2. Special requirements for admission: the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian language and literature, and creative competition with 2 rounds: 1
Вид материала | Документы |
СодержаниеContent of the modules and their structures The first module The second module Total hours Site Evaluation IWS |
- 2. Special requirements for admission: the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian language and, 2747.66kb.
- Chairman of the organizing committee of the competition – mayor, 9783.4kb.
- М. В. Ломоносова Филологический факультет Кафедра истории зарубежной литературы Диплом, 3721.87kb.
- Special offer! special offer! special offer! Тур 1а: Кейптаун– Дурбан Водопад Виктория(, 38.81kb.
- Electrical installations of buildings. Part Requirements for special installations, 120.71kb.
- The collapse of the soviet union the oral history of independent ukraine 1988-1991, 414.88kb.
- Berlitz Language Centre ec malta Am Language Studio Максимальное число учеников в интернациональной, 221.09kb.
- Special events для продвижения luxury good роскошь, 880.64kb.
- Berlitz Language Centre и Am Language Studio аренда учебник, 412.81kb.
- Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies. Part Requirements for type-tested, 1637.9kb.
The mark “passed” is assigned to the student who has at least 50% of the points.
8. Requirements for the state certification:
State Examination «Comprehensive qualifying exam in professional disciplines» consists of two parts
1. Special instrument.
Form holding - performing a solo piano program, which consists of three pieces: polyphonic composition, Sonata (full cycle) or a concert (I or II and III part), piece complicated form.
In the State Examination program should be displayed differently stylistic directions of academic music.
Критерії оцінювання:
Evaluation of «excellent» - holistically conscious examination of the entire program at a high artistic and technical level. Sufficiently high level of maturity of musical thinking, technical training, creative attitude to work and convincing performance interpretation. persuasiveness of treatment and artistry. Full use of color possibilities of the piano. Ability to overcome excessive nervousness.
Assessment of «good» - a conscious examination of the entire program at a sufficient artistic and technical level in the presence of some immaterial deficiencies, namely: some minor technical errors and lack of expressiveness and emotionality.
Evaluation of «satisfactory» - examination of the entire program on low-art technical standards, lack of understanding and implementation of the image, the presence of significant technical and text errors.
Evaluation of «unsatisfactory» - the lack of integrity and understanding of the image performed by examination programs, large number of textual errors, and technical failures, inability to mentally tune in to a qualitative examination of the program and overcome anxiety.
2. Methodology of teaching plaing on a special instrument, the history of piano performing arts.
Form holding - oral exam .. The student answers the question, according to the chosen ticket. The first question concerns the methods of teaching to play on the Special instrument. The second - the history of piano performing arts.
Evaluation Criteria:
Evaluation of «excellent» – answer to the question is characterized by fullness, depth mastery of the material has a deep skills and ownership of scientific terminology. High level logic description of the material.
Assessment of «good» – response to the questions at a sufficient level, but contains minor flaws and incomplete mastery of the material ownership of scientific terminology. Sufficient level logic presentation of the material. Minor errors corrected in response on the additional clarifying questions.
Evaluation of «satisfactory» - response to the question on the middle level misspelled, inaccuracies and incomplete mastery of the material, substantial gaps in the possession of scientific terminology. Satisfactory level logic description of the material. Inaccuracies in responses to the additional clarifying questions not corrected.
Evaluation of «unsatisfactory» – response to the the question contains a number of gross errors, material misstatement, poor ownership of material, almost no awareness of of scientific terminology. Unsatisfactory level logic description of the material. Inaccuracies in responses to the additional clarifying questions not corrected.
9 Coordinator ЕСТS at the Institute of Culture and Arts:
Fedorisheva Svitlana Pavlivna
Deputy Director for academic work
10. Content of the working programs:
Cycle of training in the specialty
1. Theory of Music
Working curriculum
subject „ Theory of Music (solfeggio)"

Theory of Music (solfeggio) :
Form (s) of study: full-time.
Specialty (-es): Art of Music
2. Course Code.
[ІКМ]. [ММ_Форт_09] [3_1_2]
3. Type of Course (mandatory or optional for the student).
4. Year (s) training.
1- st. .
5. Semester / semesters.
The number of credits ECTS.

teacher (teachers) who teach discipline:.
Kovaleva Anna Hryhoriyivna – elder lecturer in theory, music history and musical training (Red square 4, room.2-01).
8. The objective of the course (in terms of educational outcomes and competence).
The aim of the course - the development of musical knowledge and skills in students of their skills in practical work on development of musical abilities in children school. Acquiring basic types of students, namely: writing music dictation, reading from a letter one, two and many voices examples, exercises on music theory, construction and solfeggioning chains chords, hearing analysis.
Stimulating students' creative activity (creating vocal exercises, music games, etc.). The study methodology literature.
9. Prerequisites (actual knowledge required to master the course). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The course of music theory and solfeggio CMS, college | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10. Course Content. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
№ | Content of the modules and their structures | Загальна к.г. | лек | практ | інд. | сам. | | |||||||||||||||
| The first module | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||
1.1. | Solfeggio. | | | 6 | | 6 | | |||||||||||||||
1.2. | Musical dictation | | | 4 | | 4 | | |||||||||||||||
1.3. | Hearing analysis | | | 4 | | 4 | | |||||||||||||||
1.4. | Intonation Exercise | | | 4 | | 4 | | |||||||||||||||
| The second module | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||
2.1. | Intonation Exercise | | | 6 | | 6 | | |||||||||||||||
2.2. | Solfeggio. | | | 4 | | 4 | | |||||||||||||||
2.3 | Musical dictation | | | 4 | | 4 | | |||||||||||||||
2.4 | Hearing analysis | | | 4 | | 4 | | |||||||||||||||
| TOTAL HOURS | 72 | | 36 | | 36 | 2 | |||||||||||||||
11. List of recommended textbooks. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The main educational literature
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
20. Методическое пособие по музыкальному диктанту. – М., 1969 21. Мюллер Т. Двух- и трехголосные диктанты. – М., 1978. 22 Фрейндлиг Г. Двухголосные диктанты. – Л., 1975. 23. Давыдова Е. Методика преподавания сольфеджио. – М., 1986. 24. Незванов В. Интонирование на уроках сольфеджио. – Л., 1985. 25. Уткин Б. Воспитание профессионального слуха музыканта в училище. – М., 1985 Additional educational materials: 1 Виноградов Г., Красовская Е. Занимательная теория музики. – М., Советский композитор – 1991. 2. Красинская.Л., Уткин В. Занимательная теория музики – М, «Музыка» - 1991. 3. Смаглій Г., Маловик Л. Основи теорії музики – Харків, вид «Фак» - 2001. 4. Холопова В. Теория музыки. – С.-Петербург - Изд.»Лань» - 2002 5. Побережна Г. Щерлиця Т. Загальна теорія музики. – К., «Вища школа» - 2004 6. Виноградов Г, Гармония и сольлфеджио. – К., «Музична Україн» - 2006 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12. Teaching Methods | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Students’ Activities:
Two modules. Form semester control: Tests. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
І3. The evaluation criteria (in%) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria: - Modular written work 60% (transposition musical examples 10% Site Evaluation IWS
14. Languages Teaching Ukrainian, Russian |