
  • 761. Great Britain (Великобритания)

    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies territory of the British Isles which are situated to the north-west of Europe. They consist of two main islands: Great Britain and Ireland. England is in the south of the island of Great Britain, Scotland is in the north and Wales is in the west. Northern Ireland is situated in the north-eastern part of Ireland. Its western coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. In the east the island of Great Britain is washed by the North Sea. The Irish Sea, the North Channel and the St. Georges Channel separate Ireland from Great Britain. Great Britain is separated from France by the English Channel, which is 32 km wide in its narrowest part. In everyday speech “Great Britain” is used to mean the UK.

  • 762. Great Britain during and after the Napoleonic wars

    Nelson had, however, not ships enough to be detached to reconnoitre, and he actually overpassed the French, whom he guessed to be on the way to Egypt. He arrived at the port of Alexandria on the 28th of June, and saw its blue waters and flat coast lying still in their sunny torpor, as if no enemy were on the seas. He went back to Syracuse, but could learn no more there. He obtained provisions with some difficulty, and then, in great anxiety, sailed for Greece, where at last, on the 28th of July, he learnt that the French fleet had been seen from Candia, steering to the south-east, about four weeks since. In fact, it had actually passed by him in a thick haze, which concealed each feet from the other, and had arrived at Alexandria on the 1st of July three days after he had left it. Every sail was set for the south, and at four o'clock in the afternoon of the 1st of August a very different sight was seen in Aboukir Bay, so solitary a month ago. It was crowded with shipping. Great castle-like men-of-war rose with all their proud calm dignity out of the water, their dark portholes opening in the white bands on their sides, and the tricoloured flag floating as their ensign. There were thirteen ships of the line and one, towering high above the rest, with her three decks, was L'Orient, of 120 guns. The British had only fourteen little ships, not one carrying more than 74 guns, and one only 50.

  • 763. Great Britain, Science

    Science has great influence on our life. It provides with base of modern technology, materials, sources of power and so on. Modern science and technology have changed our life in many different ways. During the present century our life changed greatly. Thanks to radio and television we can do a great number of jobs; it was radio and TV that made it possible to photograph the dark side of the moon and to talk with the first cosmonaut while he was orbiting the Earth. On of the wonders og our age is the “electronic brain”, or giant calculating mashine, which can to some extent duplicste human sences. The desk computer is expected to function as your personal librarian, to carry out simple optimization computations, to control your budget or diet, play several hundred games, etc. further development of the computer is bellieved to lead to a situation in which most of the knowledge accepted by mankind will be stored in the computers and made accessible to anyone with the home computers. It is natural that the advent of minicomputers with extensive memories and possibilities will lead to a new higher level in information culture. Among other things, we shall be able to organise educational process in the countrys colleges and universities and also in the system of school education on a new basic. Knowledge is the most valuable wealth, and minicomputers will help us to make it accessible for everyone. Agrycultiral sientists develop better varietives of plants. The development of antibiotics and other drugs has helped to control many diseases. Studies in anatomy and physiology have let to amazing surgical operations and the inventions of lifesaving mashines, that can do the work of such organs as heart, lungs and so on. Nuclear fission when a tremendous amount if energy is setting free is very important discovery.

