Информация по предмету Разное
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Introducere /на латыни/
Другое Разное Functiile dreptului comparat nu pot fi disociate de functiile generale ale Teoriei dreptului (cognitiva, critica, practic-aplicativa). Comparatia ajuta esential la construirea tipologiilor juridice si clasificarilor, în procesul de legiferare, metoda comparativa are, de asemenea, o importanta majora, ea furnizând informatii pretioase legiuitorului, în legatura cu reglementarile cuprinse în alte sisteme de drept sau în documente juridice internationale. Prin studiul comparat al diferitelor institutii juridice nationale se desprind factorii se determina atât trasaturile lor comune cât si cele specifice. Combatând în principiu preluarea mecanica a unor institutii si reglementari juridice dintr-o tara la alta, ca si considerarea unora drept modele de urmat în alte tari, metoda comparata arata calea realista de folosire a experientei legislative si juridice, îmbogatirea reciproca a sistemelor juridice din diferite tari stiut fiindca orice reglementare juridica trebuie sa izvorasca si sa raspunda în primul rând nevoilor nationale, specificului si particularitatilor tarii respective, iar pentru gasirea solutiilor optime va studia, evident si, experienta altor sisteme de drept.
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Introducere /на латыни/
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Другое Разное В марте 1996 г. произошло еще одно памятное событие. Тогда было объявлено о совместном проекте под названием «Internet Telephone Gate» двух компаний: уже известно нам Vocal Tec и крупнейшего производителя для компьютерной телефонный Dialogic, для чего между Сетью и телефоном устанавливается специализированный шлюз. Последний получил название (Vocal Tec Telephone Gateway) и представлял собой специализированную программу, которая использовала голосовые платы Dialogic. Многоканальные голосовые платы позволяют, во-первых, одной системе VTG поддерживать до восьми независимых телефонных разговоров через сеть, а во-вторых, убрали проблему адреса, взяв на себя преобразование обычных телефонных номеров в IP-адрес и обратно. Для разговора одного пользователя в том продукте достаточно будет ширины полосы канала порядка 11 кбит/с. Вот так возможность высокого уплотнения канала и малая стоимость связи создали предпосылки для коренных изменений телекоммуникационного мира. Сегодня многое ясно, что ИТ лишь шаг на пути к глобальной мультимедиа-связи.
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Irish and America
Другое Разное
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Irish and America
- 164.
Irish history
Другое Разное
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Irish history
- 165.
Irish Roots
Другое Разное
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Irish Roots
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J. B. Priestley
Другое Разное Many of his works have a political aspect. For example, An Inspector Calls, as well as being a "Time Play", contains many references to socialism the inspector was arguably an alter ego through which Priestley could express his works [1]. During World War II he was a regular broadcaster on the BBC. The Sunday night Postscript broadcasts through 1940 and again in 1941 drew audiences of up to 16 million; only Churchill was more popular with listeners. But his talks were cancelled, apparently as a result of complaints that they were too left-wing. He chaired the 1941 Committee and, in 1942, he was a co-founder of the socialist Common Wealth Party. The political content of his broadcasts and Priestley's hopes of a new and different England after the war influenced the politics of the period and helped the Labour Party gain its landslide victory in the 1945 general election. Priestley himself, however, was distrustful of the state and dogma.
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J. B. Priestley
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Другое Разное Johann Woifgang von Goethe wurde am 28. Aufgust 1749 in Frankfurt am Main in einer wohlhabenden burgerlichen Familie geboren. Sein Vater war Jurist und kaiserlicher Rat, die um zwanzig Jahre jugere Mutter - Toch-ter des Burgermeisters von Frankfurt. Goethe erhielt einen ausgezeichneten Hausunterricht: auBer den klassischen Sprachen undLiteraturen sowie dem Franzosischen, die zu jener Zeit den Hauptbestand jedes Unterichts bilde-ten, lernte er Englisch, Italienisch und Hebraisch, naturwissenschaftliche Studien wurden auch getreiben, was damals selten der Fall war. Somit be-kan Goethe schon seit Jugend auch jene Ansatze zur naturwissenschaflichen Forschung, die sich spater in der Weimarer Zeit so glanzend entfaltet haben.
