Учебное пособие соответствует государственному стандарту направления «Английский язык»
Вид материала | Учебное пособие |
СодержаниеPerfect Infinitive Passive Infinitive Perfect Passive Infinitive |
- Учебное пособие Для студентов специальностей «Финансы и кредит», «Менеджмент организации», 2237.36kb.
- Новые поступления в библиотеку прикладная информатика и математика, 262.95kb.
- Учебное пособие Издательство спбгпу санкт-Петербург, 1380.47kb.
- Рабочая программа спецкурса «Технико-экономические аспекты планирования на предприятии», 215.13kb.
- Г. В. Плеханова английский язык учебно-методическое пособие, 1565.3kb.
- Программа ставрополь, 2008 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета, 420.64kb.
- А. Л. Пумпянский написал серию из трех книг по переводу, 3583.47kb.
- Учебное пособие для студентов факультета иностранных языков / Сост. Н. В. Дороднева,, 393.39kb.
- Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов экономистов. Автор-составитель Большакова, 15.76kb.
- Академия наук СССР, 5018.32kb.
Упражнение 44
Назовите форму инфинитива:
to be done
to have translated
to have been obtained
to close
to be reading
to have been travelling
to have been told
to have been performed
to be dancing
to be written
Упражнение 45
Поставьте глаголы в следующие формы:
а. Continuous Infinitive:
to listen
to wait
to walk
to finish
to travel
to live
to translate
to solve
б. Perfect Infinitive:
to do
to publish
to learn
to take
to win
to sing
to lose
to test
to define
to train
в. Passive Infinitive:
to give
to show
to bring
to break
to mean
to test
to write
to tell
to use
to call
г. Perfect Passive Infinitive:
to make
to say
to answer
to follow
to hear
to wait
to send
to know
to drive
to develop
Упражнение 46
Назовите инфинитив глагола (любого) в следующих формах:
1. The passive indefinite (non-perfect) form.
2. The active continuous form.
3. The active perfect continuous form.
4. The passive perfect form.
5. The active perfect non-continuous form.
6. The active non-perfect non-continuous form.
Упражнение 47
Определите по формальным признакам функцию инфинитива и переведите предложения:
- To translate such texts without a dictionary is difficult.
- To translate such texts without a dictionary one must be knowledgeable in the language.
- It was impossible to translate this text without a dictionary.
- He has been studying English for several years to translate such texts without a dictionary.
- Texts to be translated without a dictionary at the exam should not contain unknown words.
- Nick was the first to translate the text.
- Computer is a machine to perform mathematical and logical operations and to solve complicated (сложные) problems.
- The problems to be solved are rather complicated.
- Students of my group were the first to solve all the problems.
- To solve such complicated problems requires deep knowledge in mathematics.
- To solve such complicated problems we revised a lot of formulas and equations (уравнение).
- Pete failed to solve this problem at the exam and got a bad mark.
- He was consulted by the professor and learned a lot to be able to solve such complicated problems.
Упражнение 48
Поставьте, где нужно, частицу “to” перед инфинитивом:
1. I want ... stay here for a few more days.
2. She asked me … wait for her.
3. We are very glad … see you.
4. I don’t know what … tell him.
5. We have come … ask you about it.
6. This work must … be done at once.
7. He wants … publish his book in Moscow.
8. He can … speak English very well.
9. My friends decided … go to the theatre on Sunday.
10. Please, don’t forget … mail the letter.
11. We had … do the work once again.
12. My sister isn’t able … swim but she wishes … learn … do it.
13. Would you like … have a cup of tea?
14. He is not strong enough … work.
15. They are going … marry soon.
16. It has become a habit with him … meet her after work.
17. I’ve got … be on a diet.
18. We are … meet at five today.
19. She was happy … learn he was coming.
20. Nick knew how … behave in this situation.
21. The teacher had the class …write 1000-word composition.
Упражнение 49
а. Изучите и запомните модели:
He was the last to come. - Он пришел последним.
He has nobody to talk to. - Ему не с кем говорить.
He has got nothing to add. - Ему нечего добавить.
I’ve got many things to do. - У меня много дел.
б. Составьте и переведите предложения с инфинитивом:

nothing to say.
something to be afraid of.
nothing important to lose.
to be proud of.
to do.
to ask.
to offer.

nobody to be surprised at.
many things to be angry with.
many people to speak about.
to be afraid of.
to speak to.
в. Скажите по- английски:
- Здесь говорить не о чем.
- Удивляться нечему.
- Бояться нечего.
- Вам нечего бояться.
- Мне нечего сказать.
- Она ушла первой.
- У меня много дел.
- Здесь не над чем смеяться.
- Не с кем поговорить.
- Некому рассказать о своих сомнениях.
