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  • 241. Teaching speaking through discussion
    Иностранные языки

    The difficulties in understanding and following the writers thoughts which are not connected in a cohesive piece of writing may be caused by plagiarizing. While it is always good to use quotes to show that you have read widely, you should make sure that the essay is written in your own words, otherwise you may be accused of cheating. Students are aware of the many Internet sites offering essays. What they may not realize is that teachers are aware of them. Tutors are usually very familiar with the difference between the way students write and the way experienced authors write, and soon notice when a student lurches between an expert and a beginner style. The advice is simple: write your own essay. Do not even waste your time reading other peoples essays looking for ideas. It is one thing to read to understand the process, and another to take these ideas and words as your own. This approach will not get you good marks. Indeed, when tutors reveal this they will tend to assume you understand very little and you will get lower mark. Worse, you do not develop your own writing style. If you persist in parroting other people's words rather than expressing your own thoughts, then you are likely to remain a beginner for a long time. And you will not learn much about the ideas in the course either. It is difficult to elaborate various ideas, to present the topic from different perspectives. That is the reason why some students are tempted to lift sections of words from textbooks and articles and put them in their essays without using quotation marks or acknowledging the source. When you are quoting draw upon a wide variety of sources to ensure that you have examined the issue from multiple perspectives. There are three main ways to integrate quotations into your essay: (1) direct quotation, (2) paraphrase, and (3) mixed quotation. Direct quotation involves quoting word for word one or more sentences from an author or source. When you quote, be sure to introduce your quotation with a signal phrase. It is another issue to consider. Signal phrase is a clause before the quotation that identifies the author (e. g., "Jones says," or "According to Jones. "). It is essential to create a bridge between your own voice and that of another you are incorporating into your essay. Avoid putting the article title in the signal phrase. It is better to include paper itself or the author. Suppose you are using a quotation that appears inside an article written by someone other than the one saying the quotation. In other words, if you are using, say, Judge Davidson's quotation that appears within Oliver Gardner's article, you cite it by writing "qtd. in" following the quote: According to Judge Davidson, "just law is the foundation of a just society" (qtd. in Gardner). Paraphrase, instead of quoting the author word for word, involves putting the original phrasing into your own words. Be careful to substantially reword the original, however. If you leave just several words in a row unchanged, it will be considered plagiarism. Mixed quotations are a mix between direct quotation and paraphrase. Mixed quotations involve paraphrasing half of the original but mixing in a few direct selections from the author. When you insert them, be sure to blend in the quotation with the grammar of your own sentence. The sentence as a whole must flow smoothly. To achieve this you may need to omit or add words from or to the original. To omit words, insert an ellipsis. in place of the words you take out. Ellipses always indicate omission. To add words, put them inside brackets [] to indicate the insertion. Notice that there are spaces between the ellipses dots and that the brackets are square, not rounded like parentheses. For instance, Cummings asserted that the poet's imagination and his "preoccupation with the Verb" results in an ability to surpass normal standards of logic and create "an irresistible truth [in which] 2 x 2 = 5". Notice that the words "in which" inside brackets are insertions. You needed to add them so that the sentence would flow grammatically. Nevertheless, support your quotations with commentary, interpretation, or analysis. Avoid just dropping in the quotation and then immediately moving on, assuming the reader fully understands the meaning, purpose, and application of the quotation just presented.

  • 242. The activity of Islamic banking system
    Банковское дело

    seems that the history of interest-free banking could be divided into two parts. First, when it still remained an idea; second, when it became a reality - by private initiative in some countries and by law in others. We will discuss the two periods separately. The last decade has seen a marked decline in the establishment of new Islamic banks and the established banks seem to have failed to live up to the expectations. The literature of the period begins with evaluations and ends with attempts at finding ways and means of correcting and overcoming the problems encountered by the existing banks.free banking seems to be of very recent origin. The earliest references to the reorganization of banking on the basis of profit sharing rather than interest are found in Anwar Qureshi (1946), Naiem Siddiqi (1948) and Mahmud Ahmad (1952) in the late 1940-es, followed by a more elaborate exposition by Mawdudi in 1950. Muhammad Hamidullahs 1944, 1955, 1957 and 1962 writings too should be included in this category. They have all recognized the need for commercial banks and the evil of interest in that enterprise, and have proposed a banking system based on the concept of Mudarabha - profit and loss sharing. [1]first modern experiment with Islamic banking was undertaken in Egypt under cover, without projecting an Islamic image, for fear of being seen as a manifestation of Islamic fundamentalism which was anathema to the political regime. The pioneering effort, led by Ahmad El Najjar, took the form of a savings bank based on profit-sharing in the Egyptian town of Mit Ghamr in 1963. This experiment lasted until 1967 (Ready 198l), by which time there were nine such banks in the country. These banks, which neither charged nor paid interest, invested mostly by engaging in trade and industry, directly or in partnership with others, and shared the profits with their depositors (Siddiqi 1988). Thus, they functioned essentially as saving investment institutions rather than as commercial banks. The Nasir Social Bank, established in Egypt in 197l, was declared an interest-free commercial bank, although its charter made no reference to Islam or Shariah (Islamic law).the next two decades interest-free banking attracted more attention, partly because of the political interest it created in Pakistan and partly because of the emergence of young Muslim economists. Works specifically devoted to this subject began to appear in this period. The first such work is that of Muhammad Uzair (1955). Another set of works emerged in the late sixties and early seventies. Abdullah al-Araby (1967), Nejatullah Siddiqi (1961, 1969), al-Najjar (1971) and Baqir al-Sadr (1961, 1974) were the main contributors.70-es saw the institutional involvement. Conference of the Finance Ministers of the Islamic Countries held in Karachi in 1970, the Egyptian study in 1972, First International Conference on Islamic Economics in Mecca in 1976, International Economic Conference in London in 1977 were the result of such involvement. The involvement of institutions and governments led to the application of theory to practice and resulted in the establishment of the first interest-free banks. The Islamic Development Bank, an inter-governmental bank established in 1975, was born of this process.first private interest-free bank, the Dubai Islamic Bank, was also set up in 1975 by a group of Muslim businessmen from several countries. Two more private banks were founded in 1977 under the name of Faisal Islamic Bank in Egypt and the Sudan. In the same year the Kuwaiti government set up the Kuwait Finance House. However, small scale limited scope interest-free banks have been tried before. One in Malaysia in the middle of 1940-es and another in Pakistan in the late 50-es. Neither survived. In 1962 the Malaysian government set up the Pilgrims Management Fund to help prospective pilgrims to save and profit. The savings bank established in 1963 at Mit-Ghamr in Egypt was very popular and prospered initially and then closed down for various reasons. However this experiment led to the creation of the Nasser Social Bank in 1972. Though the bank is still active, its objectives are more social than commercial. [2]the ten years since the establishment of the first private commercial bank in Dubai, more than 50 interest-free banks have come into being. Though nearly all of them are in Muslim countries, there are some in Western Europe as well: in Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the UK. Many banks were established in 1983 (11) and 1984 (13). The numbers have declined considerably in the following years.most countries the establishment of interest-free banking had been by private initiative and were confined to that bank. In Iran and Pakistan, however, it was by government initiative and covered all banks in the country. The governments in both these countries took steps in 1981 to introduce interest-free banking. In Pakistan, effective 1 January 1981 all domestic commercial banks were permitted to accept deposits on the basis of profit-and-loss sharing (PLS). New steps were introduced on 1 January 1985 to formally transform the banking system over the next six months to one based on no interest. From 1 July 1985 no banks could accept any interest bearing deposits, and all existing deposits became subject to PLS rules. Yet some operations were still allowed to continue on the old basis. In Iran, certain administrative steps were taken in February 1981 to eliminate interest from banking operations. Interest on all assets was replaced by a 4 percent maximum service charge and by a 4 to 8 percent profit rate depending on the type of economic activity. Interest on deposits was also converted into a guaranteed minimum profit. In August 1983 the Usury-free Banking Law was introduced and a fourteen-month change over period began in January 1984. The whole system was converted to an interest-free one in March 1985.subject matter of writings and conferences in the eighties have changed from the concepts and possibilities of interest-free banking to the evaluation of their performance and their impact on the rest of the economy and the world. Their very titles bear testimony to this and the places indicate the world-wide interest in the subject. Conference on Islamic Banking: Its impact on world financial and commercial practices held in London in September 1984, Workshop on Industrial Financing Activities of Islamic Banks held in Vienna in June 1986, International Conference on Islamic Banking held in Tehran in June 1986, International Conference on Islamic Banking and Finance: Current issues and future prospects held in Washington, D.C. in September 1986, Islamic Banking Conference held in Geneva in October 1986, and Conference Into the 1990s with Islamic Banking held in London in 1988 belong to this category. The most recent one is the Workshop on the Elimination of Riba from the Economy held in Islamabad in April 1992. [3] Reference should also be made to some Islamic financial institutions established in countries where Muslims are a minority. There was a proliferation of interest-free savings and loan societies in India during the seventies. The Islamic Banking System (now called Islamic Finance House), established in Luxembourg in 1978, represents the first attempt at Islamic banking in the Western world. There is also an Islamic Bank International of Denmark, in Copenhagen, and the Islamic Investment Company has been set up in Melbourne, Australia.

  • 243. The analysis of a condition and regulation of social maintenance of the workers and population in USA

