Информация по предмету Разное

  • 41. 1905 год в Московской губернии
    Другое Разное

    Третий великий урок, который дала нам Москва, касается тактики и организации сил для восстания. Военная тактика зависит от уровня военной техники...Военная техника в самое последнее время делает еще новые шаги вперед. Японская война выдвинула ручную гранату. Оружейная фабрика выпустила на рынок автоматическое ружье. И та и другое начинают уже с успехом применяться в русской революции, но далеко в недостаточных размерах. Мы можем и должны воспользоваться усовершенствованием техники, - научить рабочие отряды готовить массами бомбы, помочь им и нашим боевым дружинам запастись взрывчатыми веществами, запалами и автоматическими ружьями. При участии рабочей массы в городском восстании, при массовом нападении на врага, при решительной умелой борьбе за войско... победа будет за нами в следующем всероссийском вооруженном восстании! Будем же шире развертывать нашу работу и смелее ставить свои задачи, усваивая уроки великих дней российской революции... Будем помнить, что близится великая массовая борьба. Это будет вооруженное восстание... Массы должны знать, что они идут на вооруженную, кровавую, отчаянную борьбу... Партия сознательного пролетариата должна выполнить свой долг в этой великой борьбе.

  • 42. 40 мужских ошибок в постели
    Другое Разное

    Как было уже замечено, женщины придают огромное значение словам. Ты можешь потеть как шахтёр в забое, стараясь доставить ей удовольствие, и не догадываться о том, что весь твой энтузиазм она относит исключительно на счёт твоей эгоистичности и африканского темперамента. Простая фраза:" Я хочу, чтобы тебе было хорошо со мной" может возыметь больший эффект, нежели демонстрация высокотехничного секса.

