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The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Taras Shevchenko Lugansk National University
Department of social pedagogics and social work ^ WORK EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMM
Disciplines are
„Basics skills of social worker”for speciality "Social work"
the form of studies is daily
the department sitting
proceeding №1 from 28.09.09
The head of the department__________(signature)
Re-approved: proceedings №______the date____________
Re-approved: proceedings №______the date____________
Re-approved: proceedings №______the date____________
The head of science-methodic(al) department___________L.P. Masyuta
Lugansk 2009

Taras Shevchenko Lugansk National University
Executable educational code
disciplines are „Basics skills of social worker”
- ^ Назва курсу.
„Basics skills of social worker”
Form(- s) of studies: daily. Speciality (-s) : Social work. |
- Course code.
[ІПП] / [Social work_09]/ [3_1_23] |
- Type of course (obligatory or after the choice of student).
Obligatory. |
- Educational terme.
3-rd |
- Semester / semesters.
7/8 |
- Number of credits ECTS.
5 |
- The last name , the name the second name, position, scientific rank and scientific degree of teacher (teachers), which lay out discipline.
Kratinova Vira Oleksandrivna is an associate professor of department of social pedagogics and social work, candidate of pedagogical sciences (3 corps, room. 4-12, e - mail: krasota3336@yandex.ru). |
- ^ Aim of course (in terms of result of studies and competense).
The purpose of studying the course and outcome should be quality training specialist highly cultured, educated, professionally competent, that is able to communicate at all levels, can affect the word and nonverbal means that the creative approach to professional tasks. |
- ^ Pre-conditions (actual knowledge, necessary for a capture a course).
A "Prelude is of profession", a “Theory and practice of social work”, a “Deontology”. |
- ^ The context of course.
№ | Rich in content modules and their structure
| total | lections | seminars | labs | selfwork | | First module | | | | | | 1.1 | Educational social worker skills: content, structure, ways of forming. | | 4 | | – | 8 | 1.2. | Description of educational activities social of worker. Criteria and level of teacher skills. | | 2 | 2 | – | 8 | 1.3. | Teaching skills pedagogy and theater. | | 2 | 2 | – | 8 | | Second module | | | | | | 2.1. | Determination of the actual field of social activity - an important element of craftsmanship social worker. | | 2 | 2 | – | 8 | 2.2. | Quality creative personality. | | 2 | 2 | – | 8 | 2.3. | Social-pedagogical intuition and its role in the creative process. | | 2 | 2 | – | 8 | 2.4 | Equipment and technology adoption creative solutions. | | 2 | 2 | – | 8 | | ^ Third module | | | | | | 3.1 | Art of human relations (international and domestic experience). | | 2 | 2 | | 8 | 3.2 | Art mastering the general and technology and social and educational activities. | | 2 | 2 | | 8 | 3.3 | Social worker’s spiritual potential and his teaching culture. | | 2 | 2 | | 8 | 3.4 | Culture of self-regulation social pedagogue. | | 2 | 2 | | 8 | | ^ Fourth module | | | | | | 4.1 | Culture communication. Delicacy. | | 2 | 2 | | 8 | 4.2 | Language culture of social worker. | | 2 | 2 | | 8 | 4.3 | Methods of studying the socio-cultural behavior. | | 2 | 2 | | 8 | 4.4 | Competition pedagogical skills. | | 2 | 2 | | 8 | | ^ COMMON AMOUNT OF HOURS | 180 | 32 | 28 | – | 120 | |
- List of recommended educational literature.
Primary educational literature Азаров Ю.П. Искусство воспитывать. – М., 1985. - Азаров Ю.П. Педагогика любви и свободы. – М., 1994.
- Андреев В.И. Диалектика воспитания и самовоспитания творческой личности. – Казань, 1988.
- Андриади Н.П. Основы педагогического мастерства: Учебн. пособие для студ. сред. пед. учебн. заведений. – М. : Издательский центр "Академия", 1999. – 160 с.
