
  • 381. 9-ый международный транспортный коридор


    1. Государственный доклад “О состоянии окружающей природной среды Российской Федерации в 1996 году”. М.: Центр международных проектов, 1997. 510с.
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    3. Временная типовая методика определения экономической эффективности осуществления природоохранных мероприятий и оценки экономического ущерба, причиняемого народному хозяйству загрязнением окружающей среды. / А.С. Быстров, В.В.Варанкин, М.А. Виленский и др. М.: Экономика, 1986. 96 с.
    4. Закон Российской Федерации “О стандартизации” № 5156-1 от 10.06.1993г.. М., “Экономика и жизнь”, № 28, июль, 1993.
    5. Кодекс торгового мореплавания Российской Федерации Интернет-сервер “АКДИ Экономика и жизнь” © 1997, 1998
    6. Международная конвенция по предотвращению загрязнения с судов, измененная протоколом 1978 г. к ней. Марпол 73/78. Книга (Конвенция, протоколы к ней, приложения с дополнениями). СПб.: АОЗТ ЦНИИ МФ, 1994. 314с.
    7. Международная конвенция о железнодорожных перевозках грузов (МГТС), подписанная в Берне 7 февраля 1970г.;
    8. Международная конвенция о железнодорожных перевозках пассажиров и багажа, подписанная в Берне 7 февраля 1970г.. М.,
    9. Международные отношения, 1971.
    10. Международные перевозки грузов. Закон и бизнес (Серия: Международные документы). СПб, “Закон и бизнес”, 1994.
    11. Международное право: Учебник. Отв. ред. Ю.М.Колосов, В.И.Кузнецов. М., Международные отношения, 1994.
    12. Методика определения массы выбросов загрязняющих веществ автотранспортными средствами в атмосферный воздух. М.: НИИАТ, 1993. 32 с.
    13. Комментарии к Транспортному уставу железных дорог РФ. Юр. фирма “Контракт”, Москва , 1998 год.
    14. Охрана окружающей природной среды: Постатейный комментарий к Закону России. М.: Республика, 1993.224 с.
    15. Перечень распределения грузов по разрядам (к Правилам перевозок разрядных грузов). М., Военное издательство, 1982.
    16. Правила перевозок опасных грузов по железным дорогам. МПС “Транспорт”, 1995 год.
    17. Правила перевозок грузов. Кн. 1-6 Москва, МПС “Транспорт”, 1985 год.
    18. Правила перевозок разрядных грузов ручной кладью и грузобагажом в пассажирских поездах, №Д-28912 от 29.08.79г.. -справочник. М: Мысль, 1990.637 с.
    19. Правовые основы охраны природы на железнодорожном транспорте. Коллектив авторов. Методическое пособие. М.: “Калейдоскоп”, 1997. 96 с.
    20. Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации “Об организации работ по стандартизации, обеспечению единства измерений, сертификации продукции и услуг”. М., “Экономика и жизнь”, № 9 март 1994.
    21. Сборник правил перевозок и тарифов железнодорожного транспорта Союза СССР. М., Транспорт, 1983.
    22. Транспортный устав железных дорог Российской Федерации. Юр. Фирма “Контракт”, Москва , 1998 год
    23. Транспортный коридор 9а (реконструкция ж/д участков), Вестник транзитного бизнеса, декабрь-февраль1997-98.
    24. Указание Октябрьской Ордена Ленина железной дороги от 21.07.89г. № МО-4/58 “Об изменениях и дополнениях Правил перевозок разрядных грузов”.
    25. Экология и природоохранная деятельность на транспорте. Тематический сборник нормативно-справочных материалов. М.: Министерство транспорта РФ, 1993.201 с.
    26. Бикмухаметов Р. Интермодальные коридоры. “Морские порты” №2, 97
    27. Жерондо К.. Безопасность движения: прошлое, настоящее, будущее. Перевод с французского Е.М.Семенова./Подред. В.И.Жулева. М., Юрид. лит., 1983.
    28. Кацман Ф.М. Е.А. Королева. Нормативно-правовые проблемы функционирования международных транспортных коридоров, СПб, 1998г.
    29. Калинина Т.М.. Социалистическая интеграция и транспортное законодательство стран-членов СЭВ. М., Наука, 1987.
    30. Интернет. http://www.transport.ru/trans_k
    31. Интернет http://www.mps.ru/press/mps
    32. Интернет http://www.fiata.com
    33. Маслов Н.Н., Коробов Ю.И. Охрана окружающей среды на железнодорожном транспорте: Учеб. для вузов. М.: Транспорт, 1996. 238 с.
    34. Макаров А.Д.. Правовые аспекты транспортной безопасности на примере перевозки опасных и особо опасных грузов. НИР ММП-1841 (Правовые проблемы международной и национальной безопасности на современном этапе). СПб, ВМОЛУА им. Н.Г. Кузнецова,1994.
    35. Мазо Л.А. Совершенствование регулирования и построения системы грузовых железнодорожных тарифов
    36. Моисеев Н.Н. Экология и образование. М.: “ЮНИСАМ”, 1996. 192с.
    37. Панфилов А.А.,Сосунова И.А. Государственная экологическая политика: узловые проблемы формирования. // Социально-политический журнал, 1997, № 6, с. 28 - 37.
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    39. Плужников К.И. Модель правил транспортно- экспедиционного обслуживания Международной федерации экспедиторских ассоциаций (ФИАТА). Транспорт №8-9. 1996г.
    40. Реймерс Н.Ф. Природопользование: Словарь
    41. Радойнов П. Правотворческие функции международниых организаций, София,1975.
    42. Савичев Г.П. Правовое обеспечение сохранности грузов. М., Юридическая литература.1989.
    43. Садиков О.Н. Правовое регулирование международных перевозок. М., Юридическая литература. 1983.
    44. Саркисов С.В. Организация перевозок во внешнеэкономических связях СССР. М., Юридическая литература. 1990.
    45. Стадницкий Г.В. .Родионов А. И. Экология. Учебник для вузов. М.: Высш. шк., 1988. 272 с.
    46. СавченкоВ.К. Чернобыльская катастрофа и биосфера. // Природа и ресурсы, Т. 27,1991, № 3-4, с. 91 -100.
    47. Усенко Е.Т.. Сближение и унификация национально-правовых норм в условиях развития социалистической экономической интеграции. Сравнительно-правовые исследования как средство развития и совершенствования правовых основ социалистической экономической интеграции стран -членов СЭВ. Тез. Докл. междунар. конф. М., 1973.
    48. Элементы логистики на железнодорожном транспорте. В.А. Шаров
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    50. Чеботаев А.А., Чеботаев Д.А. Внедрение логистических технологий - важный фактор эффективности товародвижения в РФ Транспорт №8-9. 1996г.
  • 382. A Brief History of the Internet and Related Networks

