
  • 901. Leadership GAP - инструмент для создания лидеров будущего

    Для того чтобы оценить степень готовности современных руководителей к сложностям и задачам будущего, целью второго этапа стало понимание сильных сторон и ограничений современных руководителей. Для этого участников исследования попросили оценить развитие компетенций у руководителей своего уровня, которое они демонстрируют в настоящее время, и степень развития, которую они должны демонстрировать, чтобы быть максимально эффективными на своем рабочем месте. Анализ показал, что независимо от страны пребывания или отрасли производства у респондентов по всем представленным 20 компетенциям наблюдается определенный дефицит развития компетенций для успеха.

  • 902. Leonhard Euler

    The Prize of 1727 went to Bouguer, an expert on mathematics relating to ships, but Euler's essay won him second place which was a fine achievement for the young graduate. However, Euler now had to find himself an academic appointment and when Nicolaus(II) Bernoulli died in St Petersburg in July 1726 creating a vacancy there, Euler was offered the post which would involve him in teaching applications of mathematics and mechanics to physiology. He accepted the post in November 1726 but stated that he did not want to travel to Russia until the spring of the following year. He had two reasons to delay. He wanted time to study the topics relating to his new post but also he had a chance of a post at the University of Basel since the professor of physics there had died. Euler wrote an article on acoustics, which went on to become a classic, in his bid for selection to the post but he was nor chosen to go forward to the stage where lots were drawn to make the final decision on who would fill the chair. Almost certainly his youth (he was 19 at the time) was against him. However Calinger suggests:-

  • 903. Les problemes des parties du discours en francais

    Les 3 criteres qui sont a la base de al distinction des parties du discours sont intimement lies entre eux. Cest le sens categoriel qui determine les categories morphologiques et les fonctions syntaxiques du mot. En fin de compte, les parties du discours se determinent par leur valeur denominative, cest-a-dire par ce que les mots representent et par la facon dont ils le representent. Selon le mode de denomination on distingue les parties du discours essentielles et subsidaires. Les premieres refletent la realite et nomment les choses dune facon discontinue, independante et directe. Les parties du discours subsidaires designent la realite globalement (interjections, mots-phrases), de facon non-independante ou indirecte. Selon le caractere des objets refletes, on distingue, parmi les parties du discours essentielles, les verbes, les substantifs, les adjectifs, les adverbes et les numeraux, qui expriment respectivement les substances, les processus (actions, etats), les caracteristiques des substances ou des processus et les nombres. On compte 4 classes de mots-outils en francais: determinatifs (article), prepositions, conjonctions, particules. Ainsi on trouve 12 parties du discours en francais (5 essentielles, 7 subsidaires).

  • 904. Lessons from Russia's parliamentary early twentieth century
    Иностранные языки

    Consistent implementation of the principles proclaimed on October 17 could lead to the design of the constitutional order. However, in late 1905 - early 1906 enacts a number of limiting civil liberties "temporary rules". In April 1906, the text appears in the new edition of "Basic state laws. Because of this "Code of Nicholas II" disappears definition of power of the monarch as unlimited, but remains its symbol - obviously ambiguous - as "autocratic". The most radical 86-I article "Code" reads: "No new law can not follow without the approval of the State Council and State Duma and absorb force without the approval of the emperor", ie for the monarch has the final say, and not determined by the necessary procedures advance the bill in case of disagreement with the Emperor. Next 87 article provided an opportunity in the event of termination or interruption of the Duma and State Council to conduct debates in the Council of Ministers, with subsequent confirmation by the king in the form of "His Majesty's orders, take effect immediately. And the king retained the right to interrupt the meeting of the Duma and the State Council. Emperor could not enforce the laws in the form of individually approved by the "acts of top management" [2, c.139]. In the exclusive jurisdiction of the autocrat were the foreign policy, finances, army and navy, the appointment to senior posts in the government bureaucracy. All other public institutions were of secondary nature. Nominally, reminiscent of some West European counterparts, Russia's parliament (State Duma - the lower "chamber plus the State Council - " upper "chamber) really is not. Not institutionally integrated, functionally, these "house" opposed to each other.

