Дипломная работа

  • 61. Cовершенствование правоприменительной деятельности, упрочение правопорядка и законности
    Криминалистика и криминология
  • 62. Cовершенствование прогнозирования денежных потоков

    Наименование20092008Удельные веса (%) в общей суммеабсолютн измененотносительное изменение20092008I. Текущая деятельностьПоступления:Средства, полученные от покупателей, заказчиков2182049188382093,2595,2129822915,83Прочие доходы158053948776,754,796317666,59Итого23401021978697--36140518,26Расходы:Денежные средства, направленные:------на оплату приобретенных товаров, работ, услуг, сырья и иных оборотных активов1195324107638668,7467,811893811,05на оплату труда20790617439911,9610,983350719,21на выплату процентов, дивидендов9809400200,562,52-30211-75,49на расчеты по налогам и сборам1687511705169,7110,74-1765-1,04отчисления в государственные внебюджетные фонды51902430002,982,71890220,7на прочие расходы105106833166,045,252179026,15Итого17387981587637--1511619,52II. Инвестиционная деятельностьПоступления:Выручка от продажи объектов основных средств и иных внеоборотных активов28701091441,4499,33-8044-73,7Полученные проценты55740,790,67-19-25,68Поступления от погашения займов, предоставленных другим организациям4000-57,76-4000-Прочие------Итого692510988---4063-36,98Расходы:Приобретение объектов основных средств, доходных вложений в материальные ценности и нематериальных активов1139548405586,6149,322989935,57Займы, предоставленные другим организациям176208638013,3950,68-68760-79,6Итого131574170435 - --38861- III. Финансовая деятельностьПоступления:Поступления от эмиссии акций или иных долевых бумаг-239159-83,3-239159-100Поступление от займов и кредитов, предоставленных другим организациям175404794010016,7-30400-63,41Итого17540287099---269559-93,89Расходы:Погашение займов и кредитов (без процентов)501809506083100100-4274-0,84

  • 63. Cовременное состояние и перспективы развития ТЭК России


    1. Астанович А. Иностранные инвестиции в России. Отдельные факты и тенденции, М., 1996.
    2. Башмаков И., Энергетическая эффективность в России и перспективы экспорта Российского газа, М., 2005
    3. Банк России может получить в управление от Минфина стабилизационный фонд, РосБизнесКонсалтинг, 08.04.2004. http://www.rbc.ru.
    4. Гордеев О.Г. Состояние и перспективы развития нефтяной и газовой промышленности. Нефтяное хозяйство, №1, 2003
    5. Градобитова Л.Д., Исаченко Т.М. Транснациональные корпорации в современных международных экономических отношениях, М., 2002
    6. Данилина М.В. О формировании и управлении стабилизационным фондом федерального бюджета России // Сб. науч. трудов ИНПРАН. М., 2004.
    7. Данилина М.В. Функционирование государственного нефтяного стабилизационного фонда (опыт Норвегии) //Проблемы прогнозирования. 2004. № 4
    8. Жиляев К.В. Анализ структуры и динамики российского экспорта в 1994-2000 гг. // Сб. науч. трудов ИНП РАН. М., 2003
    9. Морозова Т. Г., Экономическая география России, М., 2004
    10. Нефть России, журнал, 2002-2004 гг.
    11. Нефтегазовая вертикаль. 2005. № 3.
    12. Нефтяной комплекс России и его роль в воспроизводственном процессе. Научный доклад. М.: Журнал «Эксперт», Топливно-энергетический независимый институт, 2005
    13. Основные положения Энергетической стратегии России на период до 2020 года. М.: ГУ ИЭС.2004
    14. Основные показатели инвестиционной и строительной деятельности в РФ в 2002 г. - М.: Госкомстат России. - 2003. - № 1
    15. Основные параметры прогноза социально-экономического развития РФ на 2004 г. и на период до 2006 г. - М., 2003.
    16. Погорелецкий А. И., Экономика зарубежных стран, М., 2002
    17. Садовник П. В., О мерах по воспроизводству минерально-сырьевой базы углеводородов // http://www.geoinform.ru/mrr.files/issues/article2002/sadov4-02.html
    18. Салыгин В., Воронцов Б. Международное энергетическое сотрудничество в АТР // Мировая энергетическая политика. 2003. № 3.
    19. . Социально-экономическое положение России за январь 1993 январь 2004. М., 2004
    20. Социально-экономическое положение России: 2002 год. - М.: Госкомстат России. - 2003. - № 12.
    21. Рыночная экономика, Словарь, М., 2005
    22. ТНК в современной экономике // МэиМО, №3, 2001
    23. Цена нефтяной «корзины» ОПЕК впервые опустилась ниже 30 долл./барр. // РосБизнесКонсалтинг, 06.04.2004. http://www.rbc.ru.
    24. Экономика России: XXI век. - 2004. - Май
    25. Экономическая география отдельных зарубежных стран, М., 2001
    26. Экономическая география промышленности Российской Федерации, М., 2005
    27. Энергетическая стратегия России на период до 2020 года. М., 2003
    28. Ясин Е. Перспективы российской экономики: проблемы и факторы роста // Вопросы экономики. - 2002. - № 5.
    29. Gray D. Evaluation of Taxes and Revenues from the Energy Sector in the Baltics, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries. IMF Working Paper, 1998
    30. Energy Prices & Taxes // International Energy Agency (IEA) quarterly statistics, 2001. - IEA Publications, France.
    31. OPEC bulletin №12, 2000; № 1, 2004. - Uberreuter Print and Digimedia, Austria.
    32. Tne State in a Changing World. Tne World Bank. Oxford University Preess, 1997. 6 Josef E. Stiglits. Globalization and Discontents / W.W. Norton & Company. N. Y, 2004
    33. World Development Report 1991. Washington. 1991. p. 139; OECD. Economic Outlook. 1998. June. p. 31; Экономист. - 2000. -№ 9
  • 64. Cовременный менеджмент в системе обслуживания


