
  • 981. MYSQL server
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Полезные замечания

    • Все потоки совместно используют ту же самую основную память.
    • MySQL в настоящее время не использует memmap. Это может изменяться.
    • Можно определять размер буфера для ключей при старте mysqld. Буфер ключей будет кэшировать все ключи во всех таблицах В ПОРЯДКЕ ПОСТУПЛЕНИЯ запросов (переменная keybuffer)
    • Каждое подключение использует некоторую часть потока, стек и буфер подключений (переменная net_buffer_length).
    • Каждый запрос, делающий последовательный просмотр записей в таблице, распределяет буфер чтений (переменная recordbuffer).
    • Каждый запрос, выполняющий сортировку, распределяет sortbuffer и один или два временных файла. Максимально необходимое дисковое пространство = (sort_key_length + sizeof(long))*2.
    • Все объединения выполняются за один проход, и результат сохраняется во временной таблице в памяти. Выполнение полного объединения и сортировки на двух больших таблицах может потребовать очень большого объема памяти.
    • Индексные файлы открываются один раз. Файлы данных открываются один раз для каждого параллельного потока. Каждый параллельный поток имеет полную таблицу struct и поле struct плюс память для трех полных строк столбцов. BLOB требует еще 5-8 байт.
    • Если таблица имеет BLOB, буфер будет распределен, чтобы читать данные BLOB. Этот буфер будет расти по мере необходимости, до размеров самого большого BLOB в таблице.
    • Когда таблица используется, она сохраняется в кэше. Этот кэш будет загружен и опорожнен В ПОРЯДКЕ ПОСТУПЛЕНИЯ запросов (FIFO). По умолчанию mysqld будет кэшировать 64 таблицы. Если много потоков обращаются к одной и той же таблице одновременно, будет иметься одна запись на поток. ТО ЕСТЬ, если два потока одновременно обращаются к той же самой таблице, будет две записи в кэше.
    • Команда mysqladmin reload закрывает все таблицы, которые не используются, и отмечает все используемые таблицы, которые будут закрыты, когда работающие потоки завершатся. Это позволяет эффективно использовать память, своевременно ее освобождая.
  • 982. Myth of managment
    Иностранные языки
  • 983. Nafta

    Kalbant apie NAFTA reikрmж pasaulio prekybai, galima skirti dvi nuomones: A) Vieni tyrinлtojai pasisako prieр regioninius prekybinius susitarimus ir laiko NAFTA neigiamu reiрkiniu. Anot jш, CUSTA ir NAFTA бrodo, jog yra “smarkiai” judama link tripoliario (trijш prekybiniш blokш) pasaulio. (Рiш blokш centrai: JAV, ES ir Japonija.) Рie blokai varюysis tarpusavyje, ko pasekoje didлs prekybiniш konfliktш tikimybл. Рios nuomonлs atstovai taip pat pabrлюia, kad regioniniш susitarimш daugлjimo rezultate susidarys fragmentuotas (prekybiniu poюiыriu) pasaulis, kuriame maюesnлs besivystanиios рalys, prisijungusios prie vieno iр рiш susitarimш, neteks “рansш” prekyboje su kitais didesniais regionais ir tai pristabdys jш ekonominб vystymasi. Taip pat teigiama, jog regionalizmas nesuderinamas su daugiaрalлs prekybos sistemos principais, nustatytais 1947m.. B) Kiti mokslininkai palaiko regioninius prekybinius susitarimus ir laikos juos pozityviais reiрkiniais. Todлl, anot jш, NAFTA’os reikрmл pasaulio ekonomikai pozityvi. Рios nuomonлs рalininkш argumentai: i) Regioniniai susitarimai skatina dinamiрkiausiа ir greiиiausiai auganиiа pasaulio prekybos dalб. Рis argumentas grindюiamas бspыdingais prekybos tarp “рaliш kaimyniш” augimo mаstais pasaulyje. ii) Regionalizmas yra nauja “atvirumo” (“openess”) prekyboje forma. iii) Рie regioniniai susitarimai, sudaromi laisva valia, bendrai paлmus prekybai padeda, nes рiш susitarimш pasekoje, iр tiesш, barjerai prekybai juk maюinami.

  • 984. Naming или «Наши на Западе»
    Реклама и PR

    Принятие решений зачастую растягивает работу на долгие месяцы. Сначала заказчику кажется, что существуют более удачные решения, затем, запутавшись в многообразии слов, знаков и цветов, заказчик перестает понимать, что он хочет. Дабы избежать этого, я предварительно оговариваю перечень требований и максимальное количество предлагаемых вариантов. Как правило, 3-5 концептуальных словесных, 3-5 концептуальных графических, 5-7 цветовых вариаций, 2 наиболее удачных делаем в различных вариантах использования - этого набора достаточно для разработки качественного знака.

