Контрольная работа по предмету Иностранные языки

  • 21. Imperativ. Konjunktiv
    Контрольная работа Иностранные языки

    … Лотте хотела стать учительницей. Она ходила в университет. И все, что у нее накапливалось в мыслях в течении дня, она обсуждала вечером со своей мамой, около тепловатой печи в бедной комнате. Ее мама работала весь день в детском саду уборщицей и помощницей по кухне. И впечатленная стремлением к учебе Лотте, она (мать) тоже начала учиться. Она изучала русский, и долгое время скрывала это от своей дочери. Два раза в неделю во второй половине дня она посещала языковые курсы в народном университете и всегда, когда Лоте не было дома, и когда она выполняла свою работу, она училась. Она вкладывала каждое утро в фартук листок с двадцатью новыми словами и к вечеру, когда приходила Лотте, она знала эти слова наизусть.

  • 22. Literature in Ukraine: Mykhaylo Kotsiubynsky and Oles Honchar
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    1. Old Ukrainian literature took centuries to develop, influenced by two bookish languages.
    2. «The Precept of Volodymyr Monomakh» is an outstanding literary memorial of the distant past.
    3. The Kyiv-Pechersk Patericon» describes the lives of the Fathers of the Caves.
    4. In the 16th century poetry received a powerful impetus.
    5. Ivan Kotlyarevsky's epic burlesque «Aeneid» turned out the first creation of new Ukrainian literature.
    6. In 1840, his «Kobzar» came off the press.
    7. Realism flourished in the second half of the century.
    8. Mykhaylo was born into the family of a poor official (clerk).
    9. Mykhaylo Kotsiubynsky described the life of the Ukrainian people at the turn of the 20th century.
    10. Kotsiubynsky developed literary traditions created by Taras Shevchenko and Ivan Franko.
    11. At the age of fourteen, after his father's death Mykhaylo became the breadwinner in the family.
    12. He followed traditions of the school of realism of Levytskyi, Panas Myrny.
    13. His works were translated into Russian and Western European languages during his lifetime and gained popularity far, beyond the borders of Ukraine.
    14. The first English language translations appeared back in 1925.
    15. The most famous novel, written by Honchar is «Sobor».
    16. «Sobor» was unknown to the reader for a long period of time, because it was banned.
    17. I know by «Tvoya Zorya», «Ziklon», «Tronka».
    18. This author can justly be called the conscience of Ukraine.
    19. In his works such problems as the good and the evil, honour and dishonour, love and hate were raised.
  • 23. Marketing Plan for juice "Seila"
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    • Festivals and shows: «Seila» commissions and facilitates cutting edge artists, musicians, designers, film-makers, etc to curate and create events and happenings. During any event a mix of multimedia: music, video, advanced technologies in entertainment and show, should be present. «Seila» Entertainment element by no means should be limited to laser shows and trendy DJs. (the sample of advertisement see Appendix 3).
    • Interactive entertainment with content creation by consumers: Like in Web 2.0. and 3.0, «Seila» enables consumers to input into entertainment and show by sharing/creating content. For example, screens with live puzzle of pictures made from consumers content (images, videos, photographs), or music and light shows made of consumers content (voices, music, ringtones, etc); interactive 3D games and simulations.
    • Purposeful technologies for entertaining and educating: «Seila» stations with content transmission, powered by QR codes, Bluetooth, etc. Content can be various, e.g. music, useful instant information, videos, pictures and photos.
    • Word-of-mouth
  • 24. Microwave in chemical syntheses (Микроволновая печь в химических синтезах)
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    Материалы имеют физические свойства, которые могут быть измерены и использоваться, для предсказания их поведения в микроволновом поле. Один расчетный параметр - фактор разложения, часто называемый тангенсом потерь. Фактор разложения - отношение диэлектрических потерь (фактор потерь) к диэлектрической постоянной. Делая еще один шаг, диэлектрические потери - мера того, насколько хорошо материал поглощает электромагнитную энергию, которой это выставлено, в то время как диэлектрическая постоянная - мера поляризуемости материала, по существу, насколько сильно он сопротивляется движению или полярных молекул или ионов в материале. И диэлектрические потери и диэлектрическая постоянная - измеряемые свойства.

