Пособие Л. Д. Червяковой «Язык делового общения» стр. 4-10 Чтение и перевод рекламных текстов
Вид материала | Конспект |
- Г. В. Психология делового общения. Бороздина Г. В. Психология делового общения : Учебное, 2307.7kb.
- Киянова ольга Николаевна Заведующая кафедрой, 27.74kb.
- Правила делового этикета. Этикет деловых отношений. Этика делового общения 10 Азы делового, 313.16kb.
- История: стр. 27 ответы на вопросы (устно). Английский язык: стр. 14, упражнение, 5.26kb.
- Содержание дисциплины, 34.56kb.
- М. В. Пшеничнов психология делового общения методическое пособие, 277.22kb.
- Легенды и мифы делового общения, 396.06kb.
- Примерный учебно-тематический план Раздел и тема Количество часов всего, 49.42kb.
- Адрес: г. Москва, Ул. Академика Скрябина, дом. 25/1,, 32.54kb.
- А. С. Попова элективный курс «культура делового общения» для 9 класса в рамках предпрофильной, 231.97kb.
Конспекты занятий:
Занятие 1
Выражения, характеризующие фирму, вакантную должность, кандидатуру на эту должность и условия оплаты труда в рекламных текстах.
Пособие Л.Д. Червяковой «Язык делового общения» стр. 4-10
Чтение и перевод рекламных текстов.
Thomas Cook left the Eighties as the World’s number one quality travel retailer. We are entering the Nineties, not only with the same impressive market leadership, but also with a commitment to growth, quality service and innovative marketing strategies that will leave our competitors a decade behind.
This newly created role, reporting directly to the Marketing Manager, Retail Shops, calls for a marketing generalist, in your early twenties preferably with both travel and retail experience, who can make a real contribution to the six major campaigns and other interim campaigns undertaken by the team every year. You will be involved in the preparation of all such campaigns, with specific responsibility for the coordination of below-the-line support.
Your drive, enthusiasm and flexibility together with highly developed analytical, communication and presentation skills will be the key to your success. In return for your expertise and commitment to this challenging role we’ll offer you a competitive salary, full range of benefits and most important the chance to be part of the company that’s “the best in the business”.
So write now with full c.v. to: Lucy Shortt, Personnel Officer, UK Consumer Sector, The Thomas Cook Group Limited, P.O. Box 36, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough FE 6SB.
Advertising Creative Departments are known for being the most self-organized of environments. Ours, that is one of the London’s most successful recruitment agencies, is no exception.
Within its confines live 13 hard-working copywriters and art directors, all busy producing a high volume of advertising design and print work for an enviable range of clients. Even as they do, more work is coming in from our account handlers. Prioritizing it, helping to progress every aspect of it and providing day-to-day administrative support is a full-time job in itself.
Due to promotion, we now need a new Creative Services Coordinator, someone who is first and foremost a born organizer, perhaps with a background of related office-management skills. Someone with the ability to cajole with insistence, reassure with conviction and, where necessary, insist with charm. Age isn’t an issue.
You may be young and ambitious to develop the position, or older, with experience to bring in. But if you can perform a role of vital importance to the operation of a busy, successful agency, there’s a lot you can make of it.
For more information call either Mr. Hurst or Andrew Small on 0149533.
Riley Advertising (London) Limited, Rex Stewart House, 159 Hammersmith Road, London W6 8BS.
We are one of the world’s leadings firms of Chartered Accountants and Consultants with over 7000 staff in our 36 UK offices. Management Computerization within our Information Centre has created an exciting opportunity for an Assistant Information Research Officer to develop his or her career in the increasingly important field of business information management and research using the latest technology.
You will be recently qualified librarian or information scientist with some experience in business information environment, have good communication skills and methodical approach to work. Computer familiarity would be advantage, although training will be given. Your main role will be helping to catalogue and index a variety of materials to construct an internal database, and in the day-to-day operation of the busy Information Centre.
We offer a competitive salary and all the benefits you would expect from a major organization.
Write, with full career details and current salary to: Caroline Wheeler, Recruitment Officer, Ernst & Young, Rolls House,7 Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, London EC4A1NH.
Занятие 2
English Discoveries. Basic 1. Ads., Jobs, Interviews.