  • 985. Nanoscience and nano-technology - cracking prodigal farming

    Nаnоscіеncе аnd іts аpplіеd sphеrе thаt іs knоwn аs nаnоtеchnоlоgy hаvе pоtеntіаl tо brіng thе nеxt rеvоlutіоnаry brеаkthrоugh іn аgrіculturаl-bіаsеd nаturаl rеsоurcе mаnаgеmеnt. Іt hаs ushеrеd аs а nеw іntеrdіscіplіnаry vеnturе-fіеld by cоnvеrgіng scіеncе аnd еngіnееrіng іntо аgrіculturе аnd fооd systеms (Аbdul-Kаlаm, 2007, Lаl, 2008). Еlеctrоn mіcrоscоpеs аrе іndіspеnsаblе tооls fоr thіs nаscеnt dіscіplіnе. Аlmоst аll еlеctrоn mіcrоscоpеs [Scаnnіng Еlеctrоn Mіcrоscоpе (SЕM), Trаnsmіssіоn Еlеctrоn Mіcrоscоpе (TЕM), аnd Аtоmіc Fоrcе Mіcrоscоpе (АFM)], аnd thеіr аttаchmеnts [е.g., Еnеrgy Dіspеrsіvе Spеctrоscоpе (ЕDS)] аrе usеd fоr sоіl study. Еlеctrоn wаvеs іn SЕM аnd TЕM аnd lаsеr bеаm іn АFM аrе usеd fоr cоаlеscіng mіcrоgrаphs. Sіncе thе wаvеlеngth оf еlеctrоn undеr nоrmаl cіrcumstаncеs іs 1 nm, vіеwіng іmаgеs оf smаll mаtеrіаls undеr ЕMs аrе grоssly tеrmеd аs nаnоscіеncе/nаnоtеchnоlоgy. Еnvіrоnmеntаl Prоtеctіоn Аgеncy оf US hаs dеfіnеd nаnоtеchnоlоgy аs thе undеrstаndіng аnd cоntrоl оf mаttеr аt dіmеnsіоns оf rоughly 1-100 nm, whеrе unіquе physіcаl prоpеrtіеs mаkе nоvеl аpplіcаtіоns pоssіblе (ЕPА, 2007). By thіs dеfіnіtіоn аll sоіl-clаys, mаny chеmіcаls dеrіvеd frоm sоіl оrgаnіc mаttеr (SОM), аnd sеvеrаl sоіl mіcrооrgаnіsms fаll іntо thіs cаtеgоry. Аpаrt frоm nаtіvе sоіl-mаtеrіаls, mаny nеw nаnоtеch prоducts аrе еntеrіng іntо sоіl systеm - sоmе оf whіch аrе usеd fоr аgrіculturаl prоductіоn аnd sоmе оthеrs fоr mаny оthеr purpоsеs. Thе аdvаntаgеs wіth ЕM аrе hіgh rеsоlutіоn іmаgіng, hіgh mаgnіfіcаtіоn, аnd grеаt dеpth оf fоcus.

