2. Special requirements for admission: the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian language and literature, and creative competition with 2 rounds: 1
Вид материала | Документы |
СодержаниеAdditional educational materials Form semester control Site Evaluation IWS Content of the modules and their structures The first module The second module Total hours Site of evaluation IWS |
- 2. Special requirements for admission: the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian language and, 2747.66kb.
- Chairman of the organizing committee of the competition – mayor, 9783.4kb.
- М. В. Ломоносова Филологический факультет Кафедра истории зарубежной литературы Диплом, 3721.87kb.
- Special offer! special offer! special offer! Тур 1а: Кейптаун– Дурбан Водопад Виктория(, 38.81kb.
- Electrical installations of buildings. Part Requirements for special installations, 120.71kb.
- The collapse of the soviet union the oral history of independent ukraine 1988-1991, 414.88kb.
- Berlitz Language Centre ec malta Am Language Studio Максимальное число учеников в интернациональной, 221.09kb.
- Special events для продвижения luxury good роскошь, 880.64kb.
- Berlitz Language Centre и Am Language Studio аренда учебник, 412.81kb.
- Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies. Part Requirements for type-tested, 1637.9kb.
Additional educational materials:
1. Пуленк Ф. - Концерт для двох фортепіано з оркестром
2. Роусторн А. - Концерт для двох фортепіано з оркестром
3. Сен - Санс К. - "Карнавал тварин".
4. Ярланьї П. – Соната
5. Ніколаєв Л. – Сюїта ор. 13
6. Обер Л. – Сюїта
7. Окунєв Г. – «На святковій Неві» для двох фортепіано та ударних
8. Орік Ж. – Сюїта
9. Пуленк Ф. – Сюїта
10. Раков М. – Героїчна сюїта ор. 14
Танцювальна сюїта
11. Рахманінов С. – Сюїта № І ор. 5 /Фантазія/
Сюїта № 2 ор. 17
12. Рачюнас А. – Соната
13. Рехін І. – Поліфонічний концерт
14. Стравінський І. – Концерт
15. Фергюсон Х. – Партіта
16. Хіндеміт П. – Соната
17. Цитович В. – Сюїта
18. Чайковський Б. – Соната
19. Шеліговський Т. – Сюїта «На лузі»
20. Шостакович Д. – Сюїта ор. 6
21. Ейгес К. – Сюїта – пастораль ор. 20
22. Ярланьї П. – Соната
23. Стравинський Ф. – Три легкі п’єси /ліва партія легка/
П’ять легких п’єс /права партія легка/
24. Шуберт Ф. – Марші ор. 27, 40. 51, 55, 66, 121
Полонези ор. 61, 75
Фуга ор. 152
12. Teaching Methods.
Personal communication with students, showing (fingering)
Students’ Activities:
practical work over the musical material;
Current control:
Academic performances
Form semester control:
І3. The evaluation criteria (in%)
Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria:
- performance of the program 60%
(with them i. w.s.) (15%)
- sight-reading and transposition 40%
Site Evaluation IWS
№ | Types of independent work of students | The maximum point rating by type (%) |
1. | Pedagogical repertoire of ensemble compositions | 5 % |
2. | One piece from the pedagogical repertoire | 5 % |
3. | Sight-reading | 5 % |
| As a whole | 15 % |
14. Languages Teaching
15. Introduction to the profession
Working curriculum
discipline „ Introduction to the profession"
Name of Course.
„ Introduction to the profession "
Form (s) of study: internally - correspondence
Specialty: Musical Art
2. Course Code.
[ІКМ] . [ММ_Форт_09]. [3_1_3]
3. Type of Course (mandatory or optional student).
4. Year (s) training
1-й .
5. Semester / semesters
- The number of credits ЕСТS.

teacher (teachers) who teach discipline
Ovcharenko Anna Eduardovna - associate Professor of the Department of theory, music history and playing musical instruments, Ph.D. in education (5 building, room. 2-15, е-mail: аnna_ovcharenko1@mail.ru), Ustimenko-Kosorich Elena Anatolievna - PhD of Arts, senior lecturer of the Department of theory, music history and musical training, (5 building, room. 2-22, е-mail: akosorich@yandex.ru.
