The structure of the informational package for selected educational direction
Вид материала | Документы |
- Нанотехнологии – на службу обществу1, 155.05kb.
- Selected National Issues and the Civic Program Поддержка: предоставление средств, 209.24kb.
- Distant Informational Communications Факультет автоматики и вычислительной техники, 37.79kb.
- Обработка и передача измерительной информации, 182.05kb.
- Educational and method literature, 773.23kb.
- Тской models to model of mutual responsibility in an education sphere, to strengthening, 945.89kb.
- Selected cfr military Leadership Membership List America's Jesuit-ruled-cfr-led, 275.82kb.
- Анализ и интерпретация информации, 212.2kb.
- The hidden structure of overimitation, 326.1kb.
- Mass media exists in educational area for a long time, 578.92kb.
Department of social pedagogy and social work
“^ System of the organization of social maintenance in Ukraine”
for specialty (`s) “Social work”
full-time study
at the chair meeting
Minutes No. 1 from 28.09.2009.
Head of the chair ___________(signature)
Re-approved: minutes No. ______ d.d. ____________
Re-approved: minutes No. ______ d.d.____________
Re-approved: minutes No. ______ d.d. ____________
Head of scientific and
methodical department ___________ L. Masjuta
Luhansk 2009

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
Working educational program
“System of the organization of social maintenance in Ukraine”
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“System of the organization of social maintenance in Ukraine” Form (`s) of studies: full-time study. Profession (`s): “Social work” | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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[ІПП] / [Соц_роб_09]/ [3_3_3] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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By students choice and for formation of the individual educational plane | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The fourth (4th) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The seventh (7th) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Three (3) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Semkina Inna – lecturer of the chair of social pedagogy and social work ( 3rd building, aud. 4-03 , e-mail: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The objective of the discipline „Social maintenance organization systems in Ukraine”is : • to facilitate the acquisition of fundamental knowledge concerning social maintenance, gaining experience and building skills of knowledge implementation in practice; • to increase methodological culture, assist intensification of students creative efforts, develop their cognitive activity and knowledge actualization; • to form students scientific view of the world and creativity (ability of creative realization of their professional and cultural vocation), legal consciousness, moral and other qualities of the specialist. As a result of educational discipline studying students shall know: • range of social relations that are the subject of social maintenance and social support ; • existing legislation on social maintenance and social support of population; • conceptual framework for social maintenance and social support system; • general direct and potential problems and issues of social maintenance and social support; • main mechanisms for the implementation of social maintenance and social support in Ukraine; • main functions and priorities of government social policy, especially in the field of social maintenance and social support; can: • familiarize with the source system of the social legislation of Ukraine and international-legal regulation of social maintenance and social support; • analyze, generalize and use the norms of the rights of social maintenance and social support correctly in practical activities, explane their contents; • use norms of legal acts concerning social maintenance and social support in practice; • select literatures with theme of occupation, make notes and speech theses; • realize search the necessary factographic and document materials, systematize and summarize them; • use methods of research of the social processes; • forecast the trends of development social maintenance and social support system and find right managerial decisions; • form own outlooks on events, processes and issues in the system of social maintenance and social support. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Educational course on introduction to specialty | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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"Luhansk Taras Shevchenko national university"
Chair of social pedagogics
The prevailing syllabus
of study practice
for students
of "Social pedagogics"
and "Social work" specialities
SE «Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University»
УДК [37.013.42 + 373.66] (073)
ББК 74.6р3 + 65.272р3
R e v i e w e r s:
Krasnova N. P -PHD, the assistant professor of the chair of social pedagogics, and social work of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
Savchenko S.V. - the doctor of pedagogical sciences, the professor, the rector of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
^ Л-25 Larionov N.B. The prevailing syllabus study of practice for students of "Social pedagogics" and "Social work" specialities / N.B.Larionov. - Luhansk: Publishing house SE"", 2009. –36 page
The offered author's program is presentation of organizational-structural model, of the prevailing syllabus practice providing passages of practical training in the conditions of real professional work each semestre, since the first course. Each kind of practice has the substantial and target characteristics, that is acts as the study module. The practice task are accompanied by algorithms of their fulfilment. It is intended for students of specialities "Social pedagogics" and "Social work" study-qualifying levels "bachelor" and "master", to chiefs and methodologists of practice.
УДК 137.013.42 + 373.66] (073)
ББК 74.6рЗ + 65.272рЗ
It is recommended for printing by Academic council of
Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
(The protocol № 3 from october, 30th 2009)
©Larionova N. B., 2009
© SE „ Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 2009
^ Explanatory note
Among the important questions which arise in the course of preparation of the future social teachers and social workers, especially sharply there is a problem of the organization, realization, practice of students in social services, establishments and the organisations.
Practice acts as integrating and rod a component of personal-professional formation of the expert, a link between theoretical training and individual work in establishments of social sphere.
In practice especially intensively passes process of formation of professional skills as it is spent in the conditions as much as possible approached to the future professional work, and, actually, represents the organization, of the individual practical activities directed on the decision of concrete professional problems.