  • 43. 9-ый международный транспортный коридор
    Другое Разное


    1. Государственный доклад “О состоянии окружающей природной среды Российской Федерации в 1996 году”. М.: Центр международных проектов, 1997. 510с.
    2. Государственный доклад “О состоянии окружающей природной среды Российской Федерации в 1995 году”. // Зеленый мир, № 24 - 29.
    3. Временная типовая методика определения экономической эффективности осуществления природоохранных мероприятий и оценки экономического ущерба, причиняемого народному хозяйству загрязнением окружающей среды. / А.С. Быстров, В.В.Варанкин, М.А. Виленский и др. М.: Экономика, 1986. 96 с.
    4. Закон Российской Федерации “О стандартизации” № 5156-1 от 10.06.1993г.. М., “Экономика и жизнь”, № 28, июль, 1993.
    5. Кодекс торгового мореплавания Российской Федерации Интернет-сервер “АКДИ Экономика и жизнь” © 1997, 1998
    6. Международная конвенция по предотвращению загрязнения с судов, измененная протоколом 1978 г. к ней. Марпол 73/78. Книга (Конвенция, протоколы к ней, приложения с дополнениями). СПб.: АОЗТ ЦНИИ МФ, 1994. 314с.
    7. Международная конвенция о железнодорожных перевозках грузов (МГТС), подписанная в Берне 7 февраля 1970г.;
    8. Международная конвенция о железнодорожных перевозках пассажиров и багажа, подписанная в Берне 7 февраля 1970г.. М.,
    9. Международные отношения, 1971.
    10. Международные перевозки грузов. Закон и бизнес (Серия: Международные документы). СПб, “Закон и бизнес”, 1994.
    11. Международное право: Учебник. Отв. ред. Ю.М.Колосов, В.И.Кузнецов. М., Международные отношения, 1994.
    12. Методика определения массы выбросов загрязняющих веществ автотранспортными средствами в атмосферный воздух. М.: НИИАТ, 1993. 32 с.
    13. Комментарии к Транспортному уставу железных дорог РФ. Юр. фирма “Контракт”, Москва , 1998 год.
    14. Охрана окружающей природной среды: Постатейный комментарий к Закону России. М.: Республика, 1993.224 с.
    15. Перечень распределения грузов по разрядам (к Правилам перевозок разрядных грузов). М., Военное издательство, 1982.
    16. Правила перевозок опасных грузов по железным дорогам. МПС “Транспорт”, 1995 год.
    17. Правила перевозок грузов. Кн. 1-6 Москва, МПС “Транспорт”, 1985 год.
    18. Правила перевозок разрядных грузов ручной кладью и грузобагажом в пассажирских поездах, №Д-28912 от 29.08.79г.. -справочник. М: Мысль, 1990.637 с.
    19. Правовые основы охраны природы на железнодорожном транспорте. Коллектив авторов. Методическое пособие. М.: “Калейдоскоп”, 1997. 96 с.
    20. Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации “Об организации работ по стандартизации, обеспечению единства измерений, сертификации продукции и услуг”. М., “Экономика и жизнь”, № 9 март 1994.
    21. Сборник правил перевозок и тарифов железнодорожного транспорта Союза СССР. М., Транспорт, 1983.
    22. Транспортный устав железных дорог Российской Федерации. Юр. Фирма “Контракт”, Москва , 1998 год
    23. Транспортный коридор 9а (реконструкция ж/д участков), Вестник транзитного бизнеса, декабрь-февраль1997-98.
    24. Указание Октябрьской Ордена Ленина железной дороги от 21.07.89г. № МО-4/58 “Об изменениях и дополнениях Правил перевозок разрядных грузов”.
    25. Экология и природоохранная деятельность на транспорте. Тематический сборник нормативно-справочных материалов. М.: Министерство транспорта РФ, 1993.201 с.
    26. Бикмухаметов Р. Интермодальные коридоры. “Морские порты” №2, 97
    27. Жерондо К.. Безопасность движения: прошлое, настоящее, будущее. Перевод с французского Е.М.Семенова./Подред. В.И.Жулева. М., Юрид. лит., 1983.
    28. Кацман Ф.М. Е.А. Королева. Нормативно-правовые проблемы функционирования международных транспортных коридоров, СПб, 1998г.
    29. Калинина Т.М.. Социалистическая интеграция и транспортное законодательство стран-членов СЭВ. М., Наука, 1987.
    30. Интернет. http://www.transport.ru/trans_k
    31. Интернет http://www.mps.ru/press/mps
    32. Интернет http://www.fiata.com
    33. Маслов Н.Н., Коробов Ю.И. Охрана окружающей среды на железнодорожном транспорте: Учеб. для вузов. М.: Транспорт, 1996. 238 с.
    34. Макаров А.Д.. Правовые аспекты транспортной безопасности на примере перевозки опасных и особо опасных грузов. НИР ММП-1841 (Правовые проблемы международной и национальной безопасности на современном этапе). СПб, ВМОЛУА им. Н.Г. Кузнецова,1994.
    35. Мазо Л.А. Совершенствование регулирования и построения системы грузовых железнодорожных тарифов
    36. Моисеев Н.Н. Экология и образование. М.: “ЮНИСАМ”, 1996. 192с.
    37. Панфилов А.А.,Сосунова И.А. Государственная экологическая политика: узловые проблемы формирования. // Социально-политический журнал, 1997, № 6, с. 28 - 37.
    38. Павлова Е.И. Экология транспорта М.: Транспорт 1998.
    39. Плужников К.И. Модель правил транспортно- экспедиционного обслуживания Международной федерации экспедиторских ассоциаций (ФИАТА). Транспорт №8-9. 1996г.
    40. Реймерс Н.Ф. Природопользование: Словарь
    41. Радойнов П. Правотворческие функции международниых организаций, София,1975.
    42. Савичев Г.П. Правовое обеспечение сохранности грузов. М., Юридическая литература.1989.
    43. Садиков О.Н. Правовое регулирование международных перевозок. М., Юридическая литература. 1983.
    44. Саркисов С.В. Организация перевозок во внешнеэкономических связях СССР. М., Юридическая литература. 1990.
    45. Стадницкий Г.В. .Родионов А. И. Экология. Учебник для вузов. М.: Высш. шк., 1988. 272 с.
    46. СавченкоВ.К. Чернобыльская катастрофа и биосфера. // Природа и ресурсы, Т. 27,1991, № 3-4, с. 91 -100.
    47. Усенко Е.Т.. Сближение и унификация национально-правовых норм в условиях развития социалистической экономической интеграции. Сравнительно-правовые исследования как средство развития и совершенствования правовых основ социалистической экономической интеграции стран -членов СЭВ. Тез. Докл. междунар. конф. М., 1973.
    48. Элементы логистики на железнодорожном транспорте. В.А. Шаров
    49. Юринов В. На пути к созданию общеевропейской транспортной системы. “Партнер” №4, 1997.
    50. Чеботаев А.А., Чеботаев Д.А. Внедрение логистических технологий - важный фактор эффективности товародвижения в РФ Транспорт №8-9. 1996г.
  • 44. A Brief History of the Internet and Related Networks
    Другое Разное

    "Regional" support for the Internet is provided by various consortium networks and "local" support is provided through each of the research and educational institutions. Within the United States, much of this support has come from the federal and state governments, but a considerable contribution has been made by industry. In Europe and elsewhere, support arises from cooperative international efforts and through national research organizations. During the course of its evolution, particularly after 1989, the Internet system began to integrate support for other protocol suites into its basic networking fabric. The present emphasis in the system is on multiprotocol interworking, and in particular, with the integration of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) protocols into the architecture.