  • 905. Lexical unit
    Иностранные языки

    a simple sentence there are two lexical-semantic variants in the word like - comparative and contrast. The word like in the sense of refinement doesn't have synonymous parallels with comparative-contrastive like.the constructions the word like isn't independent part of the sentence. All structures like + X function as secondary part of the sentence: attributive or adverbial contest, and also is a nominal part of the predicate.contrastive like is characterized by intersection of four parts of speech: preposition, adjective, adverb and conjunction.prepositions the word like draws the possibility of combining with nouns, adjectives, pronouns, gerunds, numerals. There is also presence of case valence and duplex syntactic relations which are mostly in binomial word combinations which are formed according to the model «pivotal word + like + dependent word».word like together with the input construction like prepositional phrase is characterized by the mobility of positions in the sentence. These prepositional phrases and constructions with the word like can have predicative, attributive and adverbial characteristics., the possibility of the word like to form the word form unlike and the combination much (more, less) + like doesn't allow to attribute it to preposition.adjectives the word like draw the presence of prefix in the structure of the word and also the possibility to form the degree of comparison., the word like is characterized by the right distribution which is not typical for adjectives.combinations Adj + N the article is used before the adjective, but in the combination like + N the article is used before the noun but not before like.adverbs the word like has possibility to follow after participle in the participle constructions, presence of prefix un in the structure of the word, possibility to form degree of comparison with the help of words much, more, less., there is a compatibility for the word like which adverbs don't have. As it is known, adverbs doesn't combine with nouns, but the construction like + N is very productive. Unlike adverbs which have unilateral connection, the word like has bilateral connection. Adverbs and adjectives are parts of sentences. The word like isn't part of sentence.conjunctions the word like draw the possibility of comparative phrase which refers to verbal predicate to be expanded into the subordinate clause.is impossible to attribute the comparative-contrastive like to any morphologic class because it has the character of morphologic syncretism.word like with the meaning of refinement doesn't have synonymic parallels with comparative-contrastive and functions as the word which introduces the enumeration. Here like has conjunctional function.of grammatical and semantical structure of composite sentences with the parts which are input with the clip like allows to affirm that they are grammatical and function in modern English. They are represented by three types of compound sentences - comparative-contrastive, commenting - valuating and qualificatory meaning. Casual and modal characteristics plays an important role in the realization of syntactic relations. The clip like functions as conjunction.

  • 906. Lexicology. Different dialects and accents of English

    Speaking about the historic causes of these deviations it is necessary to mention that American English is based on the language imported to the new continent at the time of the first settlements, that is on the English of the 17th century. The first colonies were founded in 1607, so that the first colonizers were contemporaries of Shakespeare, Spenser and Milton. Words which have died out in Britain, or changed their meaning may survive in the USA. Thus, I guess was used by Chaucer for I think. For more than three centuries the American vocabulary developed more or less independently of the British stock and, was influenced by the new surroundings. The early Americans had to coin words for the unfamiliar fauna and flora. Hence bull-frog 'a large frog', moose (the American elk), oppossum, raccoon (an American animal related to the bears), for animals; and corn, hickory, etc. for plants. They also had to find names for the new conditions of economic life: back-country 'districts not yet thickly populated', back-settlement, backwoods 'the forest beyond the cleared country', backwoodsman 'a dweller in the backwoods'.

  • 907. Lexicology. Word structure in Modern English
  • 908. Lexico-semantic characteristics of business letter correspondence

    "The figures must be approved" are obscure ones leaving unsettled who it is that delivers, who decides, and who does the approving. Which side it is to be? Lawsuits are the plausible outcome of leaving it all unsettled. Passives used in contracts can destroy the whole negotiations. "You will deliver" is better for it identifies the one who will do delivering. Certainly, "must be approved by us" violates other canons. "We shall have the right but not the obligation to approve" is less unfortunate. There is no doubt that passives do not suit business letters, and if they go all the way through without adding something like "by you" or "by us" they are intolerable. Once in a long while one may find passives used purposely to leave something unresolved. In those circumstances they will be in class with "negotiate in good faith", which I've examined earlier.