According to Position about carrying out of practice of students of higher stydies institutions of Ukraine: the Order of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine from 08.04.93 № 93 "system of continuous practice is made by such principal views of practice: educational, industrial and predegree. The indicated kinds of practice are advanced by the corresponding purposes, problems, the contents, a form of organization, and realisations.
Specificity of "Social work" and "Social pedagogics" specialities demands especially thorough practical preparation. It is caused by variety of factors:
• an innovation of trades in our society;
• insufficiency of departmental standard and instructive-methodological base of preparation experts;
• variety of possible places of work in the end of high schools and, accordingly, defined an originality of problems, clientele, forms and work methods, etc.;
• If not the professional toolkit on a speciality that leads to necessity of its individual working out by the expert has been fulfilled;
• the factor of "professional loneliness" that means misunderstanding of specificity and post appointment in establishments which are not social services and the organisations, weak possibilities of dialogue with colleagues at professional meetings and actions.
The analysis of study-qualifying characteristics of preparation social teachers and social workers, comparison position about practice of the Ministry education of Ukraine from 08.04.93 № 93 with specificity practice students of the given specialities, acquaintance to separate programs an expert (School of social work name of V.Poltavets of Kievo-Mogilyanskoy academy, open international university development of the person "Ukraine" Kiev, the Ternopol state pedagogical university name of Vladimir Gnatyuk and others), allow to draw a conclusion on a significant amount of diverse approaches and strategy of realisation practice, on the one hand, and the tendency to maintenance of indissoluble unity theoretical and practical preparation during all period of training in high school.
The offered programm is a presentation of organizational-structural model of the prevailing syllabus providing passages practical training each half-year, in the conditions of real professional work, since the first rate.
Methodological basis of designing practice as system object – personal-active the approach to process of professional formation of the expert.
Programme of a practice carried out on the basis following principles:
• Training and practice feedback - on the one hand, judgement and application by students in practice of theoretical knowledge, and with other - fastening at studying of theoretical disciplines and study-research work of the empirical knowledge received in practice;
• Sequences - stage-by-stage mastering of all complex professional skills;
• Heredities - substantial interrelation of all kinds practice when development new is carried out on the basis of experience the previous stages of practical preparation;
• Course - complications of problems of various kinds of practice, increase in volume and complication of the contents of activity;
• Multifunctionality - simultaneous fulfillment during practice of various professional functions, mastering by various professional roles that, in turn, gives the chance mastering of bases several specialisations.
Practice general purposes:
1. Acquaintance to various types and kinds of establishments and services of the social help.
2. Acquaintance to various categories of client’s social services.
3. Acquaintance to the contents and professional work spheres.
4. Acquaintance to morally-ethical standards professional work.
5. Transformation of the acquired theoretical knowledge and a hands-on experience to system of professional abilities:
• communicative, ensuring mastering by toolkit of individual and group communications, ability to build mutual relation with colleagues and clients to interact with various subjects of is social-pedagogical and social activity in rendering assistance to clients, to realise administrative decisions in the professional work;
• organising, allowing successfully to organise studies, cultural-leisured and the practice -focused activity of clients in various socio-cultural conditions;
• diagnostic, allowing to advance the reasons and essence of crisis situations clients, features of a concrete social situation "the individual (group)" - "environment";
• designing, possession with which will ensure ability individual to design socially - pedagogical and social work, to choose the technologies comprehensible and productive in the organisation of social study, social preventive maintenance, correction and rehabilitation, etc.;
• didactic, translations of social knowledge ensuring success in the course of is social-pedagogical and social activity;
• analytical, necessary as for the analysis and an estimation of processes, the phenomena and results of professional work, and for introspection, development of the creative abilities.
6. Practical mastering by professional functions:
• the remedial
• preventive
• correctional and rehabilitation
• is social-pedagogical
• is social-educational.
7. Development of professionally significant personal qualities of the expert.
8. Development of the research approach to the decision of professional problems.
9. Development of the creative approach to exercise of a profession.
At the heart of allocation of concrete kinds of practice - the basic directions of professional work: social ссылка скрыта; social pedagogical; animation; social diagnostics and social preventive maintenance; social correction and social rehabilitation; social support and social home nursing; social designing and social management.
The exception is constituted by the first and last kinds of practice. Their purposes - introduction of the student in the field of real professional work and individual functioning in this field accordingly.
^ Structure of study practice:
Rate | Semestre | Practice kind | The term |
І | 1 | The introduction training | 2 weeks |
2 | Is social-ссылка скрыта | 2 weeks | |
ІІ | 3 | Is social-pedagogical | 2 weeks |
4 | Cultural-leisured | 8 weeks | |
ІІІ | 5 | Preventive | 2 weeks |
6 | Correctional and rehabilitation | 2 weeks | |
ІV | 7 | Is social-supporting | 2 weeks |
8 | Is designed-management The advisory | 8 weeks | |
V | 9 | Complex (trainee) | 10 weeks |