  • 45. A Little information about Turkmenistan english
    Другое Разное

    I have to explain that Turkmenistan doesn't have any nuclear weapons because Russia reclaimed all of its nuclear weapons after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In answer to the question of whether my parents were communists or not, I just say that the all people in the Soviet Union were communist, and citizens of that country had no other choice but to be one. People were prosecuted for having different ideas or beliefs about the government during the Soviet era. Of course the Soviet Union made nuclear weapons against United States, because the United States built the same weapons against the Soviet Union. Was the United States the biggest enemy of the Soviet Union, or was it the other way around? Or was it both ways at once?

  • 46. A role of the Environmental Ethics in the modern society
    Другое Разное

    1. Our moral responsibilities to future human beings (sometimes called sustainable development) require that we stop using technology and science for short-term gains at the expense of long-term risks of very negative ecological effects for future people. In several official declarations and policy-documents this idea has been expressed as "the precautionary principle", roughly the idea that we should not use particular means of production, distribution etc. unless they have been shown not to effect too serious risks. However, it is far from clear what is meant by this. What determines whether or not the effecting of a certain risk (in order to secure some short-term gain) is too serious or not? - and what determines whether or not this has been "shown"? Some traditional decision-theorists would say that it is a question of traditional instrumental efficiency (i.e. rationality) in relation to morally respectable aims. Some ethicists would instead claim that it is a question of whether or not the severity of the scenario illustrating an actualization of the risk in question makes the taking of this risk morally wrong in itself. Others, yet, hint that they want to take a stand in between these two extremes, however, without specifying what this could mean. There is also a rather grim debate regarding whether or not it can ever be shown that a certain action does not effect too serious risks, and this of course depends on what requirements should be laid on someone who purports to show such a thing. In both cases, the questions seem to boil down to basic issues regarding what is required of risky decisions in order to make them morally justified. But, obviously, it must be a kind of moral justification different from the one dealt with by traditional ethical theories of the rights and wrongs of actions, since these only deal with justification in terms of actual outcomes, not in terms of risks for such outcomes.