    American experience of state regulation of sphere of social maintenance testifies to expediency and necessity of the decision of social problems for close interaction of the government officials, private(individual) and public structures, each able-bodied citizen and extreme precise definition in the appropriate instructions both acts of their rights and duties at preservation of managing function of the state.necessity of constant maintenance of socio economic safety of the country by duly rendering of necessary material support to requiring layers of the population, and also maintenance of social integration of various layers of the population requires(demands) steady performance of the following socio economic measures:round account economic, organizational and demographic factors from the different parties and in a various measure influencing social vulnerability of the citizens and their families, and also ability of the state to the proved changes and additions in structure of the working order of rendering of social support in connection with steady dynamics(changes) of development and perfection of the socio economic attitudes(relations) in public life;differentiation of payments of state pensions and grants(manuals) which are carrying out function for the reasons, independent of the worker, of lost earnings (of pension on age, physical inability, in a case of loss of the supporter, reception of an industrial trauma, unemployment benefit) on principles of insurance and social grants(manuals) to the requiring citizens from budget means of all levels of authority;of the scientifically proved normative base for an establishment about a minimum and forms, connected to this parameter, of rendering assistance.decades the state in USA expands in sphere of social maintenance methods of indirect regulation, first of all, tax privileges, royalty, doing (making) thus economically favourable to the employers expansion of scales and spectrum of rendering of social services to the workers and not working population. The special role thus there is a state social insurance (pension, on a case of unemployment, industrial and household), which not only promotes increase of economic safety of the population, carrying out the basic functions of social protection, but also the adequate compensation of the lost incomes, and also is the major factor of realization of principles and methods of achievement of social integration and increase of labor motivation of participation in public manufacture. In the united States of America the basis of socio economic safety of the pensioners, invalids, persons lost the supporter, or invalid is served by(with) the General(common) federal program of insurance, which was soon distributed on all workers working on hiring and on engaged individual labor activity. The specified program in the legislative order has established the responsibility of the employers for duly payment when due hereunder and in complete volume of insurance payments, regular of pensions and control of their charge to each pensioner, the sizes of which pension depend on the actual experience of work.element of social maintenance of the workers is the system of insurance of the unemployed, within the framework of which last decades develop the new approaches to coordination of payment of the grants(manuals) with measures directed on search of new sources of the income, retraining who does not have chances to return on former work or in general to work on the specialty, i.e. on transformation of the unemployment benefits from insurance fund in fund for the device on work. The experience of realization of the programs on rendering assistance requiring in it(her) shows, that the purposes of decrease(reduction) and restraint of distribution of poverty cannot be achieved only by realization of the special programs focused on the poor population. Changes in all structures of a society(community) for the changes in all structures of a society(community) for changes in all structures of a society(community) The transferring of a center of gravity of rendering of social services to the population from granting of the social grants(manuals) on creation of the necessary and economically justified social conditions for possible(probably) of more complete use of labor, intellectual and moral potential of the able-bodied citizens is in USA the main strategic direction of reforming of all system of rendering of the social help in it(her).with preservation and support of state system of pension insurance and reforming of system of rendering of the regular help to poor layers of the population key elements of policy (politics) on a boundary of centuries became provision of economic incentives having for an object creation of new workplaces and bases for economic growth in the long term - measures promoting increase of economic and social safety present and the future generations. The reduction last years in connection with the next financial crisis and restriction of action of the separate programs on rendering assistance to poor layers of the population at all does not mean decrease(reduction) of state participation in maintenance of social guarantees, faster opposite (on the contrary), the necessity of modernization of the social programs requires(demands) amplification(strengthening) intervention of the state in process of redistribution of means of social protection and development of social guarantees adequate to a present stage of public development, rationalization of realization of the social programs.policy(politics) of social maintenance in USA has accepted the modern form not at once in a modern kind, she(it) has passed the long period of development, and at different stages to it(her) those or other features taking into account concrete historical needs(requirements) and priorities of economic and social safety both usual hired worker, and left on the deserved rest and pension maintenance, forms and methods of influence on economic behavior of the workers and employers were peculiar. Thus, 78% of an account parts of the federal budget are necessary on charges connected to social maintenance and expansion of availability of educational, medical, social and other services - all that promotes strengthening of physiological, intellectual potential of each American. The redistribution of means through the state budget which is carried out in increasing scales, is a basis of social support of the American citizens.in USA per 90-s' years of reform in sphere of social maintenance were caused first of all by growing level of obligatory expenses, valid of more and more adverse demographic differentiation of the population of the country, changes of family structures, shifts in the market of work in the party of less protected forms of employment in connection with constantly increasing competitive pressure of larger corporations and monopolies, and at the end are directed on redistribution of the responsibility between the state, social partners and private persons within the framework of system of social protection as a whole. The acceptance by business last years of the much greater social responsibility assumes, alongside with rendering of usual social protection of the population, and a number(line) of additional organizational measures, in particular, maintenance of measures on expansion of access to continuous training and training for a new profession is direct on workplaces for the recipients (consumers) of the grants(manuals) in work of specificity of the appropriate quota, in particular of unemployeds of the women who are coming back on the market of work after a long break. The important direction of involving of private(individual) business in the decision of problems of employment of the specified recipients is also granting of auxiliary services in a place of work, for example, such as services in a leaving(care) of children.90 years the interaction of state structures, private(individual) sector and public organizations in social sphere differed increased and expansion of a circle of soluble problems, that was connected first of all to reorientation of social support to the needy Americans in employment and professional conversion training. Maintenance of socio economic guarantees still it is enough to the hired workers and not working population not only basic condition and simultaneously by guarantee of social stability in a society(community) and preservation of the property, but also important factor of increase of competitiveness able-bodied, but easily vulnerable in the market of work of the citizens. The secondary involving of the not working pensioners in public manufacture, more complete use their labour, intellectual, and quite often and greatest creative potential yet up to the end using the potential resources is not only consequence of new transformations in a society(community), but also important factor of new economic growth in the country.analysis of practical realization of the social programs of private(individual) business and their state stimulation has shown, that during last decades the state all uses in sphere of social maintenance methods not only direct (establishment of the minimal wages, insurance industrial, insurance on a case of unemployment), but also indirect regulation (for example, tax privileges to the businessmen introducing the social programs at the enterprises), doing(making) thus economically favourable to the employers expansion of scales and spectrum of social services more widely.the basis of the analysis of dynamics(changes) of the basic parameters of development of the General(common) federal program (ОФП) it is possible to make a conclusion that on scales of scope of the population, volume of annual payments - the basic program of state social maintenance quite and covers an overwhelming part of the own population. During the existence she(it) has undergone numerous corrective amendments at preservation of the basic principles:fastening of the right of each working citizen on pension on age, on the disability pension, in a case of loss of the supporter, on unemployment;establishments of the minimal guaranteed level of the incomes for the persons 65 years also are more senior, blind and invalids;established responsibility of the employers and workers for payment when due hereunder of insurance payments;the legislatively established guarantees on duly payment is regular of pensions and control of their charge;solidarity of generations, when the grants(manual) by the one who has reached(achieved) pension age, are financed by the nowadays working Americans;personal interest insured, the sizes of which pension depend on the insurance experience of work.1956 this program has united insurance on age (founded in 1935), insurance on a case of loss of the supporter (1939), insurance on the invalidity which has been not connected to accident on manufacture (by 1956), and also payments within the framework of state system of social insurance. The state system of pension insurance differs by flexibility of the basic parameters of a profitable part - rate of the taxation and minimal size of wages of the workers and employees covered with a state pension scheme, that provides close communication (connection) between with parameters of development of the American economy and financial stability of system of pension maintenance in difference, for example, from Russia. During 1990-1998 The minimal size of the labour incomes subject to the taxation within the framework of system of social insurance, has increased with 51,3 thousand dollars up to 68,4 thousand dollars. According to available by the data of Administrative - budget management by 2009 the level has increased up to 82,8 thousand dollars. The general (common) federal program of insurance is a basis of economic safety of the persons who have reached(achieved) pension age, lost the supporter, invalid. The grants(manual) on a line of state system of social maintenance have the especially important meaning(importance) for separate categories of the elderly population, being by a unique(sole) source of the income for 20% of the bachelors and 25% of the unmarried women in the age of 65 years and are more senior. State guarantees of pension maintenance and health services of the persons of elderly age, including a long-term leaving(care), help in search of work and preservation of a workplace at presence of desire and ability to work after an output(exit) on pension, various tax privileges, and also stimulation of development of the private(individual) pension plans, distribution of the personal pension accounts, promoted hardening of economic independence of the pensioners, transformation them in the most socially protected age group of the population of USA and decrease(reduction) of their dependence from state support from budget means. In the united States to America both woman, and the men on pension leave per 65 years, that can serve a rather attractive example with the purposes of the further perfection of pension maintenance for many countries, including for Russia. It is possible to issue the deserved rest for three years earlier, but then these three years of payment will be on 20 percents(interests) less. The size of pension depends on the labour experience, his(its) continuity and salary. Such order stimulates the population to the maximal participation in labour activity, especially female population, dynamics(changes) of which participation last years appreciablly has grown.pension makes 50-80 percent (interests) from the individual salary - on the average 700 dollars per one month. If the man never worked or his(its) pension does not exceed 75% of a level of poverty, the state pays to it(him) the grant(manual) at a rate of 280 dollars per one month. In USA work both state, and private(individual) pension systems. The majority of the Americans is provided to themselves some with pensions: state, private - collective: in a place of work and private - individual.it turns out the same as at us: all workers pay pension payments, and from this money pay pensions to the elderly people. The hired workers give back in 7,5 percent (interests) of the earnings. His(its) employer as much pays for each hired worker. And the persons of free trades - artists, lawyers, businessmen - are obliged to deduct in pension fund already 15 percent (interests), acting simultaneously in a role both employer and hired worker. The additional pension can be saved in not state pension funds created in a place of work. They are very popular in America, as are favourable to the employers (then they receive tax privileges). Besides each American has the right to open the own pension account in any pension fund.in USA and in other advanced capitalist countries, for example in Sweden, Germany, France, experience of realization of the social programs on creation of necessary social conditions and social infrastructure of the enterprises, establishments, organizations and not working population, and also rendering of the social help to the deprived in it(her) deprived and needy population can by the most direct image be used by development of the domestic mechanism of social maintenance and social protection of the citizens, preparation and acceptance Russian legislative and the certificates (acts) regulating socio economic sphere of activity. The system of the socio economic attitudes(relations) in USA concerning social maintenance with the purposes of realization of state guarantees minimal under the American standards of means to existence adequate replacement of the lost source of the incomes in case of loss or decrease(reduction) of work capacity, loss of the supporter, occupational disease, expansion of availability of educational, medical, social and other services expansion of guarantees of social maintenance became the main long-term strategic tendency. The specified circumstance speaks about expediency to adopt foreign experience not and fragmentary, and in the complex order - complete package because of the deep and proved interdependence of its (her) structural elements.the present time in the united States has developed powerful and effective enough not only socio economic, but also legal base ensuring in national scale economic safety, guaranteed by the state, of the citizens in cases, when they are exposed to objectively existing risks of decrease (reduction) or loss of their constant earnings (income), including after achievement of pension age, loss of the unique(sole) supporter, physical inability, dismissal not on their fault from work. Expedient and competent use of this centuries-old experience and organized mechanism on creation of necessary social conditions and guarantees, and also necessary social infrastructure for the worker and not working population, and also under the indication of the social help to the deprived in it(her) deprived and needy population is essential and expedient necessity especially in the present period of reorganization some more not settled socio economic attitudes(relations) in our society(community).on an example of USA in conditions of market economy the Russian state should take up the general(common) socio economic responsibility for complex system of social maintenance of the population in national scale, which in itself market to create be not capable. The general(common) socio economic responsibility of the state leaves far for frameworks only acceptance of the necessary and socially proved acts, but it should to the full supervise their performance and is severe punish the careless officials, почивших on laurels achieved by them different and is far from being always by plausible ways of the appropriate administrative rule(situation). Actually state with the purposes of own self-preservation by the forces is obliged to take up all completeness of the responsibility for a management(manual) and control above all social systems, which by legislative measures are submitted as obligatory to execution(performance) and for the workers, and, especially, of their employers. But for realization of the specified norms and rules ensuring a necessary level of social care and support of the needy population the chief of state and the officials of maximum ranks should in an enough complete measure correspond(meet) to a borrowed(occupied) rule(situation). In these purposes the creation of system of constant professional retraining of this staff is an extremely urgent and major urgent task among other measures on maintenance of state economic safety of the country. The state regulation of socio economic development in conditions of boundless freedom of market elements, boundless competition, ideological individualism and global personal egoism is not simple business and requires(demands) the maximal purposefulness, deep professional knowledge and considerable intellectual, strong-willed and creative efforts. Now necessity of state intervention in the decision of problems of social maintenance any more is not exposed to doubt. The speech now goes any more about that, is necessary or the state control and state management of a national economy and first of all behind a course of realization of the social programs, and about search and realization optimum or even of most rational methods of state influence on socio economic processes in a society(community) is not necessary. Even last decade, in conditions of revival of the tendency to the personal responsibility for own well-being of the able-bodied and hardworking citizens and new wave of activization of debate on a privatization of pension system, now even most which supporters do not reject a managing role of the state in a part of maintenance of a guaranteed level of pensions, in insurance is brave of private(individual) memory systems, and also in regulation of employment of the pensioners as the forms of their additional material self-maintenance by products of a feed(meal), footwear, clothes, goods of cultural - household purpose(assignment) and payments for usage by still substandard municipal services. Therefore expediency and necessity of study of rich foreign experience on maintenance of the population by necessary social conditions, support and help to needy layers is the conclusive debt, obligatory to execution (performance).