    1. Гражданский кодекс Российской Федерации (части первая и вторая) (с изменениями от 20 февраля, 12 августа 1996 г., 24 октября 1997 г., 8 июля, 17 декабря 1999 г., 16 апреля, 15 мая 2001 г.)
    2. Налоговый кодекс Российской Федерации - часть первая от 31 июля 1998 г. N 146-ФЗ (с изм. и доп. от 30 марта, 9 июля 1999 г., 2 января, 5 августа 2000 г., 24 марта 2001 г.) и часть вторая от 5 августа 2000 г. N 117-ФЗ (с изм. и доп. от 29 декабря 2000 г., 30 мая 2001 г.). Пункт 4 статьи 198
    3. Федеральный закон от 21 ноября 1996 г. N 129-ФЗ "О бухгалтерском учете" (с изм. и доп. от 23 июля 1998 г.)
    4. Закон РФ от 18 июня 1993 г. N 5215-I "О применении контрольно-кассовых машин при осуществлении денежных расчетов с населением"
    5. Постановление Госкомстата РФ от 25 декабря 1998 г. N 132 "Об утверждении унифицированных форм первичной учетной документации по учету торговых операций"
    6. Акбердин Р.З., Кибанов А.Я. Совершенствование структуры, функций и экономических взаимоотношений управленческих подразделений предприятий при формах хозяйствования. Учебное пособие. Москва, 1993 г.
    7. Афанасьев М.П. Маркетинг: стратегия и практика фирмы, Финстатинформ, 1999 г.
    8. Баканов М.И.. Шеремет А.Д. Теория экономического анализа. М... Финансы и статистика, 1999 г.
    9. Бужинский А.И.. ШереметА.Д. Методика экономического анализа деятельности промышленного предприятия. М.. «Финансы и статистика». 1988г.
    10. Веснин В.Р. Менеджмент для всех. - М.: Знание, 1994.
    11. Ворст Й., Ревентлоу М. Экономика фирмы. Москва, 1994 г.
    12. Вудкок М., Фрэнсис Д. Раскрепощенный менеджер. Дело, 1991 г.
    13. Гарелик М.А., Митина Л.А. Организация продажи продовольственных товаров. М., 1995 г.
    14. Дука Б.В. «Как преодолеть технологическое отставание российских компаний» / Босс 2001 №3 с.25-27
    15. Ершов А. А. Взгляд психолога на активность человека. М„ 1991.
    16. Зайцев О.А.,Радугин А.А., Основы менеджмента: Учебное пособие для вузов/Науч.редактор А.А. Радугин. -М.: Центр, 1998.
    17. Завьялов П.С., Демидов В.Е. Формула успеха: маркетинг, Международные отношения. 1991 г.
    18. Дзарасов С.С., Каждому - об управлении. - М.: Мысль,1996.
    19. Ковалев А. Г. Коллектив и социально-психологические проблемы руководства. М., 1975.
    20. Кравченко Л. И. Анализ хозяйственной деятельности предприятий торговли и общественного питания. Минск: Вышейшая школа, 1990.
    21. Круглов М.И., Стратегическое управление компанией. Учебник для ВУЗов. -М.: Русская деловая литература, 1998.
    22. Круглов М.И. Актуальные проблемы российского менеджмента / «Менеджмент в России и зарубежом» №3, 2001г.
    23. Кузьмин И. А. Психотехнология и эффективный менеджмент. - М.: Россмен, 1995.
    24. Мескон, М.; Альберт, М.; Хедоури, Ф. Основы менеджмента, Москва: Дело, 1994.
    25. Фатхутдинов Р.А. «Разработка управленческого решения, М.: Юнити, 1998
    26. Раевский В.А. Анализ хозяйственно-финансовой деятельности
    27. предприятий. Москва, 1988 г.
    28. Райсс М., Оптимальная сложность управленческих структур. Проблемы теории и практики управления. 1994 г.
    29. Румянцева З.П., Саломатин Н.А. Менеджмент организации. Инфа-М, 2000 г.
    30. Рюэгг-Штюрм, Й. (1998), "Новая системная теория и внутрифирменные изменения", Проблемы Tеории и Практики Управления, N 5, 14-18.
    31. Финансовый менеджмент. Под ред. Е.С. Стояновой. М.: Перспектива, 1993. 268 с.
    32. Фирсов Ю.Н. / Управление в России: избавление от иллюзий / Босс 2001 №2 с.23-25
    33. Щекин Г.В. Практическая психология менеджмента. К., 1994 г.
  • 65. Cтальные конструкции рабочей площадки

    Примем опирание балки на колонну сверху через опорное ребро, привариваемое к торцу балки. При таком конструктивном решении опорная реакция балки со стенки через двусторонние угловые сварные швы передается на опорное ребро; далее через его торец на опорную плиту оголовка колонны. Поскольку значение опорной реакции весьма значительно торец опорного ребра и поверхность опорной плиты оголовка строгают или фрезеруют. В результате такой механической обработки торцовая поверхность ребра становится гладкой и перпендикулярной его вертикальной оси, что обеспечивает четкую (без обмятия) передачу усилия и строгую вертикальность балки на опоре. Выступающая вниз часть ребра не должна превышать ar ? 1,5 tr, принимаем ar = 15 мм

  • 66. Cтратегия развития предприятий реального сектора экономики

    Исходя из представленных выше основных принципов формирования стратегии развития завода, можно определить ее основные направления:

    1. Стратегия конкурентной борьбы - учитывая огромный потенциал российского металлургического рынка, а также наличие несколько лидирующих компаний в трубной подотрасли, наиболее перспективным представляется превращение российских конкурентов в стратегических партнеров с целью создания "весомой объединенной силы" на мировом металлургическом рынке. Это обусловлено проведением антидемпинговой политики странами ЕС, импортом отечественными представителями НГК труб. И, кроме того, необходимостью получения возможности давления на органы власти на различных уровнях с целью изменения внешнеторгового сальдо по трубам в положительную сторону.
    2. Укрепление партнерских отношений, возникших в результате образования ФПГ "НОСТА-ТРУБЫ-ГАЗ" и максимальное использование их преимуществ для внедрение инновационных проектов.
    3. Ассортиментная политика - диверсификация производства с целью устранения сильной зависимости от результатов деятельности и возможностей НГК, а также дистанцирования от металлургических комбинатов, запустивших свои собственные трубные производства;
    4. В целях использования обратной связи с потребителями организация активной деятельности в сфере Интернет, как наиболее охватывающего, простого и дешевого средства интерактивной работы с клиентами. В пользу этого направления свидетельствуют данные, приведенные на сайте "Металлургическая отрасль России": "По прогнозам американских экспертов ожидается, что к 2005 г. от 40 до 60% всей металлопродукции в мире будет продаваться через Интернет. 2000-й год является переломным - многие компании могут оказаться за бортом. Ни одна компания не выживет в-одиночку, поэтому мы приглашаем всех на конференцию".
    5. Максимально использовать благоприятную ситуацию, сложившуюся в НГК с целью увеличения портфеля заказов и направления полученных ресурсов на проведение агрессивного инновационного развития и коренного реформирования предприятия с привлечением ведущих специалистов по консалтингу.
    6. Техническая политика - развитие научного потенциала предприятия, путем финансирования разработки и реализации наиболее перспективных проектов; постоянное совершенствование качества продукции и эффективности ее производства.
    7. Организационная стратегия - создание гибкой организационной структуры управления, реструктуризация и реинжиниринг.
    8. Финансовая политика - обеспечение роста прибыли за счет развития новых направлений и максимального повышения эффективности уже налаженных производственных процессов.
    9. Кадровая политика - в значительной степени определяется организационной стратегией, финансовой и технической политиками. Т.е. рост количества сотрудников, повышение корпоративной культуры, ответственности за результаты деятельности всего предприятия, профессиональной подготовки, введение различных методов и систем стимулирования работников.
    10. Экологическая стратегия - поскольку завод является концентрированным местом загрязнения, предполагается снижать уровень загрязнений путем внедрения новых экологически чистых технологий.
  • 67. Cтруктура капитала ОАО "Фирма АРИАР" с точки зрения его стоимости
  • 68. Cэндвич-панели