  • 47. A Valediction Forbidding Mourning by John Donne
    Другое Разное

    The word "melt" implies a change in physical state. The bond of the lovers will dissolve quietly like the soul of a dying man separating from his body. "Noise" refers to "tear floods" and "sigh tempests" that the speaker implores his love not to release. He continues by comparing natural phenomena to a love relationship, the "sigh tempests" relating to the element of air, and the "tear floods" to the element of water. He uses this hyperbole to demand that his lover remain stoic and resist any show of emotion upon his departure. Next, the element of earth is introduced. Earthquakes are perceived by everyone, and people often interpret them as omens of misfortune. It is understandable that an earthquake would be looked upon with fear because of its potential to ravage the land; whereas a trepidation affecting a celestial sphere would be worked in a different light, especially one that is imperceptible and has no apparent meaning for the average person. In order to understand the meaning of the third quatrain in the poem, it is necessary to consider the Ptolemaic Universe and the symbolism of the sphere. During the Middle Ages and the Elizabethan Age, the circle and sphere were looked upon as perfect shapes. The main influence behind that thinking may have been Greek philosophers such as Aristotle, who believed that since, "The motion of the celestial bodies is not straight and finite, but circular, invariable and eternal. So they themselves must be eternal, unalterable, divine". The well-educated Donne, 1572-1631, certainly studied famous Greek thinkers such as Aristotle and Ptolemy, and their works concerning the universe. Donne lived during a time when many people accepted the Ptolemaic theory of the universe, which held that the spherical planets orbited the earth in concentric circles called deferents. 2 Writing this poem in 1611, Donne would most likely be influenced by his previous classical studies, and he chose to use the circle and the sphere to represent a perfect relationship based on reason and harmony. The "trepidation of the spheres" is another obsolete astronomical theory, used to support the speaker's point that great changes in the heavens may be imperceptible to the layman. The speaker presents this comparison between the earthquake and the "trepidation of the spheres" to suggest that matters beyond one's control should be approached rationally. In quatrains four and five, the speaker urges his love to remain stoic by making any change in their relationship as imperceptible to others as the "trepidation of the spheres," and again, he uses terms from astronomy to illustrate his point. The term "sublunary" refers to the surface below the moon. According to the Greek astronomers, this sublunary area, composed of the four elements, was imperfect. The sphere's surface, composed of quinta essenta, the perfect part, radiates light and heat. The dull sublunary lovers are imperfect human beings who do not practice mature love. The soul of their love is "sense", so they need physical contact to cement their relationship. However, the speaker suggests that reason can free itself from any connection with a sensory experience. Therefore, the lovers with fully developed souls "Care less, eyes, lips, and hands to miss", having developed rational souls, the third part of the Aristotelian model for the human soul, consisting of vegetative, sense and rational parts. In quatrain six, Donne echoes the traditional marriage ceremony in which two become one, so the "two souls" of the lovers are joined together. He describes separation as a stretching exercise in which the joined soul of the lovers is gold beat to an "airy thinness". According to Pinka, the comparison is "beautiful and pure" but "fragile" since there is "expansion without increase". The "airy thinness" emphasizes the stretching of the lovers' resources, in that the love continues to exist, but its strength is weakened by the circumstances. He urges the lover to look at the separation in a positive light, but he sends out undertones suggesting that he is aware of the fragility of the situation. The speaker then begins his closing argument, in which he changes his symbol of perfection from the sphere to the circle. One might argue that the circle and the sphere are slightly different objects and should not be considered one and the same; however, the Ptolemaic Universe consisted of both perfect spheres and perfect circular orbits, and so the concept of circle and sphere both represented perfection. Poets and songwriters have often used sphere and circle symbolism. In Dante Alighieri's Paradiso, a story of a pilgrim journeying through Paradise, Dante sees nine concentric circles in the eyes of Beatrice, his guide. Beatrice explains to him that each of nine circles represents an angelic order. The brightest circles are in the center nearest to God and represent the highest order of angels and the greatest good. According to Beatrice, each circle also corresponds to one of the nine spherical heavens consisting of the five planets, the sun, the moon, the fixed stars, and the Prime Mover. It does not seem unusual for Donne to include both the sphere and the circle in his poetry as symbols of perfection, since other writers had linked the circle and the sphere together in various ways throughout the history of science and literature. The speaker in the poem is unique in that he does not compare the perfection of his love to a traditional object such as a rock or a fortress; instead he chooses to compare the twin legs of a compass to the lovers' sense of union during absence. Such a comparison would be called metaphysical according to Gardner, who states that a metaphysical conceit must concern two things so dissimilar that we "feel an incongruity". Here, the poet must then proceed to persuade the reader that these things are alike in spite of their apparent differences. The speaker proves the point by drawing the circle with the compass. The lover who stays behind is the fixed point, and the speaker is the other leg of the instrument. Without the "firmness" of the fixed point, he would be unable to complete the journey and make the circle just (precise). The adverb "obliquely" (l. 34) may have several different meanings. John Freccero supports the interpretation that obliquely means a spiral motion, referred to by the Neoplatonic tradition as a movement of the soul. Obliquely may also indicate a slant. Either the drawing instrument can be interpreted to move in a spiral, or the motion may refer to the second foot's tilted position in relation to the fixed one in the center. Such a position would be required during the drawing of a circle. According to Freccero, "No matter how far Donne roams his thoughts will revolve around his love.... At the end of the circle, body and soul are one". In Donne's "Valediction," the human souls are described in the context of a joint soul that is stretched by the separation, or two souls joined within a circle of spiritual strength. Donne once stated in an elegy, "...perfect motions are all circular."5 The circle in the "Valediction" represents the journey during which two lovers endure the trial of separation, as they support each other spiritually, and eventually merge in a physically and spiritually perfect union.

  • 48. ABBA
    Другое Разное

    В феврале 1973 песня квартета Ring Ring, отвергнутая комиссией конкурса Евровидения, была записана на шведском, немецком, испанском и английском языках и возглавила чарты в Швеции, Австрии, Голландии, Бельгии и ЮАР. На обложке сингла впервые (по настоянию Стиккана Андерсона) стояла аббревиатура ABBA. В 1973 вышел и первый альбом группы Ring Ring. 6 апреля 1974 песня ABBA Waterloo с абсолютным перевесом (20:1) победила на конкурсе Евровидения в Брайтоне. Waterloo положила начало беспрецедентной последовательности из восемнадцати хитов подряд в британской десятке, восемь из них достигли вершины: Mamma Mia (1976), Fernando (1976), Dancing Queen (1976), Knowing Me, Knowing You (1977), The Name Of The Game (1977), Take A Chance On Me (1978), The Winner Takes It All (1980), Super Trouper (1980). Верхнюю строчку чартов занимали также восемь альбомов группы, начиная с Greatest Hits. Достижения четверки за океаном были куда скромнее: только Dancing Queen в апреле 1977 неделю держалась на вершине списка. Три альбома стали в Штатах 'золотыми' и только ABBA - The Album (1977) стал 'платиновым'.

