Ма при обучении иностранному языку в высшей школе материалы научно-практической конференции (6 октября 2005г.) Хабаровск Издательство хгту 2005

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Библиографические ссылки на источники
A.V. Komkov Pacific State University
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Библиографические ссылки на источники

1. Воеводин В.Е. «Ценностные ориентации личности как форма общественного сознания» // Социальная философия и проблемы современного общества (материалы круглого стола), Московский Государственный Университет Культуры и Искусства, 2003.

2. Материалы текущего архива отдела по работе с партиями, общественными объединениями и СМИ аппарата полномочного представителя Президента РФ в Дальневосточном федеральном округе.

3. www.state-religion.ru – сайт о взаимоотношениях государства и церкви

4. Конституция Российской Федерации. Официальное издание. – М, 1993.

5. Борисов О.С. Религия и нравственность в секулярном мире. // Санкт-Петербургское общество (материалы научной конференции). Санкт-Петербург, 2001.

6. Аверина О.В. «Религиоведение» / Учебно-методический комплекс. – Хабаровск: ДВАГС, 2004.


A.V. Komkov

Pacific State University

Participation of inter-regional association

of economic interaction of the Russian Federation subjects “The Far East and Transbaikalia”

in the development of scientific and innovation activity on the territory of the Far East district.

Nowdays the Russian Far East represents exclusively important geopolitical and resource value for the country. Owing to stocks of natural resources of the Russian Far East and Transbaikalia Russia is the world leader in the primary sector of economy. But progress in development of economy and social sphere of the region is impossible on the basis of only raw specialization with use of old technologies which already now do not give significant results. Structural reorganization of economy, increase of its efficiency, due to decrease in production costs, formation of new niches in the commodity markets and the markets of services of the Asian-Pacific countries and Northeast Asia is impossible without strengthening of an innovative economy element.

The president of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in his last message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation emphasized, that the Far East is a strategically important region. It is necessary to concentrate here the state resources for expansion of transport, telecommunication and power infrastructures, including creation of transcontinental corridors.

The federal government and the Far East and Transbaikalia subjects of the Federation should put in common huge efforts for giving this region the dynamism which will allow it to become both effective and worthy representative of Russia and a conductor of its economic and political interests in this the most complicated and dynamical region of the world.

That is why, with the purpose of coordination of the activity promoting all-round social and economic development in conditions of the forming market, for increase of a population living standards, and also for solution of arising problems, heads of thirteen subjects of the Far East region initiated the creation of inter-regional association of economic interaction of the Russian Federation subjects " the Far East and Transbaikalia ". The association is that concrete part which has the right to protect interests of regions in the central government bodies.

During all-round discussion of a united strategy of the Far East and Transbaikalia development within the of association it>
The association management, with the purpose of innovative activity stimulation, addressed the Russian Federation Government with the offer to adopt a special governmental order about introduction of the section "Scientific and personnel support Federal Program " Economic and social development of the Far East and Transbaikalia for 1996-2005 and till 2010 ". The association prepared a material on the given question, held three sessions of working group on the FP where the question on introduction of a new section in the FP was studied. At present, in connection with updating of the FP, the work on the given question is temporarily suspended.

In 1998 in order to develop scientific sphere, and also to solve problems in this area, the education and science coordinating board (CB), uniting experts and heads of regional branches in the field of education and science was created within the association.

It is known, that effective activity of the academic science and higher school of the Far East and Transbaikalia region forms a basis for perspective development of the given territory of Russia. These results define the intellectual part of social life and the level of technologies.

Now there is a number of problems infringing interests of the academic organizations and higher schools, which should be solved by coordination of joint efforts. Discussion of the given problems and development of the most effective decisions is carried out at sessions of the CB.

So, at one of joint sessions, a draft agreement on cooperation in the field of education, science, scientific and technical and innovative activity between Inter-regional association, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Science and Technology and of the Russian Federation and other interested ministries, departments and organizations was brought to solve the given problems.

Within the given agreement the following priority directions of joint activity on realization of entering into Association federation subjects’ needs in educational, personnel, scientific, scientific and technical and innovative support were defined:

Formation of the state educational policy and labour training for the Far East and Transbaikalia, including support and coordination of the general education; development of primary and secondary vocational education; creation of united educational complexes of primary, secondary and higher education.

Formation of the state policy in the field of science and scientific and technical activity in the Far East and Transbaikalia region on the basis of elaboration of a single concept of regional science and scientific and technical activity development taking into account communications with the Asian-Pacific countries; definition of priorities of advancing technological level manufacture creation and improvement which have the major value for development of the country and region; improvement of a single law base in the sphere of science and scientific and technical activity at federal and regional levels.

Maintenance of social security of vocational training and science workers and creation of workplaces for them in view of their work experience and qualification.

Creation of a modern information system containing databases of scientific and technical offers and technological inquiries of industrial sphere, law, reference and other information.

For coordination of activity of higher educational institutions a higher school section was formed at CB of education, and later in 2000, September a science section consisting of leading scientists of was formed.

Higher educational institutions of the Far East and organizations of the Russian Science Academy Far Eastern accumulated significant experience on coordination of joint activity in the interests of the region development while performing regional scientific and innovative programs carried out today.

During the joint solution of scientific problems higher schools scientists and academic scientific organizations established steady relations. In the last years the most significant scientific results of joint researches have been reached in solution of problems of nuclear physics, hydrodynamics of the Amur-river, processes of burning, turbulence, three-dimensional problems of mechanics of a deformable firm body, in the field of materiology, in constructional materials laser dimensional processing technologies development in aircraft construction, hardening and restoration of details and others.

With assistance of the Association management both inter-regional international scientific and research conferences and seminars where questions of science development on the territory of the Far East district are discussed, are held, there is an experience exchange, and also specific proposals on scientific sphere development are brought.

Thus, the basic purpose of regional scientific and innovative development policy is creation of conditions for transformation of scientific achievements into a commercial product. In the Far East and in Transbaikalia there are research and educational organizations, capable to develop the scientific and innovative activity directed at creation of hi-tech products and services, competitive in the markets of Russia and the Asian-Pacific countries.

The inter-regional association, on the one hand, is a conductor of federal regional policy, on the other, it is a tool of expression of the most important and painful problems of large territories in realization of the federal policy. As a management tool, the association is a catalyst of formation of various sorts of inter-regional scientific structures realizing the single policy on development of the Far East and Transbaikalia scientific and innovative activity.