С. О. Макеева кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Уральской государтвенной юридической академии
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Macmillan english campus: goals and advantages Grammar Reference Units Grammar Reference Units Научное издание Бумага для множительных аппаратов. |
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KEY WORDS: grammar reference, listening activity, video activity.
ABSTRACT: the article is devoted to the consideration of Macmillan English Campus like a library of recourses and tools available for teachers and students. Our special interest covers different activities for professional competence.
The Macmillan English Campus is an online practice environment for learners of English as a Foreign Language.
The concept behind the Macmillan English Campus is that language learning can be greatly enhanced by an effective combination of face-to-face teaching and online support materials.
It is this blended learning solution that makes the Macmillan English Campus unique. It ensures that MEC users enjoy the best of both: receive face-to-face sessions and time with their teachers whilst remaining free to study online in a controlled learning environment.
The Macmillan English Campus is a complete online learning environment. This means that every user has the opportunity to personalize their own learning area. However, access to the Macmillan English Campus is provided on to three different levels: student, teacher and administrator.
The Macmillan English Campus offers every student their own online learning environment.
Students are right at the heart of the English Campus experience.
- Guarantee the best learning materials:
Developed by many of Macmillan’s leading ELT authors, the content in the Macmillan English Campus database is highly interactive and carefully chosen to be appropriate for the language level and age group of the students.
- Practise makes perfect:
The unique combination of listening, language, pronunciation and vocabulary activities on the English Campus is a great motivation tool to practise the students’ language skills.
- Track your learning:
Students can work through their own online course pathway – created by the institution. Every completed resource will be automatically recorded and marked to show progress.
- Personalize your learning environment:
Study Area is unique to students – they can fill it with information relevant to their personal interests. Add bookmarks or create lists of useful vocabulary and web resources.
- A new world of interaction:
The English Campus database offers a variety of different interaction types for resources, including: type-in, gap fill, drag and drop, rearranging words, phrases or sentences, multiple choice and much more.
The Macmillan English Campus allows teachers to improve their efficiency.
The English Campus provides teachers with exceptional resources to develop their students’ skills and enhance their own teaching techniques.
- Motivate your students:
The Macmillan English Campus offers a new and exciting solutions for presenting materials and encouraging practise.
- Improve your own teaching:
From ideas on how to teach pronunciation in class to lessons on assertiveness, the Macmillan English Campus contains a Methodology Database consisting of the Macmillan’s leading methodology titles. Teachers can search by word or topic to access articles on a variety of topics relating to ELT.
- Monitor results:
Teachers using the Macmillan English Campus have access to a markbook that monitors the results of students in a particular group. Even if your students are studying away from the institution, you can track their progress.
- Enhance your presentation skills:
The online activities available on the English Campus facilitate a much more vibrant learning experience in class.
- Keep up to date with MEC teaching techniques:
Macmillan provides a number of resources for teachers using the Macmillan English Campus, including online training materials and a regularly-updated blog.
- Publish directly to your students:
Teachers can publish their own Bookmarks, Word Lists and Web Links directly to their students. This allows teachers to direct students to specific resources for individual work.
Macmillan English Campus (MEC):
- A platform with a library of resources and tools, available for teachers and students;
- Supports and enhances existing courses;
- Easily accessible with internet connection and individual password for each users.
Macmillan English Campus: Content –Resources:
- Interactive;
- Over 4000 activities;
- Regularly updated.
It means every month users get something new on the Campus.
Macmillan English Campus: Content – Courses:
- Over 50 pre-built courses;
- Flexible and adaptable;
- Course building tool.
The courses can be assigned to students as well as can be adapted to the individual needs of students. And it can be done by using course building tools.
There is access to Macmillan English Dictionary Online, where the students can check vocabulary and save it on the list.
Students can access Grammar Reference Units: practice 450 grammar points, which include video grammar reference units. Students can access and revise grammar points and support their learning.
There are a lot of ways to apply the Campus. Teachers can take it into class, computer lab, do pair work, group work with students. Teachers can also do individual work in a form of homework or students work. Teachers can do more discussion classes, question-answer classes. The teacher can also do distance learning where they simply connect with students using Skype.
We tell you how Macmillan English Campus platform could be used by students doing English classes. The first class is “My courses”. We choose e.g. a business course. This course matches Macmillan course book. And if students need they can use a standard coursebook as well. Courses on the English Campus contain between 100-200 activities. When students go to one of the units they get a set of activities. Students can do all of the activities or only some of them. This one is a listening activity. Students get instructions to the activity. They click on the “Listen” button to play and listen. Listening and pronunciation as well as video activities have scripts, so students can also use the scripts. Listening and pronunciation activities have got a “Recording” button.
After listening, students answer the questions, when all answers are given, students click on the “Submit” button and everything is automatically checked. Students can see how well they have done an activity. Students can click on the “Answers” button and see which answers are correct or/and incorrect.
If students want something additional, teachers can guide students to some additional material. Also, students go to the “Search” area and search through the recourses. Students can choose a video activity (there are over 100 of them) for example, a general Business English focused on a company presentation. Students click on the “Play” button. The video opens in a window; it can be displayed in a full screen. Students can also move a video window on the side and continue doing the activity: they give answers. Students can do activities multiple times. When students are happy with the provided answers they click on the “Submit” button. They can also check which answers are correct and which are incorrect. Video activities MEC have also scripts. Teacher can print the script and bring it to the class. In the class students can practise skills from the video and prepare for the professional life outside the university.
When students are back to the MEC homepage, they can find there other support for their learning. One of them is Grammar Reference Units. Students click on a video window in the Grammar Reference box and they can watch an explanation of the grammar point in a video format. Teacher can pause a video and discuss it with students, if it’s necessary.
MEC would be very useful to prepare students to use English outside the university. It could help them to practise the language and skills like giving company presentations in a target language.
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© Trzmielewska J., Velizhanina E., 2011
Научное издание
Профессионально-ориентированное обучение иностранным языкам
Сборник материалов IV международной научно-практической конференции,
24 ноября 2011 года,
Екатетинбург, Россия
Оригинал-макет О. П. Казаковой и Е. М. Мельниковой
Подписано в печать Формат 60*84/16
Бумага для множительных аппаратов.
Печать на ризографе.
Усл. печ. л. 10,5. Тираж 70 экз. Заказ №
Уральский государственный педагогический университет
620017 Екатеринбург, пр.Космонавтов, 26
Email: uspu@uspu.ru
1 Как отмечает Ж.-М. Дюкро в своей статье «Использование видео на занятиях по французскому языку как иностранному», «любое видео можно использовать, учитывая, что важна не столько лингвистическая сложность документа, сколько сложность задачи, стоящей перед учащимся во время просмотра этого видеосюжета» [2].