  • 25. Modern Means of Business Communication
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    Company is a corporate enterprise that operates as one single unit, in the success of which all the members participate. Company is made of a number of people united in an industrial or commercial enterprise. Each company works out its own policy. It is a selected, planes line of conduct in the light of which decisions are made and co-ordination of work achieved. There is a difference between a corporation, a sole trader and a partnership. The principle difference is that a sale trader end a partnership are not corporations but limited companies are. A corporation is a company that is publicly registered and legally separated from its owners. It means that the corporation stays in existence even after the death of any of its owners. An incorporated company is a legal person in its own right, able to own property. Limited Liability Company is a joint-stock company, the financial liability of whose members is limited by law. An unlimited company is one in which the liability of the members is not limited in any way. A registered company is the most common type of company. A company may be registered either as a public limited company or a private company. Private Limited Company is a limited company, which must not invite the public to subscribe for its shares or debentures, and does not allow its members to transfer their shares without the agreement of the other shareholders. It must have at least two but usually not more than fifty members. Public Limited Company is a limited company, which can offer its shares and debentures to the public; there is normally no limit to the right of its members to transfer their shares to other persons. There is no limit to the total number of members except that there must be at least seven. A public limited company must have a name ending with the initials "Pic" and have an authorized share capital. The regulation of such companies is stricter than of private companies. Most public companies are converted from private companies, under the registration procedure laid down in the Companies Act. Subsidiary Company is a company of which more than half the share-capital is owned by another company, called either a holding company or a parent company. The subsidiaries of the same parent or holding company are said to be affiliates. Many well-known companies are multinationals, these are companies which operate in a number of countries. A joint-stock company is a company in which the members pool their stock, trading on the basis of their joint stock. People in a company, its employees hold different positions. The relationship between those employees with different positions makes organization structure. At present most firms are divided into three major parts: capital (shareholders), management and labor. Let us take a typical company. There is a director who is a senior manager. He sits on the Board under the authority of the President. The Board decides what company policy and expenditure must be. The chief executive officer (CED) is the link between the Board and senior management. As for the middle managers, they run departments of a firm. They account to senior management for their area of work done. There is a difference between executive directors and non-executive ones. The directors, who run their firm on day-to-day basis are called executive directors. Those who sit on the Board and do not run the firm directly are called non-executive directors. In modern American English they use also the term inside directors for executive and outside directors for non-executive ones.

  • 26. My native town is Donetsk
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    population of my town is over one million people (Населення мого міста становить більше мільйона людей). are many places of interest in Donetsk (В Донецьку багато цікавих місць).is an important scientific and cultural centre (Донецьк - важливий культурний і науковий центр).the centre of Donetsk there are two wonders of architecture. They are Drama Theatre and Opera House (У центрі Донецька знаходяться дві пам'ятки архітектури. Це драматичний і оперний театри).do like Donetsk, because I was born here, my parents live here and I've spent here almost all my life (Я люблю Донецьк, тому що тут народилася, тут живуть мої батьки, і я провела тут більшу частину мого життя).Donbass covers a total area of 1860 sq. km (Донбас займає площу 1860 кв. км).Russian scientist Dmytro Mendeleev spent three months in the Donbass in 1888 (Російський вчений Дмитро Менделєєв провів у Донбасі 3 місяці в 1888 році).1721 Petro the Great showed interest that coal was to be found in the area but things moved slowly (У 1712 році Петро Перший зацікавився видобутком вугілля в цій області, але справи просувалися повільно).name of John Hughes is well-known to everybody who lives in Donetsk. He started his career as a blacksmith. In 1869 with a capital of 300,000 pounds and having the sanction of the Russian government he founded the New Russian metallurgical company in London (Ім'я Джона Юза добре відоме будь-якому жителю Донецька. Він почав свою кар'єру, працюючи ковалем. У 1809 році, маючи капітал у 300 000 фунтів стерлінгів і санкцію російського уряду, він заснував Нову російську металургійну компанію в Лондоні).railway connection added to Yuzovka's importance and the expanding village grew into a town by 1917 (Роль Юзівки виросла завдяки залізничній мережі, і селище, яке росло, стало містом до 1917 року).is also famous for its roses which bloom from early summer till late autumn gladdening the eyes of dwellers and guests of the city (Донецьк також відомий своїми трояндами, які квітнуть з початку літа до пізньої осені, звеселяючи око жителів і гостей міста).geologists found coal to a depth of 1800 m (Геологи знайшли вугілля на глибині 1800 м). first mine was not opened there until 1820 (Перша шахта відкрилася лише в 1820 році).

