social pedagogics", "social work" as an integral process of forming of the system of general professional knowledges, abilities, skills, it follows to distinguish a complex criterion which gives integral description of level of general professional preparation of future specialists, represents unity of capture of professional activity richly-judicial and motivational-valued parties; secondly, represents intercommunication of knowledge, abilities, skills (knowledges are theoretical basis of abilities; ability is a form of functioning of knowledge; skills are highly developed abilities); thirdly, unites in itself different descriptions of quality of knowledge and abilities (plenitude, realized, effectiveness); fourthly, represents dynamic of knowledge and abilities (their application is in the most various terms); fifthly, unity and intercommunication of cognitive and practical activity of students (in a proces of which formed professional knowledges, abilities, skills) and it character.
The indexes of general professional preparation of students are:
- level of interest to practical professional activity, activity in a period practice;
- level of mastering of basic ideas, positions, concepts, facts in the field of social pedagogical and social activity;
- level of theoretical comprehension of methods of organization of practical professional activity;
- level of possession of theoretical knowledge, use them in practice;
- a quality of separate professional abilities and their aggregate;
- level of independence in creative practice.
The above-mentioned criteria represent the so-called unformative evaluation the use of which allows:
- at first, to estimate the general level of professional preparation of student on this stage
- secondly, to carry out monitoring and, accordingly, estimate the dynamics of the personality-professional becoming
- thirdly, to create bases for activation of professional reflection as a mechanism of self-development and self-education of future specialist.
In accordance with the requirements of credit-module evaluation of different types of educational activity the criteria of unformative evaluation are specified in the criteria of normative evaluation. Use last allows to estimate quality of implementation of concrete tasks of the program of practice. The criteria offered by us look like the following:
Current document 1.The plan-diary of passing practice( by chart). 2. Analytical reference (characteristic of the work system of social service or of the social-pedagogical service of educational establishment), social passport of class, school . 3. An analysis of plan of work of social service, separate specialist on the period of passing of practice. 4. Description of tool of this service, resources which are used in organization of corresponding social pedagogical, social work assignment; description of separate type of tool 5. Analytical reference (organization of corresponding work with an individual or group). 6. Detailed record of individual or group conversation (advising) of specialists with the objects of professional activity with analytical conclusions:
7. Report analysis is about the individual or group task processing, realization of the own participating in activity of service, independent professional activity 8. Development and realization of measure of elucidative-prophylactic, educator character psychological and pedagogical portrait of basic (or one of basic) group of clients of this service 10. Development of structurally-functional model of self-government of child's collective 11. Program and results of educational research work 11. Creating a professional portfolio | Low - records represent content of the actually produced work, supervision limited to fixing of superficial facts and personal impressions of practice Average - additionally to the previous level records contain the certain elements of analysis of facts which are observed, self-examination of professional feel, but lacks a systematic, thorough analysis, and also necessary conclusions and suggestions. High - the, reasonable analysis of the systems of facts which are observed, own professional feel, and also necessary conclusions and suggestions present ^ Low – a reference (passport) is limited to the concrete facts, absent elements of analysis Average – a reference contains the elements of analysis, exposes the certain moments of organization and work of service, a passport contains clarification and notes, which remove concrete features, necessary for organization of further work High – a reference (passport) contains a deep, thorough analysis, which exposes work of service (class, school) as a system, allows to build a perspective evaluation and prognostication ^ Low – superficial opening of basic moments of the content of plan of work Average – presence of elements of analysis, opening of basic directions, organizational forms of work of service, specialist High – a full analysis of work of service, specialist in the system (expediency, accordance to the tasks of service, necessities of clientele, social situation) ^ Low – the constituents of tool, resource providing are distinguished Average – additionally to the previous level there is present analysis of optimality and efficiency of present tool, present resources High – additionally to the previous levels the analysis of the systems of tool, resources contains the estimation of expediency and efficiency of the use, suggestion about an improvement ^ Low – superficial, fragmentary description of work with an individual or group Average – the deep enough analysis of the systems of this work is given High – the deep analysis of the systems of work is completed