  • 909. Lexico-semantical Peculiarities of Edgar Allan Poe’s tales
    Иностранные языки

    LONELINESS: loneliness, solitude, separation; alone, singular, lonesome, sole. most Edgar Poes tales a motive of death is significantly felt. This theme was popular in the literature of American South, as it reflected the depression of decay of the Virgin Renascence period, affirmed the idea of inevitable destruction of the whole Splendid, Beautiful in the times of worship money flourishing. To some extent the Edgar Poes frantic world became the reflection of the reality, but the theme of death takes a psychological aspect the writers creative work. It is also interesting that death in Edgar Poes artistic system becomes an aesthetic category and isnt perceived as only biological phenomenon. The writer considers the notion death as a symbol and even a special state of human consciousness. Some heroes admit that they do not fell the boundaries between the life and death; they imagine the death to themselves as a special form of existance of human spirit. Hence the motives of life, death, immortality ideal of the Elation, Beauty, drifting, create a certain complex unity. The very atmosphere of horror, despair, solitude, deadlock move the reader into the unique fantastic world of thoughts and feelings. The category of death in Edgar Poes artistic system doesnt call any disgust, fear, on the contrary, it inspires the reader for the higher feelings and reflection about the sense of life. Callridge was right without any doubt, when he said that E. Poe gives his readers satisfaction from the delight of extraordinary magnificence of artificial horror.reading the Edgar Poes tales, we can always feel, that some powerful forces operate the life and destiny of the heroes. The presence of deep mystery is seen, which attracts the readers attention and calls peculiar elation and mental excitement in him. As a rule the reader endeavours to penetrate into the very essence of events, open the mystery, find the internal forces that rule them, but very often he leaves helpless in the face of the sacrament of existance: the author never gives unambiguous simple answer. We feel the internal fight of mysterious forces in every tale, and realize, hat the writer plunges into the essence of human existance, admiring and charming the reader. The frequent usage of the words God, Saint, Seraph, Heaven and others are the evidence of not the depth of writers religiousness, not of the useless human efforts and not of determinacy of the mans destiny, but most probably of the complexity of that ties, with which it is connected with the world. E. Poe always tried to realize the eternal problems of being, which worried the whole generations of great thinkers.evidence of this may be the usage of the lexical units, which have the common theme "mystery, superhuman, forces", which helps to create the elated tone in his tales. These are the following words and word combinations:, Divine Father, the Mighty Ruler of the Universe, Soul in Paradise, Heaven, Seraph, saint, angel, spirit, shadow, omnipresence, omnipotence, demon, destiny, fatality, fate, doom, futility, spell, mystery, riddle, secret, marvel, enchantment; mystic, Magical, phantasmagoric, superhuman, beyond human control, unnatural, fantastic, unreal, uncommon.. Poes psychological tales are marked with the solemnity and well-groundness. They are characterized by the philosophical depth and wide scale of the comprehension of problems. In the form of expression it shows itself in the frequent usage of abstract vocabulary: beauty, good, evil, being, existence, universe, Life, material world, spirit, Humanity, Time, limitless, nothingness, plentitude, abstraction.the world literature E. Poe is considered to be an unsurpassed master of creation the hard, sullen atmosphere. Considering that the surroundings of human being has a psychological influence on her, forms her emotions, feelings and mood, the writer very often goes into detailed description of houses, interiors, scenes. Every, even the smallest, detail in the decoration of interior, the unnoticeable at first sight subjects, serve for the creation of the general atmosphere and are a part of a whole.typical elements for such descriptions of architecture and interiors are the following attributive word combinations:abbey, melancholy House of Usher, misty-looking house, quaint and old building, prison-like rampart, mansion of gloom, bizarre architecture, comfortless and antique chamber, a large and lofty room, dark, high, turret-chamber, remote turret, dark and intricate passage, the Gothic archway of the hall, wilderness of narrow passages, vacant, eye-like windows, bleak wall, ebony blackness of the floors, smooth slim and cold wall, massy doors, ponderous gate; sable draperies, dark tapestries, fringed curtains of black velvet, gloomy furniture, gigantic sarcophagus of black granite, phantasmagoric armorial trophies, manifold and multiform armorial trophies.only the placement of fanciful subjects, that surround the heroes, plays a great role in the creation of general atmosphere, but also the light, sounds, even the movement of the air, which creates the impression of extraordinary things and mystery of everything that takes place.author pays a special attention to the depiction of the light. In the tales he clearly warps the reality and the ordinary feeling of environment, though the action always stays in the boundaries of the reality. The light creates a special effect and mood, hiding some and opening the other details. As a rule, these are the darkened and somehow sullen beams, which correspond to the general atmosphere of helplessness, downcast and depressed state. The examples may be the following word combinations:gleams of