
  • 481. Borland C++ для Windows
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Вывод текстовой или графической информации в Windows связан с контекстом устройства DC. Рабочая зона окна связывается с контекстом устройства TClientDC. Перед выводом информации мы должны создать контекст устройства, передав ему идентификатор окна и выбрать в нем набор необходимых графических объектов, таких как перо (TPen), кисть(TBrush) и т. д. Необходимо также позаботиться о цвете выводимых объектов. Созданный контекст позволяет нам рисовать только внутри рабочей области окна, не затрагивая при этом ни другие окна, ни границы самого окна. Наличие в системе такого класса, как TDC, делает доступными более 150 функций, связанных с выводом оконной графики. Эти функции позволяют использовать различные объекты-инструменты (перо, кисть, шрифт и т. д.), выводить текст и рисовать различные фигуры.

  • 482. Borland Delphi 7: миграция в сторону .Net
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Третья на мой взгляд, более важная постепенный отход ведущих средств разработки от платформы Win32 и их миграция в сторону платформы .Net. И хотя, как сказано в пресс-релизе Borland, за одну ночь новая платформа не изменит технологию разработки и распространения приложений, однако платформа .Net следующая, эволюционная ступень Windows, приход которой неизбежен. Принимая во внимание тот факт, что разработчики в основной своей массе люди инертные, а также то, что на изучение новых технологий необходимо довольно много времени и средств, Borland сделала ставку на необходимость эволюционного развития Delphi и, на мой взгляд, не ошиблась. Включение в эту версию подсказок и предупреждений компилятора, касающихся совместимости с Microsoft .Net, возможности импорта узлов (assembly) .Net в Delphi и экспорта COM объектов в приложения .Net, подтверждает сказанное выше. Полноценная же поддержка этой многообещающей платформы наверняка будет реализована в следующей версии Delphi Delphi .Net, которую и будем с нетерпением ждать.

  • 483. Boryspil

    У березні 1917 року до влади в Україні прийшла Центральна Рада. На її чолі стояли М.Грушевський, В. Вінниченко, С. Петлюра. Головна мета Центральної Ради полягала у створенні незалежної Української держави. У січні 1918 року було проголошено УНР, у тому ж 1918 році Україна була втягнута в громадянську війну. В квітні 1920 року на територію України вступили частини польської армії, а з ними війська Української Народної Республіки. Відступаючі загони Червоної Армії реквізували у селян фураж, коней, продовольство. Це викликало невдоволення населення. Більшість селянства рішуче взялася за зброю. Повстали і селяни Борисполя. Вони відмовилися давати "оброк" кіньми, возами, продовольством. Був скликаний мітинг. Червоноармійці направили своїх делегатів, але бориспільці заявили, що не впустять війська у місто. Більшовики напали на Бориспіль у неділю, на свято Георгія. Почали обстрілювати місто з усіх боків гарматними залпами. Місто горіло. Червоноармійці швидко захопили Бориспіль. Люди тікали, ховаючись у болотах, лозах, очеретах. Були и такі, що чекали на черівоноармійців, виходили зустрічати їх з хлібом сіллю, але вбивали і їх. Поранених добивали багнетами прямо на вулицях, у лікарні. Потім стали вишукувати чоловіків та, зібравши більше 200 чоловік, погнали до Броварського шляху і там розстріляли. Вбивали у дворах, заганяли людей в клуні, а потім підпалювали їх. Більше двох тижнів більшовики тероризували і грабували населения Борисполя.

  • 484. Boпpoc кaк фopмa paзвития мышлeния

    Логика вопросов и ответов (интерогативная, этротетическая или эротематическая логика) находит в правовой практике многообразное применение: в судебном, арбитражном и административном процессах, в деятельности следственных органов и так далее. В юридической науке имеет особое значение логическая сторона умелой постановки вопросов и оценки ответов в ходе применения методов конкретно-социологических и социально-психологических исследований, в первую очередь методов анкетирования и интервью. Во всех случаях правильность вопроса и часто истинность ответа зависит от логически правильной постановки вопроса. Правильная постановка вопроса, естественно, истинности ответа не гарантирует, но ошибочная постановка вопроса затрудняет, а иногда и исключает истинные ответы. Значение, конечно, имеет формально-логическая оценка не только вопроса, но и ответа, так как за логически неточным ответом может скрываться ответ уклончивый или даже ложный.

