Г. В. Плеханова английский язык учебно-методическое пособие
Вид материала | Учебно-методическое пособие |
Содержание1. Food and Cookery (еда и кулинария) Topical Vocabulary |
- Учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине «Английский язык: базовый курс», 557.31kb.
- Программа по педагогической практике (немецкий язык и английский язык): Учебно-методическое, 340.24kb.
- Г. В. Плеханова предпринимательское право учебно-методическое пособие, 1879.86kb.
- Г. В. Плеханова Центр дистанционного обучения Кафедра истории история экономики учебно-методическое, 3969.45kb.
- Список учебных пособий, представленных в электронном виде, 56.44kb.
- В. А. Жернов апитерапия учебно-методическое пособие, 443.6kb.
- А. Л. Пумпянский написал серию из трех книг по переводу, 3583.47kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов факультета русской филологии Специальность, 990.29kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине Специальность 050301 «Русский язык и литература, 1494.3kb.
- Академия наук СССР, 5018.32kb.
1. Food and Cookery
(еда и кулинария)
Cooking is the art and science of preparing food for eating by the application of heat. The term also includes the full range of culinary techniques: preparing raw and cooked foods for the table; final dressing of meats, fish, and fowl; cleaning and cutting fruits and vegetables; preparing salads; garnishing dishes; decorating desserts; and planning meals.
The origins of cooking are not very clear. Primitive humans may first have tried roast meat by chance, when the flesh of a beast killed in a forest fire was found to be easier to chew and digest than the customary raw meat. They probably did not deliberately cook food, though, until long after they had learned to use fire for light and warmth. Then they started to use shells, skulls, or hollowed stones to heat liquids. Later pottery began to be used.
Culinary techniques improved with the domestication of animals and the cultivation of edible plants. Now milk and dairy products were on the menu. The cooking techniques of boiling, stewing, braising, and perhaps even primitive forms of pickling, frying, and oven baking were added. Early cooks probably had already learned to preserve meats and fish by smoking, salting, air-drying, or chilling.
The discovery of America has profoundly influenced worldwide cooking and brought to European use such products as chocolate, vanilla, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, peppers, and many other foods unknown elsewhere before the late 15th century. More recently, science has seriously influenced food technology. Now at our kitchens we have pressure cookers, microwave ovens, frozen foods, convenience foods, and use food additives, substitutes, and extenders. We also like to go out to canteens, cafes and restaurants for a meal. Fast-food chain restaurants are also considered to be food service systems.
Modern food service systems usually prepare whole meals in a central facility, package them in such a way that they remain fresh for the necessary period of time, and distribute them to dining rooms. Recipes are standard; and the preparation of the food itself takes place in assembly-line fashion, using sophisticated, sometimes computerized, pressure cookers, fryers, grills, and ovens. Preservation techniques include fast freezing, precooking, and dehydrating.
The phenomenal growth of fast-food chains since the 1950s is in large part the result of the same new technologies. All of food is sent in a ready-to-cook state: hamburgers and fish are already portioned and shaped, potatoes are ready-cut for frying, portions of pie are packaged in containers for special microwave ovens.
No matter what technological advances have been made, cookery today is basically what it has been since Neolithic times. People still roast, grill, and bake their foods, using dry-heat techniques known for countless millennia. They still saute food in small amounts of fat, fry food in deep fat, boil food in liquids, and stew and braise food in lesser amounts of liquid, as people have done since the invention of pottery.
Topical Vocabulary
food | еда, пища |
to feed (fed, fed) | кормить |
cooking | кухня, готовка |
cooking | столовый, кухонный |
to cook | варить, стряпать, готовить (пищу) |
cookery | кулинария, стряпня |
cooked | приготовленный (не сырой, о еде) |
raw | сырой |
fresh | свежий |
a cook | повар, кок, кухарка |
a chief | шеф-повар |
a cooker | плита, печь |
to prepare | готовить, приготавливать |
preparation | приготовление |
to eat | есть |
to chew | жевать |
to digest | переваривать |
an application | применение |
heat | жар |
technique | техника (прием, навык) |
to dress | заправлять (салаты) |
to garnish | гарнировать, делать гарнир |
to decorate | украшать |
to boil | варить |
to stew | тушить, варить |
to braise | тушить |
to pickle | мариновать |
to fry | жарить |
to bake | печь |
to preserve | консервировать |
preserved | консервированный |
to smoke | коптить |
to salt | солить |
to air-dry | сушить |
to chill | охлаждать |
saute | соте |
frozen food | замороженная пища |
fast freezing | быстрая заморозка |
convenience food | пищевой полуфабрикат |
food additives | пищевые добавки |
substitutes | заменители |
a kitchen | кухня (помещение) |
a pressure cooker | скороварка, пароварка |
a microwave oven | микроволновая печь |
pottery | керамика, гончарное дело |
a fryer | жаровня |
a frying pan | сковорода |
grill | гриль |
catering trade | предприятия общественного питания |
a canteen | столовая |
a cafe | кафе |
a restaurant | ресторан |
fast-food | "быстрая еда" |
a dining room | столовая (комната) |
a menu | меню |
meal | еда, трапеза (завтрак…) |
a dish | посуда, блюдо; кушанье, блюдо |
a recipe | рецепт |
milk | молоко |
dairy product | молочные продукты |
cheese | сыр |
a dessert | десерт |
chocolate | шоколад |
vanilla | ваниль |
corn | кукуруза |
a pie | пирог |
fruit | фрукт, фрукты |
an apple | яблоко |
an orange | апельсин |
a lemon | лимон |
a strawberry | клубника |
a peach | персик |
a melon | дыня |
a watermelon | арбуз |
a pear | груша |
a banana | банан |
grapes | виноград |
a pineapple | ананас |
a cherry | черешня |
a vegetable | овощ |
a vegetarian | вегетарианец |
an edible plant | съедобное растение |
potato | картофель |
green beans | стручковый зеленый горошек |
peas | зеленый горошек |
carrot | морковь |
cauliflower | цветная капуста |
pepper | перец |
cabbage | капуста (белокочанная) |
aubergine | баклажан |
mushrooms | грибы |
courgette | кабачок |
a salad | салат (из многих ингредиентов) |
lettuce | салат (зеленый) |
tomato | томат, помидор |
a cucumber | огурец |
vinegar | уксус |
oil | растительное масло |
fat | жир |
liquid | жидкость |
liquid | жидкий |
fowl | птица (домашняя) |
meat | мясо |
beef | говядина |
a cow | корова |
a calf | теленок |
veal | телятина |
a lamb | барашек |
lamb | баранина |
a pig | свинья |
pork | свинина |
fish | рыба |
seafood | "дары моря" |
shellfish | моллюск |
a shrimp | креветка |
salmon | лосось, семга |
oyster | устрица |
lobster | омар |
mussels | мидии |
an origin | происхождение |
a human | человек |
to heat | подогревать |
to add | добавлять |
a discovery | открытие |
profoundly | значительно, глубоко |
a facility | сооружение, условия |
to distribute | распространять |
an assembly-line fashion | конвейерным методом (здесь) |
sophisticated | хитроумный |
an advance | успех, достижение |