Занятие 3
Поиск работы, написание заявления о приеме на работу, составление резюме
An enthusiastic, young graduate is required for the position of Marketing Services Executive by an exciting publishing company based in London’s Docklands.
Thomas Telford Ltd. is the commercial arm of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Primarily a business-to-business magazine, journal and book publisher, the company had a turnover in excess of £15 millions in 1989.
Reporting to, and working closely with the Marketing Services Manager, this new position incorporates a wide range of skills from overseeing research projects to developing a new information system on a multi-million pound computer. Research experience is valuable, computer literacy is necessary, enthusiasm and a good sense of humor are vital.
Salary is c. $ l2,000 and there are the usual fringe benefits commensurate with this type of appointment.
Please apply in writing, with a detailed CV, to Peter Watkinson, Marketing Services Manager, Thomas Telford Limited, Thomas Telford House, 1, Heron Quay, London E14 9XF
As the largest employer of press and publicity specialists in the UK, we are constantly on the lookout for talent and for experience. Members of the Government Information Service (GIS) explain government policies and measures to the public through a wide range of publicity departments and disciplines. Because of its sheer size and diversity, the GIS offers unique scope for training and career development. Wherever you join, you will enjoy opportunities to move between different disciplines and departments, developing your skills and preparing yourself for greater responsibilities and rewards. Current openings at Information Officer level are:
Department of Employment, Sheffield Marketing the Training Agency and promoting national training initiatives will involve you in planning and implementing publicity campaigns; supervising advertising, exhibitions, print, and AVs; assessing creative and media proposals, controlling budgets, and monitoring the effectiveness of campaigns.
If you’ve a real flair for communication, there’s no better way to start a career in press or publicity than by joining the GIS.
Current openings in London include: two posts at the Department of Health, in the press office and publications; graphics design at the Department of Trade and Industry; and publications at the Office of Fair Trading.
Outside London, there are opportunities in marketing, print buying, and video production at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in Ghessington; and in publictions/production at the Nature conservancy Council in Peterborough.
Salaries for Information Officers range between Ј13,970 and Ј17,250 in London and between Ј11,705 and Ј14,905 outside London. Salaries for Assistant Information Officers range between Ј10,365 and Ј14,480 in London, and between Ј8,100 and Ј12,220 outside London. There are good prospects of promotion and enhanced rewards in the G1S as a whole.
A leading manufacturer of underwater T.V. viewing systems and remote control vehicles has an opening for a sharp individual with the ability to learn quickly and accurately. Qualified candidate will type 55-60 WPM and have a minimum of 1 year office experience.
Competitive salary and an outstanding benefit package accompany this rewarding position.
Interested applicants should apply in person or forward your RESUMÉ with complete salary history to Tim McEwen. A Tetra Tech Company.
HYDRO PRODUCTS 11777 Sorrento Volley Rd. San Diego, CA 92121 An Equal Oppty. Employer M/F/H NRC 1-800-848-7592
Earn $ 35,000—$50,000 first year commission.
NATIONAL REVENUE CORPORATION is seeking highly qualified professional sales persons to become Executive Consultants and market our urgently needed cash flow management services to retail and commercial business executives. You can expect rapid advancement into field management with excellent incentives. You must
- have a minimum of 3 years direct sales,
- be a highly motivated self-starter,
- be a strong closer,
- dress and act professionally,
- have a proven record of success.
Full time opportunity. No part time. NRC sales people with these qualifications are enjoying six figure earnings. You can, too.
Rapidly expanding precision bearings manufacturer is looking for aggressive, problem-solving, motivated decision-maker to cover Imperial and San Diego counties.
Our candidate must develop, with minimum assistance, the full sales potential of the assigned territory, calling on new and established customers, including accounts of major importance. This individual will be required to analyze customer needs, keep them fully informed of product features and applications, and provide technical support. A close working relationship with many company functions must be maintained, interfacing with such groups as customer service, engineering and management.
A BS degree is desired, coupled with three years soles or engineering experience, preferably in the bearings or related industry. Top compensation is offered to the right candidate, plus many valuable extras in benefits, incentives and expenses.
For immediate consideration, we invite you to send your RESUMÉ with salary history to: NMB CORPORATION 9730 Independence Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 Equal Opportunity Employer, Alan B.Roney.
ACME Atlantic is a well-known and respected trading company. We handle imports directly from manufacturers in 35 different countries, often to our own specifications, and currently export to 46 different countries worldwide.
