The structure of the informational package for selected educational direction
Вид материала | Документы |
- Нанотехнологии – на службу обществу1, 155.05kb.
- Selected National Issues and the Civic Program Поддержка: предоставление средств, 209.24kb.
- Distant Informational Communications Факультет автоматики и вычислительной техники, 37.79kb.
- Обработка и передача измерительной информации, 182.05kb.
- Educational and method literature, 773.23kb.
- Тской models to model of mutual responsibility in an education sphere, to strengthening, 945.89kb.
- Selected cfr military Leadership Membership List America's Jesuit-ruled-cfr-led, 275.82kb.
- Анализ и интерпретация информации, 212.2kb.
- The hidden structure of overimitation, 326.1kb.
- Mass media exists in educational area for a long time, 578.92kb.
Chair of Physical rehabilitation and Valeology
Course name „ Valeology ” (2.1.5.)
(course name)
For students of all specialties
form of study full-time study
on chair meeting
Minutes No.______from _____________
Head of chair ___________(signature)
Re- approved: minutes No______ d.d ____________
Re- approved: minutes No______ d.d ____________
Re- approved: minutes No______ d.d ____________
Head of Scientific and
Methodical Department ___________L.P. Masjuta
Luhansk 2009

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
Working educational program
Course name „ Valeology ”
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| „ Valeology ” Form(-s) of study: full-time. Specialty (-ies): preschool | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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| Klimenko Irina – assistant professor of the chair Physical reabilitation and valeology (3 building, aud. 3-26) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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| Course objective «Valeology» - theoretical knowledge and practical skills to research individual level of physical and mental health, and their mechanisms. At the future teachers are forming a world-vision, motivation, which providing active and conscious involvement of every individual in the process of creating their own health. In the lecture course substantiate the theoretical foundations of valeology as a science and academic discipline, the study that has a healthy person and person in a "third state"» (before illness). It reflects contemporary health problems of all age groups and, especially children and young people in Ukraine. The actuality of teaching disciplines "Valeology" regulated on basic legal documents on the protection and promotion of health: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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| Chemistry, physics, biology of high school, basic of medical knowledge. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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| List of recommended literature. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| The main educational literature 1. Apanasenko G.L. Popova L.A. «Medicina i valeologija» - K.;A 71 Zdorov'ja, 1998g. 2. Apanasenko G.L., Popova L.A « Medicinskaja. valeologija» - Rostov na Donu. - Feniks, 2000 g 3. I.I Brahman « Valeologija nauka o zdorov'e» 2e izd. don, pererab. Fizkul'tura i sport, 1990 - 208st. 4. BroshigejnA.S., Rivkij V.L. «Valeologija; konkretizacija ponjatij zdorov'e i bolezn'» - I Mezhdunarodnyj med. zhurnal (Rossija) 2001g - №5 - 394st. 5. «Valeologіja» S81957 Kiїv. «Zdorov”ja» 1996g. 6. «Valeologija: Izuchenie osnov zdorovogo obraza zhizni» :Uchebno - vospitatel'naja S80207 programma (Avt.-sost. Ju.G.Ivanov, A.A. Ivanova) - Lugansk, 1995 - 35st. 7. Goncharenko M.S. «Valeologicheskie aspekty social'nogo zdorov'ja» N. Zhurnal, dermatologіja ta venіrologїja — 2001 №2 (І 2) –S. 62- 63. 8. Goncharenko M.S. «Valeologicheskij slovar'» - X.: HGU. - 1999g. - 316s. 9. GorbunovaSM. «Valeologicheskie aspekty koncepcii vospitanija zdorovogo cheloveka» N. Zhurnal. dermatologіja ta venіrologіja -2001 №2 (12)–S.63-69 10. Dubrovskij V.I. «Valeologija. Zdorovyj obraz zhizni» 2e izd., dop.: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. M.: KETOKZhA A, 2001g. - 500s.: il. 11. Dubravskij V,I. «Valeologija. Zdorovyj obraz zhizni». - M.: KETOShKA, 2001 g. - 560st. 12. 20. «Osnovy valeologii»: V 3 kn. Kn.8./ Pod obw. Rjad. V.P.Petlenko/ - 0 75 K.: «Olimpijskaja literatura», 1999g. — 351 s. More educational materials 1. Avdulina A.S. A 18 «Zhizn' bez lekarstv» - 2e izd. M. Fizkul'tura i sport. 