Учебное пособие соответствует государственному стандарту направления «Английский язык»

Вид материалаУчебное пособие


I’ve seen Ivanova dance in a new ballet. She was really wonderful.
When I came to the beach I saw a lot of people swimming.
Упражнение 90 (обзорное)
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11

  1. Статьи, которые нужно перевести, были взяты из американского журнала.
  2. Упражнения, которые нужно сделать, находятся на странице 58.
  3. Текст, который нужно перевести, будет интересным для вас.
  4. Оборудование, которое установят (install) в лаборатории, было заказано за границей.
  5. Материал, который нужно было испытать (test), имел интересные свойства.

Упражнение 61

Скажите по-английски, используя различные формы инфинитива:

1. Он не любит прерывать нас. Он не любит, когда его прерывают.

2. Я не люблю задавать вопросы. Я не люблю, когда мне задают вопросы (чтобы мне задавали вопросы).

3. Он хотел сообщить им (информировать их) об этом вовремя. Он хотел, чтобы ему сообщили об этом вовремя.

4. Она любит приглашать своих друзей. Она любит, чтобы ее приглашали.

5. Я не болен, и я хочу, чтобы мне разрешили бегать и прыгать. Я люблю разрешать детям бегать и прыгать.

6. Он не любит беспокоить (disturb) нас. Он не любит, когда его беспокоят.

7. Она любит показывать свою коллекцию. Она хочет, чтобы ей показали коллекцию.

8. Они хотят отправить ее на юг летом. Она хочет, чтобы ее отправили на юг летом.

9. Он любит смотреть на красивых девушек. Девушкам хотелось бы, чтобы на них смотрели.

10. Он хочет назначить (appoint) меня своим ассистентом. Он хочет,

чтобы его назначили на эту должность.

      1. Инфинитивная конструкция

«Complex Object» (§)

Упражнение 62

Перефразируйте предложения, используя конструкцию

«Complex Object»:

а. Model: - Why did you believe him?

- What made you believe him?

1. Why did you draw their attention to this film?

2. Why did the girl cry?

3. Why did they move to another city?

4. Why did he get rid of these things?

5. Why did you take this step?

6. Why did he change his mind?

7. Why did she stay at home last evening?

8. Why did the pilot land the plane there?

9. Why did you go to the seaside by train?

б. Model: - He raised the question.

- We heard him raise the question.

- The sun rose.

- We saw the sun rise.

1. The man rose to his feet.

2. The plane took off.

3. The plane landed.

4. They went out of the room.

5. They raised their glasses.

6. The porters were pushing the luggage along the platform.

7. He said he was going to the seaside.

Упражнение 63

Используя конструкцию «Complex Object», скажите, чего вы

хотите от собеседника ( I want you to… ):

1. «Bring me the account (отчёт) in the morning!»

2. «Repeat these sentences.»

3. «Let me know about the result.»

4. «Wait for me, please.»

5. «Will you help me, please?»

6. «Finish the account by Monday!»

7. «Will you show me your collection?»

8. «Will you open the door for me, please?»

9. « Give me your text book, please.»

Упражнение 64

Задайте вопросы к предложениям:

«Ты слышал, как …?» «Ты видел как …? »

Model: - He knocked loudly at the door.

- Did you hear him knock at the door?

1. We went on the deck (палуба).

2. He bought a ticket to Kiev.

3. She asked Ann for the book.

4. They reserved a ticket for the 15th of May.

5. Bill was reading a letter.

6. Jack sold his camera.

7. They argued.

8. They quarreled.

9. They shook hands.

10. He introduced Bill to Mr. Smith.

11. Jack asked his mother for permission to watch TV.

12. The waiter laid the table.

13. He spoke English.

14. He translated their conversation into English.

15. They jumped into the water.

16. The boys began fighting.

17. The train arrived at the station.

18. The child was crying.

Упражнение 65

Сравните пары предложений – какое действие обозначает

инфинитив в каждом из них? Переведите предложения:


1. Would you like to take Ann out for a walk? Would you like your brother

to take Ann out for a walk?

2. Would you like to go to the concert? Would you like them to go to the concert?

3. Would you like to read this book? Would you like her to read this book?

4. Would you like to have some tea? Would you like your guests to have some tea?

5. Would you like to go to the theatre with me? Would you like him to go to the theatre with me?

6. The teacher asked for the pot-plants to be watered. The girl asked to water the pot-plants.


1. Вы хотели бы прогуляться? Вы хотели бы, чтобы он прогулялся с


2. Вы бы хотели посмотреть этот фильм? Вы бы хотели, чтобы они посмотрели этот фильм?

3. Вы бы хотели сходить на пляж? Вы бы хотели, чтобы ваши гости сходили на пляж с вами?

4. Вы бы хотели пойти со мной в магазин? Вы бы хотели, чтобы она пошла с нами в магазин?