- Ахматов А.Ф. Педагогика гуманизма. – М., 1992.
- Битянова М.Р. Культура самосовершенствования преподавателей. – М., 1994.
- Волков И.Б. Учим творчеству. – М.: Педагогика, 1982.
- Григорьева Т.Г., Линская Л.В., Усольцева Т.П. Основы конструктивного общения: Метод. пособ. – Новосибирск, 1997.
- Загвязинский В.И. Педагогическое предвидение. – М., 1987.
- Загвязинский В.И. Педагогическое творчество учителя. – М., 1987.
- Иванов И.П. Воспитывать коллективистов. – М., 1980.
- Кан-Калик В.А. Педагогическая деятельность как творческий процесс. – Грозный, 1976
- Каптерев П.Ф. Педагогика – наука или искусство? // Избр. пед.соч. М., 1982. – С.49-62.
- Карнеги Д. Как завоевать друзей и оказать влияние на людей. – М., 1998.
- Козлов Н.И. Лучшие психологические игры и упражнения. – Екатеринбург, 1998.
- Леви В.Л. Искусство быть другим. – М., 1986.
- Леви В.Л. Искусство быть собой. – М., 1991.
- Мудрик А.В. Учитель: мастерство и вдохновение. – М.: Просвещение, 1986.
- Освітні технології: Навч.-метод.посіб. / О.М.Пєхота, А.З.Кіктенко, О.М.Любарська та ін. – К.: А.С.К., 2002. – 255 с.
- Основы педагогического мастерства: Учебное пособие для педагогических специальностей высших учебных заведений / Под ред. И.А.Зязюна. – М.: Просвещение, 1989.
More educational literature Паламарчук В., Рудаківська С. Від творчої особистості до нових технологій навчання // Рідна школа. – 1998. – № 2. – С.52-62. - Педагогический поиск. – М., 1987.
- Прутченков А.С. Социально-психологический тренинг межличностного общения. – М., 1991.
- Психология и педагогика. Уч. пособие /Под редакц. К.А.Абульхановой, Н.В.Васиной. – М.: "Совершенство", 1998. – 320 с.
- Семенова Е.М. Тренинг эмоциональной устойчивости педагога. – М., 2000, – 224 с.
- Сисоєва С.О. Основи педагогічної творчості вчителя: Навч. посібник. – К.: ІСДОУ. – 1994. – 112 с.
- Сластенин В.А. Педагогика: инновационная деятельность. – М., 1997.
- Станиславский К.С. Моя жизнь в искусстве: Работа актера над собой // Собр. соч.: в 8 т. – М.: Искусство, 1954-1955. – Т. 1-3.
- Станиславский К.С. Работа над собой в творческом процессе переживания. Там же т.2. – С. 5-38; 60-68.
- Стефановская Т.А. Педагогика: наука и искусство. Курс лекций. Учебн. пос. для студ., преп., аспир. – М.: "Совершенство", 1998. – 368 с.
- Ушинский К.Д. Человек как предмет воспитания. //Избр. пед. соч.: В 2 т. М., 1953, Т.1. – С.229-263.
- Фирсов М.В., Студинова Е.Г. Теория социальной работы: Учебное пособие для студ. высш. учеб. завед. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2001. – 432 с.
- Шамова Т.И., Третьяков П.И., Капустин Н.П. Управление образовательными системами: Учебн. пособие /Под ред. Т.И.Шамовой. – М.: Владос, 2002. – 320 с.
- Шептенко П.А., Воронина Г.А. Методика и технология работы социального педагога: Учеб. пособие для студ. высш. пед. учеб. заведений / Под ред. В.А. Сластенина. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2001. – 208с.
- Methods of teaching.
Student’s activity: - Listening to lectures;
- reporting on the seminar;
- making a speech at a seminar;
- taking part in discussion on the seminar;
- self-work first-hand note-taking and analysis.