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James Joyce (1882-1941)
Другое Разное
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James Joyce (1882-1941)
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Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
Другое Разное Having contested the various results [ Biot and Poisson] now recognise that they are exact but they protest that they have invented another method of expounding them and that this method is excellent and the true one. If they had illuminated this branch of physics by important and general works and had greatly perfected the analysis of partial differential equations, if they had established a principal element of the theory of heat by fine experiments ... they would have the right to judge my work and to correct it. I would submit with much pleasure .. But one does not extend the bounds of science by presenting, in a form said to be different, results which one has not found oneself and, above all, by forestalling the true author in publication.
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Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
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John Maynard Keynes
Другое Разное Lanalyse de Keynes intиgre lEtat , acteur essentiel, et prйconise son intervention pour pallier les dйfaillanes de lйconomie du marchй. [2,p.57 ].LEtat ne doit plus se contenter du rфle de gendarme prйconisй par les nйo-classiques; il peut et doit agir, intervenir dans lйconomie si linitiative individuelle est dйfaillante.[6,p75]. Keynes,partant du constat que la thйorie des nйo-classique de lйquilibre est inopйrante pour assurer le plein emploi, propose une action trиs pregante de lEtat pour briser le cercle vicieux de la crise. Comment pourrait-on espйrer une issue favorable alors que les investisseurs, faute dune demande solvable suffisante, sont dйcouragйs? Selon Keynes, le niveau de lemploi est principalement liй аcelui de la demande effective (ou solvable). Il convient donc que lEtat intervienne directement (par une politique budgйtaire de dйpences publiques) et indirectement (par ses politiques monйtaire, fiscale, du crйdit etc..) dans les fonctions de consommation et dinvestissement. Constatant que les catйgories sociales dйfavorisйes sont celles dont la couverture des besoins par les revenus disponibles est la moins йlevйe, il pose la nйcessitй de lier la politique dintervention economique а une politique sociale de rйduction des inйgalitйs. Pour ce faire il prфne un accroissement significatif du revenu des plus dйfavorisйs et la mise en oeuvre dune rйforme fiscale. Pour ce qui est de la fonction dinvestissement, lauteur suggиre une politique de crйdit abondant et аbon marchй, ainsi quune relance par les commandes publiques, voire mкme la prise en charge, par lEtat de certaines activitйs de production. Cest dire que progressivement, le Budget de lEtat est devenu une йnorme machine а rйdistribuer des richesses en considйration de lobjectifs йconomiques et sociaux.
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John Maynard Keynes
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Joseph-Louis Lagrange
Другое Разное Before writing the paper in Italian for publication, Lagrange had sent the results to Euler, who at this time was working in Berlin, in a letter written in Latin. The month after the paper was published, however, Lagrange found that the results appeared in correspondence between Johann Bernoulli and Leibniz. Lagrange was greatly upset by this discovery since he feared being branded a cheat who copied the results of others. However this less than outstanding beginning did nothing more than make Lagrange redouble his efforts to produce results of real merit in mathematics. He began working on the tautochrone, the curve on which a weighted particle will always arrive at a fixed point in the same time independent of its initial position. By the end of 1754 he had made some important discoveries on the tautochrone which would contribute substantially to the new subject of the calculus of variations (which mathematicians were beginning to study but which did not receive the name 'calculus of variations' before Euler called it that in 1766).
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Joseph-Louis Lagrange
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Joulude puhad (estonii)
Другое Разное Jõulud on lõhnavad pühad. Praeahjus lõhnavad verivorstid või sealiha-parematel aegadel mõlemad korraga. Lõhnavad hapukapsad ja piparkoogid. Jõulude põhilõhna annab aga see, mille kohta vanarahvas ütleb: ,,Tuleb kui saks, läheb kui sant”. Muidugi on see kuusk! Eriti ilusad on jõulukuused, mida ehivad lapsed. Täiskasvanud ei oska seda nii hästi teha. Kui tore on kuuseehteid karbist välja võtta! Me paneme kuuseokstele kuldmunad, hõbepähklid, hõbekarrad. Vanasti, kui minu ema veel väike oli, ehiti taludes jõulukuuski õunte, präänikute, kompvekkide ja pähklitega. Siis oli ehete
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Joulude puhad (estonii)
- 173.