Упражнение 50
Обратите внимание на использование пассивных форм
инфинитива. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
- To be sent abroad he must be a qualified specialist.
He wanted to be sent abroad.
- I wanted to invite Mike to my birthday party.
Mike wanted to be invited here also.
He was happy to have been invited to my birthday party.
- The director decided to offer him this job.
He was happy to be offered this job.
- To be offered this job he proved that he was skilled enough
to perform it.
To be offered this job meant much for him.
- She refused to be appointed to this post.
- The children want to be shown these animated cartoons.
- She doesn’t hope to be informed of it in time.
- I hope to be introduced to your mother.
- Teachers like to be listened to attentively.
- Peter doesn’t like to be disturbed when he is busy with his book.
- I would like to be met at the railway station.
12. It is easy to be fooled by his lies.
13. The dog needs to be washed.
14. I didn’t come here to be shouted at.
15. The goods were ready to be inspected by the customs officer.
16. I was surprised to be asked such a delicate question.
Упражнение 51
Выберите нужную форму инфинитива, переведите
предложения на русский язык:
1. The girl pretended (притворяться) (to read, to be reading) a book and not (to notice, to have noticed) me.
2. It was wise of you (to book, to have booked) the tickets well in advance.
3. Not (to answer, to have answered) would be a wrong step.
4. The third key remained (to test, to be tested) and, I hope, the door will be opened.
5. How fortunate he is (to travel, to be travelling) all over the world and (to see, to be seeing) so much of it.
6. The only sound (to hear, to be heard) was the ticking of the clock downstairs.
7. I was too deeply impressed (to speak, to be speaking).
8. She would have been very sorry (to miss, to have missed) the beginning of the concert.
9. He was (to do, to be doing) it yesterday.
10. The conference is (to hold, to be held) in Paris in May.
11. Jane is a person (to avoid, to be avoided).
12. Here are the papers (to look, to be looked) through.
13. The things (to pack, to be packed) are on the table.
14. He didn’t give me the review (to discuss, to be discussed).
15. The problem (to debate, to be debated) is as follows.
16. The luggage (to weigh, to be weighed) is here.
17. Where is the form (to fill, to be filled) in?
18. Here is the letter (to post, to be posted).
19. My son asked me (to let, to be let) him out for some minutes.
20. My son asked (to let, to be let) out for some minutes.
Упражнение 52
Запомните следующие предложения. По аналогии составьте
предложения, используя слова в скобках:
- He is hard to please. - Ему трудно угодить. (Ей; не трудно; мне)
- He is difficult to deal with. - С ним трудно иметь дело.
(С ней; не трудно; легко; было)
- There is nothing to be gained by it. - Этим ничего не достигнешь.
(Не докажешь; не объяснишь)
- Who is to blame? - Кто виноват? (Он; она; я; не виноват)
- Be sure to come. - Непременно приходите. (Пишите; звоните; известите нас)
- There is nothing to be done. - Ничего не поделаешь.
- She is easy to convince. - Ее легко убедить. (Трудно; нас; его; не легко)
- She is pleasant to speak to. - С ней приятно разговаривать.
(Общаться; не приятно; (на…) смотреть)
- Who is the next to answer? - Кто отвечает следующий?
(Идет к доске; читает текст; решает задачу)
Упражнение 53
Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. The reason of his success is easy to understand.
2. Her neighbour was difficult to talk to.
3. The house was charming to look at, but rather inconvenient (не
удобный) to live in.
4. Is your friend easy to deal with?
5. The date of the letter was impossible to make out.
6. He was difficult to convince.
7. He was a man to attract immediate sympathy.
8. She is a spoiled child not to be trusted.
9. His age was difficult to guess.
10. I won but it’s no victory to be proud of.
11. His name is easy to remember.
12. The fact is hard to prove.
13. Her English is pleasant to listen to.
14. His Chinese is difficult to understand.
15. This principle is hard to accept.
16. In summer these cottages are impossible to reserve.
17. This competition will be hard to win.
18. Roger is hard to influence.
19. The health resort is interesting to visit.
20. Such opponents are difficult to respect.
21. That box is too heavy to carry.
Упражнение 54
Закончите предложения, используя инфинитив:
1. It gives me pleasure … .
2. It will take you ten minutes … .
3. It is wise of him … .
4. It has become his habit … .
5. It was natural (of him) … .
6. The main problem is … .
7. What I want is … .
8. Our next step must be … .
9. To act like this meant … .
10. It was unusual (of him) … .
11. The next step to take is … .
12. The book was difficult … .
13. She is pleasant … .
14. This problem will
not be difficult … .
