
  • 661. EADS Company, її місце в світі
    Юриспруденция, право, государство

    Європейський аерокосмічний і оборонний концерн EADS (European Aeronautic Defenсe and Space Company) і Російська академія наук оголосили у вівторок про підписання меморандуму про партнерство.Сторони також заявили про свій намір підготувати і підписати генеральну угоду про співпрацю, в якому будуть конкретизовані напрямки спільної роботи та визначено очікувані результати науково-технічного співробітництва.Як заявив керівник міжнародної прес-служби концерну EADS Грегор фон Курсель, відповідно до меморандуму EADS набирає Міжнародного науково-дослідного інституту проблем управління (МНІІПУ) в якості асоційованого члена.Завдяки такій співпраці, EADS за підтримки РАН отримає додаткові можливості для спільного вирішення цілої низки тематичних завдань у різних галузях науки і техніки, а РАН у свою чергу зможе співпрацювати з науково-дослідними центрами та компаніями в складі EADS.

  • 662. Earth Impacts as a Threat to Civilization
    Авиация, Астрономия, Космонавтика

    We dont know how much it will cost, but in comparison with US Government Military Budget, it is very cheap. The Australian Spaceguard Survey estimates the project to cost 10 million US dollars per year. The US Government currently spends around 330 billion, according to www.whitehouse.gov, on military projects per year. The impact prevention projects have the same aim as military projects: to protect. An impact with big asteroid could do much more damage than our strongest military enemy, so we should be able to spend at least 10 million dollars per year to prevent another catastrophe. I also think all countries in the world should be interested in supporting Spaceguard program. It needs to be an international collaboration. According to Space Daily, funds for this program are reasonable, at approximately a half a penny (US) per person, per year in the whole world. Worldwide Spaceguard program does very important mission for the whole civilization.

  • 663. East Timor Independence

    The Governments of Indonesia and Portugal, recalling General Assembly resolutions and the relevant resolutions and decisions adopted by the Security Council and the General Assembly on the question of East Timor; bearing in mind the sustained efforts of the Governments of Indonesia and Portugal since July 1983, through the good offices of the Secretary-General, to find a just, comprehensive and internationally acceptable solution to the question of East Timor; recalling the agreement of 5 August 1998 to undertake, under the auspices of the Secretary-General, negotiations on a special status based on a wide-ranging autonomy for East Timor without prejudice to the positions of principle of the respective Governments on the final status of East Timor; having discussed a constitutional framework for an autonomy for East Timor on the basis of a draft presented by the United Nations, as amended by the Indonesian Government; noting the position of the Government of Indonesia that the proposed special autonomy should be implemented only as an end solution to the question of East Timor with full recognition of Indonesian sovereignty over East Timor; noting the position of the Government of Portugal that an autonomy regime should be transitional, not requiring recognition of Indonesian sovereignty over East Timor or the removal of East Timor from the list of Non-Self-Governing Territories of the General Assembly, pending a final decision on the status of East Timor by the East Timorese people through an act of self-determination under United Notions auspices; taking into account that although the Governments of Indonesia and Portugal each have their positions of principle on the prepared proposal for special autonomy, both agree that it is essential to move the peace process forward, and that therefore, the Governments of Indonesia and Portugal agree that the Secretary-General should consult the East Timorese people on the constitutional framework for autonomy attached hereto as an annex; bearing in mind that the Governments of Indonesia and Portugal requested the Secretary-General to devise the method and procedures for the popular consultation through a direct, secret and universal ballot signed up in New York on this 5th day of May, 1999 the Agreement Between the Republic of Indonesia and the Portugese Republic on the Question of East Timor

  • 664. Easter (Пасха)

    Egg-rolling is a traditional Easter pastime which still flourishes in Britain. It takes place on Easter Sunday or Monday, and consists of rolling coloured, hard-boiled eggs down a slope until they are cracked and broken after which they are eaten by their owners. In some districts this is a competitive game. But originally egg-rolling provided an opportunity for divination. Each player marked his or her egg with an identifying sign and then watched to see how it sped down the slope. If it reached the bottom unscathed, the owner could expect good luck in the future, but if it was broken, unfortune would follow before the year was out, Eating hot cross buns at breakfast on Good Friday morning is a custom which is also flourishing in most English households. Formerly, these round, cakes marked with a cross, eaten hot, were made by housewives who rose at dawn; for the purpose, or by local bakers who worked through the night to have them ready for delivery to their customers in time for breakfast. There is an old belief that the true Good Friday bun that is, one made on the anniversary itself never goes moldy, if kept in a dry place. It was once also supposed to have curative powers, especially for ailments like dysentery, diarrhea, whooping cough, and the complaint known as "summer sickness". Within living memory, it was still quite usual in country districts for a few buns to be hung from the kitchen ceiling until, they are needed. When illness came the bun was finely grated and mixed with milk or water, to make a medicine, which the patient drank.

