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Department of social pedagogy and social workWORKING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM
Pedagogy for family education (the name of discipline)
for specialty (`s) _____social pedagogy__________________
form of study _____full-time _______________________
at the chair meeting
Minutes No. 1 on September 28 in 2009.
Head of the chair Kharchenko S.
Re-approved: minutes No. ______ d.d. ____________
Re-approved: minutes No.______ d.d. ____________
Re-approved: minutes No.______ d.d. ____________
Head of scientific and
Methodical department ___________ Masjuta L.
Luhansk 2009

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
Working educational program
“Pedagogy for family education”
- ^ Course name.
“Pedagogy for family education”
Form (`s) of studies: full-time study. Profession (`s): social pedagogy. |
- Course code.
[ІПП]. [Соц_Пед_08]. [3_1_14] |
- Course type (compulsory or by students choice).
Compulsory |
- Year (years) of study.
The second (2nd) |
- Seminar (`s).
The fourth (4th) |
- Number of credits ECTS.
One point five (1,5) |
- Surname, name, position, academic rank and scientific degree of lecture.
Gamina Tatyana – assistant professor of the chair of social pedagogy and social work, PhD (3rd building , aud. 4-12), kafedraspsr@mail.ru |
- ^ Course objective (in terms of study results and competence).
The objective of course “Pedagogy for family education” is open peculiarity of a modern family, objective and subjective conditions of their development, a family role in socialization of the individual. The tasks of the course is contain in lighting specialty in formation and development of the family, a family role in forming of the individual to the child, psychological factors of stabilization of the family. This course shall help future specialists, is better to teachers comprehend a heritage of compatriots of the Ukrainian pedagogy on problems of family education, to distinguish and analyze the main conditions of rise the effective of education in a family, to familiarize with the original not traditional forms of work with parents public. |
- ^ Background (actual knowledge`s, required for the course).
Course “The general pedagogy” (1-y education) and a course “Social pedagogy” (Social pedagogy). |
- ^ Course content.
№ | ^ Modules and their structure | general | lectures | seminars/ (pr. train) | lab . | individ. | | Module 1 | | | | | | 1 | Problem of family education in pedagogical legacy. | 6 | 2 | | | 4 | 2 | Marriage and family as the factor of stabilization to society. | 7 | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 3 | Family as social institute. | 6 | | 2 | | 4 | 4. | Married couple forming. | 6 | 2 | | | 4 | 5. | The psychology and pedagogical bases of family education. | 6 | | 2 | | 4 | 6. | The content of family education. | 6 | 2 | | | 4 | 7. | Family and influence on forming of the individual to the child. | 8 | 2 | 2 | | 4 | | Module 2 | | | | | | 8. | Communication of parents with children a basis of family education . | 8 | 2 | 2 | | 4 | 9. | Family - school interaction. | 8 | 2 | 2 | | 4 | 10. | Content of the forms and methods of work to the teacher with parents. | 8 | 2 | 2 | | 4 | 11. | The forming of pedagogical culture of parents. | 6 | 2 | | | 4 | 12. | Role of a family and school in forming of a professional orientation of senior pupils. | 6 | 2 | | | 4 | | ^ Total hours | 81 | 20 | 14 | | 47 | |
- List of recommended literature.
Main literature - Makarenko A. S. The general conditions of family education. About parents authority. – Works in 7 v. Kyiv, 1954
- Seed and family upbringing. The concept. // Native school. – 1996. – No.12 - p. 15-20.
- Suhomlinsky V. O. Parents pedagogy. – Kyiv, 1978.
- Stelmahovich M. I. National pedagogy. – Kyiv, 1986.
- Ushinskij K. D. About family education. – Kyiv, 1974
Additional educational literature - Azarov J. P. Family pedagogy. Pedagogic about love and liberty. – Moscow, 1993
- Azarov J. P. Parents authority. Kyiv, 1986
- Akipis D. S. The parents love. – Moscow, 1989
- Aleksandrova T. A. Something about grandfathers. Moscow, 1990
- Aleshina J. E. Problems of mastering in roles of the man and woman (The questions of psychology, 1991, No.4
- Arnautova E. P., Ivanova V. M. Communication with parents. For what? How? – Moscow, 1993
- Bestuzhev-Lada I. V. History about your parents. - Moscow, 1998
- Bozdarev K. K. The common child. -Moscow,1988
- Boyko V. V.Authority of discipline
- Vasileva A. K. – Structure of family. - Moscow, 1988
- Teachers and parents. According to the experience. / Comp. L. V. Zagik, V. M. Ivanova. - Moscow.1985
- Ganicheva A. M. What should be the teacher-tutor. / Preschool training. -1995 .- No. 9
- Golod S.I. The future family: What is it? - Moscow,1990
- Grebennikov I. V. The family life bases. - Moscow,1991
- Haim G. Ginott Parents and children - Moscow.1992
- Druzhinin V. N. Psychology of family.
- Karabanova O. A. Psychology of family relations and a bases of family consultation. M.Gardariki, 2004
- Kluchnikov S. Family conflicts. The practice of decision. Saint-Petersburg. 2002
- Kovalev S.V. Psychology in modern family. - Moscow,1988
- Kochubey B. I. Human and child.-Moscow,1990
- Kulicova T. A. Family pedagogy and house education. Moscow, 2000
- Lesgaft P. F. Family education of the child and their meaning. - Moscow,1991
- Makarenko A. S. The book for parents. / Ped. works. in 8 v. - Moscow, 1986, v.5
- Makarenko A. S. Family and education of children. / Ped. works. in 8 v. - Мoscow, 1986, v.4
- Malunkova L. I. Teachers, parents and children. - Moscow,1994.
- Muhina V. S. Twins. - Moscow. D969
- Petrovsky O. V. Children and tactics of family education.- Moscow,1981
- Prihogan A. M., Tolstih A. The children without family. (Kindergarten: care and alarms of the society) – Moscow.1990
- Rodin R. M. Destiny of a young family. Moscow, 1990
- Semenov V. V., Kochubey V. I. The problems twins of education and development - Moscow,1985.
- Semenova J. I. The origin of marriage and family. Moscow, 1974
- Spikovska A. S. How will be parents (About psychology of parents love. - Moscow.1986
- Suhomlinsky V. O. Parents pedagogy. Kyiv, 1978
- Ushinsky K. D. About family education. Kyiv, 1974
- Figdor H. Children divorced parents: among a trauma and hope. Transl. from germ. - Moscow.1995
- Homentauskas G. T. Family eyes of the child - Moscow.1989.
- Teaching methods.
Students activity: - attending lectures;
- making a message at a seminar;
- making report at a seminar;
- participating in a discussion at a seminars;
- execution of practical tasks;
- individual notes from originals and their analysis;
- writing of cases.
Current control: two writing modular controls. Form of semester control: credit |
- Evaluation criteria (in %).
A semester rating evaluation is lay off in compliance with criteria: - writing modular controls 60% (including 15% on the control of individual work of the student )
- participation in seminars 30%
- individual work (course paper) 10%
Map of evaluation of students individual work № | Types of individual work of student | Maximum evaluation rating for type (%) | 1. | Family as social institute. | 5% | 2. | Family conflicts: reasons and prevention. | 5% | 3. | Problem of educational of children in modern young family. | 5% | 4. | Course paper on selected topic | 10% | | TOTAL : | 25% | |
- ^ Language of teaching.
Ukrainian, Russian |