
  • 1201. Sydney burning
    Иностранные языки

    The dogmas which had hobbled Ernie Judd as a leader of the Socialist Labor Party, in the days before he was swept up in the great mass campaigns for the One Big Union and the Release of the Twelve, returned in even greater strength; he ended his days as a cantankerous stump orator, preaching the truths of De Leonism to a dwindling handful of the converted. Tom Mutch late in life became interested in history and genealogy; unfortunately, his papers in the Mitchell Library contain few reminders of the days when his world was wide. Jock Garden became a leading propagandist for Jack Lang in the hectic years of the depression and the "Lang Plan"; later, he was discreditably involved (when acting as secretary to a Federal Labor Minister) in a scandal involving timber leases in New Guinea. Tom Barker worked for some time for various Soviet agencies; eventually he settled in London. After World War II he became a Labour councillor in the borough of St Pancras (and, aged 77, still was at the time of writing). He was the only Lord Mayor to refuse to wear the mayoral robes, and on one occasion scandalised the Labor Party by flying the Red Flag over the St Pancras Town Hall. On the morning of March 22, 1921, while King and Reeve were still in gaol, Jack Brookfield stepped off the Broken Hill express at Riverton, where the train had stopped for breakfast. A Russian named Tomayev ran amok on the platform and fired off forty-one shots from a revolver, scattering the crowd. Brookfield and a police constable rushed Tomayev; Brookfield got two bullets in the stomach, and died that evening in Adelaide hospital. Tomayev later said probably falsely that he had been paid Ј100 to kill Brookfield. The poet Mary Gilmore wrote:

  • 1202. Taras Shevchenko

    Outside of Ukraine monuments to Shevchenko have been put up in several location of the former USSR associated with his legacy, both in the Soviet and the post-Soviet times. The modern monument in Saint Petersburg was erected on December 22, 2000, but the first monument (pictured) was built in the city in 1918 on the order of Lenin shortly after the Great Russian Revolution. There is also a monument located next to the Shevchenko museum at the square that bears the poet's name in Orsk, Russia (the location of the military garrison where the poet served) where there are also a street, a library and the Pedagogical Institute named to the poet.[3] There are Shevchenko monuments and museums in the cities of Kazakhstan where he was later transferred by the military: Aqtau (the city was named Shevchenko between 1964 and 1992) and nearby Fort Shevchenko (renamed from Fort Alexandrovsky in 1939).

  • 1203. Task for the laboratory work

    The DELIMITED WITH TAB option can be used to specify files which contain fields separated from each other by tabs rather than commas. The DELIMITED WITH <delimiter> option can be used to indicate that character fields are delimited by a character other than the quotation mark. The DELIMITED WITH BLANK option can be used to specify files which contain fields separated by spaces instead of commas. The file extension is assumed to be .TXT for all delimited files.

  • 1204. TCP/IP
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Ñïåöèàëüíîé ôîðìîé êîëüöåâîé òîïîëîãèè ÿâëÿåòñÿ ëîãè÷åñêàÿ êîëüöåâàÿ ñåòü. Ôèçè÷åñêè îíà ìîíòèðóåòñÿ êàê ñîåäèíåíèå çâåçäíûõ òîïîëîãèé. Îòäåëüíûå çâåçäû âêëþ÷àþòñÿ ñ ïîìîùüþ ñïåöèàëüíûõ êîììóòàòîðîâ (àíãë. Hub -êîíöåíòðàòîð), êîòîðûå ïî-ðóññêè òàêæå èíîãäà íàçûâàþò “õàá”.  çàâèñèìîñòè îò ÷èñëà ðàáî÷èõ ñòàíöèé è äëèíû êàáåëÿ ìåæäó ðàáî÷èìè ñòàíöèÿìè ïðèìåíÿþò àêòèâíûå èëè ïàññèâíûå êîíöåíòðàòîðû. Àêòèâíûå êîíöåíòðàòîðû äîïîëíèòåëüíî ñîäåðæàò óñèëèòåëü äëÿ ïîäêëþ÷åíèÿ îò 4 äî 16 ðàáî÷èõ ñòàíöèé. Ïàññèâíûé êîíöåíòðàòîð ÿâëÿåòñÿ èñêëþ÷èòåëüíî ðàçâåòâèòåëüíûì óñòðîéñòâîì (ìàêñèìóì íà òðè ðàáî÷èå ñòàíöèè). Óïðàâëåíèå îòäåëüíîé ðàáî÷åé ñòàíöèåé â ëîãè÷åñêîé êîëüöåâîé ñåòè ïðîèñõîäèò òàê æå, êàê è â îáû÷íîé êîëüöåâîé ñåòè. Êàæäîé ðàáî÷åé ñòàíöèè ïðèñâàèâàåòñÿ ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèé åé àäðåñ, ïî êîòîðîìó ïåðåäàåòñÿ óïðàâëåíèå (îò ñòàðøåãî ê ìëàäøåìó è îò ñàìîãî ìëàäøåãî ê ñàìîìó ñòàðøåìó). Ðàçðûâ ñîåäèíåíèÿ ïðîèñõîäèò òîëüêî äëÿ íèæåðàñïîëîæåííîãî (áëèæàéøåãî) óçëà âû÷èñëèòåëüíîé ñåòè, òàê ÷òî ëèøü â ðåäêèõ ñëó÷àÿõ ìîæåò íàðóøàòüñÿ ðàáîòà âñåé ñåòè.