  • 27. Operations Management
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    The first aspect to point out is that «The Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (Sberbank)» and «Computacenter Plc» completely different company and from different industries. However, some of the approaches to managing operations for both of these companies are the same Total quality management, Process management and Projects Processes. Total quality management is about continuous performance improvement of individuals, of groups and organizations. (Gopal K. Kanji. 1995 Total quality management: proceedings of the first world congress.p.3) There are three principals that companies follow: customer satisfaction, employee involvement and continues improvement in quality. If we consider Sberbanks we can see Poor service quality in terms of decision-making time, process and procedure complexity, communication and bank-to-client interaction levels, as well as general convenience and functionality of the branches. There is a low level of automation and too much manual labour. Operations and support functions are decentralised. As a result, many bank systems and processes are poorly scalable and growing business volumes do not lead to efficiency growth. According to Herman Gref CEO and Chairman of the Management Board, in 2009, Sberbank accelerated its efforts to resolve one of its main issues the transformation of operations. 2009 was the first year of the new Sberbank Development Strategys implementation. The strategy was designed to make Sberbank a leading world financial institution, not only in terms of transaction volumes, but more importantly in terms of service levels. The mission of the bank is ambitious: «We want to be one of the best financial services companies in the world.» At the present time the bank chooses a «modernization» scenario in order to improve process management. Process management is the selection of the inputs, operations, work flows, and methods that transform inputs into outputs. KRAJEWSKI, LEE J. RITZMAN LARRY, P. 2002.). According to «First year rework strategy» (document avalaible at http://www.sbrf.ru/common/_en/img/uploaded/ir/docs/Sberbank % 20Strategy % 20-%20First-Year % 20Rework.pdf) there are a lot of new services and product introduced, for example Credit insurance product; new organizational structure introduced, IT and operational function consolidated; customers started to use interactive banking center.