Judaism and the Jewish People
Другое Разное Но самые далеко идущие последствия имело нарушение одного из основных прав человека: евреи лишались права на постоянное проживание в том или ином городе или деревне. В силу сложившихся исторических условий, евреи все чаще вытеснялись из самых разнообразных сфер деятельности и были вынуждены ограничить свои занятия главным образом торговлей и денежными делами. В крупные города их допускали на ограниченное время, да и то лишь тогда, когда экономическая ситуация требовала расширения торговых операций и кредита. Причем с евреев взымались особые, дополнительные налоги. Однако стоило экономическому положению выровняться или местным коммерсантам залезть в долги, как евреям тут же отказывались продлевать вид на жительство. Зачастую их просто изгоняли.
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Judaism and the Jewish People
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Другое Разное Rechtshдngigkeit: Ist ein prozessualer Anspruch in einem Urteilsverfahren anhдngig, spricht man von Rechtshдngigkeit. Sie trifft ein mit der Zustellung der Klage an den Beklagten und endet mit dem rechtskrдftigen AbschluЯ eines Prozesses. Materielle Wirkungen der Rechtshдngigkeit sind: Die Rechtshдngigkeit unterbricht die Verjдhrung materiellrechtlicher Ansprьche, hat teilweise Haftungsverschдrfungen zur Folge. Prozessuale Wirkungen der Rechtshanдigkeit sind: Eine nachfolgende Klage mit demselben Streitgegenstand ist wдhrend der Rechtshдngigkeit der ersten Klage unzulдssig, eine einmal begrьndete Zustдndigkeit des Gerichts bleibt auch dann bestehen, wenn sich Umstдnde der Zustдndigkeit nach Eintritt der Rechtshдngigkeit verдndem.
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Knowledge, Innovation and Development
Другое Разное Knowledge is the thing that makes a difference. It is matter of being better informed than the others, getting ideas before the others, - these are the things that allow some companies to take off and remain leaders for a long time. In the past knowledge and innovations didn't play an important role in company management. The impact of these factors on the competition wasn't very big and obvious. From the second half of 19th century industries and management started to develop rapidly and by the end of 20th century inventions have penetrated all spheres of production, business and human life in general. Competition has dramatically increased, creating the necessity for each company to improve and develop constantly. We are moving into the future where it is not possible to win the game using traditional methods. This proves a need of a separate structure within each company that would deal with existing knowledge, innovative ideas, development of production process and working life. It is essential to design a completely new department. Lets call it - the department of Knowledge, Innovation and Development (KID). This system also will allow the company to avoid high opportunity costs of not doing some improvements which could reduce costs and give rise to profits. Let's take a close look on the KID department, its functions and structure.
- The department of Knowledge, Innovation and Development (KID)
- KID's functions
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Knowledge, Innovation and Development
- 176.
Korea in Focus
Другое Разное The rise of the Korean economy over the past several decades, often called the “Miracle of the Han”, has been an inspiring model of modern economic development. The rapid pace with which the Koeran economy rose from the ashes of war and expanded stunned the outside world. However, this rapid growth was not unaccompanied by growing pains which began to manifest themselves in all sectors of society particularly during the late 1980s. Excessive wage hikes, high capital costs and an overly bureaucratic administration, not to mention institutionalized corruption, served to weaken Koreas international competitiveness, and this was aggravated by unfavourable external circumstances. In the past year, though, strenuous efforts have been made to overcome these impediments and through this, as well as improving international economic climate, it appears that the Korean economy is regaining its former vigor. The upcoming years pose severe challenges for the Republic in light of the December 1993 conclusion of the Uruguay Round and the rise of the Asia-Pacific region as the new global economic center, but with the increasing emphasis in both the public and private sector on globalization and internalization, the Republic seems braced to meet these challenges.
