Информация по предмету Разное
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Другое Разное Other beliefs that spring from our core philosophy are: an earthy spirituality such as a belief in Gaia (the earth as an organism), the Greens movement (political activism), even shamanism and vegetarianism. These philosophical and political works reflect a respect for nature and the planet as a whole, something lacking in our capitalistic and materialistic societies. The world needs hippies to point out alternatives to the entrenched system and warn of the impending disasters that await us if we dont change our lifestyles. The goal is not to make everyone a hippie (what would we have to protest?). Rather we can try to influence others by example, through tolerance and love and teaching the virtues of the hippie way.
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History of Basketball
Другое Разное Several events in the 1930s spurred the growth of the game as a spectator sport and at the same time made basketball more exciting for the players. The first of these came in the 1932-33 season (basketball seasons tend to run from Autumn through to Spring) rules designed to speed up play were adopted. It became mandatory, under penalty of losing possession, to move the ball past midcourt in less than ten seconds. In addition, no player was permitted to remain within the foul lanes for more than three seconds. Then in 1934 a New York sportswriter, Ned Irish, persuaded the promoters at New York's Madison Square Garden, a large arena, to schedule doubleheaders between college teams. These events proved successful, and similar promotions followed in other cities. Before long, colleges began building their own arenas for basketball. Another significant advance occurred in 1936, when a Stanford University team traveled from California to a Madison Square Garden promotion to challenge the eastern powers in the "cradle of basketball." Opponents and fans were stunned by the Stanford style of shooting--one-handed while jumping, which contrasted to the prevalent method of taking two-handed shots while standing still. One Stanford player, Hank Luisetti, was so adept at the "jump shot" that he could outscore an entire opposing team. The new style gained universal acceptance, and basketball scores rose remarkably. In the 1937-38 season the center jump following each field goal was eliminated. At the end of the next season, Madison Square Garden brought in college teams from around the nation for the National Invitation Tournament (NIT), a postseason playoff that was adopted (1939) on a wider scale by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Although the NIT is still held annually, the NCAA tournament serves as the official intercollegiate championship. The University of Kentucky (coached, 1930-72, by Adolph Rupp), St. John's (in New York), the University of North Carolina, Western Kentucky, Kansas University, and Indiana University have been among the leading college basketball teams for years. From 1964 to 1975 the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), coached by John Wooden and led by the centers Lew Alcindor and Bill Walton, dominated the intercollegiate play-offs, winning the title an unprecedented 10 times in 12 years. The 1,250 college teams in the United States now draw about 30 million spectators per season. Although women have played the game since the 1890s, and even though a few states (Iowa, for instance) have shown great participatory and spectator interest in secondary-school women's basketball for some decades, significant growth and serious recognition of women's basketball in the United States and elsewhere did not occur until the 1970s. Almost all U.S. states now hold girls' high school tournaments, and basketball is the fastest-growing women's intercollegiate sport.
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History of Basketball
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History of runes
Другое Разное The origin of futark remains the matter of severe debates between historians, linguists and philologists. There are two main theories: 1) Runic writing appeared on the basis of Latin alphabet; 2) cradles of these signs are in transalpine and North Italian scripts. Scientists have a lot of historical facts, approving that Etruscan merchants used this system. Probably they brought it to the North (6-th c. B.C.). However some researchers think that runes cropped up in German tribes from ancient Rome Latin writing. Comparing 3 letter types we have: 10 runic letters in Etruscan language, which absolutely coincide each other; 5 coinciding runic letters and 8 resembling ones in Latin. Latin, Etruscan and some symbols from Greek originate from Akhiram alphabet (10c. B.C.). But the construction of runic alphabet (RA) different from others for example, order of the first letters. The main period of development is one, when occult signs, used in Alpine region and in the North, became combine sole system. Many runic symbols were used as icons, showing various things and animals. Some runologists suppose that even in the most developed variant they are close to pictures: rune “Fehu” f symbolizes cattle, Thurisaz q l, thorn, Wunjo w weathercock, Algiz z elk, Zin xxs lightning, Yr u bow, Edhwaz m horse.