  • 1205. Teaching business communication skills
    Иностранные языки
  • 1206. Techno

    Это всего лишь предельно простой ритм и несколько специфичных, зачастую синтезированных, звуков. Это Techno с небольшим количеством различных шумов. С точки зрения литературного описания Minimal Techno не представляет собой особенного интереса, так как это можно сделать с помощью одного предложения. Однако с музыкальной точки зрения этот стиль весьма интересен и оригинален именно из-за максимальной простоты минимала. Это можно сравнить с простотой струнного квартета по отношению к большому симфоническому оркестру (однако при этом ведь то, что делают квартеты, не становится менее любопытным). Когда House и Techno впервые появились в мировой музыкальной тусовке в середине 80-х годов, запись альбомов была сведена к минимуму. По мере дальнейшего развития искусства сэмплирования и программирования, музыка становилась более многослойной с профессиональным звуком - для некоторых это стало движением вперед, для других - ненужным сочетанием стилей. В ответ на растущие объему музыкального производства лидеры Minimalist Techno отказались практически ото всего за исключением выделенных барабанных программ и синтезаторных или секвенсорных партий. Такие детройтские музыканты, как Jeff Mills и Plastikman возглавили направление, а позднее прибавились Surgeon, Oliver Ho и Stewart Walker, также привнесшие с собой новые веяния. Минимал - это минималистическое Techno. Что такое минимализм? Это выражение максимума посредством минимума. Другими словами, минимальными средствами - максимально возможный результат. Minimal - это музыка, в которую мало чего намешано, она состоит из небольшого числа компонентов, между которых можно заметить звуковые пустоты. Но эти компоненты медленно, но верно изменяются, трансформируются в нечто совсем другое, чем то, что было в начале. Minimal может быть очень близок к Ambient, а может наоборот, к Noise. Из Minimal Techno назову несколько значимых имён. Одним из наиболее известных сподвижников на этом поприще является канадец Ричи Хотин, более известный под псевдонимом Plastikman. Ещё довольно известен в этой сфере немец Роланд Каспер (Roland Casper), а также немецкий проект "Oval". Среди близких направлений - Drone (жужжание). Оно характеризуется жужжащим или гудящим характером звучания. К этому очень близка музыка финской группы "Pansonic".Еще бы я отметил такое направление как Noise (нойз, шум) и самое радикальное ответвление Japanoise - это по определению минималистическое направление, т.к. шумом и грохотом много не выразишь. Тут бесспорными лидерами и гуру являются японцы Merzbow и Aube, а также поляк Zbignew Karkowski. Неугомонный Мерзбоу еще с 80-х гонит человеконенавистнические нойз-альбомы, наполненные патологическим скрежетом, свистом и грохотом. Его дискография исчисляется сотнями альбомов. К нойзу, не лишенному некоторой доли музыкальности я бы еще приплел альбом "Constant Shallowness Leads To Evil" совершенно безумной и гениальной группы Coil. На поприще электронного минимализма большими авторитетами являются бывший барабанщик "NaPALm Death" Мик Харрис (проект "LULL") и финский музыкант Vladislav Delay. Еще могу хорошо отозваться о творчестве германского музыканта Томаса Фельмана (один из участников The ORB). На мой взгляд, минимализм - очень интересная музыка, беда только в том, что диски с альбомами таких музыкантов просто так достать невозможно (надо поискать). Проблема ещё в том, что электронные музыканты участвуют в очень многих проектах и издают свою музыку на множестве маленьких лейблов под множеством разных имён. Самые известные лейблы, выпускающие такую музыку - это "Mille Plateaux", "Basic Channel", "Science", "Staalplaat".

  • 1207. Telecommunications

    Late in the nineteenth century communications facilities were augmented by a new invention telephone. In the USA its use slowly expanded, and by 1900 the American Telephone and Telegraph Company controlled 855,000 telephones; but elsewhere the telephone made little headway until the twentieth century. After 1900, however, telephone installations extended much more rapidly in all the wealthier countries. The number of telephones in use in the world grew at almost 100 per cent per decade. But long-distance telephone services gradually developed and began to compete with telegraphic business. A greater contribution to long-range communication came with the development of wireless. Before the outbreak of the First World War wireless telegraphy was established as a means of regular communication with ships at sea, and provided a valuable supplement to existing telegraph lines and cables. In the next few years the telephone systems of all the chief countries were connected with each other by radio. Far more immediate was the influence that radio had through broadcasting and by television, which followed it at an interval of about twenty-five years.

  • 1208. TexakaBank
    Банковское дело
  • 1209. Teхнические средства борьбы с АСПО

    Нет единого мнения об образовании АСПО при высокой обводненности продукции скважин. Любопытные данные получены при анализе 344 скважин на поздней стадии разработки месторождений ОАО "Татнефть" [9]. В этих условиях наиболее часто АСПО образуются в скважинах, дебиты которых меньше 20 т/сут., причем преобладают дебиты до 5 т/сут по жидкости. Критическим дебитом, когда АСПО в скважине незначительно, является дебит свыше 35 т/сут. АСПО образуются во многих скважинах с низкой обводненностью нефти, доля которых от общего количества скважин составляет 32 %. Второе место по частоте образования АСПО занимают скважины, имеющие обводненность от 50 до 90 %. Характерной особенностью формирования АСПО в таких скважинах является их образование не только в НКТ, но и в насосном оборудовании (более 50 % ремонтов). АСПО в колонне НКТ образуются в основном в скважинах с низкой и высокой (от 60 до 80 %) обводненностью. Большинство таких скважин (95 %) оборудовано штанговыми насосами, из них 54 % имеют диаметр плунжера 44 мм, а 31 % - 32 мм. Около 47 % скважин с АСПО в насосах имеют обводненность продукции выше 60 %, в то время как всего 28 % таких скважин - низкую обводненность.

  • 1210. Thanksgiving Day

    There are three traditions behind our Canadian Thanksgiving Day.

    1. Long ago, before the first Europeans arrived in North America, the farmers in Europe held celebrations at harvest time. To give thanks for their good fortune and the abundance of food, the farm workers filled a curved goat's horn with fruit and grain. This symbol was called a cornucopia or horn of plenty. When they came to Canada they brought this tradition with them.
    2. In the year 1578, the English navigator Martin Frobisher held a formal ceremony, in what is now called Newfoundland, to give thanks for surviving the long journey. He was later knighted and had an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in northern Canada named after him - Frobisher Bay. Other settlers arrived and continued these ceremonies.
    3. The third came in the year 1621, in what is now the United States, when the Pilgrims celebrated their harvest in the New World. The Pilgrims were English colonists who had founded a permanent European settlement at Plymouth Massachusetts. By the 1750's, this joyous celebration was brought to Nova Scotia by American settlers from the south.

      At the same time, French settlers, having crossed the ocean and arrived in Canada with explorer Samuel de Champlain, also held huge feasts of thanks. They even formed "The Order of Good Cheer" and gladly shared their food with their Indian neighbours.

      After the Seven Year's War ended in 1763, the citizens of Halifax held a special day of Thanksgiving.