    "Regional" support for the Internet is provided by various consortium networks and "local" support is provided through each of the research and educational institutions. Within the United States, much of this support has come from the federal and state governments, but a considerable contribution has been made by industry. In Europe and elsewhere, support arises from cooperative international efforts and through national research organizations. During the course of its evolution, particularly after 1989, the Internet system began to integrate support for other protocol suites into its basic networking fabric. The present emphasis in the system is on multiprotocol interworking, and in particular, with the integration of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) protocols into the architecture.

  • 383. A Comparison between Beowulf and Redcrosse Knight
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    Additionally both heroes have an encounter with a character from hell. Beowulf dives into the lake (personification of hell) where Grendels mother is waiting to attack. He cannot cut her with his sword, so he tosses it away and finds a larger sword killing Grendels mother by cutting her head off. He sees Grendel dead body nearby and cuts off his head as a trophy and return to Denmark (pg. 61, 1356-84). This expresses an important virtue, loyalty. Redcrosse Knight encounters Lucifera (Queen of Hell) and the parade of vices. He has been weakened by his visit to the House of Pride. Although he had the instinctive good sense to flee from that castle, his conscience is still at work. This failure leads him near death in the dungeon of Orgoglio, a giant that represents godless pride. Arthur (represents magnificence) comes along and helps Redcrosse rise up from his lowest state (Canto 7). Redcrosse also defeats the dragon. Just as Christ descended to hell to defeat Satan, Redcrosse had to enter the hellish mouth of the dragon to finally kill it. He is not victorious alone he is saved twice by very timely help. The Well of Life and The Tree of Life, both represents the grace that God gives to mankind, which aids Christian in danger of falling prey to sin (Canto 10). No matter how well equipped or prepared a Christian is, he is no match for sin and death without the underserved grace of God. Thus the message about the Christian life is one of humility; we can never take the credit for Gods victory.

