Г. В. Плеханова английский язык учебно-методическое пособие
Вид материала | Учебно-методическое пособие |
СодержаниеAlfred nobel – a man of contrasts |
- Учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине «Английский язык: базовый курс», 557.31kb.
- Программа по педагогической практике (немецкий язык и английский язык): Учебно-методическое, 340.24kb.
- Г. В. Плеханова предпринимательское право учебно-методическое пособие, 1879.86kb.
- Г. В. Плеханова Центр дистанционного обучения Кафедра истории история экономики учебно-методическое, 3969.45kb.
- Список учебных пособий, представленных в электронном виде, 56.44kb.
- В. А. Жернов апитерапия учебно-методическое пособие, 443.6kb.
- А. Л. Пумпянский написал серию из трех книг по переводу, 3583.47kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов факультета русской филологии Специальность, 990.29kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине Специальность 050301 «Русский язык и литература, 1494.3kb.
- Академия наук СССР, 5018.32kb.
2.9. Заполните пропуски в тексте, выбрав из предложенных слов и выражений, подходящие по смыслу (некоторые слова могут быть употреблены более одного раза). Употребите глаголы в правильной грамматической форме:
Discovery, research, invention, inventor, creator, to discover, to create, to develop, to carry out, to invent, means, to study, scientific, scientist
When men …1… that they could use electricity to send messages, new …2… of communication was …3… . It was the …4… of the electric telegraph by the Russian …5… P. L. Shilling in 1832.
The story of another great scientific …6… is connected with the name of Alexander Bell, the man who ...7… the telephone. His father was a teacher, who had become famous as the …8… of a way to teach deaf people to pronounce words that they could not hear. Alexander …9… how to improve his father’s method. He was a teacher and knew very little about …10… experiments. He began to …11… the books of different …12… . Soon he had enough knowledge to …13… his own scientific …14… . Thus a school teacher …15… the telephone, a new …16… of communication, in 1876.
2.10. После ознакомления с текстом, согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими утверждениями (True/False Statements):
- Science provided us with many modern facilities.
- Everybody knows about the contribution of ancient Greeks to the cause of science.
- Ancient Greeks are mostly famous for their work in mathematics and physics.
- The fundamentals of sciences were developed by ancient people.
- A few decades ago we couldn’t even imagine life without computers.
- Computers are mostly used for children’s games and space travel.
- Employers use the computer to keep the wages of the employees.
- Our brain needs constant work to keep its power.
- The scientists are always very curious and feel the need to move back.
- Some aspects of modern science are both harm and miracles at the same time.
2.11. После ознакомления с текстом расставьте предложения в порядке, образующем план текста:
- Computers can be differently used.
- The printing process started a revolution in science.
- Science has changed our lives greatly.
- Tremendous progress has been made of people’s curiosity.
- There are still many problems for the scientists to work at.
- Our brains are great natural creation.
- Ancient Greeks contributed much to science.
- Computers are widely available to everyone nowadays.
2.12. Заполните пропуски в тексте, выбрав из предложенных слов, подходящие по смыслу:
Medal, sum, awarding, economic, inventor, ceremony, very, things, originally, winners, anniversary, report, inventing, contributions, invention
After …1… dynamite, Swedish born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he foresaw its destructive power too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the …2… of dynamite, so in 1895 just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for …3… prizes to people who will make worthwhile …4… to mankind. …5… there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first …6… . Nobel’s original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this …7… is used for the awards, which vary from $ 30,000 to $ 125,000.
Every year, on December 10, the …8… of Nobel’s death, the awards (gold …9…, diploma and money) are presented to the …10… .
2.13. Заполните пропуски в тексте, выбрав из предложенных слов, подходящие по смыслу:
Family, scientific, foreign, to restrict, inventor, explosive, to remain, death, debt, avoided, about, peace, fame, native, weapon.
Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish …1… and industrialists, was a man of many contrasts. He was the son of a bankrupt but became a millionaire; a scientist with a love of literature, an industrialist who managed …2… an idealist. He made a fortune but lived a simple life, and also cheerful in company he was often sad in private. A lover of mankind, he never had a wife or …3… to love him; a patriotic son of his …4… land, he died alone on …5… soil. He invented a new …6…, dynamite, to improve the peacetime industries of mining and road building, but saw it was used as a …7… of war to kill and injure his fellow men. During his useful life he often felt he was useless: “Alfred Nobel", he once, wrote of himself, “ought to have been put to death by a kind doctor as soon as, with a cry, he entered life". World-famous for his works he was never personally well-known, for throughout his life he …8… publicity. “I don’t see," he once said, "that I have deserved any …9… and I have no taste for it," but since his …10… his name has brought fame and glory to others.
2.14. Переведите текст с русского на английский язык:
Галилео Галилей (Galileo Galilei) родился в Пизе (Pisa), Италия, в 1564 г. Он был математиком, астрономом и физиком и сделал выдающиеся открытия в этих областях. Например, он открыл пятна на солнце (sunspots). В молодости Галилей учился в университете Пизы, а затем учил студентов в разных университетах Италии. Он был настолько знаменит своими лекциями, что студенты со всей Европы собирались, чтобы послушать его.
2.15. Переведите текст с русского на английский язык:
Мария Склодовская (Sklodowska) родилась в Варшаве (Warsaw), Польша, в 1867 г. Она уехала в Париж, где встретила Пьера Кюри (Pierre Curie), за которого вышла замуж. Оба Кюри были физиками и стали известны своими работами. Одним из первых их открытий был элемент "радий" (radium). Они оба были профессорами физики в Сорбонне (Sorbonne) и разделили Нобелевскую премию за достижения в области физики в 1903 г.