Упражнение 66

Используя конструкцию «Complex Object», скажите:

а. Каких популярных певцов, актёров, актрис, вы видели или

слышали недавно и что вы думаете об их выступлении, например:

I’ve seen Ivanova dance in a new ballet. She was really wonderful.

б. Что вы увидели, когда вы пришли куда-либо (to the library,

to the shop, to the cafe, to the class-room, to the museum, etc),


When I came to the beach I saw a lot of people swimming.

Упражнение 67

Переведите сложноподчинённые предложения на английский язык либо простыми предложениями с конструкцией «Complex Object», либо сложноподчинёнными предложениями (§36.3):

1. Никто не слышал, как он сказал мне об этом.

2. Он заметил, что она очень устала.

3. Я увидел, что он очень удивлен.

4. Он не слышал, как мы постучали в дверь.

5. Никто не заметил, как она вышла из комнаты.

6. Я никогда не слышал, как он говорит по-французски.

7. Он не видел, что я взял газеты со стола.

8. Я видел, что она сердится на меня.

9. Мы видели, как ящики погрузили (load) на пароход.

10. Мы наблюдали, как они шли вдоль берега реки.

11. Я заметил, что он болен.

12. Мы ожидаем, что корабль прибудет завтра.

13. Она хочет, чтобы ее сын был актером.

14. Я слышал, как учитель говорил ему об этом.

Упражнение 68

Скажите по-ангийски, используя для перевода придаточных предложений инфинитив или инфинитивную конструкцию «Complex Object»:

Model: - Он хочет, чтобы ему предложили эту работу.

Я хочу, чтобы ему предложили эту работу

Он хочет, чтобы они предложили ему эту работу.

-He wants to be offered this job.

I want him to be offered this job.

He wants them to offer him this job.

1. Она хочет, чтобы её пригласили туда.

Мы хотим, чтобы её пригласили туда.

Она хочет, чтобы они пригласили её туда.

  1. Они не ожидали, что их отправят на этот завод.

Мы не ожидали, что их отправят на этот завод.

Они не ожидали, что директор отправит их на этот завод.

  1. Мы не хотим, чтобы нас прерывали (interrupt).

Они не хотят, чтобы нас прерывали.

Мы не хотим, чтобы вы прерывали нас.

4. Они не ожидали, что им покажут всю коллекцию.

Вы не ожидали, что им покажут всю коллекцию.

Они не ожидали, что мы покажем им всю коллекцию.

  1. Он не ожидал, что его спросят об этом.

Я не ожидал, что его спросят об этом.

Он не ожидал, что вы спросите его об этом.

  1. Он не хочет, чтобы его спрашивали об этом.
  2. Я не хочу, чтобы его спрашивали об этом.

Он не хочет, чтобы они спрашивали его об этом.

  1. Он полагает, что его назначат (appoint) на этот пост.

Мы полагаем, что его назначат на этот пост.

Он полагает, что вы назначите его на этот пост.

  1. Ей бы хотелось, чтобы её подождали.

Ему бы хотелось, чтобы её подождали.

Ей бы хотелось, чтобы мы её подождали.

  1. Ему бы хотелось, чтобы его слушали внимательно.

Нам бы хотелось, чтобы его слушали внимательно.

Ему бы хотелось, чтобы они слушали его внимательно.

  1. Нам бы хотелось, чтобы нас чаще навещали.

Детям бы хотелось, чтобы нас чаще навещали.

Нам бы хотелось, чтобы он навещал нас чаще.

  1. Я надеюсь (believe), что меня изберут капитаном команды.

Они полагают, что меня изберут капитаном команды.

Я надеюсь, что вы изберёте меня капитаном команды.

Упражнение 69

Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на использование пассивного инфинитива в конструкции «Complex Object»:

а. 1. We expect the contract to be signed this week.

2. We expect the post to be delivered in the morning.

3. They want their offer to be accepted by the sellers.

4. When do you want the work to be done?

5. We suppose the letters to have been posted a month ago.

6. The engineer would like the device to be tested in our laboratory.

7. We didn’t expect the lecture to be so interesting.

8. We didn’t expect them to get interested in our offer.

9. Would you like the letter to be translated from English?

10. Would you like the rule to be explained to you again?

б. 1. Нам хотелось бы, чтобы в этом новом районе было построено больше магазинов.

2. Мы ожидали, что нам закажут номер в гостинице.

3. Вы хотели бы, чтобы билеты были куплены заранее (in advance)?

4. Вы хотели бы, чтобы письма были отправлены сегодня?

5. Мы предполагали, что Иванова пошлют в командировку (on a business trip).

6. Я бы хотел, чтобы тебя представили нашим гостям.

7. Они предполагали, что их предложение примут сразу же (at once).

8. Мы не ожидали, что их пригласят на эту встречу.

9. Они хотели, чтобы нам показали новое оборудование (equipment).

10. Я бы не хотел, чтобы это письмо показали кому-либо.

