
  • 1081. PR спонсорство как инструмент
    Реклама и PR

    То есть спонсорство - отнюдь не безвозмездная благотворительность, это целевые субсидии для достижения взаимных целей, это взаимовыгодное сотрудничество, фактически реализация совместных проектов. Недаром спонсорская поддержка оформляется договором, содержащим взаимные обязательства сторон. При этом речь идет о конкретных временных, хотя, возможно, масштабных проектах - организации выставок, фестивалей, поддержке концертных и спортивных программ и т. д. Чем же привлекательно спонсорство для потенциальных спонсоров? Прежде всего, разумеется, дополнительными возможностями в рекламе товаров и услуг фирмы. Такие возможности, как правило, намного более выгодны, чем затраты на покупку эфирного времени на радио и TV и рекламных площадей в газетах и журналах, а рекламная отдача для спонсора будет при этом намного эффективнее, чем проведение комплексной рекламной кампании фирмы на сумму спонсирования. Организаторы культурного мероприятия проводят широкомасштабную рекламную кампанию с применением практически всех видов рекламоносителей - до начала мероприятия, во время проведения, и даже после его окончания репортажи о событии еще долго будут появляться в СМИ, ведь мы живем в информационном обществе.

  • 1082. PR, пропаганда и математические обоснования

    Особо следует различать паблик рилейшнз и пропаганду. Их отличия носят принципиальный характер (по целям, задачам, методам и стратегическим целям). Приводимая ниже таблица иллюстрирует несовместимость PR и пропаганды. Политикам всегда (а сегодня и у нас особенно) нужна пропаганда, а вот управленцам нужнее PR. Но следует понимать, что высшие должностные лица страны управленцы. Тем более управленцы руководители организаций. Кстати, российские губернаторы, которые свою деятельность строят на реально рыночных (т.е. конфликтологических) принципах и в информационном обеспечении опираются на главный свой ресурс саму свою профессиональную управленческую деятельность (управление развитием региона, а не командование каждой отдельной фирмой, фабрикой, стройкой), не только не боятся пропагандистской демонополизации, но позволяют себе реальный PR. Трудно удержаться и не привести в качестве примера Томскую область, которую в сравнении со многими ее соседями можно было бы назвать «сибирской Скандинавией».

  • 1083. Pravomonarhist movement
    Иностранные языки

    In general, all pravomonarhicheskie organizations of Belarus, despite some differences, stood on the positions of "zapadnorusizma", believing that the Belarusians, together with the Great Russians and Little Russians are part of a three-pronged Russian people. Not recognizing the existence of a separate independent nation of Belarus, the ideologues Black Hundreds, at the same time pointed out some cultural specifics of the Belarusian people and the political, ethno-cultural and spiritual development associated with the strengthening of Belarusian Russian nation, which was supposed to be a dominant empire in Russia, the dominant position. The main threat to this in the western provinces, in their opinion, acted Polish element, whose influence is strongly felt in all spheres of public life. In this regard, in an open letter to members of the State Duma and the Russian society is one of the most active members of the right movement in Belarus DV Skrynchenko noted: "This is not left" tuteyshego "no nobility, no petty gentry or merchant class, which would not be okatolicheny and opolyacheny. There are only a few newly arrived Russian landowners.russian is really just "pop da slave. And opolyachennye the local nobles, headed by fanatical priests, hurrying to finish here what they had done the old aristocratic Poland, ie okatolichit and opolyachit peasantry " [6, pp.4]. As the principal means of combating the growing influence of the Polish-Catholic, he sees the policies aimed at ensuring that "the Belarusian people to return to his Russian Orthodox... consciousness. Such a policy is in its essence, according Skrynchenko, there is no Russification, and depolonizatsiya. "For its part, say - goes on to say in his message - that local people return to it from time immemorial Russian national consciousness is not the policy of" Russification ". Do not use this bugbear to our side: this term is offensive to the local Russian population - the Belarusians. Here in ancient something more fundamental Russia than, for example, in Penza, and she is covered by the Polish lacquer. And the whole question of "Russification" here boils down to in order to clear the Polish lacquer " [6, pp.7]. Among the measures designed to strengthen Russian influence in Belarus, DV Skrynchenko calls to establish knowledge of the history of the local region, the publication of relevant literature, the appointment to all positions in the local civil and military administration solely those of the Orthodox religion, the establishment of special protivokatolicheskih missionaries. Also offered throughout the province to introduce compulsory education in the Russian Orthodox-national basis [6, pp.14 - 15].