  • 244. The collection of French art in the Hermitage
    Иностранные языки

    Room 284-289. 18th century art. This room contains several pieces by one of Frances most eminent artists, Antoine Watteau (1684-1721) who, in his search for a realist approach, broke with hidebound academic convention. In his small paintings The Hardships of War and The Recreations of War Watteau portrayed the everyday life of a soldier rather than ostentatious battle scenes as his predecessors had done. The Savoyard with a Marmot (1716), a picture of a simple-hearted young traveling musician, also confirms Watteaus interest in the simple phenomena of life. The blue expanse of the clear, fresh sky, the buildings of the small town, and the silhouettes of the bare trees make up a landscape in which the glowing colours of autumn are dominant. Watteau became famous as a painter of so-called fetes galantes. An example of this type of painting is the Embarrassing Proposal, painted about 1716. Some member s of fashionable society are amusing themselves chatting in the shade of the gossamery foliage; the casually graceful postures of the young ladies and their admirers convey subtle, almost imperceptible shades of emotion. Exquisite colouring and delicate execution distinguish one of the artists masterpieces, a small painting A Capricious Woman, in which the spectator encounters the same world of superficial feelings.

  • 245. The concept and feature of literary translation
    Иностранные языки

    to replacements, additions adequate translation also is possible. The statement about impossibility of translation in general which was done{made} by many large philologists - idealists therefore is incorrect. Perfectly asserting{approving}, that the work of art always has strongly pronounced national character and that each language possesses original means of expressiveness inherent only in it{him}, they drew from this a wrong conclusion on impossibility of translation in general. Such point of work large German philosophers - linguists - adhered to G.V. Lejbnits, V. Humboldt, A. Shlegel, being founders of the so-called theory of untranslations.is necessary to agree with position of these scientists about an originality of each language and national character of fiction. About it spoke Жуковский and Pushkin, Belinsky and Fet both many other writers and translators. Belinsky wrote in this occasion, that «if Pushkin has undertaken to translate Гёте, we and from him{it} have demanded, that it{he} has shown us Гёте, instead of». Pushkin, quite dividing{sharing} this point of work, wrote:» from translators began to demand more fidelity… Have wished to see Данте, Shakespeare and Сервантеса in their own kind, in their national clothes…».writers realized a national originality of each language. But as against supporters of the theory of untranslation, they drew from this a correct conclusion, considering, that original features of any language cannot serve as an obstacle for translation.life has denied the theory of untranslation. It is enough to recollect fine translations - both in Russian, and in the foreign literature, - becoming property of these literatures; for example, V. Zhukovsky, V.S. Kurochkin, N. Bunin, M. Lozinsky, S. Marshak, L. Tika and A. Shlegelja, E. Fittsdzherald, Prospera Merimee's translations and others.to adequacy, the translator should not forget about that, language of translation should be faultlessly correct. Any desire to keep grammatical designs, phraseological combinations or stylistic receptions of the original cannot excuse infringements of norms of language on which translation is done{made}, in this case Russian. However even skilled translators at times suppose infringement of norms of Russian, running in literalism.up above-stated, it is possible to tell, that in the practical work the translator can lean on the theory of translation in which principles of translation are developed and the most important natural conformity in the lexical, grammatical and stylistic plan are established. The skilled translator widely uses the conformity saved up during the practical work and is able to resort to the established laws. However, work of the translator is not reduced only to skill to use by ready formulas. While translating fiction from the translator skill to use adequate the deputy is required. It should not miss from a kind that translates not separate words, and words and word-combinations in system of the complex whole. The translator should aspire not to transfer of the separate element, a separate word, and to transfer of that semantic and stylistic function which is carried out by the given element. It necessity of misses and additions, replacements of one word with another, replacements of parts of speech, etc. speaks.

  • 246. The Definite Article with Class Nouns in English and in French
    Иностранные языки

    One of the linguists who were interested in the history of the English language - Barbara M. H. Strang, in her book “A History of English” states that the definite article was by 1170 only marginally related to the pronoun system. It had two distinct types throughout the period. In most parts of the country it was indeclinable þe, later the, or at the very most it varied between singular þe and plural þa. However, in the S and SW Mid it was declinable, with three genders in the singular and up to four cases. Where it had declinable forms they were the same as those for the further- demonstrative, that, since, in fact, they had originated in a special use of that form. The forms set out below were in some parts only demonstrative, in others they had double function; they are presented for reference-purposes, but they tend to suggest far more differentiation than most speakers knew. In the masc sg there were four forms: se, subj; þene, þane, acc; þan, þene, Kt þa(Kentish), later þo, dat (i.e., some speakers reduced the case-system to three even here). The fem sg usually had three forms: seo, si (SW and SE) subj; þa, later þo, enclitic to, oblique; þer, þære, gen. The neuter (like the 3rd person pronoun) had the same form for subj and direct obj þet or þat (according to dialect, but a tended to invade e-areas, as a weak form, or by internal borrowing, or both); the dat was usually þan, the gen þes or þas . In the plural all the genders had subj-obj þa, later þo, dat or oblique þan, gen þere.

  • 247. The history of grammatical study of the English language
    Иностранные языки


    1. Brill, E. and Mooney, R. J. (1997), An overwork of empirical natural language processing', in AI Magazine, 18 (4): 13-24.
    2. Chomsky, N. (1957), Syntactic Structures. The Hague: Mouton.
    3. Curme, G. O. (1955), English Grammar. New York: Barnes and Noble.
    4. Dowty, D. R., Karttunen, L. and Zwicky, A. M. (eds) (1985), Natural Language Parsing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    5. Garside, R. (1986), 'The CLAWS word-tagging system', in R. Garside,
    6. G. Leech and G. Sampson (eds) The Computational Analysis of English. Harlow: Longman.
    7. Gazdar, G. and Mellish, C. (1989), Natural Language Processing in POP-11. Reading, UK: Addison-Wesley.
    8. Georgiev, H. (1976), 'Automatic recognition of verbal and nominal word groups in Bulgarian texts', in t.a. information, Revue International du traitement automatique du langage, 2, 17-24.
    9. Georgiev, H. (1991), 'English Algorithmic Grammar', in Applied Computer Translation, Vol. 1, No. 3, 29-48.
    10. Georgiev, H. (1993a), 'Syntparse, software program for parsing of English texts', demonstration at the Joint Inter-Agency Meeting on Computer-assisted Terminology and Translation, The United Nations, Geneva.
    11. Georgiev, H. (1993b), 'Syntcheck, a computer software program for orthographical and grammatical spell-checking of English texts', demonstration at the Joint Inter-Agency Meeting on Computer-assisted Terminology and Translation, The United Nations, Geneva.
    12. Georgiev, H. (19942001), Softhesaurus, English Electronic Lexicon, produced and marketed by LANGSOFT, Sprachlernmittel, Switzerland; platform: DOS/ Windows.
    13. Georgiev, H. (1996-2001a), Syntcheck, a computer software program for orthographical and grammatical spell-checking of German texts, produced and marketed by LANGSOFT, Sprachlernmittel, Switzerland; platform: DOS/Windows.
    14. Georgiev, H. (1996-200lb), Syntparse, software program for parsing of German texts, produced and marketed by LANGSOFT, Sprachlernmittel, Switzerland; platform: DOS/Windows.
    15. Georgiev, H. (19972001a), Syntcheck, a computer software program for orthographical and grammatical spell-checking of French texts, produced and marketed by LANGSOFT, Sprachlernmittel, Switzerland; platform: DOS/Windows.
    16. Georgiev, H. (1997-2001b), Syntparse, software program for parsing of French texts, produced and marketed by LANGSOFT, Sprachlernmittel, Switzerland; platform: DOS/Windows.
  • 248. The Infinitive Constructions and The Ways of Their Using


    1. Though the Infinitive as a rule is not used with verbs requiring prepositions, the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction is widely used with the preposition “for”. This construction consists of the preposition “for” plus noun in common case (or pronoun in objective case) plus Infinitive. These construction are translated into Russian by a subordinate clause, usually introduced by the conjunctions “что”, “чтобы” and at the same time the noun or pronoun of that construction together with proceeding preposition “for” is translated by a noun (or a pronoun) in the function of the subject of subordinate clause, and the infinitive is translated by a finite for of verb which is the predicate of the subordinate clause.
    Иностранные языки