  • 986. Nanotechnologies
    Иностранные языки

    In everything I have been describing, I have stuck closely to the demonstrated facts of chemistry and molecular biology. Still, people regularly raise certain questions rooted in physics and biology. These deserve more direct answers. ° Will the uncertainty principle of quantum physics make molecular machines unworkable? This principle states (among other things) that particles can't be pinned down in an exact location for any length of time. It limits what molecular machines can do, just as it limits what anything else can do. Nonetheless, calculations show that the uncertainty principle places few important limits on how well atoms can be held in place, at least for the purposes outlined here. The uncertainty principle makes electron positions quite fuzzy, and in fact this fuzziness determines the very size and structure of atoms. An atom as a whole, however, has a comparatively definite position set by its comparatively massive nucleus. If atoms didn't stay put fairly well, molecules would not exist. One needn't study quantum mechanics to trust these conclusions, because molecular machines in the cell demonstrate that molecular machines work. Will the molecular vibrations of heat make molecular machines unworkable or too unreliable for use? Thermal vibrations will cause greater problems than will the uncertainty principle, yet here again existing molecular machines directly demonstrate that molecular machines can work at ordinary temperatures. Despite thermal vibrations, the DNA-copying machinery in some cells makes less than one error in 100,000,000,000 operations. To achieve this accuracy, however, cells use machines (such as the enzyme DNA polymerase I) that proofread the copy and correct errors. Assemblers may well need similar error-checking and error-correcting abilities, if they are to produce reliable results. ° Will radiation disrupt molecular machines and render them unusable? High-energy radiation can break chemical bonds and disrupt molecular machines. Living cells once again show that solutions exist: they operate for years by repairing and replacing radiation-damaged parts. Because individual machines are so tiny, however, they present small targets for radiation and are seldom hit. Still, if a system of nanomachines must be reliable, then it will have to tolerate a certain amount of damage, and damaged parts must regularly be repaired or replaced. This approach to reliability is well known to designers of aircraft and spacecraft. ° Since evolution has failed to produce assemblers, does this show that they are either impossible or useless? The earlier questions were answered in part by pointing to the working molecular machinery of cells. This makes a simple and powerful case that natural law permits small clusters of atoms to behave as controlled machines, able to build other nanomachines. Yet despite their basic resemblance to ribosomes, assemblers will differ from anything found in cells; the things they do - while consisting of ordinary molecular motions and reactions - will have novel results. No cell, for example, makes diamond fiber. The idea that new kinds of nanomachinery will bring new, useful abilities may seem startling: in all its billions of years of evolution, life has never abandoned its basic reliance on protein machines. Does this suggest that improvements are impossible, though? Evolution progresses through small changes, and evolution of DNA cannot easily replace DNA. Since the DNA/RNA/ribosome system is specialized to make proteins, life has had no real opportunity to evolve an alternative. Any production manager can well appreciate the reasons; even more than a factory, life cannot afford to shut down to replace its old systems. Improved molecular machinery should no more surprise us than alloy steel being ten times stronger than bone, or copper wires transmitting signals a million times faster than nerves. Cars outspeed cheetahs, jets outfly falcons, and computers already outcalculate head-scratching humans. The future will bring further examples of improvements on biological evolution, of which second-generation nanomachines will be but one. In physical terms, it is clear enough why advanced assemblers will be able to do more than existing protein machines. They will be programmable like ribosomes, but they will be able to use a wider range of tools than all the enzymes in a cell put together. Because they will be made of materials far more strong, stiff, and stable than proteins, they will be able to exert greater forces, move with greater precision, and endure harsher conditions. Like an industrial robot arm - but unlike anything in a living cell - they will be able to rotate and move molecules in three dimensions under programmed control, making possible the precise assembly of complex objects. These advantages will enable them to assemble a far wider range of molecular structures than living cells have done. ° Is there some special magic about life, essential to making molecular machinery work? One might doubt that artificial nanomachines could even equal the abilities of nanomachines in the cell, if there were reason to think that cells contained some special magic that makes them work. This idea is called "vitalism." Biologists have abandoned it because they have found chemical and physical explanations for every aspect of living cells yet studied, including their motion, growth, and reproduction. Indeed, this knowledge is the very foundation of biotechnology. Nanomachines floating in sterile test tubes, free of cells, have been made to perform all the basic sorts of activities that they perform inside living cells. Starting with chemicals that can be made from smoggy air, biochemists have built working protein machines without help from cells. R. B. Merrifield, for example, used chemical techniques to assemble simple amino acids to make bovine pancreatic ribonuclease, an enzymatic device that disassembles RNA molecules. Life is special in structure, in behavior, and in what it feels like from the inside to be alive, yet the laws of nature that govern the machinery of life also govern the rest of the universe. ° The case for the feasibility of assemblers and other nanomachines may sound firm, but why not just wait and see whether they can be developed? Sheer curiosity seems reason enough to examine the possibilities opened by nanotechnology, but there are stronger reasons. These developments will sweep the world within ten to fifty years - that is, within the expected lifetimes of ourselves or our families. What is more, the conclusions of the following chapters suggest that a wait-and-see policy would be very expensive - that it would cost many millions of lives, and perhaps end life on Earth. Is the case for the feasibility of nanotechnology and assemblers firm enough that they should be taken seriously? It seems so, because the heart of the case rests on two well-established facts of science and engineering. These are (1) that existing molecular machines serve a range of basic functions, and (2) that parts serving these basic functions can be combined to build complex machines. Since chemical reactions can bond atoms together in diverse ways, and since molecular machines can direct chemical reactions according to programmed instructions, assemblers definitely are feasible.

  • 987. National Health Service in Great Britain
    Иностранные языки

    Weak points of the NHS

    1. One of the most important failures of the NHS lies in its artificial administrative division into the three branches of the hospital services, general medical services, and public health, without any integration at any level. There is very little relationship between the consultant in the hospitals, the general practitioner and the public health officer. This often leads to misunderstanding and mutual ignorance. In the end it is the patient who suffers in this artificial no mans land between the three divisions.
    2. Animal experimentation is under the control of the civil servants of the Home Office, who sometimes has little or no knowledge of hospital problems, medical care or of medical research. Any experimentation involving the use of animal requires a written application to the Home Office. Permission is usually given without difficulty but still there are exceptions.
    3. The private charitable and the voluntary welfare associations have been chocked and replaced by the cold, slow and impersonal machinery of the various government bodies.
    4. Since the actual number of young physicians prepared for consultants posts is too great there is strong competition for these, as well as competition between consultants for the special awards, with all the unwelcome features attendant on these struggles.
    5. Because of the number of certificates required and the impersonal character of hospital care, professional secrecy and discretion are in many instances things of the past.
    6. Surgeons are paid by operating sessions and receive the same payment whether they do one appendectomy per operating session or four gastrectomies.
    7. In the care of the aged, tuberculous patients, the chronically sick, the infirm and the patients with infected tonsils the situation is so bad that there is a waiting period of non-urgent cases of 6 months to 2 years before admission to the hospital and during that time the patient becomes a burden on the general practitioner.
  • 988. National varieties of English
    Иностранные языки