  • 1084. Preisbildung eines Untenehmens (Ценообразование на предприятии)


    1. Abschöpfungspreisstrategie стратегия «снятия сливок»
    2. Bedürfnisbefriedigungsgrad степень удовлетворения потребности
    3. Durchschnittskosten средние затраты
    4. Dyopol - дуополия
    5. Elastizität der Nachfrage эластичность спроса
    6. Fixe Kosten постоянные затраты
    7. Gesamterlös общий доход
    8. Gewinnmaximierung максимизация прибыли
    9. Gewinnzuschlag доля прибыли
    10. Handlungskosten издержки обращения
    11. Indifferenzpreis цена безразличия
    12. Kalkulation auf Teilkostenbasis калькуляция (расчет) цен на основе неполных издержек
    13. Kalkulation auf Vollkostenbasis калькуляция цен на основе полных издержек
    14. Konkurrenzorientierte Preisbildung определение цен с ориентацией на конкуренцию
    15. Konsumentenverhalten поведение потребителей
    16. Kostenfunktion функция затрат
    17. Kostenorientierte Preisbildung определение цен на основе издержек производства
    18. Leitpreis цена товара у основных конкурентов
    19. Lieferbedingungen условия поставки
    20. Marktanteil доля рынка
    21. Marktbearbeitung изучение и организация сбыта на рынке
    22. Marktkonstellation положение предприятия на рынке
    23. Marktpreis рыночная цена
    24. Marktsegmentierugskriterium критерий сегментации рынка
    25. Marktwirtschaft рыночная экономика
    26. Monopol - монополия
    27. Nachfrageorientierte Preisbildung определение цен с ориентацией на спрос
    28. Nachfrageverschiebung изменение спроса
    29. Nutzeneinschätzung оценка полезности
    30. Oligopol - олигополия
    31. Penetrationspreisstrategie стратегия быстрого проникновения на рынок
    32. Preisänderung изменение цены
    33. Preisdifferenzierung дифференцирование (изменение) цен
    34. Preisempfindliche Bevölkerungsschichten слои населения, чувствительные к цене
    35. Preisfestsetzung установление цен
    36. Preisführerschaft лидерство в ценах
    37. Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis соотношение „цена - качество“
    38. Preis-Mengen-Relation соотношение „цена объем сбыта“
    39. Preispolitik ценовая политика
    40. Preispolitishe Strategien ценовые стратегии
    41. Preisuntergrenze минимальный уровень цены
    42. Preiswettbewerb конкуренция в области цен
    43. Produktionskosten производственные издержки
    44. Produktlebenszyklus жизненный цикл товара
    45. Rabattpolitik политика скидок
    46. Skonto сконто (скидка при платеже наличными)
    47. Solldeckungsbeitrag плановая маржинальная прибыль (доля покрытия издержек)
    48. Validität - релевантность
    49. Variable Kosten переменные издержки
    50. Zahlungsbedingungen условия оплаты
  • 1085. Presentation of McDonalds. Case study
  • 1086. Principala cauza a handicapului
    Медицина, физкультура, здравоохранение