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History of runes
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History of runic alphabets
Другое Разное The origin of futark remains the matter of severe debates between historians, linguists and philologists. There are two main theories: 1) Runic writing appeared on the basis of Latin alphabet; 2) cradles of these signs are in transalpine and North Italian scripts. Scientists have a lot of historical facts, approving that Etruscan merchants used this system. Probably they brought it to the North (6-th c. B.C.). However some researchers think that runes cropped up in German tribes from ancient Rome Latin writing. Comparing 3 letter types we have: 10 runic letters in Etruscan language, which absolutely coincide each other; 5 coinciding runic letters and 8 resembling ones in Latin. Latin, Etruscan and some symbols from Greek originate from Akhiram alphabet (10c. B.C.). But the construction of runic alphabet (RA) different from others for example, order of the first letters. The main period of development is one, when occult signs, used in Alpine region and in the North, became combine sole system. Many runic symbols were used as icons, showing various things and animals. Some runologists suppose that even in the most developed variant they are close to pictures: rune “Fehu” f symbolizes cattle, Thurisaz q l, thorn, Wunjo w weathercock, Algiz z elk, Zin xxs lightning, Yr u bow, Edhwaz m horse.
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History of runic alphabets
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History of the USA
Другое Разное Decisive in acting abroad, Bush failed to evolve a domestic program that adequately addressed a persistent recession starting in 1990. That year, despite the recession, he and congressional leaders agreed to a deficit-reduction package that raised federal taxes, thereby breaking his "no new taxes" 1988 election campaign pledge. He also failed on his promise to be both "the environment president" and "the education president," and angered many women by nominating Clarence THOMAS to the Supreme Court and continuing to support him despite allegations of sexual harassment. Concerned about the economy and demanding change, many conservative Republicans backed political columnist Patrick J. Buchanan's effort to contest Bush's renomination while moderates rallied to the independent candidacy of H. Ross PEROT. Also focusing on the nation's economic woes and promising change, William Jefferson "Bill" CLINTON, governor of Arkansas, beat several rivals in the Democratic primaries and chose as his running mate Tennessee senator Albert GORE--like Clinton, a baby-boomer, a white Southern Baptist, and a moderate. Capitalizing on a slumping economy and increasing unemployment, the Clinton-Gore ticket won 43 percent of the highest voter turnout (55 percent) since 1976 and 370 electoral votes. The Republicans Bush and Quayle tallied just 37 percent of the popular vote and 168 electoral votes, while Perot garnered 19 percent.
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History of the USA
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Hobby - Travekkung
Другое Разное People on our planet cant live without travel now. Tourism has become a highly developed business. There are express trains, cars and jet-air liners all of that provide you with comfort and security. What choose to make? Its up to you to decide. There is a great varieties of choose available for you. If you travel for pleasure you would like by all means to enjoy picturesque places you are passing through, you would like seeing the places of interest, enjoying to sight seeing of the cities, towns and countries. You will have a good opportunity to enjoy wonderful monuments of cultural and historical places to learn a lot about the history of your country, about the world around us, to visit different countries, to meet people of different nationalities, to learn a lot about their traditions, costumes, culture. In other words you will broaden your mind. Nowadays people travel not only for pleasure but also on business to home and international business is developing. You have to go to other countries to take part in different negotiators, to sigh contacts, to participate in different exhibitions, in order to exhibit the goods of your firm or company. Travelling on business helps you to get more information about achievements of other companies, which will make your own business more successful. There are a lot of means of travelling by sea, by plane, by car, on foot: tastes differ. That is why it is up to you to decide which means of travelling you would prefer. No wonder one of the latest means of travelling is travelling by plane. It combines comfort and speed and you will reach the place of destination very quickly. Before bordering the plane you must register at the airport. You are required to have your baggage weighed. Each passenger is allowed 20 kilograms of baggage free of charge. But if your baggage is heavier you must pay an extra charge. Before the plane takes off the stewardess gives you all the information about the flight the speed and altitude. She asks you to fasten the felts and not to smoke. She will take care of you during the flight and will help you to get comfortable, in your seat. Inside the cabins the air is always fresh and warm. During the flight you can take a nap or a chat, you can, you can read and relax. In some plains you can watch video or listen to the music. When the plane is landing or taking off you have an opportunity to enjoy the wonderful scenery, the magnificent works or pictures and landscapes. While travelling by plane you fly past varies, villages, cities and towns at the sight of which realize how majestic and tremendous is our planet. You enjoy the nature in the riches its splendor. No doubt travelling by air is the most convenient, comfortable and the quietest means of travelling. But there are some disadvantages. If you are airsick the flight may seam a real farther to you. Unfortunately sometimes the flights are delayed because of our unfavorable weather conditions, and one inconvenient more it is the jet-lag, a different between the time you are accustomed to attend the new time.