ancrimsoned light; some faint ray of light; wild sulphurous lustre; ghastly luster; the rays of the numerous candles; gleam and the radiance of the full, blood-red, setting moon; a blood of intense rays rolled throughout.the climaxes of Edgar Poes tales one and the same sound is repeated all the time, which cannot concentrate attention and raise the too tense atmosphere. For example:sharp, grating sound, certain low and indefinite sounds, the echo of the very cracking and ripping sound, a low and apparently distant, but sharp, protracted, and most unusual screaming, a distant, hollow, metallic, and clangorous, jet apparently muffled reverberation, an indistinct murmur.great attention is paid to the scene also, because, as a rule, E. Poes personages are isolated from the external world, and lead unsociable life, being plunged into their own thoughts and emotions. Thats why the situation of depressed state has peculiar psychological influence on the all heroes. The main personage of Edgar Poes tales is a man with his own passions and thoughts. On the pages of the writers works we meet rather different people. For the creation of human characters the literary artist widely uses the words and word combinations, united with common theme traits of character, and also the units of moral-estimated vocabulary, such as:, resolution, audacity, stern nature, Ardor, elevated character, spirituality, extravagance, penetration, sagacity, arrogance, vanity, virtue, faithfulness, cordiality, warmth, sincerity, gentleness, turpitude, wickedness, evil propensities, rooted habits of vice, soulless dissipation.the one hand, the vocabulary, which determines the thinking activity of the man, takes an important place, but on the other hand - the one, which expresses human feelings and emotions. It should be pointed out, that rational and emotional things compose somehow two opposite poles of human existance. But here there is no contradiction, on the contrary, the complicated combination of rational and emotional in one character is peculiar to E. Poes novelistics, and turns out to be the authors merit. In the very writers individuality we find harmonial combination of ability to the logical consistent thinking and inclination to the untamed passions and unlimited imagination. Heart and mind - we always feel mutual influence of these two phenomena in the complicated displays of human mentality. E. Poes heroes, as their creator, are inclined to quick shift of feelings and mood, they are very emotional and at the same time - people of high intellect, prone to analytical thinking. Moreover some double meaning is shown here: on the one side - the heroes completely depend on the circumstances, they are the slaves of their own passions, on the other side they are capable to appreciate the situation soberly in the even seeming hopeless conditions. E. Poe widely uses the vocabulary of rational and emotional aspects, creating the effect of fantasy and at the same time explaining everything that happens rationally, taking into account mutual condition of all phenomena in the world. Among the lexical units, that mean the process of thinking, the most frequent are: , reflection, reason, research, curiosity, thought, mind, brain, fancy, superstition, analysis, consideration, intellect, intelligence, mental existence, attention; to forget, to mean, to suspect, to conclude, to come to a decision.emotions and feelings of the human being are conveyed with the help of the following lexical units:, feeling, mood, bitterness, hopelessness, melancholy, grief, sympathy, pity, sorrow, temptation, animosity, depression, tumult, commotion, rage, vexation, ecstasy, glee, excitement.his tales, E. Poe deeply investigates the psychological and physical state of the human being in the extreme situations, when all her feelings are aggravated to the brim. The writer is the master of conveying human feelings perception of the environment, sometimes it even seems, that not the hero, but the reader perceives the world depicted in the tales. We feel the abruptness, inconsistence of impressions, lapses of humans memory and consciousness, exhausted from long sufferings. The question about the verge of being and not being, about the sense of being emerges here. Person, who wasnt on the verge of death, will never appreciate the Beauty and Charm of Life. The author often observed his heroes, who are in "the state of seeming nothingness"; mental and physical state of heroes in different situations is conveyed through such lexical units, as:, nervousness, tremour, iceness, dreariness, madness, stupor, mental disorder, intoxication, the elate of seeming nothingness, agony, swoon, delirium, confusion of mind, haziness, insensibility, imbecility, sickness, fit, unconsciousness; to unnerve, to dream, to faint.. Poes personages are, as a rule, very talented people. Their spiritual world is complicated and many-sided. They admire theatre, music, and painting. They are creative personalities with their own peculiar seeing of events and rich inner life, and often they try to find their self-expression in the creative work. Wide usage of words and word combinations, which belong to the lexico-semantic group Arts in the E. Poes tales determined it, such as:, art, thing of art, image, improvisation, canvas, painting, vignette, background, frame, design, pallet, brush, reading, verses, ballad, rhyme, volume, guitar, rhapsodies.system of the vocabulary of the work of art is determined not only linguistic, but also extralinguistic factors: thematic directivity of the tales, peculiarities of the depicted material, ideology, authors aesthetic works, his creative manner. Such approach allowed to understand deeply Edgar Allan Poes creative idea, ideal contents and aesthetic intentions.