    №ExercitiulPozitia initiala si metodica de afectuare1Contractie statica a muschilor extensor a mîinii ( des. 4.7.)Culcat pe o suprafata orizontala: pe spate, umarul paralel trunchiului, antebratul flexat sub < 90 º dupa pozitie verticala. Metodistul sustine antebratul bolnavului, bolnavul efectueaza contractia statica a muschilor extensori ai mîinii 2Contractia statica a muschilor flexori a bratului (des. 4.8)Culcat pe o suprafata orizontala pe spate, umarul paralel trunchiului, antebratul flexat sub < 90 º si dupa pozitie verticala. Metodistul sustine antebratul în aceasta pozitie tinînd bolnavul de mîna, bolnavul facînd contractia statica a muschilor flexori a antebratului. 3Contractia statica a muschilor flexori a antebratului (des. 4.9)Culcat pe o suprafata orizontala pe spate. Mîna în extensie în articulatia cotului la un < 180 º se ridica în sus . Metodistul tinîndu-se de umarul bolnavului tine mîna în pozitie verticala, bolnavul încercînd contractia statica a muschilor extensori ai antebratului. 4Contractia statica a muschilor flexori dorsali ai plantei (des. 4.10)Culcat pe o suprafata orizontala, mîinile de-a lungul corpului, piciorul sanatos flectat în articulatie genunchiului si se sprijina cu planta pe pat, membrul paretic se aranjeaza pe cea sanatoasa gamba se aseaza pe o suprafata orizontala. Bolnavul face contractii statice a muschilor flexori dorsali ai plantei. 5Contractia statica a muschilor extensori ai gambei (des. 4.1)Culcat pe spate pe o suprafata orizontala, mîinele de-a lungul corpului, piciorul sanatos flectat în articulatia genunchiului si sprijinit planta de pat, piciorul paretic se aranjeaza pe cel sanatos, apoi gamba piciorului paretic se extinde în articulatia genunchiului sub < 180 º, si se sustine de metodist. Bolnavul mentine gamba în pozitia data vertical. 6Contractia statica a muschilor flexori ai gambei (des. 4.2)Culcat pe burta, flexata în articulatia genunchiului sub < 90 º, gamba pozitionata în pozitie verticala si sustinuta de metodist. Bolnavul se staruie sa mentina gamba în pozitie verticala.7Contractia statica a muschilor flexori ai coapsei (des.4.13)Culcat pe o suprafata orizontala, pe spate, piciorul paretic flexat sub < drept în articulatia coxo-femurala si articulatia genunchiului, gamba sustinuta de metodist. Bolnavul sustine coapsa în pozitie orizontala data.

  • 1087. Prising

    The way firms approach the pricing problems may vary. In small firms prices are usually determined by the higher leadership. In large companies department supervisors and assortment supervisors deal with the pricing problems. But still at this level the higher leadership determines the general targets of the price policy. The higher leadership also confirms prices offered by managers of the lower supervision. In space, railways, gas and oil industries companies often organize special pricing departments, which determine prices or help the others do it. Such employees as sales department managers, production supervisors, finance managers and accountants are those who also influence the price policy.

  • 1088. Private banking в России
    Банковское дело
  • 1089. Private label: золотое дно?
    Реклама и PR

    Непременным условием успеха по продвижению private label, является имидж торговой сети. За этим коротким словом из пяти букв стоит все. Это и великолепное обслуживание, и грамотная маркетинговая политика, и тотальный контроль над качеством продукции, особенно своей. Чем больше категорий продукции будет продаваться под private label, тем сложней его будет осуществлять контроль. Здесь заказчику придется столкнуться с проблемой выбора производителя. С одной стороны, известный завод, производящий национальные бренды, дает больше гарантий качества, но и спрашивает более высокую цену. С другой, сеть, размещающая заказ на малоизвестном предприятии, хоть и способствует развитию отечественного производственного сектора в целом и имеет лучшие финансовые условия и рычаги управления партнером, несет и большие риски. Успокаивает надежда на то, что сейчас есть понимание даже у небольшого производителя, что одного раза недобросовестного подхода к производству, будет достаточно, чтобы «вылететь» с рынка. Тем не менее, о риске. В отличие от «родовой» марки, одного-двух раз продаж, продукции не соответствующей ожидаемому качеству, к которому уже успели привыкнуть, достаточно для того, чтобы негатив был распространен на всю линейку private label. Здесь применимы те же законы брендинга, какие применяются к «зонтичным» и «мастер» брендам. Не случайно крупные компании, играющие на традиционном рынке, выводят отдельно стоящие бренды, чтобы в случае компрометации новой марки, не подставить под удар имя компании. И здесь не удастся отделаться легко. Если «родовую» марку можно просто «убить» без особых финансовых потерь и заказать новую, то с private label убытки будут очень серьезными.