  • 384. A Critical evaluation of infrared analysis and mass spectrometry in forensic science
    Юриспруденция, право, государство
  • 385. A Farewell to Arms
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  • 386. A Little information about Turkmenistan english

    I have to explain that Turkmenistan doesn't have any nuclear weapons because Russia reclaimed all of its nuclear weapons after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In answer to the question of whether my parents were communists or not, I just say that the all people in the Soviet Union were communist, and citizens of that country had no other choice but to be one. People were prosecuted for having different ideas or beliefs about the government during the Soviet era. Of course the Soviet Union made nuclear weapons against United States, because the United States built the same weapons against the Soviet Union. Was the United States the biggest enemy of the Soviet Union, or was it the other way around? Or was it both ways at once?

  • 387. A revolt rather than a revolution

    However, the second period of the Fronde wasn't, in fact, useful and the revolt was only a political struggle between Mazarini and some nobles, receiving the name the Fronde of the Princes. It didn't start as a result of some reforms, or difficult position of nobles, or unlawful actions of the government. As a matter of fact, everything began from the prince de Conde, who expected to control Cardinal Mazarini and Anne after his help. His intrigues led to his arrest in January 1650, and caused a second outbreak, the Fronde of the Princes, or the New Fronde. Madam de Longueville decided to release her brother and called on Marshal Turenne for help. Government troops managed to defeat Turenne and his Spanish allies at Rethel (1650), however, Mazarini had to release Conde. Soon after the release he took up open warfare against the government. But he lost his principal support of Turenne, who took the side of the government after Louis XIV reached his majority. Conde concluded an alliance with Spain, but was defeated by Turenne. The princes soon made a peace agreement with the government, except for Conde, who commanded the Spanish forces against France until the Peace of Pyrenees (1659)3. The second Fronde was the last attempt of the nobility to resists the king by arms. It resulted in the humiliation of the nobles, the strengthening of royal authority, and the further disruption of the French economy. Louis XIV forced his nobility into the position of his courtiers and he developed the monarchy as a tax-gathering machine for the manufactures of France, so there was no need to touch the revenues of the nobility4. Thus, this episode, which even endangered his life, left a strong impression on Louis. As an adult, he was determined to prevent any further rebellion by controlling the nobility.

  • 388. A role of the Environmental Ethics in the modern society

    1. Our moral responsibilities to future human beings (sometimes called sustainable development) require that we stop using technology and science for short-term gains at the expense of long-term risks of very negative ecological effects for future people. In several official declarations and policy-documents this idea has been expressed as "the precautionary principle", roughly the idea that we should not use particular means of production, distribution etc. unless they have been shown not to effect too serious risks. However, it is far from clear what is meant by this. What determines whether or not the effecting of a certain risk (in order to secure some short-term gain) is too serious or not? - and what determines whether or not this has been "shown"? Some traditional decision-theorists would say that it is a question of traditional instrumental efficiency (i.e. rationality) in relation to morally respectable aims. Some ethicists would instead claim that it is a question of whether or not the severity of the scenario illustrating an actualization of the risk in question makes the taking of this risk morally wrong in itself. Others, yet, hint that they want to take a stand in between these two extremes, however, without specifying what this could mean. There is also a rather grim debate regarding whether or not it can ever be shown that a certain action does not effect too serious risks, and this of course depends on what requirements should be laid on someone who purports to show such a thing. In both cases, the questions seem to boil down to basic issues regarding what is required of risky decisions in order to make them morally justified. But, obviously, it must be a kind of moral justification different from the one dealt with by traditional ethical theories of the rights and wrongs of actions, since these only deal with justification in terms of actual outcomes, not in terms of risks for such outcomes.

