Пособие Л. Д. Червяковой «Язык делового общения» стр. 4-10 Чтение и перевод рекламных текстов

Вид материалаКонспект


9.3 Mistakes in L.C.
9.5 Reminding a buyer of an unpaid invoice
John Brown
Ms Benedetto
Ms Benedetto
Ms Benedetto
John Brown
9.6 Financial terms
9.7 Reading. On the money-go-round
Traveller’s cheques
Foreign currency
Credit cards
Charge cards
6. Правила выполнения письменных работ (контрольных текстовых работ)
Customer service 01
Reading (Practice): Letter – We apologize…
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

9.3 Mistakes in L.C.

...Now you’d be surprised at the kinds of mistakes people make when using letter of credit documentation. Well these errors can often lead to rejection on the very first presentation. The research department of our bank found that 25% of the documents were rejected. Now there were different reasons. The main ones were things like the fact that the letter of credit had expired, or the documents were presented after the period stated by the letter of credit. Or, of course, the shipment was late.

If you think about it, it’s quite amazing really. But I can’t stress enough the need for consistency between different documents. I mean, for instance our bank study found out that spelling inconsistencies or mistakes are part of the problem. Well, that is the description or spelling of goods on invoices was different from that in the letter of credit. The weights were different on the export documents.

Then the amounts of money value shown on the invoice and the bill of exchange differed too. Even the marks and numbers were found to be different. Then another thing we found was that the amount of money mentioned on the letter of credit was smaller than the value of the order. The shipment was short.

Then you might even find that some documents were missing which were called for in the documentary letter of credit. We even had cases where signatures had not been witnessed as required for certain documents presented. Or else facsimile signatures were used where they’re just not allowed. And this is by no means the end of the list, which goes on and on; but I won’t bore you any more.

All in all almost 50% of the documents presented along with the letters of credit were rejected on their first presentation and this meant sometimes long delays in payment with all the complications that can involve. And I don’t need to tell you...

Занятие 34

English Discoveries.
The Executive. Trading

Занятие 35

Ошибки в аккредитивах. Взаимные неплатежи, проблемы вызванные взаимными неплатежами. Кредитные платежные карточки.

9.5 Reminding a buyer of an unpaid invoice

Ms Benedetto: Good morning! I’m sorry to ring you like this.

John Brown: That’s all right.

Ms Benedetto: But did you receive our January shipment?
John Brown: Yes we have.

Ms Benedetto: When did it arrive?

John Brown: It arrived on the 25th January.

Ms Benedetto: And are all the things you ordered included?
John Brown: Yes, thank you.

Ms Benedetto: Did you get the invoice as well?
John Brown: Yes, yes.
Ms Benedetto: And have you paid the invoice for the last shipment yet?
John Brown: I’m afraid we haven’t managed...

Ms Benedetto: Because I haven’t a record of the payment and our department was just getting a bit worried about it.

John Brown: Yes money is very tight at the moment, you see.

Ms Benedetto: Ah.

John Brown: I’d like to ask for an extension of credit.

Ms Benedetto: Mm.
John Brown: You see, we have a considerable overdraft.

Ms Benedetto: Ah.

John Brown: And our overheads have to be thought about.

Ms Benedetto: Mm.

John Brown: A major problem is that our own customers are going through a difficult period too.

Ms Benedetto: Yes, I know how that is.

John Brown: We have a number of outstanding accounts ourselves, so we know exactly how you feel.

Ms Benedetto: Yes.

John Brown: We’re hoping that our bank will show us some generosity and allow us to overdraw our account.
Ms Benedetto: Well I hope so as well.

John Brown: And what’s more we have just granted one of our major clients an extra two weeks’ credit and they’ve accepted our offer. And as if that isn’t enough. We have a large crisis on our hands with another customer who owes us a lot of money.

Ms Benedetto: Yes, I think I know what you mean. We have a similar problem.

John Brown: They’ve just gone bankrupt.

Ms Benedetto: Oh, dear.

John Brown: Yes. So what do you suggest we do about the money we owe you?

Ms Benedetto: Well, please try and send the cheque before the end of the month. Because our accounts department is considering changing the conditions of payment for future orders otherwise.

John Brown: Yes, well, we will do our best.

Ms Benedetto: I hope we can continue to cooperate together.

John Brown: I hope so too.

Ms Benedetto: And we hope to keep you as a regular customer despite any troubles you may be having.

The gist of what has been said:

Well, you see, money’s very tight at the moment.

Well, I’d like to ask for an extension of credit.

Yes, you see, we have a considerable overdraft already.

And our overheads have to be thought about.

Well, a major problem is that our own customers are going through a difficult period too.

We’ve a number of outstanding accounts ourselves, so we know exactly how you feel.

Yes, well we hope that our bank will show us some generosity and allow us to overdraw our account.