    1. Easter in Ukraine and Russia.
  • 665. Economic Relations between Kazakhstan and Russia

    Certainly, the today's level of economic integration does not answer necessities national economic of Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation. Available on it is necessary to evaluate the today facts of economic interaction between two countries as insufficient and requiring in serious adjusting. The priority of a development of the Kazakhstan-Russian economic links is possible to support with existing numerous perspective directions of a development, it:

    • Trade-economic cooperating of Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation;
    • Frontier cooperating Republic Of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation;
    • Development of industrial-cooperation links in machine-building and chemical complexes, by means of creation of share financial and industrial groups;
    • Cooperating and development fuel and energy of complexes of Russia and Kazakhstan;
    • Cooperating in sphere of transport;
    • Cooperating of Kazakhstan and Russia in mastering vehicle launching of Baikonur;
    • Cooperating in mastering natural riches of the Caspian sea;
    • Scientific - technological cooperating;
    • Cooperating in the market of agricultural production.
  • 666. Economic system. Changes in economic situation of Russia
    Иностранные языки

    A traditional economy is an economic system in which resources are allocated by inheritance, and which has a strong social network and is based on primitive methods and tools. It is strongly connected to subsistence farming. In the majority of countries traditional economy has been replaced by command economy, market economy or mixed economy. However, it is found today mainly in underdeveloped, agricultural parts of South America, Asia, and Africa. There are some advantages and disadvantages in a traditional economy. Advantages: a traditional economy fosters the sense of community, as it causes little friction among members and provides a sense of security and psychological comfort. Subsequently, there is a relatively low unemployment rate and low crime rate. A traditional economy allows for a greater degree of autonomy as no money or little is given to the government and there is no competition. Disadvantages: a traditional economy does not allow for much economic growth and development as changes are very slow and there is a lack of social mobility. A traditional economy does not take advantage of technology and there is relatively little promotion of intellectual and scientific development. With no incentives for entrepreneurs, the consumer choice is diminished, which leads to a lower standard of living.

  • 667. Economics. Demand, supply, and elasticity
    Иностранные языки

    The false-cause fallacy often arises in economic analysis of two correlated actions or events. When one observes that two actions or events seem to be correlated, it is often tempting to conclude that one event has caused the other. But by doing so, one may be committing the false-cause fallacy, which is the simple fact that correlation does not imply causation. For example, suppose that new tape-recorder prices have steadily increased over some period of time and the new tape-recorder sales have also increased over this same period. One might then conclude that an increase in the price of new tape-recorders causes an increase in their sales. This false conclusion is an example of the false-cause fallacy; the positive correlation between the two events does not imply that there is any causation between them. In order to explain why both events are taking place simultaneously, one may have to look at other factors for example, rising consumer incomes, inflation, or rising producer costs.