  • 389. A Valediction Forbidding Mourning by John Donne

    The word "melt" implies a change in physical state. The bond of the lovers will dissolve quietly like the soul of a dying man separating from his body. "Noise" refers to "tear floods" and "sigh tempests" that the speaker implores his love not to release. He continues by comparing natural phenomena to a love relationship, the "sigh tempests" relating to the element of air, and the "tear floods" to the element of water. He uses this hyperbole to demand that his lover remain stoic and resist any show of emotion upon his departure. Next, the element of earth is introduced. Earthquakes are perceived by everyone, and people often interpret them as omens of misfortune. It is understandable that an earthquake would be looked upon with fear because of its potential to ravage the land; whereas a trepidation affecting a celestial sphere would be worked in a different light, especially one that is imperceptible and has no apparent meaning for the average person. In order to understand the meaning of the third quatrain in the poem, it is necessary to consider the Ptolemaic Universe and the symbolism of the sphere. During the Middle Ages and the Elizabethan Age, the circle and sphere were looked upon as perfect shapes. The main influence behind that thinking may have been Greek philosophers such as Aristotle, who believed that since, "The motion of the celestial bodies is not straight and finite, but circular, invariable and eternal. So they themselves must be eternal, unalterable, divine". The well-educated Donne, 1572-1631, certainly studied famous Greek thinkers such as Aristotle and Ptolemy, and their works concerning the universe. Donne lived during a time when many people accepted the Ptolemaic theory of the universe, which held that the spherical planets orbited the earth in concentric circles called deferents. 2 Writing this poem in 1611, Donne would most likely be influenced by his previous classical studies, and he chose to use the circle and the sphere to represent a perfect relationship based on reason and harmony. The "trepidation of the spheres" is another obsolete astronomical theory, used to support the speaker's point that great changes in the heavens may be imperceptible to the layman. The speaker presents this comparison between the earthquake and the "trepidation of the spheres" to suggest that matters beyond one's control should be approached rationally. In quatrains four and five, the speaker urges his love to remain stoic by making any change in their relationship as imperceptible to others as the "trepidation of the spheres," and again, he uses terms from astronomy to illustrate his point. The term "sublunary" refers to the surface below the moon. According to the Greek astronomers, this sublunary area, composed of the four elements, was imperfect. The sphere's surface, composed of quinta essenta, the perfect part, radiates light and heat. The dull sublunary lovers are imperfect human beings who do not practice mature love. The soul of their love is "sense", so they need physical contact to cement their relationship. However, the speaker suggests that reason can free itself from any connection with a sensory experience. Therefore, the lovers with fully developed souls "Care less, eyes, lips, and hands to miss", having developed rational souls, the third part of the Aristotelian model for the human soul, consisting of vegetative, sense and rational parts. In quatrain six, Donne echoes the traditional marriage ceremony in which two become one, so the "two souls" of the lovers are joined together. He describes separation as a stretching exercise in which the joined soul of the lovers is gold beat to an "airy thinness". According to Pinka, the comparison is "beautiful and pure" but "fragile" since there is "expansion without increase". The "airy thinness" emphasizes the stretching of the lovers' resources, in that the love continues to exist, but its strength is weakened by the circumstances. He urges the lover to look at the separation in a positive light, but he sends out undertones suggesting that he is aware of the fragility of the situation. The speaker then begins his closing argument, in which he changes his symbol of perfection from the sphere to the circle. One might argue that the circle and the sphere are slightly different objects and should not be considered one and the same; however, the Ptolemaic Universe consisted of both perfect spheres and perfect circular orbits, and so the concept of circle and sphere both represented perfection. Poets and songwriters have often used sphere and circle symbolism. In Dante Alighieri's Paradiso, a story of a pilgrim journeying through Paradise, Dante sees nine concentric circles in the eyes of Beatrice, his guide. Beatrice explains to him that each of nine circles represents an angelic order. The brightest circles are in the center nearest to God and represent the highest order of angels and the greatest good. According to Beatrice, each circle also corresponds to one of the nine spherical heavens consisting of the five planets, the sun, the moon, the fixed stars, and the Prime Mover. It does not seem unusual for Donne to include both the sphere and the circle in his poetry as symbols of perfection, since other writers had linked the circle and the sphere together in various ways throughout the history of science and literature. The speaker in the poem is unique in that he does not compare the perfection of his love to a traditional object such as a rock or a fortress; instead he chooses to compare the twin legs of a compass to the lovers' sense of union during absence. Such a comparison would be called metaphysical according to Gardner, who states that a metaphysical conceit must concern two things so dissimilar that we "feel an incongruity". Here, the poet must then proceed to persuade the reader that these things are alike in spite of their apparent differences. The speaker proves the point by drawing the circle with the compass. The lover who stays behind is the fixed point, and the speaker is the other leg of the instrument. Without the "firmness" of the fixed point, he would be unable to complete the journey and make the circle just (precise). The adverb "obliquely" (l. 34) may have several different meanings. John Freccero supports the interpretation that obliquely means a spiral motion, referred to by the Neoplatonic tradition as a movement of the soul. Obliquely may also indicate a slant. Either the drawing instrument can be interpreted to move in a spiral, or the motion may refer to the second foot's tilted position in relation to the fixed one in the center. Such a position would be required during the drawing of a circle. According to Freccero, "No matter how far Donne roams his thoughts will revolve around his love.... At the end of the circle, body and soul are one". In Donne's "Valediction," the human souls are described in the context of a joint soul that is stretched by the separation, or two souls joined within a circle of spiritual strength. Donne once stated in an elegy, "...perfect motions are all circular."5 The circle in the "Valediction" represents the journey during which two lovers endure the trial of separation, as they support each other spiritually, and eventually merge in a physically and spiritually perfect union.