    Данный утеплитель остается стабильным в ограждающих конструкциях, причем в течение всего срока эксплуатации строения: не садится, не уменьшается в размерах и не сдвигается в конструкции. В течение всего срока жизни строения качество свойств утеплителя ПСБ-С не ухудшается. Минимальная влагопоглощаемость материала обеспечивает сохранение стойкости к нагрузкам и теплоизолирующую способность во влажных условиях. Пенополистирол не образует на своей поверхности питательной среды для роста микроорганизмов, не гниет, не плесневеет и не преет, является химически стойким. Пенополистирол имеет высокую стойкость к разным веществам, включая морскую воду, солевые растворы, цемент и другое. Он не усваивается животными и микроорганизмами, и не создает питательной среды для грибков и бактерий. Благодаря малому весу пенополистирольные плиты ПСБ-С удобны и легки в обращении, их легко можно нарезать на куски нужных размеров с помощью обычных инструментов. Для строителя крайне важным является тот факт, что используя в работе пенополистирол, не требуется применять средств защиты: он не ядовит, не имеет запаха, не выделяет пыль при обработке, не вызывает раздражения кожи. Все теплоизоляционные материалы ПСБ-С изготовлены из сырья, содержащего огнестойкий материал - антипирен, и соответствуют требованиям ГОСТа 15588-86. Температура эксплуатации пенополистирола составляет от -200 до +85° С. Если контакт с открытым пламенем прекращен, прекращается и горение пенопласта. Учитывая что, пенополистирол используется как средний слой конструкции, его пожароопасность не больше, чем у других материалов. Пенополистирол сертифицирован Санэпиднадзором РК. Противопожарная служба классифицирует его как самозатухающий. Пенополистирол характеризуется как материал с низкой теплопроводностью от 0,038 до 0, 042 Вт/мС. Пенополистирол не гигроскопичен. Водопоглощение составляет 0,5-3% от объема. Диффузия водного пара в пенополистироле незначительна. Сорбционная влажность полистирола составляет 3-6% от массы. Важное качество пенополистирола - его долговечность. Он не изменяет своих теплоизоляционных свойств и размеров при длительном контакте с водой, при многоразовых влияний различных температур, а также при долговременной нагрузке. Исследования показывают, что этот изоляционный материал, который не стареет и сохраняет свои качества (коэффициент теплопроводимости, физико-технические параметры, геометрические формы). Плотность пенополистирола, используемого в сэндвич панелях ТОО СПП «Металлоизделия» 16-17 кг/м 3 . Пенополистирол идеально подходит для использования в качестве сердечника трехслойных панелей, как влагостойкий, легкий, теплый, удобный в монтаже, эффективный в эксплуатации выгодный утеплитель.

  • 69. DIP-монтаж
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Следует отметить, что на современном рынке, наряду с выпускавшимся в 90-е г.г. и продающимся сейчас б/у (в т.ч. восстановленным) оборудованием для выводного монтажа (различные модели автоматов Dynapert, Panasert, Amistar, Universal Instruments и пр.), присутствуют современные модели различных производителей, уделяющих существенное внимание развитию технологии автоматизированного монтажа в отверстия. Многие опции автоматов, ранее доступные лишь для SMT-монтажа, стали неотъемлемой частью современного сборочного оборудования для THT-технологии. Следящие приводы перемещений по координатным осям, управление с помощью ПК, загрузка питателей без остановки работы, контроль правильности подачи ЭК, одновременная сборка более чем одной ПП, автоматическая загрузка/выгрузка ПП, коррекция погрешностей проводящего рисунка ПП, автоматическая смена захватных устройств - все это доступно в настоящее время и для штырькового монтажа. Применяются системы технического зрения для оптической коррекции положения ЭК и считывания реперных знаков. Сборочные головки автоматов оснащены преимущественно механическими захватами с сервоприводом. Стандартные углы поворота ЭК кратны 90°, однако, как правило, существует возможность оснащения автомата сборочной головкой со свободным углом поворота.

  • 70. Economic bases of innovative activity in public health services
    Иностранные языки

