2. Special requirements for admission: the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian language and literature, and creative competition with 2 rounds: 1
Вид материала | Документы |
СодержаниеContent of modules and their structures The first module The second module As a whole Students’ Activities Current control Site of evaluation IWS |
- 2. Special requirements for admission: the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian language and, 2747.66kb.
- Chairman of the organizing committee of the competition – mayor, 9783.4kb.
- М. В. Ломоносова Филологический факультет Кафедра истории зарубежной литературы Диплом, 3721.87kb.
- Special offer! special offer! special offer! Тур 1а: Кейптаун– Дурбан Водопад Виктория(, 38.81kb.
- Electrical installations of buildings. Part Requirements for special installations, 120.71kb.
- The collapse of the soviet union the oral history of independent ukraine 1988-1991, 414.88kb.
- Berlitz Language Centre ec malta Am Language Studio Максимальное число учеников в интернациональной, 221.09kb.
- Special events для продвижения luxury good роскошь, 880.64kb.
- Berlitz Language Centre и Am Language Studio аренда учебник, 412.81kb.
- Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies. Part Requirements for type-tested, 1637.9kb.
- Basics of improvisation
Working curriculum of
discipline „ Basics of improvisation"
1. Name of course
„ Basics of improvisation " :
Form (s) of study: full-time
Specialty (-es): musical art
2.Course Code
[ІКМ] . [ММ_Форт]. [3_3_2]
3. Type of Course (mandatory or optional for the student)
4. Year (s) training.
3-й .
5. Semester/ semesters
- The number of credits ЕСТS.
7. Surname name patronymic, position, rank, scientific degree
teacher (teachers) who teach discipline:
Holodkov Sergei Mikhailovich – lecturer of the Department of theory, music history and musical training. (5 building, room 2 – 24).
8. The objective of the course (in terms of educational outcomes and competence).
The aim of the course – formation of the skills of selecting of hearing and improvisation, the development of creative musical thinking and ability to introduce musical ideas in the real flow of time.
9. Prerequisites (actual knowledge required to master the course). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Study on the music department of College of culture and arts or music college, Primary music education in the music school | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10 Course Content. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
№ | Content of modules and their structures | total | lectures | sem. and pr | lab. | independent. | | |||||||||||||||
| The first module | | | | | | ||||||||||||||||
| European and American music system. The logic of harmonic motion, the standard harmonic sequence, the principles of playing by ear. | 9 | 2 | 1 | | 6 | ||||||||||||||||
Groups of septum chords. Alterative tones in the septum chords. The harmonious enrichment of chords sequences, three-toned replacement dominants septum chord. | 10 | 2 | 2 | | 6 | |||||||||||||||||
1.3. | Nones chords (9), undetsym chords (11) and tertsdetsyma chords (13). Alterative tones in 9, 11, 13. | 9 | 2 | 1 | | 6 | ||||||||||||||||
1.4 | Arrangement chords. Location tones in arrangement chords. Connection of arrangement chords (forms А, В, С). | 10 | 2 | 2 | | 6 | ||||||||||||||||
1.5. | Alternating of intervals third and septum, accompanied, open position of chords, block-chords. | 9 | 2 | 1 | | 6 | ||||||||||||||||
1.6. | Blues (harmony, tune, form), boogie-woogie and rock 'n roll. Form of aaba. | 7 | 2 | 1 | | 4 | ||||||||||||||||
| The second module | | | | | | ||||||||||||||||
2.1. | Melody and rhythm (general information). Swing. Syncope | 9 | 2 | 1 | | 6 | ||||||||||||||||
2.2. | Diatonic music system of tunes. | 9 | 2 | 1 | | 6 | ||||||||||||||||
2.3. | Chromatic system of tunes | 10 | 2 | 2 | | 6 | ||||||||||||||||
2.4. | Jazz partners, standard melodic turns, phrases. | 10 | 2 | 2 | | 6 | ||||||||||||||||
2.5. | The system of support, passing and background sounds. | 7 | 2 | 1 | | 4 | ||||||||||||||||
2.6 | A variety of rhythms. Standard rhythmic patterns. | 9 | 2 | 1 | | 6 | ||||||||||||||||
| As a whole | 108 | 24 | 16 | | 68 | ||||||||||||||||
11. List of recommended textbooks. The main educational literature
Additional educational materials 1. Джазовые и эстрадные композиции для фортепиано. Ред.-сост. Ерохин В. Вып. 4, 7. – М.: Музыка, 1985, 1988. 2. Джазовые произведения для фортепиано. Вып.1. Сост. Чугунов Ю. – М.: Советский композитор, 1982. 3. Джаз и фортепианная музыка первой половины ХХ века. Вып.1. Сост. Замороко Н.С., Симоненко В.С. – К.: Музична Україна, 1987. 4. Джоплин С. Регтаймы для фортепіано т. І, ІІ. – Будапешт. Эдицио музика, 1984. 5. Конен В.Дж. Пути американской музыки. – М., Советский композитор, 1977. 6. Питерсон О. Дазовые этюды и пьесы для фортепиано. – С-Пб.: Композитор, 1997. 7. Популярный справочник –песенник. Изд. 2-е., сост. Олинская И., Ухов Д., Оякяэр В. – М: Музыка, 1989. 8. Сарджент У. Джаз: Генезис. Музыкальный язык. Эстетика. – М: Музыка, 1987. 9. Фортепиано в джазе: Хрестоматия для эстрадных отделений музыкальных училищ. Сост. Замороко Н.С. – К.: Музична Україна, 1988. 10. Jazz piano. Ред.-сост. Ерохин В. – М: Музыка, 1999. 11. Schmitz M. Jazz parnass.Band 1 – 3. – Leipzig.: VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Musik, 1979. 12. Schmitz M. Blues & Boogie-wooogie. – Leipzig.: VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Musik, 1986. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
12. Teaching Methods. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Students’ Activities: - listening to lectures; - studying the books; -analysis of examples of great masters of improvisation; -independent work over the personal examples improvisation; -writing of modular control works; - creation of і improvisation in accordance conditions nominated by teacher. Current control: two modules work. Form semester control: Test | ||||||||||||||||||||||
13. The evaluation criteria (in%) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria: modular work 50% (with them i.s.w.) (15%) - practical 50% Site of evaluation IWS
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
14. Languages of teaching Ukrainian, Russian. |