  • 390. Aadu Hint

    Впоследствии, не раз обращаясь в своих книгах к теле проказы, писатель будет осмыслять ее каждый раз по-новому. И в одной из своих статей выскажет обобщение: «Но чем больше я думал над жизнью, чем более зрелым становился мой собственный опыт все чаще приходило ко мне понимание того, что облегчение страданий прокаженных, даже средство, излечивающее эту болезнь, - не разрешение проблемы. Проказа из понятия биологического стала для меня понятием общественным, социальным. Я видел ее во всякой несправедливости, эксплуатации, национальном и материальном неравенстве. Она проникала в душу человека, снедала ее язвами корыстолюбия, жадности, чванства, тщеславия… И поэтому мой обет борьбы с проказой не мог кончиться, когда найдено было средство, эту болезнь излечивающее, когда опустел лепрозорий на Сааремаа и заросли травой могилы на кладбище Вийдумяэ».

  • 391. ABBA

    В феврале 1973 песня квартета Ring Ring, отвергнутая комиссией конкурса Евровидения, была записана на шведском, немецком, испанском и английском языках и возглавила чарты в Швеции, Австрии, Голландии, Бельгии и ЮАР. На обложке сингла впервые (по настоянию Стиккана Андерсона) стояла аббревиатура ABBA. В 1973 вышел и первый альбом группы Ring Ring. 6 апреля 1974 песня ABBA Waterloo с абсолютным перевесом (20:1) победила на конкурсе Евровидения в Брайтоне. Waterloo положила начало беспрецедентной последовательности из восемнадцати хитов подряд в британской десятке, восемь из них достигли вершины: Mamma Mia (1976), Fernando (1976), Dancing Queen (1976), Knowing Me, Knowing You (1977), The Name Of The Game (1977), Take A Chance On Me (1978), The Winner Takes It All (1980), Super Trouper (1980). Верхнюю строчку чартов занимали также восемь альбомов группы, начиная с Greatest Hits. Достижения четверки за океаном были куда скромнее: только Dancing Queen в апреле 1977 неделю держалась на вершине списка. Три альбома стали в Штатах 'золотыми' и только ABBA - The Album (1977) стал 'платиновым'.