  • 49. About Ukrainian
    Другое Разное

    High percentage of humus (more than 7 %) helped farmers to gather high harvest without using of any fertilizers. But about 60 years ago fertility of earth suddenly declined because of process of industrialization, which took place in Ukraine. As a result, now we have only 3,5% of humus and the process of land degradation is very actual problem in my country. Many farms still do not care that renovation of productivity of land will take hundreds or thousands of years, and they continue using land in incorrect way. We have also many problems with technology in farms. Many farms, which do not have enough money to buy new techniques, use old machines with low productivity. Those machines pollute environment much more, than the new ones. The system of recycling is not developed in Ukraine at all and it negatively influences on agriculture too. Farms throw out a lot of different things, which can be successfully used in other farms or in plants. In this case it appear many hills of rubbish which have negative influence not only on environment, but also on agriculture of areas which are closely located to those hills. But the biggest problem of agriculture in Ukraine is irrational using of land. After destruction of USSR collective farms were distributed completely incorrectly. Many households (family farms) have area more than 2 hectares, even more than 5 hectares, but their owners use only 1 hectare, and the other part of land is not in use.

  • 50. Adam Smith
    Другое Разное

    It should be noted that each of these stages is accompanied by institutions suited to its needs. For example, in the age of the huntsman, “there is scar any established magistrate or any regular administration of justice. “ With the advent of flocks there emerges a more complex form of social organization, comprising not only “formidable” armies but the central institution of private property with its indispensable buttress of law and order as well. It is the very essence of Smiths thought that he recognized this institution, whose social usefulness he never doubted, as an instrument for the protection of privilege, rather than one to be justified in terms of natural law: “Civil government,” he wrote, “so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defence of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.” Finally, Smith describes the evolution through feudalism into a stage of society requiring new institutions such as market-determined rather than guild-determined wages and free rather than government-constrained enterprise. This later became known as laissez-faire capitalism; Smith called it the system of perfect liberty.

  • 51. Advertising in our Life
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    The word “advertising” comes from the French word "reclame". Advertising if to speak a simple language, serves to notify in various ways (sometimes all available) the new goods or services and their consumer properties, and is directed to the potential consumer, paid by the sponsor and serves for promotion of its production and ideas. Advertising is a part of communication activity of a firm, alongside with publicity and stimulation of selling. Advertising unessentially imposes the goods on the buyer. Sometimes it simply forces to recollect the last concrete mark or the name of the goods or service when the customer makes the choice. At the beginning the consumer decides to choose from what, and already then what mark to prefer, on the basis of the representation about it, a stereotype or a developed image of concrete mark of the goods or service. There are a lot of definitions of the word “advertising”. For example, advertising is collective term for public announcements designed to promote the sale of specific commodities or services. Advertising is a form of mass selling, employed when the use of direct, person-to-person selling is impractical, impossible, or simply inefficient. It is to be distinguished from other activities intended to persuade the public, such as propaganda, publicity, and public relations. Advertising techniques range in complexity from the publishing of simple, straightforward notices in the classified advertising columns of newspapers to the concerted use of newspapers, magazines, television, radio, internet and other communication media in the course of a single advertising campaign. In the US alone in the late 1980s approximately $120 billion was spent in a single year on advertising to influence the purchase of commodities and services.

  • 52. Agriculture in the USA
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    Отличительная особенность финансирования экономики США, заключается в том, что средства из федерального бюджета в первую очередь размещаются по целевым программам, которые имеют национальную важность. Так в агроиндустриальном комплексе на федеральном уровне работают две программы это: " Стабилизация Доходов " и " Наука, и научная служба ". Помимо них имеется более 10 межотраслевых целевых программ национальной важности, обеспечивающие интересы сельского хозяйства и фермеров, работают на федеральном уровне. В них входят охрана почвы и программа, связанная с отбором почв, продовольствие, помогающее нуждающемуся населению, маркетинг и инспекционное социальное развитие сельских районов. Бюджетные средства распределены согласно этими программам, суммировались и размещались в соответствии с отраслью федерального бюджета сельского хозяйства США. Его основная часть (более 80 %) контролируется Министерство сельского хозяйства США через товарное кредитование корпорации (GCC), а так же через другие органы финансового кредитования. Оставшиеся 20 % средств распределены между государственными и местные органами управления. Приблизительно 60% всех бюджетных расходов США это расходы необходимые для реализации программ стабилизации дохода фермера, а также расходы на социальную - благотворительную поддержку нуждающимся фермерам, почти 10 % распределены на программы связанные с развитием деревни на государственном и региональном уровне, приблизительно 5 % тратятся на научные исследования и научные службы, 25 % - на социальные цели и цели связанные с национальной безопасностью. Таким образом, 3/4 затрат бюджета отводятся сельскому хозяйству Америки, вкладываясь в регулирование производства фермы и 1/4 часть уходит на социальные нужды.

