Ких изданий Российской Федерации, в которых рекомендуется публикация основных результатов диссертаций на соискание ученых степеней кандидата наук и доктора наук
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СодержаниеKokorina O.R. Lebedeva O.A. Kalimyllin D.D. Rychkova A.A. Bogdanova T.G. Lopatina O.V. Казанский педагогический журнал |
- Ких изданий Российской Федерации, в которых рекомендуется публикация основных результатов, 2322.51kb.
- Ких изданий Российской Федерации, в которых рекомендуется публикация основных результатов, 2284.84kb.
- Решение Президиума Высшей аттестационной комиссии Минобрнауки России, 515.51kb.
- АвтоГазоЗаправочный Комплекс плюс Альтернативное топливо Автоматизация в промышленности, 763.62kb.
- Правила для авторов Приняты на заседании редакционной коллегии 22 декабря 2008, 222.06kb.
- «Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания», 112.68kb.
- Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы, 561.19kb.
- Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы, 508.81kb.
- Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы, 508.58kb.
- Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы, 523.04kb.
ANNOTATIONS: Devisilov V.A. Perfection of the сontent and methodology of the higher education in the field of safety. The article considers content and methodology of higher education in the field of the safety. Are formulated the competence in the field of safety and ways of modernization of education are offered. Keywords: higher education, safety, competence, technology of education. Kokorina O.R. Methodological basis of the essence and content of pedagogical assistance in personal health-safety during continuous pedagogical education. The actual direction of humanization of the modern pedagogical education is a scientific understanding of the conceptual and practical sides of the pedagogical assistance in the health-safety of a person in the conditions of continuous pedagogical education that promotes saving and strengthening health of the future teacher for the aim of achievement of his/her personal educational purposes. The basis for studying a problem of a pedagogical assistance in the health-safety of a person in the system of professional education are the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical theories that describe the essence of personal self-development and provide understanding of the nature of a person. Therefore, first of all, a pedagogical assistance should be considered as participation of a teacher (or a pedagogical group) in the health-save activity of a person (pupil, student), as well as the help and support in achievement of the proposed goals. Key words: humanization, pedagogical assistance, health-safety, personality, continuous pedagogical education, self-development. Bakirova M.R. The role of the axiological component of meaning of the proverbs for forming the language competence of studying Tatar and English languages. The article deals with proverbs and sayings, forms of figurative language, exist in the English and Tatar languages. Proverbs can have three estimations: positive, negative and neutral. As proverbs initially have a certain pragmatic potential in them, they are frequently used by people on purpose of creation a certain effect. Any communicative phraseological unit can be used as estimation of importance of this or that contextual situation according to certain communicative task. Thus, proverbs both in two languages can fulfill various communicative-pragmatic functions in regulation of the recipient’s behavior: direct influence on ideas, estimations, attitudes of the reader to the characterized object, and a function of acquaintance with inner life of the subject of speech when empathy is needed. Lebedeva O.A. The method of forming of sense of language for foreign students-philologists at the study of all-slavic in a course of «History of Russian language». This article is about forming sense of a language for foreign students-philologists. The experimental method of work with an all-slavic vocabulary directed on forming and development sense of Russian is described in research. Zelenin S.V. In the paper under consideration the author suggests the model of individual professional competence of future military aviation engineers which allows estimating the development degree of professional competence using its functional dependence on the constituent professional competences. Key words: the model of individual professional competence. Dmitrieva O.N. Formation of creative individuality of the student in process of training to drawing. In the present article the problems connected with formation of creative individuality of the student of branch "Design" in process of training to drawing are discussed, conditions and means of formation of creative individuality of the student are revealed. The model of the contents of the program of drawing is offered. Antipov V.N., Gaisin R.X., Shadrina N.A., Pavlova O.A., Antipov A.V. Methods of the development cognitive visual perception of depth, volumeness and spatial perspective or works of art as an element of innovative foundation. Methods of the development of full visual perception of volume images in the works of art are invented and patented. Basic elements of methodology implementation in visual art training are presented. The facilities of invention application on personal exhibitions of painters are shown. Zagrebina E.I. Complex problems of information technologies` in the ecological training in the high vocational school. This article is about the methodic of new information technologies` application during various types of ecological studies. The most important forms of modeling of ecological situations are chosen. A number of problems concerning the usage of information technologies in educational process are defined. Yakushev A.V. Formation of professional competence of the future teacher of geography on the basis of geoinformation technologies. In work the author's rate at a choice being just one of aspects of use of geoinformational systems in development of a level of professional competence of the future teachers of geography on the basis of geoinformation technologies is submitted in which basis the modular technology