  • 392. About Canada

    Government: Canada's Parliament consists of a Monarch and a bicameral legislature: an elected House of Commons and an appointed Senate. The government is comprised of the party with a plurality of seats in the House of Commons, ie., more seats than any other party. Presently, the Conservative Party makes up the current government having won the federal election of October 14, 2008 with a plurality of 143 seats out of possible 308. Because it only holds a minority government, the Conservative Party has had to rely on other parties to help pass its legislation. Prior to the Conservative Partys first victory in 2006, the Liberal Party had held power for 13 consecutive years with three majority governments. The Conservative Partys breakthrough was the first ever electoral victory for a right-of-centre party in a federal election. Traditionally, the left-of-centre Liberal Party could rely on the vast majority of seats from the ultra-moderate province of Ontario, where nearly 40% of the nations population resides. In the 1993 federal election the Liberal Party had won 98 out of a possible 99 seats in Ontario, and 101 seats out of 103 in the 2000 election. However, after the “Unite the Right" movement was successful in merging the right-of-centre Canadian Alliance Party and the moderate Progressive Conservative Party in 2003, the Liberals were not as successful in Ontario, winning only 75 out of a possible 108 seats in the 2004 election. In the 2006 election, the Conservative Party won 40 seats out of 108 in Ontario-the then best showing for any right-of-centre party in decades in Ontario. In the 2008 election, the Conservatives won 51 seats. Undoubtedly, in the 2006 election the Conservative Partys improved showing in Ontario was caused in part by a major scandal involving the Liberal Partys misappropriation of over $100 million of government funds in Quebec related to advertising contracts. As a result, voters in Quebec abandoned the Liberal Party in droves reducing its seats in that province to 13 in 2006 from 21 in the 2004 election. The Conservative Party was able to gain 10 seats in Quebec, the most a moderate-to-conservative party was able to win in Quebec in four previous federal elections.

  • 393. About England

    Since Westminster is the UK parliament but also legislates on matters that affect England alone, devolution of national matters to parliament/assemblies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland has refocused attention on the anomaly called the West Lothian question. The "Question" is that Scottish and Welsh MPs continue to be able to vote on legislation relating only to England in the post devolution era while English MPs have no equivalent right to legislate on devolved matters. (Of course, Scottish and Welsh MPs are also unable to vote on devolved issues affecting their own constituencies.) This 'problem' is exacerbated by an over-representation of Scottish MPs in the government, sometimes referred to as the Scottish mafia; as of September 2006, seven of the twenty-three Cabinet members represent Scottish constituencies, including the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Home Secretary and Defence Secretary. In addition, Scotland traditionally benefited from moderate malapportionment in its favour, increasing its representation to a degree disproportionate to its population. In 2004 the Scottish Parliament (Constituencies) Act 2004 was passed which rectified this to a degree, reducing the number of MPs representing Scottish constituencies from 73 to 59 and brought the number of voters per constituency closer to that in England. This change was implemented in the 2005 General Election.

  • 394. About Liverpool
    Иностранные языки

    From 2005, there will be a new European Capital of Culture every year. This is a revival of the well-known City of Culture programme, which benefited Glasgow so much back in 1990.Far from being just another title; it is an ideal opportunity to celebrate the cultural accomplishments of Europe's great cities and to involve the community as a whole in that celebration. It is also an opportunity for further development. Glasgow experienced substantial economic and social benefits during its period as the City of Culture, both strengthening and promoting its own impressive regeneration. In 2008, the European Capital of Culture will be in the UK and Liverpool is one of the cities bidding for the title. Competition will be fierce, but the title is very much worth the battle, and Liverpool's claim is a very strong one indeed. Our bid team has the support of not just the City Council but also many cultural and business leaders. When the people of Liverpool get behind the bid too, we can and will be the European Capital of Culture in 2008.The benefits of winning the title are quite tangible. It will do so much more than simply throw the spotlight on all of the city's cultural and artistic achievements. The world already knows about the Beatles and our famous football teams. The title will enable us to tell a more complete story, encompassing everything from the Tate in Liverpool to the many events of the Liverpool festivals. Specific benefits to the city will also include local and regional regeneration, increased tourism, greater business activity and an overall increase in cultural activities. Just as importantly, the title will remind everyone in the region - and indeed the country - that Liverpool is very much a city to be proud of.Competition is now under way and the Government will publish a shortlist of candidates in the last quarter of 2002, with the final UK nomination decided in spring of 2003.At that point, the winning city will be able to start using the title European Capital of Culture 2008 and to start preparing in earnest for its year of tenure.

