Г. В. Плеханова английский язык учебно-методическое пособие
Вид материала | Учебно-методическое пособие |
- Учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине «Английский язык: базовый курс», 557.31kb.
- Программа по педагогической практике (немецкий язык и английский язык): Учебно-методическое, 340.24kb.
- Г. В. Плеханова предпринимательское право учебно-методическое пособие, 1879.86kb.
- Г. В. Плеханова Центр дистанционного обучения Кафедра истории история экономики учебно-методическое, 3969.45kb.
- Список учебных пособий, представленных в электронном виде, 56.44kb.
- В. А. Жернов апитерапия учебно-методическое пособие, 443.6kb.
- А. Л. Пумпянский написал серию из трех книг по переводу, 3583.47kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов факультета русской филологии Специальность, 990.29kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине Специальность 050301 «Русский язык и литература, 1494.3kb.
- Академия наук СССР, 5018.32kb.
3.16. The Environment. Заполните пропуски в рассказе, выбрав из предложенных слов и выражений подходящие по смыслу:
Alternative sources, nuclear waste, research, cut down on, pesticides, rush hour, dramatic increase, polluting, subsidised fares, exhaust fumes, public transport, switch to, food chain, quality of life, traffic jams.
Our environment is being destroyed but we still have time to do something about it.
Every day during the 1... you can see cars stuck in 2... sending their 3... up into the atmosphere, 4... our environment. If we had an integrated 5... system with 6..., commuters would be encouraged to leave their cars at home and 7... a more efficient form of transport.
It is not only in towns that the 8... is being threatened. Although farmers say they have to spray 9... on their crops, some experts believe that these chemicals could get into the 10...., which will result in a 11... in the number of people affected by cancer and various allergies. More 12... needs to be carried out so that we can 13... the use of harmful chemicals but still produce the food we need.
Potentially the most dangerous threat to the environment is 14…
from power stations. Can it really be stored safely? By developing 15... of energy, such as wind and wave power, we can make our world much safer to live in.
3.17. Переведите рассказы с русского на английский язык:
1. Еще двести лет тому назад человек жил в гармонии с природой. Все виды животных и растений подходили друг другу в окружающей среде. Но благодаря научно-техническому прогрессу человеку удалось покорить природу. Что же случилось с окружающей средой? Природные ресурсы почти исчерпаны. Экологическое равновесие планеты нарушено. Загрязнение отрицательно влияет на природу. Мусор – пустые бутылки, жестянки, бумажки – загрязняет природное окружение человека. Идет процесс разрушения окружающей среды. Все это представляет собой экологическую угрозу. Нужно создать систему экологической безопасности, которая поможет сберечь мир для будущего.
2. Что такое окружающая среда? Окружающая среда – это то, что вокруг нас, кроме того, это – природа. От состояния и здоровья природы зависит экологическая обстановка. Нужно организовывать специальные экологически чистые районы, где люди бы пользовались только экологически безвредными продуктами и использовали только природосберегающие ресурсы. Самый главный природный ресурс – земля. Конечно, мы должны относиться к ней бережно, иначе Земля столкнется со страшной экологической катастрофой.
3.18. Ответьте на вопросы. Напишите сочинение на одну из предложенных тем, используя слова и выражения, приведенные ниже:
1. Have there been any natural disasters in your country (earthquakes, flooding, severe thunder storms etc)? If so, what happened? What damage was caused?
2. Can you think of any ways in which pollution is affecting the environment? What can be done about it?
3. Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future? Why?
(Some years ago) there was....
A lot of buildings collapsed / were destroyed.
Several people were injured / lost their homes.
In the past … used to … but now …
In my opinion, more research should be carried out.
I believe dangerous pesticides should be banned.
In addition to this, I think ………
At the same time, ………
I suppose I'm quite optimistic about the future as…..
I'm afraid I'm rather pessimistic about what can be done.… because……….
4. Politics
There are several types of government. When a state is ruled by a king or queen that is monarchy. There are also countries that have a monarchy, but the monarch is not the ruler, e.g. the United Kingdom. When a state is governed by representatives and a president that is republic, e.g. the USA or France. People who believe in this system are republicans. A system of government in which leaders are chosen by the people, e.g. France or the UK, is called democracy. People who believe in this system are democrats. People who believe in social democracy are social democrats. And a system of government in which one person rules the country (one person has total power) is dictatorship This person is called a dictator.