    The structure of workers of the innovative enterprises is not homogeneous. So, along with science officers in these organisations engineers, and also technicians and laboratorians work. Besides, and work of scientists is not homogeneous for the maintenance. It can include original and typical works, and also the works of organizational character connected with the coordination and the control over activity of experts. Certainly, as the work schedule cannot be universal for all categories of workers of scientific division and even for experts of one category. At introduction of new types of operating schedules it is necessary to pay attention not only to a kind of work of experts, but also on economic gains (expenses on heating, illumination, rent of premises, a food of workers, payment of parking places etc.) and technical possibilities (presence of phones, faxes, personal computers etc.) . Besides, new types of operating schedules can be considered and as original not monetary methods of stimulation of productivity. So, for example, according to German researchers, about 20 % of workers a flexible operating schedule consider as a primary factor of positive motivation. As a whole the work schedule is characterised by stability. Usually people work 5 days in a week, 40 hours per week, from 9 o'clock in the morning to 6 o'clock in the evening, have standard lunch time. Along with obvious advantages, such mode has also lacks: traffic jams, turns at lifts are created. Besides, people often have stresses because are late for work, they have conflicts to the chief. As new types of an operating schedule usually name: the flexible hours, the compressed working week (the summarised working day), a partial employment. The flexible operating schedule is understood as the work schedule at which the worker can choose time of arrival-leaving in certain limits which are established by a management. The compressed working week represents the work schedule in which there is an exchange between quantity of the hours fulfilled daily, and quantity of the working days within a week. So, the usual number of hours can be fulfilled not for five days, and for four (for ten hours daily) or for three days (for twelve hours daily). The Partial employment (partial hiring)? It is work with performance of the same duties, but during smaller time. The greatest distribution to the scientific organisations the flexible hours (have got flexible time, flexible working hours). It is under construction in the different ways: and #61485; the Daily choice of time of the beginning and the work termination; and #61485; Variable duration of the working day; and #61485; Allocation of the general (присутственного) time (i.e. Time established by the head when all employees should be on work). Depending on flexibility degree, it is possible to allocate various types of schedules. We will consider them in a direction from least to the most flexible. All of them are used in practice. The flexible cycle demands from workers of a choice of certain time of the beginning and the work termination, and also work under this schedule during the certain period (for example, weeks). The sliding schedule allows to change time of the beginning and the work termination, but thus it is necessary to work a full time? 8 hours. Variable day allows to change duration of the working day (for example to work one day of 10 hours, and another? 6 hours but so that as a result in a weekend it has turned out only 40 hours or for a month of 160 hours). The sliding schedule and variable day are most effective in a branch science. Abroad analogue it are laboratories of industrial firms and a private small-scale business. Very much the flexible hours demand presence of workers during the general time (for example, from 10 o'clock in the morning to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, but only on Monday and Friday). Flexible placing allows to change not only hours, but also a work arrangement? It is possible to work at home, in branches, etc. The flexible hours cannot be used in the event that the work period depends on work of any equipment, for example, for the workers performing skilled and experimental works. The great value, along with a choice of an optimum operating mode for the scientist has time effective utilisation. It is possible to allocate three reasons aggravating congestion: and #61485; Small degree of delegation of responsibility; and #61485; incorrectly selected priorities; and #61485; too big absorption in daily efforts. For optimisation of use of time principles of Pareto and Eisenhower have great value. In 1897 The Italian economist Pareto has invented the formula showing that all blessings are distributed non-uniformly. In most cases the greatest share of incomes or the blessings belongs to a small number of people. M.S.Lorentz (the American economist) has illustrated this theory with the diagramme. The doctor D. M.Dzhuran has applied the diagramme to classification of problems of quality on not numerous essentially important and numerous insignificant and named this method the analysis of Pareto. Application of a principle of Pareto is expedient and at working hours planning. In this case means that concentration of attention on the vital activity most of all influences achievement of desirable results. The rule 20/80 from here follows: concentration of 20 % of time on the most important problems can lead to reception of 80 % of results. The others of 80 % of time provide only remained 20 % of results. Eisenhower's principle is important for definition of the importance of problems. Eisenhower subdivided problems on their importance and promptness into problems And, In and С "A-problems": very important and urgent? To carry out immediately. "In? Problems": important, not urgent? To define, in their what terms it is necessary to carry out." S-problems ": less important, but urgent? To delegate. Affairs which are not neither important, nor urgent should not distract attention of the head. In connection with the aforesaid, the great value gets definition of optimum parities between workers of various qualification. Optimum it is possible to consider such parity at which science officers do not carry out functions unusual for them. There are recommendations according to which optimum parity between technicians and engineers should make 0,3 / 1 at performance of researches and 1,7 / 1 at performance of developmental works. On the average this parity should make 1 / 2. Questions of formation of target groups in scientific personnel In a general work understand as group of two and more persons who co-operate with each other in such a manner that each person influences others and simultaneously is under the influence of other persons. It is noticed that association of workers in groups allows to solve a number of problems: As much as possible to use creative potential; to involve workers in managerial process. Target groups (time creative collectives), created of engineers and science officers have the features in comparison with quality mugs as before groups more difficult purposes are put. Practice of formation of target groups of the scientists working in various research divisions of firm is extended. Creation of such groups for working out of any one important problem gives the chance to be beyond existing departments and laboratories that is the important factor of increase of an efficiency of scientific research. Target groups of experts (time creative collectives) differ from circles of quality that operate on the basis of in advance formulated problem and always carry a temporality. They can be created for different terms: from 2-3 and more years. It defines also selection of participants of groups. Groups are created as for study of separate organizational or technical questions, and for the decision of difficult cardinal problems. The overall performance of groups is influenced by following factors: the size, structure, group norms, unity, a conflictness, the status and a functional role of its members. Before formation of target group (time creative collective) it is necessary to carry out the morphological analysis which leads to splitting of the general problem into a number of subtasks and reveals possible alternatives of their decision. Each subtask breaks into stages. To generate collective of executors, it is necessary to have the list of all subtasks which should be solved in the course of work performance; characteristics of each subtask with definition of requirements to their potential executors. Besides it is necessary to have a databank on all possible executors of work. At division of a task in work into subtasks each executor should know the concept of designing of all object. The new tendency is allocation of personnel services for needs of the time organizational structures which are engaged in process of innovations. Such personnel services also carry a temporality and move on divisions according to stages of realisation of the project. The actual organizer of work on attraction and personnel development is the head of the innovative enterprise who embodies the idea and is financially interested in innovation introduction. The head of division defines quantity of executors of each subtask, recognising that one executor performs from two to three stages of work. Selection of executors is carried out proceeding from complexity of performed work. Thus the potential of executors should be a little above, than demanded. At a stage of working out and realisation of the ideas which have been put forward by target groups, sometimes there are the so-called design groups, different in the big scales of carried out works and большей number of executors. In any target group select the most prepared experts. But even at the most careful selection almost always there is a distinction between them on readiness degree to performance of a problem assigned to them. In this connection training of less skilled executors at more qualified should be provided. Short-term employment on which each expert has an opportunity better will sometimes be organised to imagine sense of a collective problem and the basic approaches to its decision. Still большее value gets preliminary training at creation of the design groups which work has more long-term and complex character. In these cases for experts special seminars can be held. The seminar program should cover acquaintance of its participants with features of the organisation of works in design group, with specificity of planning, with establishment principles приоритетности in performance of works, methods of search of optimum decisions on the basis of the analysis of real situations. The attention is given also to working off of practical skills of teamwork in group. At a seminar there is an acquaintance of experts to the future project head which should spend some employment. It allows it to come into contact and to prepare participants of design group for forthcoming activity. Upon termination of a seminar to its participants the special certificate on the right to work over the project can stand out. In the USA creation of interfirm target and design groups is observed also. Usually in their structure experts from the external research organisations are involved. As a result of such cooperation from firm innovative structures in which are occupied both members of groups, and scientific shots can separate. In this case it is possible to define the innovative enterprise as target group which is created for industrial development and adjustment of sale of production based on the new technical concept.