  • 395. About Riga international airport
    Транспорт, логистика

    In the middle of 2002 cargo X-ray equipment was obtained and installed. Latvia is a member of European Aviation Conference (ECAC), which set 1 January 2003 the deadline for the introduction of the 100% screening of checked baggage at international airports. If this requirement had not been met, the aircraft departing from Riga would have faced long handling delays at other European airports; while all the baggage arriving from “Riga” airport would have been subject to time-consuming security controls. At the end of 2002 “Riga” airport launched automatic baggage screening equipment- which is a part of the common baggage security control system- to provide maximum safety and convenience for passengers. The producer of the equipment is the well-known company Heimann”. The system facilitates three-level baggage control. The automatic baggage screening equipment has the capacity to process 1200 baggage units per hour. Accordingly, two systems facilitate security control of 2400 baggage units per hour. The installed equipment ensures security control fully compliant with the EU requirements in the field of aviation security. In addition to baggage control equipment, a computer room was arranged and 47 airport employees were trained. Altogether, security equipment and the reconstruction of baggage conveyors cost the airport 1.6 million EUR.

  • 396. About Ukrainian

    High percentage of humus (more than 7 %) helped farmers to gather high harvest without using of any fertilizers. But about 60 years ago fertility of earth suddenly declined because of process of industrialization, which took place in Ukraine. As a result, now we have only 3,5% of humus and the process of land degradation is very actual problem in my country. Many farms still do not care that renovation of productivity of land will take hundreds or thousands of years, and they continue using land in incorrect way. We have also many problems with technology in farms. Many farms, which do not have enough money to buy new techniques, use old machines with low productivity. Those machines pollute environment much more, than the new ones. The system of recycling is not developed in Ukraine at all and it negatively influences on agriculture too. Farms throw out a lot of different things, which can be successfully used in other farms or in plants. In this case it appear many hills of rubbish which have negative influence not only on environment, but also on agriculture of areas which are closely located to those hills. But the biggest problem of agriculture in Ukraine is irrational using of land. After destruction of USSR collective farms were distributed completely incorrectly. Many households (family farms) have area more than 2 hectares, even more than 5 hectares, but their owners use only 1 hectare, and the other part of land is not in use.

  • 397. Absolut: Совершенство по-шведски
    Реклама и PR

    Успешный бизнесмен в десять лет и владелец частного предприятия в четырнадцать, Ларе начал контролировать третью часть производства водки в Швеции раньше, чем взял в руки бритву. К середине XIX в. за ним прочно закрепилось имя "Король водки". В 1879 г. состоялась презентация нового сорта водки под названием "Absolut Rent Branvin" (Абсолютно Чистая Водка). Этот сорт отличался от всех других революционным способом очистки: так называемым методом ректификации, который используется и по сей день. Общение по аське отличается Смит был предпринимателем в каждом из оттенков этого слова и не хотел мириться с монополией Стокгольма на производство дистиллированных спиртных напитков. Выпустив на рынок новый продукт, Smith начал торговую войну против столицы. Общение по аське отличается Он отказался от идеи просить разрешения на торговлю водкой в Стокгольме. Вместо этого бизнесмен открыл лавку возле своего завода на острове Reimersholme, вне пределов городских границ.