  • 53. AIDS IN AFRICA (СПИД в Африке)
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    To help in preventing AIDS, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, in his speech at UN conference for Least Developed Countries, proposed to organize a global AIDS fund to sponsor the fight against AIDS. The worlds wealthy nations are allegedly holding off donations to a proposed UN global health fund, arguing, there are not enough guarantees that the money would be spend correctly, the Associated Press said on May 19, 2001. Reporting from the UN conference for Least Developed Countries in Brussels, AP said that "many countries" remained skeptical about UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's proposed US $7-10 billion fund to fight the spread of AIDS and other infectious diseases. It quoted Poul Nielson, the European Union's (EU) development commissioner as asking: "What will this fund do better than what we are doing now?". "If we are just talking about a global AIDS fund, we will not participate. It is too narrow," he added. The EU reportedly wants the fund to include other transmittable diseases and tie it to providing cheaper drugs for poorer countries.

  • 54. Alaska
    Другое Разное

    Treaty of Cession 15 Stat. 539 Treaty concerning the Cession of the Russian Possessions in North America by his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias to the United States of America; Concluded March 30, 1867; Ratified by the United States May 28, 1867; Exchanged June 20, 1867; Proclaimed by the United States June 20, 1867. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Whereas, a treaty between the United States of America and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at the city of Washington, on the thirtieth day of March, last, which treaty, being in the English and French languages, is, word for word, as follows: The United States of America and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, being desirous of strengthening, if possible, the good understanding which exists between them, have, for that purpose, appointed as their Plenipotentiaries: the President of the United States, William H. Seward, Secretary of State; and His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, the Privy Councillor Edward de Stoeckl his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States. And the said Plenipotentiaries, having exchanged their full powers, which were found to be in due form, have agreed upon and signed the following articles: ARTICLE I His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias agrees to cede to the United States, by this convention, immediately upon the exchange of the ratifications thereof, all the territory and dominion now possessed by his said Majesty on the continent of America and in the adjacent islands, the same being contained within the geographical limits herein set forth, to wit: The eastern limit is the line of demarcation between the Russian and the British possessions in North America, as established by the convention between Russia and Great Britain, of February 28 - 16, 1825, and described in Articles III and IV of said convention, in the following terms: III. "Commencing from the southernmost point of the island called Prince of Wales Island, which point lies in the parallel of 54 degrees 40 minutes north latitude, and between the 131st and the 133d degree of west longitude (meridian of Greenwich,) the said line shall ascend to the north along the channel called Portland channel, as far as the point of the continent where it strikes the 56th degree of north latitude; from this last-mentioned point, the line of demarcation shall follow the summit of the mountains situated parallel to the coast as far as the point of intersection of the 141st degree of west longitude (of the same meridian;) and finally, from the said point of intersection, the said meridian line of the 141st degree, in its prolongation as far as the Frozen ocean. IV. "With reference to the line of demarcation laid down in the preceding article, it is understood - "1st. That the island called Prince of Wales Island shall belong wholly to Russia," (now, by this cession, to the United States.) "2nd. That whenever the summit of the mountains which extend in a direction parallel to the coast from the 56th degree of north latitude to the point of intersection of the 141st degree of west longitude shall prove to be at the distance of more than ten marine leagues from the ocean, the limit between the British possessions and the line of coast which is to belong to Russia as above mentioned (that is to say, the limit to the possessions ceded by this convention) shall be formed by a line parallel to the winding of the coast, and which shall never exceed the distance of ten marine leagues therefrom." The western limit within which the territories and dominion conveyed, are contained, passes through a point in Behring's straits on the parallel of sixty-five degrees thirty minutes north latitude, at its intersection by the meridian which passes midway between the islands of Krusenstern, or Inaglook, and the island of Ratmanoff, or Noonarbook, and proceeds due north, without limitation, into the same Frozen ocean. The same western limit, beginning at the same initial point, proceeds thence in a course nearly southwest through Behring's straits and Behring's sea, so as to pass midway between the northwest point of the island of St. Lawrence and the southeast point of Cape Choukotski, to the meridian of one hundred and seventy-two west longitude; thence, from the intersection of that meridian, in a southwesterly direction, so as to pass midway between the island of Attou and the Copper island of the Kormandorski couplet or group in the North Pacific ocean, to the meridian of one hundred and ninety-three degrees west longitude, so as to include in the territory conveyed the whole of the Aleutian islands east of that meridian. ARTICLE II In the cession of territory and dominion made by the preceding article are included the right of property in all public lots and squares, vacant lands, and all public buildings, fortifications, barracks, and other edifices which are not private individual property. It is, however, understood and agreed, that the churches which have been built in the ceded territory by the Russian government, shall remain the property of such members of the Greek Oriental Church resident in the territory, as may choose to worship therein. Any government archives, papers and documents relative to the territory and dominion aforesaid, which may be now existing there, will be left in the possession of the agent of the United States; but an authenticated copy of such of them as may be required, will be, at all times, given by the United States to the Russian government, or to such Russian officers or subjects as they may apply for. ARTICLE III The inhabitants of the ceded territory, according to their choice, reserving their natural allegiance, may return to Russia within three years; but if they should prefer to remain in the ceded territory, they, with the exception of uncivilized native tribes, shall be admitted to the enjoyment of all the rights, advantages, and immunities of citizens of the United States, and shall be maintained and protected in the free enjoyment of their liberty, property, and religion. The uncivilized tribes will be subject to such laws and regulations as the United States may, from time to time, adopt in regard to aboriginal tribes of that country. ARTICLE IV His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias shall appoint, with convenient despatch, an agent or agents for the purpose of formally delivering to a similar agent or agents appointed on behalf of the United States, the territory, dominion, property, dependencies and appurtenances which are ceded as above, and for doing any other act which may be necessary in regard thereto. But the cession, with the right of immediate possession, is nevertheless to be deemed complete and absolute on the exchange of ratifications, without waiting for such formal delivery. ARTICLE V Immediately after the exchange of the ratifications of this convention, any fortifications or military posts which may be in the ceded territory shall be delivered to the agent of the United States, and any Russian troops which may be in the territory shall be withdrawn as soon as may be reasonably and conveniently practicable. ARTICLE VI In consideration of the cession aforesaid, the United States agree to pay at the treasury in Washington, within ten months after the exchange of the ratifications of this convention, to the diplomatic representative or other agent of his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, duly authorized to receive the same, seven million two hundred thousand dollars in gold. The cession of territory and dominion herein made is hereby declared to be free and unencumbered by any reservations, privileges, franchises, grants, or possessions, by any associated companies, whether corporate or incorporate, Russian or any other, or by any parties, except merely private individual property holders; and the cession hereby made, conveys all the rights, franchises, and privileges now belonging to Russia in the said territory or dominion, and appurtenances thereto. ARTICLE VII When this convention shall have been duly ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, on the one part, and on the other by his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington within three months from the date hereof, or sooner if possible. In faith whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed this convention, and thereto affixed the seals of their arms. Done at Washington, the thirtieth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. [SEAL] WILLIAM H. SEWARD [SEAL] EDOUARD DE STOECKL And whereas the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at Washington on this twentieth day of June, by William H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States, and the Privy Counsellor Edward de Stoeckl, the Envoy Extraordinary of His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, on the part of their respective governments, Now, therefore, be it known that I, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Treaty to be made public, to the end that the same and every clause and article thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this twentieth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States the ninety-first. [SEAL] ANDREW JOHNSON By the President:

  • 55. Albrecht Durer
    Другое Разное

    In about 1508 Dьrer began to collect material for a major work on mathematics and its applications to the arts. This work would never be finished but Dьrer did use parts of the material in later published work. He continued to produce art of outstanding quality, and he produced one of his most famous engravings Melancholia in 1514. It contains the first magic square to be seen in Europe, cleverly including the date 1514 as two entries in the middle of the bottom row. Also of mathematical interest in Melancholia is the polyhedron in the picture. The faces of the polyhedron appear to consist of two equilateral triangles and six somewhat irregular pentagons. An interesting reconstruction of the polyhedron is given in , see also for further details.

  • 56. Alcoholism
    Другое Разное

    Alcohol has direct toxic as well as sedative effects on the body, and failure to take care of nutritional and other physical needs during prolonged periods of excessive drinking may further complicate matters. Advanced cases often require hospitalization. The effects on major organ systems are cumulative and include a wide range of digestive-system disorders such as ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas, and cirrhosis of the liver. The central and peripheral nervous systems can be permanently damaged. Blackouts, hallucinations, and extreme tremors may occur. The latter symptoms are involved in the most serious alcohol withdrawal syndrome, delirium tremens, which can prove fatal despite prompt treatment. This is in contrast to withdrawal from narcotic drugs such as heroin, which, although distressing, rarely results in death. Recent evidence has shown that heavy and even moderate drinking during pregnancy can cause serious damage to the unborn child: physical or mental retardation, or both; a rare but severe expression of this damage is known as foetal alcohol syndrome (Markov et al.).

  • 57. Amadeus - глобальная распределительная система туристических услуг
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    Система Amadeus является самой молодой из всех современных систем бронирования авиаперевозок, и была разработана в 1987 году и начала полноценное функционирование с 1992 г. Структура управления системой включает в себя штаб квартиру (Мадрид, Испания), технологический центр по обработке всей информации (Эрдинг, Германия) и центр по развитию системы (София Антиполис, Франция).