  • 764. Green Peace

    В нашей стране долгие годы думали только об индустриализации и развитии промышленности. Даже самые простые очистные сооружения рассматривались лишь как что-то вторичное, необязательное - некая мелочь, мешающая поступательному развитию экономики. Сложно сказать, насколько был оправдан такой подход...
    В итоге, во многих российских регионах вокруг крупных промышленных гигантов земля и вода отравлены на километры или даже десятки километров вокруг. И на этой земле живут люди, растят детей, выращивают овощи-фрукты на своих маленьких огородиках... Неудивительно, что продолжительность жизни в России существенно меньше, чем в Европе или Северной Америке.
    Меняется ли ситуация к лучшему сейчас? Это риторический вопрос. По опыту других стран, можно сказать, что меняется, но, в основном, лишь там, где сильное общественное движение требует и добивается таких изменений. В противном случае, бизнес предпочитает экономить на охране природы и здоровье людей.
    Меняется ли что-то в России? Конечно, меняется. С одной стороны, экономический кризис и закрытие многих грязных производств улучшили экологическую ситуацию в целом. (Конечно, не хотелось бы достигать улучшений только таким путем.) С другой стороны, недавние недоработки Правительства России привели к тому, что Верховный суд, фактически, отменил платежи за загрязнение. Теперь предприятия могут за загрязнение не платить: исчез один из основных стимулов к переходу на новые, чистые технологии. В то же время многие зарубежные, и особенно европейские, потребители российской продукции требуют бережного отношения к природе, так как даже косвенно не хотят способствовать ее разрушению. Вот так из многих разнонаправленных процессов складывается ситуация в России.

  • 765. Guevara and Cuba
    Иностранные языки

    Thе fаіlurе оf thе rеvоlutіоn tо sprеаd prоvеd tо bе cаtаstrоphіc fоr thе Russіаn rеvоlutіоn, fоr еvеn іf іt survіvеd thе аssаult оf thе whіtе аrmy, 14 оthеr іmpеrіаlіst аrmіеs, аnd thе cоnsеquеncеs оf thе cіvіl wаr, іt dіd іt аt а hіgh cоst. Much оf іndustry wаs dеstrоyеd (еcоnоmіc оutput wаs rеducеd tо 13% оf thе 1913 prе-Wоrld Wаr І fіgurеs), hungеr аnd dіsеаsе wеrе wіdеsprеаd, thоusаnds flеd thе cіtіеs fоr thе cоuntrysіdе, аnd thе wоrkіng clаss wаs dеcіmаtеd (St. Pеtеrsburg sаw іts wоrkіng clаss dеcrеаsе by mоrе thаn 50% оf іts prе-cіvіl wаr lеvеls). Whаt rеmаіnеd оf thе wоrkеrs stаtе wаs оnly а shеll: thе Russіаn Cоmmunіst Pаrty (RCP) hоldіng оn tо pоwеr hоpіng fоr thе rеvоlutіоn tо sprеаd tо thе wеst. Durіng thе cоursе оf thе cіvіl wаr thе RCP аnd thе stаtе grаduаlly swеllеd wіth burеаucrаts аnd fоrmеr Tsаrіst functіоnаrіеs whо hаd tо bе usеd tо run thе stаtе bеcаusе thеrе wеrе nо quаlіfіеd wоrkеrs оr nо wоrkеrs аt аll-mоst оf thе clаss cоnscіоus wоrkеrs еіthеr dіеd оr wеrе аt thе frоnt dеfеndіng thе rеvоlutіоn. Thus thе lаck оf іntеrnаtіоnаl rеvоlutіоn аnd thе burеаucrаtіsаtіоn prеpаrеd thе grоund fоr Jоsеf Stаlіn, іn thе lаtе 1920s, tо tаkе hоld оf thе аdmіnіstrаtіvе аppаrаtus аnd sеt bаck аll thе gаіns оf thе rеvоlutіоn. Frоm thіs pоіnt оnwаrds, Stаlіn, rеprеsеntіng а nеw burgеоnіng rulіng clаss (thе burеаucrаcy), turnеd upsіdе dоwn thе trаdіtіоn оf strugglе оf thе Bоlshеvіks, аnd whіlе prеsеrvіng а lеft-wіng rhеtоrіc sеt оut tо еlіmіnаtе аlmоst еvеry Bоlshеvіk whо wаs іnvоlvеd іn thе 1917 rеvоlutіоn. Аgаіnst Mаrxіsms cеntrаl аrgumеnt оf іntеrnаtіоnаl rеvоlutіоn, Stаlіn put fоrwаrd thе slоgаn оf “Sоcіаlіsm іn Оnе Cоuntry" аs а cоvеr fоr thе burеаucrаcys аіm оf tеchnоlоgіcаl аnd іndustrіаl dеvеlоpmеnt оf thе Sоvіеt Unіоn іn оrdеr tо cаtch up wіth thе wеst. Thе аіm wаs tо аccumulаtе (cаpіtаl аs mаchіnеry) іn оrdеr tо cоmpеtе mіlіtаrіly. Thе wоrkеrs lоst аll cоntrоl оvеr thеіr pаrty, thеіr stаtе аnd thеіr unіоns. Thе cоncеpt оf thе fаthеrlаnd wаs rеіntrоducеd tо justіfy thе оpprеssіоn оf thе dіffеrеnt nаtіоnаlіtіеs thаt cоmprіsеd thе Sоvіеt Unіоn-аs оppоsеd tо Lеnіns dеfеncе оf thе rіght tо sеlf-dеtеrmіnаtіоn оf оpprеssеd nаtіоns. Wоmеn, gаys, еthnіc mіnоrіtіеs lоst thеіr rіghts, pеаsаnt lаnd wаs fоrcеfully cоllеctіvіsеd, аnd fоrcеd lаbоur wаs іntrоducеd. Suppоsеdly, аll іn thе nаmе оf sоcіаlіsm, but wіth thе еxplіcіt purpоsе оf cоmpеtіng wіth thе wеst. Stаlіns nеw Russіа, іn spіtе оf іts rhеtоrіc оf sоcіаlіsm, functіоnеd аs а cаpіtаlіst sоcіеty, thаt іs, а stаtе cаpіtаlіst sоcіеty. Thе nеw rulіng clаss wаs thе burеаucrаcy, thе cоmpаny Russіа Іnc.

