Информация по предмету Разное

  • 261. The Impact of the Afghan War on soviet soldiers
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  • 262. The Irish and Australia
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  • 263. The Irish and South America
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  • 264. The New-York City, Places of interest
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    Central Park, an 843-acre retreat in the midst of bustling Manhattan, was developed in 1858 by Frederick Olmsted, the famous landscape architect, and Calvert Vaux. The park combines beautifully landscaped areas with a remarkable variety of recreational facilities. Among its many features are: Belvedere Castle, with scenic works and the children's Discovery Chamber. The Carousel with its beautiful and historic hand-carved horses. Central Park Zoo (at 64th Street), with animals living in a 5-acre habitat. The Charles A. Dana Discovery Center , with scenic works, hands-on exhibits, and family workshops. Conservatory Garden. Delacorte Theater (at 79th Street), host to the famous annual Shakespeare in the Park Festival. Great Lawn, featuring New York Philharmonic performances. The Heckscher Puppet House, with weekday shows at 10:30am and noon. Lasker Rink. Summer Stage, presenting free performances and events May through August. Swedish Cottage Marionette Theatre with performances Tuesday through Friday. Walkman ice skating rink (at 62nd Street), which is open year-round, with ice-skating in the winter, and roller skating and miniature golf in the summer. Also available are the Bethesda Fountain, a model yacht pond, carousel, two rowing lakes and Sheep Meadow. Guided tours of the Park by Manhattan National Park Rangers, featuring historic and natural history. The free tours, on Saturdays and Sundays, last approximately one and one-half hours, and include a good amount of walking. Horse-drawn carriages. The Dairy in Central Park near 64th Street and 5th Avenue is an exhibition -information-sales center for the park where slide presentations on the park are shown continuously. The Dairy is the location of the Central Park Visitor and Information Center. Horse enthusiasts will find plenty of bridle paths, and horse rentals are available at the West 72nd St stables. Visitors to Central Park can cruise the park lake on a Venetian gondola. The 37.5 foot Daughter of Venice was built in Venice and donated to the city by New York Philanthropist Lucy Moses. The gondola rides must be reserved by calling the boat house at the above number.

  • 265. The People Trade
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    The journey to the West is called "sneaking across the water." It's made possible by Fujainese guides known as "snakeheads." They are important figures in their homeland. "Everybody knows who the snakeheads are," says Chen Mei Xing, a Fijianese who slipped into England a few weeks ago. "He's a businessman with a very hihg status." According to USA authorities, snakeheads are also part of Chinese gangs known as Triads or Tongs. They Charge as much as 60000 dollars for a trip to the United States; half as much for Britain. Typically, a down payment of 5 to 19 percent is made up front. A migrant who uses the snakehead's services can spend years repaying the debt. The Fijianese who emigrate see the fee as a smart investment. In the end Fujian benefits too. Fujianese migrants pump large sums of money into the economy they left behind. City officials in Changle ( population: 600000) estimate that locals who have gone abroad put 100 million dollars back into the city's economy each year in remittances to their families and property investments back home.

  • 266. The Proverbs Are Children Of Experience (Пословицы - Дети Опыта)
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    The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs defines a proverb as a sentence that has been developed orally and is still used by the people of a region. It has usually come about from experience, and it is a statement that teaches learning within an experience. The World Book Encyclopedia gives a different explanation of the word: Proverb is a brief saying that presents a truth of some bit of useful wisdom. It is usually based on common sense or practical experience. The effect of a proverb is to make the wisdom it tells seem to be self-evident. The same proverb often occurs among several different peoples, True proverbs are sayings that have been passed from generation to generation, primarily by word of mouth. They may also have been put into written form. The Book of Proverbs In the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament, is the most notable collection of such sayings. They include:

    • Hope deferred makes the heart sick.
    • A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.
    • A soft answer turneth away wrath.
    • Pride goeth before destriction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
  • 267. The Renaissance
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  • 268. The Role of Smallpox Vaccination in Mortality Decline in the Great Britain through Eradicating the Disease
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    Late Dr. Gryzanovski noted the strange fascination in numbers: “Not only the mathematician, and the mystic philosopher, but the artists, the physicist, the economist, all feel it alike, and even those who are unable to comprehend the real nature of numbers, have an instinctive appreciation of their conclusiveness”. Below is a good example how numbers can be misleading if used improperly. During an agitation in favor of compulsory vaccination in Germany at the end of 19th century, the learned Professor Kussmaul went into great details by citing the occurrence of 3330 cases of smallpox in Marseilles in 1828. According to the statistics that was presented by him to prove the necessity of mass vaccination, 2289 of the 3330 persons had not been vaccinated. Out of these unvaccinated folks 420 or 18.3 per cent died, whereas the mortality among the vaccinated 1041 was only 17 or 1.7 per cent. At first sight, it seems obvious that vaccinated folks were luckier and through saved lives smallpox vaccination caused an invaluable amount of economic gain, but that is only if we presume that data is correct and calculation is without any fault. But now we have Dr. Lorinsers data on Marseilles population in 1828, and proportion of vaccinated, 133000 and 33000 respectively. And if now we recalculate using the correct denominators, we come up with a completely different picture. In fact, it is the opposite of the initial finding that supported efficacy of the smallpox vaccination. Mortality level among the vaccinated comes up to be 32 per thousand, while mortality level among the unvaccinated is 23 per thousand. This recalculation of the data at hand not only disproves the initial claims of the efficacy of smallpox vaccination, but also shows that it was dangerous. So who is right in this case? Maybe both mens conclusions were wrong, but Dr. Lorinsers statistical methods seem to make more sense. (Gryzanovski, 1906).

  • 269. The royal family (Королевское семейство) , ученик)
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    The Queen and other members of the royal family often travel abroad as guests of others countries. They meet important visitors. They are invited to the opening of hospitals, schools, museums, embassies-not long ago Princess Anne came to Moscow for the opening ceremony of the new British Embassy. So their life is quite busy. Besides, the Queen acts as head of the government and once a week she has a meeting with the Prime Minister. She also has to read the report of the day from Parliament. Any law made by Parliament really becomes a law only if the Queen agrees to it. But no king or queen has refused a new law since 1701!

  • 270. The sights of USA.
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    The main attractions at the resort are divided into four theme-parks.Magic Kingdom, the first theme park built at the resort, has rides, shows and attractions divided among seven fantasy areas. This is the place to find all your favorite Disney characters and attractions. Epcot, the second theme park built at the resort, is divided into two areas: Future World and World Showcase. The attractions in Future World are based on modern and futuristic advances in communication, transportation, energy, agriculture and much more. World Showcase allows you to explore culture, cuisine, shopping and entertainment from many countries including Canada, UK, France, Japan, Morocco, US, Italy, Germany, China, Norway and Mexico. The Disney-MGM Studios offers behind-the-scenes looks at the making of movies and popular TV shows and provides live original shows. There are also a number of thrilling rides or attractions based on blockbuster movies, which provide exciting stunts and amazing special effects. Animal Kingdom is the newest and largest theme park to open in the Disney World resort. This 500-acre park is divided into three areas: The Real, The Mythical and The Extinct. The Real area features live animals in exotic landscapes and provides a safari-like experience. In The Mythical area, guests come face-to-face with magical and make believe creatures. In the Extinct Area, dinosaurs come to life.

  • 271. The Tower of London
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    King Edwards new works were, however, put to the test by his son Edward II (1307-27), whose reign saw a resurgence of discontent among the barons on a scale not seen since the reign of his grandfather. Once again the Tower played a crucial role in the attempt to maintain royal authority and as a royal refuge. Edward II did little more than improve the walls put up by his father, but he was a regular resident during his turbulent reign and he moved his own lodgings from the Wakefield Tower and St Thomass Tower to the area round the present Lanthorn Tower. The old royal lodgings were now used for his courtiers and for the storage of official papers by the Kings Wardrobe (a department of government which dealt with royal supplies). The use of the Tower for functions other than military and residential had been started by Edward I who put up a large new building to house the Royal Mint and began to use the castle as a place for storing records. As early as the reign of Henry III the castle had already been in regular use as a prison: Hubert de Burgh, Chief Justiciar of England was incarcerated in 1232 and the Welsh Prince Gruffydd was imprisoned there between 1241 and 1244, when he fell to his death in a bid to escape. The Tower also served as a treasury (the Crown Jewels were moved from Westminster Abbey to the Tower in 1303) and as a showplace for the Kings animals.
    After the unstable reign of Edward II came that of Edward III (1327-77). Edward IIIs works at the Tower were fairly minor, but he did put up a new gatehouse between the Lanthorn Tower and the Salt Tower, together with the Cradle Tower and its postern (a small subsidiary entrance), a further postern behind the Byward Tower and another at the Develin Tower. He was also responsible for rebuilding the upper parts of the Bloody Tower and creating the vault over the gate passage, but his most substantial achievement was to extend the Tower Wharf eastwards as far as St Thomass Tower. This was completed in its present form by his successor Richard II (1377-99).