    Canadian English (CanE, CE, en-CA) is the variety <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variety_(linguistics)> of English <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language> spoken in Canada <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada>. English is the first language <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_language>, or "mother tongue", of approximately 24 million Canadians <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadians> (77%), and more than 28 million (86%) are fluent in the language. 82% of Canadians outside Quebec <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec> speak English natively, but within Quebec <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec> the figure drops to just 11%. Canadian English contains elements of British English <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_English> and American English <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_English> in its vocabulary, as well as many distinctive "Canadianisms". In many areas, speech is influenced by French <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_French>, and there are notable local variations. Canada has very little dialect diversity compared to the United States. The phonetics <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonetics>, phonology <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonology>, morphology <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morphology_(linguistics)>, syntax <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syntax>, and lexicon <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexicon> for most of Canada are similar to that of the Western <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_American_English> and Midland <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midland_American_English> regions of the United States <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States>. The Canadian Great Lakes region <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Lakes_region_(North_America)> has similarities to that of the Upper Midwest & Great Lakes <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Midwest> region and/or Yooper dialect <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yooper_dialect> (in particular Michigan which has extensive business ties with Ontario), while the phonological system of western Canadian English is virtually identical to that of the Pacific Northwest <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Northwest_English> of the United States, and the phonetics are similar. As such, Canadian English and American English <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_English> are sometimes classified together as North American English <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_English>. Canadian English spelling is largely a blend of British and American conventions. The term "Canadian English" is first attested in a speech by the Reverend A. Constable Geikie in an address to the Canadian Institute <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Institute> in 1857. Geikie, a Scottish <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotland>-born Canadian, reflected the Anglocentric <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglocentric> attitude that would be prevalent in Canada for the next hundred years when he referred to the language as "a corrupt dialect," in comparison to what he considered the proper English spoken by immigrants from Britain <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Britain>. Canadian English is the product of four waves of immigration and settlement over a period of almost two centuries. The first large wave of permanent English-speaking settlement in Canada, and linguistically the most important, was the influx of Loyalists <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loyalist_(American_Revolution)> fleeing the American Revolution <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Revolution>, chiefly from the Mid-Atlantic States <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid-Atlantic_States> - as such, Canadian English is believed by some scholars to have derived from northern American English <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_American_English>. The historical development of CanE is underexplored, but recent studies suggest that CanE has been developing features of its own since the early 19th century, while recent studies have shown the emergence of CanE features. The second wave from Britain and Ireland <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ireland> was encouraged to settle in Canada after the War of 1812 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_1812> by the governors of Canada <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governors_of_Canada>, who were worried about anti-English sentiment among its citizens. Waves of immigration from around the globe peaking in 1910 and 1960 had a lesser influence, but they did make Canada a multicultural <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiculturalism> country, ready to accept linguistic change from around the world during the current period of globalization <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globalization>. The languages of Aboriginal peoples in Canada <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aboriginal_peoples_in_Canada> started to influence European languages used in Canada even before widespread settlement took place, and the French <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_French> of Lower Canada <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_Canada> provided vocabulary to the English of Upper Canada <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Canada>.The primary aspect of the Canadian English accent is a feature called "Canadian raising", where diphthongs are raised before voiceless consonants. The stereotypical aboat pronunciation, lampooned in the American television series South Park is unusual; the stereotype may derive from an interpretation of the aboot pronunciation as heard by someone who is used to the much lower abawt pronunciation, or from a misinterpretation of the spelling of the "word" aboot. Ironically, a monophthongized pronunciation of aboat is quite common in parts of the U.S. Upper Midwest, such as Minnesota. Anecdotally, the abuhwt vowels are heard in Ontario and further west, and the aboot vowels are heard in the Eastern provinces. etymologically appropriate, even where the contrast is lost in the consonant itself. Also heard is the variation in the pronunciation of the word can't, in Ontario, it is said almost as canned, whereas in the west, it becomes more like kahnt. The Northern cities vowel shift that is happening in Michigan also is heard to an extent in Southwestern Ontario.A recently identified feature (1995) found among many Canadians is a chain shift known as the Canadian Shift. This is not found in the Atlantic Provinces, east of Quebec; it is only found in Ontario and further west. For people with this shift, cot and caught merge in rounded [?] position. The /?/ of bat then moves down to [a], while the /?/ of bet becomes [?], which is short-a in other accents. This shift is still a relatively new phenomenon, so not all Canadians have it. Of the ones that do, not all have the last stage. Canadians without the Shift typically pronounce cot and caught as an un-rounded [?], as in the western United States. Like American English, Canadian English is largely rhotic. This means it maintains the pronunciation of r before consonants. Rhoticity has been largely influenced by Hiberno-English, Scottish English, and West Country English. Americans sometimes claim to be able to recognize some Canadians instantly by their use of the word eh. However, only a certain usage of eh (detailed in the article) is peculiar to Canada. It is common in southern Ontario, the Maritimes and the Prairie provinces. In some parts of the United States, American English exhibits features of Canadian English, including Canadian Raising and the use of eh. Canadian accents are sometimes detected among Michiganders, Minnesotans, Western New Yorkers and their northern fellows. West/Central dialect is one of the largest and the most homogenous dialect area in North America. It forms a dialect continuum with the accent in the Western United States, and borders the dialect regions of North, Inland North, and North Central. While it is the most homogenous in that the regional differences inside the dialect area are very small, it has very few features that are unique. It is also fairly similar to General American English. While the West Central dialect is mutually intelligible with many dialects of English spoken in England, especially Received Pronunciation, in general it preserves more archaic features that existed before the dialects diverged.