  • 485. Break Event Point

    Z obliczonych progu rentownosci i marginesu bezpieczenstwa wynika:

    • Wartosc realizowanej sprzedazy przynosi NPKZ, co pozwala w pelni pokryc koszty stale ponoszone przez przedsiebiorstwa. Gdyby realizowana sprzedaz nie wystarczyla na pokrycie kosztów zmiennych, wtedy kazda kolejna spredana jednostka towaru i uslugi powodowac moze powiekszenie juz poniesionej straty.
    • Im wyzsza jest kwota nadwyzki sprzedazy nad kosztami zmiennymi, tym korzystniejsza jest sytuacja finansowa badanych przedsiebiorstw. Im wyzszy jest procentowy udzial NPKZ w wielkosci sprzedazy, tym korzystniejsze itnieja mozliwosci rozwojowe, poniewaz zwiekszaja sie strumienie finansowe wplywajace do kasy.
    • Dodatnia wartosc NPKZ, lecz ujemny dochód z dzialalnosci operacyjnej, wskazywac moze na koniecznosc interwencji w dziedzinie kosztów wlasnych w krótkim okresie czasu i zmiany sposobu angazowania kosztów zmiennych w dluzszym okresie czasu. Wtedy nalezy podejmowac decyzje dotyczace zwiekszania cen i /lub sprzedazy, pod warunkiem, ze zmiany te zostana zaakceptowane przez rynek.
    • Analizyjac wielkosc wskaznika NPKZ nalezy zauwazyc, iz badane przedsiebiorstwa w pelni pokrywaja ponoszone koszty zmienne.
    • Podobne tendencje mozemy zauwazyc analizujac BEP. Pokazuje on jaka powinna byc wartosc sprzedazy, aby przy niezmienionych proporcjach ekonomiczno-finansowych przedsiebiorstwo osiagnelo zerowy dochód. BEP wyrazony w % pokazuje omawiane wielkosci liczbowo w odmienny sposób. Informuje jaki poziom sprzedazy wystarczyl by na osiagniecie zerowego dochodu.
    • Bezposrednio z procentowo ujetym wskaznikiem BEP zwiazany jest margines bezpieczenstwa, który pokazuje, o ile przedsiebiorstwa moga zmniejszyc przychody (skale dzialalnosci), aby osiagnac zerowy dochód.
  • 486. Brezhnevism

    This last observation, however, is but parenthetic comment. What I'm really trying to say here is this. Although the West mostly noticed and discussed the actions of the more prominent dissidents of the Brezhnev era like Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov, Vladimir Bukovsky, and others of that type, much more important for the country's future development under Gorbachev and later was the mood of the massive intelligentsia Fronde as described here. it could not even be called a movement, for under Brezhnev there was no political movement outside the Party that would be worth the name (just as there was no political movement worth the name inside the Party). It was merely a common mood. a common understanding of certain things, and a common readiness to act in a certain way. given half a chance. It was this general mood and intentions that would make the Gorbachev perestroika possible, not the conspicuous dissidents of the Brezhnev era who were given a hero's welcome each as they drifted one by one to the West.

  • 487. British education
    Иностранные языки

    The problem of learning languages is very important today. Foreign languages are socially demanded especially at the present time when the progress in science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge and has contributed to an overflow of information. The total knowledge of mankind is known to double every seven years. Foreign languages are needed as the main and most efficient means of information exchange of the people of our planet.
    Today English is the language of the world. Over 350 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South African Republic. As a second language it is used in the former British and US colonies.
    It is the major international language for communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass entertainment. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organization. It is the language of the literature, education, modern music, international tourism.
    Russia is integrating into the world community and the problem of learning English for the purpose of communication is espicially urgent today. Learning a foreing language is not as easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But to know English is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist.
    It is well known that reading books in the original , listening to the BBC news, communicating with the English speaking people will help a lot. When learning a foreign language you learn the culture and history of the native speakers. One must work hard to learn any foreign language.

  • 488. British painting in the 17-18th centuries (Британская живопись 17-18 вв.)
  • 489. British Royal Ceremonies

    British people are proud of pageants and ceremonies of the national capital London. Many of them are world famous and attract numerous tourists from all over the world. They include daily ceremonies and annuals. Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace at 11.30 a. m., Ceremony of the Keys at 10 p. m. in the Tower, Mounting the Guard at the Horse Guards square are most popular daily ceremonies. Of those which are held annually the oldest are the most cherished are: the glorious pageantry of Trooping the Color, which marks the official birthday of the Queen (the second Saturday in June); Firing the Royal Salute to mark anniversaries of the Queens Accession on February 6 and her birthday on April 21; opening of the Courts marking the start of the Legal Year in October; and Lord Mayors Show on the second Saturday in November, when the newly elected Lord Mayor is driven in the beautiful guilded coach pulled by six white horses to take the Royal Court of Justice where he takes his oath of office and becomes second in importance in the City only to the Sovereign (Queen).