Stream control: two written unit of work per semester. Form semester control: Offset / Exam. |
- Criteria for evaluating (in %).
Semester rating score is calculated based on the criteria: - written unit of work 55% (including 35% for control of student’s selfwork)
- taking part on the seminars 35%
- selfwork (an essey) 10%
Card of estimation of student’s selfwork № | Types of student’s selfwork | Maximum score rating (%) | 1. | To characterize the specifics of the pedagogical skills of social worker (note-taking, the subject submitted to the control module). | 5% | 2. | Technology professional development of social worker (note-taking, the subject submitted to the control module) | 5% | 3 | Technology "creating a situation of success in training and professional self lead-up" (note-taking, the subject submitted to the control module) | 5% | 4 | To compile data bank of pedagogical skills: • tensions educational activities; • teacher professional identity; • emotional culture of the teacher; • Culture of pedagogical intercourse; • nonverbal interaction in the pedagogical process; • means of self-regulation of emotional state; • Psychophysical training. | 10% | 5 | To develop a scenario for the organization and skills of. | 10% | 6 | An essay on the chosen topic | 10% | | TOTAL: | 40% | |
- ^ Language of teaching.
Ukrainian /Russian. |
The ministry for education and science of Ukraine Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
The department of social pedagogy and social work^ WORKING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM “
Population social support technologies” coursefor specialty “Social work” for full-time studyAPPROVED
At the chair-meeting
Minutes No.1 d.d. 28.09.2009
Head of chair__________ (signature)
Reapproved: minutes No._____ d.d.__________
Reapproved: minutes No._____ d.d.__________
Reapproved: minutes No._____ d.d.__________
The head of scientific
and methodical department ____________ L.P. Masjuta
Luhansk 2009
Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
Working educational program
^ Population social support technologies” course - Name of the course
“Population social support technologies”
Form of the study: full-time Specialty: “Social work” |
- Course code.
[ІПП] / [Соц_роб_09]/ [3_1_26] |
- Course type (compulsory or by the choice of a student).
Compulsory |
- Year (years) of studying.
4-th |
- Semester/ semesters.
8 |
- Number of ECTS credits.
5 |
- Surname, name, father’s name, post, academic status and scientific degree of a lecturer (lecturers), who teaches the selected course.
S’omkina Inna Sergeyevna – the assistant of the department of social pedagogy and social work (building 3, lecture hall 4-03, e-mail: lygansk-kc@mail.ru) |
- ^ Course objective (in terms of results of studying and competence).
The objective of the course “Population social support technologies” is to acquaint students with the main types, forms and methods of technology of social work in different areas of human life activity and with different population groups. Particularly, to show the role of social support of population, to study its forms and methods, to form knowledge in the sphere of social service for population, custody and guardianship, technology of social work with elderly and disabled people, children, who need state custody. Mastering technology of social work with different population groups will help future experts in social work to organize and run work in governmental bodies and different social protection organizations. ^ Finishing the program of the discipline a student must: - master the system of knowledge of population social security; - know the technology of pensions provision and insurance; - know the technology of social insurance; - know the types, functions, methods of social service; - know methods of custody and guardianship for the disabled, the elderly, the children who need state guarantee; - gain proficiency in methods of social work with the elderly and the disabled people. |
- ^ Preconditions (actual knowledge necessary for mastering the course).
The specialty introduction course |
- Course content.