    Principle of performance of action. Any system is intended for any well defined and concrete goal specific for it, and for this purpose it performs only specific (target-oriented) actions. Hence, the goal of a system is the aspiration to perform certain purposeful actions for the achievement of target-oriented (appropriate) result of action. The plane is designed for air transportation, but cannot float; for this purpose there is an amphibian aircraft. The result of aircraft performance is moving by air. This result of action is expectable and predictable. The constancy and predictability of functional performance is a distinctive feature of any systems living, natural, social, financial, technical, etc. Consequently, in order to achieve the goal any object of our World should function, make any purposeful actions, operations (in this case the purposeful, deliberate inaction is in some sense an action, too). Action is manifestation of some energy, activity, as well as force itself, the functioning of something; condition, process arising in response to some influence, stimulant/irritant, impression (for example, reaction in psychology, chemical reactions, nuclear reactions). The objects action is followed by the result of action (not always expected, but always logical and conditioned). The purpose of any system is the aspiration to yield appropriate (targeted) result of action. At that, the given object is the donor of the result of action. The result of action of donor system can be directed towards any other system which in this case will be the recipient (target) for the result of action. In this case the result of action of the donor system becomes the external influence for the recipient system. Interaction between the systems is carried out only through the results of action. In that way the chain of actions is built as follows: ... > (external influence) > result of action (external influence) >... The system produces single result of action for single external influence. No object operates in itself. It cannot decide on its own “Here now I will start to operate” because it has no freedom of will and it cannot set the goal before itself and produce the result of action on its own. It can only react (act) in response to certain external influence. Any actions of any objects are always their reaction to something. Any influence causes response/reaction. Lack of influence causes no reaction. Reaction can sometimes be delayed, therefore it may seem causeless. But if one digs and delves, it is always possible to find the cause, i.e. external influence. Cognition of the world only falls to our lot through the reactions of its elements. Reaction (from Latin “re” return and “actio” - action) is an action, condition, process arising in response to some influence, irritant/stimulant, impression (for example, reaction in psychology, chemical reactions, nuclear reactions). Consequently, the systems action in response to the external influence is the reaction of the system. When the system has worked (responded) and the required result of action has been received, it means that it has already achieved (“quenched”) the goal and after that it has no any more goal to aspire to. Reaction is always secondary and occurs only and only following the external influence exerted upon the element. Reaction can sometimes occur after a long time following the external influence if, for example, the given element has been specially “programmed” for the delay. But it will surely occur, provided that the force of the external influence exceeds the threshold of the elements sensitivity to the external influence and that the element is capable to respond to the given influence in general. If the element is able of reacting to pressure above 1 atmosphere it will necessarily react if the pressure is in excess of 1 atmosphere. If the pressure is less than 1 atmosphere it will not react to the lower pressure. If it is influenced by temperature, humidity or electric induction, it will also not react, howsoever we try to “persuade” it, as it is only capable to react to pressure higher than 1 atmosphere. In no pressure case (no pressure above 1 atmosphere), it will never react. Since the result of the systems performance appears only following some external influence, it is always secondary, because the external influence is primary. External influence is the cause and the result of action is a consequence (function). It is obvious that donor systems can produce one or several results of action, while the recipient systems may only react to one or several external influences. But donor elements can interact with the recipient systems only in case of qualitatively homogeneous actions. If the recipient systems can react only to pressure, then the systems able of interacting with them may be those which result of action is pressure, but not temperature, electric current or something else. Interaction between donor systems and recipient systems is only possible in case of qualitative uniformity (homoreactivity, the principle of homogeneous interactivity). We can listen to the performance of the musician on a stage first of all because we have ears. The earthworm is not able to understand our delight from the performance of the musician at least for the reason that it has no ears, it cannot perceive a sound and it has no idea about a sound even if (hypothetically) it could have an intelligence equal to ours. The result of action of the recipient element can be both homogeneous (homoreactive) and non-homogeneous, unequal in terms of quality of action (heteroreactive) of external influence in respect of it. For example, the element reacts to pressure, and its result of action can be either pressure or temperature, or frequency, or a stream/flow of something, or the number of inhabitants of the forest (apartment, city, country) etc. Hence, the reaction of an element to the external influence can be both homoreactive and heteroreactive. In the first case the elements are the action transmitters, in the second case they are converters of quality of action. If the result of the systems actions completely corresponds to the implementation of goal, it speaks of the sufficiency of this system (the given group of interacting elements) for the given purpose. If not, the given group of elements mismatches the given goal/purpose and/or is insufficient, or is not the proper system for the achievement of a degree of quality and quantity of the preset goal. Therefore, any existing object can be characterized by answering the basic question: “What can the given object do?” This question characterizes the concept of the “result of action of an object” which in turn consists of two subquestions: What action can be done by given object? (the quality of result of action); How much of such action can be done by the given object? (the quantity of result of action). These two subquestions characterize the aspiration of a system to implement the goal. And the goal-setting may be characterized by answering another question: “What should the given object do?” which also consists of two subquestions: what action should the given object do? (the quality of the result of action); how much of such action should the given object do? (the quantity of the result of action). These last two subquestions are the ones that determine the goal as a task (the order/command, the instruction) for the given object or group of objects, and the system is being sought or built to achieve this goal. The closer the correspondence between what should and what can be done by the given object, the closer the given object is to the ideal system. The real result of action of the system should correspond to preset (expected) result. This correspondence is the basic characteristic of any system. Wide variety of systems may be built of a very limited number of elements. All the diverse material physical universe is built of various combinations of protons, electrons and neutrons and these combinations are the systems with specific goals/purposes. We do not know the taste of protons, neutrons and electrons, but we do know the taste of sugar which molecular atoms are composed of these elements. Same elements are the constructional material of both the human being and a stone. The result of the action of pendulum would be just swaying, but not secretion of hormones, transmission of impulse, etc. Hence, its goal/purpose and result of action is nothing more but only swaying at constant frequency. The symphonic orchestra can only play pieces of music, but not build, fight or merchandize, etc. Generator of random numbers should generate only random numbers. If all of a sudden it starts generate series of interdependent numbers, it will cease to be the generator of random numbers. Real and ideal systems differ from each other in that the former always have additional properties determined by the imperfection of real systems. Massive golden royal seal, for example, may be used to crack nuts just as well as by means of a hammer or a plain stone, but it is intended for other purpose. Therefore, as it has already been noted above, the concept of “system” is relative, but not absolute, depending on correspondence between what should and what can be done by the given object. If the object can implement the goal set before it, it is the system intended for the achievement of this goal. If it cannot do so, it is not the system for the given goal, but can be a system intended for other goals. It does not mater for the achievement of the goal what the system consists of, but what is important is what it can do. In any case the possibility to implement the goal determines the system. Therefore, the system is determined not by the structure of its elements, but by the extent of precision/accuracy of implementation of the expected result. What is important is the result of action, rather than the way it was achieved. Absolutely different elements may be used to build the systems for the solution of identical problems (goals). The sum of US$200 in the form of US$1 value coins each and the check for the same amount can perform the same action (may be used to make the same purchase), although they consist of different elements. In one case it is metal disks with the engraved signs, while in other case it is a piece of a paper with the text drawn on it. Hence, they are systems named “money” with identical purposes, provided that they may be used for purchase and sale without taking into account, for example, conveniences of carrying them over or a guarantee against theft. But the more conditions are stipulated, the less number of elements are suitable for the achievement of the goal. If we, for example, need large amount of money, say, US$1.000.000 in cash, and want it not to be bulky and the guarantee that it is not counterfeit we will only accept US$100 bank notes received only from bank. The more the goal is specified, the less is the choice of elements suitable for it. Thus, the system is determined by the correspondence of the goal set to the result of its action. The goal is both the task for an object (what it should make) and its aspiration or desire (what it aspires to). If the given group of elements can realize this goal, it is a system for the achievement of the goal set. If it cannot realize this goal, it is not the system intended for the achievement of the given goal, although it can be the system for the achievement of other goals. The system operates for the achievement of the goal. Actually, the system transforms through its actions the goal into the result of action, thus spending its energy. Look around and everything youll see are someones materialized goals and realized desires. On a large scale everything that populates our World is systems and just systems, and all of them are intended for a wide range of various purposes. But we do not always know the purposes of many of these systems and therefore not all objects are perceived by us as systems. Reactions of systems to similar external influences are always constant, because the goal is always determined and constant. Therefore, the result of action should always be determined, i.e. identical and constant (a principle of consistency of correspondence of the systems action result to the appropriate result), and for this purpose the systems actions should be the same (the principle of a constancy of correspondence of actual actions of the system to the due ones). If the result fails to be constant it cannot be appropriate and equal to the preset result (the principle of consistency/permanency of the result of action). The conservation law proceeds/results/ from the principle of consistency/permanency of action. Let us call the permanency of reaction “purposefulness”, as maintaining the similarity (permanency/consistency) of reaction is the goal of a system. Hence, the law of conservation is determined by the goal/purpose. The things conserved would be those only, which correspond to the achievement of the systems goal. This includes both actions per se and the sequence of actions and elements needed to perform these actions, and the energy spent for the performance of these actions, because the system would seek to maintain its movement towards the goal and this movement will be purposeful. Therefore, the purpose determines the conservation law and the law of cause-and-effect limitations (see below), rather than other way round. The conservation law is one of the organic, if not the most fundamental, laws of our universe. One of particular consequences of the conservation law is that the substance never emerges from nothing and does not transform into nothing (the law of conservation of matter). It always exists. It might have been non-existent before origination of the World, if there was origination of the World per se, and it might not be existent after its end, if it is to end, but in our World it does neither emerge, nor disappear. A matter is substance and energy. The substance (deriving from the /Rus/ word “thing”, “object” ) may exist in various combinations of its forms (liquid, solid, gaseous and other, as well as various bodies), including the living forms. But matter is always some kind of objects, from elementary particles to galaxies, including living objects.Substance consists of elements. Some forms of substances may turn into others (chemical, nuclear and other structural transformations) at the expense of regrouping of elements by change of ties between them. Physical form of the conservation law is represented by Einsteins formula. A substance may turn into energy and other way round. Energy (from Greek “energeia” - action, activity) is the general quantitative measure of movement and interaction of all kinds of matter. Energy in nature does not arise from anything and does not disappear; it only can change its one form into another. The concept of energy brings all natural phenomena together. Interaction between the systems or between the elements of systems is in effect the link between them. From the standpoint of system, energy is the measure (quantity) of interaction between the elements of the system or between the systems which needs to be accomplished for the establishment of link between them. For example, one watt may be material measure of energy. Measures of energy in other systems, such as social, biological, mental and other, are not yet developed. Any objects represent the systems, therefore interactions between them are interactions between the systems. But systems are formed at the expense of interaction between their elements and formations of inter-element relations between them. In the process of interaction between the systems intersystem relations are established. Any action, including interaction, needs energy. Therefore, when establishing relations/links/ the energy is being “input”. Consequently, as interaction between the elements of the system or different systems is the relation/link between them, the latter is the energy-related concept. In other words, when creating a system from elements and its restructuring from simple into complex, the energy is spent for the establishment of new relations /links /connections between the elements. When the system is destructed the links between the elements collapse and energy is released. Systems are conserved at the expense of energy of relations/links between its elements. It is the internal energy of a system. When these relations/links are destructed the energy is released, but the system itself as an object disappears. Consequently, the internal energy of a system is the energy of relations/link between the elements of the system. In endothermic reactions the energy used for the establishment of connections/links/relations comes to the system from the outside. In exothermic reactions internal energy of the system is released at the expense of rupture of these connections between its internal own elements which already existed prior to the moment when reaction occurred. But when the connection is already formed, by virtue of conservation law its energy is not changed any more, if no influence is exerted upon the system. For example, in establishing of connections/links between the two nuclei of deuterium (2D2) the nucleus 1Не4 is formed and the energy is released (for the purpose of simplicity details are omitted, for example, reaction proton-proton). And the 1Не4 nucleus mass becomes slightly less than the sum of masses of two deuterium nuclei by the value multiple of the energy released, in accordance with the physical expression of the conservation law. Thus, in process of merge of deuterium nuclei part of their intra-nuclear bonds collapses and it is for this reason that the merge of these nuclei becomes possible. The energy of connection between the elements of deuterium nuclei is much stronger than that of the bond between the two deuterium nuclei. Therefore, when part of connections between elements of deuterium nuclei is destructed the energy is released, part of it being used for thermonuclear synthesis, i.e. the establishment of connection/bond between the two deuterium nuclei (extra-nuclear connection/bond in respect to deuterium nuclei), while other part is released outside helium nucleus. But our World is tamped not only with matter. Other objects, including social, spiritual, cultural, biological, medical and others, are real as well. Their reality is manifested in that they can actively influence both each other and other kinds of matter (through the performance of other systems and human beings). And they also exist and perform not chaotically, but are subjected to specific, though strict laws of existence. The law of conservation applies to them as well, because they possess their own kinds of “energy” and they did not come into being in a day, but may only turn one into another. Any system can be described in terms of qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Unlike material objects, the behavior of other objects can be described nowadays only qualitatively, as they for the present the have no their own “thermodynamics”, for example, “psychodynamics”. We do not know, for example, what quantity of “Watt” of spiritual energy needs to be applied to solve difficult psychological problem, but we know that spiritual energy is needed for such a solution. Nevertheless, these objects are the full-value systems as well, and they are structured based on the same principles as other material systems. As systems are the groups of elements, and changes of forms of substances represent the change of connections/bonds between the elements of substance, then changes of forms of substances represent the changes of forms of systems. Hence, the form is determined by the specificity of connections/bonds/ties between the elements of systems. “Nothing in this world lasts for ever”, the world is continually changing, whereby one kind of forms of matter turn into other, but it is only forms that vary, while matter is indestructible and always conserved. At the same time, alteration of forms is also subjected to the law of conservation and it is this law that determines the way in which one kind of forms should replace other forms of matter. Forms only alter on account of change of connections/ties between the elements of systems. As far as each connection between the system elements has energetic equivalent, any system contains internal energy which is the sum of energies of connections/bonds between all elements. The “form: (Latin, philos.) is a totality of relations determining the object. The form is contraposed to matter, the content of an object. According to Aristotle, the form is the actuating force that forms the objects and exists beyond the latter. According to Kant, form is everything brought in by the subject of cognition to the content of the cognizable matter - space, time and substance of the form of cognitive ability; all categories of thinking: quantity, quality, relation, substance, place, time, etc., are forms, the product of ability of abstraction, formation of general concepts of our intellect. However, these are not quite correct definitions. The form cannot be contraposed to matter because it is inseparably linked with the latter, it is the form of matter itself. The form cannot be a force either, although it probably pertains to energy because it is determined by energy-bearing connections within the system. According to Kant, form is a purely subjective concept, as it only correlates with intellectual systems and their cognitive abilities. Why, do not the forms exist without knowing them? Any system has one or other shape/look of form. And the systems form is determined by type and nature of connections/relations/bonds between the system elements. Therefore, the form is a kind of connections between the system elements. Since the systems may interact, new connections/bonds between them are thus established and new forms of systems emerge. In other words, in process of interaction between the systems new systems emerge as new forms. The energy is always expended in the course of interaction between the systems. Logic form of the conservation law is the law of cause-and-effect limitations because it is corresponded by a logical connective “if....., then….” Possible choice of external influences (causes) to which the system should react is limited by the first part of this connective “if...”, whereas the actions of systems (consequences) are limited by the second part “then...”. It is for this reason that the law is called the law of cause-and-effect limitations. This law reads “Any consequence has its cause /every why has a wherefore/”. Nothing appears without the reason/cause and nothing disappears for no special reason/cause. There are no consequences without the reason/cause, there is no reaction without the influence. It is unambiguousness and certainty of reaction of systems to the external influence that lays the cornerstone of determinism in nature. Every specific cause is followed by specific consequence. The system should always react only to certain external influences and always react only in a certain way. Chemoreceptor intended for О2 would always react only to О2, but not to Na +, Ca ++ or glucose. At that, it will give out certain potential of action, rather than a portion of hormone, mechanical contraction or something else. Any system differs in specificity of the external influence and specificity of the reaction. The certainty of external influences and the reactions to them imposes limitations on the types of the latter. Therefore, the need in the following arises from the law of cause-and-effect limitations: execution of any specific (certain) action to achieve specific (certain) purpose; existence of any specific (certain) system (subsystem) for the implementation of such action, as no action occurs by itself; sequences of actions: the system would always start to perform and produce the result of action only after external influence is exerted on it because it does not have free will for making decision on the implementation of the action. Hence, the result of the system performance can always appear only after certain actions are done by the system. These actions can only be done following the external influence. External influence is primary and the result of action is secondary. Of all possible actions those will be implemented only which are caused by external influence and limited (stipulated) by the possibilities of the responding system. If, following the former external influence, the goal is already achieved and there is no new external influence after delivery of the result of action, the system should be in a state of absolute rest and not operate, because it is only the goal that makes the system operate, and this goal is already achieved. No purpose - no actions. If new external influence arises a new goal appears as well, and then the system will start again to operate and new result of action will be produced.