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Hobby - Travekkung
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Другое Разное I think I can describe myself as a home-sitting person - Id usually prefer staying at home near the TV set in an armchair than going on a cruise, or hiking, or whatever. But, after I tried jet-ski and windsurfing this summer I have changed my point of work at the holidays. To enjoy the speed of jetski is much more exciting rather than to take a sunbath!
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How Many Physical Constants are Truly Fundamental?
Другое Разное The proton was discovered in the early 20-th. in experiments with alpha-particles. In experiments on dispersion on protons of electrons and gamma - radiation the authentic proofs of existence of a certain internal structure from this particle were received. In 1970, it became possible to receive the direct proof in experiment in the Stanford centre of the linear accelerator (SLAC), that the proton really has internal structure [1]. However, the concrete internal structure of a proton remains unopeneded up. The hypothesis of quark as fundamental basis of elementary particles, has not resulted in an establishment of concrete internal structure of a proton. As it is marked in [1]: "Quark model was offered for an explanation of variety of adrons. It is nothing telling about an internal structure any of these particles by an obvious image " Till Now there is no understanding, on what principles the mechanism of formation of structure of a proton is constructed. On this reason there is no explanation of its mass, which is equal to 1836,1526675 (39) masses of electrons. Mass of a proton is determined experimentally. There are no the theory of mass of a proton and analytical relation for Яalculation of its mass. >From all heavy particles the proton is a single steady particle. The proton is a basis of all complex material formations of the Universe. The world is obliged by existence to a proton, however level of knowledge about it does not correspond to its role in universe. To puzzle out such Яonundrum of problems, it is necessary to open concrete internal structure and to create the theory of its internal structure. The physicists have already come closely to such problem, when it is necessary to give the answer to a question: ? what concrete internal structure of particles is, as also what the Nature for them used as a building material? ¦ There are all reasons to believe, that the theory of internal structure of a proton will open access to new methods of receiving of energy. The development of energy of a proton can become the major factor in the decision of a power problem. This article is devoted to the decision of this task.
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How Many Physical Constants are Truly Fundamental?
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How telecommunication change the defenition of work \Telework\
Другое Разное What new brings telework to this field? First it is ease of control and measurement. Results in electronic form can be easily archived, analysed by computers, forwarded for checking and copied. Next, all information about time and efforts spent is available. Another thing is that fixed time-based salaries are gone. The company will no longer care so about who and how much spent on a task. This will become a question of personal choice. Now everyone will be given a freedom to decide whether to work or to have a rest. This can differentiate workaholics from ordinary lazy people. Right now there are same rules for everybody. Rarely a company wants to have a lot of part-time workers. We cannot imagine a worker coming to factory when he is in the right mood. But with distant jobs you can have workers switching every now and then. We can even dream about perfect labour marketplace with contracts signed electronically for several hours. The psychological problems of switching jobs will be minimised. The retirement will no longer mean break of social relations, because they aren't based on physical presence in the company HQ or at the factory.