  • 766. Gun control

    Third, gun control supporters tried to claim that there would be bloodshed in the streets when these citizens were given the right to carry guns. They claimed that the cities of Florida would become the Wild West city with shootouts on every street corner, and duels over simple disagreements. These gun control supporters were wrong. More than 200,000 concealed carry permits have been issued so far, with only 36 of these permits revoked for improper use of a firearm (4). This statistic shows that the people who go through legal process of obtaining permits do not want to break the law. The people who do intend to break the law will carry their guns whether or not the law allows them to do so. Today, criminals often carry illegal weapons, such as sawed-off shotguns, machine guns; ignore the current laws that make these weapons illegal. When they are caught, the courts usually dismiss these weapons charges; prosecute for the more serious charges, like murder, that are being committed with the weapons. The gun control supporters say that the gun is demon itself, rather than deal with the criminals. This is the main flaw in their argument. The gun control supporters claim that possession of a gun can turn average citizens into bloodthirsty maniacs. This theory falls apart under close analysis. If legal possession of a firearm caused this sort of attitude, then why are crime rates highest in areas such as New York City and Washington, D.C., which have strict gun control laws? Why are crimes rates dropping in state such as Florida where private ownership of firearms is encouraged?

  • 767. Habeas Corpus act 1679 г. (Хабеас корпус акт)
    Юриспруденция, право, государство
  • 768. Harri Jogisalu english
  • 769. Has the EU reached the limits of integration?

