Пособие Л. Д. Червяковой «Язык делового общения» стр. 4-10 Чтение и перевод рекламных текстов

Вид материалаКонспект


The facts
Management proposals
Staff requests
6.13 Life in the office
Woman: And things are different in the States, you’re saying? Man
Woman: Yes, as the saying goes: ‘time is money’. Man
Woman: Talking about lunch hours. What about them? Do you have to take them seriously? Man
Woman: Oh, so you have the flexitime system, do you? I wasn’t sure about that. Man
Woman: Could you say something about contracts of hiring in America, please? Man
Woman: You mean that your employer can just fire you in America? Man
Woman: From one day to the next, you mean? Man
Woman: Well, that’s about it, I think, oh, except to briefly mention all those coffee breaks I’ve heard about in the United Stat
Unit 7. marketing and sales
7.7 Marketing concept and marketing mix
7.3 Reading graphs. Trend 1.
7.4 Reading graphs. Trend 2.
7.5 Reading graphs. Trend 3.
7.6 Graphs and figures
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

6.12 Flexible working hours

The facts

The office opens at the moment from 9 am to 5 pm with a lunch hour from 1 to 2 pm. Three quarters of the staff work a 35 hour week. The rest are part-time. During office hours telephones have to be answered and visitors need to be received.

Further factors which need to be considered:

Management proposals

Only certain days in the week should be designated ‘flexidays’. There should be a period of ‘core time’ which is non-negotiable except for normal exceptions (unavoidable visits to the dentist etc).

Staff suggestions

Some secretaries would like to leave earlier on days other than Thursdays as the shops do not stay open later and so are fuller. Clerical staff are prepared to work during the present lunch hour. An extension of working hours is acceptable if they are credited later.

One department has proposed a ‘pairing’ system, where you always have someone else to cover for you in your absence.

Staff requests

There are a number of part-time workers, all women, about 25% of the office staff, who would prefer to work the majority of their 171/2 hours in the mornings.

Several people have requested time to take their children to preschool and school and also to fetch them in the afternoon. They would prefer to start at 10 on certain days. The canteen must stay open longer at lunch time, if necessary.

6.13 Life in the office

Woman: First of all, when do people start work in American offices?

Man: Right, well the official work day starts at 9.00 am. This should really mean 9 o’clock — not ten past or half past nine.

Woman: Would you say that people work very hard in offices in America?

Man: Well I don’t know about employees in your country. But some nations have a philosophy that you work when the ‘boss’ is around. And any time he’s not there, one can relax by reading the newspaper or whatever one likes doing in a personal way.

Woman: And things are different in the States, you’re saying?

Man: Well, in America one is being paid for your time. So employees are expected to find other work if their own desks are clear, or to help someone else with his or her work. But you never sit idle, or doing nothing.

Woman: Yes, as the saying goes: ‘time is money’.

Man: Exactly. Your employer ‘owns’ your time while he is paying you for it. That is precisely what ‘time is money’ means. And anyway the boss doesn’t ask more of you than he is doing himself: he will probably work through the lunch hour himself and even take work home at night.

Woman: Talking about lunch hours. What about them? Do you have to take them seriously?

Man: Oh yes, sure, of course. The employee’s lunch hour should be taken within the period allowed, unless you are officially discussing company business — say on a business lunch. It’s the same too with the end of the day. I mean work until the day officially ends at five o’clock, unless you are in an office where ‘flexitime’ is the accepted practice.

Woman: Oh, so you have the flexitime system, do you? I wasn’t sure about that.

Man: Oh yes, sure. Flexible working hours, that is starting or ending work earlier or later — I know that that is very common in Europe. But here in the USA it is still relatively new. Certainly there are a million or so Americans on the system today. And the number is growing. Well for the same reasons as in Europe — to keep traffic and commuting problems down. And as more women now work it gives more family time.

Woman: Could you say something about contracts of hiring in America, please?

Man: Well it’s different in America from, say Asia, perhaps Europe too, I’m not sure. We are more democratic, I think. It means perhaps that we won’t develop such a permanent relationship between employer and employee. I know that in some countries people relax when they have once got a job, because they know they will almost never he fired — unless they do something awful.