  • 71. Economic crisis
    Иностранные языки

    Radically change the conditions of the last two or three decades, accompanied by a significant expansion of information resources, increased knowledge on the organization of social and economic processes together with the deepening of regional specialization imposes requirements for the evaluation of comprehensive development of the region and requires proper evaluation of the transition region as a complex set of zobmezhenoyu phenomena, essential for learning or research of the complex, qualitative evaluation of its individual components to complete its comprehensive general characteristics that meet the objectives of sustainable development. According to the evaluation criteria of comprehensive regional development along with economic, social, environmental and criteria should be balance, proportionality, stability, controllability. Real reflection of institutional contradictions and problems is incomplete and secondary employment, poor flow of labor reallocation between sectors of economic activity, the practice of granting administrative leave due to low capacity utilization, territorial uncontrolled circulation of labor. In regions of Ukraine growth in total labor turnover and labor mobility observed uAvtonomniy Republic of Crimea, Kyiv, Sevastopol and in Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Kharkiv regions. From half-day (week) occupied much of the staff of leading regional industries of transport and communications, industry, construction, high labor turnover has been generated in the field of hotels and restaurants, trade, repair services.

  • 72. Economic Relations between Kazakhstan and Russia
  • 73. Economic sanctions
    Иностранные языки

    Support âîîðóæ ё ííûõ of groups and groups on ё ìíèêîâ for intrusion on territory of other state. At last, among kinds of illegal application âîîðóæ ё ííîé of force the support âîîðóæ ё ííûõ of gangs and groups on ё ìíèêîâ for intrusion on territory of other state should be mentioned with the purpose of interference in his(its) internal businesses, in particular(personally) with the purpose of suppression occurring in í ё ì íàöèîíàëüíî-îñâîáîäèòåëüíîãî of movement(traffic). Åù ё in the agreements about íåíàïàäåíèè, çàêëþ÷ ё ííûõ the Soviet Union with other states in 20-th and 30-th years, provided the obligations of each party to not admit and to interfere with organization and activity on the territory âîîðóæ ё ííûõ of groups putting by the purpose struggle on territory of other party against å ё of government, for an overthrow state building, against integrity å ё of territory or appropriating(giving) to themselves a role of government by all or part å ё of territory. In the London conventions on definition(determination) of aggression of a 1933 of the party consider as one of kinds âîîðóæ ё ííîé of aggression support by the state, « rendered âîîðóæ ё ííûì to gangs, which being are formed(educated) on his(its) territory, have intruded on territory of other state, or failure(refusal), despite of requests of the state which has undergone to intrusion to accept on own territory all measures, dependent on him,(it,) for deprivation of named gangs of the help or protection » (item 5 of an item. II). In the project of the code of crimes against the world and safety of mankind accepted the Commission of the international law a UN on å ё of 6-th session in a 1954, as one of such crimes specified « organization by authorities of any state or encouragement by them of organization âîîðóæ ё ííûõ øàåê within the limits of his(its) territory for intrusion territory of other state, or assumption of use by such âîîðóæ ё ííûìè øàéêàìè of his(its) territory as operative base or basic point for intrusion on territory of other state, no less than direct sharing(participation) in such intrusion or support those » 1.

  • 74. Efficiency of development of advertising

    4) researches. Such advertising agency usually has own service on conducting the account of the client, the department of movement performing work on internal tracing of realisation of projects, division for working out broadcasting both a printed matter and a staff department. As a rule, the contract between? Agency of a full cycle? And the client defines that the agency for commission fee or other co-ordinated fee makes the analysis of the data of the market, offers strategy, prepares recommendations, develops advertising, places it in in advance co-ordinated mass media, checks advertising on conformity to requirements of the customer, exposes the invoice to the client within the limits of the voted budget, receives money resources of the client into the accounts and pays services of mass-media and suppliers. Besides, the agency can incur the functions which are not included in the contract and not paid separately: it is work on public relations, research projects, direct marketing, marketing of actions and stimulation of sales. Some agencies offer specific services through the divisions or branches. Clients can use specialised agencies also.? Agencies of a full cycle? In Novosibirsk while is not present. It most likely is connected with that, for the effective organisation of works of such agency the big material inputs and coverage of great volume of manufacture and the information are required. Work of specialised agencies differs works of "agency of a full cycle". They specialise or in performance of certain functions, or in certain branches (public health services, computers, agriculture), or in a certain kind of works (for example, marketing researches, placing of advertising messages in mass-media, TV advertising placing, outdoor advertising placing and so on). Specialised agencies work in different areas of marketing: direct marketing, stimulation of sale, public relation, marketing through public and sports actions, design of packing, design of corporate symbolics and so on. Exist such business of agency which specialise in trading communications. Along with business? Such agencies are engaged in advertising in trade advancement, trading exhibitions and presentations. Such agencies in Novosibirsk the set and appears every day more and more. Specialised agencies need to be used in all cases when the enterprise has no possibility to take advantage of services of "agency of a full cycle" and independently spends an advertising campaign. In the present state of affairs services various specialised agencies will be necessary for it: for carrying out of marketing researches, for creation external, a print advertising, advertising on radio and TV. In our case of Open Company "Натали" addresses in specialised agencies ("Media the Software", "Agama", "Duet", "Region a press"). But when there is a choice? To address in "agency of a full cycle" or in specialised agency, it is more rational to address in the last when the advertised goods or service demand the special approach, and "the agency of a full cycle" cannot provide such approach. In specialised agency it is necessary to address and when the enterprise cannot take advantage of services of "agency of a full cycle" owing to limitation of incomes. Virtual agencies? It is recently arisen phenomenon of the agency working like group of people of liberal professions. The tendency of occurrence of virtual agencies sees as well that there is no necessity for habitual office. Many managing directors of advertising agencies assert that from third to half of offices of any agency are empty, as experts work on a call of clients or are on office affairs. In virtual agency employees have no constant office, they work at home, in cars or offices of the clients. Modern computer technologies provide members of such command with all necessary for work out of office. Their meetings will be organised by a principle of videoconferences or by means of an exchange of e-mail. When it is necessary for members of team to gather at office, they can to include the computer in a suitable place.compact multipurpose racks with things necessary for work can be resulted on a current workplace. Within the limits of the virtual concept the space divided into parts, is replaced with free space for employees, computers, faxes, phones and all that members of team bring with themselves. Now virtual agencies are the most rational for using for carrying out of marketing researches, the analysis of the market, carrying out of interrogations, that is for reception of information services, and also for advertising placing in the Internet. Agencies take the incomes from two main sources? Commission fee and fees [29, с.163].commission system. Right at the beginning advertising agents operated more likely on behalf of mass-media, instead of in interests of the client. In the nineteenth century advertising agents represented itself as representatives of newspapers, magazines and printers of posters. If the agent brought advertising to the publisher, that paid to it commission fee which were defined, proceeding from volume of the work executed by the agent for the blessing of business of the publisher and by preparation of advertising to the publication. The agent could write the advertising text, think up a breadboard model, type the text and mark a place for drawings and the photos which were a part of advertising. These efforts of the agent saved to the publisher time and reduced volume of its basic work. In process of growth of the importance of advertising advertisers aspired to employ as less as possible people. In 1901 Klarens Kurtis from Curtis Publishing has established 15% of commission fee for advertising agencies? 10% for preparation of materials and 5% for maintenance of immediate payment [29, с.163]. Introduction of such practice has changed all advertising industry. Instead of granting one mass-media to many advertisers now the agent operated in interests of one client, placing its advertising in many mass-media. However the commission system remained hardly probable not the unique form of compensation.commission fee at a rate of 15% long time were considered as a certain absolute standard though the great number of exceptions of this practice is already observed.