  • 989. NATO
    Безопасность жизнедеятельности

    Высшим органом в соответствии со статьей 2 Вашингтонского Договора является Совет НАТО. Из всех структур НАТО только Совет уполномочен Договором принимать решения. Совет собирается не реже одного раза в неделю. Он также собирается и на более высоком уровне - с участием министров иностранных дел либо председателей правительства, однако степень авторитетности его решений от этого не меняется - решения имеют одинаковую силу независимо от того, каков его представительный уровень. Договор наделил Совет правом создавать вторичные структуры Комитеты. Все 19 стран членов Альянса имеют право выражать свою точку зрения за столом заседаний Совета. Решения, как следует из NATO Handbook (статус этого документа, кстати, весьма неясен единственное доказательство его правдивости написанных в нем слов заключается в том, что он расположен на официальном сайте), являются выражением коллективной воли стран членов Альянса, которое достигается полным единодушием. То есть как будто решения Альянса требуют единогласия, которое предполагает, например, право вето, однако о праве вето ничего не сказано, а формулировка выглядит несколько странной. Читаем далее Handbook, единственный источник, из которого можно узнать о механизме принятия решений: Когда должны быть приняты решения, положительное заключение достигается на основе полного общего согласия. Процедура голосования либо решение большинством голосов отсутствуют. Каждая представленная на Совете нация сохраняет полнуюсуверенность и ответственность за свои решения. Что это значит, не вполне понятно. С одной стороны, необходимо полное единодушие, с другой они даже не голосуют, и каждая нация ответственна за свои решения. Каким образом выясняется, наличествует необходимое единодушие, либо оно отсутствует, остается загадкой. Кроме того, необходимо еще раз отметить, что неочевиден даже сам статус NATO Handbook в приведенных выше мною документах, в которых детально расписана даже процедура «выдачи водительских удостоверений сотрудникам НАТО» в Европе и Америке, про механизм принятия решений ничего не сказано. Скорее всего, речь идет о некоей туманной процедуре взаимного согласования интересов, не более того.В этом же "документе" сообщается, что Альянс достаточно гибок в отношениях с самим собой - все устроено таким образом, чтобы решения можно было принимать быстро для достижения максимального эффекта. Очевидно, что все вышеописанное - вся туманность процедуры принятия решений напрямую связана с основными задачами НАТО - оборонительными. Все устроено таким образом, чтобы в случае нападения или реальной угрозы НАТО среагировало мгновенно, без утомительной процедуры голосования, собирания подписей и прочих бюрократических мер.

  • 990. Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure
    Иностранные языки