  • 490. British traditional holidays

    Easter is one of the most important holidays in Christianity. In England its a time for giving and receiving presents, mostly Easter eggs. We can say that the egg is the most popular emblem of Easter, but spring-time flowers are also used to stress the natures awakening. Nowadays there are a lot of chocolate Easter eggs, having some small gifts inside. But a real hard-boiled egg, decorated and painted in bright colours , still appears on breakfast tables on Ester Day, or its hidden in the house or garden for children to finny. In egg that is boiled really hard will last for years. Egg-rolling is a traditional Easter pastime. You roll the eggs down a clope until they are cracked and broken, after they are eaten up.

  • 491. Britney Spears - princess of pop

    That funkier spirit is loud and clear on up-tempo rump shakers like
    "Stronger" and "Don't Go Knockin On My Door" which find Britney in a
    frisky and fierce state of mind. But as she proved on her debut, Britney
    can deliver ballads with as much intensity as her more high energy cuts.
    On the aching "When Your Eyes Say It" (written by Diane Warren and
    produced by Steve Lunt and Robert Jazayeri) and the thoughtful "Don't
    Let Me Be The Last To Know" (penned by Shania Twain and Robert Mutt
    Lange and produced by Lange), Britney shows her depth. "I dont want
    to just be some singer who sings a song just to sing it," Britney offers
    speaking to the emotional range of the album. "When you sing a song
    with feeling and do your all you connect and thats crucial to me.
    Especially since I think that the songs on this album are ten times better
    than on my first album, so I really want my fans to feel and hear how
    much these songs mean to me."

    In keeping with that need to communicate is "Dear Diary", co written by
    Britney. Britney began writing melodies and songs while on the road and
    she has plans to learn guitar (she is proficient on the piano) in hopes of
    writing more songs in the future. "I think Ive always had these songs
    that I've been writing in my head," Britney explains. "Now I feel ready to
    let people start to hear them."

  • 492. Bronchopulmonary system
    Иностранные языки

    One of the most frequent diseases of respiratory system is the dyspnea characterised changing of frequency, deepth and a rhythm of respiration. The dyspnea can be accompanied as a sharp acceleration of respiration, and degreasing it up to stopping. Pointed an inspiratory dyspnea(it is shown by difficulty of an inspiration, for example, at a tracheostenosis and large bronchuses), an expiratory dyspnea(are characterized by difficulty of an expiration, in particular, at a spasm stricture of fine bronchuses and admixed type. The dyspnea presents at many acute and chronic diseases of respiratory system. The cause occurrence in most cases arises with change of gas structure of a blood - incresing of the contents of a carbon dioxide and depression of the contents of the oxygen, accompanied shift pH bloods in the acidic side. The dyspnea is leading display of a respiratory insufiention - a condition at which the system of external respiration of the person cannot provide normal gas structure of a blood or when this structure is supported only by to excessive strains of all system of external respiration. The respiratory failure can arise was acutely (for example, at closing respiratory ways by an alien body) or to proceed chronically, for a long time (for example, at an emphysema of lungs).

  • 493. Bruteforce как средство передачи информации
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Что значит синхронизация передачи данных? Подумайте, как вы будете передавать информацию, если у вас нет непосредственной связи с вашим скриптом. Информацию надо через ЧТО-ТО передавать. Вот тут мы и рассмотрим механизмы синхронизации передачи данных. У нас есть серверная часть (со стороны интернет) и клиентская (со стороны корпоративной сети). Серверная часть выполняет наши запросы, команды, а клиентская их задает. В обязанности обоих сторон входит отслеживание состояния. Возьмем наш метод передачи данных через поле пароля.