  • 75. English football lexis and its influence on Russian
    Иностранные языки

    The most frequent goal scoring phrases with net consists of the (recurring strings of words that may or may not have linguistic integrity) the back/ roof/ corner of the net .These occurred mostly in the constructions hit/find the back of the net and [Verb] the ball/cross (etc.) into the roof/corner of the net. While the former is usually used simply as a synonym to score a goal, as in an example below, the later construction is a neat way of describing how and by whom a goal was scored, and where the ball went in.or later we had to start hitting the back of the net.verb slot for the back of the net is mostly filled by the verbs hit and find, whereas the roof/corner of the net occurs with a wide variety of transitive and intransitive verbs. Curl (закрутить в ворота), hammer (заколотить в ворота), poke (затолкать в ворота) and sidefoot only constitute a handful of the more than 50 types found. Some of these verbs, like hammer, are metaphorical, while others like sidefoot can be argued to be metonymic.Scunthorpe withstood the pressure and scored in injury time with the very last kick of the match, Jan Helliwell curling a free kick into the corner of the net. [13, 147]roof/corner of the net construction is similar to empty net and own net below in that there is a core in the constructions, which is hard to specify, with slots allowing almost limitless variation. For the roof/corner of the net there is a real-world limitation to the number of specifiable places where a ball can hit the net, while no such limitations appear to apply to the number of ways a ball can be conveyed into it.next phrase, (the ball) in the net, occurs with a restricted set of verbs, normally only have, put and get. Like the metonymic constructions above, the ball reaching the net is highlighted as a salient feature of scoring. Two distinct meanings are expressed with this phrase, the first of which refers to the superficially simple task of scoring the goals (usually with put or get).told me he needs somebody to put the ball in the net.second meaning (usually with the verb have) relates to cases where the goal is disallowed.had the ball in the net after 65 minutes but the effort was disallowed.Snarrocks men had the ball in the net in injury time but only after Alex Mathie had bundled Leighton over the time., it is mentioned explicitly that the goal did not count, with phrases like was ruled offside or was disallowed but sometimes more implicit means are used, where readers have to infer that that a free-kick was awarded to the defending side.Snarrocks men had the ball in the net in injury time but only after Alex Mathie had bundled Leighton over the time.phrases are motivated by metonymy, their meanings are not always predictable. Similarity, some knowledge of the conversations of football reporting for readers to be able to interpret phrases such as the ball in the net expressing meanings particular to the field. [13, 148]goal-scoring phrase with net is based on empty net (пустые ворота). An/the empty net is the metonymic expression used when there are no defending players obstructing the passage to the goal. The net is empty net does not, as in the previously discussed phrases, refer to the meshed fabric at the back of the goal, but rather to the goalmouth.Voyley sealed Stokes fate when he rounded keeper Runnie Sinclair to stroke the ball into an empty net with a minute to go.phrase is another illustration of both the fixedness and variability of language. In the material similar to the back/roof/corner of the net above, it can be argued that there is a SPACE, but it presupposes familiarity of the length of a football match.the dying/closing minutes/на последних минутах and in the opening minutes/на первых минутах, referring to, respectively, to the final and the initial minutes of the match, are similar to the nth minutes in their origin in the conceptual metaphor TIME IS SPACE. The dying minutes also involves personification, since a sporting event is conceptualized as a living entity.put the ball in the net in the dying minutes but the goal was disallowed for offside.phrases in the dying/closing/opening minutes are virtually limited to sports, and to football in particular. These phrases could conceivably be used outside sport relating to events with fixed beginnings or ends, and where time is measured in minutes, but there were only few instances of this (referring to e.g. concerts)preposition from occurs in phrases expressing the number of minutes remaining in a game, as in minute(s) from time and minute(s) from the end.Nevin scored the third five minutes from time.

  • 76. Entrepreneurial project Individual Project

    The main principles underlying the “Himgrad” Industrial Park promotional strategy may be formulated as follows:

    1. it should be aggressive, speedy and efficient in order to leave the competitors behind, to gain the vacant market niche, and to persuade the target customers in all the benefits they may gain from accommodating at the industrial park territory, the location unfamiliar to them before;
    2. not a single promotional strategy should be created, but at least a two-sided one, each part of which aiming at covering one of the groups of the target customers;
    3. the basis of the promotional strategy is in underlining the rational benefits of the site as target resident possible location;
    4. the promotional strategy should be comprehensive and all-penetrating;
    5. stableness and sustainability should become integral features of the promotional strategies. The developer should bear in mind the necessity for the promotional strategy to inform the target customers and to keep the information up-to-date, constantly reminding the target audience of the site, its benefits and whatever else needed;
    6. the intangible benefits should be put on one of the frontlines of the project positioning;
    7. international experience of industrial parks operation and management should be scrutinized and taken into account, making stipulation to the local market peculiarities.
  • 77. Features of evaluation and self-esteem of children of primary school age