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Korea in Focus
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Kryzys w Zwiazku Polakow na Bialorusi (Czasopis, Bialystok, Polska)
Другое Разное Сапраўды, сытуацыя з польскiм школьнiцтвам у Беларусi, у прыватнасьцi на Гарадзеншчыне, склалася яўна нездаровая. Чыста польскiя школы ёсьць, а чыста беларускiх няма! Каб ня тыя клятыя рэфэрэндумы, дык магла б захавацца раўнавага, якая б i стымулявала так жаданае нацынальна-культурнае адраджэньне палякаў i беларусаў. Але ў той раўнавазе не былi зацiкаўленыя палiтыкi з новакапiталiстычнае Масквы i мясцовыя асавечаныя беларусы, якiя ўвесь час iмкнулiся пазбыцца сваёй вясковай хамскай гаворкi. Больш за тое, на Беларусi паўсталi новыя чыста расейскамоўныя FM-радыёстанцыi, якiя фактычна „заткнулi рот” i адабралi хвалi польскiм станцыям. I таму сёньня ўжо няма таго шалёнага захапленьня польскай эстрадай, мовай i культурай, што было на ўзьмежку 1980-х1990-х гадоў. Зараз на Беларусi дадзена зялёнае сьвятло варацiлам расейскага шоў-бiзнэсу, каб яны абалваньвалi тутэйшую моладзь расейскай папсой. У гэтым бездухоўна-разбуральным шквале могуць згiнуць ня толькi парэшткi кволай беларушчыны, але i беларускай „пальшчызны”.
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Kryzys w Zwiazku Polakow na Bialorusi (Czasopis, Bialystok, Polska)
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Le ble et ses caracterisques
Другое Разное - Donnees biologiques...........................................................................................1
- Donees culturales................................................................................................2
- Fumure du ble.....................................................................................................3
- Preparation du sol...............................................................................................3
- Choix et preparation des semences.....................................................................3
- Dates et conditions de semis...............................................................................3
- Travaux d`entretien.............................................................................................4
- La recolte............................................................................................................4
- Les engrais verts et la production du ble...........................................................4
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Le ble et ses caracterisques
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Leonhard Euler
Другое Разное The Prize of 1727 went to Bouguer, an expert on mathematics relating to ships, but Euler's essay won him second place which was a fine achievement for the young graduate. However, Euler now had to find himself an academic appointment and when Nicolaus(II) Bernoulli died in St Petersburg in July 1726 creating a vacancy there, Euler was offered the post which would involve him in teaching applications of mathematics and mechanics to physiology. He accepted the post in November 1726 but stated that he did not want to travel to Russia until the spring of the following year. He had two reasons to delay. He wanted time to study the topics relating to his new post but also he had a chance of a post at the University of Basel since the professor of physics there had died. Euler wrote an article on acoustics, which went on to become a classic, in his bid for selection to the post but he was nor chosen to go forward to the stage where lots were drawn to make the final decision on who would fill the chair. Almost certainly his youth (he was 19 at the time) was against him. However Calinger suggests:-
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Leonhard Euler
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Les problemes des parties du discours en francais
Другое Разное Les 3 criteres qui sont a la base de al distinction des parties du discours sont intimement lies entre eux. Cest le sens categoriel qui determine les categories morphologiques et les fonctions syntaxiques du mot. En fin de compte, les parties du discours se determinent par leur valeur denominative, cest-a-dire par ce que les mots representent et par la facon dont ils le representent. Selon le mode de denomination on distingue les parties du discours essentielles et subsidaires. Les premieres refletent la realite et nomment les choses dune facon discontinue, independante et directe. Les parties du discours subsidaires designent la realite globalement (interjections, mots-phrases), de facon non-independante ou indirecte. Selon le caractere des objets refletes, on distingue, parmi les parties du discours essentielles, les verbes, les substantifs, les adjectifs, les adverbes et les numeraux, qui expriment respectivement les substances, les processus (actions, etats), les caracteristiques des substances ou des processus et les nombres. On compte 4 classes de mots-outils en francais: determinatifs (article), prepositions, conjonctions, particules. Ainsi on trouve 12 parties du discours en francais (5 essentielles, 7 subsidaires).
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Les problemes des parties du discours en francais