Упражнение 70

Скажите по-английски, используя конструкцию «Complex Object» (В каких случаях инфинитив заменяется причастием в этой конструкции? - §36.2):

1. Я не нахожу (не считаю), что он интересный собеседник (что с ним

интересно разговаривать).

2. Я считаю, что эту передачу стоит посмотреть и обсудить.

3. Нам бы не хотелось, чтобы ты приглашал этого человека на день


4. Преподаватель хотел, чтобы студенты сделали все упражнения на


5. Моим родителям известно, что я получил плохую оценку на экзамене.

6. Мы полагаем, ты сумеешь исправить «двойку» на следующем уроке.

7. Ты слышал, как он отвечал на вопросы учителя?

8. Мы ожидаем, что им понравится русская кухня (cuisine).

9. Наши друзья не хотели, чтобы мы уходили домой так рано.

10. Мы наблюдали, как дети катались на коньках.

11. Мы слышали, как объявляли (announce) наш поезд.

12. Я заметил, как открыли окно и что-то из него выбросили.

13. Дети наблюдали, как моют машину.

14. Студенты наблюдали, как выполнялась (perform) операция.

Упражнение 71

а. Расскажите начало фильма «Один дома», используя

конструкцию «Complex Objec»" с инфинитивом или причастием:

1. Кевин заметил, как два незнакомца (strangers) остановились перед

его домом.

2. Он услышал, как они спорили о чем-то.

3. Затем он увидел, как один из них показал (point at) на его дом.

4. Кевин подумал,что они были грабителями (burglars) и решил

защищать свой дом.

5. Кевин видел, как эти двое шептались, а затем один из них пошёл к


6. Через несколько мгновений он услышал, как кто-то постучал в


7. Кевин не ответил, и еще через мгновение он услышал, как кто-то за

дверью зовет его по имени (call him by name)

8. Он не ожидал, что незнакомцы знают его имя.

9. Кевину очень хотелось, чтобы кто-нибудь помог ему, но никто не

знал, что ему нужна помощь.

10."Зашитить мой дом - мой долг. Я заставлю их уйти отсюда" –

подумал Кевин и начал действовать.

б. Расскажите свою историю, используя конструкцию

«Complex Object».

      1. Инфинитивная конструкция

«Complex Subject» (§)

Упражнение 72

Выберите нужную форму инфинитива:

  1. Сообщают, что делегация уже приехала. The delegation is reported (to come, to have come, to be coming).
  2. Говорят, что он был здесь раньше. He is said (to be, to have been, was) here before.
  3. Известно, что он работает над этой проблемой много лет. He is known (to be working, to have been working, to work) on this problem for many years.
  4. Ожидают, что этот опыт будет проведен завтра. This experiment is expected (to make, to be made, to have been made) tomorrow.
  5. Утверждают, что этот закон открыт Ньютоном. This law is stated (to be discovered, was discovered, to have been discovered) by Newton.
  6. Говорят, он окончил наш Университет. He is said (to graduate, graduated, to have graduated) from our University.
  7. Известно, что он окончит наш Университет через год. He is known (to have graduated, will graduate; to graduate) from our University in a year.
  8. Говорили, что конференция открылась. The conference was said (to open, opened, to have opened).
  9. Казалось, что он болен. He seemed (to be, to have been, was) ill.
  10. Кажется, этот студент уже сдал экзамен. The student seems (to pass, to have passed, has passed) his exam.
  11. Сообщают, что представители прибудут завтра. The representatives are reported (to have arrived, to arrive, will arrive) tomorrow.
  12. Ожидается, что конференцию проведут в следующем месяце. The conference is expected (to hold, to be held, to have been held) next month.
  13. Говорят, что делегация прибыла вовремя. The delegation is reported (to arrive, to have arrived, arrived) in time.
  14. Известно, что этот ученый сделал открытие. This scientist is known (to make, to have made, to be made) this discovery.
  15. Известно, что это открытие сделано известным ученым. This discovery is known (to be made, to have made, to have been made) by a well- known scientist.

Упражнение 73

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на время сказуемого и формы инфинитива:

        1. He is said to play volley-ball well.
        2. He was said to play volley-ball well.
        3. He is said to have played volley-ball well in his youth.
        4. He was said to have played volley-ball well in his youth.
        5. He is said to be playing volley-ball.
        6. He is said to have been playing volley-ball since morning.

              1. Mr Bill is believed to know Russian customs.
              2. Mr Brock is considered to be an experienced doctor.
              3. He was thought to be translating a poem.
              4. The treaty was reported to have been discussed at the conference.
              5. Jane was expected to leave on Monday evening.
              6. The question is expected to be settled at once.
              7. Mr Robin is known to be respected by all his neighbours.
              8. The public is believed to appreciate the new novel.
              9. This song is said to have been very popular ten years ago.
              10. The local train is said to leave in five minutes.
              11. Taking pictures is considered to be his hobby.
              12. The tourists are believed to be staying at this hotel.
              13. The plane is expected to take off at 10 a.m.
              14. The driver is reported to have been badly injured.
              15. Jack is known to have been driving a car since he was eighteen.
              16. They are supposed to have taken part in this competition.
              17. This suggestion is said to have been accepted by the commission.
              18. The competition was announced to be over.
              19. The lecture is expected to be attended by many people.