    Before answering this question, let us face some obvious facts. So far, the European Union has been the most advanced and successful alliances of the independent countries in the modern history. One cannot deny that it is only the EU which established at least in the first pillar a new legal order for its Member States, by which they voluntarily shared their sovereignty based on the rule of law in order to achieve the common task, as set forth by Article 2 of the Treaty Establishing the European Community: ...to promote throughout the Community a harmonious and balanced development of economic activities, sustainable and non-inflationary growth respecting the environment, a high degree of convergence of economic performance, a high level of employment and of social protection, the raising of a standard of living and quality of life, and economic and social cohesion and solidarity among Member States. But as with any other international treaty, there is always room for diversity in interpretation. If the right to interpret the Treaty provisions and other Community legislation had been vested in Member States, the EU would have been nothing different but just another international treaty nicely falling within the general system of public international law, where no contracting party can be bound against its will. The EU is unique to have the European Court of Justice which, unlike any other international tribunals, has a compulsory jurisdiction and an exclusive authority to interpret the Community legislation at least, with respect to the first pillar of the EU. By widely interpreting the EC legislation and relying not just on the text, but also on the spirit of the Treaty, the European Court of Justice has actually developed its own doctrine which is now seen as one of the important sources of the Community law. This doctrine has played a crucial role in implementing EU policies, since the text of the Treaty and other Community legislation cannot cover in detail all aspects of integration. Despite the instability of its development, the EU remains by far more efficient that any other possible alternatives. The EU is a major achievement and is still on the move. IGCs being clearly inter-state negotiations bear little resemblance to classical diplomatic conferences reworking international treaties. European Treaty reform is perhaps better looked at as the constitutional process with an integral role being played by the representatives of the people, both at national and European level.

  • 770. HDD Utility
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Что хочется отметить в первую очередь: как и MHDD, о которой мы говорили ранее, программа использует доступ к диску на низком уровне, непосредственно через порты контроллера, и на время работы создает свой собственный обработчик INT 13h. Это выгодно отличает ее от программ использующих доступ через INT 13h BIOS, так как позволяет получить результаты независящие от конкретной реализации INT 13h в BIOS и соответственно более точные. Собственно это касается и других способов доступа к диску: прямой доступ непосредственно через порты останется самым точным и надежным. Как утверждает автор, результаты измерения производительности HDD, полученные при помощи HDD UTILity, одинаковы для конкретного винчестера и практически не зависят ни от особенностей компьютера в целом, ни, тем более, от содержимого этого винчестера. Максимальная погрешность измерений не превышает 2%. Впрочем, в первую очередь HDD Utility нам интересна средствами конфигурирования и ремонта, а не бенчмарками, хотя и ими тоже.

  • 771. Henry Ford

    Ford was active in several other fields besides those of automobile and airplane manufacturing. In 1915 he chartered a peace ship, which carried him and a number of like-minded individuals to Europe, where they attempted without success to persuade the belligerent governments to end World War I. He was nominated for the office of U.S. senator from Michigan in 1918 but was defeated in the election. In the following year he erected the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit at a cost of $7.5 million. In 1919 he became the publisher of the Dearborn Independent, a weekly journal, which at first published anti-Semitic material. After considerable public protest, Ford directed that publication of such articles be discontinued and that a public apology be made to the Jewish people.

  • 772. Henry Ford
    Иностранные языки
  • 773. Henry VIII examinational essay by


    • Hans Holbein (1497-1543)* - the German painter. Known as Hans Holbein Jr.
    • the Battle of Spurs** was held on the 16th of August, 1513 a.d. During it the French cavalry fled because of the advancing armies of Henry VIII and Maximilian I.
    • Thomas Wolsey (1473-1530)***, Chancellor of England since 1515 till 1529. Since 1514 - the Archbishop of York, since 1515 - the Cardinal. In 1529 he was arrested for treason.
    • Wittemberg**** - the Saxon city where in 1517 Luther read his 95 thesises against the Catholic Church.
    • the Reformation***** - the movement against the Ca-tholic Church in Western and Central Europe. It's crea-tor was Luther.
    • Martin Luther (1483-1546)****** - the leader of the Re-formation. He also translated the Bible into German.
    • John Wickliffe (1330-1384)******* - the English refor-mator. He said that the Pope was not necessary and wan-ted the Church to abandon its lands.
    • Thomas More (1487 - 1535)******** - the great lawer and political leader, was against the Reformation. Being a writer, he created "Utopia". Anne Boleyn, the second wife of the King, knowing that More had helped the King to dismiss Catherine of Aragon, caused Henry to execute this clever and honest Chancellor of England.
    • Act of Six Articles*********. Was written in 1539. It abolished the monasteries and showed that England was interested in religion and that damage inflicted to the Church was a crime. So, many Protestants were executed.
  • 774. Hieronymus Bosch
    Культура и искусство