In a democracy, people vote for the political party that they want to form the government. They do this in an election, and in many countries elections take place every four or five years.
What does it mean to be a socialist or a conservative? Often, it means different things in different countries, but in Britain we often talk about someone's political position like this: ‘left-wing’ is socialist, ‘in the centre’ is liberal and ‘right-wing’ is conservative.
Political systems are different all over the world. In the UK, when a political party wins a majority of seats in an election, they become the government of the country, their leader becomes Prime Minister and they are in power. The government must have policies to run the country. This means, for example, an economic policy, and a foreign policy.
Political science is the study of the structures and activities of government. Any government is formed by political parties.
Political parties are groups of people who come together out of a desire to obtain political power. The obvious way to obtain such power is to gain control of the government, but political parties also exercise power by influencing the policies of governments not under their control. Actual control, however, is the primary aim, and political parties are oriented toward that goal and attempt to realize it by elections, picketing and demonstrations (which is legal), or revolution (which is illegal). The purposes behind the desire for power are as different as the individuals belonging to parties. Parties exist, however, for several basic purposes: to promote an ideology, such as fascism and communism; to promote an individual or a family; and to promote a special interest of a nation. Some parties are also job oriented and serve as mechanisms by which individuals may enjoy power.
There are several competitive political parties in a democratic society. The functions of political parties in democratic societies include the nomination of candidates for the offices of government; the presentation of alternative sets of policies to cope with the major problems of the nation; the political education of the electorate through public debates. The party that wins the election is usually responsible for running the government for a specific period of time until the next election. The parties that lose the election are responsible for organizing a loyal opposition.
Topical Vocabulary
policy | политика (проводимая правительством) |
politics | политика (вообще) |
political | политический |
politician | политик |
domestic | внутренний (о политике) |
overseas | внешний (о политике) |
power | власть |
to obtain the power | добиваться власти |
to enjoy the power | пользоваться властью |
a state | государство |
a republic | республика |
monarchy | монархия |
a monarch | монарх |
a king | король |
a queen | королева |
a tsar | царь |
democracy | демократия |
a democrat | демократ |
dictatorship | диктаторский режим |
a dictator | диктатор |
dictatorial | диктаторский |
fascism | фашизм |
a fascist | фашист |
communism | коммунизм |
a communist | коммунист |
socialism | социализм |
a socialist | социалист |
conservatism | консерватизм |
a conservative | консерватор |
independence | независимость |
government | правительство |
governmental | правительственный |
to govern | управлять |
to rule | управлять |
to reign | управлять |
to form | формировать |
the president | президент |
vice-president | вице-президент |
presidency | президентство |
presidential | президентский |
the prime minister | премьер-министр |
ministry | министерство |
to run | управлять (страной, компанией) |
Cabinet | Кабинет (министров) |
Ambassador | посол |
embassy | посольство |
а seat | место в правительстве |
statesman | государственный деятель |
a mayor | мэр |
Parliament | Парламент |
Member of Parliament (MP) | член Парламента |
Chamber | Палата (государственного органа, Думы) |
the lower / upper house | нижняя/верхняя палата |
legislative | законодательный |
elections | выборы |
elector | избиратель |
to elect | выбирать |
to vote | голосовать |
voting paper | бюллетень для голосования |
ballot box | урна для голосования |
polling station | избирательный участок |
to split | разделиться |
an alliance | альянс, союз |
to stand for = run for | избираться |
a referendum | референдум |
constituency | избирательный округ |
majority | большинство |
minority | меньшинство |
candidate | кандидат |
opposition | оппозиция |
right-wing | правые |
left-wing | левые |
in the centre | центристы |
society | общество |
a representative | представитель |
a term | срок (полномочий) |
an activity | деятельность |
desire | желание |
to gain control | получить контроль |
to exercise power | пользоваться властью |
to influence | влиять |
an aim | цель |
a goal | цель |
a purpose | цель |
legal | законный |
to belong to | принадлежать к |
to promote | содействовать, поддерживать, поощрять |
competitive | конкурирующий, соперничающий |
nomination | назначение, выставление кандидатуры |
to cope with | справиться с |