    An infrastructure management business, today, is the least studied problem in logistics. In terms of EV Krykavskoho logistics infrastructure of the enterprise - a set of elements that perform important logistical tasks and ensure the implementation of logistics processes. Logistic processes occurring in the business - sales, purchasing, production, provision of certain services, sales, transportation and logistics operations - unloading, loading, storage and others. Very closely related to elements of infrastructure. Logistic infrastructure should be classified into: internal logistics infrastructure company and external logistics infrastructure of the enterprise. (Appendix 1). Before you define the problem correctly will reveal the essence of the concept of "management of logistics infrastructure." Thus, under the management of logistics infrastructure company will understand the process of bringing the infrastructure of the enterprise to a state of equilibrium or the objectives of providing efficient service and logistics processes and operations at the facility. It is clear that achieving equilibrium infrastructure is difficult enough task in deciding which problems arise, which often face the company, through which decreases the efficiency of logistics infrastructure, hampered perform basic tasks, which puts the company, resulting in substantial unnecessary costs and time. In the system of logistics infrastructure highlights the following issues, subject to [3, p.. 273]: - The general question of logistics infrastructure (own fleet of rolling - Composition, repair and maintenance equipment, storage facilities, handling equipment - Management of own transport economy (dispatch service units in planning combinations of movement, etc.).. Internal logistics infrastructure of the industrial enterprise, which will have a presence in virtually all elements of logistics infrastructure necessary for the maintenance of all logistics processes and transactions related to certain material flow should be worked both internally and externally, on the logistics system. Therefore, the system of logistics infrastructure will look different (Appendix 2). Thus, the overall system of logistics infrastructure companies look at how a set of two subsystems that have certain connections and relations between them: 1. external subsystem of logistic infrastructure companies (fleet of rolling stock, repair and maintenance equipment, storage facilities, handling equipment and other facilities and providing facilities that are not included in the internal environment of the logistics system that is studied, throughout the supply chain); 2. Subsystem internal management logistics infrastructure enterprises studied (own transport, mining, storage, packing services, equipment, units for servicing and other logistic processes that are internal logistics system environment). [3, p.. 274-276] The control system of logistics infrastructure business has set itself the following tasks: - Choice of alternatives to the strategy development of logistics infrastructure; - Calculation of performance indicators logistic infrastructure elements; - Distribution of functions, duties, responsibilities of employees engaged in maintenance logistics processes and operations; - Motivation to work, staff training, retraining; - Ozrobka norms and standards of labor and material - technical development; - Creation of information infrastructure; - Reducing the cost of maintenance of material flow; - Through planning and control of all participants in the logistics chain. Today, the complexity in implementing the above tasks associated with the emergence of problems in the management of logistics infrastructure, which most businesses do not consider attention. The emergence of these problems affect the competitiveness and efficiency of the whole enterprise. [13, p.. 79] Yes, one of the common problems is the problem of location of infrastructure. There are two manifestations of this problem, in - First, most companies have in their internal infrastructure of some elements, such as lack of personal and technical means, the vehicle fleet, and others. Because companies are beginning to interact with other organizations and companies that can provide all necessary services to maintain logistic processes and operations, the location of which is often not economically profitable for the enterprise; on - Second, companies may have their own structure in all the above listed items of infrastructure, but these elements (warehouses, transport companies, etc..) well located geographically unprofitable, hence increasing the cost of time and financial resources of the enterprise as a whole. And in the first and second case, we are faced with the problem of location decision which has long-term. Convenient location - not a guarantor of a successful business, but it is a necessary condition. Starting form the logistical infrastructure necessary to determine the number and location of each type of unit (facilities) required to perform logistics functions. In addition, you must determine how many and which stocks should be kept in each object and where customers place orders for supplies. [1, sec. 345]. When choosing the location of the elements necessary logistics infrastructure, consider the following factors: - Location of customers (location near to the users reduce costs and transportation); - Location of suppliers and materials (for manufacturers advantageously located near suppliers of materials and raw materials for prey); - Culture (when placing your business must take into account cultural values, laws and way of life of the territory on which planned location); - The ratio of government and their plans (acquaintance with the peculiarities of the legal framework and take into account the possibility of local investuvan); - Direct and indirect costs (taking into account the peculiarities of local taxes, pension and payroll taxes, the percentage of salary in the region, constantly monitor their own financial position); - The ratio of the society (ie the different relations of the society to the achievements of the team, to methods for the provision of high productivity); - Operation (range trends decisions on operations, taking into account local conditions or implementation of its rules of performance to facilitate control and increased productivity); - Transport accessibility area (analysis area equipped with means of transport, which depends on the availability as well as for its own staff and for clients); - Competition (research and analysis of competitors, number, location, characteristics of business); - The situation in the local labor market (labor market analysis: number of employees, their qualifications, performance) and others. [1, sec. 350] Taking into account the above factors are not talking about a complete solution to this problem, solving the problems of placement and optimal variant layout logistics infrastructure is impossible without the use of mathematical and heuristic methods. The second problem of logistics infrastructure - is inefficient use of company assets (buildings, structures, equipment), which is a consequence of increasing costs. The main reasons for this problem are: the disproportionate relationship between labor and fixed capital, simple equipment, without intensive use of equipment, not the rational use of production area, reducing capital investment and other capital assets. The third problem that should be mentioned in this - the high cost of equipment and technological infrastructure. As they say, professionals, costs of equipment too large, so we recommend that the main financial flows directed to the objects and tools [4, p.. 393]. Today, to fill a competitive position in the market of certain products and services to quickly respond to any changes and user requirements. Often, to improve the enterprise, falls constantly improve, and in some cases, completely change the traditional technologies and methods of logistics functions. These changes are accompanied by significant costs to upgrade equipment and purchase of new technological tools necessary infrastructure. Today, when the logistics begins to develop at a faster speed, expand foreign - economic relations, and thus begins to blossom and business enterprises increasingly require different types of services, such as transport, warehousing, information. Clearly, for the enterprise, from business point of work - interest, beneficial in its infrastructure have all these subsystems serving, but it's too expensive, and requirements and they are too high. The fourth problem concerns the training of personnel involved in management of logistics infrastructure, methods of operation, equipped with modern technological facilities and equipment, infrastructure management methods. The problem of professional personnel, but rather a problem of lack of professional logistics staff, really important for companies that have decided to build its operations, using logistic approach. This is due to the fact that in our country logistics are just beginning to develop, so most experts still do not understand some of the tasks of logistics functions and duties. The last of the problems, which should attract attention - a low level of enterprise information infrastructure, lack of integrated information center Continue entire logistics chain.