  • 272. The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II
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    Army and the National Guard. Congress amended the Neutrality Act to permit munitions sales to the French and British, and large orders from them stimulated retooling and laid the basis for the expansion of war production in the future. The Army concentrated on equipping its regular forces as quickly as possible and in 1940 held the first large-scale corps and army maneuvers in American history. The rapid defeat of France and the possible collapse of Britain dramatically accelerated defense preparations. Roosevelt directed the transfer of large stocks of World War I munitions to France and Britain in the spring of 1940 and went further in September when he agreed to the transfer of fifty over-age destroyers to Britain in exchange for bases in the Atlantic and Caribbean. In March 1941 Congress repealed some provisions of the Neutrality Act. Passage of the Lend-Lease Act, which gave the President authority to sell, transfer, or lease war goods to the government of any country whose defenses he deemed vital to the defense of the United States, spelled the virtual end of neutrality. The President proclaimed that the United States would become the "arsenal of democracy." In the spring of 1941 American and British military representatives held their first combined staff conferences to discuss strategy in the event of active U.S. participation in the war, which seemed increasingly likely to include Japan as well as Germany. The staffs agreed that if the United States entered the war the Allies should concentrate on the defeat of Germany first. The President authorized active naval patrols in the western half of the Atlantic, and in July, American troops took the place of British forces guarding Iceland.

  • 273. The Workplace Ergonomics Program /Eng./
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    Appropriate medical evaluation and care is essential to prevent the development of more serious medical problems. The main objective of medical management is to identify and treat disorders at a very early stage, and minimize progression or exacerbation. This includes health interworks and examinations. These examinations are in the form of, a baseline evaluation, a post conditioning period evaluation, and a periodic assessment. The baseline or preplacement exam would determine capabilities (as opposed to disabilities) and identify required job restrictions. The examinations are job-specific, based on the official position description, initiated by the supervisor or Human Resources, and administered by Health Services. The post-conditioning evaluation is done no later than 1 month after a new position is assumed to determine if there are symptoms consistent with the breaking in of muscles as opposed to the onset of a cumulative trauma disorder (CTD). The periodic assessment is oriented towards early detection of health changes in at-risk workers Responsibilities are outlined in Program Management.

  • 274. Three Waves of Alvin Toffler. The Basic Points
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    The distinctive feature of the agricultural society was the decentralization of power. People still had to live together mostly in small groups because it was the only way to feed themselves and to survive. But there was no centralized government over them that would lead them or try to organize people for bigger projects. Brutal physical force was used as a method of solving either private or social conflicts. ”In most agricultural societies the great majority of people were peasants who huddled together in small, semi-isolated communities. They lived on a subsistence diet, growing just barely enough to keep themselves alive and their masters happy” (37). The trading was developed very poorly and the market itself did not exist at all. Even though that there was some simple division of labor and several communities specialized in producing a particular kind of food or simple labor tools, mostly they just naturally exchanged their products with the other groups. Money did not exist in the agricultural era.

  • 275. Thumb - ориентированные ядра и их развитие
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    Рынок встраиваемого управления обслуживается в настоящее время 8 и 16-разрядными приборами от большого количества поставщиков. Однако, в перспективных применениях с высокими функциональными возможностями, эти приборы часто не обеспечивают требуемой производительности. Вот почему для таких применений необходима 32-разрядная производительность процессоров RISC, объединенная с высокой плотностью кода, характерной для 16-разрядных процессоров CISC. Технология Thumb обеспечивает обе эти потребности, наводя мосты между 16-разрядными системами и завтрашними 32-разрядными системами.

