The structure of the informational package for selected educational direction
Вид материала | Документы |
- Нанотехнологии – на службу обществу1, 155.05kb.
- Selected National Issues and the Civic Program Поддержка: предоставление средств, 209.24kb.
- Distant Informational Communications Факультет автоматики и вычислительной техники, 37.79kb.
- Обработка и передача измерительной информации, 182.05kb.
- Educational and method literature, 773.23kb.
- Тской models to model of mutual responsibility in an education sphere, to strengthening, 945.89kb.
- Selected cfr military Leadership Membership List America's Jesuit-ruled-cfr-led, 275.82kb.
- Анализ и интерпретация информации, 212.2kb.
- The hidden structure of overimitation, 326.1kb.
- Mass media exists in educational area for a long time, 578.92kb.
Chair of Ukrainian History
Course name „Ethnography of Ukraine” (2.1.2.)
For specialties „History” and „Social work”
Form of study: Full-time study
On chair meeting
Minutes No______d.d _____________
Head of chair___________(signature)
Re- approved: minutes No______ d.d ____________
Re- approved: minutes No______ d.d ____________
Re- approved: minutes No______ d.d ____________
Head of Scientific and
Methodical Department ___________L.P. Masjuta
Luhansk 2009

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
Working educational program
Course name „Ethnography of Ukraine” (2.1.2.)
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^ „ETHNOGRAPHY OF UKRAINE” Form of study: full-time. Specialties: „History”, „Social work” | |||||||
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6. 13 01 02 „Social work” 6. 02 03 02 „History” [ІСТ].[Істор_09].[2_1_2] [ІСТ].[Соц_роб_09].[2_1_1] | |||||||
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compulsory | |||||||
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1-st | |||||||
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Anpіlogova Tetyana assistant professor of the chair Ukrainian history, Candidate of Historical Sciences (3-st building, aud. 4-20, e-mail: | |||||||
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Course objective – students learn the basic concepts of ethnographic science, history of formation and development of Ukrainian ethnic area; formation idea about national diversity and ethnic groups of the Ukrainian state, Main stages of formation of the Ukrainian diaspora; knowledge with the components of Ukrainian national culture Ukrainian dishes, costumes, folklore, habitation, mass transportation, communication traditions and etc. | |||||||
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Course of Ukrainian history of high school and school course „Human and society” | |||||||
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№ | ^ Meaningful units and their structure | general | lectures | seminars / (pract. exer.) | lab. | individ. | |
| ^ First module | | | | | | |
1.1. | Introduction | 4 | 2 | | | 2 | |
1.2. | Formation and development of Ukrainian Ethnography | 7 | 2 | | | 5 | |
1.3. | Origin and main stages of ethnic Ukrainian history | 9 | 2 | 2 | | 5 | |
1.4. | Etnoregional peculiarity of Ukraine and Ukrainians | 7 | 2 | | | 5 | |
1.5. | Population of Ukraine and the ethnic composition of its population | 7 | 2 | | | 5 | |
| ^ Second module | | | | | | |
2.1. | Material culture of Ukrainians | 9 | 2 | 2 | | 5 | |
2.2. | Spiritual culture of Ukrainians | 9 | 2 | 2 | | 5 | |
2.3. | Public life | 7 | 2 | | | 5 | |