  • 398. Accent
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Также, возможно, он снимет задачу составления локальных алфавитов и языковых стилей непосредственно в любом месте. Действительно, очень непросто напечатать якутский текст на простом редакторе (проблема, которая также касается многих народов, особенно из бывшего СССР). Хотя, конечно, рядовой пользователь может составить якутский текст в другом редакторе, например, в известном “Лексиконе”, если загрузить соответствующий якутский шрифт (они очень редко, но встречаются на дискетах), или в том же Word-е, также если есть шрифт (font) - там вместо цифр 1, 2, 3, 4 соответственно якутские буквы -, то есть прослеживается чистая зависимость редакторов от якутских шрифтов, которые, по-моему, не очень распространены среди наших пользователей (в принципе, идея Accent-а основана на таких уже составленных иностранных шрифтах, но в отличие от Word-а здесь нет необходимости все время обновлять словарь, все уже готово), но именно Accent предоставит возможность составления шрифтов по желанию и в любом месте. Например, предположим, что пользователь находится в Москве или даже, для усложнения, в Китае и ему необходимо составить письмо на якутском языке, там не будет никаких русских, тем более якутских шрифтов и тут ему на помощь может прийти только Accent, в котором пять десятков языков (в будущем, дополненном Accent-е около 130) и которыми можно располагать сколь угодно, то есть на основе русского, турецкого, греческого, кипрского алфавитов составить якутский и также составить раскладку клавиатуры. Соответственно, можно печатать на аджарском, чеченском, бурятском, башкирском и других языках, алфавит которых основан на каких-либо других алфавитах.

  • 399. Accounting and Finance in AS Diena
    Бухгалтерский учет и аудит

    The Latvian-Swedish joint-stock company AS Diena was founded in 1992. In 1996 it was transformed into stock corporation. In fact, it is a group of companies with parent company and subsidiaries. The share capital of the company consists of 6000 fully paid ordinary shares, moreover, each share has a nominal value of LVL 10 and its owner possesses one voting right. The shares of AS Diena do not participate in stock exchange, and no deals among the shareholders are allowed. The most important shareholder is a Swedish company “Expressen AB”, which owns 2940 shares, i.e., 49% of share capital and votes. In addition, it can be pointed out that the sales turnover at 1997 constituted almost LVL 9.5 mil, and the average number of employees was 847. The officially registered kinds of activities of AS Diena are as follows:

    • publishing
    • printing work and related services
    • reproducing of computerized materials
    • agents dealing with sales of the wide range of goods
    • wholesale
  • 400. Active Directory for Application Mode
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Работа с ADAM из многопользовательских приложений имеет один нюанс, который необходимо учитывать на этапе проектирования системы. Нюанс этот касается возможности идентификации (authentication) пользователя ADAM. По какой-то причине подключение к ADAM, как и к AD, возможно только при наличии первичного контекста безопасности (primary security token) в процессе, обращающемся к ADAM. Рассмотрим два случая: первый когда приложение работает от имени пользователя, информация о котором хранится в ADAM, и второй когда приложение работает от имени текущего пользователя Windows. В первом случае идентификатор пользователя и пароль вводятся при запуске приложения. Обладая этой информацией, приложение может подключиться к ADAM под первичным контекстом безопасности в любой свой части (очень важно для распределенных приложений). Сложности возникают во втором случае. Заключаются они в том, что получить первичный контекст безопасности можно только на том компьютере, где запущено клиентское приложение, с которым работает пользователь. Этим приложением может быть как Windows-клиент, работающий с сервером приложений, так и Internet Explorer в случае Web-приложений. В обоих случаях приложению неизвестен пароль пользователя. Из-за этого возникает необходимость в передаче контекста безопасности с клиента на сервер. Сделать это можно с помощью функций WinAPI InitializeSecurityContext и AcceptSecurityContext, которые позволяют зашифровать данные о контексте безопасности пользователя, передать их в процесс сервера (возможно, на другом компьютере) и восстановить контекст безопасности в процессе сервера. В этом случае для передачи контекста безопасности необходимо использовать механизм идентификации Kerberos, что не всегда возможно из-за сложности настройки и прочих причин, таких, как соединение клиента и сервера через Proxy-сервер. Использовать именно Kerberos нужно потому, что этот механизм, в отличие от NTLM и Digest, позволяет передавать по сети первичный идентификатор безопасности.