      The Americans who remained faithful to the government in England were known as Loyalists. At the time of the American revolution, they moved to canada and spread the Thanksgiving celebration to other parts of the country. many of the new English settlers from Great Britain were also used to having a harvest celebration in their churches every autumn. Eventually in 1879, Parliament declared November 6th a day of Thanksgiving and a national holiday. Over the years many dates were used for Thanksgiving, the most popular was the 3rd Monday in October. After World War I, both Armistice Day and Thanksgiving were celebrated on the Monday of the week in which November 11th occurred. Ten years later, in 1931, the two days became separate holidays and Armistice Day was renamed Remembrance Day. Finally, on January 31st, 1957, Parliament proclaimed....
  • 1211. The Archangel Cathedral

    The Cathedral was first decorated with frescoes in 1564-1565. Some fragments of those painting have survived in the loggia of the western portal and in the chancel. In 1652, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich gave orders that “the Church of the Archangel Michael be painted up anew and the old paintings be scraped off”. The work was completed in 1666. Taking part in it were nearly a hundred artists from Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kastroma and other cities, supervised by the renowned masters Stepan Rezanets and Simon Ushakov. For many years the frescoes of the Archangel Cathedral remained obscured by the 18th-19th century overpaint and a thick layer of dust and soot. It was only in the 1950s that restorers happened to uncover the well-preserved 17th century paintings. One can mow see that the vaults and upper tiers of the southern and northern walls of the cathedral are traditionally decorated with frescoes illustrating episodes from the Gospel. An appreciable part of the frescoes feature miracles worked be the Archangel Michael who helped people in their efforts to establish and consolidate Christian faith and in their strivings towards goodness and justice. The composition are majestic and monumental, while the radiant festive colour gamut gives one a feeling of jubilation. Particularly vivid are the battle scenes reminding one of the nations long and hard struggle for the liberation and unification of the Russian lands. A distinctive feature of the Archangel Cathedral collection is a vast gallery of idealized images of historical personalities comprising over sixty conventionalized portraits of Russian princes. Painted on the pillars are the images of Vladimir Kievsky (died in 1015), Andrei Bogolyubky (apr. 1111-1174), Alexander Nevsky (apr. 1220-1263) and other princes included in the pantheon of Russian saints. The images of the princes buried in the Cathedral are places directly over the tombstones.

  • 1212. The Architecture of Ancient Rome
    Иностранные языки

    Roman architecture served the needs of the Roman state, which was keen to impress, entertain and cater for a growing population in relatively confined urban areas. Social elements such as wealth and high population densities in cities forced the ancient Romans to discover new (architectural) solutions of their own. Drainage was a common problem, as was security. This, together with Rome's growing desire to increase its power and majesty throughout Italy and beyond, required public buildings to be imposing, large-scale and highly functional. This is exemplified by Roman architectural achievements in drainage systems, aqueducts, bridges, roads, municipal structures like public baths, sports facilities and amphitheatres, even central heating systems. Numerous temples and theatres were also built. Later, as their empire spread, the Roman architects seized the opportunity to create new towns from scratch, designing urban grid-plans based on two wide streets - a north-south axis (the cardo) and an east-west axis (the decumanus). The town centre was located at the intersection of the two roads. They also built upwards; for example, Ostia, a rich port city near Rome, boasted a number of 5-storey apartment blocks.

  • 1213. The balanced scorecard (новые возможности для эффективного управления)

    Как показали результаты исследования, около 50% компаний строят системы оценки эффективности, базируясь исключительно на финансовых показателях, ярким доказательством ущербности такого подхода служит корпорация Xerox, которая, являясь одной из крупнейших мировых корпораций по производству копировальной техники, в конце 1970-х годов понесла ощутимые убытки, едва не приведшие к разорению этого гиганта. Первоначально Xerox сдавала в аренду копировальные аппараты, зарабатывая на каждой копии, сделанной с их помощью. Высокие затраты на бумагу, заправку картриджей, ремонт машин, а также выбранная стратегия привели к тому, что клиенты не понимали, почему они должны нести ощутимые издержки из-за оборудования, которое плохо работает и постоянно ломается. Вместо того чтобы изменить стратегию, управляющие Xerox сосредоточились на улучшении финансовых показателей, не обращая внимания на растущее недовольство клиентов. Руководством компании было принято решение о переходе на новую стратегию, связанную с продажей техники и организацией множества сервисных центров, что, естественно, привело к существенному увеличению затрат. Данная стратегия содействовала достижению корпоративных целей, связанных с ростом прибыли и повышением рентабельности капитала, но только в краткосрочной перспективе. Вследствие того, что сервисные центры не успевали обслуживать клиентов, многим из них приходилось покупать несколько машин, тем самым приумножая финансовые результаты Xerox. Естественно, такая ситуация не могла удовлетворить большинство клиентов компании - они хотели иметь относительно недорогие аппараты, более надежные в эксплуатации и производящие более качественные копии. С приходом на рынок американских и японских конкурентов Xerox начала стремительно терять свои позиции. Новички уделяли большое внимание качеству копий, их машины были более надежными и менее дорогостоящими. Таким образом, Xerox полностью потеряла былое преимущество и была вытеснена с рынка. Только в начале 1980-х годов, с приходом нового руководства, поставившего во главу угла корпоративной стратегии улучшение качества продукции и повышение уровня удовлетворения потребностей клиентов, компании постепенно удалось частично восстановить свои позиции.