  • 1090. Privatization process in Lithuania

    Recently Public Limited Companies Lithuanian Telecom ("Lietuvos Telekomas") and Hotel Lietuva (Vie?butis "Lietuva") have been privatised. Privatisation of these enterprises is carried out through transparent competitive procedure of international tenders prepared and executed by internationally renowned advisors and arrangers. For the enterprises which have a strategic importance to the Lithuanian economy, the Government has devised a special procedure of two stages for their privatisation and some of them are already privatised. Public Limited Companies Lithuanian Telecom (Lietuvos Telekomas) has been purchased by the strategic investor - Consortium "Amber Teleholding" of Sweden "Telia" and Finnish "Sonera". The Government accepted sale option of 60 per cent shares. In the energy sector, the oil refinery AB "Ma?eikiu Nafta" is also being prepared to privatisation. Using the International tender, a consortium of financial and other advisors, led by Banque Paribas, has been selected as the winner of tender. At the moment it is under the negotiations with potential investors. The Government of Lithuania is also privatising two airlines: "Lietuvos avialinijos" and "Aviakompanija Lietuva". Recently, the companies have been consolidated so that "Aviakompanija Lietuva" became a subsidiary of a major airline. The privatisation of the company is foreseen in 1999.

  • 1091. Problem of meaning ambiguity in a language
    Иностранные языки

    Sometimes one meaning of a word is derived from another. For example, the cognitive sense of 'see' seems derived from its visual sense. The sense of 'weigh' in 'He weighed the package' is derived from its sense in 'The package weighed two pounds'. Similarly, the transitive senses of 'burn', 'fly' and 'walk' are derived from their intransitive senses. Now it could be argued that in each of these cases the derived sense does not really qualify as a second meaning of the word but is actually the result of a lexical operation on the underived sense. This argument is plausible to the extent that the phenomenon is systematic and general, rather than peculiar to particular words. Lexical semantics has the task of identifying and characterizing such systematic phemena. It is also concerned to explain the rich and subtle semantic behavior of common and highly flexible words like the verbs 'do' and 'put' and the prepositions 'at', 'in' and 'to'. Each of these words has uses which are so numerous yet so closely related that they are often described as 'polysemous' rather than ambiguous.

  • 1092. Problems of the children and the youth
    Иностранные языки

    Leo Edwards is not an isolated case. Russell Hopkins, aged 15, from Gateshead in north-east England, is a typical online addict. Every day after school, and after dinner until 3 or 4 in the morning, he will be found in his room surfing the Net or playing computer games. By the end of the day he will have spent more than six hours online. Understandably, his parents are extremely worried. Not only has his school work suffered, but Russell's addiction has also destroyed his social life and his spare time interests. For instance, he has just dropped out of his school's basketball team in order to spend more time at his computer. Instead of spending next weekend having a good time out with friends, he will be spending it indoors surfing the Internet. Russell has recently joined at Internet online support group. It may seem ironic that many of the support groups for Internet addicts are online but at least Russell has sought help. Not everyone does. Dr. Ann Hoffman, who runs an online support group, says, "People do not realize that being online for more than 4 hours a day amounts to addiction and they have a serous problem. I predict that the number of people who join online support groups will have risen dramatically within 3 years.