Woman: You mean that your employer can just fire you in America?

Man: No, no, no. There are, of course, legal protections in the USA. So employees cannot be unjustly fired without good reason. Workers must do a good job, produce well, and get along with their colleagues — or they can be ‘let go’, as it is called.

Woman: From one day to the next, you mean?

Man: Well it’s rarely done without warning, but it is important to remember that in the United States you are a member of a business firm and not a family. It makes a difference.

Woman: I wonder, is the physical or external appearance of office life different from European offices?

Man: Well, I have heard people comment on the informality found in American offices. And this is certainly a little difficult for people who are more used to a hierarchical system to adjust to, of course. But there are some very formal officers, too, say, in big of course. But there are some very formal offices, too, say, in big banks and major corporations. But in many establishments the atmosphere is loose and easy with a lot of joking, and teasing, and wandering in and out of offices among all levels of employees.

Woman: Well, that’s about it, I think, oh, except to briefly mention all those coffee breaks I’ve heard about in the United States.

Man: That’s right. Nearly all large offices have coffee wagons that circulate for mid-morning and mid-afternoon. But you should remember that although 15 minutes are allotted twice a day for relaxation and chatter, many employees take coffee to their desks and keep on working. In small offices the coffeepot is often ‘on’ all day and employees take coffee whenever they like or they can make tea for themselves. It all depends, I suppose....

Занятие 24

English Discoveries.
The Executive. Work Environment 2

Занятие 25

Маркетинг. Составные компоненты концепции маркетинга.


7.1 What is marketing?
Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the words from the list.

creative process, design, distribution, end-users, first, hire purchase, image, labels, mail order, need, opportunities, outlets, patterns, place, posters, price, product, pro­duction-orientated, profitably, promotion, range, rival, satisfy, strengths, threats, weak­nesses

1 What is marketing? Marketing is the......... of satisfying customers needs.........

2. What is the marketing mix? It consists of the four P’s’: providing the customer with the right P.............. at the right P................, presented in the attractive way (P...............) and available in the easiest way (P...............).

3. What is a product? A product is not just an assembled set of components: it is some­thing customers buy to ............ a ............ they feel they have. The .......... and the .......... of the product are as important as its specification.

4. What is price? The product must be priced so that it competes effectively with........... products in the same market.

5 What is promotion? The product is presented to customers through advertising (TV commercials, .............. etc), packaging (design ............... ,etc), publicity, P.R. and personal selling.

6. What is place? Your product must be available to customers through the most cost-effective channels of............ A consumer product must be offered to...........in suitable retail ..............., or available on ................. or by .................. .

7. What is meant by S.W.O.T.? A firm should he aware of its S............ and W............ and the O............. and T.............. it faces in the market place.

8. Why are firms becoming more customer-orientated and less.............? Because new products must be created to meet the changing .............. of customers needs – a firm can’t rely on the success of its existing ............. of products. The customer and his or her needs must come...............!

7.2 Promotion

There are many ways of attracting customers to your product and of keeping your name in the public eye. Fill the gaps with suitable words from the list.

brochures, catalogues, contribute, direct mail, display, effective, extent, hands-on, image, impact, key account, leaflets, packaging, point of sale, press conference, press releases, public relations, publicity, recommend, representatives, reputation, showrooms, specific, stand, toll-free, trade fairs and exhibitions, trademark, word of mouth.

  1. Sails literature – ............................, and ......................... can de­scribe your product in more detail and give more information than an advertisement. Potential customers can be sent .......................... literature by post.
  2. ................... advertising-display in retail outlets (supermarkets, chain stores, etc) can attract the attention of potential customers.
  3. ............. – labels and presentation increase the ................ of your product.
  4. Sponsorship – you can ................ to the cost of a sporting or artistic event where the brand name or ................ of your product is displayed prominently.
  5. ............. – potential customers can come to your premises and see a ............ or a demonstration of your products and get ................ experience.
  6. ............. – your company takes a ....... ....... or mount an exhibit to enable customers in the same trade to see your products and talk to your ............... .
  7. ........................ – the public are informed of a new development through newspa­per articles. You can inform the press by issuing .................... or by holding a ...................... , so that reporters can question your spokesperson.
  8. ........................ – PR can ensure that your firm keeps a high profile, and that peo­ple are aware of your good ........................... and attractive ................... .
  9. .......................... – existing customers tell their friends or colleagues about your product and hopefully ......................... it to them, so that they want to by it.
  10. Telephone selling – your staff can call customers, or customers can call a ......................... number to request sales literature or ask for ............... informa­tion.
  11. Personal selling – your rep can visit customer: this is the most ..................... method of promotion, but also the most expensive. Traveling to meet a prospect may not always pay off. Your .................. would be visited frequently.
  12. If you are marketing a service it must be fully aware of the ....................... of your service and its benefit.