Упражнение 74

Замените сложные предложения простыми при помощи

конструкции «Complex Subject» и переведите предложения

на русский язык:

Model: - It is likely that he will find a new job soon.

- He is likely to find a new job soon. Вероятно, он скоро найдет

новую работу.

  1. It is likely that we shall get some news from him soon.
  2. It is likely that he will be appointed a director of this school.
  3. It is unlikely that they will agree to take part in the expedition.
  4. It is unlikely that the goods will be unloaded today.
  5. It is likely that they know where Ann works.
  6. It is likely that he is on his way home.
  7. It is very likely that they have concluded the agreement.
  8. It is unlikely that the meeting will be postponed.
  9. It is very likely that he will recover in the near future.
  10. It is unlikely that they have received our telegram.
  11. We are sure that everything will be all right.
  12. I am certain that this medicine will help you a lot.
  13. It is likely that there will be much rain this spring.
  14. It is believed that the poem was written by an unknown soldier.
  15. It is said that this book is popular among both the old and the young.
  16. It is known that his book was published in two European countries.
  17. It is supposed that this playwright (драматург) is working on a new comedy.
  18. It seems that you don’t approve of the idea.
  19. It has been found that this mineral water is very good for health.
  20. It so happened that he missed some lectures.
  21. It is supposed that he will be sent to a business trip to Moscow.

Упражнение 75

Переведите предложения с конструкцией «Complex Subject». Обратите внимание на перевод сказуемых, в состав которых входят модальные глаголы:

  1. Our son can be expected to be employed to this firm.
  2. The weather can’t be expected to change tomorrow.
  3. This question should be considered to have been settled.
  4. The results of the experiment can’t be considered to be bad.
  5. The negotiations (переговоры) may be said to be a success.
  6. This work can be expected to be done in a few days.
  7. The construction of a new school can be expected to be finished next month.
  8. The performance can’t be said to be a failure.
  9. The crop can be supposed to be rich this year.
  10. This film may be said to be popular among children.
  11. The flood can be expected to cause much damage to the crop.
  12. This part of land can be assumed to have been once under the sea.
  13. Our football team can be expected to win the championship.
  14. The negotiations may be said to be reaching a decisive (решающий) stage.
  15. Due to preventive measures a new epidemic of the ‘flu’ can’t be expected to sweep Europe
  16. He can be considered to be the best candidate to this post.

Упражнение 76

Переведите предложения с конструкцией «Complex Subject»

на русский язык (с глаголами seem, appear, prove):

1. Everybody seemed to be surprised when they heard it.

2. My prediction proved to be correct.

3. He appeared to be losing patience.

4. He doesn’t seem to be a very experienced doctor.

5. They didn’t seem to want to go there.

6. They appear to have been in our village before.

7. He seems to be satisfied with the results of the experiment.

8. This question appears to be of no interest to them.

9. This film seemed to have made a great impression on them.

10. He doesn’t appear to know German very well.

11. The results of his work seemed to have disappointed him.

12. You don’t seem to have any objections to my proposal.

13. He appeared to be very hard to convince.

14. My fears proved to be groundless.

15. They seem to know all about our company.

16. The house didn’t seem to have been lived in for a long time.

17. This method does not seem to be effective.

18. He doesn’t seem to аpprove of your idea to participate in this reality-show.

19. We seem to be having a problem. Maybe we’d better get together after lunch

and talk about it.

Упражнение 77

Переведите предложения с конструкцией «Complex Subject»

на русский язык (c глаголами и выражениями to be likely,

to be sure/certain, happen):

1. This agreement is likely to be signed in the near future.

2. The output of this plant is likely to increase.

3. Mike is very likely to have left Moscow.

4. He happened to have lost their address.

5. He is unlikely to come today.

6. This question is likely to be settled soon.

7. This is unlikely to happen.

8. The suggestion is not likely to please him.

9. He is likely to get a good job soon.

10. He is sure to get an excellent mark at the examination.

11. They are sure to be in time for the meeting.

12. I happened to have overheard their conversation.

13. We happened to be present at the opening of the conference.

14. The language of the article turned out to be quite easy.

15. They were certain to come to an agreement.

16. Everything is sure to turn out correct.

17. This treatment is certain to help you a lot.

18. There is likely to be much snow this winter.

Упражнение 78

Замените сложные предложения простыми, используя конструкцию «Complex Subject», и переведите их на русский язык:

Model: - It is known that the first man-made satellite has been

launched in our country.

- The first man-made satellite is known to have been

launched in our country.