  • 1093. Procedure of preparation business-plan

    %20understand%20what%20motivates%20people:%20"You%20have%20to%20find%20out%20how%20to%20press%20the%20"hot%20buttons"%20that%20turn%20consumers%20on,%20and%20this%20reality%20means%20gaining%20an%20understanding%20of%20what%20motivates%20<http://it4b.icsti.su/1000ventures_e/business_guide/crosscuttings/motivating_main.html>%20them%20in%20real-life%20situations.%20To%20turn%20people%20on,%20you%20must,%20first,%20find%20out%20what%20they%20really%20want,%20and%20then,%20show%20them%20how%20to%20get%20it.the%20dynamics%20of%20customer%20needs:%20understanding%20customer%20needs%20will%20help%20you%20define%20new%20market%20opportunities%20<http://it4b.icsti.su/1000ventures_e/business_guide/opportunities_discovering.html>%20and%20drive%20innovation%20and%20revenue%20growth%20in%20every%20aspect%20of%20your%20organization.the%20new%20rapidly%20changing%20economy%20<http://it4b.icsti.su/1000ventures_e/business_guide/crosscuttings/new_economy_transition.html>,%20however,%20customer%20predictability%20is%20dead.%20Whatever%20a%20customer%20wants%20today%20may%20not%20be%20what%20he%20or%20she%20wants%20tomorrow.%20Or%20he%20or%20she%20may%20want%20more%20of%20it.%20If%20you're%20offering%20low%20prices,%20customers%20want%20those%20prices%20slashed%20further.%20If%20you're%20offering%20state-of-the%20art%20products,%20they%20want%20them%20newer%20still.%20In%20meeting%20ever-increasing%20customer%20demands%20for%20lower,%20faster,%20better,%20and%20newer,%20companies%20are%20driving%20themselves%20and%20their%20competitors%20to%20the%20brink.can't%20predict%20the%20future,%20but%20by%20establishing%20effective%20change%20management%20<http://it4b.icsti.su/1000ventures_e/business_guide/crosscuttings/change_management.html>%20practices%20you%20can%20be%20ready%20for%20whatever%20it%20brings.different%20types%20of%20interaction:%20you%20don't%20need%20a%20degree%20in%20psychology%20to%20compete%20successfully%20in%20the%20marketplace,%20but%20you%20do%20need%20some%20way%20to%20figure%20out%20the%20different%20styles%20of%20interaction%20different%20people%20prefer%20to%20use.%20People%20tend%20to%20lead%20their%20decision-making%20process%20with%20one%20of%20the%20four%20functions:%20intuition,%20thinking,%20feeling,%20and%20sensing.%20Vividly%20differentiated%20differences%20that%20are%20anchored%20to%20a%20product%20and%20engage%20the%20above%20functions%20can%20enhance%20memory%20of%20your%20current%20and%20prospective%20customers.continuous%20customer%20research:%20if%20you%20want%20to%20develop%20a%20new%20product%20or%20service,%20exploratory%20market%20and%20customer%20research%20should%20be%20an%20essential%20and%20continuous%20component%20of%20the%20process.%20It%20provides%20the%20foundation%20and%20platform%20for%20effective%20idea%20generation%20and%20creativity%20management.%20"It%20describes%20customer%20or%20consumer%20needs,%20wants,%20gripes,%20complaints,%20and%20problems%20that%20each%20have%20about%20the%20performance%20of%20a%20certain%20activity,%20function,%20process,%20life%20event,%20or%20product.%20This%20research,%20prior%20to%20idea%20generation,%20provides%20the%20basis%20for%20setting%20up%20a%20problem%20-%20solving%20mindset%20towards%20idea%20generation".explore%20customer%20needs%20and%20wants,%20examine%20external%20market%20and%20competitive%20trends,%20ascertain%20potential%20needs%20and%20wants%20of%20each%20customer%20segment%20and%20character%20type,%20identify%20problems%20that%20customer%20cite,%20observe%20people%20to%20discover%20their%20unrealized%20needs.">Know your customer <http://it4b.icsti.su/1000ventures_e/business_guide/marketing_knowing_customer.html> understand what motivates people: "You have to find out how to press the "hot buttons" that turn consumers on, and this reality means gaining an understanding of what motivates <http://it4b.icsti.su/1000ventures_e/business_guide/crosscuttings/motivating_main.html> them in real-life situations. To turn people on, you must, first, find out what they really want, and then, show them how to get it.the dynamics of customer needs: understanding customer needs will help you define new market opportunities <http://it4b.icsti.su/1000ventures_e/business_guide/opportunities_discovering.html> and drive innovation and revenue growth in every aspect of your organization.the new rapidly changing economy <http://it4b.icsti.su/1000ventures_e/business_guide/crosscuttings/new_economy_transition.html>, however, customer predictability is dead. Whatever a customer wants today may not be what he or she wants tomorrow. Or he or she may want more of it. If you're offering low prices, customers want those prices slashed further. If you're offering state-of-the art products, they want them newer still. In meeting ever-increasing customer demands for lower, faster, better, and newer, companies are driving themselves and their competitors to the brink.can't predict the future, but by establishing effective change management <http://it4b.icsti.su/1000ventures_e/business_guide/crosscuttings/change_management.html> practices you can be ready for whatever it brings.different types of interaction: you don't need a degree in psychology to compete successfully in the marketplace, but you do need some way to figure out the different styles of interaction different people prefer to use. People tend to lead their decision-making process with one of the four functions: intuition, thinking, feeling, and sensing. Vividly differentiated differences that are anchored to a product and engage the above functions can enhance memory of your current and prospective customers.continuous customer research: if you want to develop a new product or service, exploratory market and customer research should be an essential and continuous component of the process. It provides the foundation and platform for effective idea generation and creativity management. "It describes customer or consumer needs, wants, gripes, complaints, and problems that each have about the performance of a certain activity, function, process, life event, or product. This research, prior to idea generation, provides the basis for setting up a problem - solving mindset towards idea generation".explore customer needs and wants, examine external market and competitive trends, ascertain potential needs and wants of each customer segment and character type, identify problems that customer cite, observe people to discover their unrealized needs.