7.7 Marketing concept and marketing mix

Какова общая концепция марке­тинга?

Маркетинг включает разнообразные элементы, такие, как планирование, исследование рынка, разработку но­вой продукции, сбыт, организацию контактов, рекламу и т.д.

Маркетинг удовлетворяет потребности как потребителя, так и компании.

Маркетинг изучает все стадии до производства товара, в ходе его производства, до и после сбыта товара.

Маркетинг предоставляет информацию о перспективах спроса на продукцию или услуги фирмы, помогает определить и стимулировать рынок товаров и услуг.

Маркетинг применяется в сфере производства.

Производство базируется на изучении маркетинговой информации.

Чтобы достичь конечной цели, все маркетинговые мероприятия должны быть скоординированными.

Маркетинговые мероприятия измеряются качественными и количественными показателями.

Планирование маркетинга является неотъемлемой частью общей системы маркетинговых мероприятий.

Прежде всего от чего зависит эффективное планирование маркетинга?

Оно зависит от тщательного анализа ситуации на рынке.

Какие вопросы разбираются при анализе ситуации?

При анализе ситуации необходимо учитывать управляемые и неуправляемые факторы, то есть, факторы, связанные с внешней средой.

Имеется тесная связь между фактором внешней среды и сбытом.

Каковы контролируемые факторы планирования маркетинга?

Их фактически четыре—четыре Р.

Это продукция, цена, место сбыта, формы рекламы.

План рынка необходим для разработки прогноза продаж. Он определяет направление деятельности фирмы и пути достижения поставленных целей.

План рынка разрабатывается на основе информации о рынке и внутренней отчетности.

Какого рода анализ проводится отделом маркетинга?

Самый разнообразный. Анализ рынка, сбыта, различных данных, покупательского спроса и культурных запросов покупателей.

В настоящее время он разрабатывается с помощью компьютера.

Маркетинговые исследования и исследования рынка включают вопросы выбора товара, изучения интересов и потребностей конкурентов.

Способы проведения исследований в области маркетинга — наблюдение, обзор, эксперимент, опрос общественного мнения по различным каналам.

Исследование мнений потребителей должно влиять на выбор планируемой к выпуску продукции.

Мероприятия по организации контактов с потребителями охватывают рекламу, внешние связи, прямую почтовую связь и специальные мероприятия, такие как демонстрация товара, проведение конференций и выставок.

Рынки потребительских товаров сегментируются на основании данных демографических и психологических исследований.

Фирмы, изучающие сегментацию рынка, стремятся скорее найти разнообразные рынки сбыта для своих товаров и услуг, чем один большой рынок сбыта.

Сбыт всегда связан с разнообразными формами обслуживания потребителя.

Сбыт товаров дает ощутимый результат (непосредственную прибыль), а организация обслуживания его не дает, поэтому она с трудом поддается оценке.

What is the general marketing concept?

Marketing concept includes various elements such as planning, research, new product development, sales, communications, advertising, etc.

Marketing involves meeting both the company and the Customer’s needs.

Marketing studies stages before, during and after production and also following the sale.

Marketing provides information about foreward demand for the company’s products or services, helps to identify and stimulate demand for products and services.

Marketing is used in production and manufacturing.

Production is based on marketing intelligence study.

All marketing-related activities should be integrated to achieve the final goal.

Marketing efforts are measurable quantitatively and qualitatively.

Marketing planning is an integral part of the marketing mix.

What does effective marketing planning depend on?