1982. - 88s. 2. Apanasenko G.L. «Zdorov'e kotoroe my vybiraem» - K., 1989g - 47s. 3. Aronov D.M. «Tvoj i nash vrag; pravda o alkogole» - M.,; Fizkul'tura i sport, 1986. 4. Belov V.I. «Psihologija zdorov'ja» - M.,S -Peterburg: KSP, Respeks, 1994.#*3 5. «Besedy o trezvosti» sost. V. A.Rezancev. - K: Viwa shkola. Golovnoe izdatel'stvo. 1987. - 144s. 6. «Biologicheski aktivnye vewestva piwevyh produktov»: Spravochnik / V.V. Petrkshevskmj, A.L. Kazakov, V.A Bandjukova i dr./ K.: Tehnika, 1985. 7. M Bogatyrev O.F., Marchuk Ja.M. «Profilaktika ostryh kishechnyh zabolevanij» - M «Medicina» 1997. 8. Bol'shaja medicinskaja jenciklopedija. / pod red. Petrovskogo B.V./ - M.: Sovetskaja jenciklopedija, 1984. 9. Budenyj P. A. Krjuchlov A.K. « Ozhegi. Posobie dovrachebnoj pomowi» - K. 2000. 10. Vasilenko SV. «Ohorona zhittja і zdorov’ja uchnіv» navch. posіbnik., Doneck U PA., 1999. 11. Grachch Pol' S «Formula sovershenstva: chudo golodanie. Serdce. Postroenie mownoj pervoj sily. Vashi volosy i vashe zdorov'e». /P.S. Brjegg, Uluchshenija zdorov'ja po sisteme Brjegga/ P.S Brjegg - SPB.: TOO «Lejla» 1996. - 383s. 12. «Zdorov'e cheloveka: tehnika normirovanija. Zdrav. stroitelja v sisteme obrazov. Ukrainy». Nauchnaja konferencija. - Dnepropetrovsk 1995. 13. Ivanov V.I. «Lekarstvennye rastenija v narodnoj medicine» - M. 1992. 14. «Kak byt' zdorovymi: (Iz zarubok, opyta obuchenija principam zdorovogo obraza zhizni) Per. s angl. E. A. Kretova — M.: Medicina, 1990. – 39s. 15. Rudik B.І. Alkogol' і zahvorjuvannja vnutrіshnih organіv.- K.: Zdorov”e, 1980.-43s. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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| Student activity:
Current control: Two writing modular works. Form of semester control: exam. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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| Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria:
(from them on the (28%)
Trainee’s individual map
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№ | ^ Meaningful units and their structure | general | lectures | Seminas (pract.exer.) | lab. | individ. | |
| ^ Topics lectures: | | | | | | |
1.1. | Тема 1. Valeology as a science. Concept about health and illness. | 2 | 2 | | | | |
1.2. | Тема 2. Concept about physical health | 2 | 2 | | | | |
1.3. | Тема 3. Pinciple and methods of diagnostic and health | 2 | 2 | | | | |
1.4. | Тема 4. Calculation of individual equal of health | 2 | 2 | | | | |
1.5. | Тема 5. Concept about «biological age» | 2 | 2 | | | | |
1.6. | Тема 6. Concept about mental health | 2 | 2 | | | | |
1.7 | Тема7. Prophylacsis of psyho-emotional overload | 2 | 2 | | | | |
1.8 | Тема 8. Basis of rational nutrition | 2 | 2 | | | | |
1.9 | Тема 9. Medical preparation and organism | 2 | 2 | | | | |
1.1 | ^ Topics of practical classes: Тема 10. The main principles and methods of assignment first help with acute illness | 2 | | 2 | | | |
1.2 | Тема 11. Concept about infectious diseases. | 2 | | 2 | | | |
1.3 | Тема 12. Venereal disease | 2 | | 2 | | | |
1.4 | Тема 13. Tuberculosis | 2 | | 2 | | | |
1.1 | Individual work: Тема 1. Progress of the valeology history in Ukraine.. | 2 | | | | 2 | |
1.2 | Тема 2. Ecological factors of influence on the human health | 2 | | | | 2 | |
1.3 | Тема 3. Prenosological diagnostic of health for the functional indicators | 2 | | | | 2 | |
1.4 | Тема 4. Diagnostics of level health indicators for direct indicator and bioenergy | 2 | | | | 2 | |
1.5 | Тема 5. The mechanism of mental and physiological stress | 2 | | | | 2 | |
1.6 | Тема 6. Contemporary approaches to mental health | 2 | | | | 2 | |
1.7 | Тема 7. Reproductive health and diseases, which transmitted sexually | 2 | | | | 2 | |
1.8 | Тема 8. Osteochondrosis and their manifestations in humans. Prophylaxis and rehabilitation of the spine | 2 | | | | 2 | |
1.9 | Тема 9. The role of physical activity in the development of cross-adaptation | 2 | | | | 2 | |
2.0 | Тема 10. Breathing and recovery mechanisms of the organism respiratory exercises | 2 | | | | 2 | |
2.1 | Тема 11. Infringement of cardio-vascular system and their prevention | 2 | | | | 2 | |
2.2 | Тема 12. Theories of ageing. Somatical health and ageing | 2 | | | | 2 | |
2.3 | Тема 13. Influence of alcohol and drugs to the physical and mental health of human | 2 | | | | 2 | |
2.4 | Тема 14. Types and forms of forced behavior. Notice and overcoming of forced | 2 | | | | 2 | |
| ^ TOTAL HOURS | 54 | 19 | 8 | | 28 | |