  • 250. The manager as a teacher: selected aspects of stimulation of scientsfsc thinking
    Иностранные языки

    Principle of performance of action. Any system is intended for any well defined and concrete goal specific for it, and for this purpose it performs only specific (target-oriented) actions. Hence, the goal of a system is the aspiration to perform certain purposeful actions for the achievement of target-oriented (appropriate) result of action. The plane is designed for air transportation, but cannot float; for this purpose there is an amphibian aircraft. The result of aircraft performance is moving by air. This result of action is expectable and predictable. The constancy and predictability of functional performance is a distinctive feature of any systems living, natural, social, financial, technical, etc. Consequently, in order to achieve the goal any object of our World should function, make any purposeful actions, operations (in this case the purposeful, deliberate inaction is in some sense an action, too). Action is manifestation of some energy, activity, as well as force itself, the functioning of something; condition, process arising in response to some influence, stimulant/irritant, impression (for example, reaction in psychology, chemical reactions, nuclear reactions). The objects action is followed by the result of action (not always expected, but always logical and conditioned). The purpose of any system is the aspiration to yield appropriate (targeted) result of action. At that, the given object is the donor of the result of action. The result of action of donor system can be directed towards any other system which in this case will be the recipient (target) for the result of action. In this case the result of action of the donor system becomes the external influence for the recipient system. Interaction between the systems is carried out only through the results of action. In that way the chain of actions is built as follows: ... > (external influence) > result of action (external influence) >... The system produces single result of action for single external influence. No object operates in itself. It cannot decide on its own “Here now I will start to operate” because it has no freedom of will and it cannot set the goal before itself and produce the result of action on its own. It can only react (act) in response to certain external influence. Any actions of any objects are always their reaction to something. Any influence causes response/reaction. Lack of influence causes no reaction. Reaction can sometimes be delayed, therefore it may seem causeless. But if one digs and delves, it is always possible to find the cause, i.e. external influence. Cognition of the world only falls to our lot through the reactions of its elements. Reaction (from Latin “re” return and “actio” - action) is an action, condition, process arising in response to some influence, irritant/stimulant, impression (for example, reaction in psychology, chemical reactions, nuclear reactions). Consequently, the systems action in response to the external influence is the reaction of the system. When the system has worked (responded) and the required result of action has been received, it means that it has already achieved (“quenched”) the goal and after that it has no any more goal to aspire to. Reaction is always secondary and occurs only and only following the external influence exerted upon the element. Reaction can sometimes occur after a long time following the external influence if, for example, the given element has been specially “programmed” for the delay. But it will surely occur, provided that the force of the external influence exceeds the threshold of the elements sensitivity to the external influence and that the element is capable to respond to the given influence in general. If the element is able of reacting to pressure above 1 atmosphere it will necessarily react if the pressure is in excess of 1 atmosphere. If the pressure is less than 1 atmosphere it will not react to the lower pressure. If it is influenced by temperature, humidity or electric induction, it will also not react, howsoever we try to “persuade” it, as it is only capable to react to pressure higher than 1 atmosphere. In no pressure case (no pressure above 1 atmosphere), it will never react. Since the result of the systems performance appears only following some external influence, it is always secondary, because the external influence is primary. External influence is the cause and the result of action is a consequence (function). It is obvious that donor systems can produce one or several results of action, while the recipient systems may only react to one or several external influences. But donor elements can interact with the recipient systems only in case of qualitatively homogeneous actions. If the recipient systems can react only to pressure, then the systems able of interacting with them may be those which result of action is pressure, but not temperature, electric current or something else. Interaction between donor systems and recipient systems is only possible in case of qualitative uniformity (homoreactivity, the principle of homogeneous interactivity). We can listen to the performance of the musician on a stage first of all because we have ears. The earthworm is not able to understand our delight from the performance of the musician at least for the reason that it has no ears, it cannot perceive a sound and it has no idea about a sound even if (hypothetically) it could have an intelligence equal to ours. The result of action of the recipient element can be both homogeneous (homoreactive) and non-homogeneous, unequal in terms of quality of action (heteroreactive) of external influence in respect of it. For example, the element reacts to pressure, and its result of action can be either pressure or temperature, or frequency, or a stream/flow of something, or the number of inhabitants of the forest (apartment, city, country) etc. Hence, the reaction of an element to the external influence can be both homoreactive and heteroreactive. In the first case the elements are the action transmitters, in the second case they are converters of quality of action. If the result of the systems actions completely corresponds to the implementation of goal, it speaks of the sufficiency of this system (the given group of interacting elements) for the given purpose. If not, the given group of elements mismatches the given goal/purpose and/or is insufficient, or is not the proper system for the achievement of a degree of quality and quantity of the preset goal. Therefore, any existing object can be characterized by answering the basic question: “What can the given object do?” This question characterizes the concept of the “result of action of an object” which in turn consists of two subquestions: What action can be done by given object? (the quality of result of action); How much of such action can be done by the given object? (the quantity of result of action). These two subquestions characterize the aspiration of a system to implement the goal. And the goal-setting may be characterized by answering another question: “What should the given object do?” which also consists of two subquestions: what action should the given object do? (the quality of the result of action); how much of such action should the given object do? (the quantity of the result of action). These last two subquestions are the ones that determine the goal as a task (the order/command, the instruction) for the given object or group of objects, and the system is being sought or built to achieve this goal. The closer the correspondence between what should and what can be done by the given object, the closer the given object is to the ideal system. The real result of action of the system should correspond to preset (expected) result. This correspondence is the basic characteristic of any system. Wide variety of systems may be built of a very limited number of elements. All the diverse material physical universe is built of various combinations of protons, electrons and neutrons and these combinations are the systems with specific goals/purposes. We do not know the taste of protons, neutrons and electrons, but we do know the taste of sugar which molecular atoms are composed of these elements. Same elements are the constructional material of both the human being and a stone. The result of the action of pendulum would be just swaying, but not secretion of hormones, transmission of impulse, etc. Hence, its goal/purpose and result of action is nothing more but only swaying at constant frequency. The symphonic orchestra can only play pieces of music, but not build, fight or merchandize, etc. Generator of random numbers should generate only random numbers. If all of a sudden it starts generate series of interdependent numbers, it will cease to be the generator of random numbers. Real and ideal systems differ from each other in that the former always have additional properties determined by the imperfection of real systems. Massive golden royal seal, for example, may be used to crack nuts just as well as by means of a hammer or a plain stone, but it is intended for other purpose. Therefore, as it has already been noted above, the concept of “system” is relative, but not absolute, depending on correspondence between what should and what can be done by the given object. If the object can implement the goal set before it, it is the system intended for the achievement of this goal. If it cannot do so, it is not the system for the given goal, but can be a system intended for other goals. It does not mater for the achievement of the goal what the system consists of, but what is important is what it can do. In any case the possibility to implement the goal determines the system. Therefore, the system is determined not by the structure of its elements, but by the extent of precision/accuracy of implementation of the expected result. What is important is the result of action, rather than the way it was achieved. Absolutely different elements may be used to build the systems for the solution of identical problems (goals). The sum of US$200 in the form of US$1 value coins each and the check for the same amount can perform the same action (may be used to make the same purchase), although they consist of different elements. In one case it is metal disks with the engraved signs, while in other case it is a piece of a paper with the text drawn on it. Hence, they are systems named “money” with identical purposes, provided that they may be used for purchase and sale without taking into account, for example, conveniences of carrying them over or a guarantee against theft. But the more conditions are stipulated, the less number of elements are suitable for the achievement of the goal. If we, for example, need large amount of money, say, US$1.000.000 in cash, and want it not to be bulky and the guarantee that it is not counterfeit we will only accept US$100 bank notes received only from bank. The more the goal is specified, the less is the choice of elements suitable for it. Thus, the system is determined by the correspondence of the goal set to the result of its action. The goal is both the task for an object (what it should make) and its aspiration or desire (what it aspires to). If the given group of elements can realize this goal, it is a system for the achievement of the goal set. If it cannot realize this goal, it is not the system intended for the achievement of the given goal, although it can be the system for the achievement of other goals. The system operates for the achievement of the goal. Actually, the system transforms through its actions the goal into the result of action, thus spending its energy. Look around and everything youll see are someones materialized goals and realized desires. On a large scale everything that populates our World is systems and just systems, and all of them are intended for a wide range of various purposes. But we do not always know the purposes of many of these systems and therefore not all objects are perceived by us as systems. Reactions of systems to similar external influences are always constant, because the goal is always determined and constant. Therefore, the result of action should always be determined, i.e. identical and constant (a principle of consistency of correspondence of the systems action result to the appropriate result), and for this purpose the systems actions should be the same (the principle of a constancy of correspondence of actual actions of the system to the due ones). If the result fails to be constant it cannot be appropriate and equal to the preset result (the principle of consistency/permanency of the result of action). The conservation law proceeds/results/ from the principle of consistency/permanency of action. Let us call the permanency of reaction “purposefulness”, as maintaining the similarity (permanency/consistency) of reaction is the goal of a system. Hence, the law of conservation is determined by the goal/purpose. The things conserved would be those only, which correspond to the achievement of the systems goal. This includes