Oh yes and what’s more we have just granted one of our major clients an extra two weeks’ credit. They’ve accept our offer.

As if that isn’t enough. We’ve a large crisis on our hands with another customer who owes us a lot of money.

Yeah, he is just gone bankrupt.

Look, what do you suggest we do about the money we owe you?

9.6 Financial terms

Fill in the gaps with words from the list.

endorse funds incur standing order

subsidies lack overheads proceeds

royalties write off

  1. Many companies receive ........................ and other revenues from their numerous Inventions used by other firms.
  2. The family purchased the site with the ........................ from their sale of securities and other assets.
  3. But they ........................ large tax debts when the head of the family died.
  4. Some developing countries are fortunate if the banks ........................ their long outstanding debts.
  5. When demand for their goods falls, it is difficult for small companies to reduce expenditure on ........................ such as rent and energy costs.
  6. In the last fiscal year many American companies suffered from a ........................ of cash and had to borrow heavily.
  7. Many became insolvent because they didn’t have sufficient liquid ........................ to pay back the loans they had taken up.
  8. Payment is authorized only on presentation of a cheque ..................... on the back by the payee.
  9. Customers with regular bills of fixed amounts may pay by ........................ .
  10. Many governments are offering companies favourable ........................ to open factories in underdeveloped regions.

9.7 Reading. On the money-go-round

MONEY — usually the lack of it — is a universal problem for travellers. Whatever the amount they take there is a variety of ways to car it. Since each has both advantages and disadvantages, a combination of two or three is advisable, the mixture depending on financial circumstances as well as destination.

Traveller’s cheques: will be replaced if lost or stolen, theoretically within 24 hours. You pay 1 to 1.5 per cent of the value of the cheques (and maybe a fixed handling fee if you are buying in any of the 20 plus foreign currencies) but usually get a better rate when cashing them. In any of the Americas be sure to carry dollar cheques.

Foreign currency: carry a small amount (for taxis, porters, telephone calls, snacks) until you can get to a bank. Most UK banks need advance notice of your requirements otherwise change sterling at the airport or port (though exchange rates are less favourable).

The commission and rate of exchange do vary but shopping around is rather impractical. Some countries (in particular Greece) restrict the amount of their currency that you can import. You should also carry some sterling for necessary expenses when you return.

Postcheques: Each cheque, when accompanied by a Postcheque Card (included free with your first order of cheques) can now be used to draw up to in local currency from 90.000 post offices in most of Europe and around the Mediterranean as well as Hong Kong, the Bahamas and Japan.

Credit cards: Access (linked to Mastercard in the US and Eurocard in Europe) and Barclaycard (linked to Visa) are accepted in nearly 5 million outlets each though they vary in their acceptability — Barclaycard, for example, is stronger in France, Spain and Italy, whereas Access is most useful in Germany and the US. Their acceptance in Continental petrol stations, too, is not always certain.

They may also be used for cash advances and instead of deposit on car hire.

Charge cards: American Express and Diners Club are less widely accepted than credit cards and the interest-free settlement period is shorter but there is no pre-set spending limit. In addition to the initial starting and annual fee for the cards, both charge percent processing charge for bills converted back into sterling.

Eurocheques: can be used to withdraw local currency as well as pay for hotels, restaurants, garages and other services in nearly five million, mostly European, outlets. The cheques, made out to the exact amount require, are then debited to your account in the same way as a domestic cheque.

Individual cheques can he cashed for up to a maximum of £100 or the equivalent in local currency.

There is no limit to the number of cheques you can use to make a purchase. You pay around £3.50 for the card and there is also a commission of 1.25 per cent on the value of the transaction plus roughly a 30 pence handing fee per cheque.

Now read the article once more and answer the following more detailed questions:

1. How many different methods are mentioned? Which?

2. Which method is recommended most highly?

3. What happens if you lose your travellers cheques?

4. Where should the British traveller exchange sterling into foreign currency?
5. Why is the British traveller advised to carry sterling?
6. Where can you use Postcheques?

7. What are advantages of credit cards?

8. What disadvantages do charge cards have?

9. How do you pay for Eurocheques?

10. What is the limit of a Eurocheque?

Занятие 36

English Discoveries.
The Executive. Finance.

6. Правила выполнения письменных работ (контрольных текстовых работ) :

1. Прежде чем приступить к выполнению контрольной работы, необходимо тщательно изучить грамматический и лексический материал семестра и выполнить письменные и устные упражнения к урокам, рекомендованные преподавателем.

2. Выполняйте письменные контрольные работы в отдельной тетради. На тетради напишите свою фамилию, инициалы, шифр (если он имеется), адрес, номер контрольной работы.

3. Работа должна быть выполнена аккуратно, четким почерком. При выполнении работы оставляйте в тетради широкие поля для замечаний рецензента.