  • 668. Economy of Kazakhstan
  • 669. Edmond Rostand sa vie et son oeuvre

    les rudiments

    1. начала, элементарные понятияévocateur (-rice)
    2. выразительный, напоминающийsimprégner
    3. пропитываться, насыщатьсяun accessit
    4. похвальный листun guignol
    5. кукольный театр, петрушкаun panache
    6. блеск, рисовка, султанbruyamment
    7. шумноun épigone
    8. эпигон, приверженецconsentir
    9. соглашатьсяun frémissement
    10. содрагание, трепетun tronc
    11. ствол дерева, туловищеun tuteur
    12. опекун -шаun écorce
    13. кора, внешностьun bouffon
    14. шутvil
    15. подлый, гнусныйune mazette
    16. неспособный, неловкий человекun placet
    17. прошениеPréface.
    18. Vous aves tous sans dout vu le célèbre film “Cyrano De Bergerac”. Si non, vous aves beaucoup raté. Franchement ce film a produit beaucoup deffet sur moi. Non seulement jai apprécié le jeu des acteurs (G.Depardieu et Anne Brochette particulièrement), mais jai été plus que choquée par la poésie. A mon grand regret (et honte aussi) je ne connaissais pas encore le génie du théatre français - Edmond Rostand. Le film ma tellement plu, que je lai revu plusieurs fois et de plus en plus jadmirais les vers splendides. Ca ma poussé à relire à plusieurs reprises “Cyrano De Bergerac”. Voilà pourquoi jécris cet exposé sur Rostand avec un certain plaisir, car grace à ça je relis encore et encore les lines que jaime passionnément. La biographie dEdmond Rostand. Edmond Rostand est né à Marseille le 1-er avril 1868. Dabord Edmond a fait ses études dans sa ville natale. Son père la envoyé dans une institution privée qui enseignait les rudiments aux fils de la bourgeoisie marseillaise, mais quand il sagit de linitier plus sérieusement à ce quon appelait encore lhumanité, M.Eugène Rostand a envoyé son fils suivre, en qualité dexterne, les classes du lycée de Marseille. Cétait en octobre 1878, et cela constituait un acte dindépendance vis-à-vis de son milieu ou les enfants étaient dordinaire confiés à des institutions religieuses. Pour se rendre dans le lycée Rostand devait prendre la rue Moustie, et passer ainsi devant le buste dHomère, dans son décor de petite ville grecque. Au-delà, cétait la rue de Rome, évocatrice de lItalie antique et moderne, puis la place Saint-Ferréol avec ses marchés de fleurs. Ainsi, de sa dixième à sa dix-septième année, Edmond Rostand simrégnait de façon inconsciente de latmosphère qui devait par la suite nourrir sa poésie. Il prenait à Marseille le gout de la civilisation grecque. En meme temps il faisait très bien ses études: il a eu plusieurs mentions exellentes et se classait parmi les meilleurs étudiants. Son oncle Alexis lui avait offert un guignol quand il eut douze ans, avec un répertoire de petites comédies. Il les interpétait devant ses camarades ou devant les domestiques.
    En octobre 1884, à seize ans, Rostand entre au collège Stanislas, à Paris. Le changement datmosphère a du etre pénible, mais le nouveau venu allait simposer au respect de tous en affirmant sa jeune maitrise intellectuelle, en se classant parmi les premiers de sa classe.

  • 670. Edmond Rostand: sa vie et son oeuvre

    Edmond Rostand a épousé le 8 avril 1890, à Paris Rosemonde Gérard. Rosemonde était une femme lettrée, intelligente, spirituelle. Elle écrivait, comme son mari, les vers en démontrant une maitrise parfaite de la langue et un certain talant. Si elle navait pas épousé Edmond, elle avait été surement connue et célèbre; la gloire de son mari a éclipsé sa propre réputation. Mais elle paraissait ne pas souffrir de son amour-propre dauteur, au contraire, elle semblait toute dévouée à lart et à la gloire dEdmond. On dit que Rostand après avoir écrit ses pièces commençait à les détester, il voulait les voir plus parfaites. Sa femme en voyant quil allait jeter au feu ses travaux, la supplié de les garder dans le fond dun tiroir. Ainsi furent sauvées les oeuvres telles que “Cyrano…” Si ce quon raconte est vrai, je dis à Mme. Rostand un grand merci de tout mon coeur.

  • 671. Education and qualifications
    Иностранные языки

    During the interwork look directly at the interworker and answer all of his/her questions as specifically as you can. Ask any questions that you have about the job, such as hours, salary, or job benefits. Write down these questions before you go to the interwork. Before you leave, there should be a clear understanding about all aspects of the job.

  • 672. Education in England
  • 673. Education in Moscow school

    I think that communication with English-speaking people is very importent and unvalued for pupils, who learn English. Opportunity of comunication with English-speaking, was a real luck for me. And Id like to have meetings with guests from England in my own school. My parents remember: «Even in soviet time we had meetings at our schools, where we could talk to foreigners, though we lived far away from the capital». Now, when Russia is opened for the West, it is not really difficult to invite to school foreigner, isnt it? More over we live in Moscow, which is full of foreigners. Im sure, that such a meeting could be very interesting for pupils.

  • 674. Education in the Middle Ages
    Иностранные языки
  • 675. Education in the USA

    Harvard College was established in 1636, with the principal purpose of providing a literate ministry1 for colonial churches. It was a small institution, enrolling only 20 students in 1642 and 60 in 1660. It soon became more than a theological training school2 and established itself as a liberal arts college. The next institution of higher learning established in the American colonies was the College of William and Mary, which opened in 1693 at Williamsburg, Virginia. Other colleges were founded in the next century, but all of them remained small schools for long periods. Students entered at the age of 14 and remained until they were 18, and the curriculum, while rigidly academic and classic was by modern standards rather secondary in nature.