  • 28. Power in Ukraine
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    1. Ukrainian powers of government are divided into three branches: the legislative, the executive, the judicial.
    2. The Verkhovna Rada is the head of the legislative branches.
    3. The President is the head of the executive branches.
    4. The Supreme Court is the head of the judicial branches.
    5. The President is the head of Ukraine.
    6. The Verkhovna Rada's main function is making laws.
    7. The monetary unit of our country is the Hryvnia.
    8. The only body of the legislative power in Ukraine is the Parliament. There are 450 people's deputies.
    9. The Constitution of Ukraine was proclaimed by Verkhovna Rada.
    10. The Constitution of Ukraine was confirmed on June 28.
    11. Ukraine is an Unitarian state.
    12. The state language of Ukraine is Ukrainian.
    13. The state symbols of Ukraine are the National Emblem, the National Flag and the National Anthem of Ukraine.
    14. The National Flag is a cloth with two equal horizontal stripes, the upper coloured blue and the lower golden yellow.
    15. The National Emblem is a golden Tryzub on a blue Shield.
    16. I know national anthem.
    17. The people are the only source of power.
    18. The Constitution of Ukraine establishes the country's political system.
    19. Citizens have equal Constitutional rights and freedoms.
    20. Defense to the Motherland of the Independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and respect for the state symbols are the duties of citizens.
    21. Citizens of Ukraine perform military services in compliance with the law.
    22. The Constitution guarantee the rights to life, non-interference in private and family life, personal inviolability and the inviolability of dwelling, free choice of residence, work, rest, education, social security, housing, health protection, medical care and medical insurance, a safe and healthy environment.
    23. There are no privileges or restrictions based upon face, colour of skin.
    24. The prime minister of Ukraine manages work of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
  • 29. RP/BBC English or British English as a standard language
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    British English or UK English or English English (BrE, BE), is the broad term used to distinguish the forms of the English language used in the United Kingdom from forms used elsewhere. There is confusion whether the term refers to English as spoken in the British Isles or to English as spoken in Great Britain, though in the case of Ireland, there are further distinctions peculiar to Hiberno-English. There are slight regional variations in formal written English in the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, there is a meaningful degree of uniformity in written English within the United Kingdom, and this could be described as "British English". According to Tom McArthur in the Oxford Guide to World English (p. 45), "for many people...especially in England [the phrase British English] is tautologous," and it shares "all the ambiguities and tensions in the word British, and as a result can be used and interpreted in two ways, more broadly or more narrowly, within a range of blurring and ambiguity" [11]. English is a West Germanic language that originated from the Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to England by Germanic settlers from various parts of what is now northwest Germany and the northern Netherlands. Initially, Old English was a diverse group of dialects, reflecting the varied origins of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms of England. One of these dialects, Late West Saxon, eventually came to dominate. Thus, English developed into a "borrowing" language of great flexibility and with a huge vocabulary. Professor Sally Johnson admits that dialects and accents vary between the four countries of the United Kingdom, and also within the countries themselves. There are also differences in the English spoken by different socio-economic groups in any particular region. The major divisions are normally classified as English English (or English as spoken in England, which comprises Southern English dialects, Midlands English dialects and Northern English dialects), Welsh English, Scottish English and the closely related dialects of the Scots language. The various British dialects also differ in the words that they have borrowed from other languages. The Scottish and Northern English dialects include many words originally borrowed from Old Norse and a few borrowed from Gaelic. There is no singular British accent, just as there is no singular American accent; in fact, the United Kingdom is home to a wide variety of regional accents and dialects, to a greater extent than the United States. Stuart Jeffries claims that the form of English most commonly associated with educated speakers in the southern counties of England is called the "Received Standard", and its accent is called Received Pronunciation (RP). It derives from a mixture of the Midland and Southern dialects which were spoken in London during the Middle Ages and is frequently used as a model for teaching English to foreign learners. Although educated speakers from elsewhere within the UK may not speak with an RP accent it is now a class-dialect more than a local dialect. The best speakers of Standard English are those whose pronunciation, and language generally, least betray their locality. It may also be referred to as "the Queen's (or King's) English", "Public School English", or "BBC English" as this was originally the form of English used on radio and television, although a wider variety of accents can be heard these days. Only approximately two percent of Britons speak RP, and it has evolved quite markedly over the last 40 years [11]. Even in the South East there are significantly different accents; the London Cockney accent is strikingly different from RP and its rhyming slang can be difficult for outsiders to understand. Since the mass immigration to Northamptonshire in the 1940s and its close accent borders, it has become a source of various accent developments. There, nowadays, one finds an accent known locally as the Kettering accent, which is a mixture of many different local accents, including East Midlands, East Anglian, Scottish, and Cockney. In addition, in the town of Corby, five miles (8 km) north, one can find Corbyite, which unlike the Kettering accent, is largely based on Scottish. This is due to the influx of Scottish steelworkers. As with English around the world, the English language as used in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland is governed by convention rather than formal code: there is no equivalent body to the Académie française or the Real Academia Española, and the authoritative dictionaries (for example, Oxford English Dictionary, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Chambers Dictionary, Collins Dictionary) record usage rather than prescribe it. In addition, vocabulary and usage change with time; words are freely borrowed from other languages and other strains of English, and neologisms are frequent [11].