First of all it depends on a thorough situation analysis.

What points are considered in analyzing the situation?

When analyzing the situation it is necessary to consider controllable and uncontrollable factors, that is environmental factors.

There is a close relationship between the environmental factor and sales.

What are controllable factors in marketing planning?

There are actually four of them, four Ps.

They are product, price, place, and promotion.

A market plan is necessary for developing sales forecasts. It shows where a company is going and how it is going to get there.

A market plan is designed through the use of marketing intelligence and internal accounting.

What kind of analysis is carried out by the marketing department?

All kinds of analysis. Market and sale analysis, data analysis, analyses of the customer’s demand and cultural analysis.

Today the process is computer-assisted.

Marketing research and market research are concerned with product choice study and study of competitors’ interests and their claims.

Methods of conducting marketing research are observation, survey, experiment and public opinion polls through different channels.

Attitudinal research should affect the product to be produced.

The communications mix comprises advertising, public relations, direct mail and special events such as product shows, conferences and exhibitions.

Markets for consumer products are segmented on the basis of demographic and psychographic data research.

Market segmenters search for a variety of markets rather than one large market for their products and services.

Sales are always involved with customer service of all kinds.

All products are tangible and all services are intangible. They are more difficult to evaluate.

Занятие 26

English Discoveries. Market 01. Practice Test, Vocabu-lary

Занятие 27

Чтение графов. Типы графов. Идиомы для описания роста, падения, застоя производства.

7.3 Reading graphs. Trend 1.

What kind of movement do the verbs below describe? Match them to the sym­bols.

decline gain drop increase rocket rise

plummet double fall halve level off triple peak

recover decrease fluctuate improve

7.4 Reading graphs. Trend 2.

Which graph illustrates the movement described in these sentences?

1. The market is showing some signs of growth.
2. The market is extremely volatile.
3. The pound slipped back against the dollar.
4. The Swiss franc is staging a recovery.
5. The lira lost ground slightly.
6. There’s been a dramatic downturn in the market.
7. There’s been an upsurge of interest in gold.
S. The share price bottomed out at 1l5p.
9. Sugar peaked at $400 a tonne.
10. Profits will level off at around 1.
11. Sales hit an all-time low.
12. There hasn’t been much movement in the price of tin.

7.5 Reading graphs. Trend 3.

The financial press is full of expressions of change and development. Enter the follow­ing verbs in the chart below according to the type of change they describe:

slump, rise, recover, plunge, pick up, plummet, drop, soar, bounce back, take off, climb, rally, fluctuate, fall, stabilize, slide, flatten out, crash, hold steady, escalate, decline, rocket, dip

7.6 Graphs and figures

Complete the conversation between a financial consultant, Andrew Cutting (AC:), and a sales director, Chris Wood (CW:), by underlining the correct words.


C: Right. Before we decide on the conditions for the loan, we need to have a careful look at your business. I’ve got the sales (1) graph/graphic for last year right here. Can you just go through the figures for me?

CW: Of course. As you can see, sales at the start of the year were quite (2) flat/level, (3) so/although that’s not surprising (4) because/due to we always have a quiet period after Christmas.

AC: OK, but there wasn’t much of a (5) recover/recovery over the spring period, was there? From your graph I see that at the (6) peak/high in June you were only (7) increased/up (8) by/with two (9) million/millions (10) pounds/of pounds (11) since/on the January figure. What happened?

CW: Well, it was a difficult trading period for us — our main competitor (12) cut/fell their prices (13) significant/significantly. (14) However/In spite of the second (15) half/halve of the year things started to improve.

AC: How did that happen?

CW: Well, we launched a series of new products onto the market, and you’ll see that sales (16) rised/rose (17) sharp/ sharply over the autumn.

AC: Ah. Oh, yes.

CW: In fact the figure went (18) to/until a little (19) under/over fifteen million by the end of the year. Now, we were very happy with those results. And we expect the increase (20) of/in sales to continue this year. Our sales forecasts are looking very good.

AC: Well, that does look promising. I think we can...

Занятие 28

English Discoveries. Market 02. Listening, Reading. Vocabulary.

Занятие 29

Торговые бренды. Определение бренда, типы брендов.