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How telecommunication change the defenition of work \Telework\
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How to negotiate effectively
Другое Разное - Knowledge of subject matter being negotiated
- Ability to think clearly and rapidly under pressure and uncertainty
- Ability to express thoughts verbally
- Listening skills
- Judgement and general intelligence
- Integrity
- Ability to persuade others
- Patience
- Decisiveness
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How to negotiate effectively
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How to use dictionary
Другое Разное Dictionaries are tools, and they are much more complicated, and capable of many more uses then we suspect. All of us know students need encouragement and guidance in the use of dictionaries. Some students are able to use their dictionaries with anything like efficiency. Certainly there must be very few of those who come up through the grades these days who are not familiar with the details of looking up words in dictionaries, but it is one thing to find a word in a dictionary and quite another to understand fully information there given about it. Linguists and lexicographers have a matter with dictionaries. Every linguist with an interest in the quantitative properties of language will on some occasion be faced with some form of the ultimate question in the word numbers game: ”How many words did Shakespeare use?”, “How many words are there in the English language?” “How many words should a dictionary have?” The first question, at least, has a definite although not simple answer: Shakespeares complete works consist of a total of 884647 words of text containing a grand total of 29066 different words including proper names. But on the question ”How many words should a dictionary have” it is very difficult to answer. Every dictionary has a different number of words. On the contrary lexicographers have a task to record the meanings of words, the task of arranging these meanings in the orderthey think will be of most help to those who use their work. Different editors solve this problem of arrangement in different ways. In the prefatory part of any dictionary you will find some indication of the plan that has been followed in arranging the meanings. In the Werriam-Webster dictionaries the meanings are arranged as far as possible, in the order in wich they arose. In those dictionaries, the first meanings given are the earliest a word is known to have had, and the more modern meanings come later. The arrangement of meanings is difficult, thats why the only safe course is to examine the forematter of the dictionary to see what plan has been followed.
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How to use dictionary
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Human resource Management
Другое Разное Culture gives people a sense of who they are, of belonging, of how they should behave, and of what they should be doing. Culture has a great effect on HRM. If managers are to be effective leaders, they need not only to understand the influence of culture upon organization, but also utilize that culture to improve performance and productivity. Organization creates culture. The organizational culture is a set of coping skills, adaptive strategies used by members in and out of the system. The organizations culture has a powerful impact on the workers or members morale and productivity. It even influences the organizations image of itself which, in turn, is communicated to its public. The different cultures of managers in Joint ventures represented by differences in languages, interactions, perceptions and mentalities leads to problems in communication, working together, problems solving and team sense. The tendency of people within a certain culture to perceive the others as belonging to a single class or category is different to that in the other cultures, which is called stereotype. Stereotypes can affect the actions, coordinations, and corporation of people from different cultures. Values within a culture are the basic convictions that people have regarding what is right or wrong, good or bad, important or unimportant. They help direct the persons behavior. And differences in cultural values often result in varying management practices.
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Human resource Management
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Immigration in Europe
Другое Разное In the 2000s, the net migration rate was estimated to be 0.66 migrants per 1,000 population a year. This is a very low rate of immigration compared to other European countries, the USA or Canada. Since the beginning of the 1990s, France has been attempting to curb immigration, first with the Pasqua laws, followed by both right-wing and socialist-issued laws. The immigration rate is currently lower than in other European countries such as United Kingdom and Spain; however, some say it is doubtful that the policies in themselves account for such a change. Again, as in the 1920s and 1930s, France stands in contrast with the rest of Europe. Back in the 1920s and 1930s, when European countries had a high fertility rate, France had a low fertility rate and had to open its doors to immigration to avoid population decline. Today, it is the rest of Europe that has very low fertility rates, and countries like Germany or Spain avoid population decline only through immigration. In France, however, fertility rate is still fairly high for European standards, in fact the highest in Europe after Ireland, and so most population growth is due to natural increase, unlike in the other European countries. This difference in immigration trends is also due to the fact that the labor market in France is currently less dynamic than in other countries such as the UK, Ireland or Spain , this may even be a more relevant factor than low birth rates (because Ireland has both the highest fertility and the highest net immigration rate in Europe, whereas Eastern European countries such as Poland or Ukraine have both a low fertility and a high net emigration rate, as well as a high unemployment rate).