№ | ^ Modules and their structure | general | lectures | seminars | lab. | iIndividual work | | Module 1 | | | | | | 1.1 | Legal-organizational basics of general compulsory national social insurance | 16 | 2 | 2 | – | 12 | 1.2. | General compulsory national insurance in case of unemployment | 16 | 2 | 2 | – | 12 | 1.3. | General compulsory national insurance in case of temporary disability and birth or death costs | 16 | 2 | 2 | – | 12 | | Module 2 | | | | | | 2.1. | General compulsory industry accident compensation insurance and occupational disease insurance | 16 | 2 | 2 | – | 12 | 2.2 | The technique of Ukrainian pension provision: generalities | 20 | 4 | 4 | – | 12 | |
| Module 3 | | | | | | 3.1. | State support of families with children | 16 | 2 | 2 | – | 12 | 3.2. | Welfare payment | 20 | 4 | 4 | – | 12 | 3.3. | Social service and activity of social services | 20 | 4 | 4 | – | 12 | | Module 4 | | | | | | 4.1 | Social protection of certain groups of population | 20 | 4 | 4 | – | 12 | 4.2 | The technology of medical care in Ukraine | 20 | 4 | 4 | – | 12 | | ^ Total number of hours | 180 | 30 | 30 | – | 120 | |
- List of recommended literature.
Main literature - Andreev V.M. Social insurance; the history of a problem // Social insurance. – 1999. – No.3. – P. 43-51.
- Astrov P.I. Legal pre-conditions of workman’s law. – M., 1911.
- Bolotina N.B. Social protection of the rights for the person, who is changing the gender // Messenger L’viv. University. – L’viv, 1999. – issue 34. – the law series. – P. 128-131.
- Bolotina N.B. Medical law in the system of Ukrainian law // Ukrainian law. – No. 7. – P. 116-121.
- Bolotina N.B. Some questions of the systematization of the social law // Systematization of Ukrainian law: the problems of theory and practice: The materials of the international scientifically-practical conference. – K.: The institute of Ukrainian Verchovnaia Rada’s law, 1999. – P. 259-263.
- Bolotina N.B. Help for pregnancy and labor// The encyclopedia of law. – K.: publishing house “Ukrainian encyclopedia” P. Bajana, 1999. – Vol. 2. – P. 28.
- Bolotina N.B. Social policy and social law of Ukraine and European Union: the questions of adaptation // Urgent politic problems: 36 scientific efforts of Odesska law academy. – Odessa, 2000. – No. 1. – P. 212-217.
- Bolotina N.B. The main declaration of human rights and reform of social security in Ukraine // Messenger of Odessa institute of interior. – Odessa, 2000. – No. 1.
- Bolotina N.B. The human right for social security in Ukraine: the problem of terms and concepts // Ukrainian’s law. – 2000. – No. 3.
- Vidgorchick N.A. The theory and practice of social insurance. – M., 1923.
- Dimension and the ways of overcoming poverty in Ukraine // Social security. – 1998. – No. 8. – P. 19-20.
- Gakal N., Yaaroshenko A., Grebenchenko N. Modern incomes and the population’s standard of life // Work and salary. – 1999. – No. 10 (May).
- Galaganov V.H. Russian social security: problems and perspectives of development // State law. – 1992. – No. 12.
- Zarubey V. Legal law regulation of being foreigners and refugees in Ukraine// Ukrainian law. – 1999. – No. 8. – P. 52-53.
- Kiryaan T., Shapoval M., Viter V. World experience of using social standards // Social protection. – 1999. No. 3. – P. 66-73.
- Machulskaja E.E. The law of social security: tutorial. – M.: Books world, 1999.
- The law of social security: Practical training session. Legal texts. Boilerplates / Editorship E.G. Tuchkovoy. – M.: New jurist, 1997.
- The law of social security: tutorial / Editorship K.N. Gusov. – M.: The prospect, 1999.
- Prilipco S. Differentiation of social security and labour law // Ukrainian’s law. – 1999. – No. 10. – P. 58-61.
- Prihodko S.G. Some ways of systematization of law in the sphere of the population social security // Systematization of Ukrainian’s law: problems of theory and practice: The materials of the international scientific-practical conference. – K.: The institute of Ukrainian Verchovnaia Rada’s law, 1999. – P. 529-533.
- About social protection of military service veterans: the explanation of expert // Work and salary. – 1999. – No. 4. – P. 19.