  • 676. Education System In Honduras

    Secondary education starts at age of 13 and is aimed at further development of the cultural, scientific and practical knowledge received at the primary level, and at preparation for higher education and training for work. To achieve these objectives, secondary education is divided into two cycles the common cycle and the diversified cycle. The common cycle lasts for 3 years. Besides further cultural, scientific and practical knowledge, students receive vocational guidance similar to that of the education-apprenticeship. The diversified cycle lasts for 3 years, except for the Bachillerato course which lasts only 2 years. This cycle comprises several streams, namely: primary schoolteacher training (3 years); the Bachillerato (sciences and humanities) course; technical education 3 years for bachilleros and 4 years for qualified workers (peritos) including the common cycle level. Peritos are trained in areas such as auto mechanics, general mechanics, carpentry, electronics, home economics, agriculture and cattle breeding, medicine (assistant nurses). On the bachiller level, courses are offered in agriculture, medicine, nurses training, arts, musical education, etc.

  • 677. Education, its role in increase of economic potential

    Education systems are established to provide education and training, in most cases for children and the young. A curriculum defines what students should know, understand and be able to do as the result of education. A teaching profession delivers teaching which enables learning, and a system of polices, regulations, examinations, structures and funding enables teachers to teach to the best of their abilities. Sometimes education systems can be used to promote doctrines or ideals as well as knowledge, which is known as social engineering. This can lead to political abuse of the system, particularly in totalitarian states and government. Education is a broad concept,it refers to all the experiences in which people can learn something. Instruction refers to the intentional facilitating of learning toward identified goals, delivered either by an instructor or other forms. Teaching refers to learning experiences facilitated by a real live instructor. Training refers to learning experiences toward preparing learners with specific konwledge, skills, or abilities that can be applied immediately.

  • 678. Eesti pohjarannik (estonii)

    Rannatee lõpetab olümpiakompleksi hoonetekogum, meie vabariigi viimaste aastate märkimisväärseim, riiklikke preemiaid pälvinud suurehitis. Hoogsa rütmiga hooneterühmas paiknesid 1980. a . Moskva olümpiamängude ajal purjeredati keskus ja olümpiaküla. Olümpiatuli leegitses otse Pirita jõe veepiril lipuväljakul. Nüüd meenutab Tallinna ja Pirita spordi suurpäevi ka ahkrutest ja olümpiarõngastest põimunud mälestusmärk vana jahtklubi läheduses.

  • 679. Eetika

    Mis puutub füüsilisse turvalisusse, siis ei ole vist toodet, mis oleks täiesti ohutu. Seepärast fikseeritakse riikide tarbijakaitses enamasti toote(teenuse) ohtlikkuse piirid, so ohutusstandardid, millele toode peab vastama, et selle tootmiseks või sisseveoks luba saada. Vahel tekkib olukord ,millal võivad need ohutustandardid vananeda teaduse ja tehnika arengu tõttu ja tootja võib neist uutest võimalustest juba teadlik olla aga riik veel mitte. Sellisest tarbija ohustamisest võivad tootjad püüda kasu lõigata.

    1. Õigus valikule tähendab seda ,et turul ei tohi võimaldada ühele müüjale monopoolset seisundit. Nii et õigust valikule aitab tagada konkurentsiseadus. Kui tarbijal on kahtlust, et turul valitseb monopol või kasutatakse monopoolset hinnapoliitikat, võib ta esitada kaebuse tarbijakaitseametile, kes on kohustatud asja uurima. Eesti tegelikkuses näeme aga sageli , et tarbijakaitseamet on monopoolse hinnakujunduse suhtes võimetu.
    2. Õigus olla kuuldud tähendab seda, et tarbijal peab olema võimalus kuhugi oma kaebusi esitada, teha ennast kuuldavaks. Muidugi valitseb demokraatlikus riigis sõnavabadus ja inimene võib oma arvamust avaldada ajalehe, televisiooni jne vahendusel. Tootja võtab tavaliselt kohustuse tarbija kaebused tasuta ära kuulata ja neile reageerida mingi garantiiaja jooksul.
    3. Õigus olla informeeritud ütleb seda, et tarbija peab saama piisavat ja korrektset (mitteeksitavat) informatsiooni kaalutletud ostuotsuste tegemiseks. Seda õigust võib pidada tarbija tähtsaimaks õiguseks, mis seostub kõigi eelnevate õigustega - kui tootja suudab anda selget, piisavat, arusaadavat informatsiooni tarbijale oma toote turvalisusest ja ohtudest, näitab ausalt ära oma toote eelised ja puudused, siis ta on sellega ühtlasi täitnud ka oma kohustused tarbija teiste põhiõiguste suhtes.
  • 680. Effective communication in different cultures
    Иностранные языки