  • 1094. Product Grouping vs Function Grouping

    First of all we have to understand what makes those issues so difficult. It is useful to rework all the criteria often relied on during making decisions. Typically, managers have used technical and economic criteria. For example, they may ask themselves “Which choice will minimize payroll costs?” or “Which will best utilize equipment and specialists. This approach shows us the real logic of traditional management and has strong support from classical school of organizational theory. The classical school theorists suggested that the manager should make the choice based on the following three criteria:

    • Which approach permits maximum use of special technical knowledge?
    • Which provides the most efficient utilization of machinery and equipment?
    • Which provides the best hope of obtaining the required control and coordination?
  • 1095. Product placement: Троянский конь
    Реклама и PR

    С точки зрения бизнеса product placement выгоден и для его заказчика, и для исполнителя. Для кино, например, это способ настолько с лихвой окупить дорогостоящие съемки, что сведения о кассовых сборах оказываются совершенно непоказательными. Когда фильм, судя по актерскому и режиссерскому составу, обещает быть успешным, то в сценарии заранее предусматривают места для брендов, которые рекламодатели охотно покупают. Есть ряд очень действенных аргументов "за" использование product placement. Во-первых - это экономично. Бренд органично вписывается в фильм, для которого уже предусмотрена потенциальная целевая аудитория и просчитана успешность, а после его выхода на экраны будет проанализирована реальная аудитория. Таким образом, клиенту не приходится тратиться на собственные исследования. Кроме того, отпадают расходы на придумывание концепции рекламного ролика, кастинг актеров для него и сами съемки. Компания приходит уже на все готовое - остается только найти место в сценарии и разделить успех.

  • 1096. Project of decoding of "The Stermer Effect" (Сигналы из космоса, серии Штермера)

    The author of the above hypothesis wrote his degree paper on silicon carbide light-emitting diode, that is why the ending of the forth series is the most simple- it is a modern light-emitting diode. Silicon carbide is alloyed with nitrogen and boron with some participation of fluorine. Approximately the same way diamond is alloyed with participation of fluorine in laboratories of other civilisations, as can be seen at the ending of the first series. In the middle of the forth series corundum, the base of ruby, is also alloyed with boron, nitrogen and fluorine. In the fifth series simply fluorine is educed as a useful but very aggressive gas. Inert neon seems to divide optoelectronic devices.