  • 276. Thumb-ориентированное ядро ARM7TDMI и его развитие
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    Idle: < 100 мкВт при включенном кэш, 3, 3 В, 0, 35мкм CMOS59 МГц при нормах 0, 35мкм53 MIPS при 59МГцARM7TDMI8 Кбайт единый кэшMMU с полной поддержкой виртуальной памяти и быстрого контекстного переключения Необходимо отметить, что указанные в таблице характеристики (тактовая частота, производительность, потребление, площадь, занимаемая на кристалле) представлены приведенными к CMOS технологии с топологическими нормами 0, 35 мкм. Масштабирование топологии к меньшим топологическим нормам приведет к росту и тактовой частоты и производительности при соответствующем уменьшении занимаемой на кристалле площади напряжения питания и потребления. Так фирма TI, использующая в ряде своих разработок ядро ARM7TDMI, при CMOS технологии GS20 с топологическими нормами 0, 18 мкм получила тактовую частоту свыше 80 МГц, и готова использовать его в CMOS технологии GS30 с топологическими нормами 0, 15 мкм.

  • 277. Topic: Is Collusion Possible?
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    As I have already mentioned, in practice firms are likely to interact repeatedly. Such factors as technological know-how, durable investments and entry barriers promote long-run interactions among a relatively stable set of firms, and this is especially true for the industries with only a few firms. With repeated interaction every firm must take into account not only the possible increase in current profits, but also the possibility of a price war and long-run losses when deciding whether to undercut a given price directly or by increasing its output level. Once the instability of collusion has been formulated in the “one-shot” prisoners dilemma game, it raises the question of whether there is any way to play the game in order to ensure a different, and perhaps more realistic, outcome. Firms do in practice sometimes solve the co-ordination problem either via formal or informal agreements. I would focus on the more interesting and complicated case of how collusive outcomes can be sustained by non-co-operative behaviour (informal), i.e. in the absence of explicit, enforceable agreements between firms. We have seen that collusion is not possible in the “one-shot” version of the game and we will now stress upon a question of whether it is possible in a repeated version. The answer depends on at least four factors:

    1. Whether the game is repeated infinitely or there is some finite number of times;
    2. Whether there is a full information available to each firm about the objectives of, and opportunities available to, other firms;
    3. How much weight the firms attach to the future in their calculations;
    4. Whether the “cheating” can/can not be detected due to the knowledge/lack of knowledge about the prior moves of the firms rivals.
  • 278. Toronto, Ontario
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  • 279. Transport & environmental policy
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    The road haulage is one of the major concerns of the EU transport policy because it is the major means of transporting goods within the region. Firstly, this area has been the main concern for the transport policy mainly because it is the most important mode of transport and both “international and domestic freight transport have been subjected to a variety of controls and restrictions in terms of prices and entry into market” (Barnes, Barnes 84). How much restricted control is applied varies from one country to another. For example while Germany applied strict regulatory controls, UK used more liberal approach towards such issue. However the main principle of international haulage is characterized by the use of so-called quota system, meaning that hauliers have to obtain the permit to be able to undertake international journeys. One form of permit is so called Bilateral permit, which is mainly about two particular member states who make a bilateral agreements about the amount of haulage licences to be granted to non-domestic carries. Another form is Multilateral permit, which allowed unlimited journeys within the EU region. This one became especially important over the last two decades and was given even wider scope by the EU. Secondly, because of fairness among domestic and non-domestic hauliers there was the introduction of payment for usage of roads (1250 ECU per year, Euro-regional tax disc). Thirdly, because there are other issues in which a member states differ (weight that trucks might carry) there was the introduction of weight allowed to be carried by trucks that could vary as much as 30 % depending on particular member state. Finally, the new agreements created more competitive environment within the EU. Trucks could obtain loads for tour journeys so that they are more often fully loaded. However, the road haulage now days takes highest percentage of modes of transport even though it causes the highest pollution and therefore most harm to the environment. Main concern that it should be joined if not substituted by other modes of transport (such as rail, inland waterways, air, sea etc.) that are more ecological. The best way to achieve this would be through incentives, targeted advertisement emphasizing for the need of usage of other means of transport.

  • 280. Trees
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