  • 910. Liberal and democratic political modes in a modern world
    Иностранные языки
  • 911. Linux
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Рисунок 1. Open Linux Standard компании Caldera Systems входит в состав линии продуктов Open Linux и имеет богатый комплект коммерческих приложений: графическую оболочку Looking Glass, сервер FastTrack Web от Netscape и офисный пакет Star Office от StarDivision.Компания Caldera, основателем которой был бывший исполнительный директор Novell Рэй Ноорда, тесно сотрудничает с Novell и имеет сильную поддержку NetWare. Вместе с тем недавно выпущенный продукт NetWare for Linux вряд ли можно назвать удачным, так как он дорог и к тому же запоздал с выходом. Несмотря на клиентскую поддержку NetWare (стандартную, мощную, с таблицей связей Linux и инструментарием управления NDS), этого может оказаться недостаточно для продажи продукта. Хорошая поддержка клиентов и серверов NetWare уже включена в операционную систему Linux. Например, Mars_nwe (его код свободно доступен) эмулирует сервер NetWare 3.х, распространяя службы файлов и печати IPX/SPX на имеющихся клиентов NetWare. (Одно из предложений Caldera, OpenLinux Standard, приводится в качестве примера на Рисунке 1. Продукт имеет клиентскую поддержку NetWare.)

  • 912. Linux, FreeBSD и другие
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Именно данное обстоятельство и обусловило наш выбор операционных систем. Если с некоммерческими UnixWare и Solaris проблем не возникло - мы их получили в российских представительствах SCO и Sun, то бесплатные ОС было решено сначала приобрести на радиорынках. Здесь мы обнаружили массу всевозможных свободно распространяемых ОС: Caldera OpenLinux, Debian GNU/Linux, LinuxPPC, LinuxWare, RedHat Linux, Slackware Linux, S.u.S.E. Linux, TurboLinux, Yggdrasil Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD. Однако более детальное знакомство с некоторыми из них нас полностью разочаровало: они не годились для изучения системы. Поэтому мы решили найти официальные дистрибутивы свободно распространяемых ОС. В результате тестируемых систем оказалось немного: FreeBSD 2.2.6 и Slackware Linux 3.5 нам предоставила компания LКомпьюЛинк¦, а дистрибутив RedHat Linux 5.0 был получен через книжный салон компании LФольком¦. Поскольку указанные версии FreeBSD и RedHat несколько устарели, мы приобрели на радиорынке и испытали и более новые их версии (на самом деле это были лишь урезанные версии полных дистрибутивов).

  • 913. Literary analysis of "Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw

    to a Greek myth, Pygmalion, an ancient sculptor living on Cyprus Island, worshipped the goddess of love, Venus. The local women disgusted him, so sculpted himself the perfect one-Galatea. Higgins undertakes a similar project, to sculpt a duchess by changing the appearance and the manners of a flower girl. In his "Pygmalion," Shaw teases his audience, foreshadowing a Cinderella-like romantic play. He further mocks the audience by allowing Higgins to be the fairy godmother of this romance, creating his "Cinderella" out of a simple flower girl. After the ball, however, it becomes clear that Eliza is as a better person than Higgins. Shaw makes his audience realize that just like Cinderella, Eliza was a duchess even when her appearance and spoken word were that of a flower girl. Shaw further manifests that her father will always remain a bum regardless of his finances or appearance, and Higgins will live the rest of his life as an impolite bachelor who cares for nothing but his work. By changing the appearance and the social class of his characters while keeping their personalities constant, Shaw makes a critical point-- people can only change their image, popularity and wealth, but will always remain the same on the inside. The character of Alfred Doolittle, Eliza's father remains unchanged throughout the play. Shaw depicts him as a bum, in Doolittle's first appearance in act II, who literally sells his daughter for some inconsiderable amount of money. He is presented as a lowlife nobody, who likes to drink and does not like to have any responsibilities. When he appears in act five, however, Shaw dresses him as a gentleman and gives him the wealth of a millionaire. Doolittle's works of life, however, remain unchanged. Having money, forces him to accept responsibility, which he clearly regards as a burden. He longs for the days when he drank without a single care in the world. Shaw emphasizes that his character does not change regardless of his new social status. Shaw is very specific filling Higgins' character as an impolite workaholic whom cares about nothing, other than his phonetics. From the begging of the play, he only talks about his work, bragging that he can tell anyone's birthplace within six miles by his or her dialect. This continues through to the end of the play, when he is more enraged that his "creation" will work for his rival and teach phonetics than the fact that Eliza is leaving him for a dumber but kinder Freddy. Higgins lives in a lab with "a student of Indian dialects," Colonel Pickering. Higgins' manners force even his mother to be ashamed of him in front of her guests and in church where this student of Milton enjoys mocking the dialect of clergymen. It is clear that Higgins does not care about his mother's opinion of him. He does not care about Eliza; he turns her world upside down, creating a duchess but continues to treat her like a guinea pig rather than a person. Higgins does not even care about himself. He always has and always will care only about his work. The theme of Shaw's "Pygmalion" lies in such consistency. Higgins is professor of phonetics, a student of Milton and Shakespeare, an imprudent and inconsiderate bachelor, forever. Shaw builds the character of Eliza from a simpleminded flower girl living on the street. In the opening act, Higgins shames her: "A woman who utters depressing and disgusting sounds has no right to be anywhere, no right to live." She cries upon the simplest provocation. Just as it is difficult to picture this street bum with a flower basket, as a duchess, it is difficult to conceive how someone like Higgins with his grotesque manners can create a genteel duchess, especially from a girl off the street. But Higgins' "Cinderella" nevertheless triumphs at the ambassador's ball. Act four, however brings up an intense conflict between Eliza and Higgins. In this confrontation, Shaw portrays Eliza as an intelligent duchess whose manners and dress brought out her individuality. Her creator remains rude and continues to treat her as a guinea pig. Shaw forces his audience to sympathize with Eliza, whose character is intrinsically better than Higgins'. But how could this artificial creation, which has been intensely programmed to substitute morals for manners surpass her creator, the rude professor of phonetics? Eliza was a duchess before she ever met Higgins or Pickering. She was simply a slave to her poverty and only appeared to be simpleminded. Living with two "elite" men, she learned the best from each of them, bringing out her individuality. From Higgins, she learned how to speak correctly, and from the respect granted to her by Pickering, she learned to respect herself. Even her "creator" admits at the very end, she was "like a millstone around [his] neck, [n]ow [she] is a tower of strength, a consort battleship." Self respect makes the image of a flower girl off the street to evolve into an image of a duchess, nevertheless, the fact that she surpasses her "creator" proves that Eliza always remains the same person on the inside. Pygmalion (the sculptor) resembles Higgins only on the surface, he builds the perfect woman, while Higgins simply gives a poor duchess an opportunity to change her image. Similarly, all Shaw's characters in "Pygmalion," change only on the surface (if at all); they remain the same people on the inside regardless of circumstances. As an unknown ancient writer wrote: "Popularity is an accident, money takes wings, those who cheer you today may defame you tomorrow, the only thing that endures is character."

  • 914. Lithium
    Иностранные языки


    1. Fraser Cain (16th Aug 2006). "Why Old Stars Seem to Lack Lithium". http://www.universetoday.com/2006/08/16/why-old-stars-seem-to-lack-lithium/.
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    3. Leonid S. Marochnik, Anwar Shukurov, Igor Yastrzhembsky, (1996). The Milky Way Galaxy. Taylor & Francis. pp. 4246. ISBN 2881249310. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=uRgWHDGpKZIC&printsec=frontcover#PPA42,M1.
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  • 915. LL(k)-грамматики
    Компьютеры, программирование

    ПРМ: Пусть G состоит из правил S?aAS|b, A?a|bSA. Интуитивно G является LL(1)- грамматикой, потому что, коль скоро дан самый левый нетерминал С в левовыводимой цепочке и следующий входной символ с, существует не более одного правила, применимого к С и приводящего к терминальной цепочке, начинающейся символом с. Переходя к определению LL(1)- грамматики, мы видим, что если S?wSa`?wb`a`?wx и S?wSa`?wc`a`?wy и цепочки x и y начинаются одним и тем же символом , то должно быть b`=c`. В данном случае если x и y начинаются символом a, то в выводе участвовало правило S?aAS и b`=c`=aAS. Альтернатива S?b здесь невозможна. С другой стороны, если x и y начинаются с b, то должно применяться правило S?b и b`=c`=b. Заметим, что случай x=y=e здесь невозможен, так как из S в грамматике G не выводится e.