    use good manners in everyday communication (e.g. not have food in your mouth when speaking)- use respectful language: use kind words and not swear, use certain form of an utterance (when asking for something say 'May I please have that' - not 'give me that.')- use a proper tone in your voice so as not to be condescending to the other person- look at the person (make eye contact)- say greeting words, say good-bye, sorry and thank you when it is necessary- introduce yourself/a new person- not interrupt when someone else is speaking- listen when someone else is speaking and hear what they are saying- apologize and ask for forgiveness when impoliteness happens, and try not to do it againexist some theories of politeness, one of those being Brown and Levinsons whose basic notion is face, or individuals self-esteem [1]. In other words, it implies peoples desire, on the one hand, for freedom to act (negative face), and, on the other hand, to be liked, approved of and included (positive face) [3]. Successful social interaction requires that speakers pay attention to both negative and positive face of their interlocutor; when either is potentially at risk, the speaker must take steps to minimise the threat by saying something in a way that offends as little as possible. So we can state that the greater the imposition and the greater the social distance between participants, the more face-work is required [3].speech act that is a potential threat to an interlocutors face is the request [3]. Politeness is connected with mitigating a direct form of asking for something and expressing an idea non-directly which means one applying a different grammatical form in the sentence, in this case the form of a question, most often a modal one. If you want somebody to bring you a definite book you would sooner say Can you bring me the book? rather than Bring the book. The two phrases are likely to leave quite a different impression on one and the same hearer, the former perceived naturally as a request to bring the book, the latter a command. Phrase #1 serves a good start for a probably successful minidialogue. Phrase #2 can make a native speaker doubt the interlocutors intentions and make him or her think of the speaker as a rude person., we can say that speaking politely means saying sentences of the kind Could you…?, Can you…? and so on. However, once we recall such an enormously important speech feature as intonation we could be struck how significantly it may change our work of politeness. Just pronounce the same sentence Can you bring the book for me? with different intonation imagining that you are irritated or annoyed by your interlocutor who wont bring you the book though he had promised to. If you try this difference when speaking to people, the effect is sure to be different. Intonation is surprisingly powerful in making a conversation either a failure or success. Will you please sit down can be pronounced with a lot of variations of voice tone, timbre, loudness, accentuation and tempo and at the same time the speaker will have a certain intention which is going to be reflected in these changes of the intonation of the whole phrase.is first to be perceived by ear, rather than the verbal component of an utterance. So any utterance or just sentence has intonation because even if it is not pronounced it is meant to either out loud or in the inner speech. Intonation is a complex phenomenon consisting of pitch, or speech melody, intensity, or loudness, tempo, or rate of speech, sentence stress, or accentuation, and rhythm (though different linguists distinguish different number and quality of the components). It is not only melodic characteristics that can make an utterance polite or impolite. For example, if in reply to my having given her what she had asked for, my friend will say Thank you rather quickly and quickly as well will leave me, I wouldnt consider such Thank you polite. There are general rules of speaking politely that must exist in various cultures. They include speaking not very loudly (using moderate intensity); speaking not very fast; speaking with a certain melody (e.g. using not very high tone); speaking with not very high emotion but in a more or less reserved way; not using gruff and rude gestures.each language has a set of special rules of polite speaking including rules of usage of vocabulary, grammatical forms and intonation patterns. The way politeness is expressed in the English language must be very interesting to know for non-native speakers. There exists a real problem with the word please which can be considered a politeness marker though does not necessarily make an utterance polite. English (as well as Russian) children are taught that it is the magic word to be used when asking for something. How does this magic word relate to politeness? According to Francis Lide, please is a word more optional than necessary for polite communication [2]. If we take a modal question with will inserting there please and say something like Will you please sit down the most likely situation for this sentence would be when the speaker is angry at someone who refuses to sit down and would be pronounced with emphasis on almost each word [2]. According to Anne Wichmann, please occurs mainly in requests, but not all types of request require please [3]. The Compact Oxford English Dictionary says please serves to add urgency and emotion to a request. On the other hand, the addition of please can be considered a further way of softening the force of requests, particularly if they are in the form of imperatives, in which case the force of command is reduced to that of a request [3]. Please typically occurs in standard situations for example in service encounters, where the right to ask for something and the obligation to give it is inherent in the event [3]. It also occurs when what is being requested is a minimal imposition on the hearer (such as passing the salt at table, e.g. Can you pass the sour cream please). In situations where the imposition is greater or the rights and obligations of the participants are not self-evident, please does not occur [3].