    1. В 1989 году система Amadeus впервые достигла отметки в 1 млн. забронированных билетов. Все основные гостиницы и специализированные системы бронирования гостиниц подписали договор с Amadeus о продвижении своих услуг через систему Amadeus.
    2. В 1990 году был открыт центр обработки данных в Эрдинге, недалеко от Мюнхена.
    3. В 1992 году Amadeus выпускает свои продукты Amadeus Cars и Amadeus Hotels.
    4. В том же году система Amadeus становится доступной для всех авиакомпаний.
    5. В 1993 - 1995 годах Amadeus открывает свои представительства в Южной Америке и Азии.
    6. В 1995 году Amadeus объединяется с американской системой бронирования System One. Авиакомпания Continental Airlines становится совладельцем компании Amadeus.
    7. В том же году Amadeus формирует стратегический альянс с немецкой компанией START по ведению международного бизнеса.
    8. В 1998 году окончательно завершается самой большой в туристическом бизнесе процесс объединения систем - Amadeus и System One. Система Amadeus 6 раз подряд объявляется лучшей глобальной распределительной системой.
    9. Компьютерная система бронирования Amadeus, представленная на российском рынке с 1993 г., в последнее время испытывает рост интереса со стороны турфирм. Вместе с увеличением интенсивности резервирования растет и число агентств - пользователей системы.
  • 58. America Under Attack
    Другое Разное

    On Tuesday night, FBI issued several search warrants on U.S. residents based on preliminary information on how two of the planes were hijacked. They said a flight attendant called authorities from the airborne American Airlines Flight 11, reporting that two flight attendants had been stabbed and that intruders had broken into the cockpit. The Christian Science Monitor reported that air traffic controllers could hear the hijackers of Flight 11 instructing the pilots in English.

  • 59. American Cinema
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    The illusion of movement was first noted in the early 19th century. In 1824 the English physician Peter Mark Roget published an article the persistence of vision with regard to moving objects. Many inventors put his theory to the test with pictures posted on coins that were flipped by the thumb, and with rotating disks of drawings. A particular favorite was the zoetrope, slotted revolving drum through which could be seen clowns and animals that seemed to leap. They were hand drawn on strips of paper fitted inside the drum. Other similar devices were the hemitrope, the phasmatrope, the phenakistoscope, and the praxinoscope. It is not possible to give any one person credit for having invented the motion picture. In the 1880s the Frenchman Etienne Jules Marey developed the rotating shutter with a slot to admit light, and George Eastman, of New York, developed flexible film. In 1888 Thomas Edison, of New Jersey, his phonograph for recording and playing sound on wax cylinders. He tried to combine sound with motion pictures. Edisons assistant, William Dickson, worked on the idea, and in 1889, he both appeared and spoke in a film. Edison did not turn his attention to the projected motion picture at first. The results were still not good enough, and Edison did not think that films would not have large appeal. Instead he produced and patented the kinetoscope, which ran a continuous loop of film about 15 meters (50 feet) long. Only one person could work it at a time. By 1894, hand-cranked kinetoscope appeared all over the United States and Europe. Edison demonstrated a projecting kinetoscope. The cinematograph based on Edisons kinetoscope was invented by two Frenchmen, Louis and Auguste Lumiere. This machine consisted of a portable camera and a projector. In December 1895, The Lumiere brothers organized a program of short motion pictures at a Parisian cafe.

  • 60. American Cinema (Кино и театры Америки)
    Другое Разное

    The illusion of movement was first noted in the early 19th century. In 1824 the English physician Peter Mark Roget published an article the persistence of vision with regard to moving objects. Many inventors put his theory to the test with pictures posted on coins that were flipped by the thumb, and with rotating disks of drawings. A particular favorite was the zoetrope, slotted revolving drum through which could be seen clowns and animals that seemed to leap. They were hand drawn on strips of paper fitted inside the drum. Other similar devices were the hemitrope, the phasmatrope, the phenakistoscope, and the praxinoscope. It is not possible to give any one person credit for having invented the motion picture. In the 1880s the Frenchman Etienne Jules Marey developed the rotating shutter with a slot to admit light, and George Eastman, of New York, developed flexible film. In 1888 Thomas Edison, of New Jersey, his phonograph for recording and playing sound on wax cylinders. He tried to combine sound with motion pictures. Edisons assistant, William Dickson, worked on the idea, and in 1889, he both appeared and spoke in a film. Edison did not turn his attention to the projected motion picture at first. The results were still not good enough, and Edison did not think that films would not have large appeal. Instead he produced and patented the kinetoscope, which ran a continuous loop of film about 15 meters (50 feet) long. Only one person could work it at a time. By 1894, hand-cranked kinetoscope appeared all over the United States and Europe. Edison demonstrated a projecting kinetoscope. The cinematograph based on Edisons kinetoscope was invented by two Frenchmen, Louis and Auguste Lumiere. This machine consisted of a portable camera and a projector. In December 1895, The Lumiere brothers organized a program of short motion pictures at a Parisian cafe.