The structure of the informational package for selected educational direction
Вид материала | Документы |
- Нанотехнологии – на службу обществу1, 155.05kb.
- Selected National Issues and the Civic Program Поддержка: предоставление средств, 209.24kb.
- Distant Informational Communications Факультет автоматики и вычислительной техники, 37.79kb.
- Обработка и передача измерительной информации, 182.05kb.
- Educational and method literature, 773.23kb.
- Тской models to model of mutual responsibility in an education sphere, to strengthening, 945.89kb.
- Selected cfr military Leadership Membership List America's Jesuit-ruled-cfr-led, 275.82kb.
- Анализ и интерпретация информации, 212.2kb.
- The hidden structure of overimitation, 326.1kb.
- Mass media exists in educational area for a long time, 578.92kb.
^ 10. Course content. | ||||||
№ | Modules and their structure | general | lectures | seminars | iIndividual work | |
| Module 1 | 29 | 8 | 5 | 16 | |
1.1. | ^ Methodological demography principles | 6 | 2 | | 4 | |
1.2. | Sources of population’s reproduction study | 6 | 2 | | 4 | |
1.3. | Statistical analysis of population size and its structure. Demographic factors | 8 | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
1.4. | Historical types of population’s reproduction | 8 | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
| Module 2 | 44 | 12 | 10 | 22 | |
2.1. | Birth rate and its social conditionality | 8 | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
2.2. | Demographic policy | 4 | 2 | | 2 | |
2.3. | ^ Death rate and life expectancy | 8 | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
2.4. | Marriage and family | 8 | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
2.5. | ^ Migration and population’s reproduction | 8 | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
2.6. | Demographic situation in Ukraine and in other CIS countries | 8 | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
| Total number of hours | 72 | 20 | 8 | 38 | |
^ 11. List of recommended literature. | ||||||
Main literature Borisov V.A. Demography. - M.: Publishing house NOTA BENE, 1999, 2001. - 272 p. Demography: Textbook / Editorship N.A. Volgin. – M.: Publishing house, 2003. - 384 p. Medkov V.M. Demography: Textbook. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. - 576 p. - (University classic textbook). Prybytkova I.M. Fundamentals of Demography: A guide for students of humanities and social science faculties of higher educational establishments/ I.M. Prybytkova. - K.: ArtEk, 1995. - 256 p. Modern demography \ Editorship. A.J. Kvasha, V.A. Yontseva. – M.: Publishing house of Moscow university, 1995. - 272 p. Stetsenko S.G. Demographic statistics. K.: High School, 2005. - 415 p. Supplementary literature Avdeev A., I. Тroitckaya Demographic aspect of economical development at the turn of the twenty-first century / Plan. hoz-vo. - 1990. – No. 12. - P. 87 - 92. Antonov A.I., Medkov V.M. The second child. – M.: Misl, 1987. - 299 p. Arab-Ogli E.A. Demographic and environmental forecasts: Critics of modern bourgeois concepts. – M.: Statistics, 1978. - 319 p. Basdirev K.K. The only child. – M.: Finance and statistics, 1983. - 119 p. Bedni M.S. Life expectancy in towns and villages. – M.: Statistics, 1976. - 96 p. Boiko V.V. Birth rate: Sociologically-psychological aspects. – M.: Misl, 1985. - 238 p. Borisov V.A. The prospects of birth rate. – M.: Statistics, 1976. - 248 p. Vyshnevsky A.G. Reproduction of population and society. – M.: Finance and statistics, 1982. - 287 p. Hozulov A.I. Population census all over the world. – M.: Statistics, 1970. - 173 p. Huzevatiy Ya.N. Demography-economic problems of Asia. - M.: Nauka, 1980. - 240 p. Huzevatiy Ya.N. Problems of population in countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. - M.: Nauka, 1970. Darsky L.E. Forming a family. – M.: Statistics, 1972. - 208 p. Demography policy in the modern world. Editor-in-chief A.G. Vyshnevsyy. - M.: Nauka, 1989. - 178 p. Demography Studies: Rep. inter-agency. col. Of scient. works, USSR Academy of Sciences. - K.: Nauk. dumka, 1970. - 134 p. Demographers think, argue, give advice. Collection of articles. / Editorship Kiseleva T.P. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 1981. - 232 p. Children in the family: yesterday, today and tomorrow: Collection of articles. – M.:Misl, 1986. - 205 p. Elyzarov V. Where will “demography wave” go to...: Social policy and birth rate // Teacher. - 2000. – No. 5. - P. 71 - 75. Zahrobskaya A.F. Migration, reproduction and education level of the population. - K.: Naukova dumka, 1982. - 178 p. Kapitsa S.P. Humanity and modern demographic explosion // Teaching history in school. - 2001. – No. 4. - P. 29 -33. . Kvasha A.J. What is demography? – M.: Misl, 1985. - 126 p. Kvasha E.A., Kharkova T.L. International survey of family and birth rate in Europe / /Questions of statistics - 2002. – No. 11. Kiseleva G.P. Is it necessary to raise birth rate? – M.: Statistics, 1979. - 103 p. Kozlov V.I. Ethnic demography. – M.: Statistics, 1977. - 240 p. Korchahyn V.P. Indicators of population’s economically-demographic development / Social. research.(Socis). - 1996. – No. 9. - P. 42 - 54. Kuhtevych T.N., Dobrinina V.I. Earth population aging as a socio-cultural problem / West. Mosk. Univ. Ser 18. Sociology and political science. - 2006. – No. 3. - P. 3 - 11. Maltus T.R. The experience of population law/ / Anthology of classical economics. - M., 1992. - Vol. 2. - P. 5 - 134. The place of demography in the system of sciences. Editorship O.V. Larmyna. – M.: Publishing house MGU, 1975. - 255 p. Population: modern condition of scientific knowledge. Editorship D.I. Valenteya, A.S. Pervuhyna. – M.: Publishing house MGU, 1991. - 231 p. Population: Encyclopedic dictionary / Editor-in-chief G.G. Melykyan. Editorial board: A.J. Kvasha, A.A. Tkachenko, N.N. Shapovalov, D.C. Rustle. – M.: Big Russian Encyclopedia, 1994. - 640 p. World's population: Demographic reference book/ V.A. Borisov and others - M.: Misl, 1989. - 477 p. The fundamentals of the population theory: tutorial. Editorship D.I. Valenteya. - M.: High school, 1986. - 374 p. Perkovskyy A.L. The study of the historical demography in Ukraine in XIX - XX centuries. (Feudalism problems) / / Problems of historical demography of the USSR (period of socialism). - Chisinau, 1985. - P. 25 - 38. Perkovsky A.L. Formation of demographic thought in Ukraine in XVIII century. / / Problems of historical demography of the USSR: Col. of sci. works. - K., 1988. - P. 62 - 74. Pyrozhkov S.I. Demographic processes and age structure of the population. – M.: Statistics, 1976. - 136 p. About the approval of the concept of demographic development for 2005 - 2015 years. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine instruction from 8.10.2004, No. 724-r / / Official bulletin of Ukraine. - 2004. – No. 41. - P. 32 - 42. The past and the present of demography. Ed. count.: DI Valentiy and others - Moscow: Statistics, 1980. - 114 pp. Birth rate and its factors. Sat. Art. Editorship and with preface of A.G. Volkov. – M.: Statistics, 1968. - 119 p. Birth rate: known and unknown: Col. of art. / Editorial board P.P. Zvydryn. – M.: Finance and statistics, 1983. - 118 p. Rosset J. The process of population aging. Demography study. Translated from Polish. N.N. Malyutynoy and J.Н. Farberovoy. Editorship A.G. Volkova. – M.: Statistics, 1968. - 509 p. Ribakovski L.L. Population migration: projections, factors, policy. - M.: Nauka, 1987. - 199 p. Sluka A.E. Demographic crisis in the countries of Europe: reasons and consequences / / Bul. of Mosk. Univ. - Ser. 5. Geography. - 2004. – No. 6. - P. 57 - 63. Starostenko G. Modern demographic trends in Ukraine / / Ukraine's economy. - 1998. – No. 5. - P. 22 - 30. Urlanys B.C. Evolution of life expectancy. – M.: Statistics, 1978. - 310 p. Khomenko A.P. Family and population reproduction. - M.: Nauka, 1983. - 223 p. Shelestov D.C. Demography: history and modernity. – M.: Finance and statistics, 1988. - 271 p. Shishkov J. Growth of mankind - whether there is light at the end of the tunnel? / / Science and life. - 2004. – No. 8. - P. 2 - 8. | ||||||
^ 12. Teaching methods. | ||||||
Students activity:
Monitoring: 2 written modules. Semester monitoring form: credit. | ||||||
^ 13. Assessment (in %). | ||||||
The semester mark is counted by:
| ||||||
Estimation of IWS | ||||||
№ | The types of students’ individual work | Max rating mark (%) | ||||
1. | The history of demography development in Ukraine (making notes) | 5% | ||||
2. | ^ Solving demographic tasks | 5% | ||||
3. | Demographic situation in Ukraine and in other CIS countries (analyzing statistical facts) | 5% | ||||
| TOTAL: | 15% |