Г. В. Плеханова английский язык учебно-методическое пособие

Вид материалаУчебно-методическое пособие
Подобный материал:
1   ...   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   ...   53

4.1. Найдите в тексте перевод следующих слов и выражений:

  1. государство управляется;
  2. республиканцы;
  3. всеобщая власть;
  4. на выборах;
  5. выигрывает большинство голосов;
  6. находятся у власти;
  7. объединяются из желания;
  8. первоначальная цель;
  9. ориентированы на цель;
  10. пытаются реализовать;
  11. пикетирование и демонстрации;
  12. незаконный;
  13. жажда власти;
  14. принадлежащие к партии;
  15. поддерживают идеологию;
  16. функции;
  17. департаменты в правительстве;
  18. альтернативные политические линии;
  19. электорат;
  20. народные дебаты;
  21. проигравшие партии.

4.2. Найдите синонимы к данным словам в тексте:

  1. men or women chosen by people;
  2. a person that has total power;
  3. politicians on the left;
  4. politicians middle of the road;
  5. politicians on the right;
  6. to choose in a formal way, elect;
  7. conservatives, liberals, socialists, communists;
  8. to make the government;
  9. to be held, to happen;
  10. 51% of the votes or more;
  11. official positions in the parliament;
  12. the head of the party, person in control;
  13. programmes of political action;
  14. to manage;
  15. actions for the economy;
  16. actions taken by the country in other parts of the world.

4.3. Найдите антонимы к данным словам в тексте:

  1. legal;
  2. secondary;
  3. overseas;
  4. to lose elections;
  5. a tyrant;
  6. to fail.

4.4. После ознакомления с текстом, согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими утверждениями (True/False Statements):

  1. A dictator has complete power.
  2. A president is a republican.
  3. In many countries people vote to take power in elections.
  4. According to the text, any Parliament has the right and the left wings.
  5. The domestic and overseas policy is defined by the government.
  6. Political parties form a government.
  7. Political parties are oriented to many aims.
  8. Politics is illegal.
  9. Political parties like to hold presentations of alternative sets of policies.
  10. We need opposition to stimulate the ruling party to work better.

4.5. Political beliefs. Заполните таблицу, воспользовавшись словарем:

Abstract noun

Personal noun






social democracy






4.6. Заполните пропуски в тексте словами, подходящими по смыслу:

Elections, form, majority, parliament, party, Prime, power, system, votes.

In the UK …1… are held every five years. (The …2… Minister may decide to hold one after four years, but five years is the maximum.)

Some countries have a system of proportional representation: this means in theory, the a political party with 30% of the …3… should get 30% of the seats in …4… . In the UK, the political …5… is different: here the winner takes all. This means that the person with the most votes in each political area (called a constituency) wins the seat; and the political …6… which wins a …7… of the seats will …8… the government on their own. As a result of this system, it is possible for a party to be in …9… with only 40% of the total vote. Some people think this system is unfair.

4.7. После ознакомления с текстом, совместите определение формы правления с соответствующим определением:

Types of government
  1. republic;
  1. freedom from outside control self-governing;
  1. monarchy;
  1. government of, by and for the people;
  1. democracy;
  1. a state ruled by a king or queen;
  1. dictatorship;
  1. a state governed by representatives and, usually, a president;
  1. independence.
  1. system of government run by a dictator.