- Prokopova T.S. Questions of Ukrainian social insurance and provisions // Labour legislation improvement in the market conditions/ Satisfy the editorship of N.M. Hutor’an. – K.: In Jure, 1999. – P. 143-168.
- Rabinovich P.M. The basis of general law and state theory. – K., 1995.– P. 13.
- Rabinovich P.M. Human’s and citizen’s rights in Ukrainian Constitution (till the interpretation of the initial constitutional positions). – Charkov: The law, 1997.
- Realization government’s tasks in social politic sphere. Condition, problems and perspectives // Social protection. – 1999. – No. 6. – P. 16-22.
- Roik. The third way // Attachment of the magazine “Social protection”. - 1997. – No. 7. – pension system.
- Syvak S.M. Constitutional guarantee on pension system and pension reform // Ukrainian law. - 1997. – No. 12. - P.70-74.
Supplementary literature - Syvak S.M. Pension system not governed by state: legal-organizational basics.
- Syvak S. Retirement insurance and pension reform // Ukrainian law. - 1999. – No. 10. - P.61-63.
- Sirota I. M. The law of pension system in Ukraine: Lection course. – K.: Urincom Inter, 1998.
- Sirota I. M. All about pensions, grants, social protection of Ukrainian citizens: Scientifically-practical comment and collection of legal texts. – Charkov: Odyssey, 1999.
- Public assistance of the new type// Work and salary. - 1999. – No. 9 (May).
- Stashkiv B. Improvement of assistance law // Ukrainian law. - 1997. – No. 7. - P.19-22.
- Stashkiv B. For social service – legislative consolidation // Ukrainian law. - 1997. – No. 10. - P.31-35.
- Stashkiv B. Assistance for single mothers with children // Social protection. - 1998. – No. 1. - P.53.
- Stashkiv B. Assistance for burial// Social protection. -1998. – No. 4. - P.45-52.
- Stashkiv B. Assistance for looking after children // Social protection. - 1998. – No. 5. - P.55.
- Stashkiv B. Assistance for looking after a disabled child // Social protection. - 1998. – No. 6. - P.60.
- Stashkiv B.I. Some questions about improvement of social security law // Bulletin of Academy of work and social relations of Ukrainian trade union federation. - 1999. – No. 2. - P.53-56.
- Tereks M. Gansly. Social policy and social protection by market economy: Translation from English. – K.: Osnovy, 1996.
- Ukraine. Social sphere in transition period. – K.: Osnovy, 1994.
- Ustinova T., Saltinska L. Compulsory national insurance in case of unemployment: attitudes to its building // Work and salary. – 1998. – No. 16 (August).
- Fogel Ya.M. Social service for disabled people – M.: Juridical literature, 1986.
- Shyhatdinov V.Sh. The theory of social protection. - Saratov, 1982.
- Yaatsenko V., Viner M. The strategy of pension reform for Ukraine // Ukraine: the aspects of work. - 1999. – No. 2. - P.19-26.
- Teaching methods.
Students activity: - attending lectures;
- making reports at seminars;
- discussion activity at seminars;
- making notes, analyzing them.
Monitoring: 4 written modules. Semester monitoring form: credit. |
- Assessment (in %).
The semester mark is counted by: - Written modules 60% (including 20% for students individual control)
- Seminar activity 30%
- Individual work (report) 10%
Estimation of IWS № | The types of students’ individual work | Max rating mark (%) | 1. | Cover the specificity of general compulsory national insurance as a legal-organizational form of social protection (making notes, the topic is taken for the test). | 5% | 2. | Name and describe types of social payments and services by general compulsory national insurance and the terms of their granting (making notes, the topic is taken for the test). | 5% | 3 | Define the fund sources of general compulsory national insurance and ways of their forming (making notes, the topic is taken for the test). | 5% | 4 | Describe redundancy award and the procedure of its granting (making notes, the topic is taken for the test). | 5% | 5 | The report on the chosen topic | 10% | | TOTAL: | 30% | |
- Languages.
Ukrainian/Russian |