  • 494. Budism

    Templeid, mida Birmas nim. pagoodideks on iga päev palvetajaile avatud. Buddha altari ees palvetatakse ja ohverdatakse lilli, maiustusi, raha jne. Ohverdamine ja meditatsioon toimub suures harduses ja täielikus vaikuses. Mõnes budistlikus templis, eriti Sri Lankas, võib Buddha kuju kõrval näha ka hinduistlikke jumalakujutisi. Budistlikes maades leidub erilisi ehitisi, stuupasid, kus säilitatakse Buddha põletatud surnukeha jäänuseid: juukseid, hambaid, kaelalülisid jne. Vagad budistid teevad nendesse templitesse palverännakuid. Pühad säilmed on austuse objektiks ja neil usutakse olevat mediteerimisel keskenduda aitav toime. Budistlikes kodudes on väikesed pühamud või altarid, kus hoitakse pühapilte. Nende ees seistes lausutakse kolmekordne usaldusvanne, põletatakse suitsutusaineid ja mediteeritakse. Perekondlikel pühadel, nagu näiteks täisealiseks saamise peol, pulmades ja matustel, toimetavad mungad piduliku talituse. Lisaks peetakse veel rohkelt muid pühasid, mis on seotud aastaaegade ja Buddha elu sündmustega. Budismis õpetatakse moraalset optimismi: iga inimene on suuteline tegema nii head kui halba ning igaüks vastutab vaid iseenda eest.

  • 495. Buh uchet
    Бухгалтерский учет и аудит

    Основные средства играют огромную роль в процессе труда, т.к. они в своей совокупности образуют производственно техническую базу и определяют производственную мощь предприятия. Основные средства разнообразны по составу и назначению. Чтобы вести их учет, необходимо воспользоваться типовой классификацией, предложенной органами Госстатистики. Согласно этой классификации, все основные средства по их видам, возможно, разделить на:

    1. Здания
    2. Сооружения
    3. Передаточные устройства
    4. Машины и оборудование:
    5. силовые машины и оборудование;
    6. рабочие машины и оборудование;
    7. измерительные и регулирующие приборы, устройства и лабораторное оборудование;
    8. вычислительная техника и оргтехника.
    9. Транспортные средства
    10. Инструмент
    11. Производственный инвентарь и хозяйственные принадлежности
    12. Хозяйственный инвентарь
    13. Рабочий, продуктивный и племенной скот
    14. Многолетние насаждения
    15. Капитальные вложения в коренное улучшение земель (без сооружений)
    16. Капитальные вложения в арендованные объекты
    17. Земельные участки
    18. Объекты природопользования
    19. Прочие основные средства
  • 496. Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    1. Der Bundestag hat das Recht, Gesetzentwьrfe aus seiner Mitte einzubringen. 2. Der Prдsident ist befugt, die vom Bundestag verabschiedeten Gesetze auszufertigen. 3. Der Bundesprдsident ist berechtigt, im Notfall den Bundestag vorzeitig einzuberufen. 4. Der Bundesprдsident strebt danach, den Abbruch der diplomatischen Beziehungen zu diesem Land zu verhindern. 5. Grundgesetz der BRD Artikel 1. (1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu aьЯern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugдnglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. 6. Grundgesetz Artikel 26 (1) Handlungen, die geeignet sind und in Absicht vorgenommen werden, das friedliche Zusammenleben der Vцlker zu stцren, insbesondere die Fьhrung eines Angriffkrieges vorzubereiten, sind verfassungswidrig. Sie sind unter Strafe zu stellen. 7. Der Bundestag hat das Recht, den SchluЯ und Wiederbeginn seiner Sitzungen selbst zu bestimmen.

  • 497. Business associations

    B.DEFECTS IN FORMATION PROCESS--”DE JURE” AND “DE FACTO” CORPS--when there is a defect or irregularity in formation, the question is whether the corp exists “de jure,” “de facto,” “by estoppel,” or not at all. This issue usually arises when a third party seeks to impose personal liability on would-be shs. Another method of challenging corporate status, used only by the state, is a quo warranto proceeding. Note: where there has not been compliance with the statute, we apply principles of de facto, de jure and corp by estoppel. Where there has been compliance with the statute, we apply principles of disregard of corporate fiction, a/k/a “piercing the corporate veil,” which is an exception, rather than a rule.

  • 498. Business associations

    B.DEFECTS IN FORMATION PROCESS--DE JURE AND DE FACTO CORPS--when there is a defect or irregularity in formation, the question is whether the corp exists de jure, de facto, by estoppel, or not at all. This issue usually arises when a third party seeks to impose personal liability on would-be shs. Another method of challenging corporate status, used only by the state, is a quo warranto proceeding. Note: where there has not been compliance with the statute, we apply principles of de facto, de jure and corp by estoppel. Where there has been compliance with the statute, we apply principles of disregard of corporate fiction, a/k/a piercing the corporate veil, which is an exception, rather than a rule.