  1. It is known that academician Lebedev has made a great contribution to science.
  2. It was heard that Michael quoted Hemingway.
  3. It is considered that this magazine is rather progressive.
  4. It is expected that the production of steel will increase by ten per cent.
  5. It is known that this country has been struggling for its independence for several years.
  6. It is known that atomic energy is used for both military and peaceful purposes.
  7. It was announced that the conference had been held for three days.
  8. It is supposed that the commission is discussing some urgent problems.
  9. It is said that Helen has been studying Spanish for a year.
  10. It was reported that the ship had arrived in Batumi.
  11. It is said that he will be appointed a director of a big factory.
  12. It is said that the preface to the novel has been written by a well

known critic.
  1. It is known that these vegetables grow in the North.
  2. It is known that these vegetables are grown in the North.
  3. It is expected that he will take a postgraduate course (учиться в аспирантуре).
  4. It is known that he has taken a postgraduate course.
  5. It is said that James writes reviews for the journal.
  6. It is said that James has been writing reviews for the journal for five years.
  7. It is expected that the enemy will cross the river at night.
  8. It was stated that the enemy had crossed the river at night.
  9. It is said that our football team will win.
  10. It is reported that our football team is winning.

Упражнение 79

Переведите на русский язык предложения с конструкцией

«Complex Subject» (не забывайте начинать перевод с

«формального» сказуемого):

а. 1. He is known to be a great book-lover.

2. He is known to be of different opinion on this subject.

3. His brother is said to live in Canada.

4. Many people are expected to attend the meeting.

5. This house is known to have been built about two hundred years ago.

6. The German dancers were announced to be arriving the following week.

7. The prices for these goods are stated to have risen in July.

8. Imports of wood to that country five years ago were stated to be twenty thousand tons.

9. The opening of the conference is supposed to have been postponed for some serious reasons.

10. Her sister is said to know two oriental languages.

11. The scientist is supposed to have been working in this field for some years.

12. The expedition is reported to be reaching Sakhalin.

13. The English are known to be conservative.

14. This country is known to have made great achievements in its national economy.

15. Bill is supposed to have been admitted to college.

16. Tom is said to be influenced by his elder brother.

17. The races were announced to be over.

б. 1. He is considered to be very capable.

2. The examination requirements appeared to be rather high.

3. He is believed to study law at the university.

4. This lawyer is said to have been practicing for twenty years.

5. He is expected to take a postgraduate course.

6. David is sure to leave a message if he comes when we are out.

7. Helen is said to be working hard for the examinations.

8. His brother is known to have written a wonderful novel.

9. Newton is said to have thought of gravity after getting hit on the head by an apple.

10. The man appears to know practically all European languages; he is said to be learning them while travelling.

11. The river was reported to have advanced towards the suburbs of the city.

12. You seem to be looking for trouble.

13. The man seemed to be studying me, and I felt uneasy in his presence.

14. He is supposed to have been working at the translation of the book for two years.

15. The book was believed to have been lost until the librarian happened to have found it during inventory. It turned out to have been misplaced.

16. We seem to have been flying over the sea for quite a time already.

17. The gun was said to have been stolen.

18. Many buildings were reported to have been damaged by the fire.

19. They seem to be waiting professor upstairs.

20. The word «geometry» is known to derive from two Greek words: «geo»

(earth) and «metron» (measure).
  1. The Egyptians seem to be the first to apply geometry for practical purposes
  2. The sides of the Egyptian pyramids are known to face north, south, east and west.

Упражнение 80

Скажите по-английски, используя конструкцию «Complex


  1. Он, казалось, не понимал (to be aware of) опасности.
  2. Сообщалось, что в этот район была послана большая группа строителей.
  3. Её вряд ли можно заставить сделать это.
  4. Вы, кажется, устали.
  5. Вы, случайно, не знаете этого человека?
  6. Как известно, Ломоносов был величайшим учёным своего времени.
  7. Предполагается, что на этом месте будет построен новый дом.
  8. Вы, как будто, меня не слушаете.
  9. Наверняка, он сдаст все экзамены успешно.
  10. Ваш сын непременно поступит в университет.
  11. Вряд ли он об этом что-либо знает.
  12. Мой друг вряд ли согласится сопровождать (accompany) меня.
  13. У нас оказалось много общих знакомых.
  14. Он знал, что его обязательно спросят об этом.
  15. Книга, которую вы мне дали, оказалась скучной.
  16. Новые автобусы оказались очень удобными.
  17. Завтра утром телеграмма будет непременно доставлена.
  18. Это предложение, по всей вероятности, его заинтересует.
  19. Говорят, что этот учёный открыл новый закон.

Упражнение 81

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя

инфинитив и конструкции с ним, а затем расскажите


1. Тамерлан, как известно, был завоевателем (conqueror) двух континентов.

2. Мы знаем из истории, что он приказывал кипятить воду для своих войск (troops).

3. Известно из истории, что он приказывал своим войскам кипятить воду перед тем, как пить её.