both actions per se and the sequence of actions and elements needed to perform these actions, and the energy spent for the performance of these actions, because the system would seek to maintain its movement towards the goal and this movement will be purposeful. Therefore, the purpose determines the conservation law and the law of cause-and-effect limitations (see below), rather than other way round. The conservation law is one of the organic, if not the most fundamental, laws of our universe. One of particular consequences of the conservation law is that the substance never emerges from nothing and does not transform into nothing (the law of conservation of matter). It always exists. It might have been non-existent before origination of the World, if there was origination of the World per se, and it might not be existent after its end, if it is to end, but in our World it does neither emerge, nor disappear. A matter is substance and energy. The substance (deriving from the /Rus/ word “thing”, “object” ) may exist in various combinations of its forms (liquid, solid, gaseous and other, as well as various bodies), including the living forms. But matter is always some kind of objects, from elementary particles to galaxies, including living objects.Substance consists of elements. Some forms of substances may turn into others (chemical, nuclear and other structural transformations) at the expense of regrouping of elements by change of ties between them. Physical form of the conservation law is represented by Einsteins formula. A substance may turn into energy and other way round. Energy (from Greek “energeia” - action, activity) is the general quantitative measure of movement and interaction of all kinds of matter. Energy in nature does not arise from anything and does not disappear; it only can change its one form into another. The concept of energy brings all natural phenomena together. Interaction between the systems or between the elements of systems is in effect the link between them. From the standpoint of system, energy is the measure (quantity) of interaction between the elements of the system or between the systems which needs to be accomplished for the establishment of link between them. For example, one watt may be material measure of energy. Measures of energy in other systems, such as social, biological, mental and other, are not yet developed. Any objects represent the systems, therefore interactions between them are interactions between the systems. But systems are formed at the expense of interaction between their elements and formations of inter-element relations between them. In the process of interaction between the systems intersystem relations are established. Any action, including interaction, needs energy. Therefore, when establishing relations/links/ the energy is being “input”. Consequently, as interaction between the elements of the system or different systems is the relation/link between them, the latter is the energy-related concept. In other words, when creating a system from elements and its restructuring from simple into complex, the energy is spent for the establishment of new relations /links /connections between the elements. When the system is destructed the links between the elements collapse and energy is released. Systems are conserved at the expense of energy of relations/links between its elements. It is the internal energy of a system. When these relations/links are destructed the energy is released, but the system itself as an object disappears. Consequently, the internal energy of a system is the energy of relations/link between the elements of the system. In endothermic reactions the energy used for the establishment of connections/links/relations comes to the system from the outside. In exothermic reactions internal energy of the system is released at the expense of rupture of these connections between its internal own elements which already existed prior to the moment when reaction occurred. But when the connection is already formed, by virtue of conservation law its energy is not changed any more, if no influence is exerted upon the system. For example, in establishing of connections/links between the two nuclei of deuterium (2D2) the nucleus 1Не4 is formed and the energy is released (for the purpose of simplicity details are omitted, for example, reaction proton-proton). And the 1Не4 nucleus mass becomes slightly less than the sum of masses of two deuterium nuclei by the value multiple of the energy released, in accordance with the physical expression of the conservation law. Thus, in process of merge of deuterium nuclei part of their intra-nuclear bonds collapses and it is for this reason that the merge of these nuclei becomes possible. The energy of connection between the elements of deuterium nuclei is much stronger than that of the bond between the two deuterium nuclei. Therefore, when part of connections between elements of deuterium nuclei is destructed the energy is released, part of it being used for thermonuclear synthesis, i.e. the establishment of connection/bond between the two deuterium nuclei (extra-nuclear connection/bond in respect to deuterium nuclei), while other part is released outside helium nucleus. But our World is tamped not only with matter. Other objects, including social, spiritual, cultural, biological, medical and others, are real as well. Their reality is manifested in that they can actively influence both each other and other kinds of matter (through the performance of other systems and human beings). And they also exist and perform not chaotically, but are subjected to specific, though strict laws of existence. The law of conservation applies to them as well, because they possess their own kinds of “energy” and they did not come into being in a day, but may only turn one into another. Any system can be described in terms of qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Unlike material objects, the behavior of other objects can be described nowadays only qualitatively, as they for the present the have no their own “thermodynamics”, for example, “psychodynamics”. We do not know, for example, what quantity of “Watt” of spiritual energy needs to be applied to solve difficult psychological problem, but we know that spiritual energy is needed for such a solution. Nevertheless, these objects are the full-value systems as well, and they are structured based on the same principles as other material systems. As systems are the groups of elements, and changes of forms of substances represent the change of connections/bonds between the elements of substance, then changes of forms of substances represent the changes of forms of systems. Hence, the form is determined by the specificity of connections/bonds/ties between the elements of systems. “Nothing in this world lasts for ever”, the world is continually changing, whereby one kind of forms of matter turn into other, but it is only forms that vary, while matter is indestructible and always conserved. At the same time, alteration of forms is also subjected to the law of conservation and it is this law that determines the way in which one kind of forms should replace other forms of matter. Forms only alter on account of change of connections/ties between the elements of systems. As far as each connection between the system elements has energetic equivalent, any system contains internal energy which is the sum of energies of connections/bonds between all elements. The “form: (Latin, philos.) is a totality of relations determining the object. The form is contraposed to matter, the content of an object. According to Aristotle, the form is the actuating force that forms the objects and exists beyond the latter. According to Kant, form is everything brought in by the subject of cognition to the content of the cognizable matter - space, time and substance of the form of cognitive ability; all categories of thinking: quantity, quality, relation, substance, place, time, etc., are forms, the product of ability of abstraction, formation of general concepts of our intellect. However, these are not quite correct definitions. The form cannot be contraposed to matter because it is inseparably linked with the latter, it is the form of matter itself. The form cannot be a force either, although it probably pertains to energy because it is determined by energy-bearing connections within the system. According to Kant, form is a purely subjective concept, as it only correlates with intellectual systems and their cognitive abilities. Why, do not the forms exist without knowing them? Any system has one or other shape/look of form. And the systems form is determined by type and nature of connections/relations/bonds between the system elements. Therefore, the form is a kind of connections between the system elements. Since the systems may interact, new connections/bonds between them are thus established and new forms of systems emerge. In other words, in process of interaction between the systems new systems emerge as new forms. The energy is always expended in the course of interaction between the systems. Logic form of the conservation law is the law of cause-and-effect limitations because it is corresponded by a logical connective “if....., then….” Possible choice of external influences (causes) to which the system should react is limited by the first part of this connective “if...”, whereas the actions of systems (consequences) are limited by the second part “then...”. It is for this reason that the law is called the law of cause-and-effect limitations. This law reads “Any consequence has its cause /every why has a wherefore/”. Nothing appears without the reason/cause and nothing disappears for no special reason/cause. There are no consequences without the reason/cause, there is no reaction without the influence. It is unambiguousness and certainty of reaction of systems to the external influence that lays the cornerstone of determinism in nature. Every specific cause is followed by specific consequence. The system should always react only to certain external influences and always react only in a certain way. Chemoreceptor intended for О2 would always react only to О2, but not to Na +, Ca ++ or glucose. At that, it will give out certain potential of action, rather than a portion of hormone, mechanical contraction or something else. Any system differs in specificity of the external influence and specificity of the reaction. The certainty of external influences and the reactions to them imposes limitations on the types of the latter. Therefore, the need in the following arises from the law of cause-and-effect limitations: execution of any specific (certain) action to achieve specific (certain) purpose; existence of any specific (certain) system (subsystem) for the implementation of such action, as no action occurs by itself; sequences of actions: the system would always start to perform and produce the result of action only after external influence is exerted on it because it does not have free will for making decision on the implementation of the action. Hence, the result of the system performance can always appear only after certain actions are done by the system. These actions can only be done following the external influence. External influence is primary and the result of action is secondary. Of all possible actions those will be implemented only which are caused by external influence and limited (stipulated) by the possibilities of the responding system. If, following the former external influence, the goal is already achieved and there is no new external influence after delivery of the result of action, the system should be in a state of absolute rest and not operate, because it is only the goal that makes the system operate, and this goal is already achieved. No purpose - no actions. If new external influence arises a new goal appears as well, and then the system will start again to operate and new result of action will be produced.

  • 251. The origin and history of the English language
    Иностранные языки

    The value of a language as an object of study, depends chiefly on the character of the books which it contains; and, secondarily, on its connexion with others more worthy to be thoroughly known. In this instance, there are several circumstances which are calculated soon to discourage research. As our language took its rise during the barbarism of the dark ages, the books through which its early history must be traced, are not only few and meagre, but, in respect to grammar, unsettled and diverse. It is not to be expected that inquiries of this kind will ever engage the attention of any very considerable number of persons. Over the minds of the reading public, the attractions of novelty hold a much greater influence, than any thing that is to be discovered in the dusk of antiquity. All old books contain a greater or less number of obsolete words, and antiquated modes of expression, which puzzle the reader, and call him too frequently to his glossary. And even the most common terms, when they appear in their ancient, unsettled orthography, are often so disguised as not to be readily recognized.