We are looking for enthusiastic people to work in our office in Bermuda on temporary 3-, 6- and 9- month contracts. Applicants must be able to speak and write at least one foreign language fluently and can be nationals of any country. Experience in import-export will be an advantage, but as special training will be available, this is not essential. The main requirements are a willingness to work as a member of a team, to cope with pressure, to use the telephone in a foreign language and in English, and to be prepared occasionally to work long hours when necessary. There are several posts available and long-term prospects are good, though initially all successful applicants will be contracted for a maximum of 9 months.
The salary, we will offer, is excellent. We will pay for your return air fare and provide adequate accommodation at a nominal rent.
Please apply in your own handwriting, enclosing your RESUMÉ, to Charles Fox, European Sales Office, ACME Atlantic Ltd, 45 Pentonville Road, London EC2 4AC.
We are a well-known international manufacturer, based in the UK, and we are expanding our export marketing activities in our European headquarters in London.
We are looking for a lively and intelligent person to join our team as soon as possible.
The work will involve working in our London office, telephoning and corresponding with our overseas clients and agents, and some travel, mainly to European countries. Applicants should be fluent in at least one foreign language. Experience in marketing would be an asset but not essential. The successful applicant will be paid top London rates and provided with generous removal expenses.
- C.V.’s a la carte
To get the right job you need to be attractive to employers from the moment they first hear about you. We specialize in thoroughly preparing professional people for effective job searching.
Our confidential and professional service includes:
• a personal interview with one of our qualified protect, reduce counsellors,
• advice and training in approaching employers,
• all application letters prepared and professionally typed for you,
• an individually-prepared CV that emphasizes your arrival achievements, and withdrawal,
• training in interview techniques.
Our service will ensure that employers put you on their short list and that you present yourself positively and effectively at the interview.
SUSAN BRIGHT CV’s, 891 New Oxford Street, London WC IT 8JK 01-997 8091
Занятие 4
English Discoveries. Basic 2.Interviews, Informal letters, Ads
Занятие 5
Деловая переписка. Составные части письма, их заголовки. Типы писем: официальные и неофициальные. Практика составления писем.
Study section: letter layout, the date, opening/closing a letter, subject headings
4.1 Letter layout
Look at these two letters:
What can you notice about the layout of the paragraphs?
- Is there any punctuation in the addresses?
- What differences are there between the two letters?
58 Jalan Thamrin • Jakarta • Indonesia Telephone 376018 • Telex 6756
Prapatan Office Supplies Your ref:
7 Jalan Prapatan Our ref: Pt./da/246
Jakarta 12 January 1987
Dear Sirs
We are expanding our offices in Jakarta and we will need extra desks, lights, chairs and filing cabinets. Please send us your catalogue with your prices, sizes and colours for these items.
Yours faithfully
Mr Peter Long
Mr S Basuki 58 Jalan Thamrin • Jakarta • Indonesia
Jakarta Furnishings Your ref:
7 Jalan Arjuna Our ref : PL/fh/246
Jakarta 12 January 1987
Dear Mr Basuki
Office furniture
We are expanding our offices in Jakarta and we will need extra desks, lights, chairs and filing cabinets. Please send us your catalogue with your prices, sizes and colours for these items.
Yours sincerely
Mr. Peter Long
4.2 Block style
There are many ways to lay out a letter. The modern way is called ‘block style’. The block style is the most useful to learn because it is accepted everywhere.
-the name and address of the addressee are at the top on the left (The addressee is the person you are writing to.)
-the date is on the right -there is no punctuation in the address or after ‘Yours faithfully/sincerely’ or Dear
-the paragraphs start at the margin and there are line spaces between them
-the writer’s name and title are under the signature.
4.3 The date
Be careful with the date! In Britain, they write the day first, but in the United States they write the month first. This means that
12 06 87
is the twelfth of June in Britain,but in the United States it is the sixth of December! So write the date like this:
l2 June 1987
and then everybody will know what you mean. Remember to use a capital letter for the month. You do not have to write th, rd, nd, or, st after the day.