4. Для того, чтобы ароматизировать (flavour) безвкусную (tasteless) кипячёную воду, они кипятили в ней листья чая.

      1. Инфинитивная конструкция

«For + сущ. + инфинитив» (§ )

Упражнение 82

Переведите предложения с конструкцией «for + сущ. + инфинитив»:

а. 1. It is for you to decide.

2. The driver stopped for the passengers to look at the setting sun.

3. It is for them to choose the room.

4. This was no time for us to ask questions. It was time for us to act.

5. He got up for the woman to sit down.

6. Molecules are too small for our eyes to see.

7. It is important for you to study the local customs.

8. It is necessary for you to be punctual.

9. It is important for Robert to keep an appointment with the doctor.

10. There was nothing for me but to agree.

11. There is nothing for us but to stay here overnight.

12. There was nothing for him but to obey the order.

13. There was nothing for her but to return home.

б. 1.There was no home for him to go to.
    1. He waited for me to sit down.
    2. It is not for you to make terms (условия). It is for you to accept

    1. There is nothing for us to do but amuse ourselves.
    2. There were plenty of papers for him to read and to look through, but he left them alone.

6. For me to write about that time in detail is impossible.

7. He opened the door of his room for her to go out.

8. Some troubles with authorities have made it necessary for him to be

much abroad.

9. My house is always ready for anyone to come into.

10. This isn’t the time for us to quarrel.

11. Edward saw that she was impatient for him to be gone.

12. He waited for Bert to say something.

13. This text is easy enough for you to read without a dictionary.

14. The crew put down a ladder for me to regain the ship.

Упражнение 83

Составьте предложения с конструкцией «for + infinitive»,

поставив инфинитив и местоимения в скобках в нужную

форму, и переведите предложения:

1. I always thought my friend to be an excellent example for (everybody, to follow).

2. That is for (I, to judge), isn’t it?

3. This text is too difficult for (they, to translate).

4. The dress is too expensive for (I, to buy) it.

5. He asked for (a catalogue, to send) to him.

6. Don’t you find it odd for (she, to keep) it secret so long?

7. The man is too ill for (he, to be moved) to the hospital.

8. The people gave way for (we, to pass).

9. This theory is too complicated for (we, to understand).

10. It is rather strange for (they, to leave) without letting us know.

11. The runners listened for (the signal, to give).

12. The simplest thing is for (he, to come and see) everything for himself.

13. There is no need for (we, to stay) here.

14. The boy has a very musical ear; you have only to play a melody once for (he, to repeat) it from memory.

15. Send a telegram for (we, to meet) by anybody.

16. It is impossible for (he, not to believe) you even after you had shown him the letter.

17. They asked for (tickets, to buy) in advance.

18. We waited for (dinner, to cook).

Упражнение 84

Переведите предложения с конструкцией

«for+infinitive» на русский язык:

1. You have only to ring her up for her to forgive you.

2. His suggestion was for the report to be discussed at the lesson.

3. There is no need for you to get up very early tomorrow.

4. It is for you to settle the question.

5. There is very little time left for anything to be done.

6. He tried to speak louder for the audience to hear better.

7. All that is necessary is for you to keep me in the know (держать в курсе дела).

8. The idea was not clear for us to understand.

9. Do you find it possible for us to come and see him in the hospital?

10. It is high time for all of us to come to agreement.

Упражнение 85

Замените сложные предложения простыми при помощи

конструкции «for + infinitive». Потренируйтесь переводить

эту конструкцию различными способами (§41):

Model: - It is necessary that you should take this medicine regularly.

- It is necessary for you to take this medicine regularly.

1. The ice has become too thin, so the boys can’t go skating.

2. Let us wait till a definite answer will arrive.

3. The main thing is that we, all of us, should work in close cooperation.

4. It is quite natural that she should act like that.

5. It is important (necessary) that you should study the local customs of the country you are going to.

6. It is necessary that you should get rid of this bad habit.

7. It is necessary that you should ask him for permission to go there with him.

8. It is important that David should keep an appointment with the manager.

9. It is necessary that you should be self-organized and disciplined.

10. This is a lesson which you must remember for the rest of your life.

11. It is something extraordinary that a man of his age should be so active and full of vitality.

Упражнение 86

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя конструкцию «for + infinitive»:

1. Ей ничего не оставалось, как ответить на письмо.

2. Важно, чтобы она узнала правду.

3. Вам будет полезно поработать на этом заводе.

4. Нам было трудно читать эту книгу.

5. Им необходимо хорошо отдохнуть.

6. Ему пора было идти в школу.

7. Необходимо, чтобы все присутствующие обсуждали данный


8. Важно, чтобы все уважали обычаи своей страны.

9. Необходимо, чтобы Роберт избавился (get rid of) от этой дурной привычки.

10. Необходимо, чтобы вы попросили у него разрешение пользоваться его машиной.