    1. These circumstances (the last of which should be a caution to us against innovations in spelling) retard the progress of the reader, impose a labour too great for the ardour of his curiosity, and soon dispose him to rest satisfied with an ignorance, which, being general, is not likely to expose him to censure. For these reasons, ancient authors are little read; and the real antiquary is considered a man of odd habits, who, by a singular propensity, is led into studies both unfashionable and fruitless-- a man who ought to have been born in the days of old, that he might have spoken the language he is so curious to know, and have appeared in the costume of an age better suited to his taste.
    2. But Learning is ever curious to explore the records of time, as well as the regions of space; and wherever her institutions flourish, she will amass her treasures, and spread them before her votaries. Difference of languages she easily overcomes; but the leaden reign of unlettered Ignorance defies her scrutiny. Hence, of one period of the world's history, she ever speaks with horror--that "long night of apostasy," during which, like a lone Sibyl, she hid her precious relics in solitary cells, and fleeing from degraded Christendom, sought refuge with the eastern caliphs. "This awful decline of true religion in the world carried with it almost every vestige of civil liberty, of classical literature, and of scientific knowledge; and it will generally be found in experience that they must all stand or fall together."--Hints on Toleration, p. 263. In the tenth century, beyond which we find nothing that bears much resemblance to the English language as now written, this mental darkness appears to have gathered to its deepest obscuration; and, at that period, England was sunk as low in ignorance, superstition, and depravity, as any other part of Europe.
    3. The English language gradually varies as we trace it back, and becomes at length identified with the Anglo-Saxon; that is, with the dialect spoken by the Saxons after their settlement in England. These Saxons were a fierce, warlike, unlettered people from Germany; whom the ancient Britons had invited to their assistance against the Picts and Scots. Cruel and ignorant, like their Gothic kindred, who had but lately overrun the Roman empire, they came, not for the good of others, but to accommodate themselves. They accordingly seized the country; destroyed or enslaved the ancient inhabitants; or, more probably, drove the remnant of them into the mountains of Wales. Of Welsh or ancient British words, Charles Bucke, who says in his grammar that he took great pains to be accurate in his scale of derivation, enumerates but one hundred and eleven, as now found in our language; and Dr. Johnson, who makes them but ninety-five, argues from their paucity, or almost total absence, that the Saxons could not have mingled at all with these people, or even have retained them in vassalage.
    4. The ancient languages of France and of the British isles are said to have proceeded from an other language yet more ancient, called the _Celtic_; so that, from one common source, are supposed to have sprung the present Welsh, the present Irish, and the present Highland Scotch.[46] The term Celtic Dr. Webster defines, as a noun, "The language of the Celts;" and, as an adjective, "Pertaining to the primitive inhabitants of the south and west of Europe, or to the early inhabitants of Italy, Gaul, Spain, and Britain." What unity, according to this, there was, or could have been, in the ancient Celtic tongue, does not appear from books, nor is it easy to be conjectured.[47] Many ancient writers sustain this broad application of the term _Celtae_ or _Celts_; which, according to Strabo's etymology of it, means horsemen, and seems to have been almost as general asour word Indians. But Casar informs us that the name was more particularly claimed by the people who, in his day, lived in France between the Seine and the Garonne, and who by the Romans were called Galli, or Gauls.
  • 252. The origin of language
    Иностранные языки

    At any rate, let it be remembered that the first language spoken on earth, whatever it was, originated in Eden before the fall; that this "one language," which all men understood until the dispersion, is to be traced, not to the cries of savage hunters, echoed through the wilds and glades where Nimrod planted Babel, but to that eastern garden of God's own planting, wherein grew "every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food;" to that paradise into which the Lord God put the new-created man, "to dress it and to keep it." It was here that Adam and his partner learned to speak, while yet they stood blameless and blessed, entire and wanting nothing; free in the exercise of perfect faculties of body and mind, capable of acquiring knowledge through observation and experience, and also favoured with immediate communications with their Maker. Yet Adam, having nothing which he did not receive, could not originally bring any real knowledge into the world with him, any more than men do now: this, in whatever degree attained, must be, and must always have been, either an acquisition of reason, or a revelation from God. And, according to the understanding of some, even in the beginning, "That was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual."-_1 Cor., xv, 46_. That is, the spirit of Christ, the second Adam, was bestowed on the first Adam, after his creation, as the life and the light of the immortal soul. For, "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men," a life which our first parents forfeited and lost on the day of their transgression. "It was undoubtedly in the light of this pure influence that Adam had such an intuitive discerning of the creation, as enabled him to give names to all creatures according to their several natures."-_Phipps, on Man_, p. 4. A lapse from all this favour, into conscious guilt and misery; a knowledge of good withdrawn, and of evil made too sure; followed the first transgression. Abandoned then in great measure by superhuman aid, and left to contend with foes without and foes within, mankind became what history and observation prove them to have been; and henceforth, by painful experience, and careful research, and cautious faith, and humble docility, must they gather the fruits of _knowledge_; by a vain desire and false conceit of which, they had forfeited the tree of life. So runs the story

  • 253. The peculiarities of news reports in English mass media texts
    Иностранные языки

    styles (FS) are the subsystems of language, each subsystem having its own peculiar features in what concern vocabulary means, syntactical constructions, and even phonetics.The appearance and existence of FS is connected with the specific conditions of communication in different spheres of human life. FS differ not only by the possibility or impossibility of using some elements but also due to the frequency of their usage. For example: some terms can appear in the colloquial style but the possibility of its appearance is quite different form the possibility to meet it in an example of scientific style.classification of Functional Style (F.S) is a very complicated problem, that is why we will consider ideas of I.R. Galperin, bearing in mind that I.R Galperin treats functional styles as patterns of the written variety of language thus excluding colloquial FS. Both scholars agree that each FS can be recognized by one or more leading features. But I.R Galperin pays more attention to the coordination of language means and stylistic devices whereas Arnold connects the specific features of each FS with its peculiarities in the sphere of communication. According to I.R. Galperin, a functional style of language is a system of interrelated language means which serves a definite aim in communication. A functional style should be regarded as the product of a certain concrete task set by the sender of the message. Functional styles appear mainly in the literary standard of the language. These represent varieties of the abstract invariant and can deviate from the invariant, even breaking away with it.FS is a relatively stable system at the given stage in the development of the literary language, but it changes, and sometimes considerably, from one period to another. Therefore FS is a historical category. Thus, for example in the 17th century it was considered that not all words can be used in poetry, and that a separate poetic style exists. Later, in the 19th century romanticism rejected the norms of poetic style and introduced new vocabulary to poetry. The development of each style is predetermined by the changes in the norms of standard English. It is also greatly influenced by changing social conditions, the progress of science and the development of cultural life. Every functional style of language is marked by a specific use of language means, thus establishing its own norms which, however, are subordinated to the norm-invariant and which do not violate the general notion of the literary norm. The writers of the given period in the development of the literary language contribute greatly to establishing the system of norms of their period. It is worth noting that the investigations of language norms at a given period are to great extent maintained on works of men of letters. Selection, or deliberate choice of language, and the ways the chosen elements are treated are the main distinctive features of individual style. Individual style is a unique combination of language units, expressive means and stylistic devices peculiar to a given writer, which makes that writer's works or even utterances easily recognizable . Naturally, the individual style of a writer will never be entirely independent of the literary norms and canons of the given period. But the adaptations of these canons will always be peculiar and therefore distinguishable. Individual style is based on a thorough knowledge of the contemporary language and allows certain justifiable deviations from the rigorous norms. Individual style requires to be studied in a course of stylistics in so far as it makes use of the potentialities of language means, whatever the characters of these potentialities may be.All men of letters have a peculiar individual manner of using language means to achieve the effect they desire. Writers choose language means deliberately. This process should be distinguished from language peculiarities which appear in everyday speech of this or that particular individual (idiolect).stylePublistic (P.S) style is a perfect for example: historical changeability of stylistic differentiation of discourses. In Greece it was practiced in oral form which was named P.S in accordance with the name of its corresponding genre. P.S is famous for its explicit pragmatic function of persuasion directed at influencing the reader and shaping his works in accordance with the argumentation of the author. We find in PS a blend of the rigorous logical reasoning, reflecting the objective state of things and a strong subjectivity reflecting the authors personal feelings and emotions towards the discussed subject. Sub styles: The oratory essays, journalistic articles, radio and TV commentary. Oratory it makes use of a great humbler of expressive means to arouse and keep the public's interest: repetition, gradation, antithesis, rhetorical questions, emotive words, elements of colloquial speech. Radio and TV commentary is less impersonal and more expressive and emotional. The essay is very subjective and the most colloquial of the all sub styles of the publicistic style. It makes use of expressive means and tropes. The journalistic articles are impersonal.

  • 254. The permeance

    electromagnet is simply a coil of wire. It is usually wound around an iron core. However, it could be wound around an air core, in which case it is called a solenoid. When connected to a DC voltage or current source, the electromagnet becomes energized, creating a magnetic field just like a permanent magnet. The magnetic flux density is proportional to the magnitude of the current flowing in the wire of the electromagnet. The polarity of the electromagnet is determined by the direction the current. The north pole of the electromagnet is determined by using your right hand. Wrap your fingers around the coil in the same direction as the current is flowing (conventional current flows from + to -). The direction your thumb is pointing is the direction of the magnetic field, so north would come out of the electromagnet in the direction of your thumb. DC electromagnets are principally used to pick up or hold objects.connected to an AC voltage or current source, the electromagnet will be changing its flux density as the current fluctuates. The polarity of the magnet will also change as the current reverses direction every half cycle. AC electromagnets can be used to demagnetize objects (like TV screens, audio tapes, vcr tapes) or to hold objects. However, due to the inductance of the electromagnet, the AC current that will actually flow will be reduced when compared to a DC voltage equal to the RMS value of the AC voltage feeding the electromagnet.key importance of an electromagnet is the ability to control the strength of the magnetic flux density, the polarity of the field, and the shape of the field. The strength of the magnetic flux density is controlled by the magnitude of the current flowing in the coil, the polarity of the field is determined by the direction of the current flow, and the shape of the field is determined by the shape of the iron core around which the coil is wound.electromagnets are used in lots of things. Motors are the most prominent example. Every electric motor uses at least one electromagnet. Most use two, one stationary and one moving. Sometimes one or the other of them is a permanent magnet. Generators, being the alter ego of motors, also use electromagnets. Loudspeakers and earphones use electromagnets to drive the diaphragm. Televisions use electromagnets to direct the electron beam on the screen. Scrap heaps use electromagnets to pick up large ferrous items like junked cars. Also fire doors as they can shut after detecting a fire the doors lock after a few minutes so people are safe outside and dont return back into the building.