  • 499. Business at work

    Each large supermarket retailer in Britain has its own corporate identity and culture. Often these are very similar, yet each organisation seeks to present its own individual image. Of the types of cultures that I have discussed above, I think that Tesco displays many of these differing forms, especially customer driven or customer orientated, task culture, competitive culture, innovative culture and positive culture. It is often said that in business “the customer is King” and this is very true of Tesco, which operates in a very competitive market. It must be very heavily customer orientated as satisfied customers will usually regularly return, but dissatisfied customers may not …. and go elsewhere! It is also very innovative, always encouraging new ideas and products, e.g. the possible introduction of car sales. Tesco used to be a food retailer, but now it also sells clothing, electrical goods, books and stationary, computers, mobile phones, etc. It has a very positive culture as it is always searching for new opportunities for its staff and also its retail products. Its success is now a good indicator of how this blend of business cultures has led to market growth and market leadership.

  • 500. Business Ethics

    Nestle's work on business ethics is one of great importance. As you can see from their web site www.nestle.com this is one of their major focal points. Nestle, like many other businesses have created what they believe to be a comprehensive ethical policy or codes of ethics, in plain they are lists of what they believe is ethical behaviour and how they should behave. However, the existence of a code of ethics may not guarantee that the company will conduct itself ethically. Ethics codes are often drawn up in response to scandals and to protect the name of the company, and then this only state its legal responsibilities and the conduct it expects from its employees, rather than listing any ethical principals and aspirations that it holds. The emphasis has often been on the company setting standards for the employees to meet, so it will not be caught breaking the law, rather than realising that the company itself needs to be guided in its business conduct. Nestle have got an ethics policy from legislation to child labour, they have covered every single topic they believe comes under the word of ethics. Nestle believe that every single area of their business needs to have an ethics policy in which they should be able to follow, as they are a global company and their arms stretch to many different area's. Nestlé Global Commitment and Responsibilities Since Henri Nestlé develoed the first milk food for infants in 1867, the Nestlé company has gained vast experience through its scientific research into the nutritional needs and food preferences of consumers of all ages. No other food company invests so much in fundamental and applied research. The company has been a leading food manufacturer and major purchaser of agricultural raw materials for over 130 years. Food and agriculture are an integral part of the social, cultural, economic and political context of every community. Since Nestlé activities in Switzerland, its country of origin, account for less than 2% of its global turnover, Nestlé learned very early to respect the social, political and cultural traditions of all countries in which the products are produced and sold. They also learned to be a highly decentralized people and products oriented company rather than a systems centred organisation. Today, Nestlé is the world's largest and most diversified food company, with nearly 500 factories around the globe, producing healthy, enjoyable food products for every stage of life. Quality is the cornerstone of the success of the Nestlé Company. Everyday, millions of people all over the world show their trust in the company by choosing Nestlé products. This trust comes from a quality image that has been built up for over a century. Nestlé carries out its global social responsibility, firstly, by taking a long term approach to strategic decision making which recognizes the interests of our consumers, shareholders, business partners, and the world-wide economies in which we operate. Secondly, our responsibilities and values are reflected by the commitment of management and employees at all levels, to our Corporate Business Principles, which define standards of behavior for all companies in the Nestlé Group, and are intended to complement applicable legislation and international recommendations. P. Brabeck-Letmathe Chief Executive Officer Nestlé S.A. Nestlé Corporate Business Principles From www.nestle.com Nestlé is committed to the following business principles in all countries. Taking into account local legislation, cultural and religious practice: Nestlé's business objective and that of management and employees at all levels, is to manufacture and market the company's products in such a way as to create value that can be sustained over the long term for consumers, shareholders, employees, business partners and the large number of national economies in which Nestlé operates. Nestlé does not favour short-term profit and at the expense of successful long term business development, but recognizes the need to generate profit each year in order to maintain the support of the financial markets, and to finance investments. Nestlé believes that, as a general rule, legislation is the most effective safeguard of ethical conduct, although in certain areas, additional guidance to management and employees in the form of voluntary business principles is beneficial in order to ensure that the highest standards are met throughout the organisation. Nestlé is conscious of the fact that the success of a corporation is a reflection of the professionalism, conduct and ethical values of its management and employees, therefore recruitment of the right people, and ongoing training and development are crucial. Nestlé recognizes that consumers have a legitimate interest in the company behind the Nestlé brands, and the way in which the Nestlé Company operates.