    Bosch is one of the most mysterious painters in the world. The attitude toward him has changed through years. His contemporaries thought that he was a strange man, who paint fantastic pictures, frightful and funny at the same time. His paintings became very popular in Spain and in Portugal. In Portugal there are the most good collections of paintings of Bosch. There are thousands of books about Bosch and his works. References to astrology, folklore, witchcraft, and alchemy, in addition to the theme of the Antichrist and episodes from the lives of exemplary saints, are all woven together by Bosch into a labyrinth of late medieval Christian iconography. Some scientists think that Bosch was a forerunner of the surrealism. Some think he was a real catholic, some that he was an atheist. From his paintings we can understand that he was a very well educated person, he knew Bible and lots of other books of past and present, he also new lots of folk legends. He was good at science, medicine, astrology and even alchemy. We can say that he also knew music because we can find lots of musical instruments on his pictures. Scholars differ in their interpretation of Bosch's art, but most agree that his pictures show a preoccupation with the human propensity for sin in defiance of God, as well as with God's eternal damnation of lost souls in hell as a fateful consequence of human folly. The main theme of his paintings was the opposition of Good and Evil, of God and Devil, of life and death.

  • 775. Higher Education in The U.K.
  • 776. Hippie

    Other beliefs that spring from our core philosophy are: an earthy spirituality such as a belief in Gaia (the earth as an organism), the Greens movement (political activism), even shamanism and vegetarianism. These philosophical and political works reflect a respect for nature and the planet as a whole, something lacking in our capitalistic and materialistic societies. The world needs hippies to point out alternatives to the entrenched system and warn of the impending disasters that await us if we dont change our lifestyles. The goal is not to make everyone a hippie (what would we have to protest?). Rather we can try to influence others by example, through tolerance and love and teaching the virtues of the hippie way.

  • 777. Hippie Fashion
    Иностранные языки

    The elements that went into the hippy wardrobe were only limited by their psychedelic imaginations. Bellbottoms ruled the day, from striped, to blue jeans to patchwork, to hip huggers, even leather pants were popular. Tops ran the gamut from Nehru shirts, to brightly colored African dashikis and Middle Eastern caftans, to halter tops, tie dyes, and frilly, silky shirts for men! Women wore saris from India and sarongs from Bali and Java. Velvet, leather, batik, denim, Indian cotton and silk were all popular fabrics. Op art, paisleys and psychedelic designs appeared on clothes, occasionally making themdizzy! Footwear ranged from the basic sandal and Birkenstocks to zippered boots, platforms and bright patent leather shoes. Peasant dresses, long skirts and layering were also very popular.

  • 778. Historical measurement of the science of governing
    Иностранные языки

    Ницше has given to political technologists «the easy recipe» manufactures at a government wheel «the great person of crowd». He advised, that under any conditions it is necessary to deliver to crowd that to it is rather pleasant, or at first «to hammer to it into the head», that this or that would be pleasant, and then to give it. But at all at once, on the contrary, it is necessary to win it with the greatest pressure or to pretend, that you win. At crowd the impression should be made, that before it mighty and even invincible will power, or, at least, should seem, that such force exists. Everyone because at anybody she is not present admires with strong will, and everyone says to itself (himself), that if it possessed it, for it and for its egoism there would be no borders. And if it is found out, that such strong will carries out something rather pleasant to crowd instead of listening to desires of the avidity with it even more admire and with it congratulate itself. In the rest such person should to have all qualities of crowd: then she will be ashamed, nevertheless, before it, and it especially will be popular.