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Immigration in Europe
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Другое Разное MI-5's earliest antecedent was a secret service formed in 1569 by Sir Francis Walsingham, who later became secretary of state to Elizabeth I. The need for centralized control of intelligence functions was first expressed early in the 20th century. MI-5 was formed in 1909 to identify and counter German spies then working in Britain, which it did with great effect. It was placed under the command of Vernon Kell, then a captain in the British army. Kell retired as a major general in 1924 and was later knighted, but remained in charge the agency until 1940. (The "MI-5" label developed during this period because it was then "section five" of "military intelligence.") The Security Service makes no direct arrests but rather works secretly behind the more publicized "Special Branch" of Scotland Yard. The director of the Security Service reports to the prime minister through the home secretary.
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Internal Structure of a Proton and New Method of Receiving of Energy
Другое Разное Технология воздействия на среду открывает путь к безинерционным способам движения в среде и конвертированию упругой энергии среды в энергию вещества. Средства воздействия на структуру среды хорошо известны. Например, Луна создает в области либрации деформацию среды, равную по величине и противоположную по направлению деформации от Земли. В этой области присутствует деформационный фон только от других планет и Солнца, притяжение тел Луной и Землей отсутствует. Электрическая напряженность, созданная в среде, также воздействует на ее деформацию. Электростатическая напряженность способна компенсировать силу тяжести; например, электрическая напряженность в среде, равная 1,1402T 1010 В/м, способна компенсировать силу тяготения Земли. Практически такой способ воздействия на среду нереален. Желаемый результат получен в опыте [Рощин В.В., Годин С.М., 2000] с применением переменного магнитного напряжения в среде при вращательном движении. Согласно формуле Максвелла, производная по времени для магнитной индукции дает электрическую напряженность в среде, способную компенсировать деформацию среды и управлять тяжестью опытной массы. Для простоты оценочных расчетов можно взять формулу, где V - линейная скорость вращения ротора в конверторе. Эта электрическая напряженность вызывает деформацию м.
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Internal Structure of a Proton and New Method of Receiving of Energy
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International company Middlesex
Другое Разное 1996 proved to be a significant year for MiddleSex, in which the company experienced strong growth. This is particularly evident in the metals businesses, with steel being the fastest growing activity. Moreover, it has become apparent that nickel and the agribusiness could take on a more significant role in the MiddleSexs future. Other noteworthy event include the companys appointment to GAZPROM, the worlds largest natural gas producer, under which MiddleSex will assist GAZPROM with its financial strategy. (In short words : GAZPROM is considering going ahead with an innovative financial deal whose first stage will involve issuing a Eurobond. MiddleSex - together with Interfin Services, a Russian trade finance house that is also involved in capital markets - will advise GAZPROM on dealing the financiers and on strategies for fundraising. But, again, Im going to explain in more details later on how this alliance was built and what particularly this alliance means for MiddleSex, because I think that this is the very important stage of the company).
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International company Middlesex
- 157.
International Raw Materials Market
Другое Разное As Chapter 8 in this volume discusses, the normative question of pricing natural resources (exhaustible or renewable) has received much attention in the literature of the past decade. The middle-products approach stresses that some activities, the extraction of natural resources, must take place locally although international trade then allows other countries access to these resources. Obviously, comparative advantage changes over time for countries engaged in exporting exhaustible resource. In early work Vanek (1963) traced through the changing pattern of United States trade in natural resources, and suggested that asymmetries in resource use and availability could account for the Leontief paradox. In à context of multi-level trade, the costs of recourse extraction in one country often depend on the availability of foreign capital. Kemp and Ohyama (1978) have presented à simple model of North - South trade in which South makes use of Northern capital to develop its resources and exports these resources to the North where they are used to produce final commodities. They put their model to use in exploring the normative issue of different degrees of bargaining strength and ability to exploit via export taxes and tariffs in the two regions. But the model also stresses the involvement of capital flows in resource extraction. Schmitz and Helmberger (1979) argue strongly for complementarity between trade in resources and trade in capital, à point also stressed by Williams in his 1929 article. We turn to consider more generally, now, the interaction between trade in goods and trade in factors.[3]
- 157.