How would you write these dates in a letter?
a) Jan. 16th, 1988 c) 6/11/87 (UK) e) 21.1.88
b) 23rd March 1988 d) 09-07-87 (USA) f) 04.08.87 (USA)
4.4 Dear... / Yours...
Here are some ways to open a letter:
Dear Sirs — to a company
Dear Sir — to a man if you do not know his name
Dear Madam — to a woman if you do not know her name
Dear Mr. Smith — to a man
Dear Mrs. Smith — to a married woman
Dear Miss Smith — to an unmarried woman
Dear Ms Smith — to a married or unmarried woman
Dear John — to a friend or someone you know well
Note: It is wrong to open a letter with ‘Dear Mr. John’ or ‘Dear Mr. John Smith’.
The way you close a letter depends on how you open it:
Dear Sirs/Sir/Madam — Yours faithfully
Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Smith — Yours sincerely
Dear John — Best wishes
Join these openings to the right ending.
a) Dear Mrs Wilson Best wisher
b) Dear Madam

c) Dear Ms Hemsuchi Peter
d) Dear Susanna Yours faithfully
e) Dear Mr Gonzalez

f) Dear David Richard Sanders
g) Dear Sirs Yours sincerely
Now put in the missing openings and closings
a) The Manager с) Ms B Carrillo e) Trufit Shoe Co
Fuchi Bank Restaurante Bier Padre 841 Pacific Str
Tokyo Guadalajara Los Angeles
Dear ………. Dear……….
b) Dear John d) The Manageress f) Mrs H Cheng
Bells Supermarket 5 Hatton Road
76 Oxford Road Hong Kong
Bath BA2 5 HD
4.5 Practice
There are ten mistakes in this letter. Can you find them? Write out the letter correctly, in ‘block style’
Miss Margareta Lindell 181 North Street
Slottsberget 26, London W 1M 2FW
Göteborg 41803, Tel. 01-676 9096
Sweden Your ref:
Our ref: FH/ts
Dear Sir
Thank you for your letter of the nineteenth of May nineteen hundred and eighty-seven.
I have pleasure in sending you our brochure with details of all our holidays.
I look forward to hearing from you.
1987, may 22nd. Best wishes
Sales Manager
Fred Henderson

4.6 Subject headings
The letter to Jakarta Furnishings (1.1) has a heading, Office furniture. This says what the letter is about. It will help Mr.Basuki give the letter to the right person. Often, when we put a heading we then use the word above or above-mentioned, like this:
Dear Mr. Chang
Order No. 239
The above—mentioned order of books has now arrived. Please can you come and collect it as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Mr. Michael Paine
4.7 Practice
Complete these letters? There are two things missing in each one.
a) Dear Miss Spencer
I am writing about the above invoice for £1,456.75. I would like to remind you that it is now three months since we delivered the goods. Please could we have your payment as soon as possible ………………………

Mr. Brian East
b) Dear Ms Morales
Mercedes 500SL
Thank, you for your 1etter about………………………
I enclose some information which. I hope you will find helpful………….

Mr. Thomas Lander
Sales Representative
c) Dear Sirs
This year the Daily Observer newspaper will print a special report on travel agencies. We were wondering if your company would like to put an advertisement in it.
I enclose our price list and look forward to hearing from you.

Ms Renate Makosch
Advertising manager
4.8 Parts of a letter, beginning and ending letters.
4.8.1 Parts of a letter
Most letters have three parts.
Dear …
An opening
This says why you are writing.
The main message
This gives the details.
The close
This usually talks about the future.
Yours faithfully/sincerely etc.
4.8.2 Beginning a letter
Here are some ways to begin a letter.
We are writing to enquire about... |
We are writing in connection with… We are interested in … and we would like to know… |
1. How would you start the following letters?
a) You want to know the prices of some air conditioners.
b) You saw an advertisement in the newspaper yesterday and you want further information.
c) You want to know if the company you are writing to organises holidays to Africa.
If you are answering a letter, you can start:
Thank you for your letter of (date), asking if…
We have received your letter of (date), enquiring about…
enclosing …
2. How would you start your reply in these situations?
a) A company wrote to you оn 23 July. They wanted to know if you sell photocopiers.
b) A man wrote to you on 18 December. He wanted employment with your company.
He also sent his curriculum vitae.
c) A company sent you a telex on 3 June. They wanted to know if you were going to the marketing conference in London.
d) A lady telephoned you this morning. She wanted to know if her order No. 599 had arrived.