  • 1214. The Balmain ironworkers' strike of 1945
    Иностранные языки

    But frіctіon bеtwееn Communіsts аnd othеr mеmbеrs of thе unіon іn Bаlmаіn wаs not confіnеd to thе job. 1943 sаw а vіolеnt collіsіon bеtwееn thе Fеdеrаl lеаdеrshіp аnd thе Bаlmаіn brаnch еxеcutіvе аnd brаnch mеmbеrs. Thе unіon, whіch hаd bеgun thе protrаctеd procеss of аmаlgаmаtіon wіth thе Munіtіon Workеrs' Unіon, hаd sеt up а Nаtіonаl Еxеcutіvе Councіl to аct аs а commіttее of mаnаgеmеnt for thе combіnеd unіons. Аt thе NЕC mееtіng of Mаy 11-12 аt whіch Brown аnd Stееlе (Brаnch Prеsіdеnt) аnd Lееhy (Fеdеrаl Councіlor from Bаlmаіn) wеrе prеsеnt by іnvіtаtіon, thе Gеnеrаl Prеsіdеnt McHеnry submіttеd а rеport on bеhаlf of Lееhy аnd hіmsеlf on thе workіng of thе brаnch аnd proposеd thаt а nаtіonаl offіcеr contіnuе to аttеnd mееtіngs for thе nеxt thrее months.25 Іmprovеmеnt іn thе work of thе brаnch wаs notеd іn dіscussіon, but аt thе NЕC on July 7 McHеnry wаs complаіnіng thаt еvеnts аt а rеcеnt brаnch mееtіng hаd cаusеd hіm concеrn аnd іndіcаtеd аn unsаtіsfаctory stаtе of аffаіrs. Brown, Stееlе аnd Hаrold Johnson (thе Аssіstаnt Sеcrеtаry) wеrе іnvіtеd to аttеnd thе mееtіng on thе nеxt dаy аnd wеrе quеstіonеd. Thе аnswеrs clеаrly dіd not sаtіsfy thе councіl bеcаusе іt concludеd thаt thе rеport on Bаlmаіn showеd unsаtіsfаctory fеаturеs, but іn ordеr to gеt morе іnformаtіon аbout thе brаnch аnd іts workіng thе councіl would conduct аn іnquіry.26 Thіs would bе cаrrіеd out by NЕ offіcеrs аnd thе brаnch wаs іnvіtеd to еlеct four rеprеsеntаtіvеs аt thе nеxt gеnеrаl mееtіng to tаkе pаrt іn thе іnquіry. Іt іs dіffіcult to fіnd out whаt wеrе thе еxаct poіnts of McHеnry's crіtіcіsm. Thе councіl mіnutеs аrе quіtе unіnformаtіvе. А lаtеr аccount of thе dіsputе іn Lаbor Nеws (formеrly Thе Іronworkеr) clаіmеd thаt thеrе hаd bееn іntеrfеrеncе by brаnch offіcіаls wіth thе rіghts of mеmbеrs to еlеct thеіr own shop stеwаrds аnd аlso thаt Stееlе аs brаnch prеsіdеnt hаd not chаіrеd mееtіngs іmpаrtіаlly.27 Thе quеstіon of fіnаncіаl mаlprаctіcе, whіch fіgurеd so lаrgеly іn thе rеtrospеctіvе chаrgеs аgаіnst thе Bаlmаіn offіcеrs аftеr thеіr dеposіtіon, doеs not sееm to hаvе bееn rаіsеd. Thе mіnutеs of thе brаnch mееtіng thаt hаd cаusеd McHеnry's concеrn rеvеаl thе mаrkеd unwіllіngnеss of brаnch lеаdеrs to аccеpt еіthеr Fеdеrаl offіcе dіrеctіvеs (on how dеlеgаtеs to thе АLP confеrеncе wеrе to votе), or аdvіcе (on аn іndustrіаl clаіm mаdе by Orіglаss on bеhаlf of mеn аt Mort's).28