International Raw Materials Market
- 158.
Другое Разное By one of powerful search means in World Wide Web can attribute (relate) HotBot, containing the items of information on the complete texts 110 million. Pages. The address: http://www.hotbot.com. HotBot belongs to the newest systems, therefore his (its) profound search gives amazingly ample opportunities for detailed elaboration of search. It is reached (achieved) at the expense of use of the multistage menu offering various variants of drawing up of the search instruction. It is possible to carry out search on presence in the document one or several terms, search on a separate phase, search of the concrete person or links to the certain electronic address. For the greater detailed elaboration of search probably application of conditions SHOULD (can contain), MUST (should necessarily contain), MUST NOT (should not contain) in relation to any concepts. Besides HotBot represents возможность ограничить search by date of creation or last updating of the document, on geographic a rule(situation) of the server. Top of service opportunities is the search of the documents containing certain types of files, for example video. For this purpose it is necessary only to make a mark in special item of the menu of search.
- 158.
- 159.
Internetional Raw Materials Market
Другое Разное As Chapter 8 in this volume discusses, the normative question of pricing natural resources (exhaustible or renewable) has received much attention in the literature of the past decade. The middle-products approach stresses that some activities, the extraction of natural resources, must take place locally although international trade then allows other countries access to these resources. Obviously, comparative advantage changes over time for countries engaged in exporting exhaustible resource. In early work Vanek (1963) traced through the changing pattern of United States trade in natural resources, and suggested that asymmetries in resource use and availability could account for the Leontief paradox. In à context of multi-level trade, the costs of recourse extraction in one country often depend on the availability of foreign capital. Kemp and Ohyama (1978) have presented à simple model of North - South trade in which South makes use of Northern capital to develop its resources and exports these resources to the North where they are used to produce final commodities. They put their model to use in exploring the normative issue of different degrees of bargaining strength and ability to exploit via export taxes and tariffs in the two regions. But the model also stresses the involvement of capital flows in resource extraction. Schmitz and Helmberger (1979) argue strongly for complementarity between trade in resources and trade in capital, à point also stressed by Williams in his 1929 article. We turn to consider more generally, now, the interaction between trade in goods and trade in factors.[3]
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Internetional Raw Materials Market
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Другое Разное Functiile dreptului comparat nu pot fi disociate de functiile generale ale Teoriei dreptului (cognitiva, critica, practic-aplicativa). Comparatia ajuta esential la construirea tipologiilor juridice si clasificarilor, în procesul de legiferare, metoda comparativa are, de asemenea, o importanta majora, ea furnizând informatii pretioase legiuitorului, în legatura cu reglementarile cuprinse în alte sisteme de drept sau în documente juridice internationale. Prin studiul comparat al diferitelor institutii juridice nationale se desprind factorii se determina atât trasaturile lor comune cât si cele specifice. Combatând în principiu preluarea mecanica a unor institutii si reglementari juridice dintr-o tara la alta, ca si considerarea unora drept modele de urmat în alte tari, metoda comparata arata calea realista de folosire a experientei legislative si juridice, îmbogatirea reciproca a sistemelor juridice din diferite tari stiut fiindca orice reglementare juridica trebuie sa izvorasca si sa raspunda în primul rând nevoilor nationale, specificului si particularitatilor tarii respective, iar pentru gasirea solutiilor optime va studia, evident si, experienta altor sisteme de drept.
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