  • 255. The Plantagenet Dynasty in the History of Great Britain


    1. Stubbs William The early Plantagenets. London(a.o.0, Longmans, Green and co., 1909. 43p.
    2. Green Alice Stopford, Henry the Second. Lnd. N.Y., Macmillian 1888. 29p.
    3. Green Alice Stopford, Henry the Second. Lnd. N.Y., Macmillian 1888. 48-49p.
    4. Green Alice Stopford, Henry the Second. Lnd. N.Y., Macmillian 1888. 56-61p.
    5. Green Alice Stopford, Henry the Second. Lnd. N.Y., Macmillian 1888. 63p.
    6. Henderson Philip Richard, Coeur de Lion. A biography. Lnd. Hale 1958.10p.
    7. Henderson Philip Richard, Coeur de Lion. A biography. Lnd. Hale 1958. 12-13 p.
    8. Henderson Philip Richard, Coeur de Lion. A biography. Lnd. Hale 1958.21-23p.
    9. История средних веков. Том I, под редакцией А.Д. Удальцова, Е.А. Косминского и О.Л. Вайнштейна, 2-е издание, ОГИЗ 1941. 301-302p.
    10. История средних веков. Том I, под редакцией А.Д. Удальцова, Е.А. Косминского и О.Л. Вайнштейна, 2-е издание, ОГИЗ 1941. 312-314p.
    11. История средних веков. Том I, под редакцией А.Д. Удальцова, Е.А. Косминского и О.Л. Вайнштейна, 2-е издание, ОГИЗ 1941. 3329-332p.
    12. История средних веков. Том I, под редакцией А.Д. Удальцова, Е.А. Косминского и О.Л. Вайнштейна, 2-е издание, ОГИЗ 1941. 334p.
    13. Цингейт Филиппа Королевские династии: учебное пособие для дополнительного образования Москва, Росмэн, 1997. 249-256p.
    14. Harvey John, The Plantagenets. New York 1973.49-52p.
    15. Harvey John, The Plantagenets. New York 1973. 67-68p.
    16. Грин Вивиан Х. Безумные короли: Личная травма и судьба народов. М. Зевс, Феникс, 1997. 123-124p.
    17. The Oxford companion to British history. Edited by John Cannon. Oxford U.P. 1997. 36p.
    18. Costain Thomas B. The three Edwards. Garden City (N.Y.), Doubleday 1958.91-93p.
    19. Costain Thomas B. The three Edwards. Garden City (N.Y.), Doubleday 1958. 127p.
    20. Costain Thomas B. The three Edwards. Garden City (N.Y.), Doubleday 1958.134-135p.
    21. Costain Thomas B. The three Edwards. Garden City (N.Y.), Doubleday 1958.138-140p.
    22. Costain Thomas B. The three Edwards. Garden City (N.Y.), Doubleday 1958.154p.
    23. Costain Thomas B. The Last Platagenets. Garden City (N.Y.), Doubleday 1962.357p.
    24. The Cambridge Illustrated dictionary of British Heritage. Edited by Alan Isaacs and Jennifer monk. 1986. 115-123p.
    25. Costain Thomas B. The three Edwards. Garden City (N.Y.), Doubleday 1958.169p.
    26. Douls Louisa Desaussure Richard II in the early chronicles. The Hague- Paris, Mouton- 1975.77-81p.
    27. Douls Louisa Desaussure Richard II in the early chronicles. The Hague- Paris, Mouton- 1975.114-115p.
    28. Douls Louisa Desaussure Richard II in the early chronicles. The Hague- Paris, Mouton- 1975. 204-206p.
    29. Douls Louisa Desaussure Richard II in the early chronicles. The Hague- Paris, Mouton- 1975. 235-236p.
    30. Черняк Е.Б. Тайны Англии: Заговоры, интриги, мистификации. М. Остожье, 1996. 327-339p.
    31. Черняк Е.Б. Тайны Англии: Заговоры, интриги, мистификации. М. Остожье, 1996. 348-349p.
    32. Черняк Е.Б. Тайны Англии: Заговоры, интриги, мистификации. М. Остожье, 1996. 357-360p.
    33. The Oxford companion to British history. Edited by John Cannon. Oxford U.P. 1997. 40p.
    34. The Oxford companion to British history. Edited by John Cannon. Oxford U.P. 1997.41p.
    35. The Oxford companion to British history. Edited by John Cannon. Oxford U.P. 1997.41p.
    36. Costain Thomas B. The magnificent century. Garden City (N.Y.), Doubleday 1951.98-99p.
    37. Costain Thomas B. The magnificent century. Garden City (N.Y.), Doubleday 1951.104-105p.
    38. Costain Thomas B. The magnificent century. Garden City (N.Y.), Doubleday 1951.106p.
  • 256. The problems of oral translation
    Иностранные языки
  • 257. The problems of the Subjunctive Mood in English
    Иностранные языки


    1. Е.А. Корнеева «Пособие по морфологии английского языка» Москва, «Высшая школа» 1974
    2. Л.Л. Иофик, Л.П. Чахоян «Хрестоматия по теоретической грамматике английского языка» Санкт Петербург, «Просвещение» 1972
    3. Е.М. Гордон, И.П. Крылова «Грамматика современного английского языка» Москва, «Высшая школа» 1974
    4. Б.А. Ильиш «Строй современного английского языка» Санкт-Петербург, «Просвещение» 1971
    5. В. Каушанская «Грамматика английского языка» Санкт-Петербург, «Просвещение» 1973
    6. Л.С. Бархударов «Очерки по морфологии современного английского языка» Москва, «Высшая школа» 1975
    7. H. Sweet «A new English grammar» Oxford, 1988
    8. G.O. Curme «A Grammar of the English Language» London New-York, 1931
    9. H. Whitehall «Structural Essential of English» New-York, 1956
    10. O. Jespersen «The philosophy of Grammar», London, 1935 «A modern English Grammar» (Part IV), Heidelberg, 1931
    11. В. Виноградов «Русский язык» Москва, 1947
    12. Erick Segal «Love story»
    13. M. Drabble «Jerusalem the Golden»
    14. M. Dickens «One Pair of Hands»
    15. A. Cassidy «Shopping for One»
    16. A. Brookner «A Start in Life»
    17. J.R.R. Tolkien «The Lord of the Rings»
    18. Yelena M. Merkulova «English Reading, writing and conversation» St. Petersburg «SOYUZ» 2004
  • 258. The Russian transition to a market system

    Important place in the transformation process in Eastern Europe has been privatized, which together with other socio-economic changes contributed to overcoming the economic crisis. In the mid 90's. Almost all Eastern European countries emerging transformational recession entered the stage of economic growth.transition from recession to growth in these countries contributed to7:)The rapid expansion of the "new private sector" that is, private companies created in recent years with "zero" in the light and food industries. They do not require large capital investments are focused primarily on consumer demand;)A large influx of foreign capital. At new factories built by foreign companies with high technical equipment, is rapidly increasing production;)Clean-up of banks and enterprise restructuring. As a result, the banks got rid of "bad" debt by the debtor companies. Simultaneously there was a union of banks impose stricter regulation of banking activities. Enterprise restructuring was aimed at a wide range of measures to improve its operations: Isolation from the business viable and nonviable structural units, privatization, dismissal of employees, selection of managers, looking for investors, the modernization and development of new products, marketing organizations, etc.;)Selective structural policy: state support of potentially competitive enterprises., this has greatly solved the problem of financial stabilization, liberalization and institutional reforms8:interest is the experience of market reforms in China. This process began there in the late 70's. In developing reform programs were developed principles for their implementation: E to copy the experience of other countries that rely mainly on their own resources, to preserve the socialist socio-economic order, make changes gradually and comprehensively, to avoid the social, political, and psychological upheavals in society.that the bulk of the population lives in the countryside, reform was decided to start with them. The peasants have the right to rent land. With the deepening of the reform period contracts for land use is prolonged. This stimulated the long-term investment in allotments. Now ownership of the land was inherited. Land formally is in collective ownership, and in fact - has been privatized. Peasants receive mandatory stable jobs for the sale of the state of several kinds of products. The remaining products are sold on the open market at market prices.industry, the task of privatization was not posed. The reforms are carried out through decentralized control. Significant role in China's economy is state. Pricing is based on a combination of market and state prices. The state sets the prices of the most important kinds of strategic products and services. Exercise tight control of the monetary system. At the same time attach great importance to private sector development, particularly in retail trade and services sectors. Production and sales of approximately are half of all goods by market constraints and prices. A proliferation of commodity is exchanges.1992, it embarked on the establishment of mixed forms of ownership. In this case, public ownership remains dominant. It allowed corporatization of state ownership, attracting foreign capital, a merger of enterprises of different ownership forms.a result of the reforms in China has formed a two-sector model of the economy. Market mechanisms were the main regulators in the production of consumer goods and largely cover the production of investment goods. At the same time the State has not waived and the planned management practices. Until now, there are policy plans and the planned provision of material resources.9

  • 259. The Science Of Grammar
    Иностранные языки

    He science of grammar, whatever we may suppose to be its just limits, does not appear to have been better cultivated in proportion as its scope was narrowed. Nor has its application to our tongue, in particular, ever been made in such a manner, as to do great honour to the learning or the talents of him that attempted it. What is new to a nation, may be old to the world. The development of the intellectual powers of youth by instruction in the classics, as well as the improvement of their taste by the exhibition of what is elegant in literature, is continually engaging the attention of new masters, some of whom may seem to effect great improvements; but we must remember that the concern itself is of no recent origin. Plato and Aristotle, who were great masters both of grammar and of philosophy, taught these things ably at Athens, in the fourth century before Christ. Varro, the grammarian, usually styled the most learned of the Romans, was contemporary with the Saviour and his apostles. Quintilian lived in the first century of our era, and before he wrote his most celebrated book, taught a school twenty years in Rome, and received from the state a salary which made him rich. This "consummate guide of wayward youth," as the poet Martial called him, being neither ignorant of what had been done by others, nor disposed to think it a light task to prescribe the right use of his own language, was at first slow to undertake the work upon which his fame now reposes; and, after it was begun, diligent to execute it worthily, that it might turn both to his own honour, and to the real advancement of learning.He says, at the commencement of his book: "After I had obtained a quiet release from those labours which for twenty years had devolved upon me as an instructor of youth, certain persons familiarly demanded of me, that I should compose something concerning the proper manner of speaking; but for a long time I withstood their solicitations, because I knew there were already illustrious authors in each language, by whom many things which might pertain to such a work, had been very diligently written, and left to posterity. But the reason which I thought would obtain for me an easier excuse, did but excite more earnest entreaty; because, amidst the various opinions of earlier writers, some of whom were not even consistent with themselves, the choice had become difficult; so that my friends seemed to have a right to enjoin upon me, if not the labour of producing new instructions, at least that of judging concerning the old. But although I was persuaded not so much by the hope of supplying what was required, as by the shame of refusing, yet, as the matter opened itself before me, I undertook of my own accord a much greater task than had been imposed; that while I should thus oblige my very good friends by a fuller compliance, I might not enter a common path and tread only in the footsteps of others. For most other writers who have treated of the art of speaking, have proceeded in such a manner as if upon adepts in every other kind of doctrine they would lay the last touch in eloquence; either despising as little things the studies which we first learn, or thinking them not to fall to their share in the division which should be made of the professions; or, what indeed is next to this, hoping no praise or thanks for their ingenuity about things which, although necessary, lie far from ostentation: the tops of buildings make a show, their foundations are unseen."--_Quintiliani de Inst. Orat., Prooemium._

  • 260. The selection and adaptation of the material on the topic "Towns and places"
    Иностранные языки

    A further extension of the information gap idea occurs in the story telling activity. The teacher puts the class into four groups, calling them A, B, C, D. each group receives some pictures of the places of interest of some city or town. The groups memorize everything they can about the pictures. The teacher collects the pictures and asks for one student from each group to form a new four person group. He tells them that they each seen a different picture, but the picture taken together in some order or other tell a story about the city, may the pupils remember some facts, details about the monuments, museums, etc. the final stories may be different. The groups tell the whole class what their version is, and the teacher can finally re-show the pictures. Their story-telling can, of course be useful as a prelude to written narrative work. One way of provoking conversation opinion exchange is to get students to conduct questionnaires and surveys. If the pupils plan these questionnaires themselves, the activity becomes even more useful. The teacher wants to activate pupils knowledge.

    1. What kind of questionnaire can it be?
    2. What places of interest do you always try to visit?
    3. Where do you stop? (a hotel, private flat or a house)
    4. Have you met any interesting people during your excursion?
    5. Have you taken any photos?