  • 916. London
    Иностранные языки
  • 917. London (Places to Visit)
    Иностранные языки

    Across the river from London Bridge is The City of London, the financial district of the capital. The City has its own historic delights such as the Tower of London and St Pauls Cathedral. The Tower of London was built during the 11th century by William the Conqueror. It was the Royal Residence until the 17th century. The Tower f London has 19 towers. There you can see the famous Crown Jewels in the Jewel House. St Pauls Cathedral, the greatest Church of England, was built in the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren. There are a lot of memorials in the cathedral including those to Wellington and Admiral Nelson.

  • 918. London history
    Иностранные языки

    London - the capital of Great Britain When we think of Paris, Rome. Madrid, Lisbon and other European capitals, we think of them as cities. When we think of the whole of modern London, the capital city of England and the United Kingdom, that great area covering several hundred square kilometres, we do not think of it as a city. not even as a city and its suburbs. Modem London is not one city that has steadily become larger through the centuries; it is a number of cities. towns, and villages that have, during the past centuries, grown together to make one vast urban area. London is situated upon both banks of the River Thames, it is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest in the world. Its population is about 7 million people. London dominates the life of Britain. It is the chief port of the country and the most important commercial, manufacturing and cultural centre. There is little heavy industry in London, but there is a wide range of light industry in Greater London. London consists of three parts: the City of London, the West End and the East End. The City extends over an area of about 2.6 square kilometres in the heart of London. About half a million people work in the City but only less than 6000 live here. It is the financial centre of the UK with many banks, offices and Stock Exchange. But the City is also a market for goods of almost every kind, from all parts of the world. The West End can be called the centre of Tendon. Here are the historical palaces as well as the famous parks. Hyde Park with its Speakers Corner is also here. Among other parks are Kensington Gardens, St.Jamess Park. In the West End is Buckingham Palace. Which is the Queens residence, and the Palace of Westminster which is the seat of Parliament. The best-known streets here are Whitehall with important Government offices. Downing Street, the London residence of Prime Minister and the place where the Cabinet meets.

  • 919. MachCAD Знакомство с неизвестной программой (интерфейс программы)
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Графический процессор - служит для создания графиков. Он сочетает простоту общения с пользователем с большими возможностями графических средств. Графика ориентирована на решение типичных математических задач. Возможно быстрое изменение размеров графиков, наложение их на текстовые надписи и перемещение их в любое место документа. MathCAD автоматически поддерживает работу с математическим процессором. Последний заметно повышает скорость расчетов и вывода графиков, что существенно в связи с тем, что MathCAD всегда работает в графическом режиме. Это связано с тем, что только в этом режиме можно формировать на экране специальные математические символы и одновременно применять их вместе с графиками и текстом. MathCAD поддерживает работу со многими типами принтеров, а так же с плоттерами.

  • 920. Machines
    Транспорт, логистика

    К задним концам полурам прикреплены проушины 4, которые обеспечивают их шарнирное соединение с рамой 6 трактора с помощью опор 5. У кустореза ДП-24 рама к трактору прикреплена с помощью сферических упряжных шарниров. Отвал своим каркасом 7 опирается на раму 12 А образной формы, каждая балка которой сварена из двух угловых профилей. К поперечной балке приварено гнездо 11 для съемной головки. К боковым сторонам рамы отвала приварены подкладки, усиленные наклонными подкосами. На подкладках установлены ножи 9, закрепленные болтами с потайной головкой. Ножи взаимозаменяемые. В месте соединения правой и левой подкладок приварен носовой лист 13 для раскалывания пней и раздвигания сваленных деревьев, а также отбойник 14, предотвращающий поломку передних концов ножа. Каркас из уголков имеет листовую обшивку. Каркас с обшивкой образует отвальную поверхность для раздвигания срезанных деревьев и собирания их в валки.