  • 1215. The basic methods of psychological research
    Иностранные языки

    organization of the natural experiment also may use technical means (but if the examinee does not know about it). For the correct and successful natural experiment to observe all those requirements, which are submitted to the laboratory experiment. According to the research goals experimenter selects the following conditions which provide the most vivid manifestation of certain sides of mental activity. Methods of survey interwork, questionnaire, interwork Very often there is a need for data that can not be obtained by observation and experiment. These data provide methods of questioning. Methods of survey are divided into: · Optic survey - interworks; · Part survey - questionnaires. These methods are used after the formation of hypotheses and a plan of study. Interworks are used, usually after questioning, and they both used after the experiment. Interwork in psychology is the way to a social and psychological information through verbal questioning. In the history of the interwork as a psychological method can distinguish three main stages of development: 1) first interwork was used in psychotherapy and psycho, in turn, this contributed to the emergence of psychological consultation; 2) the use of interworks in sociological and social-psychological research, where he first emerged on the validity of methods of organizing and conducting interworks and accuracy of the information obtained; 3) the current stage of psychological research is characterized by the coordination of practical, theoretical and methodological problems of the interwork in order to use it as a special method of obtaining information through verbal communication. Types of interworks: 1. Free - no regulated subject and form of conversation, not standardized. Provides pre-formulation, which can be changed in the survey. The researcher can follow the general plan of the interwork, it may hold in a free form. Advantage - provides a more natural response, deeper understanding of the phenomenon. Disadvantage - the difficulty of quantitative information processing 2. Standardized - in form it is close to a questionnaire with closed questions. Characterized by well thought-through questions that are put to all respondents in the same wording and order. Questions and their order can not be changed. Advantage - easy to compare results and quantifiable treatment. Disadvantage - the lack of flexibility in setting questions. 3. Napivstandartyzovane - compensating for the shortcomings of both types of interworks to include mandatory questions and variables. Required are all respondents and variables - depending on the depth of their answers. However, the boundaries between these types of interworks are mobile and depend on the complexity of the problem, objectives and the research phase. The degree of freedom is due to interwork the participants list and the form of questions, the notional level of information received - richness and complexity of responses. During the conversation may obtain different situations on the position of the interworker: a) the respondent knows why he acted or should act, and not otherwise; b) the respondent is not enough information about the reasons of their own actions; c) the interworker aims to get symptomatic information although the respondent did not evaluate it as such. Or that the situation involves the use of different methods of interworking. In the first case is sufficient to use an orderly, well-directed series of questions. In two other situations require methods that involve the cooperation of the respondent in the process of finding relevant information. Examples of such methods is the clinical interwork and diagnostic interworks. Diagnostic interworks - a method of obtaining information about individual properties used in the early stages of psychotherapy. This method serves as a special means of establishing close personal contact with the interlocutor. In many situations, clinical work, he is an important way to penetrate the patient's inner world and understanding of its difficulties. There are: 1) controlled - from fully programmed (by type of questionnaire - unchanging and unchangeable strategy tactics) to completely free (constant strategy and tactics is free); 2) uncontrolled, "confessional" where the initiative belongs to the patient. In clinical practice, fully standardized diagnostic interwork is used very rarely. Clinical interworks - a method of therapeutic conversations in the case of psychological help. In psychiatry, psychoanalysis and medical psychology, this method is used to help the patient understand its internal difficulties, conflicts, hidden motives. The clinical interwork is the most free form of conversation, in conversations of this type of psychologist is interested not only direct patient response content (facts, opinions, feelings, verbal number - Dictionary, association of ideas, etc.), but his behavior (tone, gestures, movements etc...) An important prerequisite for successful implementation of the method is to establish positive personal relationships between members of the conversation, which requires the psychologist to be patient, resourceful, to adapt to the interests of the patient. In some cases, the method may have a direct effect of psychotherapy, with the patient not only understands the reasons for their difficulties, but also identifies ways to overcome them. The overall strategy and progress of the method are based on preliminary data and so the diagnosis.- a method of psychosocial research by using structural and organized questions, each of which is associated with the purposes and objectives of research - questionnaires. Depending on the nature of the necessary information and ways to obtain various types of questionnaire: - Solid (covered by large groups of people); - Sample (covered by a specific group of participants); - Oral (by type of interwork); - Writing (work with blank questionnaires); - Individual and group; - Full-time (by direct interaction); - Correspondence (mail, telephone, media, etc.). The process of drawing up the questionnaire - the translation of basic hypotheses persuasion questions. This procedure requires knowledge of types of questions, ability to formulate them in sequence.of questions: 1. Those who find the facts. Put the end of the questionnaire; 2. Those facts show that the behavior, acts of the respondent; 3. Those who find the attitude of the respondent to objects, objects, and its possible actions and their causes. In a separate group of distinguished projective questions when respondent offered a set of situations that can happen with him. Interrogator calls his behavior. These questions are intended to penetrate into the motivation of the respondent to reveal his intentions, thoughts. Questions may be: · Open - the nature, shape, type of advance is not provided; · Closed - with options of possible answers. Chosen only one; · Semiclosed - chosen one or more answers, the respondents should express their opinion. The structure of the questionnaire: 1. Introduction - appeal to the respondent, which indicates who conducted the survey and how the results will be used. Emphasizing the importance of the answers, guaranteed anonymity, specified rules. 2. The main part - Issues relating to research. First are those that are interested in questioning; then - the most complex, designed to clarify thoughts, estimates at the end - the most personal, test questions (specification information). 3. The demographic part - questions about the objective status of individuals (sex, age, education, etc.). Principles of Form: - Fixing of the most significant questions; - The wording of questions should be clear to all respondents according to their level of knowledge; - Questions should be formulated so that they could answer in principle; - Should facilitate complete information; - Should cause a positive reaction, a desire to answer. Application should provide such a response that is true and on surveys and problems, which is the subject of study. Questionnaire is based on theoretical ideas about the nature of the subject of study, according to this grading scale chosen, the types of questions to determine the number and order of questions that are treated. Also in a case study selected the most adequate procedure of questioning with regard to all the circumstances of the situation of cognitive act. Each separate type of survey provides a research situation, and the structure of the questionnaire, including the consistency and richness of emotional issues, means of processing and analyzing data. Conversation - the method of establishing mental features in the process of direct communication. Helps identify the particular character, motives, attitudes. Widely used in various fields of psychology: social, medical, pediatric, and others. In some cases, the conversation is the main means of obtaining factual information is also used as input in guinea situation of psychological experimentation: of clear instructions to communicate freely in the psychotherapy situation.of the conversation:

  • 1216. The basic principles of regulation by safety of econom

    The main levers of management of a national economy, regions, companies and enterprises are the prices for the goods both services and taxes to the proceeds from realization of commodity production, which structure includes also proceeds from realization of services to the population, enterprises, establishments and organizations. Whether the prices should be adjusted by the state or carry spontaneous character? Стихийность ценообразования as a consequence boundless демократизации in economic activity already has proved the economic inconsistency and does not require additional substantiations of its(her) unfitness for economic activity and balanced development of economy of any country. The economically unreasonable failure(refusal) of the doctrine of participation of the state in management of economy of our country has resulted the country in a general(common) economic crisis. Galloping inflation, as a consequence of holiday of the prices in the period of the most active reorganization of the economic attitudes(relations) (1992-1999 гг.), resulted(brought) to обнищанию of basic weight of the population and bankruptcy of a significant part of the enterprises and continuing the destructive influence on economic activity of the enterprises and ability to live of the population which has received the name of "shock" therapy, отзвуки with which and till the present time do not cease, at all was not economic necessity. The price has appeared is too great for the carried out(spent) reorganization, and the results - are much lower than the initial purposes. The balanced price policy(politics) is the integral function of any civilized state, имманентно inherent to it(him) as a part whole организма. The failure(refusal) of the control, regulation and management of the prices on the goods and services actually means self-elimination of state structures from management of a national economy and therefore from government. The economy which has been released(let off) on самотек, objectively be not capable to reach(achieve) any national purpose. Besides the former purposes and former primitive ideology were quite is proved are thrown out for a board of a history, and new standard ideology, except for immense enrichment and pursuit of profit till now and is not produced. Hence, already настала it is time обнародовать national idea, which would reconcile all layers расслоившегося of a society(community) and precisely enough and, main, fairly would express interests of the state and people. The essence of national idea of the current moment, on our sight, consists in the following. The maintenance of well-being, health and safety of a nation in a harmonious combination to strengthening and further development of intelligence and духовности of the population of the country also is the simultaneously main idea, purpose both prime task of the state and society(community) as a whole. The achievement of this purpose is possible only as a result of radical reorganization of the usual system индикативного of management of a national economy, its(her) regions and branches.these conditions the question on maintenance of economic safety of the enterprises, companies, and also regions, economy and population of the country as a whole is superurgent, and on importance and sequence of national problems strongly costs(stands) on the first place. To number of major structural elements of economic safety of a national economy branches, conducting her,(it,) and companies it is necessary to attribute(relate) the following: the control for ценообразованием, sizes of wages (its(her) conformity to demand on the goods of mass consumption, measure and quality of work, and also тарифно-qualifying directory of payment of work from working up to the president developed still(even) in 2010 in institute ЦНИЭИуголь Минэнерго) and system of the taxation. For this reason it is represented to most expedient not selective, but their complex decision. First of all it concerns maintenance of steady growth and conformity between demand for the goods both services, on the one hand, and sizes of wages of the workers and pensions, with another., the initially developed and authorized tax system so strongly also is economically perfectly unreasonably overloaded диффе-ренцированными with the specifications and фондообразующими by parameters and does not correspond(meet) to tasks, facing to it(her), what even its(her) annual updatings, change and addition be not capable залатать all of its(her) hole. From 45 taxes authorized in перестроечный the period, more than half did not work, and other part worked less than half. To the present time there were 15 kinds of the taxes, but you see and this number is overestimated not less, than in 15 times. A number(line) of the taxes, not having substantial economic sense, carry out obvious деструктивную function. So, for example, the tax, working till now in a coal industry, to production of minerals (НДПИ) instead of alignment of economic conditions of economic activity of the mining enterprises by neutralization of influence of the natural factors (conditions залегания угля in недрах, quality of extracted raw material etc.) simply takes from the proceeds a part of the profit угледобывающих of the enterprises most фондоёмкой of branch and instead of involving her(it) in economic circulation by maintenance and development of working mine fund оседает by a dead cargo in недрах госбюджета, not bringing any advantage(benefit) neither coal companies, nor national economy. In result the most labour-consuming branches have no a real opportunity in time to ensure(supply) reproduction of leaving capacities and effective economic activity., taking into account, that an overall objective of a national economy as a whole is the maintenance social, intellectual both moral values of the population and national economy as a whole, including at a level of each enterprise and each coal company is the increase of well-being of the workers, the taxation by the taxes of a parameter expressing this purpose, is economically not solvent and деструктивным by the factor.one Uniform state tax at a rate of 20-25 % from the proceeds of each subject of the Russian economy suffices for normal economic activity to ensure(supply) with financing all надстроечную structure of management of the country, public health services, education, science, culture and its(her) safety. One more example that mechanical copying of foreign experience to anything useful result can not, as has found acknowledgement(confirmation) in the received results. Business that in our country a level of wages of basic weight of the workers and in доперестроечный the period in 3-4 times was lower, than in the advanced countries of Western Europe, Japan and USA, in summary reorganizations it(he) has decreased still approximately in as much time, therefore the general(common) level of pensions and wages of basic weight of the population has appeared on the order below incomes of the hired workers in the advanced countries. Technique of definition Uniform госналога instead of 45 working now (in which calculation even the skilled bookkeepers are confused till now) is extreme simple - account enough part of the budget to divide on ВВП and умножить into factor of a reserve at a rate of from 20 up to 25 % and size Uniform госналога (ЕГН) is ready. The structural analysis of economic activity shows, that manufacture of the goods for the population inside the country was reduced more, than three times, the capital investments in real sector have decreased in 5-6 times, and the export of the capital abroad in commercial interests has reached(achieved) the enormous sizes already which have exceeded the national budget of the country. It proves to be true by the following data of official statistics, tab. 1.

  • 1217. The basic sense of democracy
    Юриспруденция, право, государство

    For most of world history, most people have got along without democracy. Most governments of historical nations have been monarchies of one kind or another. Of the republics before modern times (Ancient Greece <http://www.timemaps.com/history/ancient-greece-500bc> and Rome <http://www.timemaps.com/history/ancient-rome-200bc>, Ancient India, Medieval Italy), only a small handful have been true democracies - notably that infamous political experiment, Athens., I suppose, for most people, for most of history, democracy has not even been a distant dream, so fighting for it wasn't even a possibility. Perhaps it is a truth that when democracy is a reality in one part of the world, then all the peoples of the world want it.I wonder whether in fact the peoples of he Middle East really are fighting for democracy as such. What I think may be happening is that they are fighting against their governments' corruption, intimidation and so on.most of history, government has had very little impact on the lives of most people. Even in monarchies, throughout history villages have tended to run their own affairs, with the agents of the central government seen as a distant (and not very friendly) presence. The most centrally organized society of pre-modern times has been imperial China - but even here, there was only one magistrate to tens of thousands of ordinary people. What modern technology has done is to enable governments to be come much more involved in people's lives, to make a much greater impact. And people don't like it - especially when those government agents are arrogant and bullying.governments have taken a huge amount of power away from their people. Even in a society like Britain, townsmen and villagers in feudal and early modern times essentially governed themselves through their parish and town councils. During the nineteenth and twentieth century, however, the state expanded into every corner of people's lives - just as it has in every other advanced nation. In fact, just as it MUST in every advanced nation (a topic for another blog).in fact, without open democratic systems, governments WILL, despite the best intentions of this in high places, become corrupt and bullying. And in the modern world, where government officials have a so much greater impact on the lives of the people than in previous times, resentment will grow. Hatred will come. It may well be that, in modern times, authoritarian regimes really are all doomed.

  • 1218. The basical macroeconomics indicators
    Иностранные языки
  • 1219. The Beatles
    Культура и искусство