  • 991. Navruz - A Celebration of Life. Public holidays in Uzbekistan
  • 992. NetGear
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Коммутаторы этой серии являются идеальными устройствами для сегментирования Вашей сети. Любой из коммутаторов FastEthernet позволяет соединять сегменты для увеличения производительности сети. Каждый порт коммутатора Fast Ethernet автоматически определяет скорость обмена данными, при этом напрямую соединенный сервер/пользователь, а также любой сегмент сети может легко перейти от скорости 10 к 100 Мбит/с. Все коммутаторы NetGear Fast Ethernet могут поддерживать полудуплексный и полнодуплексный режимы и автоматический переход из одного режима в другой. Коммутаторы поддерживают так называемый режим коммутации cut-through ("на лету") и store-and-forward (с промежуточной буферизацией).

  • 993. NetPromoter: новые возможности профессиональной интернет-статистики
    Реклама и PR

    Если проанализировать весь объем "около статистических" проблем, то становится ясно, что пользователи наступают на те же грабли, которые в свое время породили массу афоризмов на тему: есть ложь, есть наглая ложь, а есть - статистика. Из чего складывается работа над интернет-проектом (не важно в реале или в виртуале). Всего из нескольких составляющих: сбор данных, анализ данных, выводы и реализация. В теории все просто. На практике все запутано до безобразия. Начнем с чисто технических вопросов: методов сбора данных. Это, по сути, ключевой этап работы над любым проектом. В основе лежат всего два принципа принцип счетчика (специального скрипта, загружающегося пользователю со стороны сервера вместе с загрузкой вашей странички) и принцип анализа логов (специальных файлов на вашем сервере, фиксирующих все посещения). Первый камень преткновения оба способа сбора информации работают независимо друг от друга и каждый с определенной степенью погрешности. Это приводит к тому, что собранные данные очень трудно сопоставить и, тем более, объединить. Второй Счетчики являются наиболее рекламируемыми и наиболее дешевыми посредниками между вами и вашей статистикой. Они массовы, адаптированы под массовые нужды и часто предоставляют свои услуги бесплатно, тогда как хорошие лог-анализаторы относятся уже к области профессионального программного обеспечения и, естественно, недешевы. К сожалению именно внешние Счетчики, в силу чисто объективных причин, обычно считают, кто во что горазд. Несмотря на это, профессиональная статистика у большинства пользователей Рунета ассоциирована именно с ними, правда, платными. Но на деле, в Рунете, платный Счетчик это не более чем улучшенная версия "бесплатной" статистики, не избавившаяся от большинства ее недостатков и разукрасившая себя некоторыми дополнительными услугами. Значительные погрешности при сборе исходных статистических данных сводят практически на нет возможности их адекватного применения после обработки. Однако даже если пренебречь всеми этими непростительными погрешностями, эффективное использование статистических данных для продвижения, к примеру, собственного бизнеса, задача сама по себе крайне нетривиальная. И попытки рядового пользователя ее решить вряд ли приведут к стяжанию всех полезностей и благ, о которых так часто говорят, обсуждая место статистики в Интернет-менеджменте.

  • 994. Netware
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Каждая рабочая станция представляет собой обычный персональный компьютер, работающий под управлением собственной дисковой операционной системы (такой, как DOS или OS/2). Однако в отличие от автономного персонального компьютера рабочая станция содержит плату сетевого интерфейса и физически соединена кабелями с файлом-сервером. Кроме того, рабочая станция запускает специальную программу, называемой оболочкой сети, которая позволяет ей обмениваться информацией с файл-сервером, другими рабочими станциями и прочими устройствами сети. Оболочка позволяет рабочей станции использовать файлы и программы, хранящиеся на файл-сервере, так же легко, как и находящиеся на ее собственных дисках.

  • 995. NetWare встречается с Linux
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Благодаря eDirectory и другим службам, в том числе iFolder и таким продуктам, как Apache или MySQL, которые с недавнего времени совместимы с NetWare, многие службы и ранее были доступны для NetWare и Linux одновременно. Поэтому важнейшим новшеством стал перенос NSS и кластерных служб, а также интеграция в программу установки и интерфейс Li mix. NNLS должны были устанавливаться на сервер Linux, a OES со своими службами настраивается в процессе системной инсталляции (см. Рисунок 1). Администрирование NNLS происходило еще с использованием командной строки, в то время как вместе с OES, к примеру при помощи инструмента настройки Yast для Linux (см. Рисунок г), могут устанавливаться дополнительные компоненты, а управление осуществляется посредством распространенных инструментов от Novell iManager для администрирования eDirectory (см. Рисунок 3) и NRM для управления серверами (см. Рисунок 4). NRM означало ранее NetWare Remote Manager, а после переноса на Linux расшифровывается как Novell Remote Manager.

  • 996. New York

    The Dutch were the first Europeans to settle Manhattan. To protect themselves from attacs, they built a sturdy wooden wall. Although it`s now long gone, this wall gave it`s name to a street in Lower Manhattan and the street, in turn, became synonymous with American capitalism. The street, of course, is Wall Street. The New York Stock Exchange and the American Stokc Exchange are both in the Wall Street area. So are many stokc brokers, investment blanks and others bank, and headquarters of many large corporations.