  • 1097. Prolog. Реализация на ПЭВМ
    Компьютеры, программирование

    В процессе реализации запроса интерпретатору языка необходимо анализировать множество фактов и правил, к-рые извлекаются в процессе нескольких просмотров соответственных баз фактов. При этом в процессе одного просмотра формируется частичное решение. Процесс в PROLOGе выполняется автоматически путем пометки или заполнения тех модулей, к-рые анализировались перед текущей целью, с тем, чтобы исключить полученное частное решение из дальнейнего рассмотрения. Этот механизм в PROLOGе наз-ся возвратом и реализуется через использование стандартного предиката fail, к-рый всегда имеет значение “ложь”. Этот предикат заставляет интерпретатор проанализировать ещё раз базу фактов, чтобы выполнить более целевое утверждение для других значений переменных. Он позволяет получить в базе все возможные решения.

  • 1098. Promotion Coca-cola и о том, как надо раскручивать отдельно взятые магазины

    Предположим, вы домохозяйка, и в результате прилюдно проведенной лотереи вам достался приз - пылесос Philips. Конечно, вы счастливы и можете получить его сразу, но в последний момент выясняется, что в соответствии с российским законодательством сумма подоходного налога, который вы обязаны уплатить составит 35% от стоимости приза. Вы, расстроены? Ничего... тогда я предлагаю вам сделку - налог заплачу я, а за это, ваша фотография с призом повисит у нас какое-то время в зале. После недолгих препирательств вы соглашаетесь. В результате половина торгового зала увешана цветными плакатами со счастливым обладателем приза, с подробностями смакующими историю о чудесном выигрыше; о том, как сначала набранных покупок явно не хватало для призового чека, и как потом домохозяйка неожиданно вспомнила, что дома кончается стиральный порошок, добила и вот он результат - ценный приз. И так далее и в таком же духе. Вы все равно не верите? Демонстративно кидаете призовые чеки в мусорную корзину? Тогда над кассой на уровне глаз появляется объявление примерно следующего содержания: « Уважаемые покупатели! Если по каким-либо причинам вы решили не участвовать в бесплатной лотерее, Убедительная просьба не оставляйте призовые чеки у кассы - в противном случае вашим чеком могут воспользоваться другие...». И так постоянный прессинг по всей ширине поля. Чем больше покупатель будет уверен, что призы (какими бы они не были) совершенно реальны, а не делятся «междусобойчиком» среди персонала, тем больших результатов можно ожидать «на конце». А теперь, о результатах: когда у вас несколько магазинов с одинаковым ценообразованием и ассортиментом, то очень легко просчитывается любая статистика.