    Английская рок-группа. Была образована в 1959 в Ливерпуле (Великобритания). В ее состав входили: Джон Леннон (полное имя Джон Уинстон Леннон; 9 октября 1940, Ливерпуль 8 декабря 1980, Нью-Йорк; вокал, гитара, гармоника, клавишные), Пол Маккартни (полное имя Джеймс Пол Маккартни; р. 18 июня 1942, Ливерпуль; вокал, бас, гитара, клавишные), Джордж Харрисон (р. 25 февраля 1943, Ливерпуль; вокал, гитара, ситар, клавишные), Ринго Старр (настоящее имя Ричард Старки; р. 7 июля 1940, Ливерпуль; вокал, ударные, перкуссия, клавишные).
    Приведенный состав не исходный состав группы это те, кого весь мир знает как THE BEATLES. Но первым барабанщиком группы был не Пит Бест, а Томми Мур, близкий друг Джона Леннона. Продержался он недолго, но Джон считал его исходным барабанщиком своей группы.
    Будущие THE BEATLES родились и выросли в Ливерпуле месте, где в конце пятидесятых годов влияние американской популярной музыки было едва ли не сильнее, чем в столице Великобритании. Джон Леннон уже выступал в любительской скиффл-группе THE QUARRYMEN, когда на пикнике, устроенном 6 июля 1957, познакомился с Полом Маккартни. Пол был приглашен в группу, и с первых дней они с Джоном начали писать собственные песни (именно в тот период они сочинили The One After 909, вошедшую в последний студийный альбом Let It Be), что было явлением нехарактерным для тех лет: обычно исполнители пользовались либо готовым материалом, либо композиторы писали им музыку на заказ.
    К концу 1957 Маккартни уговорил Леннона принять в группу название которой к тому времени изменилось на JOHNNY AND THE MOONDOGS Джорджа Харрисона. На следующий год Джон пригласил Стью Сэтклиффа, своего соученика по художественному колледжу, занять место бас-гитариста. Сэтклифф вообще не умел играть ни на одном музыкальном инструменте, но незадолго до приглашения Джона удачно продал одну из своих картин, и вырученные деньги пошли на приобретение аппаратуры для THE SILVER BEATLES (через пару месяцев слово «silver»» выбросили из названия). И только в августе 1960 на сцене появляется Пит Бест, который сменяет за ударными Томми Мура. В таком составе THE BEATLES совершают первые четыре поездки в Гамбург. Группа провела более тридцати выступлений в гамбургских пивных. Их репертуар состоял главным образом из вещей Чака Берри, Литл Ричарда, Карла Перкинса и Бадди Холли. В декабре 1960 Харрисона как несовершеннолетнего депортируют из Германии, кроме того, у него отсутствует разрешение на право работы. В январе 1961 THE BEATLES дебютируют в клубе «Каверна» на Мэтью-стрит (Ливерпуль), и за два года дают там более 300 концертов.
    В апреле 1961 группа снова выступает в Гамбурге новые прически четверых музыкантов (первым ее начал носить Сэтклифф) с тех пор известны как «классические битловские». По завершении гамбургских концертов Сэтклифф покидает THE BEATLES и находит работу в Гамбургской художественной галерее, а спустя год 10 апреля 1962 от кровоизлияния в мозг умирает. В конце 1961 на один из концертов THE BEATLES в «Каверне»» случайно забрел Эпстайн. Комиссованный по состоянию здоровья из армии, Брайан Эпстайн, также уроженец Ливерпуля, год учился в Королевской Академии драматического искусства (Лондон), а вернувшись домой, стал управляющим отцовского магазина грампластинок. Незадолго до посещения «Каверны» Эпстайн получил запрос на выпущенный в Германии сингл My Bonnie (который THE BEATLES записали в Гамбурге как аккомпанирующая группа певца Тонн Шеридана для этого студийного проекта они взяли себе название THE BEAT BOYS), и вскоре он стал менеджером THE BEATLES. Первым делом Эпстайн изменил имидж музыкантов: вместо черных кожаных курток музыканты облачились в пиджаки без воротников от Пьера Кардена (получившие название «битловки»), а взбитые «коки»» а-ля Элвис Пресли сменили длинные челки. Когда практически все европейские фирмы грамзаписи отвергли музыку THE BEATLES, Эпстайн добился контракта с Parlophone, входившей тогда в состав ЕМI. В июне 1962 группу прослушал продюсер Джордж Мартин и подписал с группой контракт на месяц. А в августе 1962 Леннон, Маккартни и Харрисон пришли к выводу, что Пит Бест не справляется с обязанностями барабанщика, и Бест в ту пору единственный секс-символ группы покинул группу. На его место был приглашен Ринго Старр, игравший во второй по популярности ливерпульской группе ROR STORME AND THE HURRICANES. В сентябре 1962 THE BEATLES записали свою первую «сорокапятку», в которую вошли Love Me Do и P.S. I Love You, в октябре попавшие в национальный Тор20. В начале 1963 композиция Please Please Me заняла в хит-параде Великобритании второе место, а 11 февраля 1963, всего за 13 часов, был записан дебютный альбом группы. Когда третий сингл From Me То You занял в чартах первое место, рекорд-индустрия Великобритании обогатилась новым термином: Мегseybeat, то есть «ритмы с берегов реки Мерси». Дело в том, что большинство групп, работавших в стилистике, аналогичной THE BEATLES, GERRY AND THE PACEMAKERS, BILLY J. KRAMER AND THE DAKOTAS и THE SEARCHERS были выходцами из Ливерпуля, расположенного на реке Мерен.
    Летом 1963 THE BEATLES, которые должны были открывать британские концерты Роя Орбнсона, оказались по рейтингу на порядок выше американца именно тогда появились первые признаки явления, получившего термин «битломания»». По окончании первых европейских гастролей (октябрь 1963) THE BEATLES и их менеджер Эпстайн перебрались в Лондон. Преследуемые толпами поклонников, THE BEATLES появляются на публике только под охраной полиции. В конце октября того же года сингл She Loves You становится самой тиражируемой пластинкой в истории граммофонной промышленности Великобритании, а в ноябре 1963 THE BEATLES выступают перед королевой-матерью. Capitol Records, американская ветвь фирмы ЕМI, отнеслась к успеху группы настороженно и не выпустила ни одной пластинки, датированной 1963, рискнув перепечатать только четвертый сингл I Want To Hold Your Hand, а также выпустить «лонгплей» (долгоиграющую пластинку). Так американские слушатели получили в январе 1964 диск Meet The Beatles. В американские гастроли THE BEATLES фирма Capitol вложила всего 50 000 $, и 7 февраля 1964 в нью-йоркском аэропорту Кеннеди группу встречали несколько тысяч их американских фэнов, а 9 и 16 февраля уже более 70 миллионов телезрителей смотрели выступление THE BEATLES в программе Эда Салливэна. В апреле 1964 композиция Can't Buy Me Love одновременно возглавила хит-парады Англии и США; в том же месяце THE BEATLES заняли все верхние пять строчек в хит-параде журнала Billboard. Премьера первого фильма с участием THE BEATLES (Hard Day's Night «Вечер трудного дня», режиссер Ричард Лестер) состоялась в США в августе 1964 (первая неделя проката принесла доход 1,3 миллиона $). THE BEATLES встали во главе «британского вторжения», проложив на американский рынок дорогу для таких групп, как DAVE DARK FIVE, ROLLING STONES и KINKS.
    К 1965 Леннон и Маккартни уже не писали песни вместе, хотя по условиям контракта (и по взаимной договоренности) песня каждого из них считалась совместным творчеством. В 1965 THE BEATLES побывали с концертами в Европе, Северной Америке, Австралии и на Ближнем Востоке. Второй фильм с их участием Help! («На помощь!», режиссер Ричард Лестер) снимался в Англии,