  • 30. Sport in different countries of the world
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    Football, also called soccer, is the most popular sport in the United Kingdom. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own Football Leagues and national teams. There are two main prizes each season. Games are played on Saturday afternoons from August to April. The football league championship is won by the team that is top of the first division. In addition to the FL games there is a competition called the Football Association Cup. The Cup Final is played at Wembley Stadium (London) in May. Some of the best-known clubs in England are Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal. But many clubs have problems with money at the moment. Some people say that the league is too big and that the players get paid too much. Others say that television is making the crowds stay at home.

  • 31. Strategic Planning
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    1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computacenter
    2. http://www.computacenter.com/who_we_are/
    3. JOHNSON G., SCHOLES K., WHITTINGTON R. 2010. Exploring Corporate Strategy. 8th edn. Pearson Education Limited
    4. IT Industry, Information Technology Industry. http://www.economywatch.com/business-and-economy/information-technology-industry.html
    5. THE ECONOMIST INTELLIGANCE UNIT LIMITED.2009. Resilience amid turmoil. Benchmarking IT industry competitiveness 2009. [WWW]. http://www.eiu.com/PublicDefault.aspx.
    6. GRAHAM, T. 2007. Cima Exam Practice Kit Management Accounting Business Strategy. Burlington: Elsevier.
    7. Annual Report Computacenter.2009.
    8. PORTER, M. 2008. On competition. Updated and expanded edition. Printed in the United States of America: A Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation.
    10. http://www.computacenter.com/services/transform/datacentre_technology_optimisation/datacentre_current_state_assessment.asp
    11. HYDER, A.S. ABRAHA, D. 2003. Strategic alliances in Eastern and Central Europe. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd
    12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M % 26A
    13. KHANNA, T. GULATI, R. NOHRA, N. The dynamic of Learning Alliance: Competition, Cooperation, and Relative Scope. Strategic Management Journal. 19. 1998. P. 193210
    14. BETZ, F. 2001. Executive Strategy: Strategic Management and Information Technology. New York: John Wiley& Sons, Inc.
    15. http://www.computacenter.com/who_we_are/quality/
    16. http://www.computacenter.com/services/transform/datacentre_technology_optimisation/datacentre_current_state_assessment.asp
    17. Harvard Business School Press. 2006. Essentials of strategy. Printed in the United States of America
  • 32. The future tense
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    2.The future tense «Going to»commonly used future sentences in our daily life are made up of «Going To» although we just dont feel that we are using future tense, because we want to or intend to express things in Present Tense but «Going to» slightly refers to Future Tense.future tenses are itself very simple tenses of their kind. But still we cannot say while working in depth with future tenses specially when using future tenses in the past. There is no one 'future tense' in English. There are 4 future forms. The one which is used most often in spoken English is 'going to', not 'will'.use 'going to' when we want to talk about a plan for the future: for example,'m going to see him later today.'re going to launch it next month.'re going to have lunch first.please Notice that this plan does not have to be for the near future.I retire I'm going to go back to Barbados to live.ten years time, I'm going to be boss of my own successful company.use 'going to' when we want to make a prediction based on evidence we can see now.out! That cup is going to fall off.at those black clouds. It's going to rain soon., a very interesting question arises in our minds that «can we replace 'going to go' by 'going'»? The answer is «Yes», we can.'m going out later.'s going to the exhibition tomorrow.please note that:

  • 33. The teaching knowlege test
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    1. noun daybreak; sunrise.
    2. noun the sky when light first appears in the morning
    3. noun the beginning of something
    4. verb to begin to grow light after the night
    5. verb to begin to develop, appear, or expand
    6. verb (usually foll by on or upon) to begin to become apparent (to)
  • 34. The ways to increase effectiveness of e-marketing in "Print Express Company"
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    Application of quantitative methods is limited due to the following reasons:

    1. complexity of object of studying, nonlinearity of marketing processes, presence of threshold effects, for example, a minimum level of stimulation of sales, time logs (for example, reaction of consumers to advertizing often isn't carried out immediately);
    2. effect of marketing variables interaction are interdependent, for example, the price, assortment, quality, release volume;
    3. complexity of measurement of marketing problems; it is difficult to measure reaction of consumers to certain stimulus, for example, advertizing, indirect methods of an estimation therefore are often applied;
    4. instability of the marketing interrelations caused by changes of tastes, habits, estimations, etc., relative incompatibility of the personnel which is engaged in marketing and application of quantitative methods in its estimation. The first give a priority to the informal methods, the second to mathematical modeling.
  • 35. Theories of European Integration
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    European integration as a process that unfolds over time, and the conditions under which path-dependent processes are most likely to occur. Working from essentially rationalist assumptions, Pierson argues that, despite the initial primacy of member governments in the design of EU institutions and policies, gaps may occur in the ability of member governments to control the subsequent development of institutions and policies, for four reasons. First, member governments in democratic societies may, because of electoral concerns, apply a high discount rate to the future, agreeing to EU policies that lead to a long-term loss of national control in return for short-term electoral returns. Secondly, even when governments do not heavily discount the future, unintended consequences of institutional choices can create additional gaps, which member governments may or may not be able to close through subsequent action. Thirdly, the preferences of member governments are likely to change over time, most obviously because of electoral turnover, leaving new governments with new preferences to inherit an acquis communautaire negotiated by, and according to the preferences of, a previous government. Given the frequent requirement of unanimous voting (or the high hurdle of QMV) to overturn past institutional and policy choices, individual member governments are likely to find themselves immobilized by the weight of past initiatives (Pierson 1996b: 137). Finally, EU institutions and policies can become locked-in not only as a result of change-resistant institutions from above, but also through the incremental growth of entrenched support for existing institutions from below, as societal actors adapt to and develop a vested interest in the continuation of specific EU policies. In the area of social policy, for example, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has developed jurisprudence on issues such as gender equity and workplace health and safety that certainly exceeded the initial expectations of the member states; yet these decisions have proven difficult to roll back, both because of the need for unanimous agreement to overturn ECJ decisions and because domestic constituencies have developed a vested interest in their continued application.

  • 36. Tourism. Types of tourism
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    Extreme tourism or shock tourism is a type of niche tourism involving travel to dangerous places (mountains, jungles, deserts, caves, etc.) or participation in dangerous events. Extreme tourism overlaps with extreme sport. The two share the main attraction, "adrenaline rush" caused by an element of risk, and differing mostly in the degree of engagement and professionalism. Extreme tourism is a growing business in the countries of the former Soviet Union (Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, etc.) and in South American countries like Peru, Chile and Argentina. The mountainous and rugged terrain of Northern Pakistan has also developed into a popular extreme tourism location. While traditional tourism requires significant investments in hotels, roads, etc., extreme tourism requires much less to jump-start a business. In addition to traditional travel-based tourism destinations, various exotic attractions are suggested, such ice diving in the White Sea, or travelling across the Chernobyl zone. Demand for extreme tourism in Russia is greatly increased. Tourists firms actively offer rafting, traveling on horse back, by bicycle and motorcycle. More and more people are attracted by rafting, diving, pleasure flight on balloon and many others. Russians are testing their nerves more and more often nowadays. Extreme tourism is becoming very popular in the country. Extreme tourists Fyodor Konyukhov, Dmitri and Matvei Shparo have become symbols of Russian fearlessness, and their names are skillfully used as brand names by manufacturers of tourist equipment. Diving is very popular in the whole world. It is underwater diving with special apparatuses, providing a swimmer with breathing. Diving is both a sport and entertainment. Recently, diving has become one of the trendiest varieties of extreme tourism in Russia. As many as 15,000 Russians practice diving. They enjoy underwater scenery not only in warm seas - the Black Sea, for example, but also in cold waters of the Arctic Ocean. To practice the Black Sea diving you do not have to be rich. To do the same near the North Pole is quite a pricey affair. You should have at least a thousand dollars to pay for instruction lessons and special equipment. Military-style recreation is one of the most exotic types of extreme tourism offered by Russian tour agencies. It includes military-historical and military technical programs and is intended for those who would want to drive a tank, or fly a combat aircraft, or shoot live rounds. So far, this type of extreme activities is still being tested on tourist market.