8. The objective of the course (in terms of educational outcomes and competence).
The aim of the course - familiarization of students with history of musical performance; formation in them understanding about the creative skills of performing concerts and artistic-professional skills, identify major directions of creative personalities up for the arts and culture, the invention of the basic factors of the artist as an integral part of arts education .
9. Prerequisites (actual knowledge required to the Master Program). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Study on the music department of College of culture and arts or music college, Primary music education in the music school | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10. Course Content | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
№ | Content of the modules and their structures | total | lectures | sem. and pr | lab. | independent | | |||||||||||||||
1.1. | The first module | | | | | | ||||||||||||||||
History of development ICA LNU name Tarasa Shevchenko. | 4 | 2 | | | 2 | |||||||||||||||||
1.2. | Organization of the educational process preparing future musician- performer and teachers of specialized disciplines. | 4 | 2 | | | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
1.3. | Qualification characteristics of future musician- performer and teachers of specialized disciplines. | 8 | 2 | | | 6 | ||||||||||||||||
1.4 | The process of development of musical performance. | 7 | 2 | | | 5 | ||||||||||||||||
1.5. | Performing schools. Musical competitions. Concert and theatrical musical organizations. | 7 | 2 | | | 5 | ||||||||||||||||
1.6. | Excursion to state philharmonic of Lugansk Visiting of rehearsing of Academic Symphony Orchestra | 7 | 2 | | | 5 | ||||||||||||||||
| The second module | | | | | | ||||||||||||||||
2.1. | Modern art and educational activities up for the field of musical art. | 7 | 2 | | | 5 | ||||||||||||||||
2.2. | Folk- instrumental genre as a a factor of the development of musical culture. | 7 | 2 | | | 5 | ||||||||||||||||
2.3. | V.Andreev – famous composer and performer, propagandist of folk-instrumental genre. | 7 | 2 | | | 5 | ||||||||||||||||
2.4. | Features of the rehearsal work with creative collective (for example orchestra of folk instruments ICA LNU named after Taras Shevchenko). | 6 | 2 | | | 4 | ||||||||||||||||
2.5. | Determination of composers activity in the the development of of musical culture. | 4 | 2 | | | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
2.6 | Development of creative personality in modern art education. | 4 | 2 | | | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
| Total hours | 72 | 24 | | | 48 | ||||||||||||||||
11. List of recommended textbooks. The main educational literature
.3. Землянский Б.Я. О музыкальной педагогике. – М., 1987. 4. Корыхалова Н.П. Музыкально-исполнительская терминология. – С.-П., 2004. 5. Нейгауз Г.Г. Об искусстве фортепианной игры. – М., 1988. 6. Шмидт-Шкловская А. О воспитании пианистических навыков. – Л., 1985. 7. Царева Е. Стиль музыкальный / Е. Царева // Музыкальная энциклопедия / гл. ред. Ю.В. Келдыш. – Т. 5. – М. : Сов. энциклопедия, 1978. – С. 281288. 8.Холопова В. О психологизации теоретических учений о музыке / В. Холопова // Трансформація музичної освіти : культура та сучасність. – Одеса : АстроПринт, 1998. – Ч. 1. С. 3236. 9.Холопова В. Музыка как вид искусства / Холопова В. – М. : Науч.-творч. центр «Консерватория», 1994. – 260 с. Additional educational materials 1. Мазель В. Музыкант и его руки. – С.-П., 2004. 2. Сто великих вокалистов. – М., 2004. 3. Андрєєва О.Ф. Основи музичної грамоти. – К., 1978. 4. Алексеев А.Д. Методика обучения игре на фортепиано. – М.,1978. 5. Беркман Т. Л. Индивидуальное обучение музыке. – М., 1964. 6. Маркус С. История музыкальной естетики / Маркус С. – М. : Музгиз, 1958. – Т.1. 235 с. 7.Канарский А. Диалектика эстетического процесса. Генезис чувственной культуры / Канарский А. – К. : Изд-во Киев. ун-та, 1982. – 192 с. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
12. Teaching Methods.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Students’ Activities:
Current control: two module works Form semester control: Test | ||||||||||||||||||||||
13. The evaluation criteria (in%) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria: modular work 60% (with them i.s.w.) (15%) - participate in discussions 30% - written cases 10% Site of evaluation IWS
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
14. Languages Teaching Ukrainian |