    "Appeal to the team" leads to the fact that younger students begin consciously to subordinate their awakening to the overall goals and objectives that stand in front of him and his peers, learns to control his behavior. in the moral sphere is connected with the emergence of a younger student's own attitudes, relationships, their own requirements and assessments. What changes occur in the junior student self-esteem? With the advent of new activities, with the emergence of new relationships with others in the child there and some new criteria for evaluation of measurements, like their comrades, and himself. Relying on the judgments of teachers, parents and friends, he evaluates himself - against all that is associated with the school. This does not mean that his estimates are correct - it is often the opposite. Score yourself rather speaks about the desires of the child than the actual state of affairs. Child - a first grader can be sure that he is a good student, as introduced in his work a lot of diligence and zeal. He and classmates began to assess not only from the standpoint of how they play during recess, but also in terms of their qualities as the students (who knows - maloznayuschy, active - passive). So in the life of a schoolboy new categories of phenomena and valued accordingly ratings. In the beginning, he realizes it's bad, but in his demeanor, his attitude to the facts of school life, in statements on a particular occasion is clearly identified.with the new phenomena of life around with the facts of human history, works of art with the natural world not only expand the children circle representations of reality. They have formed a definite relation to them. the formation of self-junior student huge impact is the role of teacher evaluation. The role of these influences on the formation of self-esteem of schoolchildren revealed in several studies in which the authors indicate the need to take into account the motives of students to teacher evaluation of their actions, reveal the complexity of the relations of students to teacher evaluation and the experiences it has caused, emphasize transforming the nature of educational evaluation, which affects the degree of awareness of the schoolboy's own level of development. The need for clarity, certainty educational evaluation. Even negative (fairly) estimate is more useful for self-esteem than the "vague estimate.the process of training and education specific norms and values, the child begins under the influence of value judgments of others (teachers, peers) to act a certain way as the real results of its training activities, and to yourself as a person. With age, he is more definitely distinguish between their actual accomplishments and what he could achieve, having a certain personal qualities. So the student in the educational process of forming plant to assess its capabilities - an essential component of self-esteem.the self-assessment reflected that the child learns about himself from others, and his own increasing activity aimed at understanding their actions and personal qualities.in different ways relate to the tolerance of errors. Some of them, doing the job, carefully check it, others immediately give the teacher, others long overdue work, especially if it is control, afraid to let her out of hand. To the comment the teacher students react differently. Some are asked not to indicate where the error, and give them opportunity to find it and fix it. Others unconditionally agreeing with the teacher, humbly accept his help. Still others immediately try to justify reference to the circumstances. Attitude to mistakes, for their own blunders, shortcomings only in academics but also in behavior - most important indicator of self-identity.naturally, as already noted, respond to errors in their work, children with proper self-esteem. They are usually even with the interest on their own looking for the error: Children with low self-esteem if they offer themselves to find a mistake, usually silently reread the work several times, nothing in it changing. Often they just throw up their hands and refuse to question themselves, arguing that still did not see it. As already mentioned, the child's self-esteem is reflected not only his attitude toward the already achieved but also how he wanted to be, its aspirations, hopes. evaluation of the child is found not only in how it evaluates itself, but also in how it relates to the achievements of others. Children with high self-esteem does not necessarily praise themselves, but they are willing to deny everything that others do. Students with low self-esteem, in contrast, tend to overestimate the achievement comrades.child is born into this world with some attitude. Like all the other features of personality, his self-esteem develops in the process of education, in which the main role belongs to the family and school. with high self-esteem differed activity, desire to achieve success in both teaching and social work, and in games. Quite different behavior, children with low self-esteem. Their main feature - the self-doubt. In all its endeavors and affairs, they are just waiting for failure.the educational process in school is gradually increasing criticality, demands on himself. First-graders mostly positive assessment of its training activities, and failures associated only with the objective circumstances. Second graders, third graders in particular are currently more than critical, making the subject of evaluation is not only good but also bad things, not only the successes but also failures in the study.increases and the independence of self-evaluation. If self-esteem of first-graders are almost entirely dependent on the ratings of their behavior and performance of teachers, parents, students second and third grades assessed in more independently, making it as we have said, the subject of critical assessment and evaluation activities of the teacher (always whether he is right, whether the objective ).the school, already within the primary school, meaning a mark for a child varies considerably, while it is in direct connection with the motives of teaching, with requirements that he presents himself to the student. The child's relationship to the assessment of his achievements all the more and more associated with the need to have perhaps a more reliable representation of himself. , the role of school assessments is not limited by the fact that they need to work on the cognitive activity of the student. Assessing the knowledge, the teacher, in essence, simultaneously evaluates the personality of its opportunities, its place among others. It is well perceived assessment of children. Focusing on the evaluation of teachers, they rank themselves and their comrades as honors average. Weak, or nestaratelnyh diligent, responsible or irresponsible, disciplined or undisciplined.main trend in the development of self-esteem is the gradual separation of the child or other qualities of the individual activities and behavior, generalization and comprehension of their first as behaviors, and then as a relatively stable personality traits.development of self-esteem in children, according to PT Chamaty, takes place in two phases: the first children, evaluating themselves, are limited mainly to evaluate their actions and deeds, and the second within the scope of self-assessment included the internal state and the moral qualities of the individual. Formation of a second, higher stage of self-esteem begins in adolescence and continues throughout life as the accumulation of social experience and to further intellectual development. the formation of a child a certain range of values ??is, of course, not only in school. The child draws them from books, from interworks with their relatives, their sources of information such as radio and television.count carries a child for himself - an assessment of behavior and personality traits. Already after the first half of a first grader has a fairly distinct criteria for evaluating results of educational work. In this case revealed a pattern - first, the child formed the evaluation criteria and their application in relation to others, and then - and not in full uniform - to themselves. children can and at the end of first year predrazobratsya as a man who find themselves in certain forms of behavior: strong, agile, quick, polite, rude, etc. But he finds it difficult to assess quality, which shows the inner relation of man to other people. Rate yourself in this regard, first grade is even more difficult. In regard to some of the qualities he generally finds it difficult to answer, and for those about whom he might have something to say, reveals the subjectivity and imprecision. confronted with the estimates of the educational work and classmates, younger students begin to understand to some extent in their own abilities and educational opportunities. He develops a certain level of claims on the assessment of writing, oral responses, etc. Initially, the level of claims is sustainable, but then this level should be set at what is characteristic that it is sufficiently differentiated, depends on what the child is and how much it is for him significant., students there is a clear overestimation of their strength and capabilities. May receive a sense of conceit: unduly exaggerating its capabilities, student poses a problem, execute it can not. Inflated self-esteem is in contradiction with the assessment by other people, meets resistance band and can cause conflict in relationships with its members. In addition, multiple collision inadequate, excessive self-esteem with failures in practice gives rise to serious emotional breakdowns. Explicit re-evaluation of their capabilities are often accompanied by internal self-doubt, which leads to acute feelings and inappropriate behavior. conflict may cause a discrepancy between:) self-esteem and grades, which give a person the other people;) self and ideal self, which seeks to people.the formation of an adequate self-junior student may encounter the following problems:problem of growth: a student suffers from the fact that her height 170 cm It is above all in the classroom. The board goes hunched. Stooping. Each output - suffering. A child thinks in images. His self objectively and figurative. He sees himself among others the way his image has developed the "I". And if this image is endowed with negative traits, then conduct themselves, augmented by "bloated" and curved parts, very, very unattractive. This is a self-painted his own imagination ugly model gives the child physical pain.problem of appearance: it happens so that the child look after yourself: does not like his looks, hates their abilities - in general, weary of himself. This kind of reflectors negativism - a phenomenon quite frequently. And this negativity is born on the verge of positive qualities - a dissatisfaction. With the development of the individual junior student whiter accurate is his knowledge of himself, more correctly samoorientatsiya, improved ability to understand their abilities and capabilities, there is a desire to act in certain situations, relying not on the assessment of surrounding, and on their own self-esteem. At what self-esteem is not only more reasonable, but also captures a wider range of qualities., the main factors influencing the formation of self-esteem of children of primary school age are estimated impact of teachers, parents, and their relation to training activities.activity is one of the most important factors influencing the formation of self-younger students, so the primary school teacher should know the psychological characteristics of younger students and take into account the individual characteristics of self-esteem in the learning process.

  • 78. Features of syntactic structures in sports journalism (on the basis of the newspapers "Sport-express" and "Izvestia")
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    order to identify examples of syntactic constructions in the sports press, we have analyzed the issues of the newspaper Izvestia and the newspaper "Sport Express" for the period from February 1 to April 25, 2011. Socio-political newspaper "Izvestia" published 5 times a week (except Saturday and Sunday) with a volume of 12 to 48 pages, format - A2. Circulation in Russia is about 150 thousand copies. Circulation in Moscow, has about 50 thousand copies. The thematic range of newspapers included coverage of events in Russia and abroad, analysis and commentary, rework of business and economics, cultural events and sports life.newspaper "Sport-Express" is published 6 times a week (except Sunday) in 32 cities around the world. Daily circulation is about 1.2 million copies, in Moscow and St. Petersburg is about 200 thousand, format - A2. The main themes - coverage of football and hockey events. The next priority themes are biathlon, volleyball, basketball, tennis, boxing.on the quantitative analysis provided in the table, it is clear that in the newspaper "Sport Express" more types of syntactic structures are presented. While in the newspaper "Izvestia" ellipse, polisindeton, nominative representation are not represented.the newspaper Izvestia the most frequent syntactic structures are insertions (40%) and rhetorical questions (19%). Further, it should be noted question-answer structures (6%), parceling (6%), syntactic parallelism (5%), the connecting constructions (5%) and incomplete sentences (4%). constructions with homogeneous members of the proposals (3%) and rhetorical exclamations, a series of rhetorical questions, graduations, nominative sentences, structures with spoken modal particles (2%), as well as constructions with interjection "well" and the introductory word "mole" (1%) are used less often.the newspaper "Sport Express" insertions (24%), rhetorical questions (13%), and parcelling (13%) and rhetorical ejaculations (11%) are often used. Then follow series of rhetorical questions (6%), question-answer constructions (5%), constructions with syntactic parallelism (5%), constructions with homogeneous members of the proposals (4%). At the same time, there are almost no constructions with spoken modal particles (3%), connecting constructions, ellipsis, polisindeton, nominative constructions representation, constructions with interjection "well" and the introductory word "mole" (2%), graduation and nominative sentences (1%).

  • 79. Foreign words in E. Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea: semantics, functions, frequency
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  • 80. Functional words in the English language. Prepositions. Linking words
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    words are characterized by their ambiguous lexical meaning and by their capacity to organize grammatical relationships between words within a sentence. There are a relatively small and fixed number of function words (as opposed to verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs, which are limited but expandable sets). Prepositions, conjunctions, determiners, pronouns, and auxiliary verbs are all considered function words. Most of these words are uninflected although a few are inflected and may take affixes.Verbs are verbs whose function is to characterize the main verbs they accompany with shades of meaning pertaining to tense and/or modality. Regarding tense, the core meaning of the verb can be modified to express perfect, progressive, or passive voices. Regarding modality, the main verb is altered to denote judgment or opinion in terms of ability, advice, expectation, intention/willingness, likelihood, necessity, permission/prohibition, or degrees of politeness. verbs are necessary to form questions and negatives in English. If auxiliary verbs are used only to serve these functions, they are referred to as dummy auxiliaries. Additionally, the auxiliaries 'do', 'does', and 'did' can be inserted preceding the main verb for emphasis. Modal verbs are distinguished from other auxiliary verbs by their inability to function as main verbs and their lack of complete conjugations (infinitive for example). are uninflected function words that serve to conjoin words, clauses, phrases, or sentences. There are three basic forms: single word (however), compound (as long as), and correlative (so... that). In terms of function, conjunctions can be grouped into additive (so, thus), adversative (but, instead), causative (so, because), and temporal (after, then). are not structural elements in a clause. Rather, they are external elements that establish grammatical relations (coordination, correlation, subordination) between clauses. Certain adverbial and prepositional phrases can also act as conjunctions (subsequently, in addition to that). are inflected function words employed as noun modifiers and that serve to alter the referents of noun phrases in terms of amount, location, possession, and general versus specific. In terms of form, determiners are simple (two, their, the) or compound (a number of, one half, a little). Also, possessive and demonstrative adjectives are considered determiners. determiner class is often divided into articles (a, an, the), determiners (both, neither, whichever), and quantifiers (much, various, little). are uninflected function words that combine with nouns, pronouns, or noun phrases to form prepositional phrases that can have, in turn, adverbial or adjectival relationships with other words. Prepositions can be simple (as, of) or compound (next to, in work of) forms. In terms of function, at least the following types of preposition can be distinguished: time (until, circa), location (along, amid), logical (since, given), possession (including, pertaining to), and movement (toward, to). can also occur in post position with: nouns (interest in, need for), adjectives (familiar with, sure of), participles (married to, made of), and verbs (give up, look forward). In this situation, the composite can be thought of as a unit. are inflected function words employed in place of nouns or noun phrases. In terms of form, pronouns are simple (nothing, herself) and compound (each other, one another). Also, some pronoun composites are used in relative clauses (all of whom, several of which). are classified into the following classes: subject personal (I, he, we), object personal (me, him, us), possessive (mine, his, ours), reflexive (myself, himself, ourselves), demonstrative (this, these, such), relative (who, all, that), indefinite (each, anybody, none), reciprocal (each other, one another), and interrogative (how, who, why). Additionally, reflexives also operate as so-called intensive pronouns when they are employed to emphasize an antecedent noun or pronoun (as in, "The boss himself prepared the coffee" or "I myself could not believe it").