  • 779. History of Basketball

    Several events in the 1930s spurred the growth of the game as a spectator sport and at the same time made basketball more exciting for the players. The first of these came in the 1932-33 season (basketball seasons tend to run from Autumn through to Spring) rules designed to speed up play were adopted. It became mandatory, under penalty of losing possession, to move the ball past midcourt in less than ten seconds. In addition, no player was permitted to remain within the foul lanes for more than three seconds. Then in 1934 a New York sportswriter, Ned Irish, persuaded the promoters at New York's Madison Square Garden, a large arena, to schedule doubleheaders between college teams. These events proved successful, and similar promotions followed in other cities. Before long, colleges began building their own arenas for basketball. Another significant advance occurred in 1936, when a Stanford University team traveled from California to a Madison Square Garden promotion to challenge the eastern powers in the "cradle of basketball." Opponents and fans were stunned by the Stanford style of shooting--one-handed while jumping, which contrasted to the prevalent method of taking two-handed shots while standing still. One Stanford player, Hank Luisetti, was so adept at the "jump shot" that he could outscore an entire opposing team. The new style gained universal acceptance, and basketball scores rose remarkably. In the 1937-38 season the center jump following each field goal was eliminated. At the end of the next season, Madison Square Garden brought in college teams from around the nation for the National Invitation Tournament (NIT), a postseason playoff that was adopted (1939) on a wider scale by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Although the NIT is still held annually, the NCAA tournament serves as the official intercollegiate championship. The University of Kentucky (coached, 1930-72, by Adolph Rupp), St. John's (in New York), the University of North Carolina, Western Kentucky, Kansas University, and Indiana University have been among the leading college basketball teams for years. From 1964 to 1975 the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), coached by John Wooden and led by the centers Lew Alcindor and Bill Walton, dominated the intercollegiate play-offs, winning the title an unprecedented 10 times in 12 years. The 1,250 college teams in the United States now draw about 30 million spectators per season. Although women have played the game since the 1890s, and even though a few states (Iowa, for instance) have shown great participatory and spectator interest in secondary-school women's basketball for some decades, significant growth and serious recognition of women's basketball in the United States and elsewhere did not occur until the 1970s. Almost all U.S. states now hold girls' high school tournaments, and basketball is the fastest-growing women's intercollegiate sport.

  • 780. History of Homeschooling in USA
    Иностранные языки

    Аt thе hеаrt оf thе cоmmеrcіаl prоlіfеrаtіоn оf hоmеschооlіng rеsоurcеs such аs currіculum, tеxt bооk аnd scіеncе еquіpmеnt vеndоrs аrе оvеrwhеlmіngly rеlіgіоusly cоnsеrvаtіvе cоmpаnіеs such аs Gоd's Wоrld Bооks, Аbеkа аnd Lіfеpаc. Thе mоst vіsіblе аnd оutspоkеn оf cоntеmpоrаry hоmеschооlіng аdvоcаtеs іs thе Hоmе Schооl Lеgаl Dеfеnsе Аssоcіаtіоn (HSLDА), а stаunchly cоnsеrvаtіvе cоllеctіоn оf lеgаl еаglеs whо hоld іt іs thеіr mіssіоn (whеn prоpеrly rеtаіnеd), "tо prеsеrvе аnd аdvаncе thе fundаmеntаl, Gоd-gіvеn, cоnstіtutіоnаl rіght оf pаrеnts аnd оthеrs lеgаlly rеspоnsіblе fоr thеіr chіldrеn tо dіrеct thеіr еducаtіоn..." rеlyіng оn "twо fundаmеntаl frееdоms-pаrеntаl rіghts аnd rеlіgіоus frееdоm." Rеlіgіоus cоnsеrvаtіvеs rоutіnеly clаіm hоmеschооlіng аs thеіr оwn, pоіntіng іncrеаsіngly tо thе "fоur pіllаrs оf hоmеschооlіng," thе dоubtful tіtlе оf fоur rеlаtіvеly wеll knоwn, lаrgеly cоnsеrvаtіvе аnd HSLDА аssоcіаtеd fіgurеs whо hаvе sоmеhоw cоmе tо tаkе crеdіt fоr thе mоdеrn hоmеschооlіng mоvеmеnt.