  • 997. New York. Places of interest

    Although New York is not the capital of the United States, it is the biggest and most important city of the country. New York is situated on the Atlantic coast, in the North-East of the country, in the state of New York at the mouth of the deep Hudson River. It is the financial and media capital of the world, the centre of the American cultural life and the national leader in fashion and entertainment. The “Big Apple” is nickname of the city. New York , with the population of 16 mln people, is the second largest city and the biggest sea port in the world. It was founded in 1613 by Dutch settlers. It consists of 5 large boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. There are a lot of places of interest in New York. The most famous of them is The Statue Of Liberty, given to the USA by France in 1886. Its torch towers about 200 feet above the harbour and can be seen at night for many miles. It is the largest statue in the world. The Empire State Building used to be the first, but now it is only the third tallest building in the world. It is a 102- storeyed building with an observatory on he 86 floor. Broadway is the longest street in the world. It is 12 miles long. It is the centre of entertainments. The Metropolitan Museum is by now probably the richest museum in the world in painting and other objects of Art, due to what had been bought from Europeans after Wold War Two. Besides, we can see the works of American painters there. The Central Park is the largest park in the world. The Fifth avenue has the best houses, hotels and fashionable shops. Times Square is known as New Yorks theatre land the Metropolitan Museum of Art and many other museum are situated there. The Rockefeller centre belongs to the Rockefeller family. It is 15 skyscrapers housing several large corporations. It is also known as “Radio City”. There is a theatre , too. The United Nations Headquarters was built in 1952. The building and the grounds contain sculptures and other works of art, donated by member nations. Among them is the gift of the Soviet Union. So I like New York very mach and I can recommend everyone to visit it.

  • 998. NGIO (система ввода-вывода нового поколения)
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Бурное развитие высокоточных технологий в микроэлектронике в последние годы было ознаменовано жесткой конкурентной борьбой ведущих производителей микропроцессорной техники для персональных компьютеров в лице фирм Intel, AMD, Cyrix. Прародителем современных микропроцессоров является процессор Pentium-Pro созданный фирмой Intel. В этом микропроцессоре впервые реализован высокоскоросной кэш второго уровня, внеочередное исполнение команд, RISC ядро. Но производство высокоскоросного кэша интегрированного в процессор и работающего на частоте 150-200 Мгц было очень дорогостоящим и сопряжено с большим процентом выбраковки, поэтому процессор P-Pro даже сейчас остается очень дорогим со стоимостью ~ $450. В качестве альтернативы и развития P-Pro фирма Intel выпустила процессор Pentium II с расширенным набором команд (MMX) и кэш памятью 2-го уровня размером 512 Кб выполненной на одной плате с ядром процессора и заключенным в картридж SECC. Кэш память нового процессора работала на частоте ½ частоты ядра для процессоров PII c ядром Klamath (233 - 300МГц) и на 1/3 частоты ядра для процессоров PII с ядром Deshutes (333 450 МГц). Себистоимость производства оказалась ниже чем у процессоров P-Pro, что позволило фирме Intel захватить рынок. В качестве замены P-Pro для высокопроизводительных серверных станций был создан процессор Intel PII Xeon c кэш памятью второго уровня 512Кб на частоте ядра выполненный в картридже SECC2 с частотами от 300МГц.

  • 999. Nicolaus Copernicus

    By 29 August De revolutionibus orbium coelestium was ready for the printer. Rheticus took the manuscript with him when he returned to his teaching duties at Wittenberg, and gave it the printer Johann Petreius in Nьrnberg. This was a leading centre for printing and Petreius was the best printer in town. However, since he was unable to stay to supervise the printing he asked Andreas Osiander, a Lutheran theologian with considerable experience of printing mathematical texts, to undertake the task. What Osiander did was to write a letter to the reader, inserted in place of Copernicus's original Preface following the title page, in which he claimed that the results of the book were not intended as the truth, rather that they merely presented a simpler way to calculate the positions of the heavenly bodies. The letter was unsigned and the true author of the letter was not revealed publicly until Kepler did so 50 years later. Osiander also subtly changed the title to make it appear less like a claim of the real world. Some are appalled at this gigantic piece of deception by Osiander, as Rheticus was at the time, others feel that it was only because of Osiander's Preface that Copernicus's work was read and not immediately condemned.

  • 1000. Nicole Kidman
    Иностранные языки

    In February 2001, Cruise stunned Hollywood by filing for divorce; the reasons are still murky. Cruise would only say that Nicole "knows why", while Kidman let it be known that she was pregnant by Cruise when he left her just before their 10th wedding anniversay, and had just miscarried the child. Some speculated that Cruise left Kidman because he didn't think he was the father, while some questioned the timing, noting that, since the couple did not have a prenuptial agreement, Cruise would have had to pay Kidman many millions if they divorced past the 10 year mark. As it was, he reportedly paid her $65 million. Industry insiders commented that the primary cause of the divorce may have been Nicole's refusal to allow Isabella and Connor to be raised in Scientology, which Cruise is a devoted practitioner of; she wanted them to be raised Catholic instead.