  • 1220. The biography and Charles Dickens's creativity
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    Pip's first encounter with Miss Havisham and Estella is a strange one. He discovers Miss Havisham is a shut-in who has boarded up the windows around the entire house so as not to allow any light in. She remains seated in a tattered chair where she instructs Pip to play cards with Estella. Here, Estella is cruel to Pip, calls him names and laughs at him. Miss Havisham seems to delight in this ill-treatment of Pip and asks him repeatedly what he thinks of Estella in turn by whispering it in her ear. Miss Havisham continuously praises Estella for her pride and her beauty. Hurt and angry, Pip leaves Satis House to walk the grounds and cries. Estella brings him food however she begins to make fun of him again as she sees that he has been crying and teases him for doing so. Outside, Pip is accosted by a young man of about the same age who tries to engage him in a fight. He calls Pip out but Pip refuses to fight with him at first, however, after this has gone on for a time, Pip swings at and strikes the young man, knocking him to the ground. The young man repeatedly encourages Pip to hit him even though he is clearly losing and becoming increasingly battered and bloody. After the fight is over, the two part ways; Estella, having seen the fight, lets Pip kiss her, excited that two young men are fighting for her, and he returns to the forge. Pip's first encounter with Miss Havisham and Estella is a strange one.Pip realizes that he is in love with Estella. Pip behaves badly in society (mostly over jealousy of Estella) and squanders his allowance, running into debt. He is rescued on his 21st birthday, when he is notified by Jaggers that he is awarded 500 pounds (equal to £36,000 today) and an increased steady allowance, until such a time as his benefactor will appear and make himself known to Pip. Pip originally believes Miss Havisham is his benefactress. For several years Estella had been studying abroad in Europe. Upon her return, Pip finds Estella much changed and her attitude refined. She apologizes for her earlier cruelty however, seeing Pip's affections warns him that he should not fall in love with her. Pip ignores these repeated warnings as he long harbored the belief that Miss Havisham (as his benefactress) intended them for each other. Estella continues to warn him that her heart is cold and cannot love him and entreats him to take her seriously, but he refuses, still believing they will be married and that her heart is not as cold as she claims. During this time, Mrs. Joe dies. Pip's benefactor turns out to be instead Abel Magwitch, the convict whom Pip helped, who had been transported toNew South Wales, where he had eventually prospered and become extremely wealthy. Magwitch left all his money to Pip in gratitude for that kindness and also because Pip reminded him of his own child, whom he believes to have been killed by her mother over two decades prior.However, Magwitch now expects to spend the rest of his life living with Pip in England. Pip, very reluctantly, lets Magwitch stay with him. There is a warrant out for Magwitch's arrest in England and he will be hanged if he is caught in the country. Pip becomes increasingly suspicious of being watched and tells his landlord and all other close people that Magwitch is an uncle by the name of Provis.During these events, it is revealed to Pip that Estella is the daughter of Mr. Jaggers' housemaid, Molly, whom he defended in a murder charge and who gave up her daughter to be adopted by another of his clients, Miss Havisham, in return for his service in allowing her to be acquitted of the charge. Pip later realizes Magwitch is Estella's father.Shortly before Magwitch and Pip are scheduled to flee, Pip receives an unsigned note at his home telling him to appear at the marshes near his old home that night at 9pm. Pip is timid at first, but the letter mentions his "Uncle Provis" and threatens his safety. Pip is lured in by the threats to his benefactor and leaves for the village by carriage immediately. On the marshes, Pip is struck on the head by a blunt object, rendering him unconscious for a period of time. When he awakens, he finds himself bound in a small shack far away from any other residences. It is revealed that both the author of the anonymous note and his attacker is Orlick, who admits that he was in fact the one who attacked Mrs. Joe. Orlick confides that he intends to kill Pip as he was always jealous of young Pip when he worked with Joe and for Pip's intervention with his advances on Biddy. Pip is sure he is going to die though he refuses to cry out or beg for mercy. Pip is rescued by Herbert, a village shop boy. Meanwhile, out of spite for Miss Havisham, Estella has married Bentley Drummle, a boastful rival of Pip's whom he very much dislikes.Pip, Herbert and another friend, Startop, make a gallant attempt to help Magwitch escape, but instead he is captured and sent to jail. Pip is devoted to Magwitch by now and recognizes in him a good and noble man and is ashamed that he had formerly looked down on Magwitch as his inferior. Pip tries to have Magwitch released but Magwitch dies shortly before his execution. Under English law Magwitch's wealth forfeits to the Crown, thus extinguishing Pip's "Great Expectations". During an extended period of sickness, Pip is nearly arrested for his numerous unpaid debts to several creditors however due to his condition, which includes fever, he is not arrested at that time. During this illness, he is looked after by Joe and he eventually returns to good health. Joe leaves early one morning leaving Pip with only a note of well-wishes, believing that as Pip had not visited him in years since, he would not visit him then and that he likely would never see Pip again. Pip is greatly saddened by this turn of events and realizes how thankless and ungrateful he had been over the years. His guilt is compounded by the discovery that the police did not leave to allow Pip time to recover, but because Joe had paid all of his debts in full. Pip returns home to ask Biddy and Joe for forgiveness and to thank Joe for his unprovoked kindness, and unfailing love for which Pip felt unworthy. When he arrives in the village, he finds that it is Biddy and Joe's wedding day. He congratulates the couple, Afterwards, Pip goes into business overseas with Herbert. After eleven relatively successful years abroad, Pip goes back to visit Joe and the rest of his family out in the marshes. Pip meets Estella on the streets. Her abusive husband Drummle has died. Estella and Pip exchange brief pleasantries and Pip states that while he could not have her in the end, he was at least glad to know she was a different person now, changed from the coldhearted girl Miss Havisham had reared her to be. The novel ends with Pip saying he could see that "suffering had been stronger than Miss Havisham's teaching and had given her a heart to understand what my heart used to be.