4. Выполняйте задания работы в той последовательности, в которой они даются в тексте контрольной работы.

5. Необходимо переписать задание упражнения. Текст упражнения следует писать на левой странице, а выполненное задание упражнения – на правой.

10) Индивидуальные задания.


Listening (Practice): Telephone – Hot line

  1. Sam Johnson has recently bought a from Octopus Computer Supplies. He has a
    when he tries to send e-mail , so he calls the Octopus after-sales for advice. A of the hot line team takes his call and starts by asking him his name and company, and the and model of
    the modem he bought. She also establishes that he has returned his card. With the
    she finds his record in the company's and asks Mr. Johnson to explain the problem.












  1. Mr. Johnson says that he wants to the modem to send e-mail messages the Weyuserve network. He explains that Weyuserve provided with the software package for use on his Macintosh computer. The software program should __ easy to use, as it is icon-driven, but each time he he gets an error message. Johnson has
    spoken to Weyuserve’s customer service department and they __ the problem lies with the modem itself, the software. He asks the Octopus hot line assistant the modem is compatible with the Weyuserve network.













  1. Having checked with the technical manager, the Octopus hot line assistant
    that the modem is compatible with the he is using. She suggests that the problem maybe with the software and that he reinstall it. Mr. Johnson asks if he can have a if he is still unable to send e-mail messages. He is told that the modem has a five - year and that Octopus will happily check the hardware for . However, should the modem be found to work
    they will neither be able to refund his money nor the item. Mr. Johnson has no choice but to agree. He will try out their suggestion and see if it works.










  1. In today's training session we are going to look at initial procedures -what to do when answering a customer call on our hot line. First, always answer by naming your department. Then give your name and say "Can I help you?". At this point, customers will no doubt start to explain in full. Let them reach a convenient point and then stop them by asking if you can a few details. You need to find out the customer's name, company and, of course, the and number of the appliance. You must have these details to check with those in the database. Also, ask if it's still under .From here, you can give whatever is applicable, but remember to consult with your support manager if at all uncertain.













  1. It is most important that you do not any promises over the phone. If it is a
    matter, then the appliance will have to be by one of our service engineers before any can be made. Before arranging for an engineer
    call, check with the support manager. It be that the customer is doing something that can easily be put light over the .If this seems to be the case, always the customer to try out the suggestion and call afterwards if necessary. It is not unusual for a customer who has something to change his or her mind. We are not in the of making unnecessary refunds. We will only refund money where there is a verified defect.













Reading (Practice): Letter – We apologize…

  1. Dear Sirs,

I have received a __ from you about your TBB Instaprint __ , Model 2020. Let me say at the __ beginning how sorry I am for __ inconvenience you have been caused. I __ that our service engineer has now you and that the copier _ _ working to your satisfaction. We __ very sorry to hear that one of our copiers __ given you cause for complaint, as __ our after-sales service. All our __ are made to the highest possible __ and they should give our customers a __ of trouble-free service.

















  1. The problem with the toner feed was caused by a __ in one of the automatic toner feed components. The engineer has now installed a __ version, covered under your __ , of course. The __ department assures me that the __ is now functioning as it should. To make sure, I have suggested that the same engineer pay another visit within the next few weeks just to check that everything is __ . I have spoken to your suppliers and they have told me they in no way meant to suggest you had caused the fault. However, as a gesture of __ , they have confirmed to me that they will not __ you for the replacement toner.













  1. Regarding our after-sales service, we were __ extremely sorry to learn that you were dissatisfied. __ normal circumstances, our 24 - hour hot line __ __ that calls are dealt with the __ day. It is very unusual for it to take as long __ __ it did in your case. I can __ __ say in excuse that the engineer __ __ your area was sick and a replacement __ to be found. We are confident that this __ __ not happen again. I would like _ __ finish by once again offering our apologies. In the _ _ event that you should experience any __ __ problems with your Instaprint Copier, please _ __ not hesitate to call our 24 - hour hot line on 0600 600 600.




















  1. Dear Ms. Openshaw,

Thank you for your letter concerning the problems we had with our Instaprint Copier, _ _ 2020, and your __ service. I am writing to say that we are, unfortunately, still _ _ with the machine. While it has not actually broken down, the quality of the copies is poor. I wonder whether the machine itself might be __ . I have not contacted your 24 - hour __ to report this, because it occurred to me that it would be better to put the matter directly in your hands, as you are aware of the history. Would you be good enough to send out your service engineer to __ where the problem lies?








end user





  1. I would like to be __ myself when the engineer __ and would be most grateful, __ , if you could arrange for __ to come any morning next _ _ except Wednesday. Although we __ to experience some problems __ this particular machine I would __ to say that we have __ your products for many years and have been well-satisfied with __ performance and reliability. I look __ to resolving our current __ .