Упражнение 87

Переведите предложения. Проанализируйте, чем является

«for» - союзом, предлогом или входит в конструкцию

«for + infinitive»:

1. For the remarkable properties of rubber to be carefully examined, one has to carry out a long series of experiments.

2. For the desired properties of the substance to be obtained, the experiment should be carried out carefully.

3. For the effect of some of these variables (переменная величина) to be investigated, it is recommended to conduct the experiment under certain conditions.

4. It is necessary to discuss the results, for the experimental data to be dealt with are of great importance in chemistry.

5. There seems to be no simple graphical method except for special cases to be considered in the following chapter.

6. Other metals are going to be used as conductors (проводники) for specific applications to be dealt with further in more detail.

7. The problem I spoke to you about is too difficult for the designer to be solved in a year or so.

8. For these substances to be produced it is necessary to prepare all the required materials.

9. As for the data to be discussed we feel it our duty to confirm them once more.

10. An increase in temperature will be expected for the reactions to be carried out under similar conditions.

Упражнение 88 (обзорное по инфинитиву)

Переведите предложения с инфинитивом в различных функциях и

инфинитивными конструкциями:

а. 1. To deal with chemicals is very dangerous.

2. To build a new railway line in the desert region in such a short term was a very complicated task.

3. To build a new railway line a lot of preliminary work must be done.

4. The atom is known to emit rays of different length.

5. This plant is known to produce cars.

6. We know this plant to produce cars.

7. He is said to arrive tomorrow.

8. There were many questions to be answered in this field of study.

9. The prices are expected to fall in July.

10. They seem to have designed a new device.


12. The goods are reported to have been awaiting shipment for several days.

13. To test the accuracy of the method is our main task.

14. One may expect this prediction to be quite reliable.

15. To explain this simple fact is not so very easy.

16. Water was considered to be an element.

17. To give a true picture of the surrounding matter is the task of a natural science.

б. 1. To understand this procedure we must consider the following analogy.

2. Use is to be made of the data obtained.

3. The ancients seem to have thought that air and water could be

transformed into each other.

4. Natural uranium has been stated to consist mainly of two isotopes.

5. Only a limited number of reactions are known to be influenced by light.

6. In making observations extreme care to avoid errors is necessary.

7. When the principle was adopted is difficult to find out.

8. That this information is likely to raise much debate is clear to


9. To carry out this reaction it was necessary to apply a new method.

10. To carry out this reaction was necessary.

11. I saw the boat approach the shore.

12. We expect the plan to be ready by the 1st of March.

13. He ordered the engine to be repaired as soon as possible.

14. We see the water boil in the boiler.

15. He asked the student to define this substance.

16. The engineers were glad to have obtained such good results in the latest


17. We know the apparatus used for converting electrical energy from one

voltage (напряжение) to another to be called a transformer.

Упражнение 89 (обзорное по инфинитиву)

Переведите предложения:

а. 1. My parents are arriving tomorrow and they need to be picked up from the airport.

2. Companies which managed to combine western experience with knowledge of the Russian job market proved to be the most successful.

3. To be always energetic you have to refuse from your harmful habits.

4. Once you have cooperated with others, they are likely to cooperate with you.

5. To eat regularly and in time is much better than to stick to a diet.

6. They found an excellent camp site and pitched their tent to be able to cook a meal on their stove before darkness fell.

7. You need both to be properly dressed and to keep fit to make good impression on your boss and your co-workers.

8. Try to understand completely all that is being said to you.

9. He looked at everyone with his black, wide-set eyes, but no one appeared to know the story, and everybody was keen to hear it.

10. You’d better watch out. If your boss catch you making personal phone calls, you’ll be in a trouble.

11. A fire of dry pine branches made the gathering seem more friendly.

12. To raise her spirits he said: «I’ve got grand news for you, honey».

б. 1. It was difficult for our guide to keep calm.

2. To go by car would be comparatively easy, but nobody uses his car in New York, because so many people use it that makes traffic unbearably slow.

3. A strange pair appeared in the dooway, they happened to be retired actors.

4. The actress obviously expected them to be impressed.

5. You know, we are a riot (в расцвете) now, but we can’t expect it to go on for ever.

6. Poppies are very old flowers. It was thought in the ancient times to be made by Somnus, the god of sleep, to ease the goddess Ceres of her cares and to cause her to sleep.

7. «There was no need for you to get so excited», he said.

8. « I expect it's about time for me to be getting ready», she said.

9. «Gentleman,» said Stumpy in a voice which seemed to show that he now considered himself more or less in command, « those who wish to give anything to the orphan will find a hat on the table.»

10. The name ‘London’ is known to be Celtic in origin.

11. Manhattan island is known to have been purchased by the Dutch from Indians.

12. Do you know, that Andrew Jackson was the first American President to travel by train, Teddy Roosevelt was the first to fly, while President Ike Eisenhower was the only one to hold a pilot’s license. Harding was the first to speak over the radio, Coolidge - the first to broadcast an inaugural address, Eisenhower the first to appear on television.