  • 37. Translation of indirect article (a, an) into Russian pronouns
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  • 38. Ukraine. The long road to independence
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    1. Ukraine appeared on the map of the world in 1991.
    2. The ancestors of Ukrainians chose this land to live during the Trypilsky period several thousand years ago.
    3. Kyivska Rus included Kyiv, Novgorod, Chernihov, Galich, Polotsk, Smolensk, Rostov, Suzdal and later Moscow.
    4. Two monks settled in the caves under Kyiv hills in the 11th century. Soon a cave monastery sprang up there.
    5. The Tatar-Mongols captured Kyiv in 1240.
    6. In 1648 1654 Cossack armies, headed by Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky waged wars to liberate Ukraine.
    7. Kyivo-Mohylyanska Academy founded by the Metropolitan Petro Mohyla in the 17th century.
    8. Mykhaylo Hrushevsky was the 1st President of Ukraine.
    9. The word «cossack» means a «free warrior».
    10. Cossacks live in the southern steppes of Russia and in Ukraine, particularly near the great rivers Don and Dnipro.
    11. Ataman was the leader of Cossacks. They followed and obeyed him so long as he remained a strong leader and led them to victory. He might not be able to read or write, but he must be a good fighter.
    12. The Cossacks were brilliant horsemen as the Tartars were, and they learned many tricks of riding from their enemies.
    13. Now, the Cossack regiments have been formed again, but they are no longer the free warrior of earlier times.
    14. The war of independence took place in 1648 1654.
    15. Bohdan Khmelnytsky appealed to Russia with the request to admit Ukraine as a part of Russia.
    16. Russian embassy headed by boyarin Buturlin.
    17. Political and judical status, of Ukraine was determined by the terms of the treaty so called March articles.
  • 39. Understanding the text
    Контрольная работа Иностранные языки

    a) It's easy to know how competitive to be when you start work in a new office.False

    1. You should find out about the environment in order to…True
    2. If you work with cut-throat salespeople, this will not affect you.False
    3. Some organizations are non-hierarchical, but their number is not increasing.False
    4. One non-hierarchical organization is St Luke's agency.True
    5. People at St Luke's have their own offices.False
    6. Everybody is encouraged to say what they think at St Luke's.True
    7. Assertive, competitive people are welcome at St Luke's.True
    8. ІІІ. Find adjectives in lines 45-75 to complete these definitions Someone
    9. who is aggressive and determined to succeed is pushy.
    10. who is very worried is anxious.
    11. whose feelings are very strong is intense.
    12. who is cruel and shows no kindness is merciless.
    13. usually a man, who behaves in a way that shows their strength and lack of concern for feelings is macho kick-ass.
    f) who reaches their goals and is admired by others is successful.

  • 40. Usages of a concordance
    Контрольная работа Иностранные языки

    , which was written by Mike Scott in collaboration with the late Tim Johns, set the standard. It was a concordancer written for DOS, dating back to the 1980s, and finally published by Oxford University Press in 1993, together with a substantial corpus of texts from the Independent newspaper and a manual. MicroConcord was impressive for its time, but programs running under DOS are now technically obsolete. Concordance created by R.J.C. Watt of Dundee University makes both a full concordance and a KWIC-concordance (called "fast" concordance). The fast concordance is really fast. The full concordance is slower. Making a full concordance of a very large corpus requires a lot of computer power and patience.The user interface is quite intuitive once you have worked a little bit with it. The split screen, with a wordlist on the left and the concordance on the right, is a nice feature. Printing a concordance is possible. This concordancer supports most European languages. Unlike the other concordancers, Concordance is able to convert a full concordance into HTML format so that the concordance can be used interactively through a Web browser.