lays. Key words: professional competence, teacher of geography, geoinformation technologies. Gruzdeva M.L. Formation of the information culture of the specialists of the economic profile. In the article the problem of the effective information training of the students of IHE (Institute of Higher Education) of economic specialties is examined. The author made the conclusion that for the future specialist the information culture is embedded in the period of obtaining by it professional knowledge. Consequently, the task of formation system is training in the specialist of those bases of the information culture, which in the future will serve as the foundation of entire professional culture as a whole Kalimyllin D.D. In the conditions of free time commercialization, and the risk of new development paradigm of art and culture, Internet and mass-media become the form of socio-cultural activity. The communicative and cultural potential of Internet environment is analyzed as socio-physiological component. The article present the analysis of popular sites for disabled; on the base of these we indicate the growth of possibilities for self-realization of individual. Key words: social-cultural activity, post modernity, Internet, Internet-community, site Rychkova A.A. Structure of professional independence of the future engineers-programmers. Article is devoted research of structure and the maintenance of professional self-independence of the future engineers-programmers. As the basic structural components the author considers knowledge’s, abilities, motivations, emotions or strong-will and self-appraisal. Key words: structure, professional independence, engineers-programmers Mihaylov V.Y., Volik O.N., Pshenichniy P.V. In this article are considered the interrelation of immediate and mediated pedagogical interaction under the conditions of applying the electronic educational resource in the lessons, significant didactic positions of the application for the electronic educational resources, functional model of electronic educational resource, and also change in the functions of teacher with the use electronic educational resource. Bogdanova T.G. Motivation as condition rising of quality and efficiency of hard-of-hearing pupil’s intellectual activity. This article is devoted to investigation of motivation’s influence to intellectual activity of hard-of-hearing pupils. Efficiency of decision-making depends on relation between motivation and goal-setting. Motivation affected on quantity and quality of pupil’s decisions. Motives influence to results of intellectual activity and its creativity. Key words: motivation, intellectual activity, goals, hard-of-hearing pupils. Amirova Z.B. Bilingualism as factor of increasing to efficiency of the patriotic education of students in condition ethnic language groups. Given article considers shaping patriotic feeling beside Dagestan`s studentsin condition of the bilingualism. The Author points to the fact, bilingualism in condition modern Dagestan due to increased international contact, regular translation with language on language and enormous efficiency of the mass media, internet, feels the certain changes to its development and value in process of the shaping ethnic consciousnesses and patriotism. The Bilingualism in school is an important factor of the shaping the patriotism and ethnic of the consciousness schoolboy. The Keywords: bilingualism, patriotic education ethnos. Lopatina O.V. Foreign language teaching technologies using abroad in high schools. Communicative competence’s forming is a main problem in foreign language teaching process. So, the necessity in the analyses of foreign language teaching technologies for it’s using in Russian educational high schools is appeared. Analyzing the general abroad educational technologies, the author makes attempts of systematizing these technologies to adept them for students’ speech competence’s teaching and it’s estimation in this country’s high schools. Key words: communicative competence, educational technologies, cooperative learning, Internet technologies, immersion technique. Журнал включен в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий Высшей аттестационной комиссии (ВАК) Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации, в которых рекомендуется публикация основных результатов диссертаций на соискание ученых степеней кандидата и доктора наук. КАЗАНСКИЙ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ ISSN 1726-846X К рассмотрению принимаются статьи, соответствующие профилю журнала, посвященные актуальной проблеме, с четко сформулированными выводами, оформленные в соответствии с нижеизложенными требованиями. Технические требования 1. Статья представляется в бумажном и электронном виде. 2. Текст статьи в электронном виде представляется в редакторе MS Word. Параметры страницы для всего документа: верхнее, нижнее и левое поля – 2,5 см., правое поле – 1,7см. Шрифт: Times New Roman. Размер шрифта (кегль) – 14 пт. Междустрочный интервал – 1,5. 3. Объем статьи, от 7 до 12 стр. Порядок оформления Статья оформляется в соответствии с нижеприведенной формой: 1. Название статьи; 2. Инициалы и фамилия автора; 3. Полное и сокращенное название образовательного (научного) учреждения, место работы автора, должность, ученая степень и город;
Представляя в редакцию рукопись своей статьи, автор берёт на себя обязательства не публиковать её ни полностью, ни частично в ином издании без согласия редакции. Авторы несут всю ответственность за подбор и достоверность приведённых фактов, цитат, экономико-статистических данных, имён собственных, географических названий и прочих сведений, а также за использование данных, не предназначенных для открытой печати.
e-mail: kpj07@mail.ru ссылка скрыта 1 Интернет-сообщество – это относительно устойчивая совокупность людей, взаимодействующих посредством системы Интернет-коммуникаций, обеспечиваемых службами сети Интернет, обладающих общностью интересов, осуществляющих совместную деятельность в виртуальном пространстве; в социологии: ссылка скрыта — социальная структура, состоящая из группы узлов, которыми являются социальные объекты; в Интернете: ссылка скрыта — ссылка скрыта многопользовательский ссылка скрыта, ссылка скрыта которого наполняется самими участниками сети.[3] |