  • 1099. Proposal of joint european project CHAIN-E

    Outcomes/activitiesNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTDuration (weeks / days)1. 20 East-West student mobility.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO52 weeks1.2Creation, annual updating, setting up in the Internet of information packages (in English language). OOOOOOOO8 weeks1.3Organization of access to the resources of the host university.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO35 weeks1.4Accommodation of foreign students. Organization of their leisure and security during staying abroad.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO35 weeks1.5Language training of the outgoing students.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO26 weeks1.6Organizational and informational students support.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO52 weeks1.7Supervising of the outgoing students. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO35 weeks1.8Application of ECTS for the studying results recognition.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO22 weeks1.9 Conduction of the international conference on the results of student exchanges.X3 days1.10 Organization of 1st annual regional conference on the problems of economic education.X3 days2. 35 East-East student mobility.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX52 weeks2.2Creation, setting up in the Internet of information packages of the consortium universities (in the Russian language).XXXXXXXX8 weeks2.3Organization of access to the resources of the host university.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX43 weeks2.4Supervising of the outgoing students.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX43 weeks2.5Accommodation of other-town students.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX43 weeks2.6Organizational and informational students support. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX52 weeks2.7Application of ECTS for the studying results recognition.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX22 weeks3. Internationalization of educational economic programs at the consortium universities.OOOOOOOOOOOOO=OOOOOOOOOOOOOX28 weeks3.1 Comparative analysis of educational programs of the home and host universities. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO17 weeks3.2 Selection of foreign study courses, which are of an interest for the sending university.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO17 weeks3.3 Foreseeing the ways to overcome the differences in educational programs.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO17 weeks3.5 Short-term visits of administrative and academic staff to coordinate student mobility.=1 weeks3.6 Staff training periods to perfect the teaching methods; intensive courses on credit transfer methods.= = = =4 weeks3.7 Expending of the library resources of partner universities.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO52 weeks3.8 Provision of project participants with an access to the computer databasesOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO52 weeks3.9 Creation of a computer database of educational programs, curricula and teaching aids in Economics.OOOOOOOOOOOOO13 weeks3.10 Organization of inter-university seminar on internationalization of higher economic education.X3 days3.11 Publishing of 3 issues of Newsletter on internationalization of higher education.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX14 weeks4. A network of branches of the Regional Centre for Students Exchanges (RCSE).OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO52 weeks4.5 Organization of meetings, conferences, seminars on the exchange of experience.XX2 weeks4.6 Establishing of direct links between the ECTS coordinators of the Ural consortium and the European universities, participation in the work of the ECTS ALUMNI AssociationOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO52 weeks4.7 Publishing activities (Newsletters, see Outcome 3 Activity 3.11).XXXXXXXXXXXXXX14 weeks5. 7 academics deliver lectures at the universities-participants (see Outcome 3).XXX== = =OOOOOXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX27 weeks5.1 Elaboration of new study courses and their methodological provision. XXX== = = = =XXXXXXXX17 weeks5.2 Organizational and informational support of the outgoing lecturers.XXX== = =OOOOOXXXXXX18 weeks5.3 Publishing activities (Newsletters, see Outcome 3 Activity 3.11).XXXXXXXXXXXXXX14 weeks6. Project management.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO52 weeks6.1 Annual planning of the activities and of budget (RBAP).OOOO4 weeks6.2 Annual report on done activities to the Tempus Department of the ETF.OOOO4 weeks6.3 Weekly holding of operating workshops with liaison-officers of Ural Consortium.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO52 weeks6.4 Coordinating Council meetings of managers of works on the project in Ural universities (monthly)XXXXXXXXXXXX12 days6.5 The Ural Rectors Council meetings: The intermediate results and perspectives of the project activities (every half-year)XX2 days6.6 Holding of coordinating workshops of representatives of all consortium universities.O1 day6.7 Participation of representatives of consortium universities in the annual coordinating conference of ETF Tempus- Department (Turin, Italy).

  • 1100. Protection of band names
    Юриспруденция, право, государство

    With the implementation of band laws, band rights are effectively protected in China. These laws are also actively encouraging invention and other forms of creation and fair competition. For instance, the protection of the right to the exclusive use of registered trademarks has resulted in the rapid growth of the number of trademarks registered by Chinese and foreign businessmen in China. By the end of 1993, the number of effective registered trademarks had exceeded 410,000. Of these, 350,000 were domestic, with the remaining 60,000 coming from 67 countries and regions. Companies from the United States, for example, had only 122 trademarks registered in China before 1979; by 1993 that number had soared to 16,221, more than a hundred times the earlier figure. In 1993, there were 170,000 applications for trademark registration annually in China, including more than 130,000 applications for new trademarks registration, among the highest number in the world. In addition, the Patent Law of China has greatly encouraged inventions and other creations in China, and has proved a magnet to patent applications from other countries and regions. On April 1, 1985, the first day the Patent Law came into effect, 3,455 applications for patent rights were submitted. By the end of 1993, the Patent Office of China had handled over 360,000 applications for patent rights. Of those, 27.5 percent were for inventions, 62.8 percent for utility models, and 9.7 percent for exterior designs; domestic applications accounted for 86.4 percent, while 13.6 percent were applications from 70 countries and regions. By the end of 1993, 175,000 patents had been approved, including more than 20,000 invention patents, more than 130,000 utility model patents and over 20,000 exterior design patents.