2.4. | Private life | 9 | 2 | 2 | | 5 | |
2.5. | National etiquette: hospitality, greetings and respect | 4 | 2 | | | 2 | |
| ^ TOTAL HOURS | 72 | 20 | 8 | | 44 | |
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The main educational literature
3.Enciklopedіja ukraїnoznavstva. Zagal'na chastina. Reprintne vіdtvorennja vidannja 1949 roku /Іnstitut ukraїns'koї etnografії AN Ukraїni, 1994. S.184 - 320 4.Etnografіja Ukraїni: Navch. posіbnik / Za red. S.A.Makarchuka. -L'vіv: Svіt, 1994. - 520s. 5.Kul'tura і pobut naselennja Ukraїni: Navch. posіbnik/ V.І.Navulko, L.F.Artjur ta іn. –K.: Libіd', 1993. – 288 s. 6.Lozko G.S. Ukraїns'ke narodoznavstvo. - K.: Zodіak - EKO, 1995. -368s. 7.Ponomar'ov A. P. Ukraїns'ka etnografіja: Kurs lekcіj. - K: Libіd', 1994. - 320 s.: іl. 8.Ukraїns'ke narodoznavstvo: Navch. posіb./ Za red. S.P.Pavljuka. – K.: Znannja, 2006. More educational materials 1. Bulashev G.O. Ukraїns'kij narod u svoїh legendah, relіgіjnih pogljadah ta vіruvannjah. Kosmogonіchnі ukraїns'kі narodnі pogljadi ta vіruvannja. - K.: Fіrma" Dovіra", 1992. - 414s. 2. Bratko-Kutins'kij O.A. Fenomen Ukraїni. –K., 1995. 3. Voropaj Oleksa. Zvichaї nashogo narodu: Etnografіchnіj naris. -K.-Akcіonerne vidavniche - polіgrafіchne. - tovaristvo "Oberіg"1983.-590s. 4. Grigor’єv Nash. Іstorіja Ukraїni v narodnih dumah ta pіsnjah: Dlja sered, ta st.shk. vіku (Hudozh. V.І.Lopata; /Uporjad.-іl. A.P.Demidenko) - K.: Veselka, 1993. - 271 s.: іl. 5. Zalіznjak D.L. Vіd sklavinіv do ukraїns'koї nacії. - K.: PBP " Fotovіdeoservіs ", 1997. - 256 s. 6. Znojko O.P. Mіfi Kiїvs'koї zemlі ta podії starodavnі. Nauk-popul. st., rozvіdki: Dlja st.shk.v. Jaіeredm. V.R.Kolomіjcja. - K.: Molod', 1989. - 304 s.і іl. 7. Matejko K. Ukraїns'kij narodnij odjag. Etnografіchnij slovnik. – K.: Naukova dumka, 1996. – 196 s. 8. Nakonechnij Є. Vkradene іm’ja, abo Chomu rusini stali ukraїncjami? 9. Sergіjchuk V.І. Dolja ukraїns'koї nacіonal'noї simvolіki. - K.: T-vo "Znannja " URSR, 1990. - 48 s. 10. Skuratіvs'kij V.T. Mіsjacelіk: Ukr.nar. kalendar. - K.: Mistectvo, 1992.-208s.: іl. 11. Ukraїns'ka hudozhnja kul'tura: Navch.posіbnik (Za red. І.F.Ljashenka, -K: Libіd', 1996. -416s. 12. Ukraїncі: narodnі vіruvannja, povіr'ja, demonologіja / Upor. prim. ta bіogr. narisi A.P.Ponomar'ova, T.V.Kosmіnoї, O.O.Borjak; Vst. st. A.P. Ponomar'ova; Іl. V.І,Gordієnka, - K.: Libіd', 1991,- 64o s.: іl. 13. Shevchuk V.O. Mislene derevo: Roman - ese pro davnіj Kiїv, - K.: Molod'. - 360 s.: іl. 14. Werbakіvs'kij Vadim. Ukraїns'ke mistectvo: Vibranі neopublіkovanі pracі / Uporjad., vst. st. V.Ul'janovs'kogo.; dodatki P.Gerchanіvs'koї, V.Ul'janovs'kogo.- Kiїv: Libіd', 1995, - 288 s.; іl. | |||||||
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Student activity:
Current control: Two writing modular works, filled contour maps. Form of semester control: credit. | |||||||
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Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria:
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Trainee’s individual map | |||||||
№ | Types of individual student work | The maximum score for type rating (%) | |||||
1. | Ethnoregional originality of Ukraine and Ukrainians | 5% | |||||
2. | Populations of Ukraine and the ethnic composition of its population | 5% | |||||
3. | National etiquette: hospitality, greetings and respect | 5% | |||||
4. | Course paper of chosen topic | 10% | |||||
| TOTAL: | 25% | |||||
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Ukrainian |