by conclusions in relation to expediency and efficiency, and also own suggestions in relation to it improvement Low – protocol basically describes the progress of the meeting (consultation), the behavior of its members, the characteristics of results is incorrect or incomplete results Average – There are attempts to explain the logic of conversation (advice), its dynamics, analysis of individual fragments of conversation, description of results is accurate and complete enough High – the deep analysis of the systems of conversation (advising) is given in accordance with an algorithm, the personal opinion is expressed in relation to professionalness of realization of conversation (advising), description of results is faithful, full, contains perspective prognostication Low – maintenance and character of task, commission, work, object (objects) of professional activity, are shown, that it was planned for his implementation, that it is actually realized Average – described used technologies, there are certain elements of analysis of effectiveness, self-appraisal of professional readiness to the task, psychological psychological health in the process of the carried out activity High – deep system analysis task, plan of work processing, deep professional reflection, reasonable conclusions, in relation to professional readiness and further self-perfection Low – planning done on the reproductive level, removes a tendency to monotony,a stereotyping in organization of measure, its realization removes the insufficient level of corresponding skills , self-examination and self-appraisal carry fragmentary, superficial character Average – planning removes the sufficient level of methodical preparation, readiness to creation of variety organization of measure, components of measure logically ranged, sufficient level of organizationally-communicative abilities and skills during realization, system in self-examination and self-appraisal High – planning is carried out at high methodical level, contains creative payment of trainee, his willingness to use both traditional and innovative methods in organization and realization of measures, a high level of organizationally communicative abilities and skills during realization, depth, plenitude and system in self-examination and self-appraisal Low – A portrait carries fragmentary, nonsystem, superficial character, not involved in a complex all possible sources for his creation (psychological-pedagogical literature, interview with specialists, own supervisions) Average – portrait represents basic features in the system, contains the elements of analysis of origin of these features and necessity of the use in professional activity High – a complete, system, reasonable portrait is given, the analysis of features comes forward as basis of ground of methodical expediency of the use of certain approaches and technologies in activity Low – the offered model is created with the use of typical, stereotype approaches, not taken into account features of this child's collective, psychological-pedagogical features of corresponding age, functional not enough Average – a model contains the elements of creative, non-standard approach, reasonable enough, but does not take into account in a complete measure the feature of necessities of children in independence and activity High – a model is creative, nonstandard, methodically reasonable, functional, provides the requirement of children in independence and activity, to participating in organization of own leisure activity Low – a select problem is actual not enough for this service, work performances are superficial, represent the descriptive, nonsystem, unanalytical approach to collection and treatment of material, absent prospect of the use of material for further research and use in practice of work of service Average – the complete enough, in theory reasonable program of work is given, but for her implementation deep not enough theoretical and practical preparation of student, the prospect of the use of material for further research and use in practice of work of service is given schematically High – the complete, complex, in theory reasonable program of work, deep theoretical, methodical and practical preparation of student, reasonable and outlined prospects of the use of material for further research and use in practice of work of service Low – the presented materials mainly represent the concrete facts of the professional becoming (documentary photographs, deeds, diplomas, pictures, verses and others like that). An essay absents or carries descriptive character. The process of the own professional becoming is represented mainly on factical and emotional levels. Average – materials are presented more variously, authorial works of methodical, scientific character are added. An essay contains the analytical going to the reflection of process of the professional becoming, but is not complete enough and deep High – material contains including scientifically-research works (publications, projects and others like that). The analysis of process of the professional becoming contains reasons of choice of profession, system picture of professional and personality increase, self-appraisal of results of professional preparation on valued-semantic, technological and reflexive levels. |
Every task of practice is estimated separately.
In accordance with the scale of ЕСТS :
- The low level of the task processing - 50-74% from the maximal amount of points, foreseen by the program;
- The average – 75-89%;
- The high – 90-100%.
A general estimation for practice is proposed after the sum of points, collected for all tasks, foreseen by the program of concrete type of practice.