15. The boy is hard … .
16. The sentence is easy … .
Упражнение 55
Раскройте скобки, поставьте соответствующие
неперфектные формы инфинитива. Переведите предложения:
1. I hate (to interrupt) you, but the man is still waiting (to give) a definite answer.
2. He hated (to bother) with trifling matters (пустяки) when he had many more important questions (to decide).
3. There are changes (to make) in that plan.
4. The problems (to discuss) at the conference must be of great interest for scientists of all countries.
5. Professor Ivanov will make a report at the conference (to hold) in Moscow.
6. The conference (to attend) is of great political importance.
7. The next exam (to pass) is mathematics.
8. The problem (to discuss) is connected with the laws of motion.
Упражнение 56
Проанализируйте предложения и по формальным признакам определите функцию инфинитива. Переведите предложения:
- To understand this problem one should read a lot.
To understand this problem is to be a mathematician.
- To explain your behaviour is the only thing for you to do.
To explain this rule the teacher used a lot of pictures and diagrams.
- To carry out the experiment successfully students made all necessary preparations.
To carry out an experiment successfully means to obtain the desired results.
- To know foreign languages well we must work much.
To know foreign languages is very important for specialists in all fields of economy.
- To finish the construction of the new swimming pool is necessary.
To finish the construction of the new swimming pool by the end of May the builders have to work hard.
- To make this discovery the scientist carried out a lot of research.
To make this experiment means to obtain new data.
- To apply this method was absolutely necessary.
To apply this method one should have the necessary equipment.
- To obtain these results we have been working for a long time.
To obtain such results is of great importance for all participants of the experiment.
- To determine the distance between these two points will be very difficult for the students.
To determine the distance between these two points the students will use rectangular (прямоугольный) coordinates.
- To determine this value is of great importance for us.
To determine this value we must take some measurements.
Упражнение 57
Переведите предложения с инфинитивом в функции
1. You are too young to understand me.
2. It was too late to do anything.
3. He works too slowly to be of much use to me.
4. It was too late for him to do anything.
5. You are old enough to know such things better.
6. The light wasn’t bright enough (for us) to read by.
7. Marie and Pierre Curie were the first to discover radium.
8. There was only one hotel to stay at in that town.
9. They were given the subject to speak on.
10. Barometer is an instrument to show the atmosphere pressure.
Упражнение 58
Сравните и переведите предложения, в которых функцию определения выполняют инфинитив (§30.6), причастие ll (§24.3), и пассивное причастие (§22):
- Here is a list of books (1. published, 2. to be published, 3. being published) on this subject.
- The amount (1. paid, 2. to be paid, 3. being paid) includes the cost of packing.
- The goods (1. loaded, 2. to be loaded, 3. being loaded) on this ship consist of different kinds of machinery.
- The first question (1. considered, 2. to be considered, 3. being considered) is whether the offer of the sellers should be accepted.
- Here is a list of books to be taken from the library.
- The conference to be held in May must attract attention of ecologists from many countries.
- The device to be described in this article was improved by our engineers.
- All data to be entered into the computer memory must be carefully checked.
- Here is a list of books taken from the library.
- The conference held in May attracted attention of many scientists making research in this field.
- New technology described in this article was developed by a large group of scientists.
- All data entered into the computer memory were checked and coded.
Упражнение 59
Сравните предложения, в которых обстоятельства выражены инфинитивом и причастиями Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. Translating an article the student
consulted a dictionary.
1. To translate the article you should consult a dictionary.
2. (When) proving his theory the scientist gave us many interesting facts.
2. To prove his theory the scientist gave us many convincing arguments.
3. Having finished his essay student got down to the experiment.
3. To finish his essay student got down to the experiment.
4. Being started in time the test will be finished soon.
4. To be started in time the experiment should be prepared carefully.
5. Squeezed by ice the ship could not continue its way.
5. Not to be squeezed by ice the ship should follow an icebreaker.
6. Having proved to us that he was right, he lost all interest in the talk.
6. To prove to us that he was right, he invited two eye-witnesses of incident.
7. Having found out her address we wrote a letter to her immediately.
7. To find out her address we asked all her friends and relatives.
Упражнение 60
Скажите по-английски, используя инфинитив в разных функциях:
- Для того, чтобы тебя уважали (respect), ты также должен уважать других людей.
- Для того, чтобы тебя понимали, ты должен точно (exactly) выражать (express) свои мысли.
- Для того, чтобы тебя не наказывали (punish), ты должен всё делать вовремя.
- Чтобы много знать, нужно много читать.
- Чтобы не опаздывать на занятия, нужно раньше выходить из дома.
- Чтобы получать от жизни больше удовольствия, нужно вести здоровый образ жизни (keep healthy way of life).
- Много читать означает много узнавать.
- Изучение иностранного языка требует много времени и терпения (patience).
- Знать всё невозможно, но знать многое необходимо.
- Читать чужие письма плохо.
- Играть в компьютерные игры – любимое занятие современных молодых людей.