Упражнение 90 (обзорное)

Переведите на русский язык предложения с неличными формами во всех функциях и с различными конструкциями:

  1. People interfering in other people’s affairs are most unpleasant to deal with.
  2. Having proposed his periodic system, Mendeleyev found it necessary to leave vacant a number of places in his table.
  3. Economic-mathematic methods of planning and industrial management involving electronic computers are being used on an increasing scale.
  4. One of the most outstanding advances has been the use of computers in simulating management problems.
  5. The findings of the geologists and geophysicists will be examined by a competent mining engineer.
  6. Naturally, in introducing an integrated manufacturing system of any sort, there is a great deal of resistance to change on the part of all concerned.
  7. Designing new mining machines engineers pay attention to geological condition in the mines.
  8. In the early nineties western companies coming on Russian market preferred to bring all managers with them.
  9. When giving information on the phone, remember to be especially clear.
  10. Remember to listen to yourself speaking. Just remembering to speak carefully is a good start for a young specialist.
  11. Speaking directly to your own manager (supervisor) is usually the quickest way to get problems solved.
  12. Having read this interesting article we understood that our laboratory was not alone in making such experiments.
  13. New York, originally called New Amsterdam, is known to have been a Dutch possession.

  1. A boy of about twelve was comfortably seated by the bus window, watching the changing scenery and pretending not to see the old men and women standing near him.
  2. The idea of bringing a woman to the camp to take care of the child was objected to.
  3. Sometimes it was very hard to keep from expressing interest.
  4. The City is known to be the financial centre of Britain. Its narrow streets are lined with buildings housing the offices of banks, insurance companies and trading companies.
  5. The hotels were empty, and the clients didn’t seem to want to pay for the pleasure of dancing with a nice-looking young fellow.
  6. He suddenly remembered having seen a boy set fire to some petrol split on the pavement, and the sudden blaze up.
  7. The man died after leaving his disciples detailed instructions on how to continue the work he had began.
  8. «Here’s a burglar for you», - said Major Dixon to the sergeant, - «I caught him red-handed. My gardener saw him climb over the garden wall and get into the sitting room through the window».
  9. The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature distinguishing man from animals.
  10. The British seem to enjoy using unconventional methods of conquering the English Channel, using everything from a car to a bed.
  11. During two or three centuries people made immense fortunes from wool - sometimes from dishonest dealing, mixing odd bits and pieces with good wool, substituting (заменять) old wool for new, or smuggling wool to avoid paying export taxes.

  1. It turned out that Father had just got a new rod (удочка) the day before, which made the idea of fishing all the more appropriate, and he said that Mother could use it if she wanted to; only Mother said she would rather watch him fish and not try to fish herself.
  2. All their lives long the guides are employed in showing strange things to foreigners and listening to their bursts of admiration. It is human nature to take delight in exciting admiration. It is what prompts children to say ‘smart’ things or to ‘show off’ (порисоваться) when company is present. It is what turns out gossips in rain and storm to go and be the first to tell a startling bit of news.
  3. Stella began to climb the ladder and the spot-light followed her. Cofman, her husband, was handed a flaming torch (факел). He watched Stella reach the top of the ladder and settle herself on the platform.

«Ready?» he cried.


«Go,» he shouted and as he shouted he seemed to plunge (окунать) the burning torch into water. The flames sprang up, leaping high, and really terrifying to look at. At the same moment Stella dived.
  1. Many people have been so scared by reading about harmful effects of

smoking that they decided to give up reading.

5. John Tompson, the man who invented a process for making wood pulp to be used in paper making and who was the first to actually set up a factory for its production, was born in Scotland, but came to Canada in 1854 at the age of 17. He was the first to industrialize the process.

6. There is an excellent feature of the Paris «Metro» preventing passengers from holding up a train at the last minute by trying to open half-closed doors. The train entering the station, gates automatically shut at all entrances to the platform, so that only passengers already on the platform can climb aboard.

7.An absent-minded man kept losing his hats, umbrellas, brief-cases and even overcoats. His upset wife asked a doctor to cure him. «Well, he could be given the treatment for loss of memory, but I think it would be more espensive than losing things.»

8. Farmers dislike seeing dandelion (одуванчик) growing among their crops because they rob the soil of the nourishment needed by the crops. They are hard to get rid of, the seeds have been known to germinate (давать ростки) after having been buried for years.

9. Most people, seeing a sunflower for the first time, are amazed at its size. Not only is it extremely tall , but its actual flowers are enormous, compared with the flowers of another plants. One in the Royal Gardens at Madrid was supposed to have reached a height of 24 ft (фут 30,5 см).

10. The ostrich (страус) has very keen eyesight. For hours and hours it can stay still with its long neck stretched on the ground, peering (внимательно всматриваться) at some object that interests it. That is why its